#romantic ranboo
piersthesniper · 1 month
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Uhhhhh gay
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sing-me-under · 1 month
Does anyone have any fic recommendations for c!allium duo soulmates AU??? I’m craving DSMP fics again and I specifically want this duo. Preferably something short and sweet. Even better if it’s set pre-exile or post-prison (like Tommy’s birthday stream). But if you have something you’re passionate about, I’ll take it.
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yandere-mc-yt · 1 year
Do you think there's any yanderes who wouldn't get along? Like Wilbur and Quackity might not be able to stand each other or Tommy and Purpled finding it difficult to not bicker? Everything you've written so far is really cool!
Thank you! It's nice to hear people like my writing. :) I don't want this to be long because honestly? A lot of yandere's wouldn't get along. I'm going to list the top 1 that'd not get along AT ALL and then the top 3 that'd work unfortunately TOO well together.
EDIT: Old ask but I've polished it a bit and only included one ba. Enjoy!
P.S. don't be afraid to send more poly asks! Both romantic and platonic :)
Top 3 Best Yandere Duos
Technoblade & Ph1lza: should be obvious why they'd work well together! These two have known each other for ages and its highly likely that they'd even form a polyamorous relationship along with their shared darling. The two care and trust each other enough to compromise to ensure their darling is kept and taken care of!
Tommyinnit & Ranboo: a surprisingly good team! Its mostly because they're similar kinds of yanderes (mostly harmless towards their darling, only wants their companionship and attention, clingy, ect) that they wouldn't immediately clash. Also while Tommy is the jealous type, Ranboo is not but it's rarely an issue since Ranboo is so submissive in general scenarios- allowing Tommy to hog more of their darling's time with no problem.
Wilbur & Quackity: okay I know what you're think- you think they'd clash right? Well your right there's a lot of clashing!! But!!! They somehow make it work in an albeit disfunctional kind of way. The main reason this team even works is becuase Wilbur not so subtly is also just as attracted to Quackity the way he is towards their darling, willing to put himself "below" Quackity to help him contain their darling. Hey a bit of selflessness goes a long way!
The Absolute WORST Yandere Duo
Dream & Tommy: An EXTREMELY unlikely duo but has high odds of forming a dynamic- especially if obsession takes hold during the exile arc of all times. There's already so much going on mentally for tbe both of them and they absolutely do not want to fucking share their poor darling. They're both clingy in their own fucked up ways and even though I've stated before that Tommy is harmless, that all goes put of the window when Dream isn't above hurting their darling. Tommy would never try to hurt them of course- only Dream really but he's also so much more paranoid that somehow Dream will sway you away from wanting to hang out that he may start to verbally lash out. Everything is just..... awful. Even for Dream this situation sucks but he's too proud and stubborn to let go of his literal two greatest obsessions.
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afmis · 6 months
Hc that c!Ranboo liked to draw and was a really good artist. Specifically at like painting realistically. And c!Tubbo was 100% his muse. Like there’d be notebooks and papers and paintings scattered everywhere with just drawings of c!Tubbo. Him laughing, him sleeping, him scowling, whatever it may me. c!Tubbo found it super embarrassing but also endearing as well, not finding himself muse-worthy before but slowly changing his mind
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dyketubbo · 2 years
i miss burger arc for a myriad of reasons but also cbeeduo trying to pretend like theyre not married is really funny to me. like i know a lot of people see it as cquackity knowing but cwilbur doesnt but i think its funnier if they both have misconceptions but in different ways. cwil thinks theyre good friends and clearly somewhat close but thats it bc both of them are actively keeping it up but bc of cranboos other half/partner talk while ctubbo barely talks abt him at all cquackity thinks ranboo is just like. crushing hard and tubbo doesnt know/care
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plaguethewaters · 11 months
little superhero au thingie!! except the superhero part is super duper nonexistent and this chapter is litterally just cbeeduo proposal. Enjoy!
"You've gotta forgive me, because I'm about to get really sappy here."
