#rosenthal children stories anyone...?
crowsandbox · 22 days
Review and fan art for the film
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Film for tonight: ‘Angel-A.’
Plot: 28-year-old Andre, burdened by debt, decides to commit suicide. On a bridge he meets a beautiful woman in a black dress jumping into the Seine. By rescuing her, André acquires an assistant who solves his problems. Later it turns out that she is a real angel.
Luc Besson raises the actual problem of modern man. Andre is neither bad nor good, just lost in himself. It is a reflection of a part of each of us. He wants to be needed, but he doesn't realise that he himself should start giving good.
This is a film for the soul, the main leitmotif of which is self-love and the importance of mutual love. It has some important theses that I loved this film for.
"He who feels like crap is attracted to crap." A person's self-esteem directly affects how those around them treat them. Your internal state shapes your external reality. If you are deeply convinced of your unworthiness, life will constantly confirm this belief in all areas. This phenomenon is known in psychology as the Rosenthal or Pygmalion effect.
“You taught me the most important thing. You taught me not to lie.” It is important to honestly acknowledge your current situation, whatever it may be. Only by recognising your starting point and assessing the situation dispassionately can you begin to move forward. Most people tend to have illusions or blind spots in their perception of themselves and the world around them. It takes a high level of awareness to get rid of them completely. «-I don't get it, which one of these lives is yours?  - Which one makes yours more bearable?»  Comparison has become a painful topic in today's society. Social media creates the illusion of a perfect life, causing feelings of inferiority. The beauty industry exploits unrealistic standards, and parents often compare children to more successful peers. However, there is a flip side to this - comfort through other people's problems. People find relief in watching the failures of others, as reflected in the phrase: ‘Children are starving in Africa, and you're fretting over your own petty failure.’ Particularly worrying is the popularity of shows such as ‘Pregnant at 16’, where viewers take pleasure in realising that their lives are better than those of the show's characters. This is perplexing: how can you justify your life by other people's failures? Have people so lost the ability to sympathise that even indifference seems to be the best alternative? Such an attitude towards other people's misfortunes jeopardises our humanity Many consider the film a love story where Andre and Angela complement each other. The transformation of Andre's character from weak and indecisive to courageous, ready to fight for his love is noted.
However, it is worth noting the dialogues:
«You're only attached to me because you don't have anyone else.” “- Angel - Ah, I love you! - No, you don't! You're just lonely and you have no one to caress and warm you, so you get attached to the first person you meet. In this case, me.”
A critical look at the situation makes one wonder: is it really love or just the euphoria of a sudden solution to problems? Andre and Angela's relationship can be seen as a temporary meeting of two personalities, facilitating their development. Andre's reluctance to let Angel go can be interpreted as a selfish desire to hold on to the ‘golden goose’.
Despite the ambiguity of interpretations, the film deserves attention, reminding us of important truths that we often forget in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
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weneedtherooks · 7 years
Before God
Well, I’ll be damned, I wrote something else...!
It’s over 2000 words (holy shit), so I hope it delivers!
“I didn’t think churches could get so small…” “And this is one of the bigger ones!”
Darcy couldn’t help but smile as Nicholas beamed. “And you were taught to sing here?” Nick slowly walked down the main aisle, his hand brushing across the top of the pews as he walked by. “Yes, that I was...and let me tell you, I was a regular fish out of water. Mamie wanted my pale ass front and center with the rest of the choir right off the bat! Thank god she let me sit in the front pew for a while.”
Darcy chuckled softly. She watched in silence a little longer, taking in the small church. It wasn’t a surprise that he loved the place; it felt like home. She wandered up the center aisle, watching as Nick disappeared behind a side door near the altar. The little building seemed old to her, but also new. Decades of worship and tradition seemed etched into every part of it, and for a moment, she felt like an intruder. She could feel a certain sense of pride and love in the old building...they clearly took very good care of it. She put her hand on the pulpit as she passed it, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she noticed a small heart carved into its side. She stopped at the altar railing, looking up at the old crucifix. It wasn't impressive, per se, but there was something about it…
“You too, huh?”
Darcy squeaked at the sound of Nick’s voice, jumping a little. “What do you mean?” “I used to stare at it all the time too, when I first came here. I always thought that Jesus came off the cross. But, uh, he doesn't. The pastor got a real laugh out of that, let me tell you.” “You thought that Jesus Christ was...detachable?” A faint blush went across his cheeks. “I couldn't look Isaiah in the eye for a month after that.” “Just the pastor…?” “Oh no, my siblings still give me a hard time about it.” Darcy shook her head. “Well, I wasn't thinking that, just so we're clear.” she responded, Nicholas mumbling “Oh, good”. “I was just thinking...about how in awe I am of this place.” Nick cocked his head to the side. “Oh? How so?”
“Well...this place...it feels like you're entering a whole new world, you know? In here, the outside world no longer..exists? Does that make sense? You can truly feel at peace in here…” Nick looked up at the altar. “I used to come her all the time after Liesl came into my life...they’d given me a key by then. Pastor Isaiah told me that, if I ever needed sanctuary, I could come here, even if it was to simply escape from the world for a short while.” “Was it that bad?” “Not really, but for a 16 year old single father with an incredibly fussy daughter?” They both chuckled quietly, Nick now looking at the floor. “I kneeled at that altar rail more times than I can count. I used to beg for God to give me some kind of strength, or guidance...anything to push me through handling my child. I spent the night here a few times with her as well.” “They let you spend the night in the church?” Darcy asked, confused. Nick nodded. “Ja. They have a bedroom in here. It used to be the pastor’s home from time to time.”
They stood in silence again, Darcy fidgeting with her fingers. “Um, thank you. For bringing me here. I can tell this place means a lot to you. I’m glad you wanted to share it with me.”
“Honestly...I’m glad I brought you here to.” Darcy raised an eyebrow. “You are…?” He nodded, turning to face her. “Ja…” He took her hands in his. “I’m sorry, this isn’t what one has in mind when someone tells them they’re taking them on a date..” he answered quietly, lifting her hands to his lips, kissing them gently. Darcy shook her head. “No, it’s perfect.”
They looked in each other’s eyes for just a moment. Nicholas was a sweetheart, and his daughter was a joy to be around...Darcy had grown rather fond of them. She’d only been here for three months now, and her and Nicholas had been seeing each other for about two and a half months. Normally, she didn’t allow herself to get...close to other men. But he was...different, somehow. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. So it didn’t bother her when he moved his right hand to cup her cheek. It didn’t bother her when he leaned forward to kiss her. And when his left hand went around her waist to pull her closer, she didn’t mind that either. “...Come with me…” he whispered against her lips, taking a small step back.
Darcy woke up with a jolt. She looked around, a little disoriented. Right...the church… Nick groaned softly next to her, rolling onto his stomach. Darcy giggled a little at the sight of him; since she sat up, the sheet that was covering him had nearly uncovered his backside, and his hair. She knew it was wavy, but goodness, she wasn’t quite sure he’d be able to tame it once he woke up. Darcy sighed, shaking her head. Outside the door, she heard movement. Darcy yanked the sheet up to cover herself, doing her best not to make any noise. Who was in a church this early on a Saturday…? She could have sworn Nick had said...oh, that’s right. Someone was in there. The pastor’s wife, Mamie. Darcy had nearly forgotten that he’d mentioned she’d be there. They hadn’t made a plan to leave before she came though...did Mamie know they were here…?
Darcy slipped out of bed, putting her clothes back on. She tidied her hair as best she could in the small mirror by the dressing table. Darcy peeked out the door before coming out, tiptoe-ing her way towards the church. “I figured you two would still be here.” Darcy whipped around, facing the voice. “Miss Mamie?” “Oh, hon, just call me Mamie. I haven’t been ‘Miss’ in a loooong time.”
Mamie didn’t look much older than Nick’s mother, Clara. She was about 5’4”, her curly hair pulled back in a neat bun. She was carrying some cleaning supplies. Darcy’s mouth hung open a little as she waved her hand around the general area. “I-I’m sorry. I forgot-I should probably wake Nick up…” she stammered, a bit embarrassed. Mamie held her hand up. “It’s alright, hon. He’d mention he might be here. Although, the last girl he had here was Liesl.” she said, laughing a little at her last comment. Darcy chuckled a little herself. “You don’t need to get him up, let him sleep. However...I could use a little help cleaning, if you’ve a need to distract yourself. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Darcy smiled, “I'd love to.”
The two of them swept up the church in relative silence, the only things being said between them being “Could you sweep over there?” and “Thank you”. Finally, Mamie spoke. “I didn't ask for your name earlier.” “It’s Darcy. Darcy Edwards.” “Well, pleased to meet you, Miss Darcy.” She replied, inclining her head a little. “Please, don't call me Miss. I don't nearly have enough class for it.” “Forgive my asking, but what does class have to do with it…” Darcy chuckled. “My parents named me after Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. They wanted me to be a boy so they could name me Fitzwilliam.” “I'm assuming they didn't like Georgiana?” Darcy was a little surprised. “Yes. You’ve read it before?” Mamie nodded, a hint of pride in her expression. “Oh, it was years ago. I don’t quite remember the story, but I remember most of the characters. And do you act like our Mister Darcy?” “Maybe a little. I try not to think about it.” “Hmm...Well, perhaps Nicholas is your Elizabeth Bennett…?”
Darcy was taken aback by the question. Mamie looked at her expectantly. “I don’t mean to be direct, but I can only think of one reason he could have brought you here. He’s been with other girls, other women, since having Liesl. Never once has he brought them here, though. Perhaps he has a feeling about you, Darcy.” Darcy could feel her stomach tying up in a knot. “What sort of feeling…?” Mamie sighed, gesturing towards the pew behind her. “Why don’t we sit down?” she suggested. Darcy sat next to her, the pew creaking from their weight. Mamie stared at the altar for a moment before she began speaking. “It was about a year ago. Nick had decided for whatever reason to stay after church. He sat right there in the front pew, just staring at his hands. My husband saw him and decided to go sit with him. They just sat there until Nicholas finally said “Lori left yesterday”. Isaiah nodded, and after a moment told him the story about the first time he made love to me.” Darcy held back a giggle. “In church?” “In more than one way. See, I wasn’t much of a church-going girl when I was younger. My father had better things to do on Sunday, like drink himself stupid.” She sighed, the memory of her father both fond and painful. “Isaiah brought me here one evening for dinner. He said I was welcome to stay the night if I wanted, that services would be tomorrow at 10am. Now, I was a bit of a flirtatious girl in my younger years, and this boy just seemed different from the others I’d been with. I was 19 then, he was just barely 20, yet he seemed almost older. As if he was touched by some kind of wisdom that I couldn’t understand. I decided then and there that he was the man I wanted to be with.” Darcy couldn’t help but smile along with Mamie. “He told Nick that the reason he brought me here was because he had a gut feeling. He felt that he needed to bring me before God himself. That, if he couldn’t bare himself to me in His house, then how could be bare himself to me in his own home? I know that may sound silly, but...I feel that, maybe, Nicholas felt the same way about you.” Darcy’s smile faded. She looked at her lap, fidgeting with her fingers once more. “You think that Nick feels like...like I’m the one…?” “A heavy thought, isn’t it?” Darcy nodded slightly. “It’s not that I don’t feel the same way…”
“So here’s where you are!”
Darcy looked up at the sound of Nick’s voice. He’d thrown his clothes on in a hurry, not even bothering to tuck in his shirt. “You look like a mess.” Darcy commented, standing up and walking over to him. She tried her best to get his hair under control. “Good luck with that, love. If I’ve learned anything, it’s impossible to fix.” “I bet you just love windy days, don’t you?” Nick chuckled. “You have no idea. Did I interrupt you two?” he asked, leaning over to look at Mamie. “Yes, son, but it’s alright. It’s a conversation for a later date, I’m sure.” “Actually...I was wondering if maybe I could stay here and help you? If it’s alright, I’m...I’m not quite done with that conversation.”
Nick looked at her, a bit surprised. “Oh? If that’s what you’d like, I can wait here for you.” Mamie stood up. “No, that’s alright. She can stay with me for the day. We’ll come by your home when she’s ready, okay?” Nick looked at Darcy, who simply smiled and nodded. “I won’t be out too late, don’t worry. I’ll make sure I’m back in time for dinner. I don’t think Liesl would forgive me if I didn’t come.” Nick laughed, shaking his head. “No, she wouldn’t. That child knows how to hold a grudge, I swear. Must be her mother in her or something.”
They exchanged a few more words before Nick left the church. Mamie walked over to Darcy, handing her a rage and some wood polish.
“Now...where did we leave off?”
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maundcr · 2 years
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( nina dobrev ; ciswoman ; she/her ; hell/heaven by keshi )  hey, look!  isn’t that adhelina “addie” cullen?  the twenty-five ╱ nine hundred+ year old vampire is known to be benevolent and sensitive.  she’s been in town for two years and always remind me of a sentimental longing and wistful affection for the past,  cream colored sheets and too many pillows just for decoration,  the love and attentiveness of a mother's actions saying i love you without ever having to utter the words.
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𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: adhelina cullen ( born adhelina kolev ) 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴(𝚂): addie, ads, lina 𝙰𝙶𝙴 & 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙳𝙰𝚃𝙴: visually 25 ╱ realistically over 900+ years old 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂: unknown 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 & 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂: ciswoman, she/her 𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: pansexual
𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴𝚃𝙾𝚆𝙽: she doesn’t recall 𝚂𝚄𝙿𝙴𝚁𝙽𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂: vampire 𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: nurse at ashwick hospital
𝙿𝙰𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃(𝚂): mother and father † 𝚂𝙸𝙱𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶(𝚂): four siblings † 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙴𝚁: eldest 𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙳𝚁𝙴𝙽: one biological ( kendall rosenthal ) but she knows nothing of what her child would look like, or be like, as they were separated just a week after the child was born.  there are many that she has considered her children over the years, though, from taking them in for periods of time ( lourdes cullen, and more wc! ) 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁: married, spouse wc!
