#romeo und Julia
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dailymercutio · 6 months ago
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I met these two guys at a bar and their names were also Mercutio isn’t that funny
Day 11: If you’re Mercutio and I’m Mercutio, who is driving the plane
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saltavenegar · 7 months ago
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I never noticed rundj Romeo’s cunty ball boots
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thisgrotesquedance · 8 months ago
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RetJ fandom are you still breathing
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kitschy-gillyflowers · 1 month ago
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— Roméo et Juliette Comparison (Austrian & Hungarian Productions) —
Left: Hungarian 2004
Right: Austrian 2005
1. Gondolj házasságra / Freu Dich auf die Hochzeit (Tu dois te marier)
2. Erkely duett / Der Balkon (Le Balcon)
3. Szivbol szeretni / Liebe (Aimer)
4. A Párbaj / Das Duell (Le Duel)
5. Rómeó Halála / Romeos Tod (La Mort de Romeo)
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giuliettacapuleti · 10 months ago
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Marjan Shaki and Lukas Perman in Romeo und Julia. Fun fact: they were (and are) married in real life!
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basilhallwardrealasfuck · 1 year ago
Life is great because you can listen to European musicals. But watch out!
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coffeefromvoid · 5 days ago
OK so here is a costume analysis? of Mark Seibert’s Tybalt, specifically his party costume.
Here are some pictures so its in your mind.
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So the first thing that i notice is his bodice, it is mimicking stays.
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Specifically Tudor/Elizabethan stays. Which make sense, Romeo and Juliet was written in that era.
But the reason these stays jump out at me is that it’s typically a garment worn by women underneath their dresses, it’s a support garment. The choice of
1. making the costume look like Elizabethan stays are very intentional because if they wanted to reference Tudor fashion (which is what they wanted as the skirts of the ensemble also resemble the fashion of the time, and some ensamble members even have feathers mimicking a tudor ruff) they could have gendered the costumes more by making the men wear doublets and not stays. But they didn’t
2. It’s not just Tybalt that wears something like this, its almost all the male characters that wear some corset esque structured bodice in the party scene
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Crunchy Merutio as reference, but the reason i noticed Tybalt’s costume the most as basically a wild mix of modern avant garde fashion and historical is because his costume during the capulet party seems the most bare.
It feels way way way less extra than Mercutio’s or Benvolio’s, and even the background ensamble is so fancy that Tybalt looks out of place when he starts to sing „Ich bin schuldlos“
The bare looking barely decorated pants make the costume look less full, and by extension force the viewer to look at the more detailed part of the costume, aka: the stays technically one is looking at the busy arms but, you soon notice it’s just a repeating pattern so you look at the stays
As i said he looks out of place, the stays make him look vulnerable, not because they are typically women’s clothing, but because they are traditionally undergarments and his being so plain make that very clear.
I can’t describe it well but when you watch the scene you’ll definitely know what i mean.
Here are some crisper images
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This vulnerability that is seen in this costume is very unexpected from Tybalt, to paraphrase Mark himself (from the making of), “Tybalt is a very proud person […] And that jacket [his red jacket outside of the party] supports that. […] It’s like bullfighter’s jacket.”
This statement directly contradicts everything we learn in the party scene, we know this, but it’s just Aaa
I am sooooo normal about Tybalt you guys. So normal.
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keepthisholykiss · 11 days ago
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i finally got around to watching austrian retj
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theghostparty · 11 months ago
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Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour - Redesign - 2024
If you missed part one with Roméo and Juliette, click here. Once again, long design explanation.
When designing Mercutio specifically, I turned very explicitly inwards in my belief that Mercutio is not a Montague and should not be tied to the Montagues solely. Furthermore, Mercutio has FAMILY--he's the Prince's cousin and if we want to get really semantic about it, he also has a brother, Valentine.
All this being said, in designing Mercutio, I needed to tie him to Le Prince (Escalus) and I did that mostly in dictating that these are the characters who are allowed to wear black, mostly black leather. It's a distinction that goes mostly unnoticed until its pointed out, but no other designs incorporate deep black tones. There's also this strong, olive green tone that borrows from the Montague palette and gold hardware that borrows from the Capulet palette. The Prince's family gets to straddle the line between both worlds.
