danceworshipper · 2 months
@hphm-ship-week Prompt 2: Quidditch
aka part one of my 'Rowan is gay no matter what gender they are' agenda
Ship: m!Rowan/Murphy 💙🦅
Date: June 3rd, 1989 (fifth year)
Rowan quickly decided that the view from the Commentary Box was the best. Well, of course it was, logistically speaking, it needed to be so that Murphy could accurately describe what was going on to the whole crowd, but he hadn't realized just how much better it was up here. The view was easily worth the amount of stairs he'd had to climb. He'd only thought about asking to be levitated like Murphy a few times.
It still felt like he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be, despite none of the professors telling Rowan to rejoin his fellow Ravenclaws. Murphy had said that he was allowed to have a friend or two with him, but Rowan had never seen anyone else be invited up here until today. He hoped that meant he was special.
Murphy was as animated as ever, speaking fast enough to not miss a single detail of the match. Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor, playing for the Quidditch Cup - it was a big deal. It was big enough, in fact, that Murphy seemed to be having a spot of trouble remaining unbiased.
"An excellent block by the Ravenclaw keeper," he exclaimed. "Better luck next time, Gryffindor!"
After a while, Rowan found himself no longer paying attention to the match at all, instead watching Murphy. He really was in his element up here; it was no surprise that he'd been the commentator since he first arrived at Hogwarts. Murphy was clever, too, if his creative strategies were anything to go off of. He'd been sneakily helping Ravenclaw win from behind the scenes all year. Rowan wondered if Madam Hooch had actually not caught on, or if she simply didn't care enough to stop him.
"Gryffindor's seeker spots the snitch!" Murphy announced, and the Ravenclaw seeker's neck nearly snapped with how fast she turned it.
Rowan watched as she pushed her broom to the absolute limits, Murphy ignoring a goal from Gryffindor to cheer her on, much to Professor McGonagall's annoyance. Gryffindor's seeker dove hard to the right, causing Ravenclaw's to fly past him, but the maneuver backfired when the snitch darted to the left instead, directly into the Ravenclaw seeker's outstretched hand. She stared at it in shock before lifting it high above her head with a victory cry.
"Ravenclaw has caught the snitch!" Murphy shouted. "With 320 points, Ravenclaw wins the match!"
Professor Flitwick nearly fell off the bench behind Rowan as he scrambled to set off a Blue Sparks charm in his excitement. The crowd down in the stands went absolutely wild, screaming and throwing hats, scarves, whatever they could as they rushed out of the stands to congratulate the winning team. Rowan had little interest in being a part of that stampede, so he stayed right where he was.
It had nothing to do with wanting to talk to Murphy, who looked positively ecstatic that Ravenclaw had won.
"I knew they could do it!" he told Rowan. "That last bit of broomwork was some of the most impressive I've ever seen! Even if she hadn't gotten to the snitch first, I've never seen someone with an older model be able to catch up to someone like that - I suspect that Gryffindor will demand a detection spell on that broom to make sure it wasn't enchanted, which it wasn't obviously because she'd never do that - "
"Parkin would," Rowan interjected.
Murphy narrowed his eyes, considering. " ...fair. But did you see? That strategy I invented for the beaters saved our chasers from eighty-seven-point-three percent of the bludgers, a twenty-two-point-five percent increase from the last match - "
Rowan leaned against the ledge of the box, jaw in his hand as he listened. Admittedly, he hadn't been watching the beaters much, but he'd been Murphy's guinea pig for explaining the new strategy so he knew exactly what he was talking about. The whole thing had almost made Rowan wish that he'd tried out for the team when there was an opening, but he knew he was better off watching. He was a member of the much more relaxed Quidditch Club and it suited him just fine.
"Do you think they'll have to test if the snitch was charmed too?" Rowan asked, cutting Murphy off again.
Murphy hummed. "About a fifty-six-point-eight percent chance, if they have the broom checked."
"Where do you come up with these numbers?"
"Incredible mental math," Murphy said, and winked.
Rowan laughed, but that wink did things to him... it mostly just made him nervous.
They stayed in the Commentator Box until long after the professors had all cleared out - Professor McGonagall confidently telling Professor Flitwick that he wouldn't be so lucky next year - lost in their talk of strategy and how the team could improve even more next year. They only paused when Orion came up to find Murphy, saying that the team desired his presence at their victory party.
