#rollan’s was perfect
keepofkandrakar · 4 months
…. i don’t think sarwat chadda understood the assignment…
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bayofwolves · 20 days
i should make a spirit animals characters as wings of fire dragons au. even though i'm not into wof anymore
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Things in Spirit Animals that piss me off:
Abeke and her father making up. He's abusive to her her entire life and then he suddenly makes up with her because she's a hero now? Wow, well, wonder where that change of heart came from. I do indeed wonder. It drives the idea that you should forgive family for everything because they are family. Where did my found family themes go? What about Rollan and Tarik?
Lord MacDonnell not getting what was coming for him. The guy sucks. He's horrible, I don't care if he's on the good guys' side. In fact, it makes the story more complex that he's on the good guys' side. I quite like that, actually. Lord MacDonnell was a good addition to add to the nuance of the Greencloaks not being the source of supreme good all the time. Proves how low the Greencloaks are willing to stoop to get allies to defeat the Conquerors, shows how desperate they are. Rollan literally seethes with rage at him during their last encounter in Hunted. Then suddenly he's fine with him in later books because he's on the Greencloaks' side? Rollan joining the Greencloaks eventually makes sense. Rollan immediately forgiving all the Greencloaks' allies for everything ever because of joining the Greencloaks does not. Look, I understand that in fiction, people can be bad people, have the audience understand they are bad people, and still not get what they deserve. I get it. (That's actually what happens with the Lord of Trunswick. He actually gets a semi-happy ending. But it's made explicitly clear in every possible way that he absolutely sucks and did not deserve that ending whatsoever.) But that doesn't change the fact that the whole narrative about MacDonnell shifts in the later books in order to make him out to be some sort of hero. And that harpist never gets justice.
I like that Kirat got character development. Look, I really do. But doing it by telling the kid that he's related to a hero was not the way to go. Please. What was that. Again, it drives home very family-defines-who-you-are vibes which I am not a fan of.
The two legendary bond tokens being lost to sea. Please, what the hell was that. And everyone just accepts it? Why. It couldn't have been difficult to write in a single paragraph, nay, a single sentence in the last chapter expositing that the Greencloaks searched the sea and found them eventually. Please, what is this.
Conor's entire personality changing in The Dragon's Eye. That was not character development. That was character assassination. I honestly would've been down for Conor ending up the way he is in The Dragon's Eye, but it needs to happen over the course of several books, not off-page between the last and second-to-last book.
Rollan and Meilin's jealousy and miscommunication arc in Stormspeaker. Despised it. It was vile, and ruined everything I love about them. Thankfully, we go back to normal Reilin in The Dragon's Eye. So at least we didn't finish their relationship on such a horrendous note.
Shane and Devin/Worthy never interacting on page, as far as I am aware. Correct me if I'm wrong. Then, in The Wildcat's Claw, we're given a bunch of lengthy exposition from Worthy talking about how great a leader Shane was and how he taught Worthy to fight and all those other stories. They always felt so empty to me because Shane and Worthy's bond has next to no canon basis whatsoever.
Connecting to the last point, Shane not appearing in Hunted. Perfect opportunity for him to bond with Devin, manipulate him a little, be a disingenuous lying little shit, appear sympathetic toward Abeke while trying to get her back (and failing), then disappear right when times get tough and leave Devin and Karmo stranded in the dungeon. This would give Worthy mixed feelings about Shane, complex-ifying their relationship. Then, before the Redcloaks-are-former-Conquerors reveal, we could see Shane and Worthy fighting side by side. Abeke and Rollan could note their mask designs, which would help identify then as Shane and Worthy later.
The Tergesh not being able to summon spirit animals. Please, what is that nonsense. I hate it. Also, if they can't summon spirit animals because of their existing connection to rhinos, the logic follows that Conor shouldn't be able to summon Briggan because of his existing connection to his sheepdogs. (Although it is interesting to think about an AU where Stetriol gets its hands on this knowledge and tries to use it to their advantage. They start animal shelter programs and such to try to keep people from summoning spirit animals and contracting the bonding sickness.)
How the heck did Meilin's father get his hands on the Bile? How was he convinced to give it to his only daughter? I adore the Meilin-Bile arc, okay, but its origins are kind of a plot hole.
The Wyrm as a villain. You're telling me after all the complexity and nuance we get in the first arc, the second arc's villain is a stereotypical giant blob of fleshy goo that, get this, literally wants to eat the world? Who came up with this? You could argue that the real villain is Zerif, but even then, he's incredibly flat as an antagonist. You could also argue that this is meant to redeem Kovo and Shane, but that also feels weird, as there are almost certainly better ways to do that.