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝚂: benevolent, devoted, sociable, nurturing, affectionate, receptive, intuitive 𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝚂: sensitive, fussy, obsessive, dependent, self-indulgent
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✦ — —  𝙱𝙸𝙾𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙷𝚈 !!
𝟶𝟷. adhelina was first born of four children, and was quickly shoved into the role of the third parent.  it was a responsibility she took with pride, loving her siblings as they came, one after the other until the house was full; there was never a dull moment with so many little ones running around.  [ tw death ]  back then it wasn’t long before she was married off, though sadly it didn’t last more than about a few years before her husband passed away to some plague he’d gotten when visiting a nearby town.  the news got back to her, and adhelina soon moved back in with her family, a young widow.
𝟶𝟸. such news brought comfort to her from many of their small town members, but most of all from a boy she’d grown up close friends with, and it wasn’t long until she’d taken more than just comfort in him.  [ tw infidelity ]  they slept together, though it wasn’t without shame on her part when she very well knew that he was married to another girl in their town.  she swore to herself that she’d never let it happen again, and told him as much, until.. a few months later, it was obvious that something had come of it.  as much as adhelina wanted to claim that it was from her former husband, it’d already been half a year since his passing and because of his travels, he hadn’t even been around his wife for the last month of his life.  there was no possible way anyone would believe her.
𝟶𝟹. the reaction of her mother and father was especially hard on her, and they locked her away until the day she gave birth, claiming that she’d come down with a sort of illness that required isolation.  and once she actually went through labor, birthed a beautiful, healthy child.. she was shunned.  they forced her out of the house, out of the town- all for having a child out of wedlock, not to mention with a married man.  she wandered for weeks, cold and hungry and afraid, until she found a home that would take her in.  they were all sorts of ages, about a handful of people in the home that were happy to take her in and.. she thought it was odd that there was no food in the house, not until they went out and got what she would like, but who was she to comment on something like that when they were doing her such a kindness?  
𝟶𝟺. she also wasn’t sure how easily they got her story out of her, she remembered being asked to explain how she ended up wandering all by herself and the rest was adhelina recounting the entire situation from her husband’s death all of the way until her being cast out after her child’s birth.  and she wasn’t sure what happened exactly, but after she’d finished speaking, she remembered one of her house mates walking behind her and seemingly giving her a comforting pat on the head.  and then.. there was a crack and her vision was black.  when she awoke, her head was pounding and she was hungry, ravenous even.  it was then that they convinced her to go back, telling her that she needed to get her child back and how they had no right to keep her own flesh and blood from her.  somehow, being told once was all she needed to head out with the rest of her new house mates in tow.  however.. upon arrival, she couldn’t control herself.  it was like a monster took over her body, and she went blind with what she could now recognize as bloodlust.
𝟶𝟻. adhelina never wanted revenge.  she never had the urge to hurt her family, or to even go back to burden them with the daughter they banished.  after her need for blood was satiated and she woke from the haze it put her under, she was left sobbing over her family’s bodies, her parents and all of her four siblings.  they were all gone, blood drained from them.  and it was all her fault.  the makeshift crib was empty, though, and adhelina knew that along with the absence of her newfound friends, that they’d taken her child.  in just a day, she’d lost every important person in her life.. and her child was stolen from her.  she tried returning to the house where they’d taken her in, but it was empty, everything gone.  the town the house stood in was soon in ruins, with adhelina’s presence bringing about a new vampire who had no idea how to control herself around humans yet.
𝟶𝟼. just about a hundred years would pass before she could truly control herself through isolation, and she took to traveling in hopes of hunting down the family that’d taken her child.  she fully figured out the extent of her powers over time, but none of it helped her track them down.. while she never lost hope, she also never lost the urge to be a mother, to have a family of her own.  somewhere along the way, she met her spouse during a ripper phase of theirs.  she felt for their struggle, and after hundreds of years she still felt immeasurable guilt over killing her family and many innocents, and she didn’t want to leave them suffering through that.  adhelina was determined to help them, and over the years they spent together, fell in love with every little thing about them.  they married, with adhelina taking on their surname of ‘cullen’, and had spent a good amount of time together before she expressed her desire to have a family.  obviously they weren’t able to have children of their own, but they would come to take in children over the years that needed their help and regrettably turned some if they ever came across someone in desperate need.  addie just couldn’t watch someone die, when she knew she had the means to help.
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very loving, basically emotionally adopts everyone she comes across.  she can even be a bit overbearing when caring for someone.  addie can always be found reading, and if she and her spouse didn’t move around so often, she’d love to open a book store ( she’s even penned a name for it in her daydreams, naming it ‘cullen’s book nook’ ).  she’s a nurse at the local hospital instead, loves to help others and it’s a great way to remind herself that she’s still in control of herself even though she struggles every now and then.  a devoted wife, she’s always spending lavishly on him and can be seen as a bit materialist, and she does the same with her children.
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other nurses or doctors that work at the hospital.  people who dislike her because of her optimistic, happy-go-lucky demeanor.  witches that she is friendly with due to being one of the ‘good vampires’, she very rarely hurts anyone if she can help it and with her job at the hospital, she does more good than anything else.  most likely from the lux coven, because she things dark magic is stuff not to be messed with and is probably cautious around any nox coven members.  people that she’s helped out at the hospital, or even helped out in public in dire situations.  i’m putting up a wanted connection for the vampires and humans she considers her ‘children’, ones that stay with her and her spouse.  they are very much like esme and carlisle, except they also take in humans to get them out of bad situations.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Do you have Witch Marks ?
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By The Alchemist
Witch Marks? There are numerous stories, legends and traditions on how you can tell who’s a witch and who’s not. Due to our perception though, a Witch can be (or become) anyone as long as he/she wants to. And that’s because we have all inherited the divine Grace.
Who are the Real Witches?
The Old Ones though, believed that the Witch was the one who stand between the Realm of Humans and the Realm of Spirits. A Witch was believed to be truly divine and sometimes Witches were believed to be incarnated deities from all around the World. Most of the times, these Witches were bearing “Witch Marks”. But what are these marks? Could Witch Marks allude to genetic inheritance of our deepest gifts?
What are the Witch Marks?
Well, even the Term “Witch Marks” is very sensitive to use in Witchcraft Community, as it can easily reminds us the dark times of Witch Craze which put many innocent men, women and children to death. Knowledge is power though and knowing the truth can enlighten us and judge with more facts. But let”s clear our minds and study what we do know about it.
What’s the Devil’s Mark?
Historically, Witch Marks usually correlate to Witch Hunting when according to the documented Witch Trials, these marks were proof that one was a Witch. By that time, Witch was a synonym of Devil’s servant and this was why all were misinterpreted like the following. Please remember that the Witches’ mark. the devil”s mark and the Cain’s mark, are all terms applied to essentially the same mark. According to inquisitors “The devil”s mark” was believed to be the permanent marking of the devil on his initiates to seal their deal and therefore their obedience and eternal service to him. In fact, the devil was believed to mark the Witch at the end of the dark nocturnal initiation rites.
What’s the Witch’s Nipple / Witch’s Tit ?
Another form of Witch Mark was believed to resemble a nipple. This was called the Witch Teat (or tit). It was believed that their “familiar” which in fact was meant to be just a disguised imp, was meant to climb on Witch’s body and suck out the blood of the witch (a clear vampiric act – again nothing to do with real witches). This relationship gave the familiar power which later was used by the witch in their dark spells. “…She had been a witch ten years and then she opened her breast and the black man gave her two little things like young cats and she put them to her breast and suckled them they had no hair on them and had ears like a man” Bernard, Rosenthal. “Records of the Salem Witch Hunt.” Cambridge University Press – 2009.
The Truth of course is much different than what inquisitors preached. Although, deals with the devil were part of few Witches practice, most of the Witches had nothing to do with the devil or any demon. Witches were priests and priestesses of the Old Religion and therefore they – most definitely – didn’t even know who the devil is.
Are you a reincarnated Witch ?
The Mark of the Witches were indeed something very important for the Wise Ones. In various spiritual traditions, when a Witch was ready to receive and learn his/her powers (maybe the individual had an epiphany or was at the right age, or an omen was presented) an initiation took place, something like a rite of passage. By the end of this Rite a nail scratch, a tattoo, a bite or a pricking with a sharp instrument like a knife was made in order to “mark” the individual with the same sacred symbol, the Coven (or Religion) uses mostly – this is the origin of the modern tattoos. Tattoos served spiritual and magical purposes.
Ritual Markings
This marking is just a small sacrifice which identifies the Witch as Part of the Group. Furthermore, by the scratch, bite or pricking, a drop of blood was leaking and used as a sacrifice of the Witch for the Coven and the higher spirit. Blood is believed to be a carrier of Life Force and also bears the “Spiritual Signature” of the individual. During this Rites, the individual was “connecting” with Higher Forces, like the Goddess Diana / Artemis of the Moon. Becoming one with the God or Goddess, the Witch was transcending time and space and therefore could hope that Artemis / Diana would always be by the apprentice’s side not only for one life-span but for more.
This is why the initially artificial Witch Mark was also believed to transcend the current life-span and be re-produced in following incarnations as birthmarks. According to Witchcraft, one who has been initiated in Ancient Mysteries, could be born in this era and bear some mysterious birthmarks.For example the famous Witch, Sybil Leek, believed in them and said that she and other members of her family had them. Because this could indicate that the magical powers who gained from the previous Life-times have followed the Witch in this present life time too. What kind of Birthmarks? Lets see…
Types of Witch Marks:
blue and red dots
port-wine stains
other scars and scratches
These marks could form a sigil or glyph on your skin. Examine your body. Look closely. Invite a friend you trust for help maybe. This way you”ll learn more about your body. It goes without saying that when seeing something weird you should consult with your doctor.
Moreover you can find here 5 Palm signs which show that someone is a born Witch!
Do you Bear these Witch Marks?
if yes then you could possibly be a reincarnated Priest of Priestess. But more on that later. Till then claim back your power with the Power Awakening Spell. It may surprise you.
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thegeekcurmudgeon · 5 years
The Other Worlds 2019 preview Day 4
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Art by Lauren Kitching
Returning for a sixth exciting year, Other Worlds, one of the premier SciFi Film Festivals in the US, features some of the best and unheralded genre films. Beginning on Thursday December 5 at Austin’s Galaxy Highland 10, the four day event includes over 20 feature films, a slew of shorts, a screenwriting workshop, and the Mary Shelley Award. This year also features the return of Under Worlds, which brings the best of indie to Austin.
Not terribly surprising to anyone who regularly follows my writings, I’ll be there.
Here’s what to expect at Other Worlds 2019.
11:15AM AROUND THE SUN (Texas Premiere)
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Oliver Krimpas | UK | 78 min
Writer: Jonathan Kiefer Cast: Cara Theobold, Gethin Anthony
A film location finder is shown around a repossessed, crumbling French château. Over the course of the afternoon, he slowly falls for both the place and the owner’s flirtatious representative, as she recounts the story of a famous book set there. But is their present-day connection for real, or just a projection of the book’s 17th Century characters? As the scene plays over in different variations, the two almost lovers orbit around each other like a binary star system, forever circling but never quite reaching each other.
11:45AM SciFi Shorts 1: Love in the Time of Robots
12PM The Old Dark House (World Premiere OF NEW SCORE)
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James Whale | USA | 73 min | 1932
Writer: J.B. Priestley (from the novel by) (as J.B. Priestly), Benn W. Levy (screenplay) Cast: Boris Karloff, Melvyn Douglas, Charles Laughton, Gloria Stuart
A precursor to the genre of renegade young people getting stranded among older (and far more degenerate) adults in a remote location, THE OLD DARK HOUSE is a “pre-code” film and features some language and sexually suggestive material that would be banned from American screens until the 1960s. Boundaries will be crossed, reality will fail, and mayhem will ensue. The family our kids come across, this time, can also be seen as the grandparents of THE ADAMS FAMILY. THE OLD DARK HOUSE, is FRANKENSTEIN director, James Whale’s follow up horror film that also stars the previously unknown Boris Karloff and is a precursor to their final film together, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Like many films of the day, it was released with a “library score,” music not specifically composed for the title. Award-winning composer Jay Woelfel has composed a brand new 52-minute music score, the first ever done for the film.
1:45PM Defender of the Universe conversation with Nicholas Meyer followed by a screening of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
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Nicholas Meyer | USA | 110 min | 1991
Writer: Leonard Nimoy and Lawrence Konner & Mark Rosenthal (story), Nicholas Meyer & Denny Martin Flinn (script), Gene Roddenberry (creator) Cast: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Jame Doohan, Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei
2:15PM The Ascent
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Tom Paton | UK | 100 min
Writer: Tom Paton Cast: Rachel Warren, Simon Meacock, Bentley Kalu
Special ops squad “Hell’s Bastards” are sent to infiltrate a civil war to retrieve intel. The unit soon find themselves trapped on a never-ending stairwell forced to climb or die. To survive, they must revisit their past sins if they ever want to get off. 
2:15PM SciFi Shorts 2: Crossing Over to the Future
4:30PM Nicholas Meyer signing The Adventure of The Peculiar Protocols
In Collaboration with Book People and Open to the Public
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With the international bestseller The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, Nicholas Meyer brought to light a previously unpublished case of Sherlock Holmes, as recorded by Dr. John H. Watson. Now Meyer returns with a shocking discovery—an unknown case drawn from a recently unearthed Watson journal. After his Defender of the Universe screening on Sunday, Meyer will sign copies of his new book, which we will have on sale courtesy of Book People. Grab your own copy of the book The Wall Street journal calls “A gem … delightful reading for everyone.”
