teentitansaudioclips · 8 months
"There's just one more ingredient. A lock of hair from a beautiful girl."
-- Malchior as Rorek, Spellbound, Teen Titans (2003 cartoon)
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spaceshiporion · 6 months
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The character Malchior/Rorek from Teen Titans is a hidden gem in character design, not gonna lie.
I kinda wish there was some way he could return to the DC Universe in some shape or form, like how Neil Gaiman can revive a forgotten golden age character like Prez for a single chapter in an extended story.
If Nick Fury can get a son just so they can make him look more like Samuel L. Jackson, Rorek can be revived as wizard who is also a dragon...
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adricarra-art · 1 year
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Malchior 🐉 [Commissioned work]
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hutchlover69420 · 1 month
Glitchy Rorke au part 2
.. they took the disk out; it was steaming hot and overheated the consol, this is why you don't buy cheap games from eBay.
they attempted to contact the seller a day after, they let them know the issue and all they responded with was
":) maybe you're playing it wrong"
and then they blocked them
sigh, looks like they're stuck with this game that doesn't work, probably a creepypasta or a pirate, and the seller won't cooperate. Google has nothing because nothing pops up when you put in "Call of Duty Ghosts glitch" nothing besides hacks and stuff for multiplayer.
they decide to clean off the disk with premium cd cleaner you found in a cabinet, Afterall, maybe the old owner just used it so much it started to scratch the disk and break the game.
they throw the clean disk back into the console, if this doesn't work it might be something wrong in the console and should take it to a repair shop. After throwing the game back in, it doesn't start back on the title screen with all the options, it starts in the middle of the campaign, but it's not glitchy anymore!
until the characters just stopped moving, they weren't even at a cut scene
it started to glitch out again, Rorke specifically, his character model started to move weirdly, and the sound was gone, the other characters stayed still but they weren't glitching, Rorke had rgb effects around him as the character model twitched and freaked out. The game was broken.
while walking over to take the disk out of the console, the character... started banging on the screen, the glass starting to crack as the player backed up quick, to stunned to take the disk out. IT had gained consciousness and wanted out, its hand busted through the screen, glass shattered as the glitchy hand desperately tried to latch onto something, the player quickly lunged toward the consol, desperately trying to unplug the thing form the wall as the hand kept trying to grab onto something. anything. It wanted out.
after a minute (that felt like 30) the consol was unplugged and the arm faded back into black pixels. the broken tv's glass was on the floor and tv stand, the innards of the tv could also be seen, there was a large hole through the whole tv... the tv was soon also unplugged.
after that the player was too scared to go back online for the day.
The next day around 12:49 player decided to open up their laptop, it took longer to turn on than usual. When the computer was turned on the player could have sworn there was fist flying at them through the screen, it made the player jump back and pupils dilate... what the fuck... after catching their breath they unlocked the computer, almost puking when the background was replaced with Rorke. It was the photo of him staring at the player at the end of the game, eyes boring into the soul of the player, but there was something off... his eyes were bloodshot and tired. After blinking a few times, it went back to the normal photo, a picture of the player's cat. After forgetting about what they were going to do online they shut the laptop and put it in a drawer... rushing to the bathroom to splash ice water on their face... it has to be fake... this has to be fake... it's a virus... or something!!!
The player jumped nearly jumped out of their skin when they got a call... the phone was taken from the pocket... it was an unknown number, but the background of the call was glitchy... the player let out a frustrated scream this fucking thing was taking over their life... the player answered
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS...?!?" the voice was paranoid, frustrated, and nervous. there was no answer just 3 beeps and then the thing on the other side hung up...
the player is paranoid. They started getting notification's, a lot of them.
one from Messanger
2 from Snapchat
1 from Instagram
1 from Tumblr
2 from Discord
1 from Virus protection.
As the players phone blew up, they shut it off in fear, every notification and vibrate like stab to the gut. It was unbearable. the phone turned back on, the screen glitchy and cracking just a bit. The player, with tear filled eyes picked up the phone and looked at the notifications.
1 new message
Gabriel has added you as a friend. Say hi!
Gabriel sent you a message
1 new notification from Tumblr
2 new messages on Discord
New virus detected!
threat level: dangerous
The player sniffled and opened Messenger.
there wasn't any text, but an image... an image of the same photo of Rorke with the bloodshot, tired eyes.
then the player opened Snapchat...
the same image.
the Bitmoji in the right corner of the screen was glitching out.
player had a new massage on Tumblr...
the same image just more glitchy.
Discord wouldn't open, it kept crashing.
Virus protection was glitching out and crashed as well as the player tried to protect their phone.
after it closed all the apps were deleting themselves, the icons were glitchy and shaky. The background had set itself to the photo of Rorke.
the player quickly put the phone in their pocket and ran back to their room. Slamming the door and throwing open the draw the computer was in making it slide forward slightly. There had to be a way to fix this
Player unlocked the computer all of the applications and files were gone except for one.
Virus protection was the only notification received before that got silenced and deleted to. The player let out a choked sob as they opened the file. It needed to be deleted. The same photo, its eyes still bloodshot, tired. The image was burning itself into the players mind, every little pixel. After exiting the file, the wallpaper had also set itself as the image. Player is going insane.
It needs to be taken to a device repair store.
Hey! with the success of part 1 of glitch Rorke here is part 2! part 3 probably won't come for a little while (I'm sorry for starving you guys)
Just wanted to let you guys know I really really really appreciate suggestions, anons, likes, reblogs, ect!
