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ns-sprite-editz · 2 years ago
who are these weirdos not taking their shot for free art????
anyways if you want an ambitious one, show me uhhh rosesprite and vriska but they both have 6 arms (your choice of "each" or "to share") and they're dukin' it out but with ghost shenanigans. how's that for just sending it??
(I know that's way outside of what you normally go for; please feel free to tone it up or down as much as you want.)
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Rosesprite^3: YOU!
Alternate Vriska #51011: OKAY WH8T FRESH B8LLSH8T IS THIS????????
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I sort of did it. Rosesprite^3 (cubed) is three alternate Roses mashed together, and as per usual, it's all Vriska's fault. However, it's not this particular Vriska's fault, unfortunately for her.
Rosesprite^3 is somehow made from Roxy, Dave and Rose's own kernelsprites. Y
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unerringcaprition · 1 year ago
rewriting scenes is fun. any thoughts on this? ROSE: Who was that? ROSESPRITE: Just some loser troll. :3 ROSESPRITE: Well actually she's sort of okay. ROSE: Okay. ROSE: Becoming a sprite wouldn't happen to have imbued you with omniscience over the game, would it? ROSESPRITE: Purretty much. Not quite, but definitely a good bit. ROSESPRITE: I'm meant to be all aloof about it, though. ROSESPRITE: And to be honest with you, Rose, I'm really vibing with that right now, fur some reason. ROSE: Why the hell are you talking like that? ROSESPRITE: Not sure, but I kindnya like it. ROSESPRITE: Anyways, any info you want me to give you in the most infurriating and backwards way pawsible? ROSE: Why are you like this. ROSESPRITE: ;3 ROSESPRITE: Because I'm you, and I'm a cat, numbnuts. ROSESPRITE: That furrst one was a freebie. ROSE: This is karma. ROSESPRITE: Nya.
ROSE: So is Jade going to be alright, then? ROSESPRITE: I told off the troll, didn't I? ROSE: Mm. ROSESPRITE: By the by, all that shit I dropped off before I fucked off into catmode should make the earlygame piss easy. ROSESPRITE: Once mew get far enough, mew'll get to pull me around with mew so I can carry mew through the rest of the game. Won't that be great? ROSE: Maybe I'll just jump into the sun now. ROSESPRITE: It was this, or puppet ashes in the seizure sphere, sweetheart. ROSE: On second thought, perhaps I can have a change of heart. ROSESPRITE: That's the spirit. ROSESPRITE: Now if mew'll excuse me, I'm going to add a unique new purrspective to our web series. ROSE: You wouldn't dare. ROSESPRITE: Ah ah ah! You have duties to attend to, don't mew? If you want to get me away from your prized work, you better hurry up and get that Sprite Pendant. ROSE: You're good at this. ROSESPRITE: Purr purr.
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hydrate-or-diedrate · 2 years ago
Free will sure is a doozy 🤡
Karkat eating his foot immediately, you love to see it
Dave tearing down heteronormatovity after 3 years on a meteor in buttfuck nowhere, you love to see it
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Black romance sure does sound like more complicated hate fucking
Gosh these paths are longer than I expected them to be
Jake is such a silly little guy
Tavros are you... flirting?
John is literally a page of breath girlie I think pages can get their shit together lol
Poor Jake :((
Okay terezi <> vriska is pretty damn cute now that they've made up, I appreciate that friendship
Dave stop making accidental flirtations towards thy paradox mother
Oh my god oh fuck karkat is smiling were all doomed
Kanaya and Karkat have such a cute friendship too waaaaa
Okay finally the free will is over
Vriska Strategy Hour TM
I don't even know what day it is
(It's day 20)
(Specifically of reading homestuck)
Point and click with John wahoo
What are we just going to the crashed car and moving on?
Oh it just wouldn't let me click the arrow for a bit I see
Hi Roxy!
Elevatorstuck, with Meows
I so very badly want to know what their options actually were 👀👀👀
So "something something loss" was the other option great to know x)
Not to be a filthy little Legend of zelda fan in the honestuck live react but this is such "fanon idea Link of link's awakening waking up from the dream and having to battle with himself over whether it was even real" vibes
Off we go, into the blank ass yonder x)
"Rumble royal with mangaka dudebro, lord of the shitwanks" gotta love roxy
John this is very much not the right place or time
I also can't believe that worked
Vriska and Meenah's friendship is very cute
Slowly rotating horse cylinder
Hi dead Jane!