5PM Alien Addiction
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Shae Sterling | New Zealand | 96 min
Writer: Shae Sterling, Melanie Price and Ricky Silvester Cast: Jimi Jackson, Thomas Sainsbury, Harry Summerfield, Jojo Waaka, Ayham Ghalayini
Riko lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere (well, Waikato, New Zealand). Life is pretty normal, that is until two aliens crash-land near his house. Fortunately for Riko, the aliens like to get high and chill as much as he does and they develop an intergalactic friendship of epic proportions, as well as a strange relationship to human feces. However, unknown to the happy go-lucky visitors, alientologist Peter Mackintosh is hot on their trail and plans to capture them and reveal them to the world.
5:05PM After We Leave (North American Premiere)
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Aleem Hossain | USA | 82 min
Writer: Aleem Hossain Cast: Brian Silverman, Clay Wilcox, Anita Leman Torres, Anslem Richardson
Jack returns to a bleak Los Angeles after abandoning his wife six years ago. There’s only one way to escape this high crime, dystopian world – getting a visa to an off-world colony, but it’s a couples’ visa and Jack needs his wife to use it. Jack dives back into the world of crime that he left behind in search of his wife and a way off the planet. Is Jack back because he wants to make things right or because he needs his wife to use this “lottery ticket” to a better life?
5:10PM Long Shorts: Lingering Visions
7:40PM A Good Woman Is Hard To Find (Texas Premiere)
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Abner Pastoll | UK/Belgium/Ireland | 113 min
Writer: Ronan Blaney Cast: Sarah Bolger, Edward Hogg, Andrew Simpson
Recently widowed mother of two, Sarah, is desperate to know who murdered her husband in front of her young son, rendering him mute. Coerced into helping a low-life drug dealer stash narcotics stolen from the local Mr. Big, she’s forced into taking drastic action to protect her children, evolving from downtrodden submissive to take-charge vigilante.
7:40PM The Final Land
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Marcel Barion | Germany | 113 min
Writer: Marcel Barion Cast: Milan Pešl, Torben Föllmer
A runaway convict and his pursuer escape a prison planet in an old spaceship in search of a new home. As they search for a place to go, their separate paths to this moment become a point ofconflict, as well as the strange history of this derelict ship that they now drive. Then a strange signal gives them hope of a new future. In the grand tradition of 2001 and SOLARIS, THE FINAL LAND plays off the mystery of vastness of space and our still miniscule understanding of our place inside it.
7:45PM The Honeymoon Phase (Texas Premiere)
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Phillip G. Carroll Jr. | USA | 88 min
Writer: Phillip G. Carroll Jr Cast: Chloe Carroll, Jim Schubin, François Chau, Tara Westwood
Struggling young couple Tom and Eve lie about being married so they can enter “The Millennium Project.” Paying $50,000, this 30-day scientific study analyzes couples’ relationships while they reside in futuristic smart homes secluded in the woods. Run by a mysterious researcher and his associate, the experiment finds Eve descending into violent madness, questioning her lover’s trust and whether he is the man she thinks he is.
THE HONEYMOON PHASE caps off the 2019 Other Worlds Program with a love story covered in tension and drama. On top of the thrilling relationship ride, the film will leave the audience with plenty to contemplate and discuss until Other Worlds 2020 begins.
The Honeymoon Phase Movie Original Pitch Video
The Other Worlds 2019 preview Day 4 was originally published on The Geek Curmudgeon
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firstbook · 7 years
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Young Adult & Children’s Books that Feature Military Families
“Flygirl” by Sherri L. Smith
During World War II, a light-skinned African American girl "passes" for white in order to join the Women Airforce Service Pilots. She wants to fly more than anything, but Ida soon learns that denying one's self and family is a heavy burden, and ultimately it's not what you do but who you are that's most important.
“Brave Like Me” by Barbara Kerley
When someone is serving our country, far from home, everyone in their family has to be brave. Including—and sometimes especially—the kids. This book speaks to all kids in this situation in telling the story of a boy and a girl with parents away on duty. Although the narrative tells one universal tale, the photographs depict multiple perspectives so that every reader has someone they can relate to.
“Left for Dead” by Pete Nelson 
Just after midnight on July 30, 1945, the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship sank in 14 minutes. More than 1,000 men were thrown into shark-infested waters. Those who survived the fiery sinking--some injured, many without life jackets--struggled to stay afloat in shark-infested waters as they waited for rescue.
“Code Talker” by Joseph Bruchac
Throughout World War II, in the conflict fought against Japan, Navajo code talkers were a crucial part of the U.S. effort, sending messages back and forth in an unbreakable code that used their native language. They braved some of the heaviest fighting of the war, and with their code, they saved countless American lives. Yet their story remained classified for more than twenty years. But now Joseph Bruchac brings their stories to life for young adults through the riveting fictional tale of Ned Begay, a sixteen-year-old Navajo boy who becomes a code talker.
“Battle Dress” by Amy Efaw
Based on the author's own experiences as a cadet at the exclusive United States Military Academy at West Point, Battle Dress is the brutally honest tale of seventeen-year-old Andi Davis, who views her acceptance at West Point as a chance to escape her dysfunctional family and prove to herself that she has what it takes to survive "The Beast," insider terminology for Basic Training. But nothing could have prepared Andi for the rigors that follow; or for the inner strength that she will need to succeed as a woman in a nearly all-male society.
“Benito Runs” by Justine Korman
Running away is the only option. Benito's father, Xavier, had been in Iraq for more than a year. When he returns, Benito's family life is not the same. Xavier suffers from PTSD--post-traumatic stress disorder--and yells constantly. He causes such a scene at a school function that Benny is embarrassed to go to back to Southside High.
“Leon and Bob” by Simon James
Leon is new in town and doesn't know anyone. That's when he makes friends with Bob. No one else can see Bob, but Leon knows he's there. One day a boy exactly Leon's age moves in next door. Leon would like to meet him, as long as Bob comes along. But suddenly Bob is gone. How alone Leon feels! Is he brave enough to make friends without Bob beside him?
“War in the Middle East” by Wilborn Hampton
In 1970, when the Jordanian civil war known as Black September began, U.P.I. correspondent Wilborn Hampton was sent to report on unfolding events. Holed up in the InterContinental Hotel and caught in the crossfire, he managed to get the story out. Three years later, dispatched to Israel to cover the Yom Kippur War, the reporter took it on himself to drive to the front lines. Now the acclaimed author of KENNEDY ASSASSINATED!, MELTDOWN, and SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, relays his on-the-spot experiences covering two pivotal wars, while offering readers a clear, balanced overview of the issues that have plagued the Middle East for decades and continue to this day.
“Courage Under Fire” by Adam Miller
For members of the U.S. military, the call to arms is a great honor and a solemn duty. Defending their country takes strength, determination, and an uncommon amount of courage. Throughout American history, members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines have faced life and death on countless battlefields. Experience for yourself the sights and sounds of war as brave men and women become extraordinary heroes when they display courage under fire.
“The Mailbox” by Audrey Shafer
Vernon Culligan had been dead to the town of Draydon, Virginia, so long that when the crusty Vietnam vet finally died, only one person noticed. Twelve-year-old Gabe grew up in the foster care system until a social worker located his Uncle Vernon two years before. When he comes home to discover that his uncle has died of a heart attack, he's terrifed of going back into the system--so he tells no one. The next day, he discovers a strange note in his mailbox: I HAVE A SECRET. DO NOT BE AFRAID. And his uncle's body is gone.
“Quiet Hero” by S.D. Nelson
A biography of Ira Hayes, a Pima Indian who was one of the six soldiers to raise the United States flag on Iwo Jima during World War II, an event immortalized by Joe Rosenthal's Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph.
“Piper Reed #2: Clubhouse Queen” by Kimberly Willis Holt
Piper's dad―the Navy Chief―might be gone again, but Piper's got plenty to keep her busy at home: new neighbors, a spaceship beach house, a trip to New Orleans, and most important, the upcoming Gypsy Club pet show. Piper is determined to win, but teaching her dog Bruna tricks seems nearly impossible. Bruna is simply un-teachable! Or is she? Join Piper as she embarks on new and exciting adventures!
According to the NCTSN, military families experience stressful circumstances that are tied to the nature of service: frequent moves, separation from family and support networks, lengthy absences of a parent, increased demands on at-home parents, the return of a service member with physical or mental wounds, and other transitions/events.
Sometimes it just helps to be seen. For more great titles, go to http://www.fbmarketplace.org/military-families. 
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uacboo · 8 years
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Tissue Alert😢This was written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal on Valentine's Day:
I have been trying to write this for a while, but the morphine and lack of juicy cheeseburgers (what has it been now, five weeks without real food?) have drained my energy and interfered with whatever prose prowess remains. Additionally, the intermittent micronaps that keep whisking me away midsentence are clearly not propelling my work forward as quickly as I would like. But they are, admittedly, a bit of trippy fun.
Still, I have to stick with it, because I’m facing a deadline, in this case, a pressing one. I need to say this (and say it right) while I have a) your attention, and b) a pulse.
I have been married to the most extraordinary man for 26 years. I was planning on at least another 26 together.
Want to hear a sick joke? A husband and wife walk into the emergency room in the late evening on Sept. 5, 2015. A few hours and tests later, the doctor clarifies that the unusual pain the wife is feeling on her right side isn’t the no-biggie appendicitis they suspected but rather ovarian cancer.
As the couple head home in the early morning of Sept. 6, somehow through the foggy shock of it all, they make the connection that today, the day they learned what had been festering, is also the day they would have officially kicked off their empty-nestering. The youngest of their three children had just left for college.
So many plans instantly went poof.
No trip with my husband and parents to South Africa. No reason, now, to apply for the Harvard Loeb Fellowship. No dream tour of Asia with my mother. No writers’ residencies at those wonderful schools in India, Vancouver, Jakarta.
No wonder the word cancer and cancel look so similar.
This is when we entered what I came to think of as Plan “Be,” existing only in the present. As for the future, allow me to introduce you to the gentleman of this article, Jason Brian Rosenthal.
He is an easy man to fall in love with. I did it in one day.
Let me explain: My father’s best friend since summer camp, “Uncle” John, had known Jason and me separately our whole lives, but Jason and I had never met. I went to college out east and took my first job in California. When I moved back home to Chicago, John — who thought Jason and I were perfect for each other — set us up on a blind date.
It was 1989. We were only 24. I had precisely zero expectations about this going anywhere. But when he knocked on the door of my little frame house, I thought, “Uh-oh, there is something highly likable about this person.”
By the end of dinner, I knew I wanted to marry him.
Jason? He knew a year later.
I have never been on Tinder, Bumble or eHarmony, but I’m going to create a general profile for Jason right here, based on my experience of coexisting in the same house with him for, like, 9,490 days.
First, the basics: He is 5-foot-10, 160 pounds, with salt-and-pepper hair and hazel eyes.
The following list of attributes is in no particular order because everything feels important to me in some way.
He is a sharp dresser. Our young adult sons, Justin and Miles, often borrow his clothes. Those who know him — or just happen to glance down at the gap between his dress slacks and dress shoes — know that he has a flair for fabulous socks. He is fit and enjoys keeping in shape.
If our home could speak, it would add that Jason is uncannily handy. On the subject of food — man, can he cook. After a long day, there is no sweeter joy than seeing him walk in the door, plop a grocery bag down on the counter, and woo me with olives and some yummy cheese he has procured before he gets to work on the evening’s meal.
Jason loves listening to live music; it’s our favorite thing to do together. I should also add that our 19-year-old daughter, Paris, would rather go to a concert with him than anyone else.
When I was working on my first memoir, I kept circling sections my editor wanted me to expand upon. She would say, “I’d like to see more of this character.”
Of course, I would agree — he was indeed a captivating character. But it was funny because she could have just said: “Jason. Let’s add more about Jason.”
He is an absolutely wonderful father. Ask anyone. See that guy on the corner? Go ahead and ask him; he’ll tell you. Jason is compassionate — and he can flip a pancake.
Jason paints. I love his artwork. I would call him an artist except for the law degree that keeps him at his downtown office most days from 9 to 5. Or at least it did before I got sick.
If you’re looking for a dreamy, let’s-go-for-it travel companion, Jason is your man. He also has an affinity for tiny things: taster spoons, little jars, a mini-sculpture of a couple sitting on a bench, which he presented to me as a reminder of how our family began.
Here is the kind of man Jason is: He showed up at our first pregnancy ultrasound with flowers. This is a man who, because he is always up early, surprises me every Sunday morning by making some kind of oddball smiley face out of items near the coffeepot: a spoon, a mug, a banana.
This is a man who emerges from the minimart or gas station and says, “Give me your palm.” And, voilà, a colorful gumball appears. (He knows I love all the flavors but white.)
My guess is you know enough about him now. So let’s swipe right.
Wait. Did I mention that he is incredibly handsome? I’m going to miss looking at that face of his.
If he sounds like a prince and our relationship seems like a fairy tale, it’s not too far off, except for all of the regular stuff that comes from two and a half decades of playing house together. And the part about me getting cancer. Blech.
In my most recent memoir (written entirely before my diagnosis), I invited readers to send in suggestions for matching tattoos, the idea being that author and reader would be bonded by ink.
I was totally serious about this and encouraged submitters to be serious as well. Hundreds poured in. A few weeks after publication in August, I heard from a 62-year-old librarian in Milwaukee named Paulette.
She suggested the word “more.” This was based on an essay in the book where I mention that “more” was my first spoken word (true). And now it may very well be my last (time shall tell).