Shane dying right as he was getting redeemed. I'm going to be so honest, I think Shane had to kick the bucket. I love him, but he had to die. But not before he and Abeke could have a proper conversation and get to a better place and have some bonding moments that are full of trust and friendship! Please, what the heck is this?
The other Great Beast summoners getting little to no fleshing out or understanding. By far, the most interesting one is Anuqi. She hates the Greencloaks, and for a valid reason, too. This is literally so interesting. Please, they could've done so much with her during the second arc. Raisha is a close second. Not a fan of the fact that her backstory is literally just "I was a bored rich girl" which apparently voids her of any human compassion, but whatever.
Shane and Zerif's relationship never reaches a good climax. (Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fi-)
What do you mean Abeke didn't kill Zerif? What do you mean? After vowing to, and failing, not once, but twice, Zerif sacrifices himself? Where's the thematic significance in that?
Conor's Wyrm arc. He's next to useless the entire four books, he doesn't do anything of actual value to the quest, and he's treated like a burden the entire time. Honestly, if you hadn't read the first series, you wouldn't even realize he's a main character aside from the fact that he gets a few chapters. He gets very few moments to truly shine in the series. Instead, it should've been Takoda who was infected. It would also strengthen his relationship to Xanthe, because she'd first insist they leave him behind, then she'd grow attached to him and decide to bring him. It gives Xanthe a character conflict between wanting to leave Takoda behind because she's been taught all her life that the Wyrm is the supreme evil and not wanting to leave Takoda because she likes him. It also does the same with Kovo, who has spent his entire existence fighting the Wyrm, only for him to be bonded to someone who's infected. Conor would have more opportunities to act like a real main character. And Takoda has chapters from his perspective, too, so it's not like we couldn't have had some perspective on what it's like to be infected. But Conor is still a primary main character, and he does nothing except hike with the group and cough for the majority of that arc.
Zerif not being at all fleshed out and just being a mustache-twirling, evil-laughing cartoon villain that just wants power.
The bond tokens. Not the concept itself, but the execution. So many of them were just what they could already do, except stronger, and Meilin's didn't even work? Please, what is this.
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Dia de la Madre
Fandom: The Snow Queen - Wizart
Characters: Helena (Next Gen OC), Roscoe (Next Gen OC), Rollan, Gerda and Background Characters.
Summary: Gerda and Rollan's common children Helena and Roscoe produce together a special Mother's day gift for Gerda. With their father's help, they keep their task a secret.
AO3 link: TBA
Rollan walked together with his kids across the village passing across the few present villagers, that were making their way towards the present stores around the alley. Rollan smiled waving at a random man passing by the trio, which he recognized, and moved on with the raven-haired kids.
“Who was that?” Questioned the girl looking up at the father.
“That’s Luka. He works at the castle too,” Explained Rollan making the girl nod.
“Does he have children too?” Questioned the boy watching Rollan shake his head.
“No. He’s not married yet or anything,” Mentioned Rollan making the boy nod. “Were you interested in knowing any kid, that has also a papa working at the castle?” Questioned the Spaniard making the kids nod. “Someday I can ask anybody there, maybe you could find a new friend there,”
“That would be cool,” Commented the daughter.
The trio kept walking along the road, then turned aside to head to the entrance to a carpenter shop to see all the various objects made of wood stand in display for the visitors to see it. From the door behind the counter, the carpenter came out carrying a bar stool and noticed the trio in his shop.
“Ah, if that isn’t little Roscoe and Helena,” Said the man watching the two kids together with their father there. “Your kids are here for the Mother’s day gift, am I right?”
“Si, they want to decorate it by themselves,” Mentioned Rollan making the carpenter nod.
“Very well. Then this frame is perfect. It’s blank, well-sanded and it’s easy to insert a canvas in it,” Explained the carpenter making Rollan nod.
“What do you think kids? It’s a good shape,” Commented Rollan looking at the rectangle frame with a heart on the right corner.
“I shaped it after the drawing of their kids,” Mentioned the carpenter. “I do hope I did a good job,”
“It’s good, papi,” Said Helena while Roscoe nodded.
“Let’s take it home and start working on it,” Added Roscoe making Rollan nod.
“Good, I’m convinced,” Rollan said taking from his pants out his pocket bag. “How much will it be?”
“15 Dinar,” Said the carpenter placing the frame over the counter watching Rollan count the coins and handed them out to the man. “Perfect!”
“Muy bien. Kids, do you want me to help you carry the frame?” Asked the Spaniard watching the kids take it together off the counter with the help of the carpenter. “Alright, be careful. It needs to hold on until we’re home. Preferably, afterward too,” Commented Rollan making the carpenter chuckle.