Making OCs at the drop of a hat is self care you can't change my mind because I'm right
Oh fuck you Terezi, I do have to remember the numbers in the passwords >:/
"Ooh, look! Another space tragedy."
Popped into a girl's bedroom, stole a stuffed dragon, nbd
"you don't need him." Well that's vague
Oho? This Jane's story is different than I remember
Oh yeah this is way different
Oh damn funeral time
That I'd such a shallow grave, Rox
The witness has been deployed
John your extra notes are worrying me
Uh oh the girlies tripped off a cliff
They rollin
I swear if they do the cheesy "whu oh we fell on top of eachother guess we gotta kiss" thing
Oh gosh Terezi stop trying to grab the scarf
Karkat is here
Everything is falling apart again aw beans
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Ah how I miss when Karkat could be angry about stupid things instead of life threatening things 😌
Awww John and Roxy are holding hands
Aw fuck, bye bye everything I guess
shes8ack, whatever that means
Dang we got the monument valley music and everything
Oh they're not dead?
Okay I guess it has been a while since Caliborn's Fuck Around and Find Out Hour
Homosuck Swan Song
I don't appreciate that Caliborn has apparently drawn pictures of Callies supposed safe space
Shit, this is actually good stop motion! Congrats on developing your style Caliborn (but also fuck u)
Okay fine Vriska you're off my shitlist since you've been being a good girl
Help this is too cute
I find it funny how Vriska was so important to shit not going sideways but I still do not appreciate her self-centeredness lol
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Lalonde reunionnnn
I just want to mention that we have yet to see Dave bleat like a goat unless I'm stupid and missed it
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hsblitzed · 4 years ago
day 76... man. 76. thats like, a lot. huh.
[shit fuck i hit the image limit again. why do i do this, there isnt even that much for me to like, talk about.]
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so basically this is all just Prime Dave Content™️
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yeah MOOD
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real smooth, karkat. you absolutely destroyed her. totally
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wow ok you just, yeah. i mean he’s right
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holy shit man you have a problem
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its fucking what, 6am, and this shit is actually making me laugh out loud, STOP
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they sit (:
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god i finally got through all that, now its time for like, actual things to start happening again
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amazing, insulting dave AND yourself at the same time. impressive
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remember when jack was the major antagonist? now there’s like, at least 3 of them, and pretty much none of them are even worth talking about. they’ll just kinda, be there
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his name is fucking FOUR letters long, how are you having THIS much trouble with it
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the wallet and the 8-ball... together they can hold an entire fucking PLANET. what the FUCK
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soon it’s time for things to Happen
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what the actual Fuck is up with that gun
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OH SUDDEN STRIDER REUNION. there’s just, a lot of, issues between these two that i cant wait to get to
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oops there they go
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[ah. i seem to have hit the image limit once again. how the fuck do i keep doing this surely there isnt that much to talk about-]
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they were right, she looks so... lonely. ):
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dafukdidiwatch · 5 years ago
Part 347 End
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And that is it for today. Rosesprite is an interesting choice that blindsided everyone here. Hussie can’t predict clowns, and no one can predict cats. Well at least Rose can find the humor in this. Is RoseSprite (the og!Rose) going to be ok with not being with her Kanaya for right now? And for that matter, what does Kanaya think of this new development having 2 Roses? And Roxy with now 3 moms?
I just remembered that Alpha-Dad is still probably in jail somewhere. And that Karkat never had a chance to talk to Echidna yet because Jade never told him to do so yet.
Well, we will tackle that in a bit.
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missfinefeather · 6 years ago
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That didn’t take long! ^^
Let’s progress a little more before I call it a day!
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was? JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma. 
Hahaha, that’s a good pun! xDDD
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake? 
Wait, they aren’t on the platform anymore? Did we jump time a bit?
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick... ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now 
I guess Jake decided against planning with the Lalondes.
And we missed the Dave/Dirk reunion... ):
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie. ROXY: wat! ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
*rubbing palms together eagerly* here we go! >:)
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down? ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her 
Ooh! That would make sense for a void power! :O
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can! JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle? ROXY: hmm yeh! ROXY: u think i can do it? 
Hell ya! :D
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss. ROSE: Maybe I could assist? ROXY: yeah maybe! ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context. ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist? 
I love how both Rose are like “Oh wait, I’ve done that before! LET ME HELP!”