In September, Paulette drove down to meet me at a Chicago tattoo parlor. She got hers (her very first) on her left wrist. I got mine on the underside of my left forearm, in my daughter’s handwriting. This was my second tattoo; the first is a small, lowercase “j” that has been on my ankle for 25 years. You can probably guess what it stands for. Jason has one too, but with more letters: “AKR.”
I want more time with Jason. I want more time with my children. I want more time sipping martinis at the Green Mill Jazz Club on Thursday nights. But that is not going to happen. I probably have only a few days left being a person on this planet. So why I am doing this?
I am wrapping this up on Valentine’s Day, and the most genuine, non-vase-oriented gift I can hope for is that the right person reads this, finds Jason, and another love story begins.
I’ll leave this intentional empty space below as a way of giving you two the fresh start you deserve.
With all my love, Amy
*Amy Krouse Rosenthal passed away today. You can read her obituary here: https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/13/style/amy-krouse-rosenthal-dies-modern-love.html?
Source: The NY Times We just bought this book for our school library because we have a Kindergartner who only wants books about unicorns. But the first person who checked it out is one of my favorite little 2nd grade boys. The other students were making fun of him and he pushed out his lip and said he "likes girl books". Needless to say, I did a bit of reprimanding to those students and praised him for his selection. May Amy RIP and condolences to her husband and children.
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lrosenthal11 · 8 years
Here's to my start at @CollegeIsMyLife <3
Hi!! ♌
 My name is Laurunce Rosenthal and this is my first blog for my new job ayeeee. We have a loootttttt to cover so here we go. Wow I don’t think anyone, including myself, is ready for what’s about to be written. Here we fuckin go.
Okay let’s start from the start. I’m Laurunce, some know me as LJ some Laurunce, some call me names they make up like Lauren or Lawrence or LG or even shit like TJ like idk where we getting these letters from…but anyway that is me. I’m Laurunce. And you’ve probably never heard the name Laurunce before which is so lit for me because now I hope you never forget it. I’m the girl that’s going to make an impact on this world. Wanna know why? Because no one else is going to? “Oh LJ so many people are doing stuff for this world..” well my niqqa why aren’t you? Glad you just asked yourself that question I want you to ask yourself it again…and again… Ask yourself why you aren’t doing something for this world; some action to better this world. And if you are HELL YEAHHH glad you’re on the winning team. Now for people not doing anything positive for this world, or even worse doing stuff that NEGATIVELY IMPACTS our Earth, yuuuuuppp I’m calling you out bartards and litterers, and yep even you past LJ meanie gal. You were not a nice human in your past. Glad you woke up girl. Make some positive changes in this world people, we gotta do it not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren, and our grandchildren’s grandchildren. I’m doing this for you, my babies I hope to have. Obviously cannot predict the future, but my two beautiful baby girls, hopefully twins, if not the best of friend sisters: Summer Raine Rosenthal and Brooke Lynn Rosenthal. How cute omg cannot wait for these beautiful humans to enter the world Anyway back to start, we are going to stray off track a lot I feel like but it’s worth it to me because my ideas are all over the place but begging and pleading to be put onto this page, which will then transfer to your brains. This is my literal thought process running like a wild lion (where my Leos at?) through my brain, and leaving my fingertips to be available for your eyes to read and your soul to listen to. These are my lyrics on some platform, somewhere, wherever you are. And wherever you are I hope you are at home and at peace, because you are your own home. “You can’t make homes out of human beings, someone should have already told you that.” – Warsan Shire (my twitter bio for idk maybe the past 4 years), and as Porter Robinson said at the event that sparked this enlightenment of my soul, #OkeechobeeMusicFestival2017, “Every place you���ve ever imagined, it’s real. There is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. Your mind is a world, each of us is a place.” Do you understand why music is my new favorite drug? Lyrics and beats SPEAK TO ME.
How did this change all occur??? Well, I microdosed on LSD (microdosing is where you cut of a liiiitle piece and take that instead of dropping the whole tab) and my eyes were opened to the effects of drugs and how they can hinder such beautiful people and decided that is not the path I wish to be on anymore. If I can enjoy life without all the drugs and other influences I was under, why do I NEED them? That is not to say I am going to stop cold turkey, but I now know and trust my limits.  I was addicted to this fake feeling of satisfaction for however long my high lasted. Now I truthfully am high on life. I could sit here and type forever about the changes I am making in my life, but I will just show you all, and show myself, because it’s kinda counterproductive to brag (#NOMORENEGATIVITY) and try to explain how amazing it is to finally be happy in my own skin and with a new cleansed and refreshed soul. It’s the flesh I will be in for the rest of my years on this planet, so I should prob get comfy in it, and I encourage you to do the same, get comfy peeps it’s going to be a nice journey. And I am not here to scold you, because who am I to try and control your life, and who are you to try and control mine? I needed to take a drug to realize I don’t need them. I DROPPED a tab (tab = the acid for my family right now reading this going ‘huhhhh what’s a tab??!!!’) Anyway, I DROPPED a drug to realize I could DROP drugs, ahhhhh finally a big part of my life, “Double Entendre” which I hope to call this blog/the book I am going to write. There will be many of those DEs throughout this new blog. Wow I am excited. If you are reading this and it touches you in any way please share. I am just a New York girl trying to be successful, and there are many cliché stories like that, but who is to say I can’t be one of those cliché stories too? They usually have really awesome endings.
           So what am I going to do with this blog platform? I am going to change the world. Don’t believe me? Watch me. THE ONLY PERSONEVER STOPPING YOU, IS YOU. And I believe that about myself. At Okeechobee, a woman who looked JUST like my older sister Janeen, (Janeen you are one of my heroes, this one’s for you) approached me and said to me, “Watch who you hang out with.” and proceeded on her way. You will see throughout my blog I believe in Her, She, The Universe. She is Us it’s so weird and hard to explain but I’ll try…She is not a religion, She is not something we have to go praise every Sunday, or someone who we have to fear, She is within and among us, trying to guide us on our life’s journey so we can experience all the necessary experiences we have to go through in order to become our true selves. I believe in Astrology a crazy amount, and I’m no expert, but I am learning. And I believe She chose me to be a Leo, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio for a reason. (Find your Natal Chart here, it will unlock so many secrets to your life. It very well may be exactly what you need to read in your life right now to start your enlightenment, http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php. ) If you look up my signs you will learn a lot about me, which if you aren’t interested you don’t obviously have to but you’ll learn more about me than you could imagine. Here’s a video (https://youtu.be/ymmq1E37sJQ?list=PLGn9j5IRilElxuRGQz0Voy7JEHF9nQOqZ)  that literally is so scary spot on I laughed at Her because she has a humorous side I’m so serious. Anyway go look up your info wait lemme get this out first, most of us will be adults reading this…remember no one can tell you what to do but you. Others can influence your decision, but no one can MAKE you do anything. And if someone FORCES you to do something…drop that human out of your life, they have no place in it. That is what I did and look at me now. I listened to the woman in the #BOSS hat at Okeechobee, (she was on the security team not just some random) and holy shit did she remind me of my sister. I let her influence my decisions, and I reevaluated what I was doing with my nights and who I was spending it with. I will always have so much love for the people in my past, and I’m so grateful for all the lessons they have taught me, but some people just don’t have a place in my life anymore. I refuse to let anyone hold me back from pursuing my dreams. Please let these resonate, “BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.” That is exactly what I am here doing, and I encourage you to do the same. That was my senior quote and I am realizing that She has guided me to do many things in my life (that She is still revealing it’s so dope) that have led me to exactly where I am, the happiest I have ever been while on this Earth. That quote was my senior quote, and at the time of choosing that quote I had so many others I was going to pick. (Thank you Universe and Margaret Grace for helping w the selection, YOU ARE MY PERSON. The Meredith to my Christina dude. More like my Froggies Windman to my F’real Pumpkin Cheesecake milkshake let’s be real here, omg I miss you my bff of how long…like 13 years lmao. I love you.) Can you believe I chose that one, and that it has fueled me to where I am today… Florida State University-the best school everrrrr, a working gal-just got hired to do what I love to do, spread positivity and write from the soul, and happy- something I have been striving for my whole life. Once you realize you are the only one in your own way you realize you can break the barricade and dance wild to the beat of your own journey. AHHH LIFE IS SO GOOD I’M SMILING WRITING THIS AHHHHH.
 On to another thing I am going to do with this blog, I have decided to take the initiative of #MAKINGFSUKINDAGAIN. Yes, boys and girls, or rather men and women since we should start to realize this is the beginning of our adult lives (let’s wake up and smell the roses people have your priorities right), and we need to start acting a little more like adults. I have taken it upon myself to start this trend and I won’t stop until FSU IS KIND AGAIN. And the best part is, once FSU is kind again, I’ll choose my next target audience (hello Mr. Solomon your class rocks and Advertising is definitely a part of my career path in the future. S/O to target audience, a term I learned in your class). But yes I have dreams of a world at peace filled with love and kindness and happy humans and pretty flowers and GOOD FUCKING MUSIC THANK GOODNESS. So how am I going to do this…? Lemme tell ya… I am going to pick up as many pieces of trash I see around campus hoping others see me and are inspired to do the same. I am going to spread the light I have within me everywhere and brighten others’ lives as much as humanly possible. Along with my light comes my positive vibes I believe myself to bring around, and if my positivity is bothering you, I hope you take a step back and realize POSITIVITY IS CAUSING YOU DISTRESS. CHANGE THAT.
 Anyways, I have a quick story and I hope you all listen up because you may be my next target (*insert Dracula laugh* harharhar) . I go to a school with a lot of frat boys and sorority gals. Greek life is huge here at FSU and that has many pros and many cons but that’s beside the point. Anyway, I don’t want my school to get in trouble so I won’t mention whatever group(?) these people are associated with, and I will be using different names. But pay attention to the first letters because I am a detail-oriented woman and you all will see that. ANYWAY story time, yesterday I went to a bar for Happy Hour (best day I love happy hour how you gonna be MAD at HAPPY hour lmk) and at HH I went to the clambox of a bar that FSU students will know exactly what bar I am talking about. At this bar a mean kid, let us call him AA because remember what I said earlier, this one’s even more specific but still so vague I love it..nevertheless, AA was A DOUUUUCHHHHEEEEEEE to me. We were at the bar and he would lower his glasses and say some rude shit. He fucking asked me if I was a prostitute like multiple times…. ME, LJ, a new woman of integrity, he asked me that. I was in a killer outfit too like it was honestly modest af and that bothers me even more because his comment wasn’t even relevant. Anyway, he was a douchebag stereotypical “frat boy” which has a negative connotation but wanna know why it has that connotation……. BECAUSE OF BOYS LIKE AA!!!!!!! So yeah he was so mean and so rude and here we go baby… Remember what I told you AA, you probably don’t because you black out every opportunity you get which is gross because you’re a senior with no goals and I’m not judging you I am spitting facts right now (Scorpio in me coming out oh boy) but yeah you need to WAKE.THE.FUCK.UP BOIIIIII because you will never get a job or a respectable woman in your life if you continue these habits. But anyway, do you remember what I told you, no?, okay I gotchu. I said these words right to your mean little face I said, “You’re fucking with the wrong girl.” And guess what everyone, I am a woman of my word so yaaaaaa AA, watch the fuck out who you’re fucking with because I’LL ROAST YOUR ASS IN MY NEW BLOG THAT’S GOING TO MAKE ME FAMOUS YAAA YEEEET BOIIII. And in all seriousness AA, I really do hope you wake up and change (omg Aquarius Rising LJ coming out [just googled Aquarius Rising Woman and found this on the link I put above “our personal destiny and soul function is ultimately related to the impulses toward progressive change, experimentation and innovative, creative thinking which reside in the collective psyche of your generation. You are a conduit for change, for awakening new thought.”] …. Holy shit like lmk if astrology isn’t real…kk wake up it is).  But seriously AA, awaken your soul my dude, you’re in my favorite frat, one I hope to be the first GDI gal to be Sweetheart for, and you’re giving my boys a bad name. Don’t black every time you go out, get happy drunk, and don’t be mean to women or anyone while we are at it, be niceeeee and pretty gals like me and all other gals who start with beauty from the inside will be attracted to you, we are the kind of girls you actually want to be with.
            So yeah, here we go, here is my blog, here is my soul on my sleeve, and I’m super excited to feature my friends and the stories I acquire on my journey, and I can’t wait to instill some positivity into the lives of the people around me and all the people who will see this because SHARESHARESHARE my friends!!!!! If you are my friend, or consider yourself my friend, or have spoken to me, or if I in any way have impacted your life, I am asking you please please share. I am ready to start my life, to put myself out there, and with your help I can. I plan to engulf everything on my path with the fire within me (FIRE SIGNSSSS WYAAAA) and I am ready to do that NOW. If not now….WHEN? Now that I have my attitude chosen, how I go about the next seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years is what really matters. I am only 18 years of age, I am bound to make mistakes, hella mistakes, but if I’m starting at 18, where will I be at 19? I am ready to push my limits in success and respect my limits in life. That’s why I started this blog, so that it’s not a book just yet, so it won’t take as long to write (patience is a virtue which I am learning, but in the meantime, I’m not going to wait around when I can do something about my life). One of my new mottos is “Don’t complain about it if you aren’t doing anything about it.” Well Hi, I am Laurunce Rae (yupp no J we’ll get to that in another blog) Rosenthal and this is me doing something. I have confidence in myself and the people I have met on my journey, whether it be me just flashing you a smile or actually having touched your heart. Maybe I’ve improved your mood one day, or you were a victim of one of my random stranger conversations.  I am grateful for the people I have met and the places I have seen, and now I am ready to expand my horizons even more, see new lands meet new peeps. I hope you will join me on my journey. Spread the love my people and, of course, BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.
