#ronan's dreams are weird and i love them
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Okay so basically I got to do a presentation about chapter 30 from The Dream Thieves in my Creative Writing class and I got way to carried away writing a full analysis so I thought I'd post it here
I think this passage is so great because it's packed with symbols that completely encapsulate the character of Ronan Lynch. Firstly, we have Ronan’s tattoo, which holds a lot of significance in terms of its literal purpose and what it figuratively represents. We learn here that the literal purpose of the tattoo is to instill fear and intimidation among others. Ronan is a very damaged person, and uses his physical appearance as a warning sign for others to steer clear of him after his father dies. He has a shaved head, a permanent scowl, and most intimidating of all: a tattoo which stretches from the back of his neck all the way down to his waist. His tattoo has a lot of grotesque, frightening imagery in it, which is interesting considering its design is made up of “things from his head.” The fact that the dark imagery portrayed in his tattoo is from his head reveals the struggles and dark things that come out of his own mind. His tattoo is a literal manifestation of Ronan’s inner self portrayed in a scene on his back. He’s quite literally wearing his heart on his sleeve (or on his back rather). It’s also mentioned that Ronan has never been able to see the tattoo fully, because it’s on his back. It can only be seen by others standing behind him, and also, when he’s naked (which is something I’ll come back to later). I think that the placement of his tattoo specifically is a really important metaphor alongside the idea that Ronan’s tattoo represents his whole character and inner self. The fact that Ronan cannot see the whole picture of himself and only “bits and pieces” seems like a large indicator that Ronan doesn’t know fully who he is. In the prologue of The Dream Thieves, it’s stated that Ronan has three secrets, all of different natures; the nature of the second secret being one you keep even from yourself. So essentially, Ronan has a part of himself which he doesn't even truly understand, and I think that this is really accentuated by the fact that he can't see his whole tattoo (his inner self) because it's always behind him. However, others also can’t see the whole tattoo unless he takes his shirt off to show them. (BIG THING FOR LATER!)
In the epilogue of TDT you find out (along with Ronan himself) that he’s in love with one of his best friends, Adam. During this chapter, the reader hasn’t been told yet that Ronan is in love with Adam; mostly because the book follows his point of view, and he doesn’t actually know this about himself yet either. It’s made into a plot twist of sorts in the epilogue, and many readers said that they weren’t aware that it was coming at all. A lot of people felt that Ronan’s crush on Adam came out of nowhere. But if you’re me and love to look WAY too deep into every single line of a book, you’ll know that this isn’t the case at all. This dream is a dead giveaway of Ronan’s feelings. First of all, dreams–especially the way that they’re portrayed in this book–are a look into one’s inner conscience. Your dreams are able to display your deepest feelings and desires, even if you’re not consciously aware of them in real life. Ronan especially is a character who has walls built up, and doesn't verbally communicate how he feels to any other character. He doesn’t even allow himself to examine his own feelings/desires, and has a lack of self-vulnerability and personal emotional intelligence. So in his dreams, his most inner part of himself comes to the forefront of his mind and shows him things he didn’t even know he wanted. To validate this idea, we have the fact that Ronan can fully see his whole tattoo in this dream. His tattoo represents his inner self, and he is finally able to see this part of himself within his dream. The dream begins with Dream Adam tracing his tattoo, and in Latin (which I’ll unpack later) he says,“Scio quid hoc est” which roughly translates to “I know what this is.” Once again, returning to the idea that Ronan’s tattoo is a manifestation of himself, we have Adam physically touching it and telling Ronan he knows what the tattoo means. He understands its whole purpose; why Ronan got it, what it’s really depicting. Dream Adam isn’t intimidated by the tattoo like most people because of its gruesome imagery, but instead he knows that it’s really made up of things from Ronan’s conscience, that it’s a representation of who he is inside. What’s really being portrayed in this scene is Ronan’s desire to be truly known by someone, which is a common theme in the series. The fact that the person shown “knowing” Ronan in his dream is Adam specifically is really important as well. Up until this point, we know that Adam and Ronan are friends, their relationship is shown to be tense and is characterized by squabbles which are resolved by the end of the day. We don’t really know exactly how they feel about each other yet based on their surface level interactions. Therefore, this chapter is extremely important in developing their relationship. We now know partly about how Ronan truly feels about Adam. Not necessarily what their relationship currently is, but what he subconsciously wants it to be. Ronan wants to be known by Adam and believes that he has this capability, since it’s Adam who fills this role in his dream.
In the dream, Dream Adam then transforms into Kavinsky, who’s the antagonist in this installment. Kavinsky is an adrenaline junky who’s presented to have an infatuation with Ronan. He gets him to do crazy things: dangerously drag race in the streets, take questionable dreamt-pills, and throw molotov cocktails at white Mitsubishis. He’s infatuated with Ronan mainly because of Ronan’s outward reputation and appearance, his mutual love for perilous activities, and the fact that they share the supernatural ability to take things out of their dreams. Kavinsky wants someone to enable him; who he can be an enabler to. Kavinsky thinks that they’re one in the same, and that Ronan is an exemplary candidate for a self-destructive partner. In Ronan’s dream, when Adam turns into Kavinsky, Ronan disappears entirely. He becomes only his tattoo, which gets smaller and smaller until it's simply a tiny Celtic knot. The notion that Ronan disappears and that his tattoo (all that’s left of him, a manifestation of his conscience) gets smaller when Kavinsky appears, shows that he literally feels small when he’s with him. Kavinsky belittles Ronan. He misunderstands who he is, and boils him down to his wildness and rash spontaneousness. He quite literally swallows Ronan whole in the dream; he destroys all that he is. Dream Kavinsky tells Ronan in Latin, “Scio quid estis vos'', which roughly translates to “I know what you are.” WOOOOOF. OH, IT'S SO GOOD. I GOT CHILLS. This could have SO many meanings. “I know what you are” could mean that Kavinsky knows that Ronan is a dreamer, just like himself, or it could also mean that he knows Ronan is gay (if we’re revisiting that idea of this dream bringing to the forefront parts of Ronan that he doesn’t know about himself yet). Adam and Kavinsky are complete opposites in Ronan’s dream, and furthermore, his life. The dream versions of the two represent what he wants, versus what he’s settled with. Currently, Ronan doesn’t think that he’s worthy of someone who truly knows and loves him. Instead, he’s resigned himself to a homoerotic unlabeled relationship with Kavinsky—who doesn't actually care about who he is, and only wants someone who he can destroy his life with. The exact phrasing of the things Dream Adam and Kavinsky separately say to Ronan are SO significant. Essentially they’re telling him the same thing: what they think they know about him. It's the words which they use to say this which makes these statements wildly different. Dream Adam says “I know what this is” about Ronan’s tattoo, meaning that he knows Ronan’s inner self. He knows this thing which he can’t normally see all of himself display of terrible things from his own mind. Dream Kavinsky says “I know what you are” which displays his assumption of Ronan’s outer character. It’s a bold assumption and an incorrect one. The difference between Adam and Kavinsky to Ronan, is that Ronan wants Adam because he’s different from himself, and doesn’t want Kavinsky because he’s too similar to him. To an extent, I think Ronan fears Kavinsky because he’s who Ronan would be if he didn’t have Gansey or Adam in his life to keep him sane. Initially, Ronan does like to have someone to let off steam with, but he eventually realizes doesn't want an enabler to ruin his life with. He wants someone like Adam–his polar opposite–to know him, to ground him. He wants to feel alive, and awake.