Ranboo says, and Tubbo thinks it's awfully ironic. It's night, brilliant stars shining over them - the only true advantage of no public lighting at all - they're on the roof, sitting on the thickest blanket they own and huddling together for whatever warmth they can find, the few remnants of their picnic laid abandoned to the side. They've been out all evening, eating sweets and heart shaped sandwiches, because Ranboo had always been a little extra. He thinks, we've gotten past the sappiness threshold a whole lot ago, and also, there's no way whatever you've got to say could be worse than this romance novel ass- situation.
His hand is taken into Ranboo's, who starts rubbing at his knuckles with his thumb. He does that often, when he's nervous - but also, Tubbo muses, he's nervous about pretty much every single aspect of his life, so this isn't anything new. Then he starts talking, with a way too big, almost suspicious smile on his face, his voice low.
"You know I don't- I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now. I didn't know this kind of happy even existed, I think, not until you two came into my life." His gaze is soft and, as previously anticipated, unworldly sappy. "You've made me truly content with my life in entirely new ways, and continue to do so every single day. I can't really imagine my future without you in it."
"You're making this sound like a marriage proposal, bossman." Tubbo giggles, just to lighten the mood. Mostly because he's right, and he does not know if he could survive the weight of a love so, so fucking ginormous, settled on his shoulder's like the world's heavier and softer mountain, not without a little comedic relief.
"I mean..." Ranboo kisses his hand, doing a so-and-so gesture with his free one, "Kind of?"
The mountain doesn't move, and Tubbo's suffocating. This is not how he imagined he would die.
"I-uh. sorry?" he manages to shutter, while his mind helpfully supplies him with a series of his possible obituaries. "Young man dies of Too Much Emotion.". or "Romantic relationship actually a trap, Villain dies because Boyfriend loves him too much." (Boyfriend? Fiancè????? What the absolute hell.)
"I mean, i mean not now, obviously that's- that would be a little too much to dump on you so soon." Ranboo laughs, clearly as nervous as he looks. "Just, like, I've prepared a whole speech, goddammit, let me say it properly."
Tubbo sees the light. His heart is definitely going to explode.
"Okay I've, I've started this a little wrong. Because I said, right, I said, I can't imagine my life without you, but it's more like, like, I couldn't have imagined my life without you. I would've never even tried. I don't think I realized I could imagine a life for myself outside- outside of hero work. I either died at fifteen - or, or seventeen, or twenty, or whatever limit I decided to give myself that year - or got an eternity of work, no escape at all. Then, then you, and Tommy, and suddenly I'm dreaming of white picket fences and wedding bells and large breed dogs and- did you know I was a writer? When I was little, I used to have notebooks over notebooks full of short horror stories, and then I stopped because with housework and normal work and trying not to starve I never had the time - you've made me want to write again. You made me realize I could dream, and follow those dreams and succeed."
The speech comes out rushed, all too many words confined in all too little space, too little time. He sounds like he's afraid if he doesn't speak soon enough, someone is going to come and steal his voice, leaving his feelings forever entrapped.
His gaze shifts, and now he's staring directly into Tubbo's eyes. The intensity is overwhelming, oppressive, painful. His eyes bore into Tubbo's skull with the force of a drill, carving a hole from his eye socket to the center of his brain, then making a little cave in it and resting in it's center.
"I don't- marriage right now would not be a good idea, I don't think, but? Maybe, in the future... Will you marry me?"
Their stares break, and the parasite removes itself from Tubbo's poor, poor brain. Then he's playing with Tubbo's fingers, looking blushy and shy to the side - because of course he's nervous now, after completely destroying him, leaving unable to think anything but an infinite sting of I love yous and wondering how on earth he got this lucky and fuck. Tubbo would die a thousand times over if it got him to look this pretty again.
What the hell was he supposed to say now? He isn't, and has never really been good with words, not when actions and punches have always done the job just as well - how could he speak now, having been hit in the face with a confession like that? With the, the- he would call it the burden, he guesses, but that's just entirely the wrong word - the responsibility, the knowledge he's the reason Ranboo was able to grow and get through all of that, given to him like it is no big deal. He would've never thought of that. In fact, he was worried he'd been doing way too little support wise, lacking the knowledge and emotional maturity needed to properly help someone like that.
