#rosey thoughts
blushes-and-gropes · 30 days
I just want a cute subby boy to fuck me while I run my fingers through his hair and call him my good boy 💞
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rosescries · 3 months
I'm working on something I had an idea for yesterday and it's making me want to bash my head against a wall.
It'd likely be a big undertaking and would take a while for it to come into fruition, simply because I need to figure out how to go about it and draw a lot of pictures for it.
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thegreenishhues · 4 months
Well, that clip section had me fucking sobbing but unlike most of the times I have cried over this server it wasn't from angst and it wasn't even mostly because it is the end. After everything, I cried because this server has happened, I was happy to see all of the clips and I am so incredibly grateful beyond words for this server.
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pjunicornart · 5 months
I think Cornelius likes horror games and movies.
I feel like the Beneviento House in Resident Evil Village really hit him hard. Because the whole theme of the house is family and parenthood. DUUUUUDE. IMAGINE A RESIDENT EVIL AU WHERE NEIL ENCOUNTERS THAT AWESOME GROSS FETUS MONSTER BUT IT LOOKS LIKE WILBUR. THAT'D BE SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!
Maybe Lewis can be Eveline from RE: Biohazard. We can say the entity was modeled after Cornelius when he was younger. Government experiment shit, you know.
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rosey-mango · 4 months
Nothing will ever confuse or concern me more than the thought of "How the hell does Donnie get his hands on random chemicals?"
Especially the more dangerous ones..
And especially in iterations like 2012 where they weren't allowed up top until they were 15. I understand how afterward he probably got some from some random abandoned places or someone hes made friends with manages to get him some...
But like- where do you get that beforehand??? And how???
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Excuse my language, but- WHERE ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHIT MAN???
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seagull-scribbles · 4 months
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Doodles I did, while my dog and I dried in the sun
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r0zzk1ll · 7 months
i officially finished the whole tng series yesterdy i am so sad (watched nemesis) (i could've rewritten that entire thing and made daforge officially canon) (b4 could've played a better role instead of whatever the fuck happened)
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my live reaction after watching That movie
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blushes-and-gropes · 2 months
I need to sit in a pretty boys lap and just cover him in kisses. To pull his hair, run my hands up and down him and nibble at his neck. I want his face to flush and eyes to water as we both lean into each other, aching to get as close as possible. I want to straddle my legs around him and feel him grow hard against me as we keep kissing deeper and deeper, getting more and more desperate for one another. I want him a moaning mess for me before I even touch him below the waist Xx
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hexedrosel-arts · 11 months
Kidd, Hal and, Stevie X3 (Tw Blood)
some links for context :33
link (post of idea!!!)
link (all the kiddos!!!)
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also Monty with his burn scars(his palms are covered btw)
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Also some under the cut stuff
So because Hall Monitor(or Hal as I call him) is more I guess whispy and like the traditional ghost because his only death is in the monstermon ending. So he faded away. Some other bullet things
Kidd has little items(or things that remind him) of the other kids as little memorial tokens
Hal knows that Kidd had something to do with everyone's deaths. But he won't say anything, the kindergartners are Kidd's problem not his.
Stevie also knows and that's were a lot of his denial comes from
The only other person who knows is Nugget, because he's Nugget.
(ps: how does one make a mullet look good?)
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bfdifan26 · 1 year
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been thinking about it a lot today
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rosescries · 3 days
Here's some pictures I took from my Pokémon Violet save.
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I'll probably have more later. :)
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thegreenishhues · 7 months
I was today years old when I learned that the "egg" Biden was q!Maxo not just an inside joke that wasn't real or an egg that died early on...
How am I over 9 months into watching this server and just found this out..?
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pjunicornart · 7 months
Ramble (cw: general sex talk/implied triggering topics [nothing explicitly mentioned])
I've been thinking about the uh, shall we say, "sexy" parts (quotes because if you know you know) in the OG NaJ AU, the Vampireverse, PJ's Daycare, and the other AUs the artist (that's what I'll refer to her as) has created. AFTER ALL OF THIS IS SAID AND DONE, do not think I'm excusing the actions of the artist. I'm simply making an observation. This is a ramble, so it's just a stream on consciousness put onto a post with no sense of rhythm. Ramble under the cut.
Anyway, a lot of the sex stuff was sort of haphazardly handled, I think we can all agree on that. It was thrown in there without much thought put into how the story and how its characters will handle it. In short what I'm trying to say is... it was very porn coded, if that makes sense. Like, a lot of the subject matter in there could have worked in the story... if it was handled with the proper care it needed. But instead, it more or less felt like someone was drawing out a fantasy someone on Rule 34 might have.