Another interesting element to this chapter is that Ronan’s dream seems to be erotic in nature; it’s a wet-dream. This is a little jarring for a YA novel, but I personally think eroticsm and sex used in literature as metaphors for conveying relationships and character vulnerability is really beautiful and clever. The significance of it being a sex dream is the fact that Ronan, as previously stated, isn’t someone who verbalizes his love for people. He shows it through physical intimacy and acts of service. Intercourse is literally as close as one can be with another person, and Ronan is completely vulnerable and laid bare in this moment. In it Ronan is naked, which we know because the dream begins with Adam tracing the tattoo all the way down his bare back. Remember, Ronan’s tattoo can only be seen fully when he’s naked, which adds another layer to this. Here it’s assumed that he had allowed Dream Adam to see his tattoo, because he had to have taken off his shirt to see it. Circling back Ronan’s tattoo placement, it’s something that not only can’t be fully seen by himself, but also can’t be fully seen by others unless he decides to strip naked for them. Here he allows Adam to see it and even trace the lines of it down his back. He felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with Adam like that, and to inspect his whole being. The fact that Kavinsky then appears and the tattoo becomes smaller represents Ronan's uncomfortability with Kavinsky. He didn’t mean for him to see that part of himself and shrinks away in shame until Kavinsky devours the tattoo without permission. It really enforces the idea that Ronan wants and chooses Adam, but Kavinsky forces himself into his life and takes from Ronan without asking. Finally, Ronan awakes from his wet dream “euphoric and ashamed.” This could either be about the fact that it was a sex dream with not one, but other boys, or the confrontation of his true desires. He’s ashamed to admit what he really wants, and doesn’t allow himself to fully comprehend what this dream means. Ronan even thinks that he never wants to sleep again, which really means that he doesn't want his dreams to confront him with his true feelings again. This can tie into the metaphor about Ronan’s sexuality in terms of the fact that he got off to Adam and then Kavinsky, or that he doesn’t want to let his guard down and admit what he truly wants.
It’s now finally time to unpack the use of Latin! Hooray! Throughout the series, we’re shown that Ronan is really flippant about school. He’s constantly on the brink of expulsion from Aglionby because he doesn’t go to any of his classes or do any of the work. However, the one class he has consistent attendance in as well as the highest overall grade is Latin—second to his proficiency in the language is Adam. They’re both in the same class, and are said to be able to almost fully understand and speak perfect Latin. The use of this dead language is a common theme in the series, and almost all of Ronan’s dreams are in latin. There’s an underlying meaning in that alone. A fun tidbit if we’re looking into the meaning of latin phrases we have the imagery of “claws and beak” described about the imagery of Ronan’s tattoo. The latin phrase “Unguibus et rostro” translates to “claws and beak” and is an expression about fighting with everything you have for something you want. It’s idiomatically comparable to phrases like “heart and soul” and “with all one’s strength” (thanks to ravenclawsandbeak on tumblr for sharing this finding with the fans). In the final book in the series, there’s a short chapter which is essentially a call-back to this chapter, and follows the format in which it’s written pretty clearly. However, Ronan is awake this time rather than dreaming.
This chapter is more or less a sex scene between Ronan and Adam, and is essentially the exact opposite to Ronan’s wet dream in TDT. Here, Ronan’s desires are no longer a fantasy that came to him in a dream, he finally has exactly what he’s wanted all along. in which they admit their feelings for each other, which is done indirectly and not through words. The fact that it's through a sex scene is significant because it's showing their intimacy. Intercourse between people is literally as close as two people can get. As a couple, Adam and Ronan rarely verbalize their feelings about each other, and so this intimate act is really them letting down their walls and allowing themselves to be completely vulnerable to each other. Here, we have Adam studying Ronan's tattoo in real life this time, just like in his dream (Something he’s only able to do because Ronan allowed him). He sees all the fine details in its design, and interestingly enough, speaks aloud this latin phrase “Unguibus et rostro” (This also begins a common theme of Ronan and Adam speaking in cryptic latin phrases rather than just actually telling the other of how they feel about each other, but that's a story for another time). This, as everything else does, has multiple meanings; it shows that not only Adam correctly interprets the imagery on tattoo, showing that now he does truly know and understand Ronan’s inner self. But also it reiterates the meaning of this phrase: that Ronan has appropriately fought with all he had for what he wants. He was able to reject Kavinsky and stay true to himself and his principles, and he realized his feelings for Adam, and was able to let his guard down enough to reach out to Adam and let him know how he actually felt about him. And similarly, he allowed Adam to love him back.
So why did Maggie Stiefvater include the chapter in TDT? It completely breaks the flow of the main story, interrupts two other character’s POVs, and comes seemingly out of nowhere. It's not described where Ronan is, who he came to sleep, when it’s happening. It feels as if the placement of this chapter didn’t matter; it could appear anywhere and still have the same effect. My theory? I think that Stiefvater specifically placed this chapter here because she thought it was an appropriate time to learn more about Ronan, and she wanted the chapter to stick out due to shock value. Because it’s at such a seemingly random moment, and its content is brief and strange, it’s a stark outlier from the rest of the chapters. For me, this strategy totally worked. When I think back to this book, this chapter is by far the most memorable one. I remember it almost immediately when I think about any specific line/chapter from this book. Even though the dream seems random and complex, it has so much meaning packed into it about Ronan’s inner conscience and character. Stiefvater wants to reveal all of these things about Ronan previously analyzed without directly telling us.
#trc#the raven cycle#the dream thieves#the raven king#ronan lynch#adam parrish#joseph kavinsky#ronan's dreams are weird and i love them#literary analysis#lit analysis is my passion and so is this book
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The Great-Novel-Length-Pynch-Fic List
By strawberryslurpy aka your resident pynch addict
I keep searching through fics on AO3 by word count and half the time it’s just Kinktober fics and that is not what I want I want something that’s comparable fiction to novels that are considered literary works of art!1!1!1! In other words, I’m picky. If you are too this may just be the list for you. Enjoy 😛😛
1. Concorde, Anonymous, AO3 (must be a member to read), 176k words
What if Adam was removed from the Parrish household at age 10? And what if he became the ward of a certain dreamer?
This fic had me in a CHOKEHOLD genuinely killed me and revived me. If you enjoy novels that are time jumpy and show rather than tell than this fic is for you. It’s confusing in the fun literary type of way and it is so well crafted and well articulated. I am a huge huge fan.
