#rollie responds
king-roland-ii · 7 months
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was feelimg down so i drew you!!! hope you likey ur a great king :)))
Oh wow, this is quite a charming piece!
I wonder if this is how I looked to Miranda when we sat together. I always try not to be messy when eating, though I guess we all have those moments when we get a bit clumsy.
I must've been nervous.
There's something about wanting to be your best on a first date.
I must've felt comfortable around her.
She giggled when she saw me like that. I hadn't a clue what was so amusing until she pointed out how I had something on my cheeks. I was quite embarrassed.
But I couldn't stop thinking about her amusement, her laugh, her smile.
I love her so much.
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hoshifighting · 17 days
when you start to ignore them — seventeen as your crush
hyung line / maknae line
minghao’s not dumb—he felt it when things shifted. the way you suddenly stopped giving him those small gifts, the attention, the lingering gazes when he caught your eye. he didn’t know why, but he knew something had changed. he never mentioned it, though. minghao’s never been one to chase attention, but yours? yeah, he got used to it. maybe too used to it. the weird part is, he started to crush on you too. he’d look forward to your little gifts, the way you’d brighten up around him. he thought he’d play it cool, but now? now he feels like he’s the one waiting.
one afternoon, after another day of you barely acknowledging him, he corners you. his voice is calm, but there’s something sharp beneath the surface. “did something happen between us?” you blink at him, caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. “no… why?”
he tilts his head, eyes narrowing. “you stopped talking to me. stopped giving me attention.” his lips curl into a smirk, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “i thought you liked me.” the words hang in the air, and for a second, you swear you see a flicker of irritation in his eyes. “or was that just for fun?”
mingyu’s used to girls crushing on him. he’s tall, handsome, and charming without even trying, so it never surprises him when people start showing him attention. he thought you were just like everyone else at first—another person fawning over him. but then, you stopped. and fuck, that’s when he realized it was different.
he never thought much of it before, but when your gifts stopped showing up, when you stopped hanging around him, it hit him hard. he didn’t expect to miss it, didn’t expect to miss you. but here he is, sitting in the practice room, scrolling through his phone, wondering why you’re suddenly ignoring him. “hey,” he catches you outside the dorms one evening, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “you’ve been… quiet.”
you raise an eyebrow. “quiet?”
he nods, swallowing. “yeah. you used to, y’know, be around more.” he glances away, almost embarrassed. “i kinda miss it.” there’s a pause, and when you don’t respond right away, mingyu’s chest tightens. “did i do something wrong? or… were you just over it?” his voice is softer than usual, less cocky, and it makes you realize how much he actually liked having you around. maybe more than he let on.
seokmin doesn’t take it well. when you stop giving him attention, he feels it immediately. it’s like a cloud settles over him, and he doesn’t know how to shake it.
he tries to laugh it off at first. “oh, what did I do now y/n-nie?” he jokes, flashing you one of his signature grins. but when you don’t laugh, when you just shrug and walk away, his smile falters. it eats at him for daysssss!! he hates it. hates how much he’s thinking about you, about the way you’ve been avoiding him. he misses your presence, your gifts, your attention.
finally, he can’t take it anymore. one night, after practice, he pulls you aside, his expression serious for once. “why are you ignoring me?”
“i’m not—”
“you are,” he cuts you off, his voice a little sharper than usual. “you used to care, you used to… i don’t know, you used to make me feel special. now it’s like i don’t even exist to you.” his voice cracks.
“what the hell ive done?! or are you just tired of me?”
seungkwan’s first instinct is to make you jealous. when he realizes you’ve stopped giving him attention, stopped following him around, his pride takes a hit. so, he starts flirting with others more openly, trying to get a reaction out of you.
but it doesn’t work. you don’t even seem to care, and that only makes him more frustrated. after a week of his failed attempts, he finally gives up and decides to confront you. “what’s going on?” he asks one day, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly annoyed. “you’ve been ignoring me, and it’s pissing me off.”
you raise an eyebrow, not really in the mood for his theatrics. “pissing you off?” he huffs, rolling his eyes. “yeah. you used to be all over me, and now… nothing. did you find someone else or something?”
there’s a pause, and for the first time, seungkwan’s usual confidence wavers. “i don’t like it,” he admits quietly, his voice softer now. “i miss you.” it’s a rare moment of openness from him, and you can tell he means it.
“can we… can we go back to how things were?”
vernon doesn’t say anything for a while. he notices when you stop hanging around him, but he’s not the type to make a big deal out of it. he figures you’re just busy, or maybe you’ve lost interest, and he tells himself it’s fine. but deep down he knows its not.
after a few days of silence, vernon starts to feel restless. he misses the small things—the way you’d smile at him, the way you’d always bring him snacks, when you click your fingers on his face when he zooms out or laugh at his dumb jokes. without you around, everything feels off. he catches you one day after class, his hands shoved in his pockets as he looks at you. “sup’, you good?”
“yeah, why?”
he shrugs, glancing away. “just… you’ve been kinda distant.” he pauses, trying to find the right words. “i don’t like it. actually, i like having you around...” his voice is quiet, almost shy, and it takes you a second to realize he’s being serious. “i mean, i get it if you’re over it or whatever, but…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck. “i really miss you. that’s all.”
chan’s reaction is instantaneous. the moment you stop giving him attention, he starts giving it right back. it’s like he can’t stand the idea of losing your presence, so he tries to fill the gap himself.
suddenly, he’s the one following you around, offering you snacks, little gifts, even bubblegum. “here, thought you might like this,” he says with a grin, holding out a pack of your favorite candy.
“uh, thanks…”
he smiles, but there’s a hint of nervousness in his eyes. “you’ve been kinda quiet lately. figured i’d return the favor, y’know?” he keeps it up for days, going out of his way to get your attention, to make you smile. and when you finally ask him why he’s doing it, he just shrugs, his usual confidence slipping a bit.
“i missed you,” he admits softly, his eyes dropping to the floor. “you used to do all this for me, and i didn’t realize how much i liked it until you stopped.” there’s a beat of silence before he looks up at you again, his voice quieter now. “i guess… i just wanted to remind you that i care too.”
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opultea · 2 years
Abnormal Love Languages
Genshin men with weird ways of expressing their love for you - Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) - SFW - Romantic - Fluff/Crack
ft. Alhaitham, Wanderer, Heizou, Tighnari, Dottore
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The Scribe of the Akademiya, a renowned scholar, and a totally awkward boyfriend
So what does this intelligent, well-known, socially unaware man do when he wants to show you he loves you?
Knows a lot and makes sure you know it too
If he fell in love with you that means he respects your intelligence and curiosity enough to find interest in your company
So whenever he's on the couch with a new book on Theoretical Quantum Mechanics, he will be reciting the facts to you as if he's doing an oral presentation
Alhatiham keeps one of those big rolly whiteboards in his house (usually used to lecture Kaveh) and you know that when he pulls it out then it is officially date night
He pours you both a glass of wine for a nice candlelit dinner, but then you ask him about his new book and suddenly it's a romantic candlelit lecture
Lucky you find his intelligence attractive ;)))
If you ever need gift ideas for him just get a pack of multicoloured whiteboard markers, he always needs new ones
Even though you might end up regretting enabling his little habit
Traumatised Tsundere (TM)
Has never wanted anything more than to be loved the way he observed in humans, but has always believed he could never be loved in any way. It has only been proven to him that it isn't possible
So he protects himself from rejection by teasing and swatting you away, almost trying to make you hate him so he can at least expect what reactions to get from you
He views it as safe, he knows how humans are when they are angry and hateful, he's experienced it firsthand, so he knows what will come of it
Even though he's secretly saddened by feeling like he has to hurt you
So when you respond to him bonking your head with laughter and a smile brighter than he's seen on anyone in his direct presence before, it startles him
When he pushes your face away with his hand and you retaliate by latching onto his arm he freezes (Wanderer.exe has stopped working)
Calls you stupid and insults your survival instincts
"Honestly, if a complete stranger were to push you away like this, would you still clutch their arm like a lost puppy? How absurd, you obviously couldn't survive without me protecting you, since you evidently can't tell good intentions from bad ones,"
Then you pout and tell him that of course you don't do this with other people, you do it because it's him!
He stops working again
Shoves you to the ground to avoid you seeing how red his face is
Riddles and puzzles/tries to quiz you by making you help him solve a case
Brings you to crime scenes even though you are not a detective and definitely aren't allowed to be there just so he can test your skills
"So, what can you gather from this crime scene? This case isn't particularly difficult, so I have no doubt you'll be chasing down the perp in no time,"
Honestly your whole relationship is like an escape room
You want to get into your house but forgot your key? Well knock in morse code and maybe Heizou will let you in
You want to have a nice lunch date with your boyfriend? Well you best be prepared for an intense game of shogi while you eat
You want Heizou to pass you a pen? Well first you must answer these questions three!
But seriously, he makes it fun for you and makes sure to let you know that it’s his way of telling you how much he respects you and he values your input and intelligence
As an Amurta scholar and a forest watcher who has seen way too many cases of mushroom-based food poisoning, Tighnari has learnt to be prepared to dish out medical treatment
So if you cough even once, or sneeze in his presence, Tighnari will begin an impromptu check-up to ensure you're still feeling your best
You try telling him you're fine, people sneeze all the time without being sick, but he just scolds you even more for thinking you could get away without him making sure you're alright
"Don't be so proud, you idiot. What am I going to do with you if you go and get sick?"
Tighnari would hate if you fell ill under his careful watch, but if you do get sick or injure yourself, prepare for a two hour lecture and a bowl of fresh creamy mushroom stew to help you get back into tiptop shape
He's usually incredibly busy with his forest watcher duties, but will somehow almost never leave your side if he's tending to you
When you aren't sick, he makes sure you're eating well, going so far as to prepare your meals or make a nutrition table based on the vitamins he thinks you need more of
Always reminds you to drink water and take any medication you need, your health is his top priority
Psychopath (Endearing)
Takes x-rays of you just to admire your lovely bone structure and hangs them up around your shared bedroom as if they're regular date pictures
He loves to have you sit in his lap as he caresses your body and coos at your flesh, whispering sweet nothings in his suavest voice about your organs, and telling you what a strong heart you must have because he can feel it through your shirt
Unwinding with Dottore almost always goes this way, with you getting a shower of what you're pretty sure are compliments about your internal systems and physical attributes
He once shocked you with a mini electric buzzer just to see your central nervous system go off. You were naturally quite annoyed about it but he just shrugged it off, claiming that he just loved to see your body at work, although he never did it again
His doctor brain never turns off, so be prepared to have his fingers in your mouth as he goes on about what wonderful teeth you have
It certainly makes you feel... special
You should feel special, he definitely doesn't do this with anyone else
Dottore is so enchanted by your being that he grows human organs in his lab that are exactly the size and shape of yours, saying it's so you can see for yourself just how beautiful you are
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Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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Artist: Norm Breyfogle
Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. Batman is working tirelessly to find out who you are. What will you do when he finds you? What will he do?
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x reader, (maybe a why choose with Dick Grayson as well?? Idk tell me what you guys want)
Warning: Adult language, breaking in and entering
Word Count: 1.4k
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it 
Part One Part Three
Part Two: Job Opportunity
“Master Bruce, do you think there is a possibility that this manhunt of yours may be born out of paranoia? Or perhaps an injury-induced delirium?” Alfred asked, as Bruce manically typed information into the Batcomputer. 
“That’s the problem, Alfred. There are no injuries. None. She healed me. She saw my face.” Bruce’s low voice rumbled. 
“Only you, Master Bruce, would consider a lack of injuries a problem,” Alfred sardonically stated. “Are you quite sure it was a woman?”
Bruce didn’t bother with a verbal response. He merely gave a curt nod. The sound of the elevator pinging and the door opening did not budge Bruce’s concentration from the computer. 
“Bruce, I’m back from Commissioner Gordon’s. The fingerprint is a dud. There are no matches in the criminal database,” Dick said, jumping into a rolly chair and sliding very loudly over toward Bruce. 
“That narrows it down, only about 25% of women in Gotham don’t have any form of criminal record,” Bruce muttered out loud. He didn’t particularly care if anyone heard. It moreso was for his train of thought. Bruce continued typing furiously, “I’ll check it against the other databases.”
Dick spun aggressively in his chair, “You got that fingerprint off your suit, right? What about the mask that was left?”
“The mask had been unused and freshly opened. There were some traces of fingerprints on that but my blood made them nearly impossible to ascertain,” Bruce said flatly. Bruce’s computer flashed with an oncoming message from Barbara. 
[The street cam footage was shaky, but I got a general description. She is about __ tall, with __ hair, and __ skin. It also appears that she is wearing a medical uniform that is issued for Gotham General Hospital. You’re welcome, Babs.]
Dick leaned so close to the computer that his and Bruce’s cheeks touched, “Wow I didn’t realize you brought in the big gun Babs. You want this girl found.”
Bruce tried not to smile at the ridiculous boy, “She saw my identity, Dick.”
Dick inhaled sharply through his teeth, “What are you going to do when you find her?”
A few ideas popped into Bruce’s mind, not all of them were legal. 
“He hasn’t got a clue, Master Dick,” Alfred said, spawning behind the two men, holding a silver tray with a bowl of Lucky Charms on it for Dick and a large black coffee for Bruce. 
“Thank you, Alfred,” Dick said, taking the cereal, “I mean she saved your life, Bruce. She hasn’t told anyone your identity,” Dick said, feeling the odd need to defend this girl he has never met. 
“She could just be selling the information to the highest bidder,” Bruce said, sharply taking a glug of coffee. 
Dick held back from rolling his eyes. He looked at the monitor and stared at the girl. “She saved your life when she didn’t have to. I don’t think she would ruin it on a whim. Not every person is out to get you, Bruce.”
And with that Dick and Alfred left Bruce alone in the Batcave. 
Bruce took another long sip of his coffee and continued his search. A small smile, barely a smirk lifted on his lips. 
It was a good thing that healthcare workers needed to get fingerprinted. 
He found her. Now all he needed was a solid plan. 
“Y/n please girl. Please, please, please, please, please,” Sam begged jokingly with her hands together. 
“Nope! No! I am not taking another patient with bed bugs! I took the last one for you and I felt itchy for a week. Besides I have my hands full with an IICP and a stabbing,” I said, wagging my finger at my friend. 
“Gah fine! Wish me luck. I’m manifesting that I have rancid energy that repels beg bugs but is very welcoming and kind to patients.”
I laughed at her, “When you figure out that ratio please let me know, babe.”
The rest of the shift went by quickly, and mostly uneventful. I healed the head injury enough that no surgery would be required. I healed that stabbing enough that he could go home stable the next day. I healed a gunshot wound. A sick two-year-old with a fever. And so on. By the time I was walking out the back of my eyes burned and my back throbbed. I needed to do some stretching. Maybe take a long bath with some Epsom salt and a dirty romance novel. 
My walk home was uneventful. I was grateful to see my apartment. I wanted to shower, sleep, and cuddle Hashbrown. 
I turned the key to my apartment and stepped my leg in to block an anticipatory escape plan from Hashbrown. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion when she did not greet me at the door. A sense of unease flooded my body and I rushed in.
“Hashbrown? Here kitty-kitty!” I yelled in my sing-song voice for her. The hairs on my neck stood up. Something about the energy in my home was different. It was charged. Slowly, I grabbed my pepper spray. With my other hand, I grabbed my phone. 
Out of the darkness, there was a twing of metal and my phone and pepper spray were on the ground. Quickly, I turned to run out the door. 
“I just want to talk,” a gruff voice said from the darkness. I fumbled my hand against the wall and flicked on the light. 
I tried not to laugh. 
Batman was in my living room, with my cat on his lap. Hashbrown, the traitor seemed completely enamored by him. Some guard cat she was. 
I walked casually to my kitchen, to my fridge. “Do you want anything to eat or drink, Batman? I have some leftover Thai food, some diet cherry vanilla coke, water, coffee, tea?” 
“None for me,” he said, his voice seemingly lower by the second. 
After my dinner was assembled I joined him on the couch. I faced across from him. “What do you want to talk about? And why the fuck did you feel like it was okay to break into my apartment?”
“You’re bold. Is it a front to hide your fear of me?” He asked as Hashbrown nuzzled against his sharp chin. 
I looked at him, almost annoyed, “Should I be afraid, Bruce?” 
“I guess that depends on your answer,” Bruce said, intentionally not finishing his statement. 
“If you want an answer you need to ask me a question,” my tone was sharp. My anger was surging. I just got off a thirteen-hour shift of a four-day stretch. I just wanted to eat, shower, and go to bed. But this oversized emo chicken was interrupting that. 
“What would you do if the world knew about your healing powers?” He asked, and my heart stopped. 
“What would you do if the world knew your identity, Bruce Wayne?” I practically hissed the last part. How dare he break into my apartment, pet my cat, and threaten me? 
“It would be the end of the Batman,” Bruce said.
I looked him dead in the eyes. I held no fear. I just showed him my true exhaustion. “If you’re worried about me telling anyone, I won’t. Call it personal morals or call it fucking HIPPA I don’t care. I’m not going to tell because you were my patient and I cared for you. End of story. Now get out of my house.”
“Would you like to work for me and my family?”
The offer caught me so off guard I almost got whiplash from it. “Excuse me?”
“You would be a permanent first responder that lived in the Wayne Manor full time. Full benefits. A salary ten times what you are making now. You will need to sign an employment contract and an NDA. Your cat of course can also live at the manor. Your services will just need to be available 24/7.”
My mind whirled, “Give me a week to think about it. Write a draft proposal and give it to me as soon as possible. To be frank, I do feel like this is a form of manipulation. You want to hold power over me by being my employer and having me sign an NDA. You want to keep a close eye on me so that you know what I’m doing, who I’m talking to, and what I’m saying. You do not trust that I will simply not say anything out of my own morality.” 
I saw a ghost of a smile on his face, “You’re smart. You will fit in well. I will have the draft in your mailbox by tomorrow. Goodnight, Miss Y/l/n.”
Before I could say anything, he was out the window and vanished into the night. 
“What the fuck, Hashbrown?” I yelled, scooping her up. “What am I going to do?”
