#ror seeker
narbevoguel · 1 month
New Dev Diary is out, and hyperfixated RoR fan has to complain
Gang, I don't think I'm not too sold on The Seeker yet.
I swear I'm trying to stay optimistic since well, you know, Gearbox acquisition, moreso upon learning that most of the SotV content was mostly Gearbox.
Now, I'm gonna start by saying that, design-wise, the Seeker looks pretty cool!
But the abilities, I don't know, the character doesn't feel like an official release, but rather a fanmade mod that will be OP in any run. The Seeker seems like the kind of char that might be rough to get a run started, but make it to stage 3 and any item build, no matter good or bad, will be enough to keep her going and let RNG take a turn for the better in the case your early RNG was bad (based on Monsoon/Eclipse criteria, obviously).
Just my early impression, and I could be 100% wrong (I HOPE I am), but still not sold on her kit so far.
Also not a fan of her support role, since I play solo the vast majority of the time, and I highly doubt my drones and beetle guards will be smart enough to stay in the AoE of her healing, lol, but I think the healing also applies to her, so we'll see.
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dragonroilz · 1 month
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welcome, seeker!
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xorgee · 19 days
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False son when you bring Aurelionite in a fight
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hyyperfixxation · 19 days
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loonastarlivht · 19 days
after playing Seekers of the Storm for a few days now, here's my thoughts
its freaking awesome
yes, the bugs fucking suck, but the dlc itself, its been really fun
the new stages are beautifully designed, the new items are, well some are fun, others a little useless- and ive been having a lot of fun playing seeker as well !! and that new boss is freaking ebic !!
if gearbox doesn't take 10 thousand years to patch up the game, and they rebalance some stuff, it'll be great !! until then make sure to play the game with a bugfix modpack,,,
im mostly making this post cuz I've seen an exaggerated negativity towards the dlc (even i was being too pessimistic), i love this game, and i believe there's a team behind it that wants to do this right
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tranquilvolcano · 1 month
I have a theory about the seeker in risk of rain 2
the theory is that she is a aphelian (the people who use the tar&clay pots)
what fist spurred the thought was the clay pot on her back, you can also see that the pot is connected to her head by pipes.
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also I think that if her pot is filled with tar, the "burdened knowledge" might be that she has been influenced by the tar in a negative way.
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one thing I also noticed was that her paints looked (kinda) similar to the clay templar's paints (I know its a stretch, like this whole theory)
also her head looks kinda weird to me, which makes me think that she might be an alien
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I got most of my information about the aphelians and the tar from this video,
this theory is most likely not true, (I do not know much of the lore), and is very out-there, but since the the thought crossed my mind I wanted to get it out here
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[day 6] so that new dlc huh
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risk-of-rain-nerd · 20 days
For as much as I dislike the free update and feel fairly disappointed on what the DLC did and did not do, I‘m still very glad that it’s introducing new people to a game that I love. I’ve seen many posts and videos of new people sharing their positive experiences with the game, and that has by far been my favourite part of the release of the new DLC.
I just hope that Gearbox is able to fix the bugs that the free update brought about so that both new players and old can have the best possible experience with the base game.
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guntshot · 6 months
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Was doodling my own take on False Son’s headshape and it kinda got out of hand, finally had an excuse to put the idea of him crying gold to paper tho.
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dream-with-a-fever · 11 days
harry potter movies and how accurately they portrayed the character of ginevra molly weasley
philosopher’s stone: 8/10 book accuracy bc my girl is barely in this movie but she nailed that 2 seconds of screen time in her cute little pastel coloured outfit! but lost points bc we didn’t get to see her again at the end nor did we see the twins promising to send her a hogwarts toilet seat (comedy GOLD i tell you)
chamber of secrets: 7/10 because yes we got to see a few cute moments where ginny got to shine (like ‘leave him alone!’ ate that) but would’ve loved to see her trying to tell harry about the diary and the running joke about percy and his new girlfriend, and where was the singing valentine???? c’mon??? everyone sing it with me ‘his eyes are as green-’ ALSO when she’s sobbing at the end about how she’ll having to leave hogwarts and she’s just this tiny scared little girl and i just want to hug her like we deserved those scenes!!:!:! and harry not telling anyone the details of what happened to protect her (bc he worries she’ll be blamed entirely for the incident like he’s too pure i swear????)