2. Magnetic by MonsieurBlueSky, AO3 (must be a member to read), 231k words
“an AU in which Ronan never befriended Gansey and after the death of Niall Lynch, Gansey isn't there to pull Ronan back from the edge. Kavinsky is there instead, ready to push him over.”
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING NO NOTES GENUINELY PHENOMENALLY EXECUTED I adore this fic and everything about it. The way the author is able to examine ronans relationships and how magic impacted them is just so so so lovely. I read this in one sitting and I sobbed for hours after finishing. Please read the tags, there is graphic depictions of suicide, self harm, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. it’s all very canon typical but elaborated on.
3. Violent Delights (Violent Ends) by sunmoontruth, AO3, 200k words
Oh. My. God. Holy. Fucking. Shit. HUNGER GAMES AU. Genuinely such captivating writing, the story pulls bits and pieces from the original Hunger Games, but there is so much that is original and fresh that this fic becomes less of an AU and more of a stand alone work. And with everything going on in the world now, in America where I live, this more graphic adult version of the hunger games truly hits where it hurts. Phenomenal characterization, such an amazing adaptation. I am floored beyond belief.
4. (The Time It Takes) To Believe in Fate by LydiaStJames, AO3, 100k words
“When he was 16, Adam walked into a forest in Henrietta, Virginia and exited in 1800s Ireland. The day he spent with the grumpy but attractive farmer lingered with Adam for years, but the forest didn't seem like it would appear again. That is, until Adam returned to Henrietta for his father's funeral and the forest calls him back once more.
To Ronan.”
GOD SO GOOD SO WELL WRITTEN. I have re read this one too many times to count. It is beautiful. It’s also such an intriguing concept and such a unique and original AU that it feels so disconnected from the original canon in a way that makes it much more enticing. Like the characterization is spot on and it’s so cool to see how these characters react to such an odd set of circumstances relative to their original canon.
5. Seek Ye The Living by charactershoes, AO3 (must be a member to read), 40k words
Adam is a priest. Declan and Ashley are getting married. Ronan is having a faith crisis. What’s new.
6. Divinity by Cazio on AO3, 67k words
Magic can’t heal everything, especially when Ronan lacks the knowledge to dream a fix all. In other words, during his first semester at Harvard Adam gets sick. In true Adam fashion, he completely ignores it. But eventually it becomes too much for him to evade.
This fic is emotionally devastating. But, for some weird reason, it’s a comfort fic for me as someone who is chronically ill. It is a different type of illness and a much different type of circumstance but to see Ronans characterization when faced with something so devastating, and to see Adam get taken care of with such love. It means a lot when that is something I’m so deeply afraid I’ll never find. Please please please be aware of the tags and archive warnings.
For now these are my favorite long fics that are pynch centric but also just beautiful examples of literature that is so well written it feels like a disservice to label it fan fiction. I’ll update more as I read more!!
Lots of love,
Your local pynch dealer
#the raven cycle#ronan lynch#adam parrish#the dreamer trilogy#the raven boys#ronan x adam#fic rec#the dream thieves#blue lily lily blue#the raven king#trc#trc fic#ship: pynch#pynch#pynch fic rec#pynch fic#blusey#hunger games au#non magical#blue sargent#mister impossible#the gangsey#declan lynch#richard campbell gansey iii#richard gansey#sarchengsey#bluesey#fan fiction
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Trc headcannon:
Adam Parrish is a ginger, but not a bright fire orange ginger. He’s ginger as in he has the red clay colored hair. It’s said so many times he came from dust and the dirt of the trailer park and idk if it’s just bc of the trailer park I lived in growing up (smoky mountains. It is southern Appalachia and comes directly from the blue ridge) but it is so. So. Red and orange.
The epilogue of Greywarren mostly doesn’t exist. Not because it’s bad, I just feel it was very haphazardly thrown together. Why is Calla the officiant? Idk as someone who worships the ground Maggie walks, I think it wasn’t well done. The engagement does happen bc thats the most pynch thing to exist.
Adam isn’t a fed. My boy goes into social work or something adjacent. His last POV in Trk talks about how he wants to go through each house and find every last little Adam and save them. I think because he was in that position and would know intimately how fucked the system is.
aaah thank you for sharing these!
okay why do i really wanna see fanart of adam with red hair now 👀 i love this. also its basically already canon to me because everyone always writes about adam's freckles in fic (which i dont think freckles were talked about in trc/tdt? but i could be wrong?) so like yeah. auburn at least. agreed.
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! I don't think Declan would want all of Ronan's friends at his wedding???? like what in the fuck even was that. Yeah Calla as officiant was super weird. I think it was mstief's way of wrapping everything up, just putting all of the characters in one place to write a little sentence or two about them, but yeah felt pretty disjointed.
yeah i like this too. I think a couple people have written this but I like the headcanon that Adam helps dreamer children. Him and Ronan "adopt" or just mentor young dreamer children who were in a tough situation or just didn't know how to deal with their dreams. But I also just like the idea that Adam does a "normal" job like becoming a social worker/lawyer that helps kids and is also answering calls from his dumbass boyfriend and remotely giving him advice/getting him out of the stupid situations that he finds himself in.
#trc headcanon asks#the raven cycle#the dreamer trilogy#trc#tdt#asks#ronan lynch#adam parrish#pynch#jordeclan#declan lynch#jordan hennessy
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Do you have any thoughts abt ronans relatiomship with his sexuality pre-tdt fourth of july epiphany? Bc i remember back in the day fandom loved to portray him as deep in the internalized homophobia angst trenches, but thats... kind of not how i read him? Ofc i dont think he's 100% at peace with it (he did not speak it. He did not think it), but I never really got the vibe that it was a big aspect of his self hatred or anything? Like, when kavinsky tried to call him out he was like "yeah no i never said i wasnt", and no one ever really reacts when adam makes quips about it, like its kind of a known open secret? Like, i do think its something he was aware about and on his way to accepting pre-niall, but when we start the series he's just too wrapped up in other stuff (yeah i might be gay but the labyrinth is exanding rn- typa deal). But sometimes i wonder if im missing something and your analysis is always great so i wonder if you have any further thoughts?