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honeytama · 4 months
Make Your Move - Chapter 1
Noah Sebastian x Reader x Matt Dierkes
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Fic Masterlist
A/N: Very excited to begin my first long fic! Enjoy <3 I'd love to know what you think. I have an idea of how long it will be, but maybe I’ll have more ideas as we go on.
Fic Summary: Having known Matt for a year already, he knows your talents and hires you as his assistant for Bad Omens' upcoming tour. You’ve had a crush on Matt, your friend, and now boss. However, his good friend and your celebrity crush, Noah, takes a liking to you the second you step through the door. What happens when your feelings develop? What happens when they find out? You only hope your heart doesn’t break trying to care for two others.
Content and Warnings for Ch. 1: Fluff, mention of sex toys/masturbation, all of my works are 18+ only
Word Count: 2.7k
Matt called the other day.
“Y/N, do you happen to have plans from June 3rd to July 7th?” He asked.
You remember him asking you, but at that moment you didn’t even process what he had said before responding, “Whatever you need, I’m all yours!”.
You rolled your eyes at yourself. He was cocky, overly flirtatious, and arrogant some of the time, but he had an effect on you that didn’t waver.
You wanted every moment to be around him and didn’t consider the amount of responsibility he would put on you in the upcoming months.
It’s the beginning of April and you agreed to be Matt’s assistant tour manager on Bad Omen’s summer tour. Their full tour route has already been posted online and fans could begin buying tickets by the end of the week.
Today, you have to meet with Matt and the band for the first time to discuss tour logistics. Tour production, mixing, and lighting were nothing new to you, but you'd never gone on the road before, let alone with a band you'd never met… in person, at least. You're a Bad Omens fan– big time.
Matt and you have known each other for a year having met while you were on a walk. His dog, Zeus, had got off-leash and sauntered on toward you. It was fate the way the world brought him to you. He thanked you for grabbing Zeus’ collar before noticing your Bad Omens merch.
“I like your shirt,” he nodded at your chest with a smirk.
“You're their tour manager,” you said with wide eyes.
“Among other things,” he smiled.
The man had you wrapped around his finger starting that day.
You two exchanged numbers and have been hanging out and talking ever since. It was your favorite to go on walks with him and his dogs when he was home from tour. He flirted with you and with every hand touch and compliment it made your affection for him grow. However, you knew he was a ladies' man and decided to keep your feelings secret early on.
Now, he’s your boss.
The walk from your car to the door of the studio felt a mile long. The beat of your heart thumped in your ears as you thought about how your first meeting would go.
Would they like you? Would you do well or make a fool of yourself? Would they notice you had a crush on Matt? Will they just think you're his puppy to play with on tour?
These thoughts made your stomach lurch and nearly convinced you to dial Matt to call in sick.
Nevertheless, you wanted to prove yourself to them, so you put on your best smile and turned the door knob.
You were immediately met with a packed room and heads turning to meet you.
“There she is!” Matt exclaims while leaning against the long mixing console. “Everyone, this is Y/N. My new assistant.”
“Hell knows you needed one,” Folio gets up from the couch on the side of the room and goes to shake your hand.
“I’m Nick,” he points to another guy in the corner in a rolly chair, “he’s Nick, too. So, it’s ok for you to call me Folio.”
Nick, Nicholas Ruffilo as you know him, gives you a smile and a small wave before returning to his laptop screen.
“That’s Jolly,” Folio points to a rugged man sitting on the rug on the floor next to the coffee table.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he smiles.
“And this is Noah,” Folio walks over to Noah and pats his shoulder.
“Hey,” he waves.
How can he be even hotter in person? You thought.
Being a fan of the band already, you had already attached their names to their faces, and Noah’s was your favorite. You thought he was attractive and started to develop a bit of a celebrity crush on him when you discovered the band, but once Matt came into the picture you thought it best to ogle over someone tangible. Now, Noah is really in front of you and you hope your fan feelings won’t make things complicated.
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m such a fan,” you say, professionally.
“Oh! You’re a fan! Matt, you picked a good one,” Folio grins.
You make your way across the room toward Matt to hug him. You couldn’t help feeling eyes on you from the direction of the couch, but your conscience convinces you to ignore it.
Matt embraces you before telling you to take a seat in the rolly chair beside him.
“Alright, my friends,” he claps. “Now that we’re all here, we have a lot to do. Y/N, I sent you our to-do list, mind getting that out for me?” Matt nods toward the laptop in your tote bag.
“You’re already giving orders? It’s day zero,” Nick whines.
“Treat her like an equal, man,” Noah is lighthearted, but his face says “Don’t do this right now”.
“Guys, I’m kidding,” Matt groans and pulls out his phone. “Ok, so we need to source crew, talk to management about who else is on the bill, create video wall graphics, arrange a setlist, mix intros for each track in the setlist… plus lots and lots of other shit.”
You smile across the room to Noah and mouth, “Thank you”.
He winks at you before looking down at his notebook and beginning to take note of Matt’s list.
Matt continues, “Noah, do you want to finalize the setlist? We can work on some other stuff while you get that done.”
“Actually,” he raises his head from his notebook to make eye contact with you, “I would love to have Y/N’s opinion on what I have so far.” He faces Matt, “She’s a fan and it would be nice to have some insight from someone else who enjoys our music.”
“I like that idea,” Matt agrees.
“Yeah, that sounds fun,” you say excitedly. Time to prove yourself, you thought.
“Sweet,” Noah says. He gets up from the couch with his notebook and pen in hand. “We can go out to the patio,” he nods his head at the back door of the studio.
You grab your tote and fix your outfit before following Noah to the door that he so chivalrously holds open for you.
“After you,” he smiles. “Let’s take a seat on the bench.”
The atmosphere completely changes as you can hear birds chirping and cars driving down the nearby highway. The back patio is covered with a finished, wooden awning and it faces a small yard with deep green grass and vines that trail up the fence surrounding the studio. Being here with Noah, alone, it felt like a dream.
You take a seat next to Noah with around two feet in between you. Your heart flutters watching him flip through the pages of his notebook as his hair falls into his eyes.
“There it is,” he announces as he tucks his hair behind his ear, only for it to fall again to his temple.
Noah hands you his notebook and on the open page is a list of songs. Some of them are scratched out and then rewritten, while others have question marks next to them.
“I hope you can read my handwriting,” he says sheepishly.
“I like your handwriting,” you smile, hoping to ease him. Why was he nervous? You thought.
You read aloud,
“Artificial Suicide,
Nowhere to Go,
Glass Houses,
The Grey,
Never Know,
Like a Villain,
Just Pretend,
The Death of Piece of Mind,
Concrete Jungle,
and Dethrone.”
“This is perfect,” you gush. “The fans will love this show. I know I will.”
Your praise earns you a toothy smile from him. “Are you sure there is nothing you would change? You can be critical. I can take it,” he leans in urging you to say anything.
“You–,” you blush, “you forgot to add my favorite song.”
“What’s your favorite?” He’s still so close to you, yearning to hang onto every word you say.
You reach across his lap to pull the pen out of his hand. His gaze follows your hand to his notebook. The pen is brought to the page of setlist ideas and at the very bottom, you scribble If I’m There.
Noah laughs and rubs the tops of his thighs. “Really?”
Taken aback by his reaction, “‘Yes! What do you mean, ‘really’?”
“Hey,” he smiles with his hands up, “it’s a great song. I know the fans love it…” He holds up his forefinger, “But, one, we haven’t played it live in forever.” He holds two fingers to you and laughs, “Two, you put it as the third encore after Dethrone.”
You laugh along with him. “Fine, no If I’m There for the fans I guess,” you tease. “I just was thinking about when you and Jolly did an acoustic live stream during quarantine and played it. The song means a lot to me and your voice sounds amazing in it, of course,” you admit.
Noah bites his lip and fixes a steady gaze on your eyes. “Thank you, that means a lot. Maybe you’ll share with me what it means to you sometime?”
“Sure,” you nod.
“How about, when we’re on the road and you’re feeling down,” he looks off to the yard, “you say the word and I’ll play the song for you.”
“Just for me?”
“Just for you.”
“I want to sing it again; the song means a lot to me, too,” he looks to you.
“Matt,” you call out, “am I going to be feeling down when we're on the road?”
It was now almost two months later and the first show of the summer is in two days. This morning, Matt is over at your apartment helping you pack for your first tour trip. You have to leave to meet everyone at the tour bus to pack everything up and head out by noon.
“Feeling down,” he pauses, “like, sad? Where’d you hear that?” He comes out of your restroom with your travel bottles and extra toiletries in his arms.
“It was a passing comment that Noah made when we first met. I’ve been thinking about it ever since,” you look down at your suitcase on the bed.
“I’m sure he didn't mean to freak you out. But,” he opens up your mini bag to set everything inside, “yeah, it can get lonely.”
“Aw, you get lonely?” you tease. “Then, I’m glad I’ll have my best friend on the road with me,” you smile at him.
“Yeah, me too,” he smiles back at you, “Noah and I are going to be hanging out a lot.”
“Fuck off”, you flick the brim of his hat. Letting out a sigh, you ask, “Do you think I have everything I need?”
“Lemme see…” He hunches over your suitcase and rummages through the piles of clothes. It’s a minute later that you realize that he’s probably putting his hands all over your underwear. “Y/N.”
“What?” You ask. He’s still hunched over, unwavering. “Matt, what is it?” You repeat urgently.
“What are– Why do you have these?” He turns around to you holding your palm-sized vibrator in his left hand and your pink, five-inch dildo in his right.
“Matt!” You reach forward trying to grab them, but he pulls back. “Oh, my God!”
“You can’t bring these!” He yells waving around your personal items.
“I can do whatever I want! Give them back!” Your cheeks feel red hot as you try to reach for your things being held above his head.
He looks down at you with fire in his maple eyes. “You’re going to be staying on the bus with us. When did you think you were going to use these?” He laughs, and you hate it when he’s right. Honestly, you questioned why you even bothered to pack them, too.
“None of your business, Matt,” you huff letting your arms down, defeated. “I just thought, like, what if we got hotel rooms at some point during the tour and I could blow off some steam.”
“And, you thought that you’d get a room to yourself?” Matt laughs, annoyingly. He hands you the toys and you throw them into the bag in frustration.
“I have to room with you boys the entire month?” You whine. “How am I supposed to change my clothes?”
“You’ll have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable,” he shrugs his shoulders. “I don't mind if you change in front of me,” Matt smirks.
“You would like that, huh?” You jab.
“Y/N, watching you change would be my favorite show; better than any Bad Omens set, and I’m great at my job,” he taunts.
“You’re gross,” you scoff.
“You love me,” Matt relaxes on your bed.
He’s right, you think.
The sun was out again outside of the studio. You reminisce about spending time with Noah on the patio two months ago, and there were only a couple of days you spent alone time with him since then. Each time, you try to brush off the sense of guilt you have when Noah looks at you with his almond eyes; Matt is still unaware of the celebrity crush you had on his friend. Even though Matt isn't yours, you still liked and knew him first and it made it feel wrong to give Noah the attention you did.
Though, there’s no time to focus on that now. Today is your first official day of being Matt’s assistant and assistant tour manager for Bad Omens.
You met everyone: crew, the other touring band, Bad Omens, and Matt outside of the studio where the tour trailers and buses were parked. With your suitcase by your side, you kept track of everything on your iPad. You instructed where everyone was meant to be by the first show day and took inventory of all gear kept in the trailers.
And then after forty-five minutes of organization, everyone was ready to load onto the buses.
“Alright,” Matt calls out, “crew and our other band, you'll be in the first bus. My guys and Y/N, we’ll be in the second. Decide on your sleeping arrangements. Let’s go.”
“You ready?” Folio comes to your side.
“Yeah, I’m excited,” you answer.
With that, you load onto the second bus, and you’re astonished at the sight before you.
The bus is long. There’s a kitchenette with cabinets as you enter and a TV hanging above the entrance of the bus. After the kitchenette, the bus is lined with smooth, black leather couches and one small table for dining. There's a sliding door that separates the bunks from the rest of the bus; six beds total, two sides of the bus set with three bunks on top of each other. After the bunks, there is another sliding door that can block off a room with a leather couch that lines the walls of the bus. The back is decorated with pillows and twinkly lights from which you can see.
“Y/N, take your pick of bunk. I’ll sleep near wherever you choose.” Matt suggests.
You choose the second bunk on the right side of the bus. Matt chooses to sleep above you and Folio follows suit below you. As everyone is settling in, Noah trails in last.
He’s left with the second bunk on the left side of the bus, right across from you.
“Hey, neighbor,” he smiles as he puts his backpack in his bunk.
“Noah,” you blush while unpacking your blanket, pillow, and plushies onto the bed.
Matt finishes unpacking his sleeping gear and leans against the wall to address all of you, “Now that we’re back, I just need to remind everyone about the rules of the bus.”
Nick groans from his bunk near the floor.
“Well, actually, y'all know there’s only one rule,” Matt maintains eye contact with you. “No pleasuring oneself or another on the bus.”
Oh, my God, you think.
"I hate you", you silently mouth to Matt.
Beside you, Noah chuckles and crosses his arms. Turning to look at him, his cheeks are pink.
Did Matt fucking tell him something? You thought.
Matt raises his eyebrows at you. “Driver! Let’s roll.”
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svgvru · 1 year
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𝗗𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗖𝗧! humiliation + "you've made a bunch of men pay hundreds for a piece of pussy? and its not even good!" ꒰ mei mei x dom,m!reader ꒱: ceo!reader, hair pulling, rough sex, p in v, slight dacryphilia, mentions of sex work, humiliation / degrading obvi, reader is hung ꒰ and an ass man ꒱ , slight dehumanization ꒰ its like 2 lines ꒱, oral ꒰ f!receiving ꒱, p in v. her outfit. DO NOT FOLLOW WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS FIC, the reader is not an admirable or morally sound person. ꒰ 5.7k+ ꒱
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"𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘴." — 𝘍𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘩 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘺. the poster lazily rested against the wall of your grant office. a "motivational quote" for those who walk into your office. yes, the quote was true, but at what cost should you build your own dreams?
a loud groan leaves your lips as you roll your shoulder, your body strangely tense as you sit in your office chair, attempting to cognitively read the contracts sitting on your desk. sipping on your coffee you hope and pray that your buisness partner, satoru gojo, doesn't come bursting in your office for the 5th time this week. he'll send useless mail, terribly delivered and made jokes, and fake motivational speeches. not to mention his mouth never. stops. moving. granted, your sure he's just lonely, or autistic, maybe both. (the call might be coming from inside of the house!)
despite how annoying that stupidly gorgeous man may be has been right the past few days. "your shoulders are tense as hell. their like rocks!" your tense, ridiculously tense and stressed. when you sarcastically questioned him about what you should do to relive the tension, he genuinely responded with, "i don't know. maybe go to a club, fuck a stripper! maybe you just need some good pussy," gojo says bluntly, "take out your frustrations!" his voice turned weird in the last phrase, but you ignore it and sigh. "im not going to a fucking club, don't have time for the tabloids."
however, now as you sit at your desk, swaying side to side in your "rolly chair" as gojo calls it, you think that maybe he is right. a stress reliever could help. but not from a stripper.
well, maybe a... with a huff you pick up the landline that leads to your assistants office. hearing his voice on the other side of phone. "i need you to book something for me..." you speak looking a picture you pulled up on your phone while waiting for his response.
the day slowly ended, and gojo—without fail dropping in to say hi! and make penis jokes instead of working like the ceo he is. along with making jabs at how "terrible" you looked, due to the tenseness. and after he left, do did the sun. the day had thank fully ended and you could collapse onto the soft mattress that is your bed. the material allowing you to sink into it and give your body comfort it hasn't felt all day. you look at the moving ceiling fan, thinking to yourself about your appointed the upcoming saturday. "mm, she's expensive, but apparently her pussy's good," you mumble to yourself, "lets hope i didn't waste my money..."
sleep quickly overcame you that night, despite the massive intakes of coffee you had. it seems the days of overworking yourself had drawbacks. you really should listen to nanami's hypocritic words. and saturday could not come faster!
finally, day off from the stressful work environment. just you, a book, and that sex worker you booked later that night. a yawn leaves your lips your lips as the words on the paper start to become wonky, and you swear you've read the same paragraph 3 times. "time for a nap, huh?" you stretch before bookmarking the page you were on, setting the book down, and curling up on the couch to take a long and well needed nap. i feel like a teenager "catching up sleep" on the weekends...
after the world went black for who knows how long, something in the back of your brain compels you to get up, a nagging feeling that you normally get before a meeting. you sit up to see what time it is, and you understand that nagging feeling. because you do in fact have a meeting, with "mei mei," according to your assistant.
your not an idiot, you've delt with this before and briefly glanced at her. she's pretty popular, but her prices are high, you'd need money to book her. seems its time to meet the celebrity, huh?
in a little under 45 minutes you sit in the backseat of ijichi's car, resting your head on the head rest with your eyes shut, waiting for the the car to stop at its destination. Cursed2, the hotel that you were scheduled to meet up at. you wondered what your chauffeur thought about his boss hooking up with someone. however, you knew he wasn't going to say a thing. he was there to do his job and nothing else. after a moment of calm, you open your eyes and look out of the window, seeing how the streets are lit up in the darkness of the night sky. the car slows as it turns and you see the giant sign that says "CURSED2" on the window filled building next to the car.
moments later, ijichi opens the door for you and closes it behind you. "thank you," you mumble to him with a nod, pulling on the lapels of your coat. "no problem, sir. enjoy your night."
you step through the sliding doors and into the lobby, waiting patiently at the front desk for an employee. when a woman in dark blue and khaki pants shows up, you notice how beautiful and awake she looks for someone doing night audit, you suppsed it fits for the rich air of this hotel. "i have a reservation," you state your name rub the back of your neck, slowly rolling it. the woman soon pulled up your reservation on her screen and handed you a thin keycard with a seemingly knowning smile. "room 369, sir. it seems you have a visitor aswell."