As I said previously, those topics can work in a story. But you just have to have a level of couth when writing them. The artist... didn't have that. Those subjects were portrayed in a way that almost - actually, blatantly, mocked the subject matter and made it seem light and "cute" (gross). Which leads me to why I wanted to ramble about this...
I've been thinking of a way to reboot the Vampireverse, since I haven't seen anybody do that yet. At least, nobody I know of. Anyway, I want to include sex as a part of the story, but it's not going to be triggering. Instead, I want to show the tenderness and vulnerability in sex. This might be my own sappy self talking right now, but I feel like we don't see enough of the "real" side of sex. Everything that I've seen is glamorized (as in, only the hottest and sexiest parts are portrayed), or it's just flat out not realistic. Where's the slight awkwardness in first time sex? Where are the little moments of embarrassment? Kinks? Don't see her. Where is the part where they explore their needs and wants? I don't see it much, so I want to provide that representation.
I made a mental note to not mention anything explicit here, so I'm not going to share my plans for that side of the Vampireverse here. Maybe if I get asked about it, I will. But for now, I'll be vague. Jasper and his new love interest, Lucy, are essentially going to be young and in love. They'll experience all the sweet and tender moments that comes with real love. With the fact that he's a Vampire and she's a Vampire Hunter, because drama! When it comes to sex, I plan on having something that's a little, shall we say... taboo. But in universe it'll make sense.
Whenever I write sex stuff, I try to keep an air of reality to it. Which is why I feel like a lot of the artist's stuff fell flat. It wasn't realistic, and it was just flat out disgusting the way they were handled. In reality, someone would've been put in jail. That's true for most of those AUs, surprisingly.
Rolling back to the taboo thing. I so badly want it to be portrayed as sweet, like a true intimate moment between two people. I guess my goal is this: I want people to see that sex isn't just porn. Because yes, while I won't deny that it is a part of sex (with fantasies and such), I will also say you can't base your whole view of it on unrealistic crutches. I want to show people the true beauty in sex. Because that's what sex is to me. Beautiful.
I'd love to see other's views on this topic. Just to add some food for thought or to start a conversation. Or if you're just curious about my reboot for Vampireverse.
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roseytoesy · 1 year
For the ask thing
-{"Hush... you'll be fine..."
Oh oh heck Adam… hhhhhhhhhhhh. You know exactly what you’re doing. Be prepared for a hurt comfort story cause apparently I wanted to vent through this story a bit, hope you still like it. It still ends nice and fluffy.
Rosey was honestly exausted and a bit snappy. She had been pushing herself too much the pst few days and it was already taking a big toll on her. And of course one of her boyfriends would notice that she was struggling.
Rosey was hastily tossing together a quick dinner for Adam and herself since they had planned this hang out for a while. She felt on the verge of tears as she waited for the water to boil. Things had to be perfect! If they weren’t she felt like she would be letting him down. And she knows they would rather her take care of herself but calling off the night was out of the question. She had a bit more energy and a quick few hours of hanging out and playing games would be nice. she finished the noodles and sauce and got the table set quickly collapsing onto her back in exhaustion and groaning in annoyance at how tired and weak she felt at the moment. She heard a knock and quickly put on a smile.
Adam smiled down at his friend as she hovered in ther air infront of him using some magic to open the door for him and invited him inside with a big yet tired smile. "hey Adam! glad you could make it. I have some spagtti on the table. And sorry if I'm not as chatty I'm just a bit tired from a project." she explained as she moved over to her spot ont he table. henad shaking but she did her best to hide that from her friend.
Of course adam noticed, but he could tell she didnt want to talk about it so he hummed at what she said and served himself some of the dinner she had prepared.
the silence was deafening and adam could hear how hard rosey was trying to brethe normaly. so after a few minutes of silent eating, rosey the one finishing first, and adam mostly just pushing his food around in worry and trying to build up the courage to ask what was wrong. rosey hovered out of her seat and placed her dishes in the sink, the addition sending something tumbling and crashing in the sink creating a loud sound and rosey flinched hard. That was the final straw for Adam, especially when he saw her fighting back tears by looking up at the ceiling.
He stood from his seat and walkd over to her cuping his hands and somewhat scooping her out of the air. she looked up at him and rubed at her eyes. but the look he gave her, one full of worry and care, it broke down her walls. She cried into his shoulder as he brought her into a hug aginst his chest. he was patient in letting her vent. how exausted she was how she wasnt taking proper care of herself and needed sleep but it was so hard to rest when there was so much to do for him and Tero.