“Remember kids. It’s an important gift for your mother. If it’s heavy for you, ask your dad to help you carry it,” Mentioned the carpenter watching the kids exchange looks with their father, which gave them a thumb up.
At home in the bedroom of the kids, the father had helped the kids put the frame over their table, which was covered by an old blanket.
“The cover is for you to avoid getting the table dirty with colors or anything. We should also in case you’re not finished stop a few hours before going to bed to give it time to dry the color and we can hide it somewhere from Mom,” Rollan explained. “Don’t worry, I’m here for you. In case, she goes looking for you two, I try to distract her,”
“Thank you, Dad,” Both kids said embracing their father from both sides and Rollan placed his hands behind their kids’ backs.
“You’re welcome. Now go take your pencil and sketch down what you want to have on it,” Suggested Rollan watching the kids get their drawing box to the table. “Are you both going to draw on the same side or will you both take a different side?” Questioned the raven-haired watching the kids look at each other, then shrug their shoulders.
“Maybe we should take a different side?” Said Roscoe looking at Helena, which gazed at her father.
“Should we?” Questioned Helena watching Rollan shrug his shoulders.
“In case both of you can’t decide, what to draw together, maybe doing a part on your own makes it easier,”
“Mama likes flowers,” Commented Roscoe. “You’re good at drawing flowers,” Said the brother looking at the long-haired girl.
“That’s a good idea,” Commented Rollan. “What about you, Roscoe? You could draw snowflakes or something different,”
“I can try it,” Mentioned Roscoe making Rollan nod, then he had an idea and bowed down at his kids.
“Or wait, I got a better idea. I’m gonna pick an old book and rip off a few pages to cut little figures in it. We can do an animal as well, then color it or leave it with the words on it instead,” Suggested Rollan watching Roscoe nod, then Rollan gave a thumb up and made his way downstairs to the living room to get to a bookshelf.
“Oh boy, what book should I take?” Questioned Rollan looking at the number of books they had in the shelf and pulled one out, which was an old Spanish tale he had from his home. “Let’s go, I haven’t read you in ages,” Rollan commented putting the book inside his vest, then he walked out of the corridor, then shrieked as he saw the door of the entrance get closed revealing Gerda, who had just arrived home.
“Wow already back home,” Rollan spoke as he saw his wife stand there by the door watching her approach him to give him a kiss on his cheek.
“I forgot to take my work utensils,” Mentioned Gerda looking into the kitchen to see it on the table along with Rollan. “You didn’t notice?”
“I have actually wondered, why the bag was there on the table, but didn’t get to the conclusion,” Commented Rollan making Gerda chuckle.
“It’s alright. Where are the children? Are the upstairs?” Questioned Gerda looking upstairs, then Rollan stepped in front of her to prevent her to get up.
“They’re in their room…...sleeping……”
“Still sleeping?” Asked Gerda with a frown earning a nod from her husband. “It’s 11 in the morning. They’re usually awake by 8 or 9,”
“Erh…..don’t worry about them. They’re in their room awake. They’re working on something together and don’t want any of us to see it,”
“And what does their work consist of?” Questioned Gerda watching Rollan place his hands on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been there and they’re just drawing with their pencils. Nothing dangerous,” Pointed Rollan out, then Gerda glimpsed upstairs slightly worried. “Confia, I’m here the entire day with them. They’re far from doing anything dangerous. I swear,” Said Rollan making Gerda nod.
“Okay, kiss them for me, if you go back to them,” Said Gerda making Rollan nod and watch Gerda enter the kitchen to get her bag, then passed by Rollan again. “See you later,” Gerda said giving Rollan a peck on his cheek and left the house making Rollan sigh relieved.
“Wow, that went well,” Rollan commented, then looked upstairs to where the bedrooms were.
A while later, the kids were working on the frame together and used a pencil to make the linings for their designs. Rollan sat down on the ground sketching a shape of a goose on the first book page.
“The picture is bigger than it looks,” Commented Helena putting her pencil down to rest her hand, then looked down at her father. Helena got down to sit beside her father and lean her head on his arms. “Dad, can you help us? My hand is tired. There’s just so much missing,” Warned Helena, then Rollan got up to look at the frame in front of her face, which was about a quarter done as opposed to Roscoe, which was about the same as her.
“Why not try to draw something else?” Questioned Rollan watching Helena shrug her shoulders.
“I don’t know, what else I should draw. I can’t draw so good like Uncle Kai,” Commented Helena sad and embraced her dad, which placed his arm behind his daughter’s back to cheer her up.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution to that,” Promised Rollan. “We can cut out of my book there a flower head or any other type of animal,” Suggested the Spaniard sensing his daughter nod.