prisoner of azkaban: 8/10 as ginny is not really featured much in this book at All but was still bummed we didn’t get that scene on the train when she accidentally sits on harry’s lap and we see that she is the only other person as badly affected by the dementors as harry
goblet of fire: 11/10 book ginny energy is STRONGGG in this film even tho she’s barely present in the book! her snarky comments and attitude was Perfect but still bummed we didn’t see the scene where ron almost gets her to go with harry to the yule ball and she refuses (like the angel she is) and sticks w neville
order of the phoenix: 1.5/10 honestly that might even be too high bc literally WHERE WAS SHE??? she gets a couple points for the reducto curse moment but that’s about it. no hint of personality, still openly crushing on harry (even tho she has a boyfriend and is able to be herself around harry now HELLO this was major character development) no ‘lucky you’ scene, no library scene, no ginny stepping in to play seeker for harry and WINNING, no bickering at the DoM, no impressions of umbridge, no joking around with her brothers and harry, like we were ROBBED
half-blood prince: -100/10 because what the FUCK? shoelaces? hidden random kiss in the RoR? zero interactions and suddenly harry is In Love? ginny saying about 5 words in the entire film? ginny is the LIFE of this book, harry spends page after page obsessing over her, where’s them playing quiddich at the burrow, joking around after practise, ginny crashing into the commentator’s booth, ginny defending harry about the potions book, harry KISSING her in front of the entire common room after SHE won the quidditch cup playing his position because his dumbass got detention like?,!:?! harry wanting to save his liquid luck to have a chance with ginny?? ginny and ron’s big argument? harry and ginny’s break up after dumbledore’s funeral?? instead we got ginny being a mute with zero personality, who feeds harry christmas pies, wouldn’t know a joke if it hit her in the face and initiates everything despite harry being the one making the moves in the book?!??!??! just abhorrent. ginny weasley i am so sorry for what they did for her.
deathly hallows part 1: -45/10 okay ginny was done so dirty, ginny kissing harry as a birthday present, like a GOODBYE kiss??? as a i-don’t-know-if-i’ll-ever-see-you-again-but-please-know-that-i-love-you kiss???? harry calling ginny the most real thing in the world? ron snapping at harry for leading ginny on? harry almost accidentally telling ginny his plans for hunting voldemort bc he always lets his guard down around her? harry getting jealous when krum shows interest in ginny at the wedding? harry staring at her dot on the marauders map and making sure she’s safe????? instead we got.. an awkward kitchen kiss with george present (um?), zero interaction at the wedding, neville standing up to deatheaters on the train but ginny sitting pretty next to him and saying nothing when SHE WAS LEADING THE DAMN RESISTANCE???????:?:?:?: give me a fuckin break
deathly hallows part 2: -75/100 so! much! wrong! with her portrayal in this film. not to mention she’s barely in it, but when harry comes back to hogwarts, they have that one moment where they stare at each other and that’s it???? that’s all we get?? the rushed kiss on the staircase was lowkey cute but without all the build up from previous films it was just like..? ok? in the book we get ginny pushing to stay and fight and no one can convince her to do it, except harry. he’s the only one she listens to. we get harry saying ginny has somehow gotten more beautiful since he’s last seen her? we get jealous ginny when cho offers to show harry the diadem? we get harry walking to his death and seeing ginny crouched over an injured child, trying to calm the girl down despite her own world having fallen apart and one of her brothers already being dead, we get harry nearly changing course and going for bellatrix instead of voldemort when he sees ginny in trouble? also the entire epilogue??? basically cut… like that scene was so wholesome and funny, and getting to see harry and ginny as this family unit was so nice?? a ROBBERY i’m telling you.