She took some shuttering breaths and despite just sobbing a few moments ago she seemed to get ahold of herself way to quickly.
"hah... I- sorry about that Adam. youre here for dinner, not my problems. please go eat and ill get myself cleaned up a bit." she said like nothing had happened this made adams heart ache, how much had she been bottling up? but an idea came to adam at her words and he knew it would be good for her to even if she would refuse it at first.
"well I know something that could get both of those things done." he said wraping his hands around her gently trapping her arms to her sides. her red eyes widened before she looked coflicted.
"but theres still alot to do with cleaning up and what about the movie you wanted to watch tonight, besides if you already ate wont you be digesting that anyway so it wouldnt be the best option-"
"Hush... you'll be fine..." Adam interupted her rambling using a finger to nudge her chin to look up at him. "I didn't eat anything yet because I was worried about you, my sweet rosey." he said in a calm and somewhat deeper voice, roseys face darkened at that and she weakly squirmed at the flustered feeling in her chest. "now let me help get you cleaned up~"adam said before sticking out his tongue and lapping at her face a few times. giving time between each lick to let her breathe a bit.
Rosey was honestly really conflicted but desided to just let adam help her, she knew that he would never mean any harm to her. So with that tought she relaxed in his hold as best as she could and she could see the appreciation in his eyes behind his rectangular glasses. she couldnt help but make a small flustered sound and squirm as adam began to affectionatly kiss both her cheeks and forhead. his mustash lightly scrathing and tickling her sensitive skin. after a few minutes of adam smothering the poor fairy in affectionate lickes and kisses he realized he was quite hungry as of now.
"you ready, Rosey?" he asked her. it warmed her heart that he was still willing to stop if she felt like it was too much but honestly she now anted nothing more than to curl up inside of him, feel his love around her and allo her worried to melt away and finally relax after the week she had put herself though. She nodded and adam gave a toothy grin making sure to show of his little fang that someties liked to stick out. She melted at that and adam gave one lass kiss to her little head before opening wide. Her upper half was gently placed on his tongue and his lips closed around her waist. one of his hands resting on his soon to be full stomach and the other supporting her legs hanging out of his mouth.
He tilted his head back and swallowed gently shuttering as Roseys head and shoulders entered his throat, stretching it out oh so wonderfully. He would never get tired of that special tingle that rushes up and down his spine when he gets a chance to do something like this. To cheer up and hold one of his loves close, so close to his heart. He swallowed again making a happy humming noise as she shifted a bit sending more of those delicious tingles along his spine and getting more of her sweet flavor on his tongue.
with a few more stronger gulps he closed his mouth fully behind her quickly disappearing feet. With a final loud gulp he sealed her fully within himself he gasped in a breath and sighed as she filled his lightly gurgling belly he could feel her form under his hands push out at him. His stomach stretching wonderfully around her smaller form, every little breath and wiggle she took as she got comfortable he could feel deep in his core and he was in bliss as she relaxed into the folds of the stomach around her.
“You ok in there?” He asked gently knowing she could hear him just fine in there.
she shifted a bit to be in a position of one in a hammock her hands falling to the walls at her sides as her legs were pushed against her in the small space she filled perfectly. “Yea I’m ok!” She sighed deeply knowing she could let go of her worries. Nothing and no one could get her here. It was perfect and the two knew they could relax being so close together and safe.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
I Rank TWST Characters Based on Whether or Not I Find Them Physically Attractive or Not (Not Clickbait)
Eventually I’ll collect the braincells to finish one of my many x reader fic drafts and post it. But for now, watch me shallowly judge TWST characters and rank them based on my own specific tastes. Yes, you are free to judge and share your own thoughts. I love being told I’m wrong.~ uwu
All characters are 18+
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Explanations under the read more. Yes, there is a method to my madness.
‘Cause the tier list didn’t include them, Neige is in Tier 5 and Che’nya is in Tier 4.
And good lord I ended up rambling way more then intended. I should have just said I find them pretty or ugly and called it a day. Guess that single exhausted braincell really was working overtime for this.
Tier 1 - My Own Personal Tastes
Says it right there on the tin. The loves of my life jk jk
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start with these? I just find these boys really pretty and attractive... I tend to lean towards males with longer hair (Jamil & Idia) and animalistic traits like sharp teeth or ears (Jack, Idia, & Jade). I especially love Jade and Idia’s smiles, both are so creepy, but I’m the weirdo that’s into that. I also have a thing for body marks like freckles and moles (Azul) and actually find some short guys to be cute (Riddle). There’s also the elephant in the room that is my monster lover self that’s into a wide range of non-human creatures; Jack being a wolf beastman, Jade being an eel mermaid, Azul being a cecaelia, and even Jamil having serpent traits and Idia being not entirely human what with his Hades-inspired undead aesthetic.