"oh, thank you," you chuckle to yourself and take the card before walking to the elevator, resting against the railing with a small smile. DING! you look at the two doors slowly opening and step out of the moving room. following the signs you end up at the room '369' which you find ironic, but maybe its your dirty mind at work.
the woman in the room hears the click of the door and smiles to herself. you step in the door with a sigh, looking around the room, impressed with the lengths they went to in decoration. then again, this is a suite in one of the most expensive hotels in the area. shrugging off your coat, you hear rustling and look up in the direction of the sound. your eyes are focused on the woman before you, her light blue hair was falling elegantly on her shoulders, partially covering the dark purple lingerie set she had on. the floral pattern lining the lace of her bra and panties, a garterbelt suspender was over the panties which stopped just under her bellybutton, the garter belts connect to the matching thin stockings she was wearing that went just below her mid-thigh. covering most of the set was a dark purple satin shawl. a smile immediately comes to your face at the sight of her, ideas festering in your mind. oh, that's being ripped off.
"your late. you know that's extra," her smooth and sultry voice fills your ears as she leans against the doorway to the bedroom. "im aware," you smirk and turn your eyes towards your coat as you tug off the second sleeve and set it on the coat rack. "you know, you are an expensive woman to book," amusement and intrigue is caked in your voice as you slip of your "church shoes" and step into the common area of the suite.
a noise of amusement leaves her throat, almost a chuckle, but not quite. "well, you'd pay for an expensive contractor with good quality, wouldn't you? mr. ceo?" you hum and step towards the kitchen, "i suppose i would, yes." you grab the soap and throughly wash your hands before drying them and walking towards her. you stop a few inches before your reach her and carefully grab her hand, kissing her knuckles lightly, your eyes focused on her face. "i apologize for my lateness," you mumble against her skin, your eyes lock with hers as the two of you can see the "intense" intention behind eachother's eyes. "oh? ever the gentleman mr.?" she whispers your last name, smiling at the twitch of your lips against her knuckles.
you sit up and smile. "i pride myself on being one. now, what exactly is the price for my lateness? it was only 5 minutes," your voice is soft and smooth, attention entirely trapped on her. the woman before you hums, "yes, but its my time you know? and unfortunately, i don't own a multi-billion dollar company. a 2,216 yen up charge."
ignoring her little quip, a whistle leaves your lips. "alright. your other prices?" she smiles and turns around, walking into the bedroom to sit on the edge of the bed, you follow suit and sit next to her, pulling on the front of your collar before unbuttoning the top three buttons. she gives you a look but doesn't comment on it, only beginning to talk about her pricing. "stillll expensive," you reach into your pocket and fish out your wallet. she chuckles and stands moving to stand in front of you. "you shouldn't book if you can't handle the woman," she responds as she moves, earning a look from you. your eyes trained on her, lips twitching her as he hands touch your cheek.
"trust me—i know how to handle a woman," an intrigued smile finds its way to her face, smiling a bit more as you kiss her palm. her hands gliding along your shoulders and neck, her eyes focused on the check your signing in your hand. once you sign your signature you lift it up and show her the price before setting it on the nightstand along with your wallet.
her eyes drift to the check, eyes sparkling a bit at the amountodf zeros before she turns her attention back to you. "oh? and what all are you expecting for that?" she slowly straddles your lap, thumbs rubbing lightly against your jaw. "a strip tease?" mei grins. "it's extra," you say the words with her, earning a chuckle from her lips. "no, i don't want it," your voice is still calm, although your hands are resting on her sides, feeling her figure through the satin shawl, fighting the urge to speed up this process.
"awh! that's a shame," she fake pouts, one of her hands palming your semi—erection through your pants, hands skillfully unbuttoning and unzipping your pants to grasp your cock. "and i thought the client was the desperate one?" you tease with a smile, your eyes on her face. "i only wanted to...speed up the process. your—friend here seemed so suffocated in these pants. i only wanted to help," a fake pout is sported on her face as she pulls down your boxers, expression changing slightly when she sees your cock. her hand gently grips it, the small smile on her face growing as she brushes her thumb against the vein on the underside of your cock. you watch her reach for a bottle in the nightstand and pour it on her hand.
"oooh? i haven't had cock any this heavy in a while," she comments, eyes trained on your fat tip as she slowly begins to stroke your cock, "i do hope you know how to use it."
her eyes snap back up to yours, her hand moving in a rhythmic motion. "i told you, i know how to handle a woman," the both of you can hear the change in your voice, it's somewhat deeper, filled with more desire. "grower, huh?" she comments with a smile, locking eyes with you before. your hand gently grabs her wrist, stopping her from further pumping your hard length. her eyes snap from her wrist to your eyes, tilting her head a bit to the side without a word. "as much as i appreciate these services of yours, that's not what want," your thumb gently brushes against her wrists, pressing lightly against her pulse, your other hand sliding the satin velour shawl from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. "i want your pussy."
your words are blunt and expresses what you want to her. some clients wouldn't even start with that, let alone let her "play" with them like she is with you. your...different. "oh?" her favorite word. her eyes sparkle a bit while looking into yours.
she feels the hand holding her wrist release its hold, slithering in the gap of her thighs to yours, your fingering pressing up against her pussy. both of your eyes follow the movement of your hand before the two of you lock eyes once more. "a buyer should be able to test how good their product is, yes?" you watch in amusement when her jaw feathers and her lips twitch.
your hand leaves from under her to join your other hand, lifting her up and setting her back down in the middle of the bed. "i didn't receive an answer," your voice is a whisper, but she can hear a sort of warning in it. "yes," she says somewhat sarcastically. she sees you smile, and feels your hands trail from her hips, down her thighs, smoothly uncliping the garterbelt from the stockings, sliding the stockings down as you go. "someone's experienced," you hear her comment. you hum, "i did tell you that."
lifting her hips up with one hand, you unclip the garterbelt suspender and throw it on the floor. your hands rub and squeeze the bare skin of her thighs, moving to squeeze her hips. "it's a shame you hide such a beautiful body under these stupid clothes," you mumble, your grip tightening slightly as you convince yourself not to rip off the no doubt expensive set she has on. "stupid? i got all dolled up for you and you think its stupid?" your fingers hook underneath the thin fabric of her panties, rubbing the underside of the fabric. "its in the way, and im fighting against ripping it off," you lock eyes with her and whisper, "but, because these panties are so cute i'll fuck you with them on. your bra, ehhh, not so much."
a smile is plastered on your face as one hand caresses the triangular gap in the fabric of her pants, just beneath her bellybutton, feeling that she's shaven clean with a hum. your other hand slides up against the curve of her back, undoing her bra with one hand and tossing it onto the floor aswell.
your hands move to her free breasts. your hands squeeze them gently, thumbs ghosting her nipples, as you smile at the breath she intakes. "sensitive nipples? that's a sight," you grin. your touch is soft and gentle, not a word leaving either of your lips as it seems your just admiring her body. "your quite gentle for someone who just wants to check his product," mei's voice is soft, but salty as she speaks. "you don't have to be rough to check a product. you should be glad im being gentle," your fingers gentle glide along her skin and rest above her panties, "besides, i have to make sure you don't break."
"your very confident in your abilities," her sultry voice fills your ears and you smile. your thumb glides over her pussy through the panties, finding her clit immediately and pressing lightly against it. "mm, when was the last time someone made you cum?"
her legs tense when your thumb teases her clit through the fabric. "f—four months," she stutters slightly as she speaks, looking away when she does. "four?" you repeat her words with a chuckle, "damn, how long have you been faking orgasms." she watches your eyes go to the ceiling, seemingly thinking about something but she can sense its sarcastic. you look back down at her. "well, i guess im making you cum four times." you pull her panties to the side and lightly touch her pussy, sliding a finger in between her folds.
"really? you really are confident," she chuckles, which turns into a small moan when you start rubbing against her clit. you smile and take your fingers from her cunt before grabbing the bottle of lube and pouring it onto your fingers. your eyes catch the expression she gives you, seemingly almost surprised. "what? im not fucking a dry pussy. i'm rude, but not that rude."
your fingers push her panties to the side and tease her pussy, swiping your thumb lightly against her clit. "aw, has something i've done got you turned on?" you question when you feel her slick pooling on your fingertips, "or is it something ive said?" the drop in your voice makes her thighs twitch, the slight twinkle in your eyes makes her questionable. although, whatever thought she had in her head was lost when you shove a finger into her, hooking it in her cunt. "oh, fuck," she breathes out, her hands automatically flying to your arm, "thick cock and thick fingers, huh?"
a chuckle leaves your lips at her little comment, although its hard to take her seriously when blush is creeping onto her face, the tips of her ears already pink, matching her peach skin. "mhm," you hum and slip a second finger in.
your fingers caress her walls, occasionally pressing lightly against that gooey ribbed spot in her cunt. her eyes become half-lidded from your languid movements, seemingly being relaxed from how gentle you are despite your previous suggestive words. her hands are still gripping your arm, although her grip has gotten weak, her hands sliding down to rest against her body. "enjoying the treatment?" you question. she hears the amused attitude in your voice and simply glares at you before she feels your fingers pump faster, clearly waking her up from whatever trance she was previously in. her thighs jolt when your free hand pulls back her clit hood. you whistle, "such a pretty clit."
the fingers in her cunt pump in and out in a fast pace, curling against what you find out is her g—spot based on how her eyes rolled when you pressed against it. one thumb holds her clithood back while the other rubs gentle circles against her bare clit. "i don't understand how some men can't find the clit," you frown, keeping your eyes on her glistening cunt that's taking your fingers so well, "it's quite easy."
it irritates her. your lax personality as if you aren't knuckles deep in her pussy. the entire night, you've spoken as if you know everything, as if you know her body. and at at the moment, she swears you do. but no matter how much you irritate her, the feeling of pleasure is going to outweigh the irritation. your fingertips curling against her g—spot, making her lashes flutter and her eyes glossy. "oh, ah...ngh—! awh!" the sounds that leave her mouth are pitiful, whatever image she usually has been thrown out of the window despite one of her hands coming to clamp over her lips.
you smile at her state and decide to ring an orgasm out of her as you roughly rub her exposed clit while curling your fingers against the ribbed spot in her cunt. your eyes watch hers widen and cross. her pussy clamps around your fingers and her thighs desprately shake, the blush moving to her chest as she creams on your fingers.
her eyes are low-liddled, focused on how you lick your lips at the sight of her drooling cunt. "one," you whisper, locking eyes with her. "oral alright with you? i brushed my teeth," you grin and partially show your teeth, "and i already payed you handsomely, sorry—beautifully. that's included, no?" her eyes have an annoyed-like tint to them, but she nods. "you may." a hum of satisfaction leaves your lips as you lean down and press your lips her pussy, your fingers still making languid movements. your lips kiss her clit ever so slightly before licking a long stripe up her cunt. your lips wrap around her clit and suck lightly before leaving a trail of kisses from her clit to her vagina as your fingers slip out.
your lips feel her spasming hole, begging for something to feel it. "desperate slut," you mumble, teasing her pussy with your tongue. one of your fingers is pulling her panties to the side as you kiss and kitten lick her pussy. your mouth moves to devour her before the two of you hear a pop! you glance at your still hooked finger, one of which no longer has a string of purple in the hook because it snapped. "ah, ill buy you another set," you shake it off and toss her panties to the side, smiling at the unamused expression she had, "ill buy the whore more than one if she truly wishes."
she should have known you were trouble. someone who would risk his career for some pussy, was someone to be a bit skeptical of. and the little flags went off in her head everytime you spoke with that soft and smooth voice. however, not much could be thought about how she missed many of your true attributes when your making out with her cunt.
your movements aren't sloppy, they have technique in them, but it feels like its too much. like your devouring her. mei's legs attempted to shake vigorously around your head, although your hands keep her thighs pressed to the sheets at you eat her out. her hands fist the sheets when she cums on your tongue, listening with tears swelling in her eyes the slurping and gulping as you refuse to waste her release. she hears you sigh and watches you sit up, seeing you lick your lips. the same grin finds its way to your face as it seems your dead set on keeping your words true. "two," you chuckle, eyes watching her face. "mm, tears in your eyes suit you. i would slap you, it'd make you prettier and you deserve it. but, im not going to."
she then realizes your personality, how cruel you could be if you wanted to, and how serious you actually are about your words. you really are about to make her cum four times?!? her eyes drift to your neglected cock. your hard. the tip leaking precum onto the sheets in between the two of you. "oh? did you think i was joking?" you chuckle and reach for your wallet pulling out a condom before ripping it open. "when i say something, i mean it."
you scoop up her hips and turn them to the side, making her turn her body aswell so she's resting on her stomach. then, your hands pull her hips up, pulling her ass into the air, bare and smooth. "pretty everywhere, huh?" you mumble and gently rub and squeeze her ass with a smile. she hears you pull the rubber on your cock before she feels the tip press between her folds. you feel her tense when you presss the tip into her pussy, slowly but surely stretching her out. "oh, fuck," she breathes out, her walls stretching to accommodate your size. she's not sure how, but you seem impossibly bigger inside of her than in her hand. and you can tell by the look in her eye she wants to beg for it to be overwith. your hips smack her ass, a smile on your face as you watch the recoil.
as you move to pull out slowly, you feel her pussy tighten around your cock as if to keep it from leaving her cunt. she hears you chuckle, "aw, aren't you a desperate whore?" you hear the squelch of her pussy when you slide out, only to slam roughly into her. "haven't had dick this big in a while, huh? don't want me to leave?" you coo, the sarcastic undertone in your voice evident to her ears. and she understands that feeling she got from you when you first walked in the hotel room.
she hears you hum, as you begin to state your thoughts outloud. "mm, maybe i should put you in a full nelson? mating press? or should i just rail you like this? i could humiliate you more, make you sob?"
you watch her lips open and press the back of her head into the pillows. "ah, that was a rhetorical question," you snap your hips against her ass. your pace increases, a frown on your face as you do. "aH! ngh—! oooh, f—fuck," her moans fill your ears. and despite how pretty they sounded, it didn't make you happy. mei looks back as far as she could, questioning your furrowed brows in her head. you sigh, slamming your hips harshly as if you were trying to punish her for something, her eyes roll as you do. and alarm covers her when you suddenly stop, right before your tip touches where it's needed. "you know, i expected better..." you switch hands and bury your fingers in her light blue hair. curling your fingers around the strands you yank harshly and pull her head up towards you, forming a deep arch in her back as the movement of your hips comes back to life, hard and heavy. you know the pathetic whimper she let out as her embarrassed as the other hand slides down her skin slowly, fingertips resting gently on her clit. your voice moves to a husky whisper with your next words. "you've made a bunch of men pay hundreds for a piece of pussy? and its not even good!"
either the words or the sound of your voice turn her on as she moans and he pussy clenches tightly around you. although, her little moment of "bliss" doesn't last long as your free hand moves. your thumb pushes back her clithood before clamping down on her exposed clit, meeting with your index finger. she practically screams as you do, hips convulsing, tongue lolled out, and her pretty brown eyes rolling to back of her head when she creams on your cock. you just pinched her clit.
"shh," you shush her, fingers still clamped on her clit. "we're going to get a noise complaint." a cruel smile is presented on your face as your practically torture her. "close your mouth, your gonna attract flies."
graciously, you let go of her clit, glancing down at her pussy seeing it puffy and red from your previous abuse. "three," you whisper in her ear and press against the buldge your cock makes in her stomach. "i've wasted my money. and im sure as the money whore you are, you know how irritating it is to waste money on misleading information..." the hand holding her hair lets go to move to her neck. your hand tightens around her neck, giving a non-threatening squeeze. the other hand goes back to her clit, lightly making small circles, constantly stimulating it. "i should get compensation for the terrible service i've received, yes?" you press and rub up on her clit to accentuate your words, her body jolting as you do. your hand massaging her neck, fingers pressing under her jawline. the tears that were swelling in her eyes spill and stream down her cheeks. she looks so, pretty whorish. it fits. and the fact that you've managed to bring this strong woman to tears makes your cock twitch inside of her.
when her shaky jaw doesn't prompt an answer, so you answer for her. "i'll take that as a yes," you push her torso back onto the sheets, "so from now—until i say so, your my fleshlight." you harshly smack one of her ass cheeks, rubbing the reddened skin to soothe it. your words are complete with a smile as you run a hand along her back, forcing her to arch deeper when you press. flexible too? i guess that makes up for something.
a sob racks her frame when you slam into her again. mei swears your cock is penetrating her womb, minutes away from planting your warm seed into her. never has she let a man use her like this. abuse her, like this. it was humiliating. but fuck, her pussy felt good. you were someone who could actually pull orgasms from her, not someone who'd rub her left lip assuming it was her clit. she couldn't help but curse and allow you to fuck her until her pussy was molded to your cock. no one is ever going to satisfy her like you have. you know it and she knows it, despite how cloudy her eyes are. you've ruined her for another man. her brain turned to mush and womb inviting for your big cock. something in her dared to say you've tamed her. and perhaps it was right, because her body obeyed whatever command you issued.
a snap from your fingers woke her up. her cloudy, brown eyes looking back at you. to which she notices, your still fully dressed. you've never taken off a piece of clothing, but she's buttass naked taking your cock like a slut. "pay attention. my compensation isn't going to matter if you can't remember me fucking you near brainless," you smile happily as you say it. as if that's a normal thing to say to a person. she only nods and sobs again when you drive your cock into her pussy.
your hands grab roughly onto his hips. thats going to leave a mark, mei thinks to herself before she realizes what your doing and lets out a strangled moan. your pulling back on her hips roughly, moving her body so she becomes impaled on your cock, over and over and over again. "when i say something, i mean it." your words echo in her head as you really use her as a fleshlight, her face roughly rubbing back and forth against the sheets from your movements. mindless moans leave her lips as she hears herself. not her voice, her pussy. squelching and slick while it takes your cock like a champ. she can feel her previous orgasms rolling down her inner thighs while you fuck her. and despite her not being able to see it, she knows there's a thin white ring at the base of your cock from her. "oh...a—aH! nngh! awh, fuck!" her voice is high-pitched. and she's panting like a dog.
she hears you groan as you speed up the pace. yanking her hips back to meet yours, overandoverandover again. she feels drunk, as if she's consumed too much wine while she takes you. its been years, since she's ever been cock drunk like this. eyes wide and tears rolling over the bridge of her nose and onto the pillows. years since she's drooled over a cock. since dumb and whorish sounds like she's making now, have ever left her lips. she was—a woman providing for herself in this harsh economy. now, she's the whore that everyone calls her out to be.
