#romanesco broccoli
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 months ago
Herb Roasted Romanesco with Pomegrante (Vegan)
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If you've already begun thinking about your Festive table and what it shall be laden with, it occurred to me that this fragrant Roasted Romanesco with Pomegranate, which looks like a Christmas Tree, may make a lovely side, or a main for your vegetarian and vegan friends and family! In the meantime, it is a nice and simple dinner for three! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
a beautiful romanesco broccoli
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried basil
½ teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
½ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
4 tablespoons olive oil
a small bunch (4-5 fluffy stalks) Garden Parsley 
1/4 large, ripe pomegranate
Trim off the romanesco broccoli’s leaves and stalk. (Keep them to make a fragrant Vegetable Broth.)
Preheat the oven to 200°C/395°F.
In a small bowl, combine dried thyme, dried basil, dried oregano, fleur de sel and black pepper. Stir in olive oil until well-blended. Set aside.
Line a baking tray with baking paper, and sit the romanesco broccoli in the middle of it. Generously brush all over with herb and oil mixture.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and roast, at 220°C/430°F, 25 to 35 minutes until golden brown.
Finely chop Garden Parsley.
Carefully release pomegranate seeds, removing any white bits.
Serve Herb Roasted Romanesco with Pomegranate hot, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds and chopped Parsley.
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haveyouatethisvegetable · 1 year ago
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magazynkulinarny · 1 year ago
Sałata ze szpinakiem, kalafiorem, gruszką, awokado, Gorgonzolą i czosnkowym winegretem
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No to w końcu kalafior czy brokuł?! Czym jest ten podobny do kalafiora, a smakujący jak brokuł atrakcyjny przybysz z Włoch, Pan Romanesco?
Kalafior, brokuł, kapusta głowiasta, brukselka, a także kalarepa to różne odmiany tego samego gatunku Brassica oleracea i jako takie mogą być poddawane krzyżowaniu (naturalnemu lub sztucznemu). Tak powstało szereg roślin uprawnych i ozdobnych.
Istnieją dwie formy Brassica oleracea, które można określić jako brokuł, jednak obie biologicznie uznawane są za odmiany kalafiora (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis). Pierwsza z nich ma kształt zwykłego kalafiora, tego, znanego u nas i lubianego od lat. Druga charakteryzują się stożkowatymi, niezwykłymi fraktalnymi wzorami różyczek. Ma żółty lub żywy zielony kolor. Ta druga to właśnie odmiana Romanesco.
Zawikłane? Może trochę. Mimo to warto czasem zagłębić się w materię tego, co mamy na talerzu - szczególnie dotyczy to nowości - choćby po to, by wiedzieć co wkładamy do ust. Zdarzają się bowiem potrawy toksyczne - nawet podane z uśmiechem na złotej tacy - od których należy bezwzględnie stronić. Szczęśliwie ta sałata do nich nie należy. To samo zdrowie!
mała główka Romanesco duża garść młodego szpinaku gruszka awokado ok. 100 g Gorgonzoli sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Czosnkowy winegret łyżeczka musztardy Dijon łyżeczka miodu 2 łyżki soku z cytryny łyżka octu jabłkowego 6-7 łyżek oliwy z oliwek e.v. 2 ząbki czosnku sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Opłukać kalafior, gruszkę i szpinak (jeśli potrzeba). Szpinak osuszyć w wirówce.
Kalafior podzielić na różyczki wielkości kęsa, a łodygi pokroić w podobnej wielkości kostkę. Awokado rozciąć, wyjąć pestkę, a następnie połówki miąższu i pokroić w kostkę, starając się by wielkością zgrał się z resztą. Skropić sokiem z cytryny. Ser pokroić w kostkę. Gruszkę pozbawić gniazda nasiennego i również pokroić w kostkę.
Do średniej wielkości garnka wlać niewielka ilość wody. Wstawić sitko do gotowania na parze i wsypać na dno części twardsze, a na górę różyczki. Przykryć pokrywka i gotować kilka minut (ok. 4), aż warzywo straci surowość, ale pozostanie chrupiące.
Przygotować winegret. Czosnek rozgnieść płaską stroną noża, obrać i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. W sosjerce połączyć czosnek z musztardą, miodem i dobrze wymieszać. Dodać sok z cytryny, ocet, odrobinę soli i pieprzu i ponownie wymieszać. Cienkim strumyczkiem wlewać oliwę, cały czas mieszając aż do uzyskania emulsji.
W misie wymieszać wszystkie składniki, podlewając odpowiednią ilością winegretu.