Most of it just boils down to aesthetics  in their design and the fact that most of them, aside for Riddle, has some kind of in-human quality to them. There are other factors at play, but those are the main ones.
Tier 2 - They’re Attractive, But Lack Spice
Basically, I also find them to be very attractive, but they don’t quite hit those specific tastes when it comes to their overall design. Usually it’s because they either lack something or a certain trait throws off the whole design for me. Like Kalim sharing many traits I like in Jamil, but having other traits that hold him back (having shorter hair, having too much going on with his design, having a more childish demeanor, etc.). Epel is very pretty in a superficial way, and I’ve always loved characters with lavender hair, but he looks too young at times and is working on becoming more manly, which will ruin his more delicate features in my opinion.
Silver is like an older version of Epel, but with silver hair and a knightly aesthetic, but he also always looks to angry, which makes him unapproachable. Ruggie is pretty cute to me with a roughish edge (and I just want to pet his adorable ears, please), but I can’t get past how malnourished his design makes him look sometimes due to the oversized clothes. Sebek has a very unique design, being half-human, half-fae, but similar to Silver, he usually looks so angry and stern. He has a beautifully mirthful smile and I just wish they’d show off his chompers more!
Tier 3 - They Have Their Moments
They’re only attractive in very specific instances that usually heighten certain physical traits of theirs. This can include a wardrobe change, a certain facial expression, a scenario, etc. I don’t quite find them attractive on their own, but rather, only when it’s in tandem with something else. Malleus looked best in the trailer for the game when he’s floating out of his coffin. He looked dark, mysterious, yet dangerously alluring. But in game, he kind of resembles a rat, what with his weird mullet hair. Rook and Floyd both pull off the dangerous predatory, yet attractive vibe, but ultimately are only portrayed as quirkily scary in the game (i.e. they kind of look like creeps/psychos). Lilia has his whole Gothic punk thing going on, which is fine, especially when he acts more wild and playful. However, I kind of wish he had a “true form” where he actually looked older/was taller, instead of looking younger than the rest of the cast. Yeah, it’s funny in theory, but doesn’t give him much attractive points.
Tier 4 - Average Joe
On a surface level, they would be considered attractive to some, but ultimately don’t have anything that really separates them from others. For me, it’s that one or two traits ended up holding them back from breaking the mold, or they have traits that tend to be overused and thus, makes me feel like I’ve seen them before in other characters.
If Leona was darker skinned and his overall design really leaned into the feral lion look, he would be higher. If Divus had more canine-features like fangs or something, he’d be higher. Deuce looks like a generic anime protagonist, but a good color scheme going. Che’nya is just another Disney cheshire neko boy with a quirky design. Sam needs a rework on his color scheme and should have more skull face paint (yes, even more so than the original JPN ver.) And as for Vil, I really think they should have given him a different hairstyle. I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand his hair color and style. It reminds me of an onion.
Tier 5 - Not My Thing, but They’re Not Ugly
I don’t find them ugly, but I really do not care for how they look. Nothing about their designs are appealing to me in that way, but I can see why others would. Cater, Ace, and Trey don’t have anything with their design that stands out to me. The closest thing was Ace’s Ghost Wedding attire and slicked back hair, but it was only a one time thing, hence why he’s not in Tier 3. As for Prof. Trein, for an older gentleman, he still looks fairly good. He has a refined look to him and is well kempt, but I’m not into older dude’s like that, so no. Neige is cute and definitely captures Snow White’s vibe, but his outfit is just all over the place to me and contrast so much.
Tier 6 - ew
They’re just ugly. I’m sorry, but they’re just so unappealing to me why do some people find them attractive I just-?! Crowley is so weird looking to me, which is disappointing ‘cause I love bird-related designs and he had the potential but ended up looking like an unkempt, Gothic carnival reject, instead! Yes, I’ve seen the fanart with his mask off and I still find him unattractive. As for Vargas, I’ve just never been into the muscley type of men with the strong chiseled face.
Grim and Lucius are literal cats and and I can’t see Ortho as anything but a little brother (yes, I’m aware he’s around the 1st years age). He probably would fit under Tier 2 if he wasn’t so baby.
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sand-seeks-sun · 2 years
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Happy Nameday, Rosie!! 🌹
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