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halloworhorecrux · 6 months
Let me tell you.
Every slytherin has heard the rant. It's basically a sonnet, depending on the day. Severus Snape is constantly thrown back in time to his best friend ranting and raving about a boy.
"Saviour Potter, with his hair and his broomstick"
"Chosen Seeker with his emerald eyes and his hair"
"Champion Gryffindor with his wand and his hair"
It's always the hair with Draco. It drives him mad. Mad with the want to care for it,never tame it like he has heard people say. Why tame Harry when all he needs is some care? His mother said that's what anything worth loving needs.Just someone to care.
Okay, so everyone Draco has spoken with any length of time knows that he loves Harry. You couldn't know him even as an acquaintance without having heard the fond tone of his voice when he spoke of Potter.
When they start a relationship not known to the public, all of Draco's people just know. This is simply because they all know who could make Draco Malfoy smile so big.
On the other side, no one can figure out why Harry Potter is smiling more. His best friends can't even fathom that it would be Draco Malfoy that has helped him. Why would anyone ever think Draco Malfoy could do anything with his happiness. Sure, they are happy they are done hearing conspiracy theories about what Malfoy is up to. So everyone tries to find the person. They must be attentive and understanding. They're probably beautiful, of course.
One day, people hear Ron laughing after Harry tells him it was Malfoy.
"Don't make me laugh mate, if you want to keep it a secret, I won't bother you anymore about it. "
Coming up behind the group is Draco Malfoy. There is a kind of sadness in his eyes. He had told his parents about his date with Harry. They had simply smiled and said they knew it would happen someday.
It kind of breaks his heart a little that everyone he holds dear has heard Harry's name. Know how he feels and can see the ways the two are good together.The same cannot be said for his partner.
Laughter rings out as George laughs about a ferret boyfriend.
Instead of going into the Leaky Cauldron. he Draco runs. He runs because he cannot handle a fumbled defense by Harry. Who would want their boyfriend to be known as the boy who was turned into a ferret, who was humilated by a giant chicken, that has become even more scared of his shadow after azkaban. Who would ever think Draco is attentive and understanding and beautiful enough for Harry James Potter.
If he had stayed, he would hear the proclaimation of love for Draco and that he is, in fact, all those things.
Harry has never been ashamed to have chosen Ron as his friend until now.
How can the person claim to be his best mate and ignore the signs of his infatuation that turned into love? How could Ron weasley, who has been through years with him, think that Harry had finally lost sight of the person who centered his childhood. And he doesn't count Voldemort. That was a distraction to his rivalry with Draco Malfoy. Has there ever been a person that made Harry react more. Every year any action by Malfoy was noted, the final years of the battle were fraught with scenes he had failed to react accordingly. Myrtle’s bathroom should have never seen so much blood, Malfoy Manor should never left a defenseless Malfoy, The ROR, even his final battle had Malfoy and his wand as his victory.
Hence, Harry's disappointment.
The bags under his eyes were gone thanks to his partner. Draco learned that sometimes he felt suffocated, so he couldn't be too close, but being alone was infinitely worse. Draco would fall asleep on their respective sides, but always holding Harry's hand. This gave him the ability to not scare Harry awake from an outside touch. He would squeeze and release their hands, rub against his knuckles to soothe, and settle Harry.
His food intake had increased through Draco hand feeding anything from his plate. While Harry could hardly stand to share anything off his plate, Draco had no such issue. He would take bites of something and then tell Harry to taste something so divine. Sometimes, the things they had were common, but every once in a while, Draco would surprise him.
Sure, Draco had never had to care for someone other than himself if you measured by his Manor. He did have Crabbe and Goyle, and they were a sort of sibling. They needed help with lessons, directed to wherever they needed to be. Told countless times to pick up after themselves. Draco could chasten Harry for leaving socks and towels on the bathroom floor, but it wasn't a real struggle to merely pick them up himself. Harry is anxious with clutter, yet finds that he was always in a rush to ever really care for his living space. Now, he comes home to a clean living space and home-cooked meals.
