#romancing mr Bridgerton
doomed2repeat · 7 months
I’m a writer Colin truther because Colin spent his first summer abroad writing letters to his whole big ass family (plus Penelope) and Penelope was the only one to respond to all of his letters.
And then he goes away for a SECOND summer abroad and writes to his whole big ass family (plus Penelope) and even fewer people respond the second summer away???
And he just…still keeps writing them letters???? Yeah that’s a man that misses Penelope but that’s also a man who just likes writing. Wasting time and ink going “surely my family will write back if I can create really evocative descriptions of sunsets” like the NERD he is.
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dearestgentlereaders · 3 months
the fact that we never got this confession scene is a crime
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sea-owl · 5 months
I personally want to see jealous Colin because I think it be funny with how dramatic the Bridgertons can be. Particularly, I want jealous Colin in this specific scene.
The scene I'm talking about is when Colin stalks follows Penelope to St Bride's church. As he's following her he notices that they are traveling in the direction towards his bachelor lodgings.
After they rolled along for a few minutes, He poked his head outside to make sure his driver had not lost sight of Penelope's carriage. There she was, right in front of him. Or at least he thought it was her. Most hired hacks looked the same, so ge was going to have to trust and hope that he was following the right one. But as he looked out, he realized they would have a much further east than he would have anticipated. In fact, they were just now passing Soho Street, which meant they were nearly to Tottenham Court Road, which meant-
Dear God, was Penelope taking the carriage to his house?
Bedford square was practically right around the corner.
A delicious thrill shot up his spine, because he couldn't imagine what she was doing in this part of town if not to see him; who else would a woman like Penelope know Bloomsbury? He couldn't imagine that her mother allowed her to associate with people actually worked for a living, and Colin's neighbors, though certainly well enough born, we're not of the aristocracy and rarely even of the gentry. And they all plodded off to work each day, doctoring and lawyering, or-
Colin frowned, Hard. They just rolled past Tottenham Court Road. What the devil was she doing this far east? He supposed her driver might not know his way around town very well and thought to take Bloomsbury Street up to Bedford Square, even though it was a bit out of the way, but-
He heard something very strange and realized it was the sound of his teeth grinding together. They just passed Bloomsbury Street and presently veering onto High Holborn.
Devil take it, they were nearly in the City? What in God's name was Penelope planning to do in the city?
First of all Colin, how would Penelope know where you lived? Is your siblings giving out your address? Because I know you didn't tell her outside of saying you were residing in Bloomsbury. Second of all that's inappropriate for her to do so good sir and you know better. Yes she's a spinsterr now, but she's still a lady and even you commented earlier how she shouldn't be leaving her house without someone with her. This man just wants the, unknown to him, love of his life by his side and does not care about the social implications. It's so funny too when he gets all pouty when he realizes that she wasn't coming to see him. Again Colin how would Penelope know your address?
And then when they're in the church and fighting for Penelope's letter.
"Colin," she whispered."Please . . . don't."
She's seen his secret writings. Why shouldn't he see her's? Did she have a lover? Was all that nonsense aboutnever having been kissed exactly that-nonsense?
Dear God was this fire burning in his belly . . . jealousy?
"Colin," she said again, choking now. She placed her hand on his, trying to prevent him from opening the envelope. Not with a strength for she could never match him on that, just with her presence.
But there was no way . . . no way could have stopped himself. He would have died before surrounding that enveloped her unopened.
Dramatic ass Bridgertons always do things the most dramatic way possible. This man was ready to fight Penelope's lover that he made up in his head. I want to see how dramatic Colin can get now that he has a face to put the lover status for Penelope. He's going to lose his mind.
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peggyloraine · 4 months
It has been a while since I had done this but here I go again….
Why don’t we discuss the fact that Penelope is an abused child. The way Penelope is treated by Portia is mental and emotional abuse. Allowing your other children to bully and treat another child as less than is abuse. That mistreatment marked Penelope and made her shy and made her feel insecure. It marked Penelope and the ton picked up on her low self esteem and bullied her.
I don’t know if the friendship between Eloise and Penelope has always been on that dynamic. Eloise dragging Pen along and Pen just happy to be with someone who isn’t mean to her and seems to care. She is love starved and the BRIDGERTON family is warm and welcoming.
I think the lying and hiding 😶‍🌫️ parts of herself are responses to her trauma. The years of being bullied have made her feel like she is not worthy of love and if they knew who she truly was that they wouldn’t want her. When Eloise discovered LW and rejected her, she made her biggest nightmare come to life.
Mind that I am not saying Eloise is good or bad. What I am doing is adding to the conversation from someone who had similar experiences from Pen and can understand her mindset and illuminate it a bit.
Basically, what I am saying that Penelope has been taught that she is not valuable as herself so she has been taught to hide herself from others and has big trust issues. Others have let her down again and again, especially men. She still doesn’t believe that she will end up with Colin so she is trying to hold onto enjoy the fairytale of true love until it disappears.