Another thing before I end, Daddy, Mark Rosenthal, my huuuuummaaannnn. I adore you, you literally keep me going every.single.day. You are the funniest, most diligent, most resourceful, most reliable human in my life and I cannot wait to make you so so proud with what I do with my life. No one will ever top you my dude. NO ONE. I will never forget where I came from (peep the new back tattoo peeps, ROSENTHAL BABY… REMEMBER THAT NAME.) and I cannot wait to see where She leads me.
With so so so so much love,
Laurunce LJ Rosenthal ♌
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ouatgroupverse · 8 years
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It’s the beginning of every storybook and fairy tale – the beginning of children’s bedtime stories and cartoon movies. The stories are well known – the tales of princesses and thieves, of dragons and knights. And in the end, the villain is defeated, and there is Happily Ever After.
This time, the Evil Queen wants her own Happily Ever After. After hearing from a fairy that her true love lived in a world without magic, she cast a curse over the Enchanted Forest, drawing the entire kingdom into a quaint little town called Storybrooke, Maine. The catch? None of the residents remember who they are, or that magic even exists, and live quiet small-town lives, unaware that their Mayor is their greatest adversary. But while the Queen believes only she and her confidante remember their origins, there is another.
The Dark One.
A faceless sorcerer who helped her craft the curse lurks within the town, hidden under the face of a regular citizen. The librarian, the sheriff, the owner of the shop full of curios – anyone could be suspect. And when a stranger comes to town and magic returns in a deadly way, the clock begins ticking down on the lives of the heroes we all love.
THIS IS A MURDER MYSTERY GROUP VERSE, based loosely on ABC’s show Once Upon a Time. Participants are invited to twist and change the origins of their muse’s chosen fairy tale to fit their story as needed, and encouraged to keep secrets to reveal at the proper time. Read below the cut for instructions!
You must be 18 years of age or older to join. Mature and dark things can and will be explored in this group, and no underage muns will be allowed. All smut must be put under a cut.
NO out of character drama! In-character arguments and drama are greatly encouraged, but remember that none of the muns are their muses, and vice versa. This sort of group is engineered to create stress and conflict between characters. Respect your fellow writers.
Respect the mods. Characters can and will die in this verse, or have spells used upon them by The Dark One. All communication between the Dark One and their victims come through the mods (Thalia & Anne). The verse is dependent on you and everyone else following the rules.
Plotting is encouraged. Feel free to build relationships with other group memebers, pre-established or not. Remember that the muses don’t remember their fairy tale lives, and may enter into new relationships with others in Storybrooke.
No duplicates. There will be one of each canon character and one of each faceclaim allowed, unless the muns have plotted and mutually agreed their muses are twins.
You muse be active at least twice a week. This verse, while open to development, is plot-driven by the Dark One’s actions. If you are inactive without notice, your character will be killed off/removed from the verse.
Full bios are due 24 hours after acceptance. Place them in the tag #ouatgv, which will carry all important verse updates and ic/ooc comunications, as well as starters/starter calls, plot twists, and major secrets revealed.
Have fun! This is a hobby, and if there is something upsetting or stressful, feel free to talk to us.
Mun's name, age, pronouns, and timezone:
Muse Name: Muse Age: Muse’s Fairy Tale Identity: Brief Summary: Any plotted relationships: (can be updated as needed)
*24 hours after acceptance, please post your muse’s information and full bio in the tag.
This application is in addition to your regular application and will be kept secret from all other group members. The Dark One will be able to wreak havoc, up to and including murdering other participants, and must be in close contact with the mods. You will be informed whether your muse is chosen for this position or not before IC activity begins.
Motive: Brief bio: Any preferences in methods, plans, or what they intend to do:
The Evil Queen / Regina Scott / FC: Serinda Swan / @ashesriising​
The Magic Mirror / Adrian Rosenthal / FC: Shemar Moore / @ashesriising​
The Stranger / Noah Ribeiro / FC: Chris Wood / @peaceific​
Gepetto’s Apprentice / Felix Harmon / FC: Jack Falahee / @tamefeet​
Prince(ss) Eric / Anna Jones / FC: Alexis Bledel / @unendiing
Ariel / Henley Reeves / FC: Isla Fisher / @outcftheash
The Mad Hatter / John Smith / FC: Matt Smith / @ofsonicscrewdriversandbowties
The Changeling / Salem Braendan / FC: Dylan O’Brien / @monsterveincd
Captain Hook / Duke Crocker / FC: Eric Balfour / @rationedwell
Prince(ss) Cornelia / Paget Green / FC: Kaya Scodelario / @viridianmaxwell
Peter Pan / Nathan Wuornos / FC: Lucas Bryant / @wucrnos
Death’s Godson / Adam Monroe / FC: David Anders / @catchthatregenerator
Cinderella / Andrea Sage Kennedy / FC: Phoebe Tonkin / @picturedpoet
**this verse was developed from a private verse between the mods, but is used only as an inciting incident and loose frame. the plot and development remain open and free to interpretation.
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weneedtherooks · 8 years
100 Questions for your OC! Clara and Friedrich Rosenthal
1. What do they smell like? Ehhh *nervous laugh* Friedrich probably smells like sweat and dirt all the time. On a clean day, though, probably just soap. Clara does her best to make sure she at least smells clean/presentable. She does own one bottle of perfume, but she uses it sparingly (it was a gift from her friend for her 21st birthday)
2. What is their voice like? Hmmm...I'm not sure where to go with this. I guess Friedrich has sort of the same voice level as Ignis from FFXV? His accent is still a work in progess for me. He's lived in Berlin for a while, but he grew up in Vienna. So I'm not sure how that would pan out. Clara sounds more like Kate Winslet during Titanic.
3. What is their biggest motivator? Their babies! Those kids are their life. They do pretty much everything for them.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? That one time in 1921 when they spent a week getting blackout drunk and ended up getting pregnant with Kurt :D
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? Friedrich just grits his teeth and bears it. Clara had all seven of her children natural, so she's pretty used to just breathing and pushing her way through the pain.
6. What do they like to wear? Friedrich sticks to pants and an undershirt of some kind. Clara has a couple simple dresses, but she has tailored some of Friedrich's old clothes for her own use.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? Primarily, they've impacted EACH OTHER more than anything.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? Trench rats. Nasty little fuckers.
9. Describe the way that they sleep. Friedrich is a huge snuggler, where as Clara tends to spread out a little. They make it work out, usually he'll just drape his arm over her waist area.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? Friedrich prefers breakfast/sweet food, and Clara likes soups best.
11. What do they feel most insecure about? Worst for Friedrich is just his accent sometimes getting in the way, but it's a minor triviality. Clara has stretch marks out the ass from having two sets of twins (but those marks are Friedrich's favorite, so she doesn't say it out loud)
12. How do they like to dress? Simplistic
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? Friedrich tends to get upset with himself over it, whereas Clara pouts for a bit.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? Surprise, pissed off. Friedrich can channel that into hyperfocus on a certain task, Clara tends to stew on her anger and hurt.
15. What is their greatest achievement? Friedrich's is becoming a parent. Clara's is being able to handle her own household.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Friedrich is fine, for the most part. Just don't bother talking to him, he doesn't remember how to English when he's really tired. And he's not gonna kill you, the bitch face will soften in time. Clara is almost deathly quiet. Just don't pester her, and she won't bite your fingers off.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Friedrich turns into this odd people magnet? Like, EVERYONE WANTS A PIECE OF HIS ASS. And he just chuckles and chuckles about EVERYTHING. Also, please stop smothering Clara in public, even if she is laughing. Clara just gets kind of giggely and bubbley. And finds it absolutely hilarious that Friedrich is trying to make out with her in public. Pls stahp u 2.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? Clara absolutely adores Jazz music! Friedrich is more into Classical.
19. Are they right or left handed? Both are right.
20. Fears? Friedrich isn't really "afraid" of anything, I suppose. I'm no master of PTSD triggers, but that's usually what gets him. Surprise bangs normally (the severity of the trigger depends on how close it is to him). Can't think of anything for Clara at the moment. Have to get back to that.
21. Favorite kind of weather? Spring and Summer weather is good
22. Favorite color? Friedrich likes yellow. A lot. Clara likes greens and blues.
23. Do they collect anything? Clara has a small collection of odds and ends that she's collected over the years. Friedrich doesn't, though.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? Hot, definately.
25. What is their eye color? Clara's eyes are brown and Friedrich's are blue-grey!
26. What is their race/ethnicity? Erm...I guess just white/caucasian? Clara is an American and Friedrich is German/Austrian?
27. Hair color? Clara has pale blonde hair and Friedrich is a dirty blond.
28. Are they happy where they are currently? For the most part, yes. They're close to dirt poor living in the 1930s, they make due.
29. Are they a morning person? Friedrich mostly is, but only because he's able to get up without having too many issues. Clara a little less so.
30. Sunrise or sunset? Friedrich loves the sunrise, Clara loves the sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized? Generally organized, but Friedrich kind of has an organized chaos.
32. Pet peeves? Friedrich actually really hates dirt getting under his nails...He's usually picking at them all the time Clara can't stand people chewing with their mouth open.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? Clara has a tin ring that Friedrich made her during the war. A promise ring of sorts. Friedrich still wears his old dog tags, on account of the fact that he tends to forget his wallet.
34. Least favorite food? Clara: bloodwurst. Hates it. Friedrich: meatloaf. "What's the purpose of a meat loaf? Might as well just shove a pile of ground beef in the oven and call it good."
35. Least favorite color? Friedrich doesn't really like bright pink. He's fine with lighter, softer versions of the color, but why does it need to be bright? Clara doesn't like brown. Tan she's okay with.
36. Least favorite smell? Friedrich hates the smell of mud and gunpowder. Clara doesn't like the smell of raw fish. Makes her sick to her stomach.
37. When was the last time they cried? Clara does somewhat frequently when she's feeling overwhelmed. Friedrich usually does when he gets a really bad case of homesickness.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? Nope. They're usually alone when they do.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? They've seen war.
40. Do they have any scars? See above.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? Friedrich suffers from PTSD.
42. Do they have any bad habits? Friedrich used to drink in the early years after the war. Took an edge off the nightmares.
43. Why might someone dislike them? Friedrich: He's a stubborn ass. Clara: Literally will not take any of your bullshit.
44. Why might someone love them? Friedrich: He's a dertermined and passionate man. Clara: Very patient, willing to work things out with people.
45. Do they believe in ghosts? Eh, somewhat.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? Outside of each other, they have a set of mutual friends that they would trust.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? Um each other.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? -_- This is what I get for answering a single OC prompt with a couple. Yes, they are married to each other.
49. Do they like surprises? Um, somewhat. Not big flashy surprises or anything, just small things.
50. When is their birthday? Clara's is January 5, 1902 Friedrich's is January 2, 1896 They usually just celebrate their birthdays together on the 5th.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? Friedrich generally makes Germknödel
52. Do they have any family? I'm still hashing out the details on Clara's family (by blood she has 2-3 siblings and one older brother through her adopted mother's second marriage), but I do know Friedrich's! He has two older half brothers (Derrick and Armin) and a younger brother (Erich)!
53. Are they close to their family? Clara didn't even know about her blood relatives, and she doesn't talk much with her older brother. The two of them are close with Friedrich's family.
54. What is their MBTI type? Hmm...I'll have to see if I can find a test for them and see. I'm not super familiar with it.
55. What is their zodiac sign? They're both Capricorns.
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? Hmm...I'd like to say anywhere between Gryfindor and Ravenclaw. But an exact, I'm not sure.
57. What D&D alignment are they? Generally along the "good" spectrum. They're both a little of lawful, chaotic, and neutral.
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? Friedrich gets war nightmares a lot, Clara not so often. Although, her's are a little more detailed that his.
59. What are their views on death? "It happens."
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? Clara will eternally laugh at Friedrich accidentally talking "German-English" (he'll get the sentance order mixed up. he's speaking English, but saying it with German sentance structure). It's basically like me laughing at my mom's spontaneous New England accent; it's not intentional, but it's funny when it slips. Freidrich is mostly when Clara does something very/rather "unfeminine". Turns out faking her gender just stuck (she enlisted in the German army when she was 14, pretending to be a boy), so sometimes she'll forget that doing certain things is seen as "Not Ladylike". Between them both, their kids making up stories always does it. They'll all just sit in a corner and go off and it's the best thing ever.  
61. When bored, how do they pass time? Friedrich whittles crap out of sticks with a knife when he's out. When he's home, he reads. Clara just sews, maybe knits a little if she can.
62. Do they enjoy being outside? Very much, actually.
63. Do they have an accent? Friedrich has a Berlin/Austrian accent.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? F-"Where the hell did that come from...?" C-"I wonder who made that..."
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? Um...If they knew? Probably just reassure each other that they'll be fine on their own.
66. How do they feel about sex? Hehehehehehehehehehehehe
67. What is their sexuality? Clara is heterosexual, Friedrich is pansexual.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? Pfft, no.
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? Maggots. They don't know why, but there's just something about MAGGOTS.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? Fate brought them together and they're inseperable.
71. Do they enjoy helping people? Yes!
72. Are they allergic to anything? Nope nope.
73. Do they have a pet? Yes, a cat. And it usually avoids Friedrich.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper? Not always, no. Friedrich has a little shorter of a fuse. They either just quietly blow up at either, or hash it out for a couple hours.
75. How patient are they? Clara has a stubborn sort of patience. She's willing to work through things, but she's not gonna stop til it's settled. Friedrich generally is, but there's just some things he has zero patience with.