"The jubilance is high, but your energy is missing," Orian said. "Equilibrium will not be found until our guiding hand is present."
Whatever that meant.
"Can't let the team down," Murphy told him. "Any chance you can get me out of here?"
"Of course. Allow me to reach the ground first. Walk with me?" Orion asked, addressing Rowan.
"Oh," Rowan said, caught off guard. "Yeah, sure. See you in a minute, McNully."
Too many stairs, Rowan thought to himself, trying to breathe evenly so that Orion didn't notice his struggle. Orion had such a grace to him, both in flight and on the ground, which was something that Murphy brought up frequently when brainstorming strategies. Orion simply wasn't an aggressive enough player for a good portion of the well known strategies, which is why Murphy started inventing new ones in the first place. The way he talked about it, Orion was actually an advantage to Ravenclaw, because he made moves that none of his opponents ever saw coming. He was well deserving of being the captain of the team.
"The two of you seem well in harmony," Orion said, startling Rowan.
Orion smiled knowingly. "I expect good news soon in regards to you both. Maybe even today?"
Rowan was certain that he was bright red. "I don't know what you're implying," he protested.
"You do."
Well then.
They stepped out into the sunlight, and Orion raised his wand to levitate Murphy out of the box. Rowan wondered why no one had thought to install an elevator, even if it had to be a manual one due to the high magic saturation in the air near the castle. Surely that would be easier than this? Maybe he should suggest the idea to Professor Flitwick the next time he met with him.
"Ah, solid ground," Murphy said, wheeling over to Rowan and Orion. "Party time!"
"Indeed," Orion agreed.
Murphy turned his head. "Hey, Khanna, you coming?"
Rowan scratched the back of his neck, suddenly very nervous. "I mean, it's in the common room, so I guess I have to, don't I?"
"Reluctance, that's the spirit!" Murphy joked.
Orion tilted his head, that knowing smile reappearing. "Perhaps, Murphy, you should accompany him, so he does not feel left out."
Too busy glaring at Orion, Rowan almost missed Murphy turning red.
"I think it's an excellent idea, don't you?" Orion pressed.
Murphy cleared his throat with a cough. "Yeah, yeah, I could do that. Easy. We can continue our conversation," he added, quickly regaining confidence. "I may take you on properly as a strategy apprentice, Khanna. You've got good insights."
Rowan's voice cracked when he laughed. If only a Cursed Vault would suddenly open, causing a terrible emergency. Alas, the earth never opens up and swallows you when you want it to.
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TLEA likely could've been darker in at least one way, if it had been more accurate to our real-world science:
If SGE’s magic didn’t work how it did, I bet Sophie’s ears could have popped, and maybe burst her eardrums. Plus, Rafal could have inadvertently killed her (and doomed himself!) once he’d reached some terminal velocity of mortals while flying with her.
Probably, he could stop her from bleeding out though (or would it be internal bleeding?), and the ring would save her, too, I think, as the immortality went "both ways."
Aside from some "recovery" or the potential ring fail-safe, just think of the angst and hurt/comfort potential!
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historicalsnail · 10 months
Modern Day AU
Julian: Oh, come on! There's so many electric cars around nowadays, would the environment even notice if I got myself one little Bugatti? Also, why should I take advice from a man who's slept with his own sister?
Robin: Hey! 'S not true!
Julian: Sorry, that was below the belt. It's some false rumor Thomas was repeating to everybody.
Robin: ...sister-in-law.
Julian: Wait, Sophie!?
Humphrey: Yes, and I wish he would stop telling people!
Robin: You were divorced, though. And nothing serious, juste un peu de plaisir.
Humphrey: A'right, don't rub it in!
Julian: That's what she said! Hah!
Humphrey: Very clever.
Julian: She said it to you, Humph. Get it, 'cos she wanted nothing to do with you-
Humphrey: I get it, for heaven's sake!
Julian: Okay, okay, keep your head on!
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academyofbrokenhearts · 6 months
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ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏʀʀʏ? ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ? ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜱᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɴᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇʜᴇᴀʀꜱᴇᴅ ɪ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴀᴡᴀʏ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʟᴀʏ ɪᴛ ꜱᴀꜰᴇ, ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʟᴀʏ ɪᴛ ᴄᴏᴏʟ
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defensivelee · 1 year
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i have a hungarian
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bellatrixnightshade · 2 years
School for Good and Evil: Rafal's character
(These are about the books, because I didn't see The movie, and these are just my opinions)
Soooo Rafal would technically be the character I like: mysterious, etc. And he is a very interesting character in the story. But honestly I am ambivalent. What bothers me?