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your-mums-nuts · 2 years
Bridgeton season 3 episode 1 leaked
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darcytaylor · 16 days
Romancing Mr Bridgerton 💛💙💚
Here are a few of my favourite quotes from Romancing Mr Bridgerton. I hope they bring some peace and remind some to take a step back from the online buzz, and simply appreciate Colin, Penelope, and the wonderful world of Bridgerton.
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"Well, I don't like her as well as I do you."
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Colin decided then and there that the female mind was a strange and incomprehensible organ - one which no man should even attempt to understand. There wasn't a woman alive who could go from point A to B without stopping at C, D, X, and 12 along the way.
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She smiles and placed her hand on his. “I like you.”
He squeezed her fingers. “I like you, too.”
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"When did I start needing you so much?"
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kooks71 · 3 months
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Time for some fun.
Pen's expression....what is she thinking?
I'll go first.
'Hmmm. Can you make it dance? 😄
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etherrealsx · 3 months
Netflix Violet Bridgerton: two children married in one season, what a delight! And married so sensibly. The ceremonies were beautiful!
Book Violet Bridgerton after the summer of 1824, with Pen and Colin’s short engagement, Eloise running off, and Francesca getting married on a random day in Scotland without telling anyone: life is just SO EASY for you
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crazychicke · 1 year
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moodboards: Penelope x Colin (aka Polin) from Bridgerton
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awkward-sultana · 6 days
We could have reasonably seen more of Anthony calling his sisters by pet names. That man was basically a father to his younger siblings, so I'm sure he "sweetheart"-ed and "dear"-ed them constantly. Big opportunity missed.
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So many people be hating on Polin and I’m just over here like my man lied about when he fully got it in just so he could have the wedding moved up cause he couldn’t wait to marry her
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inexplicablefrogs · 1 year
The treatment that Luke and Nicola are receiving from some “fans” is horrendous. Y’all hated Anthony in season one but worshipped him in season two - and I get that you want him and Kate to have more screen time (I want that as well), but saying they deserve more screen time than Colin and Penelope is just disappointing. We don’t even know anything about season 3 yet or have an idea about what it’s going to be like because we haven’t received one of those “first look scenes” or even a teaser trailer. When people say they have no “chemistry” - they don’t have many scenes together in the first two seasons, and for what it’s worth Luke and Nicola are both incredible actors and deserve respect. 
I am very excited for season three and am impatiently waiting for some sort of release date announcement or “first look scene” like we had for Queen Charlotte and season 2. Lord and Lady Whistledown are about to run the ton. 
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violottie · 3 months
my new personal ranking of bridgerton seasons so far:
queen charlotte
the viscount who loved me
romancing mr bridgerton
(i did not and will not watch the duke and i so its not here 😌)
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what's yours?
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kajaono · 4 months
Anyone here disappointed as well that Colin did said: „Fod Gods sake, Penelope Featherington. Are you going to marry me or not?“ with such a clam voice and a little smirk?
When reading the book I always imagined him screaming it, being absolutely hyper. Am I the only one?
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peggyloraine · 1 year
I do not understand why people get the mistaken idea that Colin is ‘dense’. He is young and has done particularly foolish things, I get that. But he was 20 in the first season and 21 in season two. He is young and is making foolish mistakes, as young people tend to do. There is a significant age gap between Benedict and Colin of six years and his brothers often flank him in public, a protective gesture.
I also find that people are fooled by Colin’s charming facade. He is a people pleaser, so they fail to look into the deep waters that lay beneath his surface. He learned to blend in as a child and because of the age gap between him and his brothers, he probably spent more time playing with his sisters, so he ended up being more sincere and gentle than his brothers. He also was impacted by his father’s death at a younger age, and spent less time being molded into manhood by his father. His mother’s trauma would have greatly affected him too. I hope Shonda touches on these things and his position in his family and explains why he feels lost 😞. I understand the trauma of losing a parent and I was around the same age.
Colin is very intelligent and extremely curious. So curious that he has to know. We see that with his traveling 🧭. It is not just a way for him to escape, he is interested in geography, history and culture. He wants to know more about what he has learned in school. He wants to see and touch the world 🗺️ himself. His curiosity will not be satisfied until he does.
But his curiosity also shows itself in other ways. When we see him noticing details others miss. He knows that Eloise is sneaking around town and warns her. He also sees her slipping a piece of paper into her book when he saves Auggie. Plus looking into the Lord Featherington situation. That shows his curiosity, along with his sense of honor and protectiveness to those he loves. Our golden hearted boy.
Last point is that he is a writer. He has spent the off season corresponding with Penelope. She has said that his descriptions have transported her. Not only does she write herself, but she is an avid reader. I am sure that we are going find out he has kept journals, probably for years.
I really think that we were getting glimpses of Colin in last season to tell us that there is more to him than you choose to see. There are deep waters there and Penelope is about to take a deep dive and I am here for it.
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your-mums-nuts · 4 months
Underrated part of romancing mr bridgerton is when Penelope gets blackmailed by Cressida and she tells Colin about it.
Then Colin, who has been warning Penelope about this eventuality for at least one quarter of the book and being an absolutely prick about Lady Whistledown as a whole, goes “noo my sweet angel this is not your fault you did nothing wrong and I am going to fix this for you, you poor thing.”
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