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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Harvey Birdman from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law is an autistic hyperverbal realityqueer polyamorous T4T angelcoric coffeehouseaesic goreaesic lexechaosic lexeloverboyic lexefuckic lexeassic lexebitchic indivisc-mal romantifem malmasc idyllean rougian hearteyen boyfuck princetix villaintix cannibagorix villidouxic kenochoric priheartasic pricatic priflirtic priceanuilic pricafeic pripiratic prifem primagiboyic prikittenic prikenopsic priunrealic intericatic rosanguic villainic coffic blackcatic loveletteric coragigglic loverboyic neutroivampic sleepypurric lavecandlic cutiefleshic blacatfortunic meanboybubblic loveic slasheric romarosaeic purplelidarkaesic neutrois cannibion incubian enemante timoric catnidous kenofelinic instauric beauphoric drag queen meatboy pinkboy prettyboy rosboy demiboy magiboy pridemiboy pricatboy gurofelis genderfag genderplot genderprince genderpunk genderfuck gendermetus genderlovesick gendercaliner princian hypersexualian purplegender pinkgender yellowgender feutegender evillaughgender vilegender pirategender villaingender hypersgender revengender regalisgender quingender doriangender meatgender cuteboygender cutestboygender papergender catfrapgender starrylavendercatgender catgender kittyfaggender heartshapecatgender catboygender lavendercatgender forcigender neomale twink magicalgender hedonigender dramagender pansy nancyboy fruitboy lavender boy lesboy trans man with HPD, ASPD, NPD, atypical depression, anorexia or binge eating disorder depending on who is fronting, insomnia, hypersexuality, and BPD!
He's in a queerplatonic relationship with Phil Ken Sebben, a cripplepunk aromantic heterosexual nonbinary demiboy!
dni link
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meadow-of-mogai-melodies · 3 years ago
a gendie that relates to the more stereotypically “feminine” aspects of going on a date, like lipstick, red wine, flowers, jewelry, and is like a date where you’re a feminine person being treated like a princess and feeling special like a princess on a date; this date doesn’t have to be romantic but it can be! it relates to feeling special like a princess on a date, as you’re the only people in the restaurant, the table is beautifully draped in a pink satin tablecloth and topped with beautiful candles and kitchenware, lovey-dovey vintage jazz music plays in the background as the lights are slowly dimmed, and rose petals are all around
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[Image ID: A flag with two sets of rectangle layers on each side of the flag, separated by a near-black vertical stripe down the center of the flag and a near-black horizontal stripe along the bottom of the flag. From the outermost to the innermost rectangle in both sets, the colors are hot pink, mid pink, deep pink, and near-black. End ID.]
term and flag by me for my emoji gender ask game :3 prompt: 💄 🍷 ✨ 💐 💎 ⚜️
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mogai-place · 3 years ago
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Dr Edgar Swansea from vampyr is HAPPYSUNSHINEIC rhopaselenic gay genderfluid toothachic autiboycutic autigender CARTOONBOYSTIMMIC Noirchilcomascdineic Nursecatshopic Dullaescomfic demisexual animaskeletic nottecityic Genderamabiliter Chamomitean lovecandyic Comfortcandlic Lumerangic Fruitenby blueskygender neonlovegoric foggyraingender KENOVAMPIC Psychreclaimen Tranggoic Eyeblowatchic Nosebleedien Bloodlexan Organlexan Arteriespurtic Mouthbloodien medictum Alderkevos  Vampspookic wynfaesei CRYSTALTIX OVITIHIEMS Minticeaic distopix clovelexic admirilexic ARGELIX Velician sofpoetric rainyhorric bribunnic romantifem BLANKYNOIRCATIC and goes by he/she/they/it/zhe/moon/meow/kit/rose pronouns!