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you... JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3 ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no, ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
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wakraya · 8 years ago
My problem with the "we're real people we don't have arcs" line is that they do in the post retcon timeline? However brief they are they still exist, but they are all solved by vriska. Rose still got drunk, dave still doesn't want to time travel, karkat struggles with his position of leadership and relationships, and terezi still gets into a black relationship with gamzee. Instead of trying to fix their flaws on their own they're done by vriska. 1/
Vriska knocks the drink out of rose’s hand, vriska captures gamzee before his and terezi’s relationship goes bad, vriska takes the role of leader from karkat and distracts terezi from dave leaving karkat not having to worry if she and dave are a thing and pursues dave, dave gets karkat who he can talk to about some of his issues. Someone else fixing everyone’s flaws doesn’t feel genuine. 2/
Sure vriska doesn’t fix every problem but the ones she did fix were ones we have seen characters struggle with for years. It still cheats us out of any resolution that many fans have been waiting for years. It also begs the question of how serious are these flaws if you can just knock a drink out of a hand to stop them. 3/3
See, here’s where I have an opinion that differs drastically from the Fandom’s, and that is, I think most of Vriska’s involvement post-retcon is ultimately useless to the characters, and nothing she does actually fixes anything.
You see, Vriska is a very special brand of attention whore, she just LOVES being the center of attention, regardless of what it is. She wants to be the one to defeat the Villain, and so creates him, she wants to face English herself, she’s in the most literal sense, as her role indicates, stealing the spotlight from the story at any chance she gets. But while the focus shifts to her constantly? She doesn’t actually do shit.
Let me explain: I’ve heard this argument, that Vriska’s involvement was a Deux Ex Machina that just solved every single problem the people on the Meteor had and thus made them less relatable, but that’s just not true. Let’s go one by one:
Rose and her drinking addiction, what many people don’t get about this interaction is that Vriska doesn’t give a FUCK if Rose is an alcoholic or not. What she doesn’t want is a useless Seer. We only see her smacking the drink off her hand once, but by the descriptions by Karkat and Dave and the attitude Kanaya has towards her, it’s obvious that Vriska has been bossing them around for three entire years, which means at any moment she’s seen Rose fall into alcoholism, she’s stopped her, to keep a valuable asset for the fight that was to come. Now the thing to have in mind is that Rose getting drunk so often is bad, very bad for her. But she doesn’t just drink for the sake of it. She starts drinking because she’s nervous to go out with Kanaya. And she keeps drinking to mask the underlying fear of growing up. Her Development, her Mother, Rose has a TON of issues she masks with the alcohol, and we see it when we get to the Session and she fails to foresee the creation of Rosesprite and Jasprose. Rose struggles with her powers and her role in the group, and while the alcoholism is gone, her problems with her growth aren’t. That being said, post-credits, it seems marrying Kanaya and taking care of Grubs left her happy and complacent. But Vriska had nothing to do about that.
Terezi on the other hand is better off without Vriska than with her. Game Over Terezi had regrets about killing Vriska, and it fucked her up in the long run, getting together with Gamzee, fixing her eyesight, and eventually, leading her to forcing John to fix what she’d done. However, the catharsis of not having to kill Vriska doesn’t come without a cost. They become Moirails- And this Moirailship is absolutely one-sided. Vriska uses Terezi to feel better about herself, while Terezi dwells in the thoughts of this other Terezi that planned the trip back in time for John and did all the cool shit. She sticks with Vriska even though their relationship is toxic, to the point to bring herself to fight, she uses her powers to experience the catharsis of a version of herself who got together with the Vriska she wants. Terezi’s regrets about killing Vriska were the thought of changing her, of making her a better person. But post-Retcon? She’s more cocky than ever. She thinks she’s the center of the Universe! Terezi wants (Vriska) to be healthy and happy. But all she’s getting is an even worse Spiderbitch. And even though she knows it, she goes back into the broken Furthest Ring to try and get her.
Kanaya is happier with Rose being more healthy and not drunk all of the time, however with her complicated relationship with Vriska, things have turned around. Initially, Kanaya had red feelings for Vriska, but was stuck in a Moirailship with her, and eventually caught her making out with Tavros, which made her fall off with the jadeblood. And now that she’s back alive? It’s hard to say if Vriska’s red-flirting with Kanaya or just trying to get her attention, but she’s heavily getting on her nerves. Kanaya dislikes Vriska and feels nothing for her anymore, but now it’s her who wants the jadeblood, too, to pay her attention.
Gamzee, well. I mean. Vriska’s making his life impossible in the meteor and she ends up stuffing him in the fridge, but this is very much well deserved. Fuck the clown.
