#ronnie 💞!
i might become a member of the “cogs kissing club” due to uh, misty monsoon, so… 🤝 you and me! ^w^
YESSSSS WE GOT ANOTHER ONE 🤝 Misty Monsoon so true
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
Well this is new.
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Ship: Ronnie x Kaden
Words: 2,084(OHMYGOD WHAT!? No pressure to read holy shitttttt)
cw: Ronnie's pov, oops Ronnie doesn't know how emotions work! D: Mindy and Cliff being goofs lol (No real CWs)
summary: Bobby's sibling is new in town- Place your bets! :3
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Quiet, it was always quiet. Maybe that's why they say this is a nice place to be. No excitement of the good or bad variety. Not much to do either, wasn't a bustling city with malls and movie theatres, no concert halls or nightclubs, just a quaint little town.
Ronnie sat, arms crossed over his chest at his desk, staring at the clock as it ticked by, every so often checking his cell phone, reading news from other more exciting places in the world. It's not that he hated it here, he liked that it was quiet, fewer people, fewer crimes but sometimes he wished for something to change. Anything really.
"Hey, did you hear?" Mindy broke the silence in the station as she pulled up a seat at her desk. She pushed up her glasses and sat back in her chair.
"Hear what?" Ronnie asked flatly, his brow raising slightly.
"Bobby's got family living here now." Mindy smiled.
That was the one thing about such a small town, nothing was ever kept private and if it was it didn't stay like that for long. Everyone knew everyone and gossip was a pretty common thing.
"Is that so…" Ronnie glanced up from his phone to look at Mindy and Mindy smiled.
"Yeah- some of us are taking bets."
"Taking bets? On what?" Ronnie asked, once again drawing his attention back to his phone.
"On if whoever has moved here ya know…" Mindy gestures vaguely and Ronnie looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Looks….like him"
"That's sort of rude don't you think?" Ronnie is looking at her a little more seriously now, he was never one for gossip and not to mention the subject right now had him wildly uncomfortable.
"I guess it kinda is but hey, what else we got going on. Want in?" Mindy grinned.
"Do yoooou at least want to go with Cliff and me to introduce ourselves?"
"You mean go and see who won the bet?" Ronnie raised a brow and Mindy sighed.
"Fine." Ronnie simply said, standing to his feet and grabbing his jacket.
The drive to Bobby's shop wasn't far. He owned a little gas station comic shop hybrid, all the local kids went there for junk food and to get their sci-fi kick. Already something was different, there was music loudly blasting from the shop.
"Someone likes it loud," Mindy mumbled as they pulled into the shop.
Cliff, Mindy, and Ronnie got out of the car and trailed inside the tight little store, a quaint, slightly run-down storefront, full of of nostalgia and a holdout against the creeping decay. The shop's sign, "Centerville Comics," flickers with a vintage neon glow, inviting those seeking escape into worlds beyond the unsettling quiet of their own. Inside, the shop is a labyrinth of towering shelves, each one groaning under the weight of comic book history, from dog-eared classics to the latest issues. The lighting is dim, with sporadic beams of sunlight filtering through dust-speckled windows, illuminating the colourful covers
The music was usually some twangy country but today was more instrumental progressive rock… that was new. Ronnie bobbed his head a little as Mindy and Cliff glanced around the store before someone came out from the back of the shop and everyone's eyes landed on them.
Mindy grinned, subtly holding her hand out towards Cliff who Cliff, reluctantly handed her $20. The person emerged to the counter, they had black-blue hair about shoulder length, and long bangs that swept across their eyes, when they brushed the hair from their face their eyes were green.. light green with a darker green ring around it. They adorned an eyebrow piercing in their left eyebrow with purple studs that matched the same ones that were in their lower lip.
Ronnie's mouth went agape for a moment as he sucked in a breath of air. Why did it feel like he had suddenly run a marathon? His heart was beating wildly in his chest? The regular musk of ink and paper scent of the shop was replaced by something else…Flowery? Fruity? Mocha? it was a combination of the three that filled his nostrils, no doubt it was whatever this person was wearing. It was alluring. Ronnie had to swallow thickly and try to compose himself despite looking calm on the outside, his stomach was doing backflips and it only intensified when he saw them flash a toothy smile.
The smile on their face changed to one of concern, however. "Oh shit! Am I too loud!?" They reached for the remote to the sound system and turned it down a bit.