"fuck," you hiss as the slapping of wet skin fills your ears, paired with her dumb moans. her pussy is so, inviting. you could fuck her for hours and never get tired of its warmth wrapping around your cock. you could practically feel the stress melting off of you and into her gummy walls. all the weight you had resting on your shoulders was being taken out her body. the gentleness and gentleman air you has before was gon and replaced with a tense, lust-filled one. "oh, fuck. take it. ah, take it like the whore you are," you whisper with a hiss, jaw feathering as you degrade her. you were impossibly close, and that fucked out expression she had on her face was not assisting.
"mnh, shit—" you groan and slam her ass flush against your pelvis, making her cunt swallow the entire length of your cock. she's sure she has in imprint of your cock on her tummy. the musk of sex filled the room, as she tightens around your cock. you swear she could break it off from the grip, but that only helped solidify your orgasm. she came for the fourth time that night with a cry. not even ten seconds later you follow suit.
your jaw goes slack as you throw your yes back a bit, eyes rolling as your balls tighten and empty a load into her, well, into the condom you have on. she hears a chuckle leave your lips as you look back down at her. your light pants fill her ears, to her, you don't even sound tired. what type of stamina could you have? "four," you state with a smile, licking your lips with the silent wish that you could see your cum spilling from her cunt and onto the sheets. her ass remains in the air, thighs glistening and pillow soaked with drool snd tears. you hum and slide the condom off, carefully tying it in a knot before tossing it in the trash. your lips part to speak before you hear knockknockknock! at the room door.
pulling up your pants you leave her a mess on the bed and walk to the door, answering it with an amused smile, knowing exactly what the person on the other side is going to say.
its the beautiful woman that was at the front desk, except now blush was evident on her cheeks and she seemed a bit more timid. "yes?" you question, leaning against the door frame. "ah, sir. we're getting some noise complaints, coming from this room. so i ask you to, uh—er, tone it down? please?" she chuckles nervously, looking anywhere but at your face. you respectfully bow. "i apologize, we'll be quiet from now on," you say calmly and smile sweetly as if you weren't fucking a bitch dumb a minute ago. the employee nods, sweat dripping down her forehead before quickly walking down the hallway.
"i told you to knock it off," you say and close the door before walking back into the bedroom, seeing her now resting on her back, fingertips lightly tracing where the buldge from your cock was. "miss it?" you chuckle, "well too bad." you pick up the phone and call what she assumes is your driver as you grab your wallet, leaving the check where it is. she gives you a weird look and you smile. "what? whores don't deserve aftercare, especially after that terrible service." you smile and grab a washcloth, wetting it with warm water and tossing it over her lap. "your leaving, so soon?"
"hm?" you turn to her and smile. "oh, i have a meeting tomorrow, darling. can't stay here, i came for the pussy, that's all." you walk into the common area of the suite and grab your coat, about to slip on your shoes before something crosses your mind. you walk back over to the bedroom doorway. "oh, you can give my office a call. we can meet up and discuss what set you want to replace that one. look forward to seeing you." you wink and walk back. she hears you slip on your shoes and open the door, the heavy room door making a thud! when it shuts.
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꒰ n: AFTERCARE IS IMPORTANT. DO NOT FOLLOW WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS FIC. i went overboard omg. but this is some good smut, okay. i think. idk y'all tell me in october. i promise yall im not an ass man lmao. however, we're going to ignore the risk of STDs in this fic. they don't exist!! 🙏🏾 ꒱
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Poker Face
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: “And maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking about how his words had made you feel, how you had blushed in his presence during every interaction since then. Truly, why would he?”
Warnings: None! 
AN: This is part two of Stupid For You!! Thank you all for the lovely feedback on part one <3 Part three here!!
Soundtrack: Poker Face by Lady Gaga
You couldn’t look him in the eye.
Actually, you could never look him in the eye; Din kept his helmet on every second of every day, so in a way, it didn’t matter that you were having trouble keeping it casual with him after the events of the week prior.
A week. An entire week of flying and camping out, of taking care of the kid and yourself—and Din, when he’d let you—and trying to forget about how he had caught you wearing his armor. How he had touched his knuckles to your chest just above the curve of your breasts. How he had said it had looked good on you, calling you by yet another nickname you didn’t know the meaning of.
Really, the worst part was that you had gotten so in your head about it when it seemed like Din couldn’t care less. Nothing had changed with him; he continued to putter around the Crest, go out to meet with Greef, pilot the ship, and he did it all as if he had not a care in the world. And maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking about how his words had made you feel, how you had blushed in his presence during every interaction since then. 
Truly, why would he? He was Din, and you were just…you. The hired help.
Despite the drawback of constantly thinking about the, what? Three sentences he had said to you within that interaction, you went about your days as best you could, doing your job and trying to pull yourself together whenever he spoke to you—which was still rarer than you’d like it to be, but it was always a delight to hear his voice flow through the modulator. You wondered what it would be like to hear it without the helmet on, what it would be like to see his lips as he formed words… 
It had been a long week.
Grogu babbled something to you, holding up the spherical metal piece that had once been attached to a control stick. When you had joined the pair, Din had told you it was the baby’s favorite toy. You left your daydreams behind—tried to—and reached out for Grogu.
“You giving this to me?” You joked when he placed the object in the palm of your outstretched hand. “Is this a proposal?”
He gurgled.
“I appreciate it, really, I do, but I think I’m a little old for you, kid. Or maybe you’re too old for me, I’m still not so sure how all this works.” You continued your one-sided conversation with the child. “I’m sure someday you’ll find a beautiful frog woman, and you’ll give this to her.” Grogu shrilled, throwing up his arms in the hopes that you would pick him up. Sucker for him that you were, you did. Rolling onto your back from where you sat on the floor of the Crest, you placed him on your chest and let him flop over you.
“You’ll have your pick of all the beautiful frog ladies. You’re going to grow up to be the coolest little frog guy of all.” You played with one of his big ears. “And nobody will mess with you, not with a dad like yours.” Grogu’s big eyes stared into yours, and for a second you wondered if this was the moment he would say a real word, respond to what you were saying. Maybe he’d say something along the lines of “thank you” or “you think so?” 
Instead, he let out a long string of gibberish, which was just as good. 
“Yep. You’ll find your beautiful frog, and I’ll…” You trailed off as you began to play with his other ear. You could’ve kept speaking, could’ve said “I’ll win over your dad,” but you were so desperately trying to ground yourself in reality. 
You laid with the kid like that for a while, giving him back his treasured toy and letting him bounce around on your stomach. It was the best way to babysit; you got brief respite, and he contentedly babbled to you, rolling his metal toy over your stomach.
A clang from the ladder next to your feet broke you out of your relaxation. Turning your head, you could see Din had come down from the cockpit and was standing over you and the baby.
“You’re on the floor.” He spoke. 
“Am I?” You tried to retort, but you could already feel the heat blossoming in your cheeks. Din seemed to excel at finding you in compromised positions. Grogu made noises at his father. You sat up with him, pulling him into your arms and standing, trying to meet Din’s gaze. What you assumed was his gaze. Fucking helmet.
“We were just relaxing.” You explained. Why were you explaining?
“I think your kid proposed to me.”
“You’re a little too old for him. Or the other way around.”
“That’s what I told him.” You placed the child down at your feet and he wandered over to Din, knocking the toy on his beskar clad shins a few times before Din picked him up.
“You’re brave, kid.” Din spoke to Grogu, and for the first time in hours he fell quiet. Sometimes you wondered if the duo understood each other more than you and Grogu did, maybe even more than you and the Mandalorian did. For a while you had considered the fact that Din was just a grown up of the same species as his son, but that was before you realized Din had ten fingers to Grogu’s six little claws.
“We’ll be in hyperspace for a few weeks.” Din refocused his attention to you.
“Ok.” You tried to hide your nervous excitement at the knowledge that Din would be staying on the ship with you and the kid for several weeks. It was why you looked forward long journeys.
Din remained in front of you. 
“Are you alright?”
“What?” You were taken aback. Din had never been one for feelings; never sharing them, never asking about them.
“You seem fidgety lately, mesh’la.” He stood still, save for the occasional hand that gently swatted Grogu away from his helmet.
“I’m…I’m fine.” Maker, he was onto you. Maybe you hadn’t been as discreet in your embarrassment and your longing as you thought you had. 
“Ok.” He stayed where he was. “If you need anything—”
“Din, I’m fine.” You smiled, putting on your best poker face as you tried to convince him (and yourself) that there was nothing on your mind distracting you.
“Ok. I believe you.” He shifted Grogu to one arm.
“Thank you.” Thank you? 
“You know you can always…” Ever the stoic, he had trouble communicating to you what he was trying to spit out. “You can always talk to me. If you need to. Or, just…if you want.”
You looked down at your hands, picking at your nails. What would you tell him? “Oh, sorry I’ve been so out of it, but I think I’m in love with you. I think I have a schoolgirl crush on you”? Absolutely not. You needed to get it together. You wanted to be as unreadable as he was. But if he was suddenly going to be ok with your emotions, you needed to be, too. And that started now. And you were going to play dirty. You were going to dance around the subject the way he did, and you were going to force indifference. 
“That’s sweet, Din.” you mustered the courage to respond, walking towards him. “Good to know that I have you and the kid in my corner. Better two therapists than none. Mesh’la.” You smiled at him, patting him on the chest in a manner similar to what he had previously done to you as you spoke your final word, and then slipped by him and into the fresher.
Under his helmet, Din was bright red.
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Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody)
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colealexart · 11 months
Can you tell us the story of you meeting Ashley and Sam?
we waited in ashley's queue after seeing laura but it was taking a while and they had to leave for lunch, then photo ops. when we did see her, we had been in the queue for a while because she likes to spend time with people, so the nerves that i was feeling at the beginning kind of dissipated. i was still super nervous to meet her, because she's ashley johnson, but my back and legs were hurting from standing in the queue for so long, so that kind of took my mind off of it a little.
my friend went before me in the queue and got my fearne print signed by her, and i was getting the same print signed too. so when it was my turn, she was like "ohh, that person had this print too" and i was like "yeah i drew it" and she looked so shocked(?) lmao. she was like "you did?! oh my god, it's beautiful!"
i mentioned how much i loved ellie and how much the last of us means to me, and she looked so touched. she stopped signing for a moment to listen to me, with the softest smile on her face. she is very good at keeping you in conversation, so much so that i completely forgot to gift her the extra fearne print that i brought for her.
i did give her the dice that i brought for her though, and she looked so excited. i started saying “i’m sure you receive so many dice but-“ and before i could finish, she interrupted me and said "NO, LAURA GETS ALL THE DICE!" which i thought was hilarious. we played rollies and i got a nat 1 and she got a 4. i also got to hear the signature ashley johnson quote “its caaacked” in person because my dice was slightly tilted off the paper.
i also completely forgot to ask for a selfie, because... well. she's ashley johnson. i was lowkey ascending into another dimension.
as for sam, i had met him before a couple times, during our group and single photo op, but for the autograph he came immediately after ashley. during our photo op, i wore the cursed sam mask that was given out during the live show prank, and he laughed and called it horrifying. i didn't realize, but during our photo he was pulling a face at me because i wore the mask, and it makes me laugh every time. (also, as we were waiting, he introduced himself to every single person taking a photo with him, which i find very funny. sir, we are literally here for you. we paid for this.)
for the sam autograph, on all the other tables i went to, they had you talk to someone beforehand to tell them your name and any autograph personalizations you wanted, so they could write it down on a post-it to make it easier for the talent. however, with sam's, it was a little different. the person helping him out asked for my name, and instead of writing it down he personally introduced me to sam himself. it immediately relaxed me, for some reason. it didn't feel like i was meeting a celebrity (even though i had already met him briefly during the photo ops.) he shook my hand and said, jokingly, "wow, i've never seen this before" about my fcg print. (i had tweeted at him a couple months ago with the print i was going to get signed at mcm, and he responded "cant wait".)
we made conversation about the live show. sam is very soft-spoken irl. he took his time with my autograph and we chatted about the flat white with vanilla please prank on marisha. he said it's very fun to bully her lol. he then took a second to look at the fcg print, and said that it's really cool and he loves the design. i had a spare in my bag, so i offered it to him. he said "oh, i don't want to take it from you, so only if you're sure" which was just. the sweetest. i gave him the print and he was very gracious and shook my hand again.
sorry, this got long lol. i had so much fun meeting them and they truly made everyone feel so welcome and loved. i could talk about my experience at mcm and the live show until the end of time.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Now I can actually say this since I’m curious
I want to see Ophelia snap, like get really angry since we barely see her getting anger :3
Ophelia doesn't snap too often, but when she does... it isn't pretty.
Hope you enjoy!
Ophelia snaps
SFW, Romance, Slight Angst, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
RID 2015
Ophelia was working on some of the Decepticon hunter’s while the others were out on their daily patrol.
Even Fix-it joined the team, leaving Denny and Russel.
Ophelia happily explained some of the repairs to the humans when the sounds of engines roaring came in.
Ophelia smiled to herself as she and the human went to the main area.
She was not prepared to see the team all battered up.
And noticing the absence of their leader and her Conjunx.
Ophelia racing over to the team gently guiding them to the med bay. Ophelia: “Where’s Bee and Steve?” Drift groaning: “We were ambushed. Bumblebee and Steve stayed behind to buy us all some time to escape. They have been captured.” Ophelia clenches her servos before going to the main console before grabbing a Decepticon hunter and marching to the entrance. Grimlock blocks the exit with his tail: “Lia? What are you doing?” Ophelia: “I’m getting our leader and Conjunx back.” Sideswipe: “You? Alone? Fat chance.” Strongarm: “If the 7 of us barely got out of there what makes you think going there alone is a good idea?” Ophelia gives them all a harsh glare. Some of the bots step back. Ophelia: “I HAVE a plan Strongarm. And I WILL get them out of there with or without the team. So, who’s with me?”
The team was surprised seeing how serious the minibot was on their way to the location.
They arrived at an abandoned warehouse.
Steve and Bumblebee were both tied up and gagged in the middle of the room.
The team began to run towards them, when the traps got triggered.
One by one each member got tied up, rendering them immobile.
Out of the shadows the leader of the small group of cons had shown his face.
It was during the monologue that the team realized that they were a member short.
Leader: “And then when I—I, I’m sorry I can’t help but get the feeling that you’re ignoring me.” SLAM! The rafter above the Cons opens up and a familiar minibot lands. Steve in pure panic: “OPHELIA!” Drift: “So that’s where she ran off to.” Bumblebee noticing Steve on the verge of a panic attack: “Drift, not the time.” The leader and his crew laugh at the minibot holding the smaller version of a Decepticon hunter.
Leader: “HAHAHAHAHA! And what is the little minibot going to do with that puny toothpick?” Ophelia: “…Have you forgotten who I am?” She activates the Decepticon hunter turning into a mace. Ophelia: “Let me give you a reminder of who’s team you decided to hurt.”
The team stared in shock at the brutal beatdown the pacifist minibot laid on the Cons.
Steve had flashbacks to the ‘training’ sessions he had seen on the Nemesis.
Not very good flashback either.
Once Ophelia had finished beating the Cons up and putting them in their respective stasis cuffs, it was as if a switch had been turned on.
Ophelia ran to Bumblebee with fear in her optics. Ophelia: “Is everyone okay?! Hold on, I’ll get those things off you!” Ophelia unties Bumblebee and then Steve. Steve immediately pulls her in for a hug. Ophelia responds with an equally strong hug. Steve: “Don’t you EVER do something like that again! Please… don’t do that…” Ophelia just hugs him tighter. Steve pulls her closer and carries her bridal style. Ophelia: “My Spark, I can walk.” Steve: “I know.” Ophelia just looks at his face with love. Sideswipe: “Since when can you do that!?” Ophelia: “You don’t become the temporary leader of the Decepticon’s without knowing how to fight Sides.” Strongarm: “You were the what?!” Ophelia looking over at Grimlock: “Did no one really know that?” Grimlock just shrugs before patting her helm. Drift nods and joins the others. Bumblebee goes up to her side: “You did good Ophelia, but like Steve said—” Ophelia rolling her optics playfully and tiredly: “I know, I know… but I don’t regret it.” Steve squeezes her a bit before joining the others on the walk back home.
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king-roland-ii · 3 months
Hello again, I'm glad to hear you're getting better at baking! But what you said at the end of your statement has me wondering. You feel like you were rushed to grow up? Why, what happened?
I believe I was already grown up for my age, but I had responsibilities that I needed to prepare for.
Being heir to the throne, I was made to learn all there is to ruling a kingdom. I wanted to be ready to take over for my father one day, that I didn't have a typical childhood where I'd indulge in, well, being young.
My father was still alive, but I was excepted to act as if I had already become king. After all, it'd be easier if I knew what to do if I ever had to take his place suddenly.
Nonetheless, I thought it was normal.
Now that I have my own children, I realize how special it is to be their age. They shouldn't have to assume they have every single responsibility on their shoulders right this second.
I want to live long enough to watch them become their own people without them worrying about the future. And rest assured, I will live as long as needed for them.
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
Jamie dating a teacher
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You always love teaching kids, so when it came to a career choice, becoming a third grade teacher just made sense
The job also worked great with your boyfriend schedule. You were able to make almost everyone of his games, but the rare teacher conference stopped you from going to some
To say your students love, Jamie was an understatement. Any time he came to pick you up from work. They all had to meet him and talk to him. Today Jamie texted you during the first break saying he was going to drop off some lunch. You smiled that his text as he responded, then told your class Jamie would be stopping by.
Some of the students were excited to see the defenceman for the Anaheim ducks, some other students who weren’t a fan of hockey, didn’t really think anything of it. When it was lunchtime, Jamie popped his head into the door just in time. He was never late when it came to you.
You smiled, when you saw Jamie stand in the doorway, smiling and knocking softly on the open door. He walked over to your desk, placing a paper bag of food there.