Podawać z opieczonym pieczywem.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year ago
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3 color posts:
Romanesco Broccoli
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konashi-yukai · 1 year ago
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Recipe for Quinoa Salad with Roasted Yams The entire family will love this flavorful quinoa salad made with roasted yams, Persian cucumbers, and Italian parsley. 2 cups quinoa soaked and rinsed, 4 Persian cucumbers - peeled trimmed and cut into 1/4-inch cubes, 3 cups water, 1.5 cups diced yams, salt and ground black pepper to taste, 5 endive spears to garnish, 1 lemon juiced, 1 cup chopped Italian parsley, 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, 1/4 cup 1/4-inch cubed onion, 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
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thunderstruck9 · 7 months ago
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Eliot Hodgkin (British, 1905-1987), Basket of Vegetables, April-May 1953. Tempera on board, 8 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.
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brontios-helm · 9 months ago
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Destiny 2: Cruciferous
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Autumn Supergreen Korma (Vegan)
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hawkuletz · 1 year ago
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How can you say this is not beautiful?! The fractal food!
children's media is so evil for pretending broccoli's bad broccoli's literally so delicious and beautiful why are you being so mean to her i think you're just jealous honestly
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ediblegardenspointloma · 8 days ago
In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The last of the brassicas is always Romanesco. The plants are huge, especially when planted in my raised beds with the compost-enriched soil. This year I planted only three (not six) and set them out in an adjacent bed where strawberries will now go. This is the plan going forward.
One Romanesco went to a friend and we’ll enjoy two. The above head is about eight inches across, much larger than any you might purchase.
A new favorite side is Lemony Romanesco with Pistachios which used scallions from the garden and a neighbor’s lemon. Flavors blended ever so well and would be suitable for any cauliflower or broccoli side.
Read previous blog posts about Romanesco here and also here.
Orange marmalade was the garden event of the week. I met up with my sister who is the orange marmalade queen in her kitchen in Newport Beach. She has the better stove with six burners. Marmalade is faster with two cooks since there is significant prep.
In about six hours we produced 52 jars. Most are given as gifts and I’m often told it is the best orange marmalade to be had. Thanks mom and grandma for the recipe and technique. Kudos also to my husband for keeping a 35 year old navel orange tree productive, healthy and organic.
Broccoli side shoots about 2-3 inches across were ready to harvest last week. Successive ones will be smaller, but Premium Crop broccoli does well in SoCal and yields very large heads and generous side shoots.
I harvested the first two Rosaine lettuce which has become my favorite winter lettuce. Read more about this remarkable Little Gem type lettuce at Territorial Seed Co.
Here’s the start to a side salad with Rosaine, gathered mesclun lettuce and baby leaf spinach.
A few of the salads from the last two weeks. Notable seasonal additions: kumquats, persimmons, tangerines, celery and snow peas.
A “this and that” bouquet for the church entry table. The perennial garden awakens slowly as days lengthen. All of Southern California is hoping for more rain. San Diego has received less than one inch since April 2024—the driest start to the rainy season in 174 years since records were first kept.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I succession plant in the cool season garden. Then head to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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hle24 · 1 month ago
Roasted Romanesco
Bright, nutty, and irresistibly crispy, this Roasted Romanesco recipe is the perfect combination of simplicity and flavor. Romanesco is a stunning vegetable that deserves a place in your kitchen, whether you’re serving it as a side dish, snack, or salad topper. With a handful of pantry staples, you can transform this unique vegetable into a showstopping dish. Let’s dive into everything you need…
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webdabrat · 1 year ago
Vegetable Salad - Italian Romanesco Cauliflower Salad Recipe
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Romanesco, cauliflower, and broccoli are layered in this classic Italian dish to create a vibrant, multicolored salad that is topped with a straightforward vinaigrette.
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runofthemillshop · 1 year ago
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Recipe for Roasted Romanesco Romanesco, or Roman cauliflower, is oven-roasted with olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, and salt for a simple and quick fall vegetable side dish.
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beckypittman · 2 years ago
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Italian Romanesco Cauliflower Salad Recipe This traditional Italian recipe layers Romanesco, cauliflower, and broccoli for a bright, colorful salad dressed with a simple vinaigrette.
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bakerruth · 2 years ago
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Italian Romanesco Cauliflower Salad Romanesco, cauliflower, and broccoli are layered in this classic Italian dish to create a vibrant, multicolored salad that is topped with a straightforward vinaigrette.
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autobahnmp3 · 2 years ago
in other but similar new i found a frozen veggie mix I actually like!!!!
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