Some might think it would be easy to just burn his hand me downs and call it a day. They didn't see how sometimes Harry would itch when wearing new robes to a ceremony. The struggle of knowing he deserved better, having clothes of his own, is a basic need. Given the knowhow of Narcissa, Draco had been able to sew old into the new in discreet ways. The surprise when the collar of his auror robes now didn't chafe against his skin sank into Harry's heart. The love swelled as he didn't have to explain why. There was no shame to voice. Draco knew humiliation, so he didn't make Harry try to explain the feeling of wanting something familiar even when laced with the abuse of his childhood neglect. There is a certain kindness when their eyes meet, Draco fixing his collar in the mornings, attaching a pocket to the inside of his robes made of his old t shirts. That is just his beloved showing his devotion.
Dracos' cunning(slimey manipulative) ways were able to schedule him into training sessions with new recruits instead of paperwork he loathed. Harry now spent the majority of his time in the training rooms with newbies instead of missions. Teaching and aiding other protect themselves is where he thrives and Draco made that happen with just a few letters to the right places. There was no scorn to quit the Aurors or be something he shouldn't, just the ability to there was a place were he had chosen to be that didn't leave him drained.
The past months with Draco Malfoy have proven exactly how he is exactly attentive and understanding.
Blindingly beautiful was a given since he first meet him at Madam Malkins, now it's even lovelier when he can trace the pale neck with a single finger, the smooth skin against his lips as he licks them from ankle to the sharp chin and likes to bite. The blonde hair that can be wrapped by Harry's callused hands, it's softness a wonderful contrast to his. Nibble fingers braid his untamable hair with care. They knead any ache from Harry's body. Long legs wrap Harry up into a warm embrace until he feels loved beyond his status as a hero. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile he is graced with every morning, every noon, and midnight. Whether it rains or shines, there is happiness in grey eyes just looking upon Harry James Potter.
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kozykricket · 18 days
havent been very active on tumblr, for no reason in particular. anyways, as a risk of rain fan, i must clarify my opinions on the SOTS release
i think we can all agree on "the dlc is great content"
but anyways, its clear to me that the devs are people who care and are passionate about ROR as a series and about keeping ror2 going as well. i mean, hopoo and ghor have said as much! and their community manager seems nice i really dont blame the actual DLC team, because like. its always rude to just point fingers at the people who are just doin' darn good work. point fingers at the executive decision makers i think uh, the unification of console and pc code is... well, ill miss the old codebase, but honestly? the fact they've rewritten the games code from the ground up basically... tells me that they're in it for the long-ish haul. that they dont want to just drop ror2. they want to make their own basis that they can cleanly work on and continue this game into its second life of sorts i guess its like a soft reset of development - everythings jank like early access now. but itll get better is the current ror team the best at making decisions for the game? maybe not, but i really dont think they're malicious
its funny though, because the 2 things i was worried about was "oh gearbox is totally gonna mess up the lore with weird inconsistencies and it wont feel right, and they'll add powercreep" but honestly. imma be real, knowing some stuff ghor has said about his intentions behind the lore (shoutouts to Ghor btw, hes done so much for both the lore and the... well, the creation and foundation of risk of rain 2s codebase as a whole. the more i look into ghor, the more i realize he truly is mr ror2) anyways knowing his intentions with certain things, i can say... the Anniversary Update and SOTV actually messed up lore more than SOTS has, lol. the lores well done in SOTV. the non-lore-important logs kinda suck though, they're clearly unfinished. but i think... what they lacked was Time. Time, to complete the clean unification of code ... and for general polish. so i say we give them what randy pitchfork didnt. lets give them time, aight? im not super happy with the idea of a ror2: bedrock edition future, but... i think if the right balancing tweaks are done, then things can look pretty bright. and they do seem to want to listen to the community (though i doubt randy pitchfork wants them to. heck CEOs)
and as for powercreep? lmao we got the opposite, the items are almost too underpowered.