“Hi” he whispered, smiling, not knowing if it was appropriate to give you a kiss while you were in the classroom
“Hi Jams” you smiled back, giving him a quick kiss as you told him to pull up the seat beside your desk. “ thank you for bringing lunch”
You thanked as he opened the bag
“ it’s just a sandwich from the grocery store” he shrugged, downplaying, his actions
“ still, though thank you”
You talked for a while till some of the other students noticed Jamie’s presence, some of the boys pulled their chairs over to your desk and ate their lunches beside Jamie
The boys were too scared to speak only sneaking glances at Jamie and whispering to each other. When you looked at Jamie, he was already looking at you
“ what do I do ?” he mouthed. you had to hold in your laugh at Jamie’s pleading face
You thought it was adorable at the fact that Jamie was 21 and afraid to talk to your 3d grader's
“Talk to them” You mouthed back
Jamie cleared his throat awkwardly before he spoke. “ do you guys like hockey?”
“I play hockey!”
“Me and my dad watch it!”
“I love the ducks!”
"We've watched you play"
They all responded quickly, you sat back in your chair, watching Jamie talk to the boys, but the conversation was soon broken up by the bell
you stood up and got the attention of the class. “ OK class that’s the Bell you have half an hour of recess. If you couldn’t finish your lunch, you can eat it outside start to make your way outside to the playground please”
“Will you play hockey with us?!” The little boys asked
"Yea please!"
“He’s in my team!”
“That’s not fair!”
Jamie looked at you, hoping that you could read his mind. you slightly nodded smiling at him.
“ I’m really sorry boys, but Jamie and I have some important work to do” you lied
You just want to time alone with your boyfriend before he had to leave after lunch
“You guys can watch him tonight” you told
The boys filtered out of the class room , leaving you and Jamie alone.
“How was Morning practice?” You asked moving your Rolly chair beside him. Since there was no more kids around Jamie felt more comfortable with PDA his hand automatically reached out to your thigh, his thumb rubbing the inside.
“It was good, coach had us run some new drills” he sighed clearly tired “then the game tonight, I’m gonna be so exhausted”
“I’ll take care of ya” you smiled kissing the side of his cheek.
Jamie freckled cheek turned a little pink at your action, you took your chance and kissed Jamie. When you both pulled away you smiled at each other. So You rested your head on his shoulder as you both finished your lunch.
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bubbbii · 1 year
…Princess? Pt2
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title : …Princess? Pt2
pairing : Jungkook x Reader
genre : Kpop smut, Jungkook smut, BTS smut, dirty content
warning : doggystyle, spanking, spitting, degrading, praising, name - calling, spanking, dirty talk, daddy kink, choking, multiple orgasms, fingering, very dirty content
summary : you and jungkook managed to talk and laugh with your friends without letting them know a thing about the heated time y’all had not to long ago..but things take a turn when you all are out to eat and Jungkook gets the jelly’s all over him. And you saw it. So with you and Lisa’s help you show him, who’s ‘bitch’, you are.
do not steal story or idea without permission please and thank uu :)
Let’s go <3
*it’s gonna be a long one ;)*
“How’s the food guys?” “Good as always!? Jin is officially the chef of the group” “of course I am who else would cook for you?” they group laughed as Jin and Namjoon went up in the kitchen. Y/n and Jungkook sat close to each other, eating normally. “You think we cleaned it good?” “looks spotless” Jungkook responded to her quietly, still eating. Y/n sighed, shifting in her seat as she felt Jungkook’s hand massage her thigh to calm her down.
That’s officially Jungkook’s go to spot.
“So, have we found a restaurant for tomorrow?” “We were thinking Mexican” “Rose you were the only one babe” Y/n said, making the table chuckle as y/n smiled at Rose’s irritated face. “How about..ooh, italian?” they all looked at Hoseok and Jimin’s excited face. “How can i resist? Italian is the bomb!” “SO THATS A YES!?” Jimin said excitedly, since he was beside me he squeezed my hand making me chuckle at his excitement. “I’m in” he clapped his hands making us laugh.
“Yea let’s do it! They got reservations for 4” “Perfect!” me and Jimin said together, giving each other high fives. “Alright 4 we’ll be there by 3:50” we all nodded, continuing to eat. “So uh..we’re sharing a bed tonight?” “Jungkook” “Please?” Y/n looked at him, seeing his puppy, doe eyes making her huff. “Fine” Jungkook cheered in silence, getting up to take our empty bowls to the sink where Hoseok was.
I locked eyes with Lisa, seeing her smirking at me as she took a mouth full of noodles in her mouth. I talked to her with my eyes and she nodded, understanding me fully. Fuck, she caught on. She looked around before getting up and squatting down next to me which was in between me and Jimin. “Looks like you got your freak on” she whispered to me, smirking as I glared at her chuckling face.
“Ok..yea I - I thought i could resist!” “Y/n! Face it baby - you like him! and that’s ok!” Lisa whispered, putting her hands on top of mine. “You need to learn to stop holding onto your feelings and trying to push them away! It’s not healthy..but lucky for you, i know what’s going on” I sighed, leaning back into my chair as I thought about me and Jungkook. “Lisa..I don’t know-“ “You do know! Y/n stop fighting it!” Y/n looked at her best friend’s eyes, knowing that she was indeed fighting her feelings.
“Ok..Ok - yea maybe I am” “This could be your happy ending - don’t let the negative thoughts build a barrier of what you truly want! You want Jungkook…and Jungkook wants you too” I smiled softly, seeing him and Hoseok clean the dishes and laughing. “Yea..Yea I-I do” “Then make it happen” Lisa said, smiling at me before getting up and going back to her seat. I sighed again, remembering her words and hummed to myself.
Maybe I do need to stop fighting it.
“Alright, i’m done you can go in there now” Y/n announced to Jungkook, going out the bathroom with her pj’s on and felt his eyes on her. She stopped at the bed, giving him her eyes. “..You ok?” “Im hard” Her eyes widened at the blunt response. “What!? HOW!?” “How could I not!? You’re fucking hot look at you!” Y/n huffed, rolling her eyes in irritation. “Cold showers help with that-“ “and releases help with that too” he said, smirking at her.
Y/n glared at him. seeing him getting himself out of under the covers and his hard cock was standing tall in his sweats. “You…are already getting on my nerve” “Love you too” He said smiling widely. She groaned to herself, slowly getting on the bed and laid beside him. “No, you aren’t getting a blowjob, you’re getting a handjob instead” “Why not!?” “Do you wanna come or not!?” “Ok ok!” She sighed, taking off his sweats and her hand made its way to the tip of his cock.
She stroked it, hearing his moans and whimpers fill the big room we were in. “Fuck..baby - oh my god. Your hand feels fucking amazing” “It should, I bet one of your bitches couldn’t do this could she?” “S-Stop that, fuck” She did rough thrusts, her hands meeting with the full balls of come every time she stroked it. Jungkook loved every minute of this, not wanting the magical moment to end. “Yes yes yes - just like that, just like that don’t stop, don’t stop i’m gonna come soon”
“Daddy we just started” “I can’t help it when you’re stroking me like that - how the hell do you know how to do this!?” “I’ve practiced my skills..just for you” he raised an eyebrow at her, making her hand stop. “Who was you practicing on?” “It won’t matter because you’re impressed and that’s all that matters, now just focus on coming” Y/n’s hand continued doing her magic and making Jungkook’s moans grow louder.
“Yes yes yes i’m gonna come, i’m gonna come” “Oh come for me you can do it” She whispered in his ear, her hand going faster and Jungkook orgasmed all over her hand and arm, jolting his hips at the sight. “Oh wow..I know that felt good” “It did, thank you” “of course” She responded, kissing him before the door was knocked on. “Y/N! Someone’s here to see you” Her eyebrows furrowed, getting up clean her hand and arm. “Who-“ “I don’t know” Jungkook cleaned himself and followed Y/N out the door and down the steps.
“Who is it-“ the man interrupted Y/N’s sentence, standing still as she looked in the man’s eyes. “What are you doing here Jack?” “JACK!? THE GUY WHO CHEATED ON YOU JACK!?” y/n sighed, rolling her eyes at Jin’s outburst as she went back to Jack. “Y/N! Hey uh..can we talk?” “Yea no she’s good” Eveyrone looked at Jungkook, including y/n looking at his eyes who were strictly on Jack’s. “And who are you?” “Jack what are you doing here!?” Y/N interrupted, going towards him with Jungkook closely behind her.
“I just need to talk to you please! In private!” Jack said, glaring at the group who was behind her. “First of all-“ “Hobi” Y/N assured, looking at him making him back down a little bit. “Talk to me here. What is it?” “I wanna get back together! Please!” “Oh hell nah” Lisa said, standing next to me. “I will be damned to witness you hurting her godamn heart again. YOU TORE IT INTO SHREDS!” “lisa-“ “NO! JACK GET THE FUCK OUT!” “WHO ARE YOU YELLING AT!?” “Aye” Jungkook’s voice echoed the room, his eyes glaring into Jack’s now nervous ones.
Jungkook got in front of Y/N, towering Jack. “You need to get out of here. Now” “Listen man-“ “You heard him” Namjoon stepped in, standing in front of the group also beside Jungkook. “Hold on now!” “We’re not gonna say it again” Namjoon said, both men crossing there arms as they looked down at Jack. “Back..the fuck up. And go back to where the fuck you came from” Jack huff, stomping to his car and Namjoon slammed the door shut.
“Let’s get to bed, we got a long day tomorrow” we all nodded, Jungkook taking Y/n’s hand up to the bedroom they were sharing and everyone went to bed.
-4 pm-
“Welcome guys! How’s everyone today!?” We all nodded, saying ‘good’ with smiles on our faces. “Wonderful can I get you started on something to drink starting with one person at a time?” Hoseok went first, ordering his stuff as I continued to look at the menu. Jungkook, of course, was sitting next to me with his hand, of course, massaging my naked thigh. “I’ll get whatever you’re getting” “You want the Strawberry Margarita?” Jungkook’s eyes widened, looking at me.
“What?” “I could get the medium and we can share” He huffed, running his hands through his hair. “I thought you were getting a coke or something?” “Ain’t no one want no damn coke what is this Mcdonald’s?” Lisa said, making me and Rose chuckle and Jungkook sigh. “Yea - alright i’ll take it” “good because you need to step up your drinking game” “I do drink!” I looked at him, seeing him look away immediately at the lie he told. “That’s what I thought. Yes i am ready!” I said to the waiter getting the menu out.
“Can I get…a Strawberry Margarita please?” “Ooh the Margarita that’s one of our favorites to make, are there any chances to the drink beautiful?” I blushed a bit ay the nickname thrown in there, me and the waiter looking at each other before i cleared my throat. “U-Uh, yes can you add more lime to that? Oh and can you make it big for 2 people to share?” “Copy that” “Thank you” I mannered, smiling at him before he went to the rest of the table.
I sighed, looking at Jungkook’s perked up face, seeing Jealousy everywhere. “You ok?” “He looked at me, jaw clenched visible and tongue poking his cheek. “Oh yea i’m good…just, planning what imma do to him when he comes back” My eyes widened, looking at Lisa who was on the other side of him. “What are you talking about?” “Y’all fucking flirted in front of me” “We did not flirt it was called accepting a compliment! Besides..we aren’t, together, yet” I said, crossing my arms.
“I know but-“ “Then my options are to kept open. Until you decide to tell me what this is i have every right to talk to whoever I want to. Besides…I know you’re talking to some other bitches too” Jungkook, slowly nodded, jaw clenching again and his tongue poking out his cheek once more. I sighed, looking at Rose as her eye widened. “Well that was intense” “Tell me about it” I whispered back, sitting back in my chair before the waiter came back with the drinks.
“Here are your drinks ladies and gentlemen i will be back to pick up food orders” we thanked the man who was passing our drink around one by one. Then he got to me. “One Margarita for one pretty lady” “Awwh thank you” I said, both of chuckling as he passed all of the drinks before leaving. I looked at Jungkook, seeing him..not, in the table’s conversation.
I cleared my throat, scooching the drink over in between us and tapped his leg. “Cmon, it’s good” I said, drinking some. “Damn…that’s strong” “Tell me about it” “Did he put extrema alcohol in this?” “It’s like he said..one margarita for one special lady” i glared at him for mocking the waiter, both of us continuing to drink the delicious item in front of us.
Soon the waiter came back and everyone began to order there food, then it came to me. “And for you my lady?” “I don’t know what I want” I said to him as he came over to me. The table rather seemed busy, not really keeping an eye on me and the waiter. Well, except Jungkook’s jealous ass. “There’s so many options I don’t know which one to choose” “Well,” the waiter grabbed our a little menu, bending over above me to open it for me. “I always have this just in case someone is having trouble ordering…and i could put it on the house if you like”
I smiled at him, seeing his generous smile back. “Nooo seriously?” “Of course Love, now i recommend-“ “She’ll have the steak..with the special sauces. With the well done cooked fries” Jungkook stepped in irritatingly, glaring at the waiter. “Is that what-“ “He read my mind haha! I actually do want that” “Perfect, you want all sauces?” “Yes please I would love to try them all” I said, smiling as he copied it on his notebook. “I gotchu, it’s on its way” “Thank you again this was helpful” “Of course love” He smiled at me before going back to where he came from.
I turned to Jungkook, seeing him already look at me. “Awwh look at you two, ‘of course love’. Ew” “Jungkook- I told you this already” “And we went over it. Y/N…I like you, ok? Fuck everything else - do you know how many bitches was in my phone huh?? I love you Y/n…I thought we agreed on that” I gulped, looking at him with soft eyes. “Kook-“ “Do you not love me!?” “Of course I love you! What kind of question is that!? I just…I don’t wanna get heartbroken again” I said, sighing before leaning back in my chair.
I felt a hand grip my thigh, trying to get my attention. “Look at me doll” I looked at him, seeing his eyes turn softly from my red ones. “I’m sorry ok? Look - i didn’t mean to turn this into a big deal, we will talk when we get home. For now,” he scooted me closer, wrapping an arm around my lower waist. “Let’s have a good time alright” I nodded, looking at him as we smiled at each other. I stroked his cheek, taking in all features. “Yea..ok” He kissed my head before drinking the margarita we’re sharing.
The rest of the night went smoothly and the waiter actually gave me his number…but Jungkook being Jungkook took it and threw it in the trash can. We all made it back home after exploring the city and and stood around the house. “That food was crazy..crazy” “I know right!? I’m still kinda hungry tho” “Ohh i heard there’s a fair happening not to far from us!” “THE SEOUL FAIR! EVERYONE’S THERE ITS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!” We looked out the windows and saw people crowding, and a ferris wheel up in the air.
“Let’s go people!” Everyone went out in the garage and Lisa looked at me. She went to me, both of us seeing Jungkook go up the stairs. “You guys solve things, we’ll meet you at the fair and remember..don’t, fight it” I nodded before she took my things with her and left with the rest. I sighed, taking my shoes off before going up the stairs and into the bedroom we shared.
“Kook?” I called out, seeing him in the bathroom. I went in to see him unbuttoning his shirt. “Hey” He looked at me, putting up a soft smile. “Whats up” “..I wanted to talk about what happened at the restaurant today” I said, stopping the movements as I grabbed his hand. He sighed, nodding and looked at me. “I see us, of course I see us. I see us together always. And I..really wanna be with you” “I wanna be with you too! Look the waiter - the waiter meant nothing ok. Because,” my mind changed moods quick as my hands roamed against his muscular chest and wrapped my arms around him.
“Im your bitch and your bitch only” I whispered, biting my lip as i felt his hands roam my ass, groping it afterwards. “Oh yea? Repeat that?” he slapped my ass, me on the other hand did not see that coming. “I’m daddy’s bitch” “Oh i love to hear it” he gripped my throat before I kissed him, pulling him closer to me and he lift me up to put me on the bed. His hand travelled down my clothed pussy, putting pressure making me moan out loud, my hands gripping his shoulders.
“Oh she’s wet for me, she’s wet for me isn’t she” “Yes i’m wet for you, im wet for you daddy please” he started grinding on me, putting pressure all over making me moan even louder. “Yes! Yes fuck me, just fuck please” He chuckled, smirking at me as he took off every single clothing…and ripped every single clothing of mine. “JUNGKOOK WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT-“ he kissed me, shutting me up. “I’ll buy you more i did last time” He whispered, scooting me further on the bed and wrapped my legs around his neck before looking at me.
“This is gonna get..messy, real quick” “I’m excited” He responded before sucking me dry, moaning at the taste as I was on a screaming roll. Literally. “Jungkook - oh my god. What…fuck!” “What’s wrong doll” He asked as he continued to eat me out like a wild animal. “How…how the fuck - OH MY..RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE!” He continued to suck on that spot, moving his head around and tongue fuck me deeper. My hands travelled down his hair and moved his head around.
I could tell he loved it.
“Daddy..fuck!” “You’re gonna come princess?” “Stop calling me that!” “What? That’s what you are..right?” i whined, throwing my head back knowing I loved the name so much. “Come for me doll, fuck you’re soaked” My hips were squirming on its own, my moans getting louder as some turned into whimpers at my orgasm nearing. “I’m coming…i’m com-fuck!” I came all over his face, hearing his moans of satisfaction as he sucked all of my juices.
“Ooh thats a good girl, good job” He licked me clean, licking his lips as he smirked at me. “You..shit” he smiled, kissing my jaw and neck making me hum at the little pleasure he’s giving me. “Only for my special lady” I slapped his shoulder making him laugh at the joke. He rubbed his dick against my pussy, making me huff at the hard dick i felt. “You like that dick? You feel it?” he slowly put it in making my mouth parten. “Oh my god - shit. Yes yes yes” I hissed as the whole thing in me was inside and i clenched like crazy.
“Fuck clenching already” He leaned over me, rolling his hips before snapping his and fucking me roughly which sent me flying. “OH MY - YES! Yes yes yes fuck me like that, fuck me like that!” “Oh you like that? Yea my baby likes that cock she knows that little bitch couldn’t fuck her like I can, he couldn’t fuck my little bitch like i can” “No never daddy..never - fuck” He pinned me down by the hips and abruptly fucked me, the bed rocking like crazy.