-well the whole kissing Sophie when he was "School Master", she a student thing,plus he was in his older form at the time. It was probably not the book's intention to show that in a creepy way but still... I don't feel comfortable about that you know? Another reason why I just can't 100℅ ship Rophie, as least as it is in the story.
- I obviously don't agree with fratricide, etc. And at least in the beginning I just felt Rafal was using Sophie? Yes, maybe later, he truly cared about her, but in the beginning--
-okay so he is thousands of years old-- but I wouldn't mind it since he changes forms. But to make it more APPROPRIATE and his relationship with Sophie less weird in the first book and stuff, instead of "School Master" couldn't he be like a spirit king who is punished in that form for the whole fratricide thing? And guard the Storian, etc. Like King of Evil. And then since spirits really are not bound by material forms it would be different. Or Sophie has a spiritual form herself. Or she isn't a student and not a minor.
-I felt like A redemption plot for Rafal could have been good. Like he sacrifices himself for Sophie's true happiness and says that no, she WILL be loved by others,especially Agatha. That he thinks this will actually reverse the whole killing my brother thing and all the crap I did in the past (but it requires giving your life)
So yes,I think Rafal without all the things I mentioned above would actually be a character I would love and I think I would definitely ship Rafal and Sophie IF things were different- like the ideas I mentioned it could have been.
Sorry it's long lol!
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Not me reading school for good and evil and the Rafal old ass pops up and tries to marry Sophie. Whelp! I'm dying 👻👻👻👻
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mcnotok · 6 months
Don't you mean muscular "cat"rophy? 😉
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a-lil-rats-art · 3 months
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Rophie and Rianna were trying to hang out in the Forbidden Cities but Rianna discovered bedazzlers
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Days of Heaven on Earth by A.B. Simpson
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I am the Lord that healeth thee — Exodus 15:26
It is very reasonable that God should expect us to trust Him for our bodies as well as our souls. If our faith is not practical enough to bring us temporal relief, how can we be schooled to depend upon God for anything that involves serious risk? It is all very well to talk about trusting God for the distant and future prospect of salvation after death. There is scarcely a sinner in a Christian land who does not trust to be saved some day, but there is no grasp in faith like this. It is only when we come face to face with positive issues and overwhelming forces that we can prove the reality of divine power in a supernatural life. As an education to our spirits as well as a gracious provision for our temporal bodies, God has always trained His people to recognize Him as the supply of all their needs, and to look to Him as the Physician of their bodies and the Father of their spirits. Have we learned the meaning of Jehovah-rophi? (see Exodus 15:23-27). Has it changed our Marah of trial into an Elim of blessing and praise?
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444names · 1 year
every preset on the site i'm using to generate these BUT excluding "e"