I'm super happy you guys like the fic I wrote randomly for fun while needing to do my animation project:3 !!!
I love you guys!- Milo <3
ps. I might have some bigger projects involving this later on!
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iamapoopmuffin · 2 years
So so so since you asked me before about Teen Titans couples I decided to respond to you with a Teen Titans fankid (even though I don't have pics of any of them), so here's one of my oldest and longest standing kids, Rory Logan, first child of Raven and Beast Boy (though with how my next gen is currently he's Raven's first child and BB's third)
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grymfared · 1 year
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ryanyeenart · 5 months
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Expression Sheet for Rorek! 🦌🦌🦌
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karmen023 · 3 months
My Incredibox Oc: Rorek
One of my Incredibox Oc's that I'm most fond of: the demon Rorek
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Name: Rorek
Gender: male
Species: demon
Alignment: Purely evil
Rorek is a demon about thirty meters tall, with an evil, perfidious, ferocious and ravenous personality.
He is extremely proud of being a demon and looks down on other creatures, especially humans, who he often deems just snacks.
He lives in a demonic realm called "Hellxan", but often travels to the mundane world via portals and temporarily settles in large caves.
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skycowboys · 2 years
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Been a while since I’ve sketched just a person. And even longer since it’s been Rorek! 
Discord | Patreon | Art Prints
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Name: Monen (RSA) and Ronen (NRC) Morningcast
Age: 18(?)
Roles: Hero and Villain
- studying (Ronen) and thinking of planning (Monen)
- Tea time (both)
- sports and art (both)
- each other presence
- Mother
- father
Destiny; to seal the evil twin into a book forever and protect the world/being the true calamity of the future of chaos and destruction
Backstory: long ago, these twins were born in the intent of finishing a destiny made for them. One brother will be the hero of the future and seal an evil dragon that will plunge the world into darkness and chaos. However, no one knows which twin is destined for. As they act remarkably calm and collected. Not an ounce of change. Just perfection. They studied the art of magic and swords. Readying for their future that has yet to come.
Friends: ?????
Enemies: each other
- One twin has the divinity ability and the other the ability of chaos
- Ronen preferred to be alone
- Monen enjoys people company
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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-- Malchior as Rorek, Spellbound, Teen Titans (2003 cartoon)
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As usually happens when I'm exposed to Spellbound Material, the roommates and I watched Spellbound for our TT episode Friday, and I got a taste for Wanting to Read My Fanfictional Sequel to it wherein Dove meets Rorek.
(If you care about spoilers in my stories, maybe don't read this one? But who knows if, or when the hell, I will ever get that story finished and published!)
It's romance, it's betrayal, it's tragedy. But nowadays, like two decades after first conceiving this story, I find it even more bitter than sweet.
I didn't know it was possible, but the whole "love potion" thing sucks even MORE in my opinion now. Not just because He Lied to Her and Broke Her Heart, but I have a special hatred for those who would ignore autonomy and choice and MAKE someone fall in love with you now! The more I learn about love magic, the more I think people shouldn't be allowed to TOUCH it unless they're building from the ground up with the other person's desires and Free Will in mind.
(I mean, part of the problem and reason it worked so well on Dove is that she was always a romantic deep down, and she WANTED to believe it was real. Also she doesn't know enough about Using Magic to know what it feels like when she's being affected by it, let alone discerning That's Not a Healing Potion Actually. But mostly that the potion spoke to a desire she already had for romance and capitalized on it.)
(( Fun fact: Dove inherited that from her mother, and it's also part of why Trigon's illusion and mind games worked so well on Alerina when they met. She WANTED to believe it was real. ))
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fortrollad · 1 year
most known as the sorcerer who vanquished the last of the great fire drakes, malchior, over the centuries, his name has been rewritten as "rorek".
(a wip because i dont want to make a carrd)
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starshinesoldier · 6 years
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#malchior #rorek #teentitans #fanart #janedavenportwatercolors #jdwatercolors this wasn't originally suppose to be Malchior. So he kinda ended up with dark hair rather than light hair. Whoops. #myart #starshinesoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/BumNSvEF-rf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3kiloybpd3u9
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grymfared · 7 days
❲ @sunsage ❳
❝ Gold! What a lovely color, ❞ Legends said that dragons were drawn to precious metals and gems, and Malchior was no different- long ago he had lived in the northern mountains, chasing humans from the towns nearby and settling there with his endless treasures. Well, humans had gathered the treasures for him- he'd simply done what was in his nature. The mountains were a convenient place to live...
Long ago, he had been called Malchior the Black, the Dread Dragon, but he'd always wondered what it would be like to be Malchior the Golden. Maybe this was his chance to do so.
❝ It is a color that adorns kings- in some cultures I have heard that only the King would be able to wear the color. ❞ It was also a color that would line the underbellies of his kind- the great heat from the body of a fire drake rolling in riches would melt the precious metals so that they would add a new glitter and glow to the dragon itself. In his black scales, Malchior had been similarly adorned with silver and gold- but not now. Now he was a pale gold like the parchment of Rorek's grimoire, runes scattered here and there, but it would be so very lovely ...
Yes, dragons coveted gold.
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❝ You hold yourself in the manner of a King- but are you a noble king or one that the common-folk would fear? ❞
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ryanyeenart · 10 months
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🎄Christmas Comm for Rorek🎄
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