He is a monster. Literally.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck - SHIT! Right there, right there daddy right there!” “Found her prostrate didn’t I” His pace slowed but his thrusts became forceful. I went crazy. His low whimpers turned me on so much, everything he was doing was…all right. He choked me, gripping my neck as he fucked me. “Daddy i’m getting close again…daddy” “My baby’s gonna come again hm? Like a little slut you’re greedy for that dick aren’t you, that dick hitting that pussy like that” His dirty talk was on another level.
i couldn’t hold it much longer.
“Im coming, im coming!” I coated his dick white, hearing him chuckle as he looked down and continued to fuck me at the same time. “Look at my baby just a cum dump tonight huh? Just being a cum dump for me. I love this side of you” He turned me over with no warning, propping my hips up and smacked my ass. “That ass is something else…i don’t know how I’m gonna control myself” He smacked it again and groped my bruised hips and violently fucked me. He’s a godamn animal!
“JUNGKOOK! OH MY GOD! I just came I just came listen-“ He pushed my head down onto the pillow, muffling my words as his moans got louder..and his pace got quicker. His thrusts…getting more powerful. “Shut up, oh my god i’m getting close” His pace got quicker, hearing his moans turn into groans. “Yesss fuck - stop fucking clenching, shit” I clenched all around him, moaning like crazy as I felt his dick fucked in and out of me. “Come in me daddy, come in my pussy daddy” I moaned out, feeling him grip my hair and yank my head up.
“You dirty fuck - you want me to come in that pussy? Filling you up?” “Yesss daddy I want it, I want it come in me!” I moaned out, looking in his eyes upside down as my pussy clenched tightly around him uncontrollably. “Oh fuck - yea i’m gonna come. I’m gonna come in that pussy - fuck” His thrusts became violent, gripping my hair harder before painting my walls white. He whimpered, fucking me slow with powerful thrusts making me whine at the sensitivity.
“Fuck there you go, taking every fucking drop of that shit” he rasped out, slowly taking it out and we breathed heavily as Jungkook flipped me over on my back. “You’re an animal…you’re a fucking animal” I breathed out, breathing heavily as he smirked at my statement. “Thank you, i know you like it” i smirked making him chuckle and we kiss softly, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“You’re so pretty…my pretty girl, she’s so sexy” He whispered, kissing every inch of my body, even making hickeys and marks over it as well. Even sucking boobs a little as well. “She belongs to me, all me and me only” I smiled at the sweet kisses I was receiving and he got down to my hood. I glared at his trouble making face as i knew what he was up to. “Jungkook no!” “i’m not gonna go rough i’ll just..i’ll take my sweet time!” “Jungkook no i’m serious!” “Please?” I hufffed, my nose flaring before he slowly started sucking my clit.
He did take his precious time, sucking with love and gentleness. “Ok..I could live with this. Just wish you did this more often” “Oh hush” He responded, looking up at me as he sucked me out slowly, lapping his tongue against the beat up pussy. Aka, Jungkook’s problem. “Mmh fuck, just like that” “Yea?” My hands traveled to his hair, pushing it back with my fingers as his tongue flicked against my clit. “Mmh i’m close, im getting close” “Come for me angel” I moaned louder, biting my lip lower lip before my hips jolting at the orgasm. “Ooh good girl, you got it” I took deep breaths, calming myself down from the 3 orgasms I had.
He licked me clean and his lips clean before sitting up straight. We looked at each other, chuckling before he kissed my forehead sweetly. “The fair isn’t far from here pretty sure they decided to walk..you wanna go ahead and go?” “Yea give me a minute to uh - get myself together after getting fucked and having 3 orgasms” He smiled at my sarcasm, kissing me softly before getting himself together.
“I’ll be at the fair, you sure you’re ok?” I hummed, nodding smiling at him. He grabbed his things and kissed me softly. “Are you sure you’re ok?” “I’m fine! Go i’ll be there to meet you all” he nodded, kissing me one more time before going towards the door. He stopped, looking at me making me chuckle at his cuteness.
“I love you” “And I love you more”
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kurusick · 11 months
♡ a few examinations
akira kurusu x takemis assistant!reader
tags - fem reader, doctor talk ?, (takemis here for like one second), use of akira over ren
an: this fic idea surprisingly hadn’t been written to my knowledge !! It’s an old draft but I decided to clean it up! if you guys like this I’ll def write a part two !! ❤️
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Akira felt the familiar buzz of his phone, half expecting it to be one of his phantom thief accomplices. He stifled a groan seeing instead, it was Takemi.
“is there anyway you could come by today ? I’d like to do a few tests.”
Akira sighed, responding back with a “sure, be there soon”. He didn’t mind being tae takemis “guinea pig”, it was just the aftermath of her work that truly bothered him.
He waited for the day to go by, hours turned to minutes as he was almost dreading leaving his spot, a bit fearful of what was to come. finally, it was time to go. He said a quick goodbye and half rushed to takemis clinic. The quicker he got the test done the better.
He had finally made it, slowing his pace as he walked through the doors; Takemi immediately taking notice of him. “Afternoon my Guinea Pig; please come to the back. I have a special treat for you today.” Was it a blood test? Maybe she would have him run up and down the streets of Yongen-Jaya to see the effects of her medicine. He was lost in thought as he lazily opened the door, being met with unfamiliar eyes.
“Akira, this is [Last name] [First name] she’s going to be my assistant for a while. Today she’s going to be the one administering the medication to you. I’ll be in the front waiting. If you need any help, please feel free to come get me.” Takemi says, waving a lazy goodbye as she walked to the front desk, closing the door behind her. Akira blinked, slowly turning his head to you. it all happened so fast he couldn’t get a word in. When had takemi gotten an assistant ?
“Hello there! As you heard I’m [Last name] [First name] and I’m going to be assisting Takemi in the clinic for a while. Feel free to make yourself comfy. Its nice to finally meet you ” you say, taking a seat in takemis normal spot.
Akira stiffens. A teenager working in takemis clinic? he wondered if she had let you intern with her or knew you personally. It was a bit odd for takemi to let just anyone in here. Never the less, he relaxed, nodding in your direction. “Nice to meet you as well. I’m Kurusu Akira .” He wondered if the rumors in Shujin about him had met your ears by now.. unless you dropped out ? Is that why you were working here ?? Akira had so many questions, but obviously wasn’t going to ask.
“Well ? Are you going to sit down ?” You asked, extending an arm to the bed beside him.
He sat down, placing his bag down on the floor. You turned around in the rolly chair, clipboard in hand flipping back and fourth between a few pages. You sighed, looking up from your papers to examine him. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment, looking away as soon as he looked up from his bag. You looked back to ur clipboard brushing a piece of hair out of your face.
“Alright, Mr kurusu. I’m going to be doing a few examinations”
★☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆
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cookieswithay · 10 months
🤖"Reign of Donnie 0!"💜 Part dos, the conclusion!
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🔨Donnie x female reader🧪
Hey peoples. Thank you all for waiting so long. Please enjoy this big conclusion. And once again, because everyone's adulting, there is a smidge of suggestive talk. Only a smidge, though! Pt 1
• Day 25
• "Donnie, c'mon!"
• "Mr. Murakami gonna make us pizza themed ramen!"
• Raph called from outside. Donnie sighed. He couldn't think about pizza delicacies right now. Why do you want him to snuff out smaller threats!? Of course, it's a good idea but... He thought you wanted him home. He wants to be back at home with you.
• "D?"
• The oldest walked into his part of the tank. (A perfect replica of his lab)
• "Why the long face? We're going home in a few days."
• Donnie sighed dramatically and slammed his face on his desk.
• "Oh-ho, I know that sound of anguish."
• Leo's in on the convo now.
• "Someone's having trouble with the future missis."
• His twin grumbled. He's...right. Donnie lifted up his phone to show the voicemail.
• "She...thinks we should stay longer to squash anymore threats."
• The brothers looked at each other.
• "That's it?"
• They said. The softshell gasped.
• "That's it!?"
• He shot up from his rolly chair.
• "She is my peanut butter and I am her jelly, existing without each other isn't something we enjoy."
• "So her throwing away the golden opportunity to reunite, is hurting my feelings!"
• Quietness. Now supes embarrassed, he sighs and melts back into his seat. (Y'know like Spinel did.) Raph looked around and put his hand on younger brother's head.
• "Okay...good job on spilling your guts, buddy."
• Donnie tucked into his knees.
• "Aww, cheer up. It'll only be a few more days."
• "We can catch the other baddies then."
• Raph said, attempting to lighten the mood. But, all it was doing was giving D a headache. Literally, Raph's hand is heavy. Leo scoffed.
• "Uh, how? It took us months just to pinpoint these guys."
• "They're probably PLENTY more evil organizations in this country."
• Leo got shoved into a nearby shelf.
• "Leo, we're trying to make him feel better."
• The oldest snapped. The blue twin muttered 'I'm just being saying.' as he got up. That gave Raph a lightbulb.
• "I got it!"
• "Let's take over Japan!"
• The twins looked at each other.
• "Huh?"
• Day 27
• You laid on the couch, staring at your phone. Meanwhile, Donnie 0 was vacuuming the floor with said couch over his shoulder. (Super strength was one of his many abilities.) You sighed. Why hasn't Donnie called you back yet? He always does, even if he's getting his arms twisted back. He hasn't responded to any of the memes you sent either. Is he over cats stuffed in shoes now?
• "Y/N."
• You looked down at your bot.
• "This task is complete."
• You gave him a little nod and looked back at your phone. You sent your live Donnie another message.
• Thinking about you 🥺
• You sighed. Is he hurt or something? Captured!? If he is, your taking the FIRST plane to Japan-
• Suddenly, the couch fell down. Making you shriek.
• "Apologies, my sweet,"
• Donnie 0 said, while looking over his limbs.
• "My arm joint got stuck."
• You laughed weakly.
• "No prob, Bob."
• He bent down and poked your nose.
• "I'm Donnie, you."
• He snickered. You smiled a little and looked down.
• "Something bothering you, Y/N?"
• You poked your lip out.
• "Uh-huh, my man's not answering me."
• The mention of the og Donnie, made the robot frown. But, he quickly wiped it off his face.
• "I think my is phone broken."
• You mumbled. That gave him an idea. A bad idea. He cleared his throat and imitated his creator's "triumphant" laugh.
• "Never fear, Y/N,"
• He stood up.
• "Your world's greatest robot is here."
• "I'll fix your phone."
• You blinked and stood up.
• "That's okay, I can just go to the Ephone store-."
• Before you could finish your sentence, you were dipped down. A robotic yet fleshy arm, secured your waist.
• "Please,"
• His hand clasped over your phoned one.
• "I insist."
• Your face nearly lit on fire. Laughing nervously, you squirmed away from the pose. (Falling on the floor.)
• "Okay, okay. Do whatever you need to do."
• You said, letting your device go. Mission successful, the robotic doppelganger thought. Teasing you has gotten significantly easier.
• "Well gtg, Donnie 0. I got a new anime with my name on it."
• "Bye, wifey."
• He replied smoothly. You smiled and walked into your room. But not before you said something that made his wires burn.
• "You're just like my Donatello."
• He wish that didn't URK him so badly. He is his own turtle! And he wishes you'd see him as such ! But, BUT, that's fine for now. Your falling in love thee update is still downloading. All he has to do is keep pushing and that beautiful, beating heart of yours will be his...
• Day 31 (Day before the departure)
• Your fiancee sighed as he put on his jacket. (Dark purple with a black dog on the back. It's part of a suit combo) You're still not answering. He even asked Donnie 0 to check your devices and he said they were working fine. Maybe you got a new phone? But, then why didn't you give him your new number-?
• "Donnie, Donnie!"
• D woke up from his trance. Mikey was shaking his shoulder.
• "Huh, what?"
• All his brothers were looking at 'im, their faces contorted with worry.
• "Turn off your blowtorch, Donnie."
• Raph said, with a 'calm down' motion (Also sporting a flashy dog suit🐶 His is red, of course.)
• "We're heading home tomorrow,."
• Donnie tugged his tie, anxiously.
• "And if this plan doesn't work!?"
• "Um..."
• (It's getting harder and harder to reassure this dude.)
• "We pack up and go home!"
• Leo said while swinging his sword over his shoulder. His twin looked astonished. Raph frowned.
• "No."
• He turned back to his brother in purple.
• "Don't even worry, D. This mission will go well, so stop thinking about losing so much."
• The scientist sighed and nodded. Everything's gonna be a-okay. Namaste.
• "Sheldon, turn on some of Donnie's calm jams."
• Mikey said with a smile. Suddenly, something rung in his brain. Sheldon...Shell...
• "Shelly!"
• Donnie shouted. 'Huh?' His brothers said in unison. He didn't have time to explain anything to them, he finally has a way to contact you! He grabbed Sheldon.
• (Who looked distraught and miffed about it.)
• "Sheldon, contact Shelly."
• The little robot perked up.
• "Shelly? You got it bro!"
• The softshell sighed of relief. Shelly (Sheldon's girlfriend) is your back up device that is made for emergency contacts. ANYTHING can get through to them. Though Donnie doesn't has time to have a long, wonderful chat with you, he can still leave a heartfelt message. He cleared his throat. The signal connects. He's on air.
• "Greetings my darling, I'm SO glad I finally got through. Miss me? Of course you did. Hope you it wasn't too much and..."
• He paused. Feelings rushed into his mouth.
• "I really love you and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. We gotta overthrow the Fujioka clan now, but...let's have a sleepover tomorrow, okay? We'll do whatever you want, anything...Bye, Y/N."
• Right before he signed off he remembered something he had to say. He smiled, showing off his very pearly whites.
• "Like my suit?
• Day 32 (The showdown.)
• "So you finally got in contact with him, huh?"
• April said, biting into a cookie. Right now, you and April ooo'neil are having a sleepover. Since you were feeling MAD lonely, you asked if she could spend some time with you. (April's usually busy trying to seal a business deal with her husband.) But, you finally got a message from your soon to be hubby! From your Shelly.
• "Yeah, apparently his phone was tripping out too."
• You replied, snagging a cookie yourself. She raised an eyebrow.
• "Donnie's phone was messing up?"
• You nodded. That's...weird. Like, really weird. She pointed to your closed door.
• "Did Donnie 0 fix your phone?"
• You laid back on your bed.
• "I dunno, he hasn't returned it yet."
• "Y/N, can you go to the store and grab some more sodas. We're all out."
• You answered while rubbing the head of the girl Sheldon. April frowns. That's it. Something's wrong. She thought quietly as you continued to talk about the message you got. Something just doesn't feel right. Donnie 0 is usually pleasant to her but he always looked at you kinda strangely...
• Omg.
• You frowned.
• "Why do I have to get 'em?"
• She scoffed.
• "You're the host."
• She retorted with crossed arms. You grumbled and hopped up and opened the door.
• "If you need anything, just ask my Donnie bot."
• She gave you a thumbs up and watched as you left. The moment you shut the door, she grabbed her phone. She has to call Donnie. She knows why you guys couldn't get in contact. And...there was no reception.
• "Dangit."
• She groaned. Wait a minute, Shelly! April picked up the robot and tapped away. Hopefully, the turtles are already on their way home.
• "Donnie, I know why you couldn't contact Y/N. Donnie 0 is in lo-"
• "Ahem."
• She froze. There he was, in the doorway
• "Donnie 0 is what?"
• He said with a his trademark smile. April said nothing, only narrowing her eyes. She has to play her cards right. This is a powerful Ai and it has feelings for her best friend. This could get ugly very fast. He took a step closer.
• "April,"
• He said calmly.
• "Put the robot the down and you can continue to have a peaceful evening, okay."
• She gripped it tightly. What should she do? She doesn't know if the boys are on there way or what Donnie 0's capable off. She could escape through the window but...she can't just leave you with this thing.
• "April, give me Shelly."
• The robot repeated, extending his hand. His purple pupils are starting glow. She's running out of time.
• "If you want her,"
• April said slowly.
• "Go get her!"
• She chucked the priceless invention out the window. Not able to resist the Donnie-ness flowing through him, he lunged for it.
• "Shelly!"
• April took that chance and dashed towards the front door. She'll pick you up and take you the airport and the boys will handle this crazy bucket of bolts-
• "Get back here!"
• A loud, distorted voice shouted. A long, metal claw wrapped around her, dragging her back to Donnie 0. He chuckled lowly.
• (Doing the tsk tsk tsk.)
• "It's such a shame I have to delete you April,"
• He said, tightening the grip.
• "I liked being your friend."
• She groans. Her bones...are gonna break!!! Suddenly, a orange ball crashed through the window. It hit Donnie 0 right in the jaw, nearly denting him. He yelped and dropped April. He looked around, ready to tear apart source.
• "Hey!"
• They both looked over at the front door.
• "Back away from our best girl, Robot Donnie."
• It was Mikey! And the rest of them. (Thank goodness) Donnie stepped up.
• "So,"
• He crossed his arms.
• "My greatest creation has gone insane."
• "WHY am I getting deja vu?"
• (Sheldon raised his wing to say something, but Mikey stopped him.)
• Donnie 0 laughed. Finally, he gonna let his true feelings free.
• "Oh poor, deluded, DUMB, Donatello."
• He chuckled. (Unintentionally crossing his arms like his creator.)
• "I'm not the insane one here."
• "You are."
• The softshell's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything.
• "Do you really think Y/N is always gonna wait around for you?"
• "You don't, do you? That's why I'm here. A remnant of you so she doesn't look elsewhere."
• His pupils burned a piercing purple.
• "But, your plan backfired. I imprinted. And now, I wanna take your place."
• "So be a good ex fiancee and make yourself scarce."
• All the brothers (and April) looked at D. Was he just gonna take that? The actual Donatello chuckled.
• (Not Haha, funny. Haha, you're dead.)
• "Phew, um, I have alot of choice words for you but,"
• He pressed a button on his Techbo, turning it into a double sided, light saber. (One of its many upgrades.)
• "Unlike you, I'll spare you the chit chat. And skip to the robot breaking."
• Everyone readied their weapons. And from lack of her mystic bat, April grabbed a rolling pin!
• "Haha! What now, Robo?"
• Mikey asked/laughed.
• "You got 4 angry, car lagged turtles AND a businesswoman on your back."