Karkat may not have Quadrant Issues with Terezi anymore post-retcon, but his leadership issues are shining more than ever. Vriska has replaced him at his job, she’s taken the spotlight and thrown him off the stage entirely. He mellows down and hangs out with Dave, but the way he acts when he falls asleep and leads the charge towards English? Echidna’s words about keeping him safe? The fight with Clover? Karkat wanted action, he wanted to be useful to his friends and actually lead them as a leader, even though he’s not really good at that and his eager, initial charges seem to only harm him in the longer run. Thankfully Dave and the Mayor seem to support him through it.
Dave, well… His catharsis comes later with Dirk and Vriska has nothing to do with any development he has or stops having. It’s obvious he dislikes Vriska too, though, and I bet along with the other things they have in common, seeing Karkat’s position of leadership fall upon Vriska aided get their relationship going. See, that’s the thing- Dave and Karkat, much like Kanaya and Rose, are happy together and show how happy they are together, but they don’t have their issues resolved. On Karkat’s side it’s the Leadership, on Dave’s it’s the Fighting itself. Confidence the Spiderbitch herself does nothing aid with.
And finally we get to the Session, where Vriska finally shines and puts Jade and Jane to sleep. Now that is the only thing she helps with, and yet, was it truly necessary on her part? You see, it did speed things up and left Condy without two immensely valuable assets, but even if she hadn’t done this, the Kids would’ve in the long run defeated Jade and Jane themselves. 
Now this isn’t explicitly canon, so take it with a grain of salt, but when Artist Caliborn sees his future on the screen and describes the Masterpiece, he explicitly states that he’s surprised by the Kids appearing in a retconny John flash. He also has the ring that Calliope gets to resurrect. That makes me think Artist Caliborn is not the Alpha Caliborn that will later become Lord English, tying with my thoughts that with the Retcon, by the end, we’re not even following the ‘Alpha Timeline’, since the Alpha Timeline is that which favors Lord English, and the point of the Retcon and finishing the game is to escape the clutches of Paradox Space and the Alpha Timeline. So thematically, this makes a lot of sense. And so if the Vriska is 8ack Timeline is not the Alpha, the most likely outcome is that the Alpha Timeline where the Kids have won and regrouped to take down Caliborn is one in which Vriska wasn’t brought back. Which means even then, against all odds, they won.
But even if she did help take those two down, okay, a small win for Vriska. Compared to what she does later it’s nothing at all, right? She makes up the entire plan to win the session, and she faces Lord English herself to defeat him! She ends up stealing the Spotlight! Except… That’s all she does. She inserts herself there, at the very front of the story… And does absolutely zilch for anyone but herself.
The plan she makes is an absolute failure, and going against everything she’s planned is what ends up happening in the Session. The Felt is the least troublesome bunch? They end up time-warping around, being extremely meddlesome and manage to kill Jake once and cause a bunch of mayhem around, have to be taken on by Jake, Karkat, Dad, and the Skeleton Army to stop them from messing everything up. The Healer can’t fall, if Jane falls they’re done for! And yet Jane falls and they still push through. If Jade wakes up it could jeopardise the entire mission, she must be kept asleep at all costs- But she wakes up anyway, and Condy is too busy in Derse to notice her and put her back under her control. The people she disregards the most seem to be the ones that ended up doing the most shit in the fight, because she’s an asshole. Vriska is an absolute and utter, self-centered asshole, and her entire existence from the Retcon onwards is to be there in the middle of everything without regard of what’s actually favorable and what isn’t.
She doesn’t even STICK with the gang to help them win the Session, instead she heads to the Furthest Ring… Where she finds (Vriska) and abuses her psychologically. (Vriska) is the antithesis of all Vriska is. (Vriska) is a Vriska that actually came to terms with the fact she’d done wrong, that she had paid the ultime price for her transgressions… And that, in death, had slowly realized the futility of trying to change things, that she was no longer relevant. This irks Vriska. (Vriska) has stopped acting like a Thief of Light. (Vriska) is no longer trying to seek the Spotlight, and she can simply not comprehend something like this.
Then she goes on to try and rebuild the Ghost Army to take English down- And again, she does nothing. Tavros, to rub it in her face, has built the army himself, and now proceeds to gift it to Meenah to rub it in. Tavros becoming subservient willingly to Meenah is the ultimate Fuck You to the Spider Troll. She wants to be relevant, she SHOULD BE THE ONE to lead the army! But Meenah and Karkat team up to lead the charge, while Vriska stays with the Juju.