Requested by @xxbluddyleechxx
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
Harvey Birdman from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law is autistic hyperverbal polyamorous T4T birdcoric angelcoric coffeehouseaesic goreaesic lexechaosic lexeloverboyic lexefuckic lexeassic lexebitchic indivisc-mal romantifem malmasc idyllean rougian hearteyen realityqueer boyfuck princetix villaintix cannibagorix villidouxic kenochoric priheartasic pricatic priflirtic priceanuilic pricafeic pripiratic prifem primagiboyic prikittenic prikenopsic priunrealic intericatic rosanguic villainic coffic blackcatic lovelettric coragigglic loverboyic neutroivampic sleepypurric lavecandlic cutiefleshic blacatfortunic meanboybubblic loveic slasheric romarosaeic purplelidarkaesic neutrois cannibion incubian enemante timoric catnidous kenofelinic instauric beauphoric privillainic drag queen meatboy pinkboy prettyboy femboy demiboy magiboy pridemiboy pricatboy gurofelis genderfag genderplot genderprince genderpunk genderfuck gendermetus genderlovesick gendercaliner princian hypersexualian purplegender pinkgender yellowgender feutegender evillaughgender vilegender pirategender villaingender hypersgender revengender regalisgender quingender doriangender meatgender cuteboygender cutestboygender lawyergender papergender catfrapgender starrylavendercatgender catgender kittyfaggender heartshapecatgender catboygender lavendercatgender forcigender neomale twink magicalgender hedonigender dramagender pansy nancyboy fruitboy lavender boy lesboy trans man with HPD, ASPD, NPD, atypical depression, anorexia and binge eating disorder (it depends whos fronting) insomnia, hypersexuality,BPD
He is in a queer platonic relationship with Phil Ken Sebben who his an aromantic heterosexual non-binary demi boy whos cripplegender and cripplepunk
queued! i couldn't find birdcoric, lawyergender, or cripplegender, but if you lmk where i can i'll get them added!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
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Topher from Total Drama is an autistic hyperverbal amatopunk rabiespunk heartpunk queerpunk GNPNC flamboric polyamorous T4T auti4auti pan4pan queerian pan gay fem4fem gay pronounfluid intersex overfemme gorecoric catcoric coffeecoric nekocoric crushcoric coffeehouseaesic goreaesic lexechaosic lexeloverboyic lexefuckic lexeassic lexebitchic indivisc-mal romantifem malmasc cranoir non-beastnary princubus prigold priosdd priqueer prifloric prigaypriturian privincian priachillean werion idyllean rougian hearteyen realityqueer boyfuck princetix villaintix cannibagorix villidouxic kenochoric priheartasic pricatic priflirtic priceanuilic pricafeic pripiratic prifem primagiboyic prikittenic prikenopsic priunrealic intericatic rosanguic villainic coffic blackcatic lovelettric coragigglic loverboyic neutroivampic sleepypurric lavecandlic cutiefleshic blacatfortunic meanboybubblic loveic slasheric romarosaeic teenromtropeic bloodaspic purpleuvlic purplelidarkaesic neutrois cannibion incubian enemante timoric catnidous kenofelinic instauric beauphoric privillainic drag queen meatboy pinkboy prettyboy femboy demiboy magiboy pridemiboy pricatboy gurofelis genderfag genderplot genderprince genderpunk genderfuck gendermetus genderlovesick gendercaliner princian hypersexualian limitegender malulovegender cupishipgender destregender antagogender kancorgender minnegender evilcatgender glittergender lovegender redgender vampiregender heartshapegender purplegender pinkgender feutegender evillaughgender vilegender pirategender villaingender hypersgender revengender regalisgender quingender doriangender meatgender cuteboygender cutestboygender catfrapgender starrylavendercatgender catgender kittyfaggender heartshapecatgender catboygender lavendercatgender forcigender neomale twink magicalgender hedonigender dramagender pansy nancyboy fruitboy lavender boy lesboy trans man with HPD, ASPD, NPD, atypical depression, insomnia, hypersexuality, and low empathy who was diagnosed with OSDD-1a after Pahkitew Island ended, but is still trying to figure out his headmates and their associated triggers! So far, it has discovered the existence of a black cat sysmate through pet regression! Some of their special interests include cats, makeup, fashion, queer history, and any media related to romance, horror, or a combination of the two genres!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
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Dr. Flug from Villainous is an autistic bispec mspec turian gay demiromantic transmasculine madscientistgender mad scientistmonsterboyic vilegender evilgender villaingender villainic genderinator madscientistcostumic medcoric potionique techgender evillaughgender purplegreenian gurogender medigender vengevillic mutuadestro horrorgender nerdimasc spacequeeric bodihorric trans man with BPD, NPD, anxiety, ADHD, and hypersexuality who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns!