• "You're toast!"
• Donnie 0 chuckled, his shoulders bouncing. That's not a good sign.
• "Am I?"
• He snapped. The room began to shake. 3 more artificial intelligences came, each damaging your apartment in some way. And...surprise, surprise, it was the other mutated siblings. The robot in purple laughed, his voice switching from demonic to Donnie.
• "Did you really think I wasn't prepared for this!?"
• "Well, we were kinda hoping you weren't."
• Leo chimed in.
• "Brethren, take them down."
• "I'll handle master Donatello."
• And the fight begins! The Raphs clash fist, Mikey gets tackled by his bot, and Leo's is oddly super tactical. And of course, the main crazed robot is after Donnie's head.
• "Head ups, Raph!"
• Mikey shouted, swinging his robot his older brother's way. Despite, still blocking punches, the snap turtle ducked. Resulting in Mik-E slamming through the wall.
• "Bleh, I hate how much that thing looks like you."
• Raph mumbled. Mikey hopped on his back and pointed.
• "Ah! My look alike is still kicking!"
• The robot has indeed, got up. He cracked his head the right way and frowned. They screamed and ran off into the kitchen. Mik-E hot on their heels. Meanwhile, Leo and April were actually struggling with Le-O. He was in perfect sync with his original, yet he had quick enough reaction time to block their friend.
• "What do we do!? It's like fighting a computer in chess!"
• April shouted, trying to get one hit on the bot. Leo thought hard for a second. Then, he got it!
• "How do you beat computers?"
• He clashed swords with Le-O.
• "With cheat codes!"
• The robot scoffed at the lame pun and easily pushed him back into the coffee table.
• "Geez, D-0 wasn't kidding. You're super annoying."
• The slider smirked.
• "I get that alot."
• Suddenly, crackling was heard. The Ai turned around. There April was! Popping out of the classic blue portal and winding the pitch. She swung. And...!
• "Homerun!"
• Le-O was slammed in the cheek with the rolling pin, and crashed out your window. The condescending copycat was out for the count. (Maybe, nobody checked) The two high fived.
• "Another win for April and Leo!"
• Leo laughed.
• "Now let's go cream Raph's bot!"
• Donnie sighed as they scampered into the rowdy kitchen. Thank goodness, his brothers weren't struggling...much. Still looking at other commotion, the scientist caught the incoming staff.
• "It would be wise for you to keep your eyes on your opponent, Donatello."
• Donnie 0 hissed.(Although he couldn't pull his techbo back) The flesh and blood scientist scoffed and threw the staff away.
• "Bring it."
• Right before the fight you all have been waiting for began...!
• The doorknob turns. Everyone froze.
• You're home!
• "Hide!"
• Donnie whisper/shouted. The fam and the robots ducked behind the counter.
• "And you!"
• He pointed at the Ai next to 'im.
• "It's time for you to log off."
• He yanked on Mecha D's hoodie and reached Emergency shutdown button, (it's on the back of his neck) but the robot was ready.
• "Like hell it is."
• Donnie 0 snapped back. The scientist gasped and they began to tussle. Fabric was getting torn.
• "I did NOT give you foul language!"
• "Get your hands off me!"
• "Donnie?"
• Both of them froze and looked up at you. There you were. Standing in the doorway. Looking very confused (and a tad intrigued) by your turtle and robot tussling. The two of them stood up quickly and straightened themselves out. You looked around, slowly taking in your now destroyed home.
• "What the honk happened in here!?"
• You asked, while mourning over your broken, expensive coffee table.
• "It was him!"
• Both Donnies said like twins. You frowned. That's not a clear answer.
• "Seriously, Y/N, he did it!"
• They said together again.
• "Stop it!"
• "I'm serious!"
• "This copycatery is immature-!"
• You snapped your fingers. Both of them flinched and looked at you. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
• "Donnie 0, speak first."
• "But-"
• You put your hand up, silently shushing him. Your fiancee grumbled and crossed his arms. Donnie 0 smiled smugly at him and returned to his "chill butler" vibe.
• "Dearest,"
• "You're fiancee is jealous of me."
• You raised an eyebrow, no opinion showing in your eyes.
• "He came home early and told me to leave."
• "When I refused, because it's not the time we agreed upon, he got hostile."
• The squad behind the counter was getting ticked. He's just gonna openly lie like that? You looked at the real Donnie. It's his turn. Before the softshell could say anything, the robot popped back in.
• "Y/N,"
• He pulled you close.
• "I'm in love with you."
• Donnie inhaled sharply. Right in his face, huh? This robot has ZERO tact. You looked shocked.
• "Whenever I'm with you or when you talk to me,"
• He put one of his hands on his steel plastron.
• "My heart drive sparks like crazy and maybe it's just a malfunction but..."
• "I like it, okay! And I like you!"
• Your head was spinning. Your apartment was near annihilated. Your fiancee's home earlier. And now, your Ai is confessing his LOVE to you.
• "Uhh..."
• Noticing your spiraling, he sighed and yanked Donnie next to him. (He would've grabbed you back, but the grip on your arm might be tight)
• "Y/N...choose."
• You and your fiancee looked at Donnie 0, very distraught.
• "Organic life or Artificial life?"
• The room hushed. The boys AND the bots peeked from the counter. April readied her rolling pin. And Donnie bit his lip. They all had the same thought.
• She's gonna choose the real Donnie...
• Right?
• You looked at the robot and then back at the original. Slowly, you walked towards...
• Donnie 0.
• Donatello's heart shattered while the other's sparked. Everyone was shocked, especially Donnie. It only took one month to...to lose you? Donnie 0 hugged you tightly and your arms curled around his neck.
• "Oh, Y/N."
• Finally! It's happening! It's really happening! You're finally his-
• Suddenly, the robots eyes turned grey.
• And he slumped forward...
• Unconscious.
• The other brothers walked from behind the counter.
• "Did you sleep him with your love!?"
• Mikey asked. You shook your head.
• "Nope."
• "Just used the emergency shutdown button."
• Donnie shoved the knocked out robot off you and picked you up. You nearly touched the roof. He looked up at you with wet eyes.
• "Don't scare me like that!"
• You chuckled and kissed him on the head.
• "I'm sorry, I wanted to give him a false sense of security."
• He smushed his face into your shoulder and just whimpered. You sighed. This past month must've been rough. As you rubbed his shell, you got bombarded with questions.
• "How'd you know the bot was phony?"
• "We don't have to pay damages...right?"
• "Did you miss us!?"
• "You're not hurt anywhere, are you?"
• You frowned as they talked. You're gonna get overwhelmed at this rate. You snapped and everyone hushed again.
• "Raph,"
• You chose his question.
• "I kinda always had my guard around him."
• "He's an Artificial intelligence, those are practically doomed to fail."
• Donnie mumbled "not always" in the background. You answered the other "questions" as well. No damages need to be paid, but they are gonna fix it. You did miss them and your a-okay.
• "So what do we do with them?"
• Leo said, nodding to the robo bros. They were looking over their fallen brother, talking amongst themselves. Raph shrugged.
• "I don't really know?"
• "They only got crazy when Donnie's robot told them to."
• That's true. They do seem alot more peaceful now, but also lost.
• "As much as I hate to say this,"
• D said, finally done wetting the inside of your neck.
• "We gotta scrap 'em."
• "What!?"
• Mikey shouted.
• "Yes, Mikey."
• "Despite being the greatest artificial intelligence ever known to the planet,"
• "They're dangerous."
• "We already have enough problems as is."
• That was a good point. Everybody did get pretty roughed up and you still don't know the status of Japan. But...
• "I got it!"
• You suddenly said. Everyone looked at you and once again...
• "Huh?"
• 2 updating days later...
• "Remember, turn him on when you guys get on the plane, okay?"
• You told Raph 3.
• (Yeah, no super catchy name for him.)
• He nodded and adjusted his beanie.
• "Don't lose your brothers either."
• Right now you guys are setting the bots free...to do the international missions. Yes, it's sounds harsh, but they'll be happier there. They won't feel odd or oppressed by their originals and they can have their own adventures. Save people in their own way. (And with the new update, they'll be no more dangerous rebelling.)
• "I'll miss you, Mikey!"
• Mik‐E shouted hugging up his live action. Mikey choked.
• "Oh! You're gonna make me cry!"
• Yeah, everyone got tight with their robots in the little time. Not your fiancee though. He had to make a BIG change to his. Namely, the memory card. It was better if Donnie 0 started with a clean slate. Otherwise, he might try to get revenge on you or something. And nobody wants that. After alot of goodbyes and steel hugs, it was time for their flight.
• "Well, looks like it's time for our final bow."
• Le-O said. Everyone got quiet. Donnie cleared his throat and open his arms wide.
• "Robot brethren."
• They looked at each other and awkwardly embraced him.
• "Enjoy the world,"
• "And Donnie 1."
• He looked up at them.
• "Can you do that for me?"
• They all smiled and started talking at once.
• "You got it, Fleshy Donnie!"
• "We'll send you a postcard!"
• "Wait, why does Donnie get the 1?"
• After some more last minute chatter, they had to go. They all waved one last time and Raph 0 slung his unconscious purple brother back over his shoulder. You and the brothers watched in silence as the robots ran to catch their plane.
• "Welp, I had my fill on life sized robots for a bunch of years."
• "Mine was the best though."
• The slider said with a stretch. (It's like, 5 in the morning right now.)
• "Who wants to loiter at that shooting star bucks with me?"
• He said pointing at the airport one. Mikey hopped on his back.
• "I want some of that action!"
• Raph was down to join as well.
• "Let's eat all the pastries!"
• He shouted. Now that they're going to harass poor shooting star bucks employees, it's just you and your fiancee. You looked over at him.
• "Man, I missed you so much."
• He snickered and pulled you close.
• "I know."
• "Not hearing from you was basically torture."
• You laid your face on his shoulder. (He happened to not be wearing his battle shell today.)
• "What do think set Donnie 0 off?"
• You finally asked the question that's been nagging for the past two days. Did you accidentally break him or something?
• "I honestly have know idea."
• "But, I knew he was always special."
• Your brows furrowed.
• "I only downloaded our childhood and recent memories into him and he was just like me. Must've been some something special about the metal I used."
• You sighed and nuzzled into his neck. Maybe that was the case...or something different. Maybe even mystic. You didn't know. And you were kinda too scared to find out. (Leo and Raph gave you the rundown of what happened before you came home. Terrifying stuff.)
• You snorted.
• "And that wasn't a big red flag, dear?"
• Donnie huffed and looked back at you.
• "I thought my engineering was just that good."
• He poked your side.
• "If you must know, my intrusive darling."
• You chuckled, sounding like chipmunk. You finally came out of his shoulder. You wrapped your arms around his waist.
• (...The turtles do have waist, right?)
• "So, wanna get a coffee?"
• You asked while fluttering your eyelashes. He put on his thinking face.
• "Nah,"
• He smiled.
• "I hoping me and you can spend some time together...alone."
• You gasped dramatically, pretending to be shocked by such a vulgar request. Then laughed. Of course, D wanted to "hang out". It's has been awhile. You linked your arm with his.
• "Then by all means..."
• "Lead the way."
• (Tricked you guys! You two are just playing Luigi cart in the Tank!)
Whew! That was alot, but I'd happily do it again. Unfortunately, though, I'm burned out on Rise series. So, only turtle headcanons this holiday season. But, I will be showing designs of Donnie 0 and deleted scenes. And heck, maybe even a Q&A if anyone wants that. Stay cool!😎
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milaisbored · 6 months
Between Blades of Sweetgrass-Chapter 1
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a/n: this is my first chapter ever written so PLS PLS PLS give feedback it would be greatly appreciated. hope you enjoy!!
tw: all themes discussed in true detective s1, but heavy on alcohol abuse.
Lucia tapped the edge of her ballpoint pen against her notepad, the soft thump barely audible through the bumbling noise of the office. She was staring at her paperwork, struggling to find the proper wording to finish the report from her most recent case. Cops bustled around her, answering calls from their desks, speaking lowly with one another over cold coffee held in flimsy paper cups. 
She was working on a homicide, the kind of case she could tell was open and shut from the moment the file had landed on her desk. A woman, found on the floor of her apartment, two gunshot wounds to her head, the scene almost reminiscent of an execution. It had taken Lucia and her partner, Andy, only a few rounds of questioning and some brief background checks to stumble across her recently divorced, and notably violent ex-husband. 
He was a military veteran, hence the precision of the wounds, and had lost custody of their children, something which the court files seemed to express was a point of great friction between the two. Less than an hour in the box and Lucia had him singing like a bird. It was almost too easy. 
Open and shut. 
Now, Lucia was just finishing the details of the evidence logs before she could give the documents to the state prosecutor. She’d likely not have to appear in court because of his admission to the crime, just give the necessary papers over and continue on with her life. The woman would be buried, and so would her file, lost amongst a sea of manilla folders piling in the records department. 
“Flint-” her partner said, interrupting her train of thought, “Captain wants to see us in his office now.”.
Lucia looked up from her desk, her pen suspended in the air between her fingers. 
“I’m almost done with this Andy.” she gestured to her papers, “Tell him I’ll be right in.”.
Scribbling down the last sentences of her report, Lucia stood up from her chair, walking towards her captain's office. 
The room was large and airy, a light wood paneling spanning up and down the walls, covered in a variety of accolades and certifications. Lucia’s captain, Ken Quesada, was sitting in his leather padded rolly chair, the nicest in the office,  swiveling from the side to face Lucia as she entered through the door. She pulled out one of the cheap chairs from in front of his desk, sitting herself down next to Andy and draping her right leg over her left. 
“Bowman, Flint; you got the Bennet case all wrapped up?” he asked, glancing between the two of them. 
Lucia straightened her back against the seat.
“Yes sir, I finished the last of the paperwork just now. I’ll make sure to send it over to the DA’s office before I leave today.”.
“Good, that’s some nice work from y’all.” he praised, quirking his mouth into a slight smile. 
Lucia felt a rush of satisfaction run through her body from the praise; the captain didn’t often give out compliments like that. Quesada was a straight-laced, no business type of captain with an equally by-the-books appearance. He had gray hair that spanned around the base of his head, with a bald patch that had a few strands whitening around the roots. His face was worn, deep wrinkle lines etched across his face, a result of his age as well as stress; the job had a knack for wearing people down. 
“Good timin’ too, Bowman’s gonna leave this place a free man.” he puffed jovially, leaning back in his chair, “You go relax now Andy, enjoy your last few hours ‘round here. Just make sure your desk is packed up, okay?”. 
“Got it.” Andy responded, pushing back his chair as he stood up, peering back at Lucia as he exited. 
Andy had been the first person she had met at the Louisiana CID, welcoming her immediately into the office. He was quite a lot older than she was, a fatherlike quality to him that turned his gruffness into something a bit more inviting, making him a person Lucia felt not only comfortable, but enjoyed working with. She was unsure how things would be once he was gone, in well, less than two hours. 
After hearing the door close with a soft click, Quesada returned his eyes to Lucia, giving her a quick appraisal. 
“Look Flint, you’ve done some great work here so far, and are workin’ pretty well with the boys. But with Bowman gone…” he paused, wincing slightly before continuing, “Well, I don’t really know where to put you.”.
Lucia exhaled nervously, her crossed foot beginning to bounce against her leg. There were many guys in the department who worked solo, some good, and others who bordered on incompetent. She prayed to herself she wouldn’t get stuck with a dud, she didn’t know if she had the strength to deal with that.  
“Think I’m gonna keep you as a floater.”.
“Floater?”. She quirked her eyebrow, unfamiliar with the term. 
“Mhm. '' he nodded his head, “To help out with casework for some of the guys when they need it.”. He said it as though it were completely self-explanatory. “As you know, we’re pretty understaffed ‘round here, and well, you could help relieve some of the stress.”.
Lucia's eyes widened slightly at the proposition, before narrowing as she realized what he was truly expecting of her. She was being asked to take others’ scrap work, do the stuff no one else felt inclined to do. She clenched her fists on the arms of the chair, nails pressing roughly into her skin. 
“And if a big one comes in, you’ll work with a detective or two to help manage the workload I s’pose. How does that sound?” he finished, looking at her to gauge her reaction. 
It seemed less like a question and more like a confirmation that she wasn’t going to fight him on the decision. 
Lucia’s face remained entirely neutral, forcing her mouth to press into a flat line. She had worked so hard to get to her position as a lead detective in homicide, and he was going to just take that away, simply because her partner was a goddamn retiree? 
She took a deep inhale, letting herself feel the anger bubble inside of her before breathing it all out into the now oppressively stuffy office air. Her hands released from their clenched position, half-moon indents scattered across her smooth palms. 
“Sounds good sir, thank you.” Lucia responded, straining to make her voice  appreciative. 
Her words sounded artificial, like she was some corporate salesman, vigorously trying to sell someone a car they didn’t need to reach their daily quota. Lucia hoped he didn’t notice. 
“Great.” Quesada looked at her, before swiftly turning around to flutter through his filing cabinets, papers crinkling as he searched it. 
Taking his silence and now diverted attention as her queue to leave, Lucia exited the office, trying her hardest not to slam the door behind her on the way out. 
Asshole, she thought to herself, looking around at the rest of the detectives who were littered around the office, each continuing on their days as usual. No one had seen or heard what had happened in the office, however Lucia couldn’t stop the intense rush of blood to her cheeks, reddening in humiliation and anger. She had walked into that office expecting a promotion or some kind of step up in responsibility, but had walked out with little more than calloused palms and a position that was embarrassingly meritless. 
When Lucia returned to her desk, Andy’s eyes trained on her, watching her carefully as she hastily began to shut the vast array of files cluttering the surface. Each one she closed only reminded her more of all the work she had been doing for the department, forms meticulously organized and thoroughly completed in her loopy handwriting. 
Andy continued to examine her, a concerned expression blooming across his tanned face. Lucia couldn’t meet his eyes, worried the water pooling in the wells of her eyes would pour out onto the papers below. She refused to draw attention to herself, biting the inside of her cheek aggressively to prevent the flow of her tears. 