Juju that (Vriska) and the previous Ghost Army found. Juju that Aradia carried along and guarded.
When the climax of Act 7 happens and she opens the crate? That’s it. That’s her moment. She steps in front of the army during the next charge, after Karkat charged in first, after Meenah attacked English first, after part of the army is already dead, after Davepeta had their chance to fight English. She steps in, as if she owned the place, and uses the weapon.
True to herself, Vriska works to benefit only herself towards the end of the comic, and if it helps anyone else at all, it’s only tangential casualty.
Does she solve some problems? Yeah she does, to advance her own agenda. But she ignores the root of most of them, and disregards a ton of other issues and some of the characters entirely as if they were useless. All Vriska wants is to shine. And in the end? I seriously hope she’s dead and re-dead with Lord English in that cozy pocket of a Black Hole torn in the middle of Paradox Space.
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daily-homestuck · 8 years ago
Latula spot ==> open!
The spot for Latula is now open! regarding other Dancestor spots... The spot for Horrus is still open, and the Cronus spot may or may not be opening soon! stay tuned! We could also really use a Jake English!! contact me at @aggressiveflyingpizza or  AggressiveFlyingPizza#7651 1. you must be 13+ 2. you must be active 3. you must own discord (if you don’t have it, download it and figure out how it works, before contacting us) here is the application: 1. what character do you want to be answering for: 2. what would you like your mod name to be? (keep it short and simple): 3. are you 13+?(if not please do not apply.) I am: 4. what is your favorite color?: **examples of your best art here** Updated list of open characters below the readmore
**(currently available beta trolls)** all taken **(currently available alpha trolls)** Horuss latula **(available ancestors)** The Summoner The Psiioniic The Signless / The Sufferer The Disciple The Dolorosa Neophyte Redglare Marquise Spinneret Mindfang Executioner Darkleer / Expatri8 The Grand Highblood Orphaner Dualscar Her Imperious Condescension **(currently available beta kids)** all taken **(currently available alpha kids)** Jake english **(currently available sprites)** nannasprite jaspersprite davesprite jadesprite tavrisprite fefetasprite ARquiusprite aradiasprite tavrosprite becsprite rosesprite nepetasprite **(currently available midnight crew)** Spades Slick Diamonds Droog Hearts Boxcars Clubs Deuce **(currently available felt)** Itchy Doze Trace Clover Fin Die Snowman Stitch Sawbuck Matchsticks Eggs Biscuits Quarters Cans **(available villains)** jack noir doc scratch The Condesce **(available guardians)** Dad Egbert Nanna Egbert Mom Lalonde Dad Crocker Poppop Crocker Alpha Mom Lalonde (Post-scratch Rose) Grandma English God Cat **(available carapacians)** Aimless Renegade windswept questant ms. paint **available misc** Guy Fieri Nicolas Cage Shrek Duttle andrew hussie casey/viceroy lil hal / AR squarewave sawtooth jadebot brobot lil hal jr lil sebastian (lil seb)
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homestuckkinsafespace · 8 years ago
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could I get a drawing of a Neperisesprite^3? I was a combination of Nepetasprite, Feferisprite, and Rosesprite, and I was dark purple, pink, and teal in outline color! basically the same kind of scheme as Davepetasprite^2, except 3 colors for the outline instead of two. my symbol was the same as Jasprosesprite^2's symbol, and my outfit was like Jasprosesprite^2's but with Nepeta's trench coat and a cat tail, and no poof sleeves.
here you go anon, i hope you like it! lmk if you need anything changed
-mod nep
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[A6A6I5] ====> 
JASPIZZLE: :3 purrrrrrr
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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hskinreadings · 7 years ago
hello! may i have a timeline spread tarot reading for my non/offcanon sprite timeline? im not sure if i have to say my name or anything about myself, but just to be safe, i will. my name was karjohnsprite, and i was accidentally prototyped in the purple kernelsprite that wouldve made rosesprite. thank you!
Sure thing!
1. 10 of Wands
In beginning of your timeline, there was some kind of outside force that really took its toll on you and weighed you down, possibly responsibilities. 
This is probably referring to when you were accidentally prototyped, since if it wasn’t intentional, you really must have felt as though you had a lot of responsibilities and an entirely new life was thrown at you. (This is just my guess though, I don’t know how it went)
2. The Devil / Reversed
After that, however, you were released from the situation that was weighing you down so much. You learned from it and stopped fearing it.
You must have come to terms with being a sprite at this point.