“What kind of animal?” Questioned Helena and Rollan looked down at the book at the goose he had sketched on it, afterward he had an idea and got down on his knees to have eye contact with the girl.
“Hey, I got a cool idea,” Rollan mentioned. “What about we go out pluck a few flowers and press them inside the book?”
“Uncle Kai said we need to wait two weeks for the flowers to dry inside the book,” Mentioned Roscoe. “He showed us that once when he was making a gift for auntie,”
“Oh I thought we had a great idea,” Complained Rollan making Helena nod.
“But we still can get flowers and do something else with them?” Suggested Helena noticing her father look at their table to see their paint palette and their prepared water glass. Rollan pondered about what his daughter said, then looked down at the girl.
“Hey, what do you think about using flowers as a…….uh…..a mark?” Questioned the Spaniard watching the girl tilt her head confused making Rollan smile seeing, she didn't know what he meant. 
Rollan picked Helena from under her arms making her chuckle. “I will show you, what I exactly meant. We can press the flower on a color and press it on the frame and you got a real flower design on it,”
“Really? That works?” Questioned the daughter making Rollan nod.
“I’ve seen your Uncle do that. It’s possible, don’t worry. The best option is for us to pick more than one flower and try each one out,” Suggested Rollan making Helena nod. “Roscie, do you want to come with us?”
“Can we add something else, than flowers?” Questioned Roscoe making Rollan nod.
Leaves from the trees should work too,” Rollan commented making Helena widen her eyes and grab her father’s arms.
“Papi! Papi! We can use other things from our house as well, right?” Questioned Helena. “You’re using the paper from your book,”
“Yes we can……..we can take from the sewing box a thread. We can do more than just dipping it in color. We can put it around the frame or instead we go to the next sewing shop and buy a thicker thread. Makes it a little easier for us,” Suggested Rollan, then Roscoe got up to get to his father.
“Mom says we need permission to open the box, because of the needles,” Commented Roscoe making Rollan nod.
“Look I have a different idea. I take you to the sewing shop. While we’re on our way we pick up the flowers we need for Helena. Perhaps we will hear new ideas on our way,” Offered Rollan making the kids nod. “Vamos, niños,”
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Very later at night, Rollan was by their kids’ room helping them cover their finished project and placed it on the edge of the room behind the open room door. Rollan stepped back along with the kids to see they had hidden the frame behind the used cover, then Rollan looked down at his kids and gave them a thumb up.
“Muy bien,” Complimented Rollan, then got jumped by the twins which fell over Rollan down. “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
“We did it!” The kids chanted making Rollan laugh, then sit up to embrace the kids.
“Come, let’s get you two to bed. Mom still has to wait for tomorrow for the gift. We don’t want to spoil her the surprise, right?” Questioned the raven-haired man making the kids nod. “Come, let’s get you two covered,” Stated Rollan watching the kids run to their beds, afterward he got up to watch the two lie down. “Will you wake Mama up first or, shall we do like last year for her breakfast?” Rollan asked quietly getting between the beds of the twins to see, what they would answer.
“We will give her the gift first,” Suggested Helena. “To be different from last times. What do you think Roscoe?”
“Good idea,” Commented Roscoe. “Is that okay, Dad?” Questioned the boy making Rollan smile.
“Of course,” Said the father getting down on his knees to see the boy sitting on the bed, then get under his covers. Rollan smiled, then heard someone knock on the door and he looked back to see Gerda gaze into the bedroom to see the trio in the bedroom.
“Have you brushed your teeth before bed?” Questioned Gerda making the kids nod. “Did they?” Questioned Gerda looking at Rollan, which chuckled and looked at Roscoe.
“Can I check the smile?” Asked Rollan watching Roscoe grin to show his teeth to the father. “Muy lindo,” Complimented Rollan, then looked back at Helena, which opened his mouth to show it to her father. “Check!” Responded Rollan, followed by Helena sticking her tongue out to her father, which laughed. “What was that for?” Asked Rollan jokingly, then Helena jumped out from her cover at Rollan’s arms.
“Good night,” Wished Helena making Rollan smile and peck her forehead. Helena returned to her bed and Rollan covered her, afterward Gerda came to visit the kids as well, then kneed down beside her daughter.
“Sweet dreams you two,” Wished Gerda giving Helena a kiss on her cheek, then leaned her forehead on the daughter. “Don’t let any cockroaches bite your toes,” Joked the blonde making Helena giggle as Gerda tickled her daughter on the sides.