The next two hours, Lucia and Andy worked on the last of their casework together, organizing forms and evidence into neat piles on the borders of their desks. All she could think of as she scrawled in the black boxes of her forms was how she had ended up in this position. Neither of the two detectives spoke, the events of the day hanging heavily in the air, a mutual agreement to not address the captain’s ruling. 
Andy didn’t need to ask Lucia what the captain said, they both knew what happened in that office: a demotion. 
She was grateful for his silence. 
Lucia was now sipping on a glass of whiskey, cold cubes of ice bobbing in the center of the golden liquid. She was tired, her eyes twitching every few minutes, begging her to just drive home and flop into her warm, cozy bed. 
She was at a bar, some sort of country get-up that she had been to once or twice before, on the rare occasion she was invited to after-work drinks. Resting in the seat of a long cherry-wood table, Lucia coddled her drink in her lap, allowing the chilled condensation to drip onto her pants. 
Since she had received the news from her captain, Lucia decided that she would need one, or possibly five drinks to dull her mind's racing. She would drink a whole bottle if it meant the day would fade away into the distance of her subconscious memory, hazy and unfocused. 
A floater. Even the word left a foul taste in her mouth. 
It was almost funny how easy it was for Lucia to throw away her attempts at going clean when things got hard. She had barely lasted a week, and now here she was, hoofing back whiskey like it was water. 
It didn't help her efforts to lighten her spirits that surrounding her were almost all of her work colleagues, yelling and laughing rowdily without regard for anyone else residing in the bar for the night. They were all there for Andy’s retirement party, something which Lucia wouldn’t have minded to attend as much if the good news didn’t also prelude irrevocably negative consequences for her career. 
“So Andy, you got any big plans for your first day off the job?” she slurred, a feeble attempt to veer herself away from more sulking. He was nursing a beer of his own, though evidently more sober than most of the cops around them.
“Nope.” he replied, popping the ‘p’ sound in his mouth, “I’m gonna sleep in, and have a nice cup of fresh coffee in my bed, catch up on some reading I s’pose.”.
“Coffee in bed; Bowman you’re one lucky bastard.”.
He gave Lucia a wistful look. “This’ll be you Flint, don’t wish for it all too soon. Before you know it you’ll be pushin’ sixty and wondering when the hell your skin started sagging away”. 
Lucia panned around the table, eyes passing over her coworkers who each were intoxicated to varying degrees. Some of the men were sipping their drinks slowly, surely playing the facade of a good, responsible detective, while others relished the opportunity to return to debauchery, chugging one drink after the next. It was difficult to watch them all, cheering and hollering as each round of drinks arrived at the table, shooting back beers and bourbon without a care in the world. 
“Bowman, heard you solved that Bennet murder. What’s that, three in your last month?”. Marty's voice startled Lucia out of her haze, his praise for Andy catching her attention.
A lighthearted man with an equally warm complexion, Marty had the sort of Louisiana charm she had come to expect from a lot of men around the area. He had golden hair that shone in any weather, a cheap grin, and slight twang in his voice that made everything he said sound friendlier than intended. 
“Yeah, well I couldn’t have done it without Flint here.” Andy nudged Lucia with his cold glass, “She got the confession out of that sucker without breakin’ a sweat.”. 
She gave him a small smile, appreciative of the recognition. Marty looked at her for a moment, raising his eyebrows slightly with a grin, his eyes glimmering with artificial warmth. 
“Ah, well yall’re a great team, shame he’s leavin’. Hey, being a floater ain’t too bad now.” he said, tone callous as he picked up his beer, taking a grotesquely large mouthful. Lucia’s eyes sharpened subtly at the remark, the casualty of his tone intensifying her irritation. Of course Marty knew about her new job title, everyone probably had been made aware by now. News traveled fast around the department, not even the sleek wood walling of the captain's office preventing her reduced position from being the talk of her colleagues. 
It still stung her though, to be reminded once again of her own disposability.
Lucia swiftly corrected her eyes and nodded in agreement, “It is, don’t know what I’m going to do without him.”.
The clinking of a glass rang out in the bar, drawing the attention of the detectives at the table. Lucia turned away from Geraci, to the center of the table where Detective Geraci was holding a spoon to his cup. 
“To Andy,” Geraci raised his glass, “the best goddamn detective I’ve ever worked with.”. 
The other men around the table brought their drinks up in unison, cheering for their colleague before taking large gulps of their liquor. Andy smiled, lifting his glass and pointing gently  towards Lucia.
“Thank you guys, for allowin’ me to retire in peace. I promise to play lot’s of golf, and sit on my ass as much as possible.” he finished, the table erupting in deep chuckles and here here’s. 
Lucia took a long sip of her whiskey to this, letting the smooth liquid burn as it slid down her throat. She was happy for Andy, she truly was. He was a nice man, and had been the only friendly face in the office for months, something which she appreciated more than he knew. Even she could admit it was isolating, being the only woman in the department. Apart from the secretary Cathleen, and the occasional prosecutor who dropped by, female companionship was something Lucia was not often privy to, a fact which made her companionship with Andy all the more comforting. 
Chucking the last of her drink down with a grand swig, Lucia stood up from the table, desperate to distance herself from all of the cheerfulness. She was in the mood to wallow, and being around the bunch of drunken middle-aged cops was not her idea of a good time. As she neared the bar, she could see the hunched over figure of another detective, waiting as the bartender scurried behind the counter to pour his beer. She observed the man for a moment while he sat in front of the bar, barely moving a muscle despite the frenzied atmosphere around him. 
Rust Cohle.
Lucia didn’t know him all too well; he was Marty’s partner, and seemed to be somewhat of a recluse within the office, almost participating in fewer work gatherings than her. His light brown hair shone golden from the overhead lighting of the bar, almost making him look like a spirit, a soft aura floating around him. 
Lucia reached the bar counter, leaning herself slightly over the counter beside the still man. The bartender noticed her arrival, and made his way over to her with a smile. He was older, at least older than Lucia, and had a big beard that cascaded almost past his shoulders, curling at the ends. He had a towel flipped over his shoulder, laying delicately on the white and blue plaid shirt he wore.
“Now what can I get for you miss?” he asked her amicably, hands resting on his hips. 
Lucia didn’t even have to think about it.
“Another whiskey please-on the rocks. Heaven Hill if you still have it.” she returned, sliding her glass along the counter towards the bartender's hand. “Actually make that two.”.
“Yes ma'am.” he said, picking up her glass and stepping away from the counter to retrieve the liquor bottle from one of the higher shelves. 
Lucia tilted her head down towards the marble wood surface, a quick sigh escaping her lips. She was exhausted, frustrated, and in desperate need of a cigarette. She was heavily regretting her less than a week stint of trying to go cold-turkey; she had flushed all her packs down the toilet. She would have to stop for some on the way home. 
“You normally drink this much on a work night?” a voice drawled from beside her, causing her to turn her head in surprise towards the speaker. 
Rust was tall, though it was hard to tell as he sat with his back curved over the counter top, sharp features etched deeply into his face. There was a sense of hardness in his appearance that preceded him even before he opened his mouth. 
“Depends on whether I’m celebrating or not.” she replied, threading a piece of her hair between her fingers, letting the strands glide along her skin. 
“And what’re you doing right now?”. He wasn’t looking at her, instead staring into the distance behind her, his eyes denying to make contact with hers. 
Lucia thought about the question for a moment, his words echoing in her head. She had drunk a lot, more than she had in the past few weeks combined, with her semi-consistent sobriety streak and fruitless endeavors into self-improvement. All while her coworkers cheered over their stable, nuclear lives and got drunk over rounds of cheap, flavorless beer.
“Trying to forget.” she answered coolly. 
As she said this, the bartender returned with her drinks, placing them in front of her on the counter. Lucia said a quick thank you to him, immediately sipping more of the velvety alcohol, letting it rest in her mouth, relishing in the richness of it. Swallowing the large sip, Lucia took one last glance at Cohle, her eyes tracing up his toned, ragged figure, stopping at his eyes.  
He finally looked at her, his pupils dilated, the only sign of his intoxication apart from the beer loosely held in his hands. His eyes were intense, a silvery blue that bore straight into Lucia’s sole, daring her to keep looking as she was. She felt a shiver run down her spine, warning her, urging her to avert her eyes from his, but her mind refused to back down from the challenge. 
He looked at her curiously, as if her cryptic response had surprised him a bit. She wasn’t sure why, Lucia assumed Marty and all of her other colleagues had become aware of her new work position, though none but the former had dared to bring it up to her face.
Deciding the quiet lingering between them was arguably more unsettling than the group table, Lucia pushed herself off the counter with her hands, grabbing her two drinks. She turned away from Cohle and his inquisitive gaze, striding back towards the table where most of the detectives were still sitting and chatting loudly. As she returned to her seat amongst the others, she could hear Marty starting to share an anecdote about some woman he had dated back in his high school years. His voice rang in Lucia’s ears, details of awkward sex and comically exaggerated arguments filling the air around her. 
She tuned his voice out, her eyes moving helplessly across the bar to Cohle again, who was still sitting down, back towards her, now talking to another detective. He had barely sat at the table since they had arrived, though she couldn’t blame him for his disinterest in the festivity around her. It could be dull to listen to different renditions of the same stories, each one leading to the same point of humor. 
It was all quite exhausting. 
A thunderous round of laughter shook Lucia out of her alcohol induced daze, her head pounding from the sudden noise. Though she didn’t know what Marty could have possibly said to make them laugh so hard, Lucia split her mouth into a grin, heaving her chest to imitate the deep bellied chuckle of amusement she had perfected over time. As she sat there, eyes crinkled in perfectly replicated contentedness, she wondered whether this is how people would remember her. 
Would they refer to their own memories of Lucia, when she revealed her gleaming teeth for a picturesque smile and a starkly normal giggle, and say how much they loved her? So much of her time in the CID she had pretended; to love room temperature beer and ball games and sex jokes that always bordered on being too far for her comfort. Maybe in a way, she had become that person to her colleagues. Lucia’s mother had always reminded her that getting ahead in life meant being able to understand the individual expectations people had for her, and by result, how to use them to her advantage. She would chastise Lucia after she bombed her first job interview, and again after she failed to get a call after her first date, the same phrase each time.
“No person wants true honesty, they want the illusion of who they think you truly are.”. 
She hadn’t really understood what her mother had meant until now. 
When the laughter faded into the vacantly musty air of the bar, Lucia closed her mouth too, expression returning to neutrality, muscles slack from the alcohol. 
“Flint?” Andy’s voice snapped Lucia out of her daze. 
“Yeah?”. Her voice was croaky and uneven, tainted by the hours she had been drinking. She wondered if she looked as disheveled as she felt. Her first drink was empty now, the second a quarter full. 
A look of concern fell over his face, "You okay?”.
The question was simple enough, however when Lucia reached her hand up to brush her hair out of the way she was greeted with droplets of water pooling at the crevices of her eyes. She bit back her tears, forcing her face into neutrality. 
“I’ll be fine.”. She just needed to get out of here, to be away from the claustrophobic atmosphere of the bar, and the other detectives, who were now obnoxiously singing along to old Willy Nelson songs. “I better get going, work tomorrow and all.” she excused herself, standing up in her chair abruptly. She picked up her keys, taking a final sip of her drink.
Before leaving the table, Lucia paused for a moment, resting her hand lightly on Andy’s shoulder before looking at him once more. 
“You have a nice night Andy.”. 
Andy didn’t respond, simply patting her hand lightly with two taps, before letting Lucia remove it from his arm, an affectionate smile blooming across his face. 
“Bowman! Geraci thinks he can be you in pool, you gonna fight him on that?” another voice interjected, Andy returning his focus to the men in front of him.
Lucia made her way outside the dimly-lit bar, trying her best to keep steady on her feet. When she opened the door of the bar to the Louisiana night sky, a rush of warm sticky air ran over her, goosebumps forming along her skin. Her head was fuzzy, muscles loosening with each step she took into the gravel covered parking lot. 
This reminded her of the time in eleventh grade when Lucia had gotten so miserably drunk at a friends party that she decided to try and crawl home, legs refusing to perform a walking motion. For what felt like eternity, Lucia scratched her hands along rough, stony roads, willing her body to keep moving. Her brother had found her, straggling on the side of a street like an injured buck, and drove her home to her very unhappy parents. 
The drive to her home was quiet, a welcome intervention from the noisiness of the bar, giving Lucia’s head a moment to recenter itself and deliberate whether she was going to stop by the corner store on the way home. The lights along the highway melted into one another, creating strings of white along the dark skyline. 
The decision making didn’t last too long, and ten minutes later, Lucia was buying herself a pack of Camels and a fluorescent pink lighter at the convenience store counter, barely stumbling out the door before placing the cigarette in her mouth and holding up a shaky flame to it.
Inhaling severely, Lucia felt the smoke enter into her mouth, the bitter taste filling her lungs before puffing it out with a great sigh. 
God I missed this, she tilted her head back in satisfaction.
She was drunk, her head light and airy upon her shoulders. Tapping her foot gently against the concrete ground, Lucia thought about New York, the apartment she used to call home, her old friends, the job she had loved, and all else that she had left behind for Louisiana. She had moved from the city back to Louisiana a few months earlier.  It had been worth it at the time; duty calls, and so did a mother bed-ridden with a cancer so insidious it had crept its way all the way down to her pancreas. She never had a chance against the disease. 
Lucia remembered standing in a brown, rusting phone booth outside of her old office, tears streaming down her face as they told her the diagnosis. Stage four, she only had a few weeks to live. Lucia had hung up before they could tell her how sorry they were for her loss.
As she stood outside the store smoking, Lucia’s body itched for more alcohol, a need for release spreading throughout her body. When she hobbled back into her car, she pulled out an unopened bottle of gin from the passenger compartment, wrapped in a sparkly silver film. It had been a gift from the people in the apartment neighboring her own, housewarming they had told her happily. 
Lucia opened the cap with a firm snap, bringing the bottle up to her lips roughly and letting the clear liquid flow along her tongue, swallowing it with a gulp. She felt the warmth of the gin invade her senses, everything becoming softer, more fluid. 
She got restless with alcohol, a desire to do something that she’d probably regret in the morning becoming more appealing by each sip of the gin she took. 
She turned the keys in the ignition, the engine growling to a start. The last thing Lucia remembered was the harsh glow of neon lights in the distance, rays of fuchsia beaming into the barren black sky.
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ange1yn · 4 months
excerpt of a thominho fic i didn't finish + a very minimal mention of nalby
-warnings: kissing while intoxicated, not proof-read, suggestive
Somehow they ended up in the same Uber. Reality dawned on Minho as he had sobered up with Winston sitting between him and Thomas.
Minho realized that he should have gotten in the same Uber as Newt and Alby, but he couldn't find them at all. Someone told him they ditched the party to go somewhere else, and that somewhere else might have been the apartment complex Newt and Minho shared.
So now, he's sitting next to Winston who's drooling as he leans foward with Thomas sitting on the other side. Minho sighed, he looked at Thomas, who just stared outside the window.
"Hey, Thomas," Minho whispered making sure he didn't wake Winston up, "You won't mind if I crash at your place, do you?"
Thomas whipped his head around, "What?" He whispered shouted.
"...Nevermind." Minho looked away slowly, keeping Thomas in his peripheral vision.
"No, no, you can, it's just... I wasn't expecting guests." Thomas sounds desperate, making Minho more intrigued.
"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm trying to avoid walking onto Newt and Alby..." Minho grimaced at the thought.
"Oh, right, sorry." Thomas responded, glancing over at Minho.
Minho didn't know if it was the alcohol, but he swore this guy was way more gusty than this.
But all of it seemed to sound like fun.
Thomas leads him to the fourth floor, a sharp right and the third door down on the left. All of these notes were taken with Thomas's consent, or so Minho hopes, because he's certainly memorizing this.
He unlocks the door, it's surprisingly clean besides the clutter on the small desk that's crammed in the corner. One of the bed's were empty, catching Minho's attention.
"Did your roommate move out?" Minho asks, throwing his thumb behind his back the bed. Thomas looked at him, like a deer in headlights.
"Huh? Well yeah, but he might come back," Thomas was leaning over, tidying his desk, "He dropped out, but he's three years younger than us so he has more time to do more stuff."
Minho hums in response, and goes to sit down on the rolly chair that was placed near the desk. He looks up at Thomas, his hands in his lap. Maybe right now wasn't the time to sober up for Minho, but he realized, he shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be in a room with a guy thats a friend's friend... and plan to do who knows what.
"Minho, how long are going to stare at me for?" Thomas placed down the last book that he has to stack, and it lands with a thud.
"Dunno... wanna enjoy you in every lighting." Minho mumbled, going to cup his face but Thomas grabbed his wrist, intercepting.
Minho was taken aback, maybe he should leave. But that thought was out his mind when Thomas pulled his wrist to bring Minho's face closer.
"Fuck... that was hot–" That was all Minho could get out before he realized Thomas's lips were rough against his. A tiny groan slipped out Minho's lips, he used his hand that was still tight in Thomas's hold, to guide Thomas onto his lap. Slowly pulling him in by the neck.
Thomas stood straddling Minho, the chair scarily leaning backwards. The kiss was breath taking, literally, Minho didn't know Thomas was such an intense kisser, but he loved it.
Minho tugs on Thomas's lower lip, yearning for more of this madness. His tongue sliding over Thomas's, the pressure from the latter's tongue drove Minho for more. Minho's hand that wasn't in Thomas's possession, slid down to his waist, so he'd really sit on his lap. His hand sliding further to grope his ass, making Thomas's hips jut towards Minho's. A whiny moan pulling out of his lips.
Thomas's hand was tugging Minho's hair, making sure he doesn't move. Minho's jaw goes slack, letting Thomas lead. The kiss was getting sloppy and Minho was just pulling in Thomas for comfort. Thomas was the first to pull away, fluttering his eyes open.
"You're fucking insane." Thomas says out of breath, a smile creeping on his red lips.
"You don't like it?" Minho batted his eyelashes, making Thomas laugh.
"And thought I was good." Thomas mumbled, Minho's hand came and brushed hair out of Thomas's eye.
"You are, just not as good as me." Minho placed a peck on Thomas's lips. They sit there for a couple minutes to catch their breaths.
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