3. Queen of Cups / Reversed
Sometime in the middle of your timeline, you became more focused on your imagination and intuition than logic and facts. You tended to exaggerate a lot, and while you didn't mean to be, you were untrustworthy.
4. The Emperor / Reversed
Someone here with a lot of power is making poor decisions and being irresponsible, causing problems. This probably represents you, since that is kind of the opposite of what a sprite is meant to do?
5. 3 of Pentacles
At the end of your timeline, all of your hard work is acknowledged and you are appreciated. Some good ol’ validation. :)
I think this would be people thanking you for what you did throughout the timeline.
Hopefully this makes things a bit clearer and actually makes sense!
- mod C
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missfinefeather · 6 years ago
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Omg, Rose’s face!
ROXY: you dug up her body!!!!! JASPERSPRITE: :3 ROXY: omg that is SO BAD! ROXY: but also sweet of you to bring her back but also WOW BAD!!!!! 
Well, at least Rose seems okay with it...
ROSESPRITE: You had a funeral for me? ROSESPRITE: That was nice of you. 
That’s... I mean, it’s reasonable to thank someone for that, but... Sorry, this is a weird situation xDD
ROXY: welcome back youre alive again hey come here! VRISKA: LALONDE DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!!!!!! VRISKA: Fucking incredi8le. 
Oh god, why is no one giving these sprites a second prototype? I mean, come on! Just throw something in there!
Doesn’t Roxy have some of old rose’s ecto slime on her? Maybe throw that in? Double Rose prototyping! She’ll have knowledge of two Roses!
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daily-homestuck · 8 years ago
crowbar, lil cal, Meulin Leijon, Rose Lalonde, Meenah Peixes, Aradiabot, Kurlos Makara, Gcatavrosprite, Bro Strider, and Latula Pyrope have been taken! note: there is only one more Dancestor available- Horuss! after that, there will only be ancestors available! Requirements/Application/Available Characters below the readmore!
Requirements and Application:
1. you must be 13+ 2. you must be active 3. you must own discord (if you don’t have it, download it and figure out how it works, before contacting us) here is the application: 1. what character do you want to be answering for: 2. what would you like your mod name to be? (keep it short and simple): 3. are you 13+?(if not please do not apply.) I am: 4. favorite color?: **examples of your best art here**
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[A6A6I5] ====>
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of tha liznoop! Anotha dogg house production. Sorry if I still seem disoriented from mah... nap, I suppoze it was? JIZZAY: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Or impromptu troll-coma. JIZZY now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: Roxizzle, yizzou hizzay ta clizzay me in on what happened hizzy! Where be Dirk n Jizzake? JANE: N fo` tizzy killa, Jizzohn, where be yo' otha niggaz? Oh, Jade! Where be she? Be she still asleep?
ROXY: hey jizzle thizzay be all like a lot of sizzy ta say n everyth'n goin on here be faaairly complicated n heavily peopled ROXY: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. dont worry ill eaze you into comprehend'n shiznit again  fo yo bitch ass;) ROXY: W-to-tha-izzell ok clizziff notes be: jake fucked off somewhere n diznirk recently fucked off BACK hizzle through a windizzle but he lizzle again prizzle quick... ROXY: dizzay went wit dizzy at whereva they fuck'n off tizzoo now, i thizzink ta git ready for sizzle swords fightin, n yeah jade be S-T-to-tha-izzill asleep but a coupla trolls lizzle hustla off somewhere siznafe fo` now ROXIZZLE: tha R-TO-THA-IZZEST of tha jizzunk im still sort'n out myself bcs like i said im new ta dis exact plane of shenanigans
JIZZY: Yizzes, you mentioned that. JANE: I S-T-to-tha-izzill don't kizzy what yiznou meant by... JIZNANE: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. Wizzay! JANE paper'd up: You n John cizname from anotha reality, where everyth'n wizzay horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JIZZANE: I just remembered. Really, it bizzeen such a rollercoasta rizzy fo` mah memorizzle, sizzle I fizzell aslizzle. JANE: Yo' n John travels wizzy a critical pizzart of tha illustrated story we recizzle through our memories W-to-tha-izzith Callie.
ROXIZZLE: wat! ROXY fo' real: you saw cizzle 'n yo' dreams????
ROXY: hoh dawg RIZZLE: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. how be she, niggaz, better recognize! ROXY droppin hits: i sizzy ha 'n a dream a shawty whizzile ago n we talked 'bout lots of stuff RIZZLE: shizzay looked like a T-R-to-tha-izzoll then
JANE: Yes, ha trizzle! She hizzle rappa on whizzle I sizzaw ha fo gettin yo pimp on. JIZZANE: N we hizzle ours on tiznoo!