hiiiii this is such a fun question tysm for sending. i don’t read him that way either!
i think you’re right, essentially ronan’s relationship with his sexuality is basically like “i might be gay but every night monsters in my nightmares try to kill me so i can’t worry about that rn” and i do agree that he doesn’t really have specifically Internalized Homophobia, BECAUSE: ronan hates himself and is scared of his desire In General. he hates himself but it’s not because he is gay, it’s just because he’s alive and he wants things. every time he mentions his self hatred or waxes angsty and poetic in his internal monologue it’s about all the different things that make him A Weirdo (have you ever seen him without that bird on his shoulder? that’s weird) and not only/just his sexuality. the other thing i do have to say about this though is that trc is not really… the most accurate representation of what it’s like to grow up gay in the american south in the late 00s/early 10s. source? me, who grew up gay in the american south during that time. like i just think there are so many things glossed over or not even included because they didn’t serve the overall narrative, which is fine, but if ronan was “real” he likely would’ve experienced more conflict with his peers/superiors and more conflict with himself and his faith wrt his sexuality. but i digress. ronan hates himself for playing god, for being born, for having wants and desires. he thinks he’s weird for being a god, for being born, for listening to shitty music and dressing like bullets era gerard way. i do also think the general attitude from his friends is kind of “oh yeah, ronan’s gay, but his dad just got murdered so we can’t really worry about that right now”. like adam’s not surprised ronan wants him; gansey’s surprise in the trk post-kiss scene is that adam wanted ronan, not vice versa; declan clearly knows but keeps his thoughts on specifically ONLY this topic to himself for some reason (another thing i’ll have to digress about because Come On…). ronan jokes about it to himself (he was not a fan of lamps) and observes it in others (he wondered if kavinsky was gay) and i think he really only takes offense to gay innuendo on his behalf if it happens to also incriminate someone else (i can’t figure out if it’s you or gansey on top; that’s not what gansey is to me). i don’t think ronan wants to believe his friends know, because he isn’t ready for them to know. they might, but they won’t push him about it. i think “im always straight” was a way for him to test the waters, to see how people would respond to his Other Secret. he DOES consider his desire for adam one of his Big Secrets; he does harbor shame and fear related to it; he does grow to accept this in himself faster than he does anything else (like the dreaming). i just think he’s simply got WAY too much he thinks he needs to hate himself for and can’t focus specifically on his sexuality. i don’t think you’re missing anything, but i do think his internalized homophobia is woven so tightly into the fabric of everything else he’s internalizing it all becomes amalgamus. i hope this a satisfactory answer for you.
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finished the raven boys. exhale.
really good. holy shit what a downward spiral.
adam pressing charges and then slowly losing more and more control, which is one of the most important things to him and reflective of the nature of abuse (taking away someone's control). can't wait to read on to see what the consequences of him sacrificing himself are. also him living with his disability- I personally don't have hearing loss but i always love to read stories with disability elements, whether metaphorical or literal. also interested in if this is it with his family? because it feels like he has more to go through there. i also think there's a risk of him becoming more isolated at the church apartment(?). unsure. also him and blue are so sweet. i hope they don't crash and burn.
ronan- doesn't have the most massive part in this book. with his last line i suspect we'll go more in depth on his dream powers(?) later on. (wish the last scene and ronans line had been a bit more drawn out. it felt jarring and too much too fast). love him so far and hope there's more of his pov in the next book. what a piece of shit (affectionate).
noah- what the fuuuck. man. so I assume he just does not age? how will this relate to the others growing older and moving out and living their own lives? I assume at some point they'll kind of have to let him go? but very curious about who he was before he was a ghost/spirit.
whelk- holy moly. wish we'd gotten a little more on his background but i get that this book is kind of vague and ephemeral with details sometimes. his death felt very impactful because of how quickly his power was stripped away, i think. love the anti-gun sentiment through the book btw. truly nothing has ever been fixed with a gun.
neeve & maura- just a big question mark. especially with neeves ambitions and weird mask stuff. giving me the vibes of an evil mirror twin but I don't think that's the case. Maura i love you. she's sensible but a bit messy, much like blue. I have no idea where the dad plot point is going but eager to find out.
gansey- what's wrong with you fr. he's at his best when he's miserable <3 I love the flashes of him and blue. can't wait to see them fall in love and be star crossed lovers. hate his nickname as well as blue's. i don't see the appeal. fuck he's just so tragic. he falls in love with everyone he meets and he's very genuine but also naive in many ways bc of his privilege. him and ronan augvvh i can't wait to see more. him and Adam are soso bad for each other except when they're not. i can see why many people say polyamory for these people. (or maybe im just in an echo chamber.)
blue- my girl!! she has so much life and energy to her i really want to know why she doesn't have powers similar to her mother's and is only a magic amplifier. i wonder if she'll discover some? I like her interactions and her initial outsider sort of vibe but she's confident enough to fake it til she makes it and get in with the group. I wish they could be happy. love her attraction to everyone in the group, wanting to impress ronan, instant zing with Noah, sweetness with Adam, and banter with gansey. she's very brave but not in a way that feels hashtag badass in some 2010s YA lit. want to see her break down and lose her mind a bit though.
okay! those are my thoughts on characters. as for plot- something is very much starting. it feels like there are layers to this. with more books and gansey having searched in other countries for ley lines i hope we get some more settings outside of Henrietta, but keep a main focus on the town. cabeswater isn't done with them yet and there is something definitely sinister about it. i don't think it's a force for evil but definitely outside human morals and very very powerful.
I'm curious as to how the Latin fits in- to my knowledge this book has elements of Irish & Welsh folklore, and Latin reads more Roman to me? but maybe I'm uninformed & I might do more research into this after I've finished the whole series so i don't spoil myself.
okay. post done! again please don't spoil for future books.
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pynch thoughts pynch thoughts pynch thoughts as many as you like i just love them
omg this has been living in my inbox for so long, I'm sorry!!
here's some of my headcanons that are pynch/pynch adjacent.
chainsaw and opal LOVE adam. like Ronan is sometimes convinced they like Adam more than him, but that is just because Ronan liked Adam so much that his dream creatures have to as well.
Ronan is very tall but he still wants to be the one held most of the time. he loves being little spoon.
Ronan is OBSESSED with Adam's hands. he is always holding them, kissing them, etc. He wants Adam's hands touching him in some way or else he is looking at them instead.
back on the chainsaw thing! Adam always greets her with, "hey, girl" in a super gentle voice and she responds in a deep, "atom" every time and Ronan about DIES when he sees it for the first time.
Ronan also nearly dies whenever he sees Adam and Matt getting along. his (not so) little brother and his boyfriend getting along??? oh goodness that poor guy is going to combust
they kiss a lot. Adam likes to kiss Ronan's shoulder/neck and forehead, while Ronan likes to kiss Adam's hands and cheeks. both like to kiss each other on the lips tho ofc!!
only tangentially pynch but with blue/gansey getting together and ronan/adam getting together you would THINK that henry ends up feeling like a fifth wheel but you would be WRONG. at any given moment someone is a third/fifth wheel. also *cough cough* kinda on the polyam blue/gansey/henry train *cough cough*. but anyways, despite the relationships, sometimes the trio end up making Henry and blue feel like third wheels just because they have a weird separate bond that only those three can understand (it is called we have all been in love with each other at some point /j)
sexuality headcanon!!! bisexual adam and homoromantic demisexual ronan! (make your favs ace, I whisper to myself as I type this asdfsdkjg)
they have a very low-key wedding because they don't have a huge group of friends anyways, but they are VERY floral and pretty courtesy of Hennessy and Jordan (Declan officiates, I guarantee he would get ordained so he can marry off his brothers)
Ronan and Adam nearly fight over having gansey as their best men until blue bonked them both upside the head and told them to knock it off (adam won gansey btw)
hope these were worth the wait!! enjoy <3
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Writing interview tag game!!