I thought very texturally for the Montagues and Capulets, so in trying to give the Prince's family something distinct, I landed on this brushstroke texture to give all the leather and denim pieces a custom feeling.
In his Les Rois du Monde look (his base look--I imagine this explicitly directorial choice to have him and the Prince enter together at the top of Vérone and have Mercutio break away to join the Montagues), there is hints of this painterly texture in blue as opposed to the gold of the Prince. I wanted to feel like every alignment Mercutio has with the Montague family is an active choice on his part. I imagine him painted those swaths of blue himself. His trousers are a bleached faded, torn denim.
We see the true royal gold in Le Bal, like, I think it's just funny to think Mercutio already owned these trousers and said "Fuck it" and wore them to dress up in. His look is explicitly jester themed. It's a little bit "Earring Magic Ken Doll" coded, which delights me to no end.
This is also a good place to point out how fixated I became on closure methods in garments. In Roméo's initial design, there is a strong focus on zippers, Le Prince's jacket is held together with gold hook and eye tape at all the seams, and with Mercutio it's all about lacing.
Part of this is in reference to the explicitly gendered ideas around corsetry and playing with that in tandem with Mercutio's generally accepted queer readings. It's also an interesting metaphor to think about being bound--by duty, by honour, by friendship, by tradition--something that Mercutio is so explicitly caught in between in the Montague-Capulet feud.
His final look during Le Duel, is a take on a Jean Paul Gautier design, and is the most partisan look for Mercutio. Doffing his jacket exposes this soft satin and coutil corset top in the faintest hint of blue. A soft underbelly of allegiance that would take to stage blood SO well (and would make who ever was dressing and laundering this show absolutely hate me as a designer, but I digress).
I also think it makes him a nice mirror to Tybalt, who's overarching design element is gold chains.
Tybalt's design is wholly referential to Mark Seibert's Tybalt. Is it because I can never get that little gold and red cropped jacket out of my brain? Perhaps. But I also like to think that design for Tybalt acts as a reflection of Mercutio. The inherent softness assigned to the Capulet family's design (silks, velvets, chiffons) plays really nicely with how much machismo is implied in Tybalt's characterization.
During Vérone, we see him in a half doublet, likely of a low-pile velvet, a satin faced silk period shirt open in an absolutely impractical way, and a floral print denim trouser. I also gave him a little cuban-heeled boot. For fashion.
Tybalt is a good place to also point out that weapons are very intentionally placed in and out of scenes. Mercutio always has a dagger. Roméo leaves his behind during Aimer. Benvolio does not carry one. Tybalt has an ornately sheathed sword. There is this undercurrent of violence for these characters that is dressed up and dressed down, but persists.
In Le Bal, I really leant into the idea of chainmail for this character, in keeping with the concept of chivalry and Arthurian influences. There's a little bit of royal purple thrown in there for good measure as well as a jaw-bone mask that, at best, is foreshadowing and, at its shallowest, looks cool as hell.
During Le Duel, I wanted to strip our fighters down to exposed skin. A lot of this is to do with one of my favourite versions of this scene, Zeffirelli's 1968 Romeo and Juliet. What I love about the sequence is how it devolves from nobel duel to outright brawl--from a distance to something very close and personal. It's the type of step by step tension-building that I really enjoy: where there are moments (when they're just shouting words back at forth, when they're drawing their weapons, when Mercutio would doff his jacket, when Tybalt doffs his doublet) when the fight could have de-escalated. When they could have walked away. But of course, it's not the play if they do.
I just imagine seeing Mark Seibert and Bereczki Zoltán fight would be fun, ultimately.
And now onto Benvolio. I fixated on paring down his looks, and quite frankly, if it weren't for how much I enjoy his little twink clubbing outfit, I would have probably only given him one costume. My justification for this is that Benvolio gets to live. Ostensibly, he has a lifetime past this play of changing to do. I feel very strongly about the idea of Benvolio as a narrator, Benvolio as a passive presence that is forced to become active. He's not certain in the same way that Roméo and Mercutio are about love and hate. He literally spends a whole song stagnating and waffling on how the hell he's going to tell his cousin that his wife is dead. He runs around following their impulses, patching over their problems. I have a lot of feelings about Benvolio as a character.