Like even now, after the whole speech, he still isn't all that convinced. All he ever did was love Ranboo - which isn't news, and would continue not to be news as far as he's concerned. He loves him, will love him even if he somewhat disagrees with the confession, because how could he be possibly worth so much in Ranboo's eyes, who deserves so much more than he could possibly give, and he loves him so much - but he does not know how to say any of that.
So, he just kisses him.
And again, and again, trying to push into his lips anything that cannot fit into his mouth and failing still, but nobody's to say he doesn't fucking try. When he stops, it's because his traitorous body runs out of air to breathe, but he still keeps as close as possible, resting his forehead on Ranboo's. If he has to stop to breathe, they'll fucking share the breaths too.
Ranboo has learned, by now, that Tubbo kisses like he's fighting.
Mostly by way of focus and determination: he kisses with the same kind of concentration one might have when operating a sniper rifle - or, much more topically, when defusing a tickling bomb. There's no second in which he's idle, any rest clearly ruled by strict necessity rather than any want or will. When he does retreat, surrendering finally to the need of air, he doesn't part neither far nor long, touching their foreheads together or breathing in his neck, his hands mapping all available territory to make way for later exploration.
Ranboo has seen him battle, has fought him directly in the past, and he finds no difference between the crushing adrenaline of a missed punch, of wrestling for a loaded gun, of running towards a lit fuse - and whatever he is feeling right now.
A hand finds its way to his thigh, squeezing the soft flesh, and the little air he'd managed to keep in his poor lungs gets knocked out of him. Maybe they are in battle, actually. Maybe killing him is Tubbo's way of saying no.
Because - and he's said this already, but his brain is too scrambled to pay attention to something as utterly unimportant as repetition (anything less important than this). Because he's used to Tubbo, to the way he seems to equate love and war, to the almost violence of his affections but this feels... different, somehow. Somewhat. He's not focused enough to register what's actually changed.
Maybe it's the way his mind had already been lost in the anxiety of the moment, before his little speech, and the suspense for an answer now; or maybe it's just the thick layer of tears evenly coating each of their faces.
Which, by the way, does not help to ease his worries at all, to be entirely honest. Not that - don't get him wrong, it's not that the kissing isn't nice (heavenly, wonderful, amazing, showstopping and a plethora of other words that do not even come close) but it doesn't really enlighten him as to what Tubbo's answer is going to be. Is this a "Yes of course I'm going to marry you" type of kiss or more, like, "No how dare you ask that I'm kissing you just so you shut up" deal?
(Now, a normal person, in a hypothetical fictional audience, would probably butt in right about now with, let's say, a text to speech device of some sort. And they would say, with all the confidence of anonymity, they'd say: "Ranboo, this is a really stupid dilemma. Why would he ever choose to reject with a kiss? Nobody does that ever." And they would probably be right! But the hand is still on his thigh, and another hand is rubbing slow circles into his waist, and the kiss is still happening, so forgive him if his reasonings aren't all that rational right about now.)
He manages to detach himself eventually - not easily, not even particularly willingly - for the few moments absolutely necessary to regain a couple braincells and learn how to use his own mouth again.
"Uh- U, I, Is this-" Not to use it well, mind you, but he isn't going to complain. he'll take what he can get and deal with it. "Uhu-"
"What was that, bossman?" Tubbo giggles, voice still raspy from the assault to his lips, and Ranboo finds it somewhat insulting; loquacity is an absurd standard to hold for the guy currently being lobotomized.
"Wh- was that, uh" Tubbo's hand is slowly rubbing at his cheek in what was probably meant to be encouragement, but only manages to scramble his brains even more. "Was that a yes?
His stomach plummets.
He knows, logically, that he should not have expected anything. They've been dating for not even a year, and this was sprung on Tubbo so suddenly, and everyone always say to never ask if you aren't sure your partner will say yes but Ranboo will never be sure of anything in his life (at least not how he was sure this would've worked) and he needed to ask like, physically. And at the end of the day it's not like this is gonna mean anything for their relationship, because ring or not he knows Tubbo loves him (maybe, hopefully, because he cannot begin to imagine the contrary, it would tear him apart), but he had dared to hope-
"No," Tubbo continues, "I've just started making out with you, because that is how normal people reject proposals in real life." He's smiling, still caressing his cheek, and Ranboo wants to die a little less. He pointedly ignored the disembodied voice of the fictional audience member reminding him how they were right. (Just because you were doesn't mean you gotta act mean about it. Meanie.)