Tagged by @bagheerita love this!! I love talking about my writing!
About me
When did you start writing?
I would say I started writing as soon as I knew how, but I started in earnest in middle school. My sixth grade English teacher was incredibly encouraging of the work I showed her (as were my parents), and that really helped me to feel confident in just keeping going
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Yeah lol. So I write super long fics, but I have OCD and a big part of that is that, as I've gotten older, I struggle to read words on a page with any sort of speed. So I have a lot of trouble reading long form stuff because of the stress it causes. I get around this with original work by listening to audio books, but for fic, there really isn't much I can do about it besides try.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
Not ever compared to anyone, and I also wouldn't say I emulate anyone in particular. Though for my og works I take inspiration from Samatha Shannon and Madeline Miller in regard to writing style
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
So I can't really work at home, so my space is coffee shops! There is a particular one where I live where the music isn't too loud, the lighting is warm and the tea is fantastic. I wrote my senior thesis there :)
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Ugh, time. When I'm in a rut I'm in a rut and there isn't much I can do about it tbh. Though sometimes if I talk to friends about it for long enough, something comes clear.
If I'm not in a rut, my muses come through music
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
Yes and no. I write high fantasy and horror, so I tend to pull away from where I grew up and go toward places I dream of. However, I write almost exclusively queer stories and that I owe to 1) being queer and 2) growing up in Florida and around queer people like myself whose family/wider community did not support them. Everything I write is a love letter to queer people, especially the ones who have been pushed away for being who they are.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Oh yeah. In both fic and og work I think I write a lot about loss and grief, finding identity, found family and how it heals. I write about people from opposite worlds falling in love or in friendship. I tend to center characters who are other from the world they live in, whether that's because of a physical aspect or an emotional/personality one.
Not surprised at all since those themes come from personal experience and the feelings I have about life and it's meaning
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
This will surprise no one but, Todd! I love him! Probably because it's so easy for me to write the Wraith with one of those themes in mind. I'm obsessed with monsters (I think because of the queerness) and especially how societies in these stories treat them. I love basically forcing Stargate to treat the Wraith as the interesting characters they are.
Todd is so perfect because he's so old and so weird for a Wraith. He's just begging to be put under a microscope. And I do, I do
I'll also say that in my behemoth "Across the Universe," I have several original characters. My fav of them is a character I haven't shown yet, but I've mentioned, and that is Todd's dad. This guy is kind of insane and also my darling. He's got, I guess just as much backstory and baggage as I've given Todd in that fic and (my favorite) a fic-canon altering twist in his arsenal. I also like to pair him with Ronan in my mind palace, which sounds batshit (and is), but you can blame my proclivity for enemies to lovers as trope for that. But that is so far into the future of that universe that it might as well not even exist (FirstLight, the Wraith you are)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I would want to be Todd's friend, but I don't think he'd want to be mine lol.
I'd love to be friends with the entire core SGA group but it's a little hard to imagine how.
I think Teyla and I would get along, and I would love to be her friend. Ronan and I might get along too, but I'm not very active, so we wouldn't have many hobbies in common. But I think I could vibe with him in the mess hall.
Same situation for someone like Weir. Not a lot in common.
In my dream world, Sheppard and I would be besties, but I'm not sure he could handle how emotional I get, and I don't know if I could handle how closed off he is. I think the person I would actually get along with most is McKay because, tbh I yap that much too and am also a bit of an insecure mess. I would like listening to him talk about his ideas and I think he would appreciate that.
Of course, I wouldn't be able to get past the war crimes these people commit, so actually none of them haha
Jumping to another fandom: I think Aziraphale and me could be friends. We both like reading and food and I think we could have some fun conversations about literature.
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Hmm...okay so obviously Kolya.
I love Micheal as a character, but he would terrify me in real life.
Kavanaugh is pretty obvious
I wouldn't want anything to do with a single person from Hannibal in real life. Maybe season 1 Will.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Honestly, I couldn't tell you. They spawn out of nowhere as I imagine scenes. I guess they develop that way too. I think about them in the scene, and their personalities and traits reveal themselves to me.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Oh yeah. They tend to be outcasts, they tend to be queer. They also tend to be magical or have some extra trait to what is typically human. I also really enjoy writing morally grey characters and sympathetic villians
How do you picture your characters?
I can see stuff pretty clearly in my head, but I also use Picrew and Sims to make them sometime
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
It's everything to me. Really, it's nothing specific. My life would be empty without writing. It's my passion.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
I love comments that talk about moments from the story they enjoyed. It makes me feel good about my ideas🥰
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I've never thought about this specifically. I don't know if I want anything really other for them to enjoy it. Maybe in a fantasy, they'd think I was clever or inspiring, but I just want what I write to give people joy.
For my original writing, I do hope that my writing can speak to my queer community.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think I'm the best at characters. I like my prose itself (for what it is right now) but I think that my character creation skills, and specifically how they blend into the plot and work with each other, are what I'm doing right the most. World building is also a strength
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
Characters and world building! Lol
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm at a place in my life where I don't think I suck. I also don't think I'm the best ever. I think that I can improve and that great is finally a visible goal.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Yes. I need to write like I need to breath. It would suck to not be able to share it, but that wouldn't stop me from creating.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Eh I'm not really sure. I think I lean more towards writing for myself. Sometimes I tamp down my ideas if they are something I know wouldn't fit the story (if I'm already writing it) or wouldn't really fit the world as much as I'd like them to.
Whew! I'm doing laundry at my hostel right now so this was a good distraction
Npt: @annwayne @sga-owns-my-soul @adriankyte-writes @aintgonnatakethis @mx-seraph @original-asteria @trainofcommand @anonmadsci @spurious
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which brother lynch are you?
(write the letter of the answer you chose on a paper, at the end you will have the result of each letter)
1 - this one can't be left out of course so tell me, are you a soldier, king or poet?
a) soldier
b) king
c) poet
2 - in the shower, what is the water temperature?
a) cold
b) hot
c) warm (I looked it up but maybe I'm wrong... sooo it's between the options A and B. let's go to the next question then yee
• now about the song gun in my hand by dorothy, i have two questions for you.
3 - complete with what makes the most sense to you
"why did love put a gun in my..."?
a) bed
b) hand
c) head
4 - now, why is the gun with you?
a) was it for redemption?
b) was it for revenge?
c) was it for the ledge?