He's really the softest of the Montague characters in textures: his doublet is torn and slashed denim, his shirt is some sort of billowy linen blend. He has a little bit of metal flair in the form of this thigh adornment, but really he's quite simple--and my comparison to Roméo and Mercutio, he's quite warm. That hint of magenta on Roméo is a full on feature on Benvolio.
I accept any and all slander about my choices for his Le bal look, but by god do I think it's silly and it brings me joy. Suit of armour under ripped green denim, a little navy ribbed singlet with a silver chainmail crop top over it? Lensless silver glasses frames? It makes no real sense, but I stand by my "We're sneaking into the Capulet's ball tonight with very short notice, here's what we can cobble together" reasoning.
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eclipsedshadowk · 2 years ago
I wonder if there's a boot of the Portuguese Roméo et Juliette because
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Trans Mercutio
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rose-fairryy · 1 year ago
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mark. honey. i love you. but you look like a goddamn pineapple
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niholudy · 2 years ago
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„Machs kurz, ich sehn mich nach dem Tode“
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giuliettacapuleti · 2 years ago
Please reblog, I would love to know!!
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basilhallwardrealasfuck · 1 year ago
I always say “oh yeah I’m a lesbian hahah” until I see a pretty man with long and/or blonde hair sing a pretty musical song while the character he plays is having a breakdown and then all of the sudden I’m foaming the the mouth growling “I need to fuck that man in the ass”
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bychertryntheatyr · 6 months ago
So genügend Zeit ohne Theater! Wir gehen in die zweite Hälfte des Halbjahres.
Wisst ihr was ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen habe? Richtig. Macbeth. Erst einen Tag eher (zum zweiten Mal für mich) die 3Sat Produktion mit @nicht-ganz-allein-sunny gucken, bevor es dann wieder nach Düsseldorf... Bah... *schauder* ins Theater geht. Irgendwie haben wir uns relativ spontan drauf geeinigt die Version von Andre Kaczmarczyk zu gucken. Und lass mal Berry, die Verlobte von meinem Kumpel, auch mitnehmen. Ich bin rein mit "Der Dude ist nackt und mit Kunstblut vollgeschmiert" hinein, das habe ich auch bekommen und bin verstört wieder raus. Das war nicht mein Vibe. Lieblingsszene gecuttet. Aber die 15. Theatervorstellung. Hupsa. Naja. Passiert.
Hey, Insta. Warum bekomme ich eigentlich noch Werbung für Orpheus in der Unterwelt? Das hatte doch Deniere als ich im 30ct Musical war. Ach, das hat jetzt erst den letzten Vorhang? Dann muss ich ja schnell ne Karte kaufen und mein 20ish Jähriges Ich glücklich machen. "Einmal will ich mal in die Oper. Einfach weil Baum. Vllt macht es mir ja Spaß.?" Und welch einen Spaß ich hatte. Das Bühnenbild und Kostümdesign! Dieser Comiclook! Ahhch, ich würde es so gerne nochmals sehen. Wie viel Spaß doch diese Oper gemacht hat! Aber 1.Loge ist mir eigentlich fast zu teuer. Das bleibt dann als Treat zwischendrin.
Einen Tag später ist fast Pride Month. Zeit für ein drittes Mal Was ihr wollt. Ich brauch ne Dosis Queerness, Dicks, Narr und Vibes. Es war allerdings eine schlecht besuchte Vorstellung. Applaus mit 60 Menschen ist äußerst unangenehm. Für alle.
Hey, TrynsTheaterTriple war doch so erfolgreich. Wie wäre es mit einer zweiten Auflage? 3 Stücke in 9 Tagen!
Wie heißt das eigentlich wenn ein Buch als Theaterstück "verfilmt" wird. Zur Prämiere wollte ich dann doch nicht, aber vorm Sommer will ich Adas Raum dann doch noch sehen. Vllt auch das Buch lesen. Ich hab nicht viel verstanden außer das jene Ada im Jahr 15ende, 1848, 1945 und im Jetzt lebt, schwanger ist und stirbt. Im Kopf bleibt die 1945er Zeitleiste, wo Ada Zwangssprostituierte im KZ ist. Wo auch der Buchtitel herkommt. Adas Raum.