Rollan observed his life partner with a smile making her way to Roscoe to give him a goodnight kiss on the forehead, then tickled him on his neck making him laugh, and got up, followed by Rollan.
“Let’s go to bed too,” Gerda said making Rollan nod, then walked to the exit, followed by Gerda who went to grab the door handle, then spotted behind the door a covered object and raised her eyebrows curious and noticed on the edge, that the frame wasn’t fully covered showing a red wooden piece making Gerda grin, having an idea, what was located back there. Gerda leaned the door of the kids and looked at Rollan, which stood in the middle of the corridor waiting for her to come. Gerda smiled and embraced the Spaniard, making him smile accepting the deed.
“The reason they were absent today was because of a surprise, right?” Whispered Gerda, then Rollan placed his index finger in front of his lips to sign Gerda to be quiet.
“They don’t want you to know,” Mentioned Rollan making Gerda nod.
“I don’t know, what they did, don’t worry…...you know tomorrow it’s mother’s day, what else should I guess?” Questioned the blonde quiet making Rollan shrug his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” Commented Rollan, then walked along with Gerda into their bedroom to get to sleep as well.
The next morning, Gerda lied with her back against Rollan’s shoulder who was sleeping on his belly with his face on the pillow. The sun had been shining slightly through the slots of the shutters. Gerda opened her eyes gently to look at the sunlight, then smiled at seeing the light and turned around to look at her husband sleeping in the usual position he would end up waking up after a certain time through the night. Gerda embraced his arm, leaning her cheek on there to remain resting along with her husband, then heard a quiet knock on the door, which rather than waking Gerda up just made her dig her cheek tighter on her husband.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Yelled two voices making Gerda open her eyes and look back at the door to see the kids standing there looking at their mother
“Good morning,” Greeted Gerda opening her arms to see her kids race towards her, getting up on the bed to embrace their mom, which wrapped both her arms around the duo. “Thank you, children,” Gerda said sharing with both the children a kiss on their cheek.
“Mom you have to see your present,” Announced Roscoe grabbing her mother’s arm.
“Yes, we made it together for you,” Added Helena making Gerda nod and get down from her bed along with the kids. The trio walked out of the room and Roscoe went behind their room’s door to grab the covered frame by one edge with a growl.
“I think that’s too heavy for you, Roscoe,” Mentioned Helena making Roscoe nod and take his hands away. Gerda smiled and placed her hands on the covers and looked at her kids.
“Can I just remove the cover?” Questioned the blonde making the kids nod and the mother uncovered the frame to look at it amazed. “Wow, did you two decorate that?” Asked Gerda watching the kids nod, then Roscoe approached one side of the frame to explain, what they did there.
“Down on this edge here, I made various shapes of snowflakes I could come up here. This thick paper goose daddy made for me out of a book, so I could stick on here. Over the goose here I painted your favorite color. This paper here is also from the book daddy cut for Us the goose out. We saw out in the village a man repairing his accordion and Daddy suggested we could try and stick the thing from the accordion here, just out of paper. The red one did Daddy, I did the blue one, and Helena the green one,” Roscoe explained while Gerda listened to the boy. Roscoe looked at Helena, which described the other part of the frame.
“This heart here made the carpenter, that gave us the frame. He said we could write a message in there for you. The flowers down there I am the one who drew it. Between mine and Roscoe’s drawings, we followed an idea Daddy gave us and helped us with. We put a large thread in blue and pink color and wrapped it around the frame. We removed it afterward, so the color would remain there like it is now,”
“Very good idea and what about those flower drawings here?” Asked Gerda.
“Daddy said, Uncle Kai did something like that once and took us to collect some flowers to do that too,” Explained Roscoe making Gerda nod and look at the upper frame, which had a large weasel made of thick paper making Gerda smile as she recognized the animal.
“Daddy said, before we were born you used to have a weasel living with you, but she died,” Commented Roscoe making Gerda nod.
“Yeah, she had been around my entire childhood,” Mentioned Gerda neutral. “She had been the only friend I had until I found your Uncle Kai,”
“I’m sorry, mom,” Apologized Helena picking Gerda’s arm to put around herself and help to comfort her mother, then Gerda embraced her daughter giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s okay,” Answered Gerda, then looked at the top of the frame to see the middle consisting of a green thread tied up onto it with small yellow flowers, making Gerda look amused by the bright color of them and reached her finger to touch it. “Oh, they aren’t dandelions,”
“Where we bought the thread the woman there showed us how to make them. We needed daddy’s help, because he needed to cut a bit of that metal thread, so we could have it fastened there,” Explained Helena earning a nod from Roscoe.