5 - (if you haven't read six of crows just skip this question... wait, you haven't read it yet?? GO. READ. IT. NOW. 🤨) anyway... which character from six of crows do you most identify with?
a) matthias, kaz
b) inej, jesper
c) nina, wylan
6 - which of the interactions between the lynch brothers is your favorite?
a) ronan literally dreaming a little brother
b) "put on your headphones, matthew" "i forgot them" "so pretend you have your headphones on"
c) them going to church every sunday and arguing the rest of the week
7 - sooo which parent of the lynch family? (tbh there is only one correct answer 🤺
a) niall
b) mor
c) aurora
8 - you're hungry so you open the fridge, what do you get?
a) I get the ingredients to make something to eat
b) take leftovers from lunch
c) I wait for the person who chose option A to make us something to eat
9 - ok now another one about them. pick one thing about the lynch brothers
a) the weird way declan writes on the phone
b) ronan's tattoo as a form of rebellion
c) matthew and his power to make everyone like him
10 - before going to sleep you ask for sandman to dream about what you most want. what do you dream about?
a) a beach with the wind in my face, I sit on a log lost in the sand and watch the dark sea, alone. peace
b) a green and beautiful field, I am running and screaming. freedom
c) the house where I grew up, with everything the same as I remember, the dinner table is set and I sit with all those I miss. happiness
now just add which letter you got the most and tell me the results in the comments :)
a = declan
b = ronan
c = matthew
I hope that you enjoyed!!! and sorry for any mistakes, I'm learning english :) see you in the next quiz <3
I was thinking of doing one about the marauders, what do you think? if you have any ideas just tell me!
#the raven cycle#trc#ronan lynch#declan lynch#matthew lynch#the gangsey#marauders#the dreamer trilogy#dreamer trilogy#the lynch family#the lynch brothers#niall lynch#aurora lynch#mor o corra
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It really is weird to think about how different their life would be had they gone in a different direction. Would they even still be together?
i honestly don't think they would be. if john was still doing his whole assassin thing, he wouldn't be home and he wouldn't be in a safe place. i think he wouldn't even want to put her in danger, so he would probably end things with her. she would love him so much that she wouldn't care bc she'd want to be with him but he definitely wouldn't be okay with that. but thankfully he's done with that life and now has his wife and daughter. i honestly can't imagine them not together. just thinking about her dream and thinking about how awful their life would be is so wild. and imagining them without ro is so hard lmao like she is the light of john's life i can't imagine them not having her now. i can't imagine john not having ronan or his wife tbh. his life would be so sad if he didn't have them
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Please! I love to hear the bts tidbits ❤️
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I love to talk about bts tidbits so I'm so glad you asked 😍 I have a lot to say and some of it is explicit so this is going to be under the cut...
I know you're reading Please (And Thank You) so I'm going to talk about everything coming up with that. It is.... a wild ride. When the idea came to me, it was just the first chapter; Adam going to Kavinsky to buy drugs. That was it. It was originally just going to be a one shot titled Good Boy and the only real plot was Adam discovering his praise kink. But I wanted more meat to the story, and I wanted to find a way to incorporate Ronan into it because if there's one thing I love more than Kavinsky/Adam, it's Kavinsky/Adam/Ronan. And then I just had to figure out a way for them to get there.
My outline for this fic is all over the place. I have a vague idea for each chapter that reads as follows;
Chapter 1: Adam gets more than he bargained for when he tries to buy drugs from Kavinsky. Enter; a praise kink. It's a one time thing…
Chapter 2: Oh Adam fell into Kavinsky’s bed again, it's a routine now. They get high and make out 😘
Chapter 3: Peeping Toms, those creepers watch Ronan nearly die in the church (?) Confession time, Kavinsky is a dreamer too. That’s probably the least interesting thing about him, let's have sex.
Chapter 4: substance party, Adam's there with K, ganseys there with Ronan. Ronan and Kavinsky flirt in front of their boyfriends and Gansey asks Adam on a completely platonic friend date.
Chapter 5: Let's all hold hands and sing kumbaya, it's friendship time. Ronan and k dream while Adam takes a nap. It's all very sexually charged. Kavinsky wants Ronan, Ronan wants Adam, Adam just wants to feel awake while his eyes are open.
Chapter 6: Ronan and Adam alone time, let those bitches bond. Adam isn't jealous that K likes Ronan, they have an open relationship, so when Ronan kisses him it feels okay. In fact it feels pretty damn good. Let's do that some more. That becomes a routine too, Ronan is a nice kisser. But oh no, K is back. Can he watch? 👀
Chapter 7: Let's have sex while K watches. That's not weird at all. Kavinsky is helpful and he gives Ronan pointers. Ronan immediately freaks out and tells gansey. TMI bro, but was it good? Yeah 😌
Chapter 8: Adam likes Ronan. He also likes kavinsky. He doesn't feel like he needs to choose, he can have it all. It doesn't have to be weird, except Ronan is acting weird now. Damn these boys need to communicate. Kavinsky tries to talk to Ronan and oops they end up fucking too.
Chapter 9: Ronan panics. He likes Adam. he also maybe likes Kavinsky? That one is surprising. He meets Adam and K in the dreamspace and he's not sure they're real but it's like when he dreamt with k before and there's an orgy because Ronan can't hide his feelings inside his own head, and he's a horny boy. Magic sex is cool.
Chapter 10: Epilogue wherein they have talked and they're together but Ronan doesn't like the term open relationship, they're very much closed and not accepting new applicants at this time thank you. They're out at the fairgrounds surrounded by mitsus, making out, making love. Real sex is better than the dream stuff though it's messier. Adam likes the mess. He likes being praised by his 2 smoking hot bfs. Spitroast that fucker, then make them cuddle and profess their love. The end.
Usually when I make an outline, I think things through and try to figure out the underlying message, character arcs, etc. I did not do that here. I wrote whatever popped into my head and decided to go with it, and so far it's been SO. MUCH. FUN. I've been able to take Adam's bitchiness and kick it up a notch and explore the kind of person he would've become if he had befriended Kavinsky instead of Gansey, and it's allowed me to write sex scenes that are way different from the soft emotional smut I typically write.
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can't stop thinking about the possible configurations of a Ninth House au for the raven chronicles. like, okay (I will try to provide descriptions for those who haven't read Ninth House)
Gansey is a shoe-in for Darlington. They are a 1 to 1 comparison: rich boys whose lives were saved by magic with (variably) neglectful families who go by their last names and are third in their line, who live on their own in shitty broken down houses (or warehouses), who are proper and perfect and would do anything to find magic again. Also, please imagine Gentleman Demon Gansey. Just. God.
My first thought was that this makes Blue into Alex. Neither one of them would feel like they fit in at Yale; their moms have similar vibes albeit from what I remember Alex's mom is entirely useless; but Alex's powers as one of the only people who can see the dead contrast so sharply with Blue having (seemingly) no powers in a family full of psychics. You'd have to give up one story to engage the other, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but will sharply decide how an AU goes.