He groans, quite loudly, so that all of his horrible pain is heard, and hides his shameful face in the warm crook of Tubbo's neck.
"Never start a sentence like that ever again, for the love of god."
Tubbo laughs, bright and loud. "Oh, you poor baby", he croons, mockingly. Ranboo is being made fun of, but the guy doing it is exceptionally beautiful and also his fiance now, so all the haters are quite obviously just jealous.
"You're right though," Tubbo continues, "I wasn't quite finished answering."
Whatever smart, flirty and witty reply Ranboo could have given him gets swallowed by a chocking sound, as the push of lips and the warmth of hands pull him onto yet another battlefield.
"You know what would be really, really funny actually?" Tubbo asks, after everything is done. He's basically sitting in Ranboo's lap now, only one lonely knee left hanging on the blanket. They cuddle together tighter, mostly because they want to, but also because it got so cold on that roof once the sun went down and now it feels far below freezing.
"Hmmmm..." he rumbles, a content rumble (NOT. a purr. shut up.) so loud it almost hides his voice. "No, what would?"
"If we just pretended to be married already." Tubbo sits up a little bit.
"Just like. Hear me out."
"I'm hearing, I'm hearing."
"Okay, for one - we've got like, another full year before we would be able to actually get married and you and I both know I've got zero patience to wait that long. And we're like, super wanted criminals, so nobody would want to marry us even if we were legal, right?"
"Absolutely correct."
"And also. Think of the Bitches faces when we get into battle against them and we have wedding bands on, calling each other 'husband' and shit"
A pause.
"Oh, oh my god" They both start laughing at the same time, falling back into the blankets in a mountain of little giggles. The thought is, as expected, absolutely hilarious, and with the added giddiness of being able to be husbands, of loving each other that much - it doesn't look like they'll be stopping anytime soon.
The moon is high in the sky, the cold is still frigid, and their laughs are loud enough for several noise complaints. Tonight, they hug each other and go to bed. Tomorrow, chaos would begin for real.
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
sweet names
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
what i'd think each of the sorry boys would call you for nickname(s) ♡
(platonic and romantic)
warnings: none, just cutesy fluff
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
charlie (romantic): babe, honey
tommy (romantic): love
wilbur: (romantic) darling, sweetheart
ranboo: (romantic) love, darling
philza (platonic): kiddo, hon
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
real short n' sweet fic
i hope u enjoyed!! please support me by liking, reblogging, replying or following my blog! requests are currently closed as of now. thank you!!
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not today
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wewereborntodie777 · 11 months
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Also, I took this photo today, I like it very much.
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nerdyenby · 2 years
ALSO I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF CRUMB!! I haven’t watched them very much but don’t lump her coming out in with Ranboo’s just because he’s their friend. I am ultra mega indescribably proud of and overflowing with love for nonbinary creators and coming out is so SO hard. Figuring yourself out and learning to accept it is a huge struggle for a lot of us and I am just bursting with love and support for all the genderqueer creators out there. Aimsey, Sniff, Ranboo, Crumb, Eret, Ponk, Krtzyy, and so many more! I don’t watch all of them regularly and I don’t want to feel the need to. We’re everywhere. We’re not niche or only known by those in the community. We’re *people*. We exist on the outskirts of far more peoples lives than we are a close part of — just like everyone else — and we are still visible nonetheless.
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shubblelive · 8 months
Do you write platonic fics? 💐💐
yes i do!! i am on i guess a little mini hiatus at this second but i write platonic fics for everyone listed in my pinned post!! ((i write platonic for everyone but for charlie, ranboo and tubbo i only write platonic))
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piersthesniper · 2 months
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I’ve figured out why I’m so into beeduo despite being decidedly Ranboo indifferent.
It’s that they’re good dads.
Yeah they’re teenagers. Yeah they mess up. But at the end of the day they’re trying their best and they do that by centring Michael’s needs and not their own ego.