“He watched very well over us. He made sure none of us would get hurt. Okay, I think cutting the metal Daddy needed another scissor…...it looked a little difficult,” Confessed Roscoe making Gerda nod and open her arms, so her kids could give her a hug.
“This was the greatest gift you two could have given me,” Gerda said sensing both her children lean their heads closer to her chest. “You two are my treasure,” Gerda complimented sharing with her kids a long hug. “We just need to get another point later a picture we can use the frame for. Like a painting of us all four in it. This will look amazing!”
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Searing Starlight (chapter two)
A/n Chapter twooo!! I cannot believe the support I’ve been getting on here im so excited to share my six of crows/shadow and bone fics with y’all!
 Lmk if you’d like to be tagged when I update this story!! And just letting y’all know I take requests so if you have an idea you’d like to see me attempt feel free to comment it or send it in :)) 
At least Kaz’s claimed ‘wraith’ (which is such an odd thing to just have) is a girl, and a seemingly kind one at that. She was quick to find me, body pressed into wooden shelves and glass bottles, and subtly gesture for me to follow her. It had been difficult to keep track of her flighty form through the crowd, but I think there was a point in her strange raveling, to make sure no one was following me. 
She’s not particularly talkative, but she doesn’t seem bothered by me. She tossed me a random oversized shirt to pull over my dress when she saw how I kept adjusting the fabric and crossing my arms. That was kinder than she needed to be. I think I’ll like her. 
“So you’re a wraith,” I manage, breaking the nervous silence, “Like a full time, constantly on-call wraith.” 
The question seems to puzzle her, dark eyebrows drawing together. “Yes.” The corner of her mouth twitches up slightly, a smile. “A full time, constantly on-call wraith.” She hesitates, perfect stance adjusting. “What were you doing before?” 
Great. This question. “Nothing important.” It’s not a fair cop-out. Especially since she answered my question. “I um...I’m indentured to Rollan Kenya.” 
I watch her reaction to the name. Some know of him. Some revere him. Some loathe him and everything he’s associated with. “His religious interpretations are controversial.” 
“If you think what he says to the public is bad you should hear what he says in private.” I push myself further into the chair I’m in. 
Something strange flickers over her features. “I can imagine.” 
Shaking my head, I hope I’m ending this conversation. “What’s your name?” 
A hesitation. “Inej.” 
I nod once, “I’m y/n.” 
“Do you need water, y/n?” 
I scratch my still exposed knee. “That’d be nice. Thank you.” 
She’s quick to leave, feet making no noise. A minute later she returns with a cup. I have no reason to suspect her, but I still sniff the cup before taking a cautious sip. I wonder if Anya made it back home. I wonder if she’s worse off for it. 
Before I can fall into a pit of debating despair, the door to the room Inej took me to squeaks open. On instinct, I snap my gaze towards the door, tensing. The first person I notice is Kaz, entering the room with a determination too intense for this time of night. Jesper is quick to follow, and I drop my stare. I’ve never had to interact with anyone I’ve lied to after taking their money. 
“Are they gone?” Inej asks, clearly accustomed to such brooding tension. 
Kaz nods once, “It took too much convincing--the Inferni’s more than she’s letting on.” 
I’m literally in the room. “I’m not--we’ve spoken two words to each other, sorry my abilities didn’t come up.” 
He turns towards me with a deadly grace. My grip on the cup tightens. What the hell is wrong for me? How deeply instilled is that god complex Kenya wanted in me? It must be as part of me as my name if I felt comfortable enough to speak that way to Kaz Brekker. 
I keep my eyes on his cane, waiting for some kind of physical retaliation. “Maybe the grisha hunting you would appreciate your sense of humor more.” 
It’s a bluff. He needs me. He’s desperate for something that can mimic a Sun Summoner. Still though, I’m not in the mood to poke a bear with a stick. “Speaking from experience,” I clear my throat awkwardly, “They tend not to.”
“Then I suggest you begin explaining before I decide I’d rather take my chances and you lose your worth.” 
Maybe if I hadn’t spent the last eleven years of my life with Kenya, his words would haunt me. I keep my expression set, but the lanterns in the room flicker. “It’s not as impressive as they’re making it seem--Inferni can produce fire, regular, red, bright fire.” I pause, feeling energy in my palms. “I can do the same, but I can also,” I extend a flat palm, “Do this.” 