76. Are they good at cooking? Surprisingly, Friedrich really is. Clara's not so bad.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? Friedrich generally just calls everything a stupid cunt. Which gets him one of three things: 1. Clara using the "mom voice" on him ("FRIEDRICH ROSENTHAL."), 2. Clara giving him a swift whack on his arm, or 3. getting pinned with Clara's "what did you just say?" look. Long story short, his wife gives him the most shit about it. Clara is pretty mellow, just calls people "idiot" or says "what a pill".  
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? Friedrich just whistles a lot, and Clara sometimes gets a little bouncy.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? Try to avoid/respect them.
80. Are they trustworthy? Yeeeeesssss
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? Not from each other, anyway. Clara's pretty good at it, but Friedrich says it all in the eyes.
82. Do they exercise regularly? Friedrich does. He used to be a boxer in the 20s...now he just kind of uses the training joint to stay in shape. Clara got a little into the boxing scene, so she keeps up with her physique as well.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? Yeah, pretty much.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? Friedrich generally likes lighter haired girls, but he's not a huge fan of blondes...Clara makes the exception. Also, he likes guys with dark, slightly long hair. He's not too picky about build. Clara likes guys with brunette or blond hair, especially if they're rocking a light eye color.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? Funny story about that, Clara HATES stubborn men. She likes when they're passionate about things they love. Friedrich is more into patient women who can enjoy life in the hard times.
86. Do they like sweet foods? Friedrich really does! Clara is okay with them.
87. What is their age? During their time in WW1: 1916-1918 (C) 14-16, (F) 20-22 Where I usually talk from: 1936 (C) 34, (F) 40
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? Clara is just a smidge taller than me (5'6"), and Friedrich is 5'11"
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? Friedrich probably needs glasses (just corrective lenses, nothing major), but doesn't have any.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? Clara can see herself as being attractive, yes. Takes Friedrich by surprise all the time when people call him so.
91. What is their sense of humor like? Sarcastic, usually. Make the occasional self-depricating joke (mostly on account of their financial situation).
92. What mood are they most often in? Tired and stressed. Beyond that, they're fairly happy people.
93. What kinds of things anger them? Friedrich just doesn't like taking people's shit, and Clara is a fairly level-headed woman. Mostly she just gets frustrated at things.
94. Outlook on life? They do their best to look at things in a positive way, even if negativity is staring them in the face.
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? When they don't think they're doing well enough for their family. When people constantly point out the flaws in their household (the ones that they're already aware of).
96. What is their greatest weakness? Their family. It's all they have, please don't harm their babies/spouse.
97. What is the greatest strength? Their endurance, and they've done their best to pass that on to their children (with great success!).
98. Something that they regret? Just that they didn't plan for the future very well. They didn't have seven kids in mind when they chose to start a family, but they wouldn't trade the little boogers for anything.
99. Biggest accomplishment? Clara's restaraunt, but she doesn't actually OWN it until late 1939. She just manages it at the moment (on top of everything else she does)
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kacydeneen · 6 years
Mom Missing With Son After Losing Custody: Pembroke Pines PD
Police in Pembroke Pines are looking for a mother who disappeared with her 4-year-old son after the boy was ordered to be removed from her custody.
Michael Ramsey was last seen on Jan. 28 with his mother, 43-year-old Nicole Rosenthal, Pembroke Pines Police officials said. Police said Rosenthal left a voluntary program she was participating in at the Susan B. Anthony Center, which offers addiction therapy services.
When Rosenthal failed to comply with the program, the Florida Department of Children and Families obtained a court order to remove her son from her custody.
Police said all attempts to locate them have been unsuccessful. They said no criminal charges are pending in the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call police at 954-431-2200.
Photo Credit: Pembroke Pines Police This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. Mom Missing With Son After Losing Custody: Pembroke Pines PD published first on Miami News
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jakehglover · 6 years
‘Vaxxed’ — The Hidden Story of How Vaccine Safety Has Been Undermined and Suppressed
Can vaccines trigger autism? This is the topic of the film "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,"1 directed by Andrew Wakefield and produced by Del Bigtree, an Emmy Award-winning producer of "The Doctors" talk show.
The film became the center of controversy when it was pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival lineup in 2016 by Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal, the two founders of the well-known film festival. According to Rosenthal, other filmmakers had threatened to withdraw their films from the festival if "Vaxxed" was shown.
While De Niro admitted feeling pressured to pull the film, he urged people to see it, saying there are many issues relating to the way the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) evaluates and monitors the safety of vaccines that are not being openly spoken about, and really should be addressed.
Are Vaccines as Thoroughly Researched as Claimed?
The official stance repeated by most mainstream media is that vaccines have been thoroughly researched, that "hundreds" of studies have proven their safety, and that no link between vaccines and health problems, such as autism, have ever been found.
Again and again, you hear that the autism-vaccine link was based on a single study published in 1998 by a now-discredited doctor (Wakefield), and the hypothetical association between vaccines and autism has since been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. It sounds definitive enough, and is often repeated as established fact. Yet it's far from the whole truth.
Importantly, the vaccine industry has long shied away from evaluating vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations to determine potential differences in general health outcomes. The few independent scientists who have attempted such an investigation have little comfort to give to those who believe vaccines are essential for health, and mandatory use of vaccines by all children is the only way to protect society from disease.
One such study,2 published just last year, examined health outcomes among infants 3 to 5 months old following the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine in Guinea-Bissau, which took place in the early 1980s. This population offered the rare opportunity to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children due to the way the vaccines were rolled out in the West African country.
Shockingly, researchers discovered "DTP was associated with fivefold higher mortality than being unvaccinated." According to the authors, "All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis."
In other words, the researchers concluded that DTP vaccine weakened the children's immune systems, rendering them vulnerable to a whole host of other often deadly diseases and serious health problems.
Other clinical trials in West Africa revealed that a high titer measles vaccine interacted with the DTP vaccine, resulting in a 33 percent increase in infant mortality.3 In this case, the finding led to the withdrawal of that experimental measles vaccine targeting very young infants, but what would have happened had those studies never been done? Clearly, we need many more like them.
In the U.S., the CDC now recommends that children receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the time they're 18 years old, with 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before the age of six.4 How does this affect their health? And is anyone actually tracking the health outcomes of children adhering to the federally recommended childhood vaccine schedule and state mandatory vaccination programs?
The answer is no. We do not know if or how all of these vaccinations are affecting the general health and mortality of our children.
We do, however, know that the U.S. has one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rates of any developed nation,5,6 and we also have the highest vaccination rates with 94 to 96 percent of children entering kindergarten having received multiple doses of vaccines.7 This high vaccination rate among kindergarten children, mostly due to state vaccine laws that require vaccinations for school attendance, has been maintained in the U.S. since the 1980s.8
Whistleblower Admits CDC Manipulated Data
A central part of "Vaxxed" storyline centers around William Thompson, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the CDC's National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases (NCIR), who confessed that he conspired with colleagues to cover up links found between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.
According to Thompson, this scientific fraud was committed for the express purpose of covering up potential safety problems so the agency would be able to maintain that the MMR vaccine had been proven safe to give to all children. Thompson explained they simply eliminated the incriminating data, thereby vanishing the link.
How FDA Hid Evidence of Mercury Poisoning
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of the World Mercury Project, has also released and written about documents showing that officials at the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) "knew that infant vaccines were exposing American children to mercury far in excess of all federal safety guidelines since 1999."9 According to Kennedy:
"[T]he regulators realized that a [6]-month-old infant who received thimerosal-preserved vaccines following the recommended CDC vaccine schedule would have received a jaw dropping 187.5 micrograms [mcg] of mercury …
There was no point in time from birth to approximately 16 to 18 months of age that infants were below the EPA guidelines for allowable mercury exposure.
In fact, according to the models, blood-and-body burden levels of mercury peaked at [6] months of age at a shockingly high level of 120 nanograms/liter [ng/L]. To put this in perspective, the CDC classifies mercury poisoning as blood levels of mercury greater than 10 ng/L."
The reason you've never heard about this is because federal health officials concealed it with a statistical trick. By averaging the mercury exposure over a period of six months, the spikes in mercury on the days of vaccination disappeared. By massaging the way the data are reported the effect went from being 12 times over the level of mercury poisoning to being inconsequential. As noted by Kennedy:
"An analogy would be to compare taking two Tylenol tablets a day for a month to taking 60 Tylenol tablets in one day; the first exposure is acceptable, while the other is lethal."
This is why journalists who merely parrot the approved FDA and CDC talking points do readers such a tremendous disservice. Both federal health agencies have been accused of malfeasance and cover-up of important drug and vaccine safety data and, until the truth is known, it is unwise to blindly accept them as the final arbiters of what's safe and what's not. 
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which includes the CDC, FDA and NIH, also owns a number of vaccine patents and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines each year while simultaneously being responsible for vaccine regulation, policymaking, monitoring of vaccine safety and promotion of universal use of all CDC-recommended vaccines.
How can these federal health agencies effectively meet all of these different goals when they have inherent conflicts of interest? They cannot. Yet, these conflicts of interest are rarely if ever mentioned by the media.
What You Need to Know About Wakefield's 'Discredited Autism Study'
In the film, Wakefield explains the genesis of his now infamous paper, the so-called "discredited autism study" that vaccine advocates insist is the sole evidence for a link between autism and vaccines.
What many people don't know is that Wakefield and 12 other coauthors of the paper never actually performed a study to ascertain whether the MMR vaccine caused autism. They also did not state that MMR vaccine causes autism in the paper, but simply called for more research into the potential association.
It all began when a mother contacted Wakefield about her son, whose gastrointestinal and autism symptoms began after he received his MMR vaccination. An academic gastroenterologist, Wakefield told her he couldn't help, as he had no knowledge about autism. She insisted, saying her son had terrible digestive problems but no one was taking them seriously.
Wakefield decided to look into it and, in 1998, he and 12 colleagues published a case series paper in The Lancet, reporting that parents of 9 of 12 children, who had been seen for chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, reported their children's health deterioration began shortly after MMR vaccination.
It's important to realize that a case series paper is very different from a case control study. A case series simply describes the experiences of a single patient or group of patients with a similar diagnosis.
As Wakefield points out in his book, "Callous Disregard," the purpose of a case study is to "generate new hypotheses." It is not supposed to determine or investigate possible causality — and Wakefield's paper did not make any causal claims. Rather, he and his colleagues concluded:10
"We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps and rubella immuni[z]ation.
Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine."
The paper also explicitly stated that:
"We did not prove an association between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described …
If there is a causal link between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and this syndrome, a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the U.K. in 1988. Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there's a change in incidence or a link with measles, mumps and rubella vaccine."
Was Wakefield's Paper Fraudulent?
Wakefield's paper was eventually retracted after generating massive international controversy and denials by public health officials and doctors giving vaccines to children, who claimed the paper unnecessarily frightened and caused parents to question the safety of MMR and many other vaccines.
But to use Wakefield's case series paper as "proof" that there is no link between vaccination and autism simply because this paper was retracted is grossly misleading.
It wasn't a case-controlled clinical study designed to investigate or determine causation by comparing health outcomes of two different groups of patients; it was merely a case series paper that described similar health outcomes in patients and presented a hypothesis, nothing more.
According to detractors, including Bill Gates, Wakefield's paper was based on fraudulent, completely made-up data, but such accusations have been rebutted by David Lewis, Ph.D.,11 a research microbiologist and director of the Research Misconduct Project12 of the National Whistleblower Center in Washington, DC.
A summary of the Wakefield case can be found on AHRP.org in the article, "How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Concocted."13 In fact, Lewis' investigation led him to accuse The British Medical Journal of institutional research misconduct14 for publishing false accusations of fraud against Wakefield. According to Lewis:15
"Documents recovered from Dr. Wakefield's files during my investigation at the National Whistleblowers Center reveal that a pathologist associated with the study, Dr. Andrew Anthony, interpreted a number of the children's biopsies as evidence of colitis.
Altogether, the evidence contained in Wakefield's files suggested to me that the BMJ's fraud theory was more tabloid news than science."
In the end, what happened to Wakefield is powerful testimony of the danger that research scientists and physicians face if they draw the ire of the vaccine industry, government health officials and medical organizations promoting mandatory vaccination. The threat to one's livelihood is in and of itself a factor that prevents much-needed independent vaccine safety research.
Does Age of Exposure to MMR Vaccine Influence Autism Risk?
According to Wakefield, the history of the MMR vaccine may offer valuable clues to its safety, or lack thereof. The original MMR vaccine was linked to meningitis,16,17,18 and the filmmakers cite research suggested the age of exposure was a significant factor. The younger the patient at time of the vaccination, the higher the risk of developing meningitis.
Wakefield wondered if perhaps there might be a similar age-related link between MMR vaccine and autism. This research was ultimately done by the CDC, and Thompson was part of that team. As explained in the film, CDC whistleblower Thompson ended up contacting Brian Hooker, Ph.D., and advising him on how to obtain this and other vaccine data from the CDC.19
Copies of the files Hooker obtained from the CDC — about 10,000 in all — can be downloaded from the Vaxxed website.20 While Thompson could not legally give the studies to Hooker, he told Hooker to file a citizen's request to the CDC, and guided him on which studies and data sets to ask for.
Among them was a study21 Thompson cowrote that looked at autism rates and time of MMR vaccine administration, and found evidence for a heightened risk for autism when the first MMR dose was given at 15 months — a finding that was subsequently covered up.
A letter22 requesting the retraction of this study has been sent, based on the evidence of fraud presented by Thompson.
Protecting MMR Vaccine Program More Important Than Protecting Children's Health
Wakefield also describes the research he did into the testing and licensing of the MMR vaccine and how, based on that research, he could no longer support the use of the combination MMR vaccine. After he urged parents to avoid the triple vaccine and get the single vaccines (i.e., the individual vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella), demand for the single vaccines dramatically increased.