Demencia is an autistic GNC PNC frayspec bi gaybian pan gay shegay trendergender trendercoric trenderpunk neoncoric scenecoric scenix emox nightcorimasc nightcorixen nightcorifem genderpunk cringegender lizardgender catgender wolfgender sparklefurgender villaingender villainic swufegender gendergloop compugothic lexebitchic monsterlexic mallgoffix boycesse poklogender zvachgender chulovelygender maxihormonic neopasgoric kiddreamasc spacequeeric romantifem pinkiegutgorgender turigirl with BPD, Tourette’s, and a schizospec disorder who uses she/her, he/him, xe/xem, and sie/hir pronouns!
Black Hat is a cassaroace alloarospec vincian-angled aroace agender horrorcosmium occulian eldritchine being who uses he/him pronouns as a default, but prefers it/its or no pronouns, and 5.0.5. is a nonverbal panplatonic agender craftplushic bear who uses any pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
Dr Flug from Villainous is an autistic transmasc madscientistgender mad scientistmonsterboyic vilegender evilgender villaingender villainic genderinator madscientistcostumic medcoric potionique techgender evillaughgender purplegreenian gurogender medigender vengevillic mutuadestro horrorgender nerdimasc spacequeeric bodihorric bispec mspec turian gay demiromantic trans man who uses he/xem pronouns and has BPD, NPD, anxiety, ADHD, and hypersexuality! Demencia is an autistic GNC PNC trendergender trendercoric trenderpunk neoncoric scenecoric scenix emox nightcorimasc nightcorixen nightcorifem genderpunk cringegender lizardgender catgender wolfgender sparklefurgender villaingender villainic swufegender gendergloop compugothic lexebitchic monsterlexic mallgoffix boycesse poklogender zvachgender chulovelygender maxihormonic neopasgoric kiddreamasc spacequeeric romantifem frayspec bi gaybian pan gay shegay turigirl who uses she/he/xe/sie pronouns, and has BPD and tourette's. as well as a shizo-spec disorder! Black Hat is an agender horrorcosmium occulian cassaroace alloarospec vincian angled aroace eldritchine being who uses he/him pronouns as a default, but prefers it/its or no pronouns! 505 is an agender panplatonic craftplushic nonverbal bear who uses any pronouns!
v long villainous requester here-- can you add pinkiegutgorgender to demencia? thank youuuu
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mogai-place · 3 years ago
Dr Edgar Swansea from vampyr is HAPPYSUNSHINEIC rhopaselenic gay genderfluid toothachic autiboycutic autigender CARTOONBOYSTIMMIC Noirchilcomascdineic Nursecatshopic Dullaescomfic demisexual animaskeletic nottecityic Genderamabiliter Chamomitean lovecandyic Comfortcandlic Lumerangic Fruitenby blueskygender neonlovegoric foggyraingender KENOVAMPIC Psychreclaimen Tranggoic Eyeblowatchic Nosebleedien Bloodlexan Organlexan Arteriespurtic Mouthbloodien medictum Alderkevos  Vampspookic wynfaesei CRYSTALTIX OVITIHIEMS Minticeaic distopix clovelexic admirilexic ARGELIX Velician sofpoetric rainyhorric bribunnic romantifem BLANKYNOIRCATIC and goes by he/she/they/it/zhe/moon/meow/kit/rose pronouns!
posted! this was our longest request yet with 49 flags!
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