I focus my energy on restraint, forcing the fire on my skin to remain there, covering my palms in a cold, blue glow. “It’s still fire, just blue--and that matters to them because blue light is the only kind you can use in the Fold.” Do they know anything about the fold? “Kenya, the man I’m indentured to, believes that this ability makes me eligible for Sainthood. He specializes in collecting people he thinks are eligible for Sainthood.” The low flame coating my palm licks upwards as I remember what disappointing Kenya means. “And if you don’t meet his standards, he’ll find a way to make sure you do. That’s why the grisha want me. He made me more and they believe that if they give me to someone who can give me an amplifier I’ll be able to produce enough blue light to protect an entire fleet.” 
“What do you mean ‘he’ll find a way to make sure you do’?” Inej’s voice is cautious. An attempt to be respectful. 
I drop my palm, letting the fire disappear into nothingness. “I wasn’t born with the ability to control the blue light so well--It’s difficult enough to produce for longer than two seconds let alone keep it from burning everything in sight. By the time I ended up in Kenya’s control he had learned that certain stimulants. Some scientists are working on a more grisha-targeted kind, but Kenya has managed to work with the generic well enough.” Hands shaking, I wipe the condensation off the side of the cup and hold out my wrist. Using the condensation, I begin to wipe at my wrist and forearm, smearing my makeup and revealing the needle bruises. “The key is withdrawals.”
Thoughts of begging Kenya, crying and screaming for another fix as he promised to give me that as soon as I showed some control of my abilities, make the shaking in my hand worse. I clasp my hands together, squeezing them in hopes of hiding the signs of withdrawal. 
I stare at the ground, not wanting to take anyone’s reaction in. I handle pity as well as I handle kindness. 
“Do you think you could produce enough blue light for one ship?”
Looking up, I take in Kaz’s measured expression. I’m glad he’s sticking to business. I’d rather that than deal with unpacking all of that with a group of strangers that don’t care if I live or die. 
“I could try.” I’ve never tried to protect anything that large. “Even if I can, it doesn’t mean a voyage like that will be safe.” 
“There’s no real safety in the Fold,” he replies easily. Realistic expectations. That will make this easier. “No one finds out about her--especially not Pekka Rollins.” 
I pull my arm towards my body, glad for the opportunity to hide the bruises. Signs of my weakness. The worst part was always the way Kenya would speak to me after. Pathetic. Weak. Trapped within the restraints of my flesh. 
“Who’s Pekka Rollins?” 
Kaz briefly turns his head in my direction. “No one that will ever concern you.” He ignores my annoyed huff. “We’ll use the Inferni to get to Alina Starkov.” 
Alina. Alina Starkov. “What do you want with Alina?”
 At that, the room seems to drain. I feel weirder than when they were seeing my abilities. 
“You know her?” Jesper’s surprise reveals more than Kaz wants him to. I don’t miss the glare he receives.
I half-shrug. “We were in the same orphanage for awhile.”
“How did you get to Ketterdam?” I don’t trust Kaz’s urgency. 
“I don’t remember, I was a child and I--I hit my head that night I think. I just woke up and I was with Kenya.” 
“How well do you know Alina?” 
There was a point in time in which she was my best friend. We learned how to braid hair by practicing on each other, we would draw maps together, and I was the only one who knew about her crush on Mal. “Not that well.” 
He takes a step forward, eyes almost squinting. The touch of distrust is evident on his face. “If you’re lying I’ll find out.” 
I owe Alina at least this. “Well then it’s a good thing I’m not.” 
I’m not naive enough to believe that I’ve convinced him, but his intense gaze does not remain on me. I’m relieved when his attention is off of me, but he’s only moving on to start planning the riskiest thing I’ve ever done. 
Taglist: @ambrosia-v-black 
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spinachandhoney · 3 years
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A King brothers shitpost, if you will.
Rollan really had high hopes for his brother, yeah he kinda failed in the role model department. I felt the original meme which came from the Star Wars prequel trilogy was perfect for the brothers’ unfortunately gruesome and tragic relationship.
Anyway funny meme haha time go drink some water and take care of yourselves you uv light addicted homosapiens 🔫
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bladealvis · 5 years
“Lone Wolf” is literally the perfect ship name for Rollan/Conor
i love “Rags and Royalty” for Rollan/Meilin too???
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bongrollan · 4 years
Our Story
You arrived in a box.  It was a small one, an ordinary brown box that the grocery stores supply when you buy items too heavy for bags - a testament to how unprepared i was to pick you up and bring you to our home. 
A day earlier, your breeder just informed me that i could pick you up already.  And just an hour before that, i was there looking at your crate where you and your siblings were all bunched up.
“Choose one” Rene, your breeder said.
I tried hiding a tinge of disappointment.  I always thought huskies were gray.  You and your siblings bore a shade i wasnt familiar with - copper or red. 
“I don’t know. Choose na lang for me.” 
“This one.  He is the most lively one.”  