"No, no you're good. We just wanted to stop in and say hello, we heard Bobby had some family visiting and--"
"and ya'll had to rush over to see if I was a skinny-haired nerd too?" They interjected, grinning widely and Ronnie cracked a little smirk that didn't go unnoticed by Cliff.
"I-- we---" Mindy stammered in shock and Cliff looked rather embarrassed.
"It's alright, Bobby told me that it might happen. So who won?"
"Mindy." Cliff thumbed towards her and she shyly smiled.
"So Mindy.." they turned their attention to the older gentlemen.
"Cliff…" They echoed as they turned towards Ronnie and their eyes flicked up to him.
"Oh, R-Ronnie-" He stammered, a small hitch in his voice as he reached over the case to shake their hand. Why was he so nervous? Again the stammer didn't go unnoticed this time by Mindy and Cliff.
"Kaden, nice to meet you Ronnie~" They smiled sweetly at Ronnie and he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest yet on the outside he remained his calm and cool self or at least he thought he was.
"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. Tell Bobby we said hi" Cliff smiled and turned on his heel.
"Coming Ronnie?" Mindy raised a brow, taking note of how his gaze seemed to be lingering on Kaden.
"Huh?" Ronnie broke his gaze and looked at Mindy.
"Are you coming?"
"Oh- uh-"
"Actually…" Kaden pressed their palms against the glass case as they leaned on it. "Can I borrow him for a bit? He has something I need."
"He does?" Mindy looked at Kaden curiously.
"I do?" Ronnie also looked to Kaden and why was he suddenly feeling nervous?
"Yeah. His height. Can you help me out with those.." Kaden pointed to a stack of boxes "Up there?" They pointed to the shelf that was closest to the ceiling. "Bobby wants to put up some of the new arrival comics but he clearly doesn't believe in owning a step ladder or at least one that I can find in this cluttered mess back here. I know it's an odd request but it seems like not much goes on here so can you spare your deputy for a moment?"
"I dunno, Ronnie? Can you be spared?" Mindy's lips pulled into a half smirk and Ronnie felt his heart sink into his stomach.
"Y-Yeah, no I can absolutely help out if you need it." Ronnie stammered again and Mindy shot him a knowing look.
"Great!" Kaden smiled.
Mindy and Cliff left and as they were outside Mindy offered Cliff another little bet..
"He's smitten."
"I see that."
"I give it a month tops before he crack."
"you're on."
Back inside Kaden motioned Ronnie to come around the counter. "Thanks for the help~" Kaden hummed softly.
"Oh, it's no problem." He replied softly. the look on his face was stoic and he offered a small smile to Kaden and noticed the way they soon followed suit, giving a small smile themselves and there were those butterflies again, slowly fluttering in Ronnie's stomach. He swallowed thickly again.
"Here you are sir~" Kaden chuckled as they went into the box and grathered a pile of comics in their hands. Although they didn't have the greatest grip on them within moments they were scattered across the floor. "Shit!"
Ronnie moved on instinct, squatting down to help with the mess as well as Kaden and within moments their heads collided with one another. Kaden hissed and held their head as did Ronnie.
"Ow!" Kaden exclaimed a small laugh coming from them as they glanced up at Ronnie who was also holding his head.
"Sorry..are you alright?" Ronnie asked as he looked over to see Kaden already staring at him. He took relief in the fact that Kaden was laughing and the sound sent a spark of warmth through his chest that he had never felt before.
"I'm okay..heh are you okay?" Kaden chuckled softly as they stood to their feet, handing Ronnie a bunch of books from up off the floor.
"I'm okay." He spoke softly, just above a whisper.
As Ronnie and Kaden finally straighten up, each holding a portion of the spilt sci-fi comics, the last few books find their way back onto the shelf. The slight bump on his head from their accidental collision is nothing compared to the rapid thumping in his chest. Ronnie can't help but replay the moment over and over in his mind, the soft surprise in Kaden's eyes, the brief touch of their hands. It's ridiculous, he thinks, how a simple accident feels like it's rewired his entire day—
As Ronnie and Kaden finally straighten up, each holding a portion of the spilt sci-fi comics, the last few books find their way back onto the shelf. The slight bump on his head from their accidental collision is nothing compared to the rapid thumping in his chest. Ronnie can't help but replay the moment over and over in his mind, the soft surprise in Kaden's eyes, the brief touch of their hands. It's ridiculous, he thinks, how a simple accident feels like it's rewired his entire day—no, his entire outlook on what he came into the comic shop for.