ROXY:  gangsta style:O F-TO-THA-IZZUCK
JIZZANE: She seemed ta be ridin' well keep'n it real yo. J-TO-THA-IZZANE: Hollaz to the East Side. Nervous, of courze, since she wizzy hid'n. But we pasze' tha tizzime wit our stories. J-TO-THA-IZZANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so stoked I gizzle ta meet ha. JANE: I wonder if I'll ever git tha chance again?
ROXY: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. wellll... ROXY dogg: now that u mention it ROXIZZLE: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. it BE one of mah chief objectives ta go lizzle fo` hustla asizzle ROXY in tha hood: aaizzle nizzay ta be THIZZAT ROGUE n B-R-to-tha-izzag all heavy but i MAY be 'n bizzle touch wit mah void pimp now ROXIZZLE: soo mizzle i stizzand a p giznood chance of trizzle ha down? ROXY: cus i GOTS somethin fo` ha
JANE: You do ya dig?? What? :B
ROXY: jiznust a shawty presie, nbd
JANE: ... JIZZY: I see.
JIZZLE: WOW!!!!!!!!!! JIZZLE: Ahizzle, so, JANE: You mean a r'n, thizzay.
JOHN: yeah! JOHN: oh dawg, that a bootylicious idea roxizzle to increase tha peace. JIZZLE: you sizzy try n give it ta ha as soon as yizzou cizzle dogg! JOHN dogg: T-H-to-tha-izzen maybe we can all meet ha before we riznamp up fo` dis battle?
ROXY fo my bling bling: hmm yeh! ROXY: u tizzy i can do it?
JIZZOHN: You gotta check dis shit out yo. sure!
ROZE: I like yo' chances tizzay. ROSESPRITE: S-to-tha-izzame!
JASPIZZLE: Me tiznoo roxy! :3
ROZE: I also have some experience dippin' thugz along 'n tha right direction, whizzle it comes to navigat'n tha abyss. ROZE: Mizzay I could assist cuz its a doggy dog world? RIZZLE: yizzle M-to-tha-izzaybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm P-R-E-Double-Tizzy sure I have experience perform'n literallizzle tha exact sizzame task, 'n a slightly differizzle context with the S-N-double-O-P. ROSESPRITE so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: So maybe I can dizzouble assizzle?
JOHN: sizzee roxy? everyone T-H-to-tha-izzinks yizzy should do it, coz they all bizzle 'n you.
JANE: Thiznat's rizzy!
ROXY: shizzucks fucka ._. ROXY: yizzay killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so stoked!
ROXY with my forty-fo' mag: frigglish u sizzle bastard whiznats up?
JASPERSPRITE: P-to-tha-izzurr purr purr... JASPERSPRITE: All tha humans bein so close pusha n stoked and friendly purr piznurr upside yo head. JASPERSPRITE: Its mak'n me reallizzle excitizzle and stoked too n mak'n me feel lizzy i want to be a part of mackin' fo gettin yo pimp on! JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr n git cloze ta a nearby persizzle n be stoked at thizzay wit mah body purrrr...
ROSIZZLE: Jaspa, what be you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it roze i want ta C-to-tha-izzuddle im feel'n so pleaze' n friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Gangsta, no, ROSESPRITE: No, dizzon't!
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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[A6IZZLE5] ====>
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: so DIZZAVE: whizzle does dis even mean DIZZAY: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. therizzles twizzo rozes now L-to-tha-izzike DAVE: W-H-to-tha-izzat tha F-to-tha-izzuck DAVE: what be we suppoze' ta do wit dis 411 n unfold'n set of circumstances
ROSESPRITE fo yo bitch ass: I dizzy know, Dave. ROSESPRITE: I hizzle advanced sea powa, n tha newlizzle acquired insight of a mystical gizzay ya feelin' me? ROSESPRITE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: N even I'm stumped 'bout dis turn of evizzles.
DIZZLE: ok then DAVE: gizzle ta know im not dizzle n dis literally is inhizzle irrational DAVE: T-H-to-tha-izzanks ghost cat bootylicious jiznob
DAVE: so what now
ROSESPRITE: Wizzle, ROSESPRITE: It's nizzle to be back, afta sizzay a spectaculizzle sequence of tragic evizzles with my forty-fo' mag. ROSESPRITE, niggaz, better recognize: Even tizzy I hizzy no memory of ridin' been gizzay fo` lizzle. ROSIZZLE straight from long beach nigga: But I also understand I be now tha Subordinate Roze. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. ROSESPRITE: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. So wit rizzle ta mah mackin' R-to-tha-izzole, I will have ta nigga ta Rizzay Roze. Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. ROSESPRITE fo gettin yo pimp on: I don't wizzy ta step on anyone toes. ROSESPRITE: Thizzen again, I dizzay hizzle feet anymizzle.