AS for the dlc content, i think seeker is goated. really fun character to play. chef is... undercooked tbh, jank m1. still havent gotten the third survivor, though i know who it is, and seems pretty well done minus the lack of visual and audio feedback / game-feel i think the stages are fantastic, the music is as always banger, and honestly the items are like. really CLOSE to being interesting. like noxious thorn? a green item that plays with debuffs? very cool. but why is it "on taking damage" and. i dunno, instead of adding more stacks of debuffs, i'd make it spread those debuffs to more enemies! knockback fin should be turned into a void of stun grenade if you have both DLCs on, tbh. so yeah, im. cautiously optimistic for the future. dont fall for all of the doomerisms that the youtubers are trying to spread - they're doing that to apply pressure to gearbox, mostly. which is fair, but its also fearmongering kinda. and like actual devs dont seem too concerned for the games future im just hoping that everyone who has been involved with ror2... has a good future. i dont want gearbox to just cut off the ror2 team, and i hope ghor can find whatever he needs
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xorgee · 20 days
Balling Son
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ask-andrew-montrose · 10 months
You are outside when you suddenly hear a swooshing sound. You don't have much time to react as a familiar redhead swiftly stops his broom right beside you and pulls you down for a quick giggling mess of a kiss on the cheek.
The fox-snake-prefect-Slytherin-seeker is in the air again in the blink of an eye, his green Quidditch uniform way out of reach. The soft lavender smell is the only thing left in the afternoon air beside you. The Slytherin Quidditch practice is about to begin.
*His head turns quickly at the kiss in attempts to catch it. Quicker still at the sound of the telling and familiar laughter.*
"Not so fast..."
*Hands reach in attempts to trap the snake, but this time he gets away. A deep inhale of the lavender and a grin plays across Andrew's lips. He takes his seat on the bleachers to show his support. "Showing support" in Montrose's definition involves shouting hints at how he might plan to exact his revenge on the fox in the RoR later tonight with no remorse. He makes sure to stay the e n t i r e time. Right in the front.*
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maxwaspace · 10 months
All artificial (and non-organic) beings in the ror franchise
HAN-D 1a. Heal Drones 1b. Speed Drones 1c. Blast Drones
Engi's turrets 2a. (TR12 Gauss) Auto Turret 2b. V.o.2 Prototype Laser Turret 2c. TR58 Carbonizer Turret
Sniper's Spotter Drone
Multiplayer Drone
Tinkerer's Seeker Drones
Captain's Micro-Bots
Archaic Wisp
Greater Wisp
Mechanical Spider
Rock/Snow/Luminous/Stone Golem
Temple Guard
(Lesser) Wisp
Sanctuary Guard
Ancient Wisp
Lynx Totem
Alpha Construct
Brass Contraption
Luner Chimera 15a. Exploder 15b. Golem 15c. Wisp
Solus Probe
Solus Control Unit
Stone Titan
Xi Construct
Alloy Worship Unit
False Son
Energy Blob
Gunner Drone 1a. Attack Drone 1b. Glided Attack Drone
Missile Drone 2a. Rocket Drone 2b. Glided Rocket Drone
Healing Drone 3a. Medical Drone 3b. Glided Medical Drone
Laser Drone 4a. Beam Drone 4b. Glided Beam Drone
Flame/Incinerator Drone 5a. Blaze Drone 5b. Glided Blaze Drone
Friendly Construct 6a. Glided Friendly Construct
Equipment Drone
Emergency Drone
TC-280 Prototype
Gunner Turret
Mu Construct
Arms Race
Drone Repair Kit
The Back-Up
Defensive Microbots
Sentient Meat Hook
Spare Drone Parts
Empathy Cores
Little Disciple
Defense Nucleus
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