"Thanks for the help," Kaden says, their voice pulling him back from his daze, a smile playing on their lips. It's casual, the way they say it, but to Ronnie, it feels like a scene straight out of one of these comics—unexpected allies meeting in a twist of fate.
"No problem," Ronnie manages to say, hoping his voice sounds steadier than he feels. "Guess we made quite the team, huh?"
"Yeah, we did," Kaden agrees, their smile broadening, oblivious to the feelings that they've flamed inside Ronnie.
As they stand there, amidst the quiet hum of the shop and Kaden's music that was playing in the background, surrounded by tales of intergalactic adventures and time-travel mishaps, Ronnie finds himself wishing they were characters in one of those stories. It would be easier, maybe, to express how he feels if he could blame it on some cosmic anomaly or a twist of fate written into the stars. They just met after all and it would be weird to just blurt out that he found them attractive, plus that wasn't Ronnie. He was calm and collected at all times…..right?
He takes a moment, watching Kaden's enthusiasm for the comics, the way their eyes light up at certain titles, and he wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's a universe out there where he's brave enough to say, "Hey, I know we just met, and we might be nothing more than two strangers who bonked heads over a pile of comics, but I feel like there's something here. Do you feel it too?"
But he doesn't say any of that. Instead, he tucks those words and feelings away, a secret storyline that no one else gets to read. For now, he's content to bask in the aftermath to hold onto the spark of something new and thrillingly unknown.
"See you around?" he ventures, a tentative offer to extend this moment into something more a chance to see them again hopefully, less head-bonking encounters though.
"I'd like that," Kaden responds softly, the smile on their face ever-present. If Ronnie was paying more attention to Kaden than to his own inner thoughts and feelings he may have noticed the faint tint of pink that spread across Kaden's cheeks.
"Okay, well…see you later then."
"Bye, It was nice to meet you, Ronnie."
"Y-You too.." Ronnie stammered and was mentally kicking himself, he wasn't like this. He wasn't someone who allowed strong emotions get the better of him and yet here he was, heart racing and words faltering. He turned on his heel and headed out of the shop and allowed himself for the briefest moment to feel what he was feeling. He smiled fully to himself, something new and exciting was finally happening in this quiet little town.
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Tag list: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @kylars-princess || @roboraindrop || @lysandreslittlechatot || @dragonsmooch
Absolutely NO PRESSURE to read this. I didn't think I could make a 2000 word fic but hi? hello????? If you read it fucking thank you!? you're literally a rockstar and I'd die for you??? <3
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
Summary: Morgan finally gets her brother back, and many important conversations ensue.
New to the fic? Read from the beginning!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @ironverseocs @raith-way @thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thatmagickjuju
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le-velo-pour-dru · 9 months
How was the concert?? Tell me everything!
So before the concert started and everyone was waiting in line, I got to meet the AMAZING @mayathexpsychic and @acaesic in-person!! :D 💖 It was amazing, they're both such sweet and cool individuals, and I had so much fun chatting and hanging out with them before the show. It definitely made the wait a lot easier and a lot more fun!! ^^ 💖
When we finally got into the venue, after some waiting, we got to see the opening act, Sego!! I didn't really know what to expect, cause I hadn't heard of them, but oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️ They were so good!! 😁❤️ I'm definitely gonna have to look into their music, I enjoyed their set a lot ^^ 🫶
After that. oh my god. The wait for Dallon to come out was EXCRUCIATINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT FELT LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER XD I never knew what to expect when one of the songs that was playing faded out, or when someone walked onto the stage only to be one of the people helping to set up. IT WAS LIKE TORTURE, I NEVER KNEW WHEN HE WOULD COME OUT AND IT FELT LIKE SUCH A LONG TIME X'D 💔