Ronan is the only one who can match Alex for punkness, and replacing his dream powers with seeing the dead feels alright. A Ronansey AU might be interesting, but I shy away because of the reversed dynamics- Ronan worships Gansey, vs. Darlington worships Alex. Adam makes for a weird Virgil (the hierarchal position Darlington operates). Like, imagine Adam as the know-it-all teaching Ronan about magic and secret societies. Of course, Gansey could still be Virgil and have Adam occupy some other space. I've thought about Niall taking the place of Hellie, Kavinsky taking over Hellie, Kavinsky taking over Alex (listen I love my trash boy); Noah makes for a fun Bertram North insofar as giving him a role where he's a) dead and b) still a present part of the story.
Adam makes for a really fun Dante too, though (Alex's hierarchal position). Like, similarities with Alex: broken home life, class difference that makes him stick out at Yale, magical powers he's not entirely comfortable with... but more importantly, just. the compelling notion of Adam Parrish who can See Ghosts. Adam Parrish, bitter over getting into Yale despite not even getting a chance to apply, forced to take part in old-money secret society bullshit, led around by Gansey, eyes set on the only tolerable member of the societies in Ronan...
Gansey also makes a fun Dawes, tho. Like. The third hierarchal position is the grad student forever working on her PHD who just works to like do paperwork and maintain artifacts and shit if I remember correctly, and Gansey would fit in there too. Gansey fits everywhere. Ninth House is just a Gansey story /j
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I decided to include some songs I like in each key for funsies.
c major (gay and warlike): Time After Time by Cindi Laupner, Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran, New Slang by The Shins, Heaven by Bryan Adams, It's All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion, Strawberry Blonde by Mitski
c minor (obscure and sad): Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush; Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode; Don't Speak by No Doubt; The Logical Song by Supertramp
d major (joyous and very warlike): Harvest Moon by Neil Young, Loser by Beck, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney
d minor (serious and pious): Careless Whisper by George Michael, Dilemma by Kelly Rowland (ironic these first two songs are about cheating; of course, maybe that's the point of them being in this key), I Hear a Symphony by The Supremes
eb major (cruel and hard): Welcome to Paradise by Green Day, I'm A Fool To Want You by Frank Sinatra, Blurry by Puddle of Mud (I guess I'm not really into this key bc it took me ages to find this much and I'm pretty meh on these)
e major (quarrelsome and boisterous): We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister, The Impression That I Get by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Weird Science by Oingo Boingo
e minor (effeminate, amorous, plaintive): Killing Me Softly by The Fugees, Bring Me To Life by Evanescence, Nothing Else Matters by Metallica
f major (furious and quick-tempered subjects): Self Esteem by The Offspring, Torn by Natalie Imbruglia, Chelsea Hotel #2 by Leonard Cohen, Something Like That by Tim McGraw, Vienna by Ultravox
f minor (obscure and plaintive): All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u, Genie In a Bottle by Christina Aguilera, Mambo No. 5 by Lou Bega, Brand New City by Mitski
g major (serious and magnificent): Two Princes by Spin Doctors, I Will Survive by CAKE, Unpretty by TLC, When You Say Nothing At All by Ronan Keating, All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey, Picture Perfect by The Regrettes
g minor (serious and magnificent): Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, Roxanne by The Police, Tainted Love by Soft Cell, Thank You by Dido
a major (joyful and pastoral): Night Shift by Lucy Dacus, Take On Me by a-ha, Lovefool by The Cardigans, I'm With You by Avril Lavigne, Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, Bitch by Merideth Brooks
a minor (tender and plaintive): Losing My Religion by REM, Lovesong by The Cure, Dream A Little Dream of Me by Ella Fitzgerald, Historia De Un Amor by Luis Miguel
b major (harsh and plaintive): Wannabe by Spice Girls, Ironic by Alanis Morissette, Close To Me by The Cure, Talk Dirty to Me by Poison, Inside Out by Eve6, Drive by The Cars
b minor (solitary and melancholic): Maneater by Hall and Oats, I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth, (I Just) Died In Your Arms by Cutting Crew, White Wedding by Billy Idol
bb major (magnificent and joyful): Dancing In the Moonlight by King Harvest, I Get Along Without You Very Well by Chet Baker, There She Goes by Sixpence None the Richer, She's The One by Robbie Williams, Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves, In Circles by Sunny Day Day Real Estate
bb minor (obscure and terrible): I'm Still Standing by Elton John, Kiss From A Rose by Seal, Jump (for My Love) by The Pointer Sisters, Here Without You by 3 Doors Down

tag yourself
#I may as well specify these songs are from getsongkey.com and that they're more mainstream as a result#so they more accurately represent the tastes I had in high school#but I still like them#I just listen to more obscure music now#like a fucking hipster
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nearly at the end of the raven cycle. will probably finish it today. thoughts:
love blue and the gang growing closer. very cute very fun. blues such a lovely character shes got so much energy. she's just a silly kind of bitchy but very sweet girl <3
love ganseys weird feelings about blue and Adam. which of them is causing the problem. i think he's in love with both of them. but with Adam he obviously has a history with blue he hasn't spent a lot of time with her yet
Ronan is interesting. he's so like the trope of the guy that puts up an uncaring front bc he cares so much. I've seen some spoilers online just from being on the internet so I know he has something to do with dreams.
Adam... he's so sweet. what's wrong with him??? his dynamic with gansey is so deep and weird and maybe a bit crazy. the hollow tree near cabeswater scene was sooo augh.
Noah. where do i start with you. ur friendship with blue is cute. there is also something DEEPLY wrong with you. and blue and gansey just found your skeleton??? so I have to read on. but there is something very weird going on here
—please do not give me spoilers for future books. thank you—
#found some paperback copies online that arent too expensive so im thinking about getting the series#so i can write over it and reread it often etc#but i want to get at least to blue lily lily blue before i get them#trc
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A Song of Shadow and Starlight Quotes
His wispy blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, and broad shoulders
We laughed and spoke of our future with starlight in our eyes.
kiss his dimpled cheeks. Despite his boyish charm, he is a grown man, and completely mine
can see his kind blue eyes now; feel his muscular arms tightening around my waist and his lips against mine
“Your precious fiancé, Bastian. The Beast of Midori.”
"You tell Bastian to come for me himself.”
The vendor's eyes light up when he sees us watching and he puts on a show. His chest puffs with culinary pride.
I’m sick to my stomach. I would have awoken to the news of my best friend’s death
instead of celebrating our marriage
The image of Bastian lying dead, stings
stroking one of the water foxes who had curled up in her lap and fallen asleep
places Bastian as a freshly titled Lord Commander at the age of eighteen
But that doesn't mean his affections for me aren't genuine. I do know he is my loving fiancé.
the last time I saw Bastian. Those boyish dimples of his, that charming smile, his tall, broad frame – the body of a soldier, the commanding presence of a king
I know there's a gentle, kind soul beneath the tough facade.
my fiancé would not have missed them either.
I can feel the ghost of Bastian's lips on mine, his arms wrapped around me, his muscular chest
his chin perched on my shoulder. The sweet and untainted love I thought we shared.