However, rather than allowing parents to choose between MMR and individual vaccines, the U.K. stopped importing the single vaccines and Merck decided to cease production of the single vaccines in the U.S. This action effectively removed parental choice altogether, compelling parents to use the combination MMR vaccine if they wanted to vaccinate their children.
When Wakefield questioned the rationale behind the U.K.'s decision to eliminate the single vaccines, a senior representative at the British department of health told him that if parents were allowed to choose between the triple MMR and single vaccines, it would destroy the MMR program. "In other words, the concern was for the protection of the program, over and above the protection of children," Wakefield said.
CDC Whistleblower Admits Omitting Data Showing MMR-Autism Link in African-American Boys
Thompson also cowrote a widely cited 2004 CDC study23 that concluded there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. However, Thompson admitted this conclusion is actually false, as the team simply excluded the data that showed a link.
According to Thompson, he and the other scientists who worked on the study were pressured "from the top" to come to conclusions that would support the government's policy on MMR vaccine safety. The omitted data, Thompson claimed, showed a distinct link between early MMR vaccination and a risk for the development of autism in young African-American boys.
Hooker published a reanalysis of the 2004 CDC data set in 2014, in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration,24 concluding that African-American boys who receive their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 3.36 times greater risk of developing autism, compared to those who receive the vaccine after the age of 36 months. (The CDC's childhood vaccination schedule recommends getting the MMR vaccine between 12 and 18 months.)
For males in general, regardless of race, the risk for autism was 1.69 times greater when MMR was given prior to 36 months of age. Just how was Thompson's team able to hide this rather obvious connection? In short, data was originally obtained on 2,583 children living in Atlanta, Georgia, born between 1986 and 1993.
The original scientific analysis plan specified that school records and/or birth certificates were to be used to obtain race data. By excluding children who did not have a valid state of Georgia birth certificate, they were able to reduce the cohort size by more than 40 percent, and by including fewer subjects — through the introduction of the arbitrary criteria of a valid birth certificate to ascertain race — the statistical power of the findings were eliminated.
How Vaccines May Cause Harm
While a lot of attention has been given to thimerosal, a mercury compound used in some vaccines as a preservative, it's a mistake to think thimerosal is the sole problem when it comes to vaccine safety.
Thimerosal preservatives are not present in live virus vaccines such as MMR, and are not even included in significant amounts in most inactivated childhood vaccines anymore, yet vaccine-related injury and death, including the unexplained big increase in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders among children in the past three decades, is still a pressing reality.
What's more, vaccine safety is not simply a matter of proving or disproving the link between vaccines in general and autism specifically. There are many other, potentially severe vaccine side effects, including immune system dysfunction, that can lead to or exacerbate any number of health problems.
Examples of other vaccine ingredients and factors related to vaccination that may be harmful to health include:
Lack of research into the safety of the CDC's recommended childhood vaccine schedule that subjects infants and young children to 50 doses of 14 vaccines during the first six years of life, starting on the day of birth, including receipt of six to 10 vaccines on the same day.25
Failure of one-size-fits-all vaccine policies and laws to acknowledge increased individual susceptibility to harm from vaccination that include genetic, biological and environmental high-risk factors often not identified, or, dismissed as unimportant by doctors and other vaccine providers.26
Research27 showing an increase in death following receipt of inactivated vaccines. Aluminum adjuvants might be a factor, but it appears inactivated vaccines may also program your immune system in a way that decreases your body's ability to fight off disease later. To learn more about this, please follow the hyperlink provided.
The gut-brain axis, and the compelling synergy between compromised gut flora and autism, where vaccines can act as a trigger. To learn more, please see the hyperlinks, as I've written about this on previous occasions.
The association between autism increases and the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines and retroviral contaminants.28
The potential for DNA fragments in vaccines to produce an exaggerated and potentially fatal immune response.29
What Do Statistics Suggest About Vaccine Safety?
Barring large-scale studies comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated populations, general health statistics can give us an inkling as to how well the U.S. vaccination program protects our children's health, and it doesn't look promising. 
One in 6 children today has a developmental disability,30 which includes ADD/ADHD, autism, hearing loss, learning disabilities, mental and behavior disorders and seizures, which have been associated with vaccine side effects.
Fifty-four percent of children have a diagnosed chronic illness,31,32 including anxiety, asthma, behavioral problems, bone and muscle disorders, chronic ear infections, depression, diabetes, food and/or environmental allergies and epilepsy.
This list again mirrors brain and immune system dysfunction that has been reported following vaccination. The rise in prevalence of these chronic diseases among children and young adults parallels the rise in the numbers of required vaccines, yet promoters of mandatory vaccination insist that these illnesses are in no way associated with vaccinations.
In his book, "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies," Neil Z. Miller also provides eye-opening information about vaccine safety. He downloaded the entire vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) database and created a program to extract all reports involving infants. In all, the reports of 38,000 infants who experienced an adverse reaction following the receipt of one or more vaccines were extracted.
Another program was then created that was able to determine the number of vaccines each infant had received before suffering an adverse reaction.
Next, reports were stratified by the number of vaccines (anywhere from one to eight) the infants had received simultaneously before the reaction took place. They specifically homed in on serious adverse reactions requiring hospitalization or that led to death. Here's what he found:
Infants who received three vaccines simultaneously were statistically and significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die after receiving their vaccines than children who received two vaccines at the same time
Infants who received four vaccines simultaneously were statistically and significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die than children who received three or two vaccines, and so on all the way up to eight vaccines
Children who received eight vaccines simultaneously were "off-the-charts" statistically in that they were significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die after receiving those vaccines
Children who received vaccines at an earlier age were significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die than children who receive those vaccines at a later age
Why We Must Protect Vaccine Exemptions
All of these facts are why we simply must protect the legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination and to obtain vaccine exemptions in the U.S. We must have the right to choose, which includes the right to refuse one or more vaccines for ourselves or our children if we determine the risks are too great.
Make sure you take action to protect and expand the legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions in your state by signing up to use the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal.
Moreover, when an individual experiences a deterioration in health after vaccination, doctors need to understand the danger of giving more vaccinations until or unless the vaccine can be conclusively exonerated as a causative or contributing factor to that health deterioration.
Physicians who recommend and administer vaccines to people, particularly to vulnerable infants and children, need to apply the precautionary principle of "first do no harm." This is critically important when the foundation of science supporting the safety of any given vaccine, alone or in combination, for any given individual is so weak — and in some cases, based on outright fraud.
If you haven't watched "Vaxxed" yet, I hope you will take the time to view it now, while you can watch it for free.
As an exclusive offer, Mercola readers will receive 15 percent off the single "Vaxxed" DVD by entering the discount code MERCOLA15 at checkout. Want to share the important information in this film with friends and family? "Vaxxed" 10-packs are now available! To receive free worldwide shipping on the "Vaxxed" 10-pack, enter MERCOLA10PACK at checkout. CLICK HERE to purchase the single DVD or 10-pack of Vaxxed.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/10/13/vaxxed-film-on-vaccine-safety.aspx
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Can't win: Backlash against Trump's Charlie Gard tweet suggests he's better off bashing CNN
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/cant-win-backlash-against-trumps-charlie-gard-tweet-suggests-hes-better-off-bashing-cnn/
Can't win: Backlash against Trump's Charlie Gard tweet suggests he's better off bashing CNN
Earlier Monday, Twitchy noted some of the praise President Trump was receiving in response to his tweet offering help to Charlie Gard, theterminally ill British infant courts have ruled is to be taken off life support.
Trump vows to help Charlie Gard, the British infant courts say should be allowed to die https://t.co/Aemknh9YK9
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 3, 2017
Did we say “praise”?
This is a new low for @realDonaldTrump
— Julia Stain (@JuliaSm45799532) July 3, 2017
Unfortunately, the tweet also served as a sad reminder to Republicans: while Trump seems to invite heat from opponents, that heat would have been turned on any Republican who defeated Hillary Clinton last fall just check out the rash of Mike Pence hit piecesand the derision he faced when a 15-year-old quote about dining with women other than his wife was reprinted. Twitchy readers might remember whenNew Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur held a town hall in May and was confronted over the House health care bill.MacArthur attempted to share his own experience of taking his 11-year-old daughter off of life support, but angry constituents weren’t moved, and instead shouted him down with yells of “Shame on you!” and reminded him that other babies would die too under the GOP’s plan.
Some people just can’t seem to look at anything, even Charlie Gard’s case, through any lens but that of the Republican health care plan.
Trump is a sick man who is using a dying child to score political points. How many children will die if Obamacare is stripped?
— Aaqib Javed (@aaqibjaved24) July 3, 2017
How ironic he wants to help this child as he and GOP are prepared to strip health care from millions of kids in the USA
— Lynne Jones (@lynnjones868) July 3, 2017
You know what’s ironic? Watching open borders progressives who advocate tirelessly on behalf of illegal immigrants suddenly taking an “America first” attitude when it comes to providing health care. Weren’t they the same ones forwarding the story of the poor man whose grandmother died in Iraq because of Trump’s travel ban? (That turned out to be a hoax, by the way.)
But he wants to kill kids who's families can't afford healthcare here in the US…uh.
— Mikey Hughes (@yayomikey) July 3, 2017
But he's willing to let American kids die because, you know, tax cuts.
— She Persists (@always_resist) July 3, 2017
But thousands of American kids can die without insurance, right? That makes sense.
— Marilyn Tatman (@MarilynTatman) July 3, 2017
Trump knows more than the generals & more than the pediatricians! Always grabbing for the headlines! What about our children losing the ACA?
— John C Libert, PhD (@libert_c) July 3, 2017
Okay – but what about the children in America that need medical attention? shouldn't they come first?
— Marlene (@marlene_autio4) July 3, 2017
What happened to America First? Tens of thousands of American babies need help NOW. Charlie wouldnt survive a day under Trump's WealthCare.
— . (@Zachary507) July 3, 2017
And wants to take care away from millions of Americans #hypocrite #25thAdmendmentNow
— Kathryn Orbanek (@redwing606) July 3, 2017
Exploiting a tragedy. Despicable man. Maybe he should help the children who will die if they lose their healthcare….
— pattyInNY (@pattyinNY) July 3, 2017
US heath insurance companies hand out death sentences on a daily basis by denying legitimate coverage. Where's his support to them? pic.twitter.com/hDd6qNdwjk
— Kelly Elizabeth (@altoKelly) July 3, 2017
Maybe think about people in your own country instead… you want to take from 22million ppl
— G (@katzenfrauen) July 3, 2017
Sorry, that's a pre-existing condition
— Merry P (@SkeeryMerry) July 3, 2017
Imagine if he made the same vow to help children in his own country- those w pre-existing conditions-who stand to lose coverage w ACA repeal
— Susan Breen (@Susan_Breen_Art) July 3, 2017
While denying refugees safety and taking healthcare from 22 million Americans. Okay, then.
— Amy Rosenthal (@amylourose) July 3, 2017
And yet….denial of care here? WHAT????
— Joyce Reynolds (@tinkreynolds) July 3, 2017
Trump is throwing American children under the bus with his healthcare agenda and then grandstanding on this situation. He's a hypocrite
— Susan (@HigginsSusan2) July 3, 2017
So he wants to help a British kid but screw the Americans. Seems legit
— Chris (@Chriz2opher) July 3, 2017
but let's allow millions of American children die without insurance or food… What an attention seeker.
— Coldiron Alley (@Coldironalley) July 3, 2017
Vows to help a sick child in UK, but is pushing to kill children in his own country. you @realDonaldTrump I HATE U!!!!!!
— President Orin Hatch (@Bitchslappermvp) July 3, 2017
What would modern day president do? A. Send tweet for political points. B. Quietly donate to St. Judes in honor of child. Anyone surprised?