ROXY: lol
ROSESPRITE: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. It also wizzy doggy stylin' out that mah programm'n as a spriznite informs me thizzle I exizzle at tizzy pleasure of thizze playa whizno releaze' mah kizzle. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. ROSESPRIZZLE: So, Roxy so jus' chill. What d-ya think I should do?
ROXY: um wow ROXY: i dizzay! ROXY: hahah dawg i only JUST miznet um... alive roze here ROXY: n T-H-to-tha-izzat was crazy ass nigga JUST buryin you n doggy stylin' gizzle n all whizzle wizzle dis um ROXY in tha hood: emotional th'n n nizzle ur back ciznus of a silly cizzat! n ROXY: idk im confuze' hizzaha ROXY: roze what d-ya think
ROXY: roze
ROZE: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon.
ROXY: yo roze... ROXY: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. hello?
ROZE: DIS BE SO STUPID puttin tha smack down!!!
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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[A6A6I5] ====>
ROXY: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. FRIGGLISH! ROXY: Im crazy, you can't phase me. oh mah god yizzou cheeky bastard ROXY: Hollaz to the East Side. oooomg
DIZZAVE cuz its a doggy dog world: um DAVE fo yo bitch ass: what exactly tha fiznuck
ROZE: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. ... RIZZLE: frigglish
ROXY: i cannot belizzle dis ROXY: yizzou diznug up brotha body!!!!!
ROXY: omg thiznat be SO BIZZY! ROXY: but also sweet of yizzy ta sippin' ha back but also WOW BIZZY fo' sho'!!!!!
ROZE wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: Wait. Boo-Yaa! ROZE to increase tha peace: Dug... up?
ROSESPRITE: I'm a little unclear on that myself.
ROSIZZLE: Jaspa hizzy been especially descriptive.
JASPERSPRIZZLE: Meow! Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. JASPERSPRITE: Yes both rozes i dug yiznou up!
ROZE: From with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back where?
ROXY: um ROXY straight from long beach nigga: jizzay planet
RIZZLE: rememba tha funeral i mentioned?
ROXY fo' sho': frigglish was there too ROXY: orrr um jaspa?? our dumb departed beautiful idiot cat!! ROXY if you gots a paper stack: haha i G-to-tha-izzuess i made a novice mistake ROXY: i turned mah bizzay on tha bodizzle
ROSESPRITE so jus' chill: You had a funeral fo` me? ROSESPRITE fo all my homies in the pen: Thizzle wizzle funky ass of you.
ROXY cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: yeah! ROXY: so um... ROXY: HI!!!!! ROXIZZLE: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. wow haha dis be confus'n doggystyle! ROXIZZLE: welcome back youre alive again hizzey cizzle here!
VRIZZISKA: LALONDE DON'T YIZNOU FUCK'N TOUCH BALLER!!!!!!!! VRIZZLE: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Fuck'n incredi8le. VIZZY: Be I tha ONLY one here concerned wit mak'n sure we don't cre8te freakish mutizzle thugz-com8os?!
ROXY, betta check yo self: wha
VRISKA: She only 8een single-prototyped fo' sho'! VRISKA: Dizzay go niznear ha.
ROXY: ohhh ROXY like old skool shit: heh right
VRISKA: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. It be a8solutely astound'n how much you all nee' me around ta kizneep your shiznit str8. VRISKA: Even then it a constant up hill 8attle ta keep y-aw from weed-smokin' up cuz its a pimp thang! VRIZZISKA: I lizzet mah guard down for one second n dis 8rainless animizzle wastizzles one of yo' precious resurrection slots on someone who ALREADIZZLE ALIVE so show some love, niggaz! VRISKA: Wizzle, congratul8tions. Yoe D-to-tha-izzown ta one empty kernel. VRIZZAY fo gettin yo pimp on: 8e sizzle ta uze it wiselizzle! VRISKA thats off tha hook yo: Not that there much hope of that at dis pizzy. VRISKA: See you chumps but real niggaz don't give a fuck. I'm out of dis convizzle.
> [A6IZZLE5] ====>
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