"Nyx!" I whimper in relief. Nyx sprints for me.
“There's no hope for me," I say. "But you can still make it out of here.”
When I open my eyes, Bastian is standing at the end of the pool, smiling down at me.
Bas laughs and the sound ignites my soul,
“Although, I find the idea of calling you my wife quite tempting."
"Come on, Lord Commander. Where is your sense of adventure?”
his eyes soft and inviting. "You know I love you more than anything.”
Bas lets out a deep, hearty laugh. "Do I say it that often or am I just predictable?”
“I like to think I keep you on your toes." I grab his arm, pulling him into the pool, fully dressed.
running my fingers through his locks.
The corners of his blue eyes crinkle when he smiles. “I could never be angry with you, my love.”
Whether Atlas gave me a signal to attack or not, I don't know, because I kick the casket lid off.
deep down inside, I still care for him. I've only loved one man
Bastian and the fairytale life I imagined
houseboats for people who prefer to be on water more than land. What a whimsical thought to have a house on the canal.
beautiful with its old-world columns and colorful murals
“My father always says he knows Midori will be in capable and loving hands when Bastian and I ascend”
Until I see Bastian again and talk to him
"So, am I bunking with you tonight, Princess? I'm told I'm an excellent cuddler.”
He bows and I take a step back. "Goodnight, my lady. Dream of me, as I shall dream of you.”
Ronan attempts to wink, but just blinks.
Prince Ronan curled up on the leather couch with a foot poking out from beneath his blanket.
his shirt is unbuttoned down the center giving a peek-a-boo glance
He slaps a hand against his reddening cheek. "I thought last night was a weird dream. I must apologize.”
“They shared adjoining cells and held hands throughout the night.”
“when the Beast of Midori -” “Stop calling him that!”
“Or will you answer to him as your king and husband?"
“What say you?"
Never trust a Tronovian. Unless they're your only hope.
It's better than blindly believing the lies I've been told by those who claim to love me. "We have a deal.”
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gangsey christmas headcanons since my thanksgiving ones were so fun. for gifts, Gansey is the kind of person to get people what HE wants and not even realize. So he’ll be getting everyone fancy notebooks or weird calligraphy sets or extra fancy messenger bags and everyone kind of looks at each other when opening it in collective realization of the fact Gansey got them what he likes. They smile and nod anyway and agree to let it happen because of how happy Gansey looks while watching them open it.
Next up is Blue, who prepares at least a month in advance for all the crafty items she’s making. You can find Blue digging through thrift stores for clothes to embroider and tear up that she WILL make all of them wear at least once. She’ll also go though landfills and find weird trinkets to paint or glue together to make sculptures. (Adam took all the weird sculptures to Harvard with him and his roommates are terrified!)
Adam is the kind of person to get people essentials. He got Gansey some ink to refill his weird pens he uses for the academia aesthetic, and Blue some much needed thread and sewing needles or yarn or something like that. And for Ronan, he gets a pack of those generic black T-shirts or new shoe laces for his boots or something and Ronan will scoff and act all ungrateful but he’s just touched Adam KNOWS with certainty exactly which kinds he likes.
Ronan just dreams people stuff he thinks they would like. I think he would get Gansey a notebook that never runs out of pages or something like that. Adam would get one of those Mary Poppins bags to hold all of his school stuff without ever having to run back to his dorm. Adam loves it. Blue would get the weirdest item of clothing on earth that is more like a thneed than anything else. Ronan also dreamt a snow globe for Noah but he would never tell anyone. Also chainsaw gets gifts from Gansey and Ronan and Adam finds it hilarious but also so so annoying. Merry christmas if you celebrate! Happy holidays :)
#christmas#christmas headcanons#the raven cycle#the raven boys#gangsey#blusey#pynch#gansey#ronan lynch#blue sargent#adam parrish#noah czerny#trc
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Greywaren is so much to contain in my mind. It was written in such an interesting way from odd points of view that came together to be really good. I will definitely relisten to the audiobook to take it all in, but these are the initial things that stuck out to me:
A lot of Ronan’s storyline was him being a silent observer and contemplating the people closest to him; whitnessing how they act when he’s not around. That was never how I saw this book going. Ronan was stuck but he was learning some vital things, and just the inventiveness in Maggie’s writing amazes me.
Farooq Lane’s whole storyline, I always love when Maggie pushes buttoned-up characters till they’re “burning”. It used to be a description of Gansey, I love the callback. Also there’s a definite parallel story between her & Nathan and The Grayman & his brother. They kill eachother in similar ways in a final shoot out.
Farooq-Lane and Hennessey’s volatile (homoerotic) relationship to each other. Hennessey painting Farooq Lane filled with all the fire and lust she felt for her. The kiss and the fact that she travels with Hennessey still 4 years later.
Declan shooting up Boudicca’s fairy market was so satisfying. Like this guy snapped and it was so good.
The evening Ronan whitnessed between Jordan and Declan. It was so soft. The moment that it was clear they weren’t going out, and Declan takes is place on Jordan’s couch instead. It melted my heart.
Declan yanking away Matthew’s sweet metal and not waking Matthew up for days shook me up. I know Declan was trying to be practical but damn. But that led to Matthew absolutely decking Declan, so hard Declan and his coffee mug falls to the floor. I was waiting for Matthew’s breaking point too, it was so good.
Mór’s a sociopath? And she was the one that wanted to escalate things? Those flashbacks where quite satisfying, there has been so much mystery shrouding what happened to Neil and Mór for so long.
Not in a million years did I think that Ronan is one of the beings from the other side. A being that may have begged dreamers to become human many many times. A being that could have easily been brought into this world as something else like Lindenmir or Cabeswater. Also there are entities that feel differently about our plain, like Greywaren adored it and the Lace loaths it. Fascinating concept. It makes me wonder about Ronan’s funeral dream, was that them? Do beings like Greywaren have a world or do they just float in the blackness?
Adam’s monologue acknowledging how he’s been lying at college and how he doesn’t love it as much as he thought was heartbreaking but fascinating. By making Adam unaware of Ronan’s presence, Maggie found the perfect way for these two emotionally constipated guys to communicate. Also, when they finally met in the subconscious void was so perfect. Like, their physical forms weren’t even there and Maggie made it so romantic.
Matthew with Bryde was just hilarious. Also without his mystique Bryde’s just a sad man. That was a weird turn of events, I thought he’d be the main evil. And then Bryde becomes a visionary? Led there by the voice Matthew heard when he walked into Ronan’s security system at the Barns? That was a big lore drop out of nowhere Maggie!
I got spoiled that Gansey would be back and at every turn I was expecting him to turn up to help somehow. He was fantastic in the epilogue but I’d imagined more.
As and audiobook listener, Ronan’s panic attack was absolutely haunting. Hearing the same phrase over and over almost transported you to Ronan’s state of mind.
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