As for how the concert worked, things have kinda changed!! For one, Dallon did a lot less bass playing and a lot more moving around the stage as he sang. Mad IQs used to be special cause he ditched the bass and was just a lead singer for a while, but he did that for maybe half the songs of the concert!! And I'm not complaining at all, Dallon is very fun to watch as he moves around onstage, he has a lot of fun with it and is just very full of energy and charisma!! It's a welcome change in my opinion :) 💖 As for the backing musicians, things have changed too!! Anthony is still his touring guitarist, but there's a new musician too who. I wasn't sure if he was playing guitar or bass or both, but his name was Isaac Paul. There's also a new drummer too, whose name is Ronnie Strauss! Dallon didn't really talk about Ryan during the concert, which I think was a tasteful decision on his part, BUT. HE DID MENTION HIM ONCE 🤭 As he was introducing the musicians, he said, "Turns out you can afford more people when you aren't being stolen from." WHICH WAS SO ICONIC. OMG. IF YOU'RE GONNA BRING HIM UP, WHAT A WAY TO DO IT X3 ❤️ IT WAS SO FUNNY HFXJGCHXFXCGJXFCJGJGXGJCVXVJJGXGJCGJCVJCGJC 🤭
And can I just say, I love Dallon's charisma onstage!! He would talk in between songs, and every time, he was just so charming and personable, it was a lot of fun!! :) ❤️ He's so good at connecting with the crowd, I loved hearing everything he had to say ^^ ❤️ A couple of highlights include:
He asked us if we all had good Christmases, and when we cheered, he said, "Well, that's neat!" in the GOOFUEST voice. It was so silly X3 ❤️
Before Kiss Goodnight, he talked about having fallen in love with Breezy years ago and still being in love with her to this day, and he shared that they did, in fact, kiss goodnight that night. It was really sweet 😊💖
He said that that night, we were all his date, and he was our date (if we're into that sort of thing), which. MADE ME BLUSH AND GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET A LITTLE HEHEHEHE ☺️🩷 I WISH I COULD BE HIS DATE XFHGJJFXJGCXVJJCVVCJJCVCBJ 🤭💖
Before Choke, he gave a whole heartfelt speech about how much it meant to him that people came to see the show, and how amazing it is that the one thing unifying a room full of strangers is the music that they enjoy, and he finished it with, "Now, if you don't mind, choke yourself to sleep". IT WAS SO FUNNY FHXGJCHJCGXFJGJCXCJGJCCGJBC, HE'S SO AWESOME 🤭❤️
Anyway, moving onto something else: I don't tend to sing along with the songs during a concert, I prefer to just listen to how they're being performed. So while I didn't sing along with most of the songs, I had a lot of fun participating during the parts where he wanted the crowd to sing, like Social Climb and A Letter!! But the absolute peak crowd participation moment HAD to be Visitation of the Ghost!! 🤩💖 From where I was standing, it was pretty hard to see him during the crowd walk... BUT STILL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO EXPERIENCE A CROWD WALK LIVE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 🤭💖 That song overall is just. absolutely amazing to see live, it was a incredible experience and one of the best parts of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️
AND. OK. I REFUSE TO SAY MUCH ABOUT DOWNSIDE, BUT. I LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH 😁💖 I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but the vibes of the song were sooooooooooooooooo fun and I can't wait to finally hear it on the album!! 😄🩷 Speaking of which, he said a different Gloom Division song will be coming out in two weeks, and I can't wait to find out which one it is!! Maybe it'll be Kiss and Tell, he used that phrase during the concert, so. maybe that was a hint :o ❤️ That's just a guess though, idk what to expect X3
Anyway. It was an absolutely incredible experience!! :3 💖 Dallon is an absolutely phenomenal performer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄🫶❤️ He's an incredible musician, he has a beautiful voice, and he has so much amazing energy and charisma up on that stage 😁🩷 It was incredible seeing one of my favorite musicians perform live right in front of me, I had so much fun, and I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to go see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩💖 I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to see him again in April!! ^^ ❤️🫶
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sexilene · 6 months
6. who's your fave Jersey Shore cast member?
I love this question!!
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this so so tough lol! gotta say my fave is probably the sitch 💞
he's just so funny and odd...and he had the best quotes (besides pauly ofc), he's such a villain but like i dig it...it brought dramaaaaa!!
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in order, here are my faves!!
the situation
pauly d
dirty little hamster
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shinugodda · 6 months
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ronnie spector 💞
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cucumbercastle · 1 year
tagged by @goodlookingforagirl to post my 5 current favorite songs in no particular order! thank you dearly 💞
cruel - jackson wang
roll on babe - ronnie lane
deep sea detective - gentle mystics
virtual aerobics - wallows
moreton bay - bernard fanning
tagging @bluesrocknrollingstones and anyone else who wants to join in 🥰
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karenka-sutcliff · 7 months
🦅🦅 encontré a la que carreo el tag de grelliam en AO3 en el fandom latino hispano (amo tus fics, Sobretodo tú interpretación de Ronald.)