— Ekabecka (@Ekabecka) July 3, 2017
if ( (window.__aa_fraud_serve === undefined) || (window.__aa_fraud_serve == true) ) googletag.cmd.push(function () googletag.display(“div-gpt-300x250_1”); );
Read more: http://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2017/07/03/cant-win-backlash-against-trumps-charlie-gard-tweet-suggests-hes-better-off-bashing-cnn/
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humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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Randomness in a fun way I liked the format, it was different and offbeat. I see others found this not to be the case. Amy went to the beat of her own drum. I like A-Z with little quips about the author and/or her randomness. I like that she pulls her readers in and invites them into her life. As someone who remembers nearly everything in life, I enjoyed her shared randomness. I like different and she does that very well. Go to Amazon
A new favorite! I first discovered this author by falling in love with her children's books, "I wish you more" and "That's me loving you." I was interested to see that she has many other books for adults too. Wasn't sure what I was getting with this but thought the idea was interesting. Such a creative idea to tell ones life story! So many times she would discuss something and I would be shocked to think that there was someone else who thought the same thing as me! After reading this book you'll wish this down to earth and fun author could be your best friend! Go to Amazon
A delicious gift of random yet organized thoughts, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Written by a lovely, funny, poignant woman who is surely missed by anyone who was close to her. Her innate gift of embracing the rareness of life's simplicities, which in and of itself almost sounds like an oxymoron, makes losing her all the more difficult. Although we never met, her words in this clever book allowed me to connect to her essence in a most playful way. I suspect she would have liked knowing that. Go to Amazon
Loved this look into the things that make up the modern existance This quirky, fun little book is all about Amy, the author. Structured like an encyclopedia, with entries on all kinds of topics, Amy's encyclopedia entry covers everything from parking tickets to toast, the deep to the mundane. It is charmingly written and is surprisingly amusing and fun to read. Go to Amazon
Unique memoir What a lovely memoir! It is such a different approach. We lost Amy way too soon. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Again, for our grandson and again, the grades will tell all!! Go to Amazon
Good This is a cute book, will make you chuckle, but kinda forgettable after 2 months. If a friend had it, I'd borrow it, but if I were to do it over again I wouldn't pay for it. Go to Amazon
bookclub response We read this book for our bookclub. I thought the format for writing in this book Go to Amazon
An ordinary "Ordinary Life" . Rosenthal's take on life is priceless!! A must read--- Joyous, Delightful, Unique, Delicious! Loved it!!! Beautiful funny and something to return to AKR for the win Nice knowing I am not the only one Fun to read Light hearted, fun book I feel like I have found my twin sister
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joeahj · 7 years
You May Want to Marry My Husband
By AMY KROUSE ROSENTHAL Note: Amy Krouse Rosenthal died on March 13, 2017, 10 days after this essay was published. You can read her obituary. I have been trying to write this for a while, but the morphine and lack of juicy cheeseburgers (what has it been now, five weeks without real food?) have drained my energy and interfered with whatever prose prowess remains. Additionally, the intermittent micronaps that keep whisking me away midsentence are clearly not propelling my work forward as quickly as I would like. But they are, admittedly, a bit of trippy fun. Still, I have to stick with it, because I’m facing a deadline, in this case, a pressing one. I need to say this (and say it right) while I have a) your attention, and b) a pulse. I have been married to the most extraordinary man for 26 years. I was planning on at least another 26 together. Want to hear a sick joke? A husband and wife walk into the emergency room in the late evening on Sept. 5, 2015. A few hours and tests later, the doctor clarifies that the unusual pain the wife is feeling on her right side isn’t the no-biggie appendicitis they suspected but rather ovarian cancer. As the couple head home in the early morning of Sept. 6, somehow through the foggy shock of it all, they make the connection that today, the day they learned what had been festering, is also the day they would have officially kicked off their empty-nestering. The youngest of their three children had just left for college. So many plans instantly went poof. No trip with my husband and parents to South Africa. No reason, now, to apply for the Harvard Loeb Fellowship. No dream tour of Asia with my mother. No writers’ residencies at those wonderful schools in India, Vancouver, Jakarta. No wonder the word cancer and cancel look so similar. This is when we entered what I came to think of as Plan “Be,” existing only in the present. As for the future, allow me to introduce you to the gentleman of this article, Jason Brian Rosenthal. He is an easy man to fall in love with. I did it in one day. Let me explain: My father’s best friend since summer camp, “Uncle” John, had known Jason and me separately our whole lives, but Jason and I had never met. I went to college out east and took my first job in California. When I moved back home to Chicago, John — who thought Jason and I were perfect for each other — set us up on a blind date. It was 1989. We were only 24. I had precisely zero expectations about this going anywhere. But when he knocked on the door of my little frame house, I thought, “Uh-oh, there is something highly likable about this person.” By the end of dinner, I knew I wanted to marry him. Jason? He knew a year later. I have never been on Tinder, Bumble or eHarmony, but I’m going to create a general profile for Jason right here, based on my experience of coexisting in the same house with him for, like, 9,490 days. First, the basics: He is 5-foot-10, 160 pounds, with salt-and-pepper hair and hazel eyes. The following list of attributes is in no particular order because everything feels important to me in some way. He is a sharp dresser. Our young adult sons, Justin and Miles, often borrow his clothes. Those who know him — or just happen to glance down at the gap between his dress slacks and dress shoes — know that he has a flair for fabulous socks. He is fit and enjoys keeping in shape. If our home could speak, it would add that Jason is uncannily handy. On the subject of food — man, can he cook. After a long day, there is no sweeter joy than seeing him walk in the door, plop a grocery bag down on the counter, and woo me with olives and some yummy cheese he has procured before he gets to work on the evening’s meal. Jason loves listening to live music; it’s our favorite thing to do together. I should also add that our 19-year-old daughter, Paris, would rather go to a concert with him than anyone else. When I was working on my first memoir, I kept circling sections my editor wanted me to expand upon. She would say, “I’d like to see more of this character.” Of course, I would agree — he was indeed a captivating character. But it was funny because she could have just said: “Jason. Let’s add more about Jason.” He is an absolutely wonderful father. Ask anyone. See that guy on the corner? Go ahead and ask him; he’ll tell you. Jason is compassionate — and he can flip a pancake. Jason paints. I love his artwork. I would call him an artist except for the law degree that keeps him at his downtown office most days from 9 to 5. Or at least it did before I got sick. If you’re looking for a dreamy, let’s-go-for-it travel companion, Jason is your man. He also has an affinity for tiny things: taster spoons, little jars, a mini-sculpture of a couple sitting on a bench, which he presented to me as a reminder of how our family began. Here is the kind of man Jason is: He showed up at our first pregnancy ultrasound with flowers. This is a man who, because he is always up early, surprises me every Sunday morning by making some kind of oddball smiley face out of items near the coffeepot: a spoon, a mug, a banana. This is a man who emerges from the minimart or gas station and says, “Give me your palm.” And, voilà, a colorful gumball appears. (He knows I love all the flavors but white.) My guess is you know enough about him now. So let’s swipe right. Wait. Did I mention that he is incredibly handsome? I’m going to miss looking at that face of his. If he sounds like a prince and our relationship seems like a fairy tale, it’s not too far off, except for all of the regular stuff that comes from two and a half decades of playing house together. And the part about me getting cancer. Blech. In my most recent memoir (written entirely before my diagnosis), I invited readers to send in suggestions for matching tattoos, the idea being that author and reader would be bonded by ink. I was totally serious about this and encouraged submitters to be serious as well. Hundreds poured in. A few weeks after publication in August, I heard from a 62-year-old librarian in Milwaukee named Paulette. She suggested the word “more.” This was based on an essay in the book where I mention that “more” was my first spoken word (true). And now it may very well be my last (time shall tell). In September, Paulette drove down to meet me at a Chicago tattoo parlor. She got hers (her very first) on her left wrist. I got mine on the underside of my left forearm, in my daughter’s handwriting. This was my second tattoo; the first is a small, lowercase “j” that has been on my ankle for 25 years. You can probably guess what it stands for. Jason has one too, but with more letters: “AKR.” I want more time with Jason. I want more time with my children. I want more time sipping martinis at the Green Mill Jazz Club on Thursday nights. But that is not going to happen. I probably have only a few days left being a person on this planet. So why I am doing this? I am wrapping this up on Valentine’s Day, and the most genuine, non-vase-oriented gift I can hope for is that the right person reads this, finds Jason, and another love story begins. I’ll leave this intentional empty space below as a way of giving you two the fresh start you deserve. With all my love, Amy
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Robert De Niro talks about how he got inside the head of Bernie Madoff for his new movie
The HBO movie “The Wizard of Lies” (airing Saturday) showcases the legendary talents of both its star and director, Robert De Niro and director Barry Levinson, who worked together for the fourth time on the feature. They deliver a powerful look at the revelation that Wall Street pillar Bernie Madoff concocted the biggest Ponzi scheme in history and how it dismantled his entire family.
De Niro plays Madoff as a cool and calm hustler who, after the 2008 crash, runs out of tricks and finally admits to swindling over $50 billion from people since the 1970s (he's currently serving a 150-year prison sentence). Levinson takes a complex financial story and turns it into a heartbreaking family saga, in which the patriarch fails his loyal children, Mark (who committed suicide in 2010) and Andrew (who died of lymphoma in 2014), along with his wife, Ruth (extraordinarily played by Michelle Pfeiffer).
De Niro and Levinson talked to Business Insider about the challenges of bringing “The Wizard of Lies” (based on Diana B. Henriques' book of the same name) to the screen, developing their classic 1997 movie “Wag the Dog” as a TV series (also for HBO), and what De Niro has gone through to reverse-age himself for his upcoming movie with Martin Scorsese, “The Irishman.”
Jason Guerrasio: Mr. De Niro, I believe Diana's book was optioned in 2011. Were you involved in the project since then?
Robert De Niro: Yeah, I don't know when it was optioned, or dropped by other people, but as far as I know we were on it for a few years. 
Guerrasio: What attracted you not just to Madoff but to Henriques’ book?
De Niro: The book was great. We were just trying to make it into a good screenplay and it went through a few iterations and finally Barry and his son Sam came on and that was good. We were finally at a point where we could make it. 
Guerrasio: Mr. Levinson, when you came on, where was the script at and where did you want to take it?
Levinson: I think it was the focus on Bernie and the family dynamic that we wanted to get to and then build it out. So if you understand Bernie's behavior with his family, which would lead to the ultimate destruction of the family, you will learn a lot about Bernie. And then you have all these thousands of people whose lives were affected by this man. So I think it was to shift the focus from the pure financial aspects of it and see the man and his behavior and the family and how it all came unglued. With that design we can get connected to the character and the emotions and then you deal with the financial. 
Guerrasio: Mr. De Niro, did you want to meet Madoff?
De Niro: We thought about it. [Producing partner] Jane [Rosenthal] and I talked about it, and I thought it may be too much to go down there. And other people were having problems. Even Diana Henriques, she was very limited in her time with him. Someone else I knew had gone down to see him and he was very limited. He couldn't do an interview with him. I forget exactly what he did, but he could talk to him but couldn't do an interview. So I just felt with the limited time, and me going there would have been a big deal made about it, that I just didn't. I met his lawyer and some of his friends. Relatives and in-laws. 
Guerrasio: Did you feel you had to hear him on tape? Did you need to hear his voice?
De Niro: I heard his voice. There's little on him but there was one thing that I played over and over again.
Guerrasio: His voice is similar to yours.
De Niro: Exactly. And my hair is similar to his. And as far as the baldness in the front, we looked at that very carefully and shaved the front of my scalp. Because when you put on those bald caps and the fake hair on top, it looks good but not as good as when you do it with your hair. And doing it this way is a commitment because you then know there are things you can't do later in reshoots because the hair grows back. But there are ways to work around it. 
Levinson: The interesting thing is Diana plays herself in the movie and doing the scenes with Bob, seeing she was the person who sat across from Bernie when interviewing him for the book, after a few takes I would go to her and say, "How is Bob's Bernie?" And she said, "There are some moments that he's so close to Bernie that it gave me goosebumps." And I thought that was good. 
Guerrasio: Was it a challenge to portray Madoff, who is obviously a con man, as seeming trustworthy?
De Niro: Because he's?
Guerrasio: He's full of sh--.
De Niro: But people want to believe him. So he's doing a good job. He's letting you do all the work. And then there's the reputation. People want to come to him and he will only choose who he wants to be in his investment circle, if you will, then it becomes easier and easier. 
Guerrasio: Because his reputation precedes him. He was a chairman of the NASDAQ — why would he not be on the level?
De Niro: Exactly. 
Levinson: The con artist has to keep evolving, otherwise he's caught. His thing was he would tell people, "I don't know if I want your money." 
De Niro: That was his MO and his strength. I don't want to say it's his brilliance, but that was the scheme he used. He had this fatherly persona so people would put their guard down and think, "How could this guy screw me?"
Guerrasio: The way you guys highlight Madoff's sons and what they went through is so heartbreaking. The suicide of Mark — was that always in the script and did you always want to show it in such a raw manner?
Levinson: It's one thing to say his son committed suicide, but to understand what took place, cause and effect — that he could not live with this shame and he so desperately needed Bernie's love — that's what happened. You can't back away from it. You want to understand the gravity of what this man brought about. Mark commits suicide, an investment banker commits suicide, there are casualties. This isn't a guy with a gun that kills people but this man destroys the lives of thousands of people. 
Guerrasio: He kills you with a smile and a handshake. 
Levinson: Right.
Guerrasio: Mr. De Niro, can you compare this character to anyone you've played in the past?
De Niro: No. I don't think so. Unless you see —
Guerrasio: I see a little Sam "Ace" Rothstein from "Casino." A little. 
De Niro: A little. Possibly. It's different. He was not a person who would lie or betray his family like Bernie did. This is a whole other thing. 
Guerrasio: This isn’t the only HBO project you guys are working on. What's the latest on the "Wag the Dog" series?
Levinson: It's developing, we're waiting on a script. 
Guerrasio: Mr. De Niro, is there any interest in coming back as Conrad, your character from the movie?
De Niro: I don't know. We haven't talked about it. [Turns to Levinson] Should I?
Guerrasio: [Laughs] So it's really early in development. 
Levinson: It is. 
Guerrasio: Watching what's unfolding in politics, is it like watching "Wag the Dog" all over again? 
De Niro: It is. It's unbelievable. 
Levinson: You just look at it all: Deny, deny, deny. Keep shifting the headline all the time. All those things are in the movie, and we've ended up with all of those things now. It's crazy to see that's what has come about now. The idea of diversion. It's like what Bob says in the movie when William H. Macy says, "There's no war," he says, "Of course there's a war. I see it on TV."
De Niro: [Laughs and shakes his head]
Guerrasio: Mr. De Niro, can you talk at all about the technology being used in "The Irishman" to make you look decades younger? Is that something you guys are still planning to do?
De Niro: Yeah. We're doing that. 
Guerrasio: Have any preliminary things happened? Getting all the motion-capture dots all over your face?
De Niro: We did that. Then we did some tests. I did a scene from "Goodfellas" and then they worked on that piece and we've been slowly moving along. We're going to make it great. 
Guerrasio: Was it a trip seeing a CGI version of yourself as a younger person?
De Niro: If they can perfect it, I'll be able to work for another 30 years. [Laughs]
SEE ALSO: Danny McBride talks about what his "reinvention" of "Halloween" will be like
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