At that’s all you can really ask for from a good dad.
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freezethebeez · 2 years
c!tubbo aromanticism study or whatever (ft. c!beeduo)
originally titled "vent but not depressing lmao" the setting is kinda blurry— both NLM and modern au (something like Ours Poetica, i reckon) fit, pick which one you like better tbh
info: fluff, romantic orientation exploration, not a lot of content, just the cute stuff :)
thingy below the break ^_^
Laying in the grass at the crest of a hill, looking up at the stars and the moon with someone wasn't considered to be a romantic gesture, right?
Tubbo hoped not.
Because all his life his father had told him that someday he's going to find a boy who he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and that they're going to fall in love and live happily ever after. And Tubbo's definitely found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and maybe someone he'a even fallen in love with...
Just not the way his father expected.
Because even when Tubbo turned onto his side, looking up at Ranboo as if he was the person who hung the stars above them, and even when Ranboo turned to face him as well, adjusting himself so he could lay closer to Tubbo, Tubbo was sure this wasn't the kind of love his father was talking about.
Even when Tubbo found himself closing the distance between him and Ranboo, when Ranboo's arms wrapped around him, taking him in until Tubbo was submerged in his warmth, he had a feeling that this wasn't the kind of love his father was talking about.
Even when Tubbo's heart raced and his cheeks bloomed with a pinkish colour as the thought of kissing the boy crossed his mind, he thought that this couldn't be the kind of love his father was talking about.
And when Tubbo sat up slightly, looking the boy in front of him directly in the eyes, a fond smile on his face– when Tubbo leaned forward just that slightest bit and planted his lips on Ranboo's cheek– on his forehead– he had a suspicion that this might be the kind of love his father was talking about.
But what even was that kind of love meant to feel like? Because it held all the same properties– spending quality time together, holding hands, kissing– but it just didn't feel the same. It didn't feel like the kind of romance Tubbo's father spoke about. It didn't feel like burning in his abdomen, or red hot, powerful emotion. Instead, it felt like something pure. Something raw and gentle, something that demanded to be taken care of, cradled in loving arms or else it would break. Spending quality time together was less flirting and more just being around one another, conversating like regular people do. Holding hands felt less like a display of ownership and more like one of companionship. And kissing was less aggressive and intense and suffocating, and more gentle, soft, and delicate.
It was everything his father's version of romance wasn't.
"Do you want to head back to my place?" Tubbo asked, voice whisper quiet, breath running across Ranboo's jaw.
Relationships had always been scary to Tubbo; too much commitment for something that would never last, nor occur for him.
"Would he be upset?" Ranboo asked in return, just as soft, and Tubbo's cheeks warmed.
He'd never imagined being in one– a genuine one– nor wanted too.
"Possibly," Tubbo replied.
So he stayed away from it– as far away from it as he could.
"Maybe it's not a great idea, then," Ranboo reasoned.
And he pretended that love wasn't something that existed– besides, it's not like his father had any good examples to show for its existence.
"I know," Tubbo sighed, "but it's warmer at home and I don't want to leave you just yet."
Love was stupid.
"I mean..." Ranboo tailed off, considering Tubbo's proposal in his head, "okay. Fine."
It was all stupid.
Tubbo quietly closed the door to his bedroom, Ranboo now tucked safely inside, their fingers still intertwined from their walk. They found warmth beneath the covers; warmth next to each other; warmth hand in hand, hearts beating in sync.
And yet when it came to Ranboo, it didn't seem too bad at all– because Ranboo was just as gentle, just as soft, just as delicate.
"Goodnight," Ranboo murmured before placing a small kiss on Tubbo's forehead.
Love gained a new definition that day– one that Tubbo was happy with; romance in an aromantic way.
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afmis · 1 year
Does anyone know any banger romantic c!Beeduo tag fics that aren’t creepy and gross? I miss them sm and am re-reading the same like 2 💀
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salemistired · 2 years
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@pinchhitsfromthevoid 's Pinch Hit #51 for @darkwitchling 's request of fluffy /r c!beeduo with goat hybrid c!Tubbo and Non-Binary c!Ranboo!
I had a ton of fun drawing these two and hope you enjoy!
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