Im 3,5. Anlauf dann endlich Hurrah! Romeo und Julia - Die Szene mit der Leiche, die habe ich gelöscht! Ich wollte im Mai zur Prämiere. Hab zu spät dran gedacht an eine der knapp 100 Studiokarten zu kommen. Zur zweiten Aufführung war ich krank. Das eigentlich geplante Datum konnte Berry dann doch nicht. Also einen Tag davor abermals alleine hinein. ES IST SO EIN WUNDERSCHÖNES STÜCK! Ich hab schon meinen ganzen Freundeskreis aus Ost und West für nächste Spielzeit eingeladen. Das ICBYT-Kollektiv bringt das so schön mit zwei aus unserem Ensemble rüber. Da hat wirklich jeder Spaß!
Kommen wir zum Finale des Triples. Ein Volksfeind hat Deniere und weil Kumpel Zeit hat und die Karte ja fast nichts kostet kommt er mit. Und was bringt mensch in eine Badeanstalt mit? Richtig! Ein Handtuch. Ich fass es immer noch nicht und feier es sehr! Ich hab ihm nur eine ehrliche Zusammenfassung vom Stück - so eher naja, zu kurz und verrennt sich in seiner Absurdität - gegeben und er hinterfragt auf eigene Faust die Theateretikette und geht mit Handtuch im Arm in den Saal, stellt sich vor seinen Sitz, klappt diesen runter und drapiert dieses gottverdammte Handtuch darauf. Top 5, wenn nicht sogar Top 3 Moment der Spielzeit!
"Hey, ehh, meine Ma kann nicht und du wohnst doch eigentlich nebenan. Wenn du die Karte bezahlst, willst du dann mit zu Starlight Express? So als Theatermensch und Zugnerd?"
Diese Sprachnachricht bekam ich Montags aus Sachsen und saß dann Freitags mitten in der Rennstrecke von SE. Was ich halt so mit disposable income mache. Spontan 100€ fürn Musical ausgeben. Und 70€ vorm Stück am Merchstand. Und 20€ für zweimal Trinken + Brezel. Ach komm, ich kauf mir danach nochn Tshirt für 20€, was kost die Welt. Fand ich spaßig und nice mitm Hinterkopf an der Laufbahn zu sitzen. Aber warum haben Züge bei einer Weltmeisterschaft im schnell sein eine Lovestory? Und warum ist das so gottverdammt Amerikanisch in seiner Zugpraxis?? Und wo sind bitte die Übertitel??? Also ja, ich hatte vollsten Spaß. Wenn ich mal wirklich Geld übrig hab, schlepp ich meine Family mit rein. Die haben das damals kurz nach der Prämiere gesehen. So Anfang der 90er.
Der Pridemonth ist jetzt endgültig vorbei. Zeit für, richtig geraten!, die Deniere von Was ihr wollt. Die vierte und jetzt endgültig Letzte Vorstellung. A very sad evening. qwq Zumindest war besser besucht als bei der Aufführung davor. Aber immer noch queerphob das nicht während des Pridemonth zu zeigen! Ich brauche Orsinos gayen magenta Morgenmantel. (Die Shorts dazu vielleicht auch.?)
Und was mach ich dann einen Tag später? Richtig. Letzte Vorstellung der Saison. Eigentlich nicht von mir geplant. Aber Kumpel aus Sachsen hatte Langeweile und fragte mittig der Woche was denn Samstag so spielt. Das Kapital war meine Antwort. Und schwupps wurden zwei Freifahrten gelöst. Ich hatte abermals meinen Spaß, er hatte Spaß, alle hatten Spaß! (Vllt nicht bei den anschließenden Verabschiedungen. Aber so ist das. Geld ist Macht oder so.)
Ich wiederhole mich aberaberabermals und nochmal: WIE ZUM FICK IST DAS SO ESKALIERT???
Well, das waren jetzt also 23 Vorstellungen in 7 Monden. 17 Stücke in 7 Spielorten. Theater, Oper, Musical und alles dazwischen in drei Bundesländern. Neue und engere Freundschaften geschlossen. "Mehr" vom mir bekannten Deutschland gesehen. Absurde Zweitagesreisen gemacht. Ein Hobby gefunden was sich hoffentlich nicht nach drei Jahren abnutzt. Das war schon ein echt geiles (Halb)Jahr. Hab euch alle lieb!
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panderi-the-fleabin · 1 year ago
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Montacrew based on this lovely template:
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