Muchísimas gracias 🫂💞 Tiene un tiempo que no publico, espero hacerlo en breve ☺️ en verdad me alegra mucho que te gusten mis fics y cómo interpretó a Ronny 😊
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ghostussy · 2 years
First: ‘hmm slutty old men’ is such a mood and Im here for it 🥴
SECOND: My favorite fic of yours that I adored reading was the Secondo x Platonic reader with Arthritis 🥹
It spoke to me on levels that I hate to know about but GOD, I LOVE IT! 💕
(P.s: ily, hope your flare ups arent as bad as mine are currently 🥲)
2. I'm so glad you could find comfort in it Ronnie 😭 sometimes I feel like an imposter due to my age but comments like this make me feel better about it 😭💞💞
(P.s. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!!! ❤ These damn weather changes have been AWFUL! 😭 but I'm doing okay so no complaints here :)
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clonesupport · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers 💞
oooo hmm lets see, istg writing all my fics feel like a fever dream i never remember what happens in any of them AHAHAHA
in no particular order :))
tongue tied | my first actual max and ronnie fic🥴
liars aren't so easily forgiven | this one i've been meaning to revise and officially make it a snippet of my ronnie and max lore cuz well this is exactly what happens between ronnie and max after his personal mission in fallbrooke so eventually i'll get to that hehe
the vicar's tiny dancer | another side story i've been wanting to revise and turn into a ronnie x max fic🙃 both 2 and 3 are very VERY self indulgent
nice necklace | was my first fic and still a favourite
multi use prayer beads | my most recent hehe been wanting to do a lot more of max on the more sub side especially fingering👁👁 and i finally started with my first
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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Adorable photos of Ronnie I found on Pinterest 💞💕💗💞💕💗💞🥰🥰
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You. friend :3 - @super-mario-hyadain
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
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Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together!
Ronnie Peterson x Kaden Reese - self-ship/lore playlist. || ok 2 rb
I'm completely normal about this man... I'm not I got a lot of ideas and it starts with a playlist <3
💙 Rather Be by Clean Bandit
💜 Lit by polyphia
💙 Sweet But Psycho by Ava Max
💜 Cassini Mission by Gemini Club
💙 Heart Attack by Sum41
💜 Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace
💙 Riot by Three Days Grace
💜 Cure for the Itch by Linkin Park
💙 Burn it Down by Linkin Park
💜 The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
💙 Umbrella by All Time Low
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Barry and Ronnie are an underrated duo and I wish we got more of them 💞
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melis-writes · 2 years
You are one of the kindest people I have crossed paths with in this life. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and I’m thankful to know you. In no way shape or form do you deserve any of the hate you have been receiving. We live in a cruel world, but you are one of the good things in it. Don’t ever let anyone break your spirit and steal your happiness. The joy you have given people through your writing far outweighs the hateful comments. As long as you love what you do, that’s all that matters. There are so many people, including myself, who are grateful for you sharing your talent and what you love with us. You have so many people behind you. If we didn’t share what we love, we wouldn’t have found a common interest, therefore we wouldn’t have met, and I honestly couldn’t imagine that. I support you, and anyone who doesn’t has the right to not view your content. It takes much less energy to be kind, and we need more of that in this world. You are strong, so I know you will be okay. I am always here. love u. ❤️
I love you so very, very much, Ronnie my beloved 🥰❤️🥺 super grateful to not only follow such a great blog and have you as my mutual, but as a dear and loving friend too. 💓 Your love and support means a lot to me and I take it to heart. Thank you. 💞😌💞😌
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jwowwsboobs · 2 years
was jack straight? what was her go to drink? did ronnie ever get her to wear ""cute"" clothes? what style jeans did ronnie like best?
was jack straight?
im gonna go into this when i talk abt wht drove her but. she didnt shave her pits so i will leave the actual answer up 2 yr imagination 4 now💞
what was jacks go-2 drink?
beer. didnt matter what kind bitch was pounding it back while grabbing another one
did ronnie ever get 2 wear her cute clothes?
absolutely! just not on tour💔 which they were on 4 like. 80% of arterys brief career. shed bring one or two cute tops (halters usually she thought they made her tits look the best) 4 when they did interviews but it was daisy dukes 100% of the time w either tank tops or band shirts.
what style jean did she like best?
when ronnie wore jeans the only thing tht mattered 2 her was tht they make her butt look good lmfaoooooo
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