Abank Abujin Acarg Acislypop Addyos Agichy Agund Akasto Alaka Alatuno Albul Alfrorpri Allaurun Ampur Anart Andin Angal Anitr Ankan Ankingob Ankish Ankots Ansta Aphinat Apitu Apsycnir Arban Argarmason Aridouth Aring Armich Aschawk Aurguin Avkslau Avörn Aylagnda Azban Balankofna Baliong Ballia Balný Balsk Balta Banbratfu Bancs Bandra Bandrimi Banka Banodon Banswarus Bantomala Barafjii Baria Barsighs Bgforantim Bhald Biankroin Biarnías Bisatismon Blank Blith Boatokism Boattry Bodbana Bondy Brafoun Brako Brani Brany Bromart Brosan Brosut Bríður Buchi Bulanorn Burgard Calan Caraquan Carbira Carlil Carstangs Cartank Cashi Chais Chamurn Chnkors Chria Clagno Clich Clocki Clogy Coang Cobunst Colich Coluor Comasy Condo Conian Cootis Corist Cosarrat Cosion Couganm Craingmirō Crang Crowgzhon Cuith Cumops Cycratforn Cytos Danch Dancorn Darinia Darstríður Dicsalsdal Didia Dinacàban Dincord Ditassauru Dolgonocom Dolíl Domboa Dombor Dylvörg Dytus Dósban Dögropan Facia Faguns Fband Figma Fingtal Fispado Fjophyott Flialka Foorp Fricroil Frinat Frion Friphid Frist Funha Furitcooin Fuzmanko Gancapso Garta Gashy Gasidio Gaétulart Gianksh Gilli Gisout Gitia Glindu Glish Glomin Glómi Golankga Goling Gorgmod Gorsosaur Gosay Gragal Grogy Groki Groothi Grosa Gríundu Grück Gubhrút Habarawnc Hacilia Haictoir Hambia Hambur Hanak Hanalt Harair Hautfur Hinnwë Hiyaki Hofrin Hophy Hopsald Horpical Horta Houts Hucks Hugall Húnín Icaldu Iconsna Ikarja Ikofarn Iljantrosm Inspoplin Intoplo Iougo Iwaimstri Jalbus Jiabar Jialvia Jilysingh Jorio Jorthsta Justomild Jónþóra Jóðuri Jørnbanip Kagascan Kathrick Katios Kinma Kinod Kinopadma Kjard Korgo Kovoka Kramat Krazu Krich Kroia Kröbancogy Ktalcal Kurubo Lamboxbion Lankga Lickja Lintar Lisbu Locan Lokop Lotocomby Lucki Luguss Lumarharu Lúkiting Macarr Macataka Machin Machū Maciann Macifino Macono Macro Magabanc Malamah Malby Malgh Malmör Mankforou Mardbana Marðr Marðurn Matho Mathon Matilla Matimin Maton Matris Maulpizu Mazighs Minat Miummir Miyaz Miysqualim Monolagana Mookinit Mtoric Muddco Muncs Muninstra Murus Mutcofing Móður Narus Natics Nibank Niccalil Nichs Nikor Nisigh Nonill Nosti Níass Obank Ology Olzht Onidd Oringsm Orosauvar Ostitism Otift Otlarms Parsta Pasal Paton Patrosa Pdosg Phaing Pobha Pokinn Poldis Pology Poonarus Prabacis Praby Prishi Prisōji Prona Proutald Psyon Puravlogy Purus Puykal Rachbo Rapinolìom Richinnay Robur Rolfsporia Roommotill Rophis Rosaugida Rovarp Rowat Rustrok Rycard Ráðurcra Röging Sacar Saing Samon Sankal Sastro Saugua Saugur Saurg Sciarn Scorfürta Scorg Shans Shappall Shizu Shmolpin Sighthor Sillsia Sitat Skazz Smodo Snodis Snædía Solufuj Sosodot Spank Spatism Sping Stagalarg Stasí Stopli Strau Suhún Sukus Sunold Swaton Swirin Swoopoi Sæbjörna Sólbamusta Súlthpick Taing Taingg Taksau Tanur Taradolog Tarta Tatoniang Tatrus Thipt Thitio Thrimukov Thróstris Thyūji Tiotchy Tizum Tolorp Tomon Tonal Topolakur Torooda Tosarn Triank Trics Triousal Trochic Trogy Trowpon Tuaigar Uhisch Unfoxmlan Unsotni Urubi Urufijō Utink Uudis Uvfish Varmand Varozy Vasdomiro Voadkow Vobsuy Vobus Vogris Vortfon Váfna Víómi Wafbar Wakamar Walpfrus Warjóf Whistía Whoot Wichu Wicorp Wincins Wooko Wulvít Yamur Yanít Yosaut Yosby Yugasy Yunds Yuragibalt Zaking Zaurg Zhulgordt Árþór Ástop Ævang Élishancan Óttsca Örður Ōnardirus Ōshit
just to illustrate what "everything" is:
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christophe76460 · 15 days
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Guéris-moi, Seigneur, et je serai guéri. » — Jérémie 17 : 14
« J’ai vu ses voies, et je le guérirai. » — Ésaïe 57 : 18
C'est la seule prérogative de Dieu d'éliminer la maladie spirituelle. Les maladies naturelles peuvent être guéries de manière instrumentale par les hommes, mais même dans ce cas, l'honneur doit être rendu à Dieu qui donne de la vertu à la médecine et confère à l'organisme humain le pouvoir de se débarrasser de la maladie. Quant aux maladies spirituelles, elles restent chez le grand Médecin seul ; il la revendique comme sa prérogative : « Je tue et je fais vivre, je blesse et je guéris » ; et l’un des titres privilégiés du Seigneur est Jéhovah-Rophi, le Seigneur qui te guérit. «Je te guérirai de tes blessures», est une promesse qui ne peut sortir de la bouche de l'homme, mais seulement de la bouche du Dieu éternel. C’est pour cette raison que le psalmiste a crié au Seigneur : « Ô Seigneur, guéris-moi, car mes os sont douloureux », et encore : « Guéris mon âme, car j’ai péché contre toi. » C'est aussi pour cela que les pieux louent le nom du Seigneur, en disant : « Il guérit toutes nos maladies. » Celui qui a créé l'homme peut restaurer l'homme ; celui qui fut d'abord le créateur de notre nature peut la créer à nouveau. Quel réconfort transcendant que de constater que dans la personne de Jésus « habite corporellement toute la plénitude de la Divinité » ! Mon âme, quelle que soit ta maladie, ce grand Médecin peut te guérir. S’il est Dieu, il ne peut y avoir de limite à son pouvoir. Viens donc avec l'œil aveugle d'une compréhension obscurcie, viens avec le pied boiteux d'une énergie gaspillée, viens avec la main mutilée d'une foi faible, la fièvre d'un caractère colérique, ou la fièvre du découragement frissonnant, viens tel que tu es, car il qui est Dieu peut certainement te délivrer de ta plaie. Nul ne pourra restreindre la vertu guérisseuse qui procède de Jésus notre Seigneur. Des légions de démons ont été amenées à posséder le pouvoir du Médecin bien-aimé, et jamais il n’a été dérouté. Tous ses patients ont été guéris dans le passé et le seront dans le futur, et tu seras l'un d'entre eux, mon ami, si tu veux seulement te reposer en lui cette nuit. Spurgeon, C. H. 1896. Matin et soir : lectures quotidiennes. Londres : Passmore & Albâtre.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 10 months
Facts about The One True School Master of Vault 41
Tedros and Japeth-related things would entail too many major spoilers, so this is probably all you’re getting for now:
Rafal confesses to Sophie that he breathed part of his soul into her toward the end of the second Great War.
Rafal reads his own obituary. And also sees the multitude of vandalism that accompanies it.
Rafal attends a rather depressing, actually, positively dismal Ever tea party. Agatha insults him, despite the fact that he has better table manners than her. They mock each other. And he chokes on his finger sandwich. (But, I suppose genocide weighs more on the morality scale, in terms of minor infractions and major transgressions that will send Pollux rolling in his grave like a roast pig on a spit over subjects which mustn’t be discussed at tea parties.)
Agatha unnecessarily feeds her savior complex and plays chaperone.
Sophie is fashionable and traumatized. Business as usual.
Agatha commits a burglary.
Rafal trains the Nevers in classical dance. (I promise it’s vaguely plot-relevant.)
Agatha trains the Evers for war.
Sophie performs an archival search and reads Fala and His Brother.
The fic is still largely unwritten, so things may be subject to change later on.
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defensivelee · 1 year
me every time i need a dictator/president in a story: get over here you stupid fucking sheep
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babyawacs · 7 months
#independent #on #russia #war ‎ .@msc @msc @profklausschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace‎ .@eu_commission @eu_commission .@eucouncil @eucouncil .@euparl_en @euparl_dk  .@poland .@gchq .@nsagov .@rosatom  .@joebiden .@gop .@dnc .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacifics ubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy because putin russia aimed for a security arrangement of zones of succumb over efforts onthe security givers it tried the usa likely when. which can only dismiss appease sleazy dictatorships . thenthe efforts were likely onthe proximity actors securitytakers  to make some arrangement against the securityprovider whichthey rejected too. then a last resort war occured with waited toolong and intel prepared onthat war there on managed catast rophy doubled down all in war. then: behold: the solution to ukraine is from russias view sellout ukraine to west with natom embership. an abysmally enfuriating move.
#independent #on #russia #war .@msc @msc @profklausschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace .@eu_commission @eu_commission .@eucouncil @eucouncil .@euparl_en @euparl_dk .@poland .@gchq .@nsagov .@rosatom .@joebiden .@gop .@dnc .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov…
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thealphareporter · 1 year
200 Watt Foldable Solar Panel Kit: The Pinnacle of Lightweight Technology – Rophie
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