And so it was that fate, working through Rene, chose you out of 6-8 similar looking puppies to come home to Fairview.  
In many ways, the box and the unpreparedness of it all, echoed the unexpected impact you would have in our house.  Pets weren’t big in the Rollan household. 
Before you, there was only one dog, my brother’s shih tzu, Kimchi, who occasionally visited and dazzled us with his magic tricks.  But there were no pets who lived at home.  
So you can imagine the mixed bag of emotions that came with me bringing you home.  A pet in a house that viewed dogs as bantay (guard dogs).  And that i insisted you share the room with me and my mom, because at the time, i shared a room with her, was met with many a raised eyebrow.
There were no instruction manuals that came with you.  No guides.  I didn’t have dog friends yet (furparents) and so for the early days it was trial and error - not a perfect parent recipe to raise a young pup.  The days and nights were a constant trying to sift fact from folklore as Pinoys had so many passed down on how dogs should be raised.  
Yaya and I stayed out late for hours on end to wait for you to poop.  (This we got right). I didn’t know about crate training and how it can be used to house-train you.  So we did it by sheer effort. And had to wake up in the early morning hours to rush you out until you eventually learned to keep it in till morning
I walked you every morning during those early days.  Before you, i never ventured out of the house.  I was taught that the streets weren’t safe, that tambays (people drinking in the streets) would bother you, etc, or the occasional stray dog could harm you.  I also didn’t know about parvo, distemper, and all the other diseases that you - not yet fully vaccinated- could contract.  So i guess we both had to venture out and try to keep each other safe.
You kept the stray dogs that barked at us at bay. They barked but you silently stood ground until they backed off.
A turning point for us was when we both started taking classes at Betterdog, and then eventually at Pup Culture too.  I learned to be a better parent and you learned to behave. To this day, several dogs later, you were the most behaved.  You could read the people at home.  You knew when they liked you and when they were scared.  And you wanted everyone to like you.
I didnt know about the stages of puppy development - most especially the three months where a pup needs to socialize and feel safe about the world. Exposure was key as it would set you up for life.  And without knowing that, we stumbled through that too.  I mistakenly hugged you when you shivered at the independence day fireworks display and that reinforced your fear of loud noises - a fear you brought with you until years later your love for the family and being part of it was much stronger than new year’s fireworks and so you ventured out to be with the family anyway.  
A bad encounter with a water bowl, where an older dog snapped at you for drinking his water, made you possessive of your things - a trait that made people fear you and one that we had to manage throughout your life.  People became scared of you - as you would snap at them.  Some were bitten and that made you even more a wolf in their eyes.  But even with that horrific image and perception, your loving nature still found a way to endear yourself to others.
You loved your car rides and your walks- just like your brothers who came after you.  But your joy was different and in many ways mirrored my own.  You were happy for the company not the walk.  It didn’t matter whether it was a trip to bgc, or the beach or even to the dirty park nearby.  The destination wasnt important to you. It was the people you were with.  
And yes i didnt get that wrong.  You wanted people’s affection and approval where other dogs wanted the company of other dogs.  When we walked with our friends, you always stopped to check if they were still with us.  And you refused to go home and part ways with them.  
You showed your love in simple ways.  A howl to greet people - which to be fair either was seen as endearing or terrifying, the latter i don’t understand why, a slight lean on their legs as you sit beside them. You didn’t just sit for people.  Other dogs would sit in front of you. You would move to the side of the person’s leg and sit beside him/her as if inviting them to touch you - go ahead, i can be yours for 30 seconds while you pet me. And how could i forget the kisses.  You loved to sneak kisses to strangers as they pet you.  A sudden lunge and then you would gently smack their lips with your nose.  And you somehow knew which people were ok to kiss and which weren’t- that obviously you didn’t learn from me.
I would like to think that despite all of my shortcomings and mistakes that we did ok.  I would like to hope that for the brief moments you were happy.  I know you changed me in ways i cannot describe.  You touched me, yaya (who became your most avid supporter) and mommy (who was deathly scared of you at first) and i believe we did the same to you too.  
I always joked that you had to be gwapo to be a Rollan furkid.  You set the bar pretty high. You were the most handsome husky i had seen. Biases aside, this isnt an opinion of a parent with blinders - like when your mom says you are handsome.  Everyone you met affirmed the same thing. You had a face so perfect.  And your hazel eyes, mind you blue eyes were all the rage at the time for huskies, were perfect and full of expression and life.Maybe your looks were genetic- although to be fair, we bumped into your littermate and he was a far cry from you. 
Or maybe it was also an outward manifestation of the love you always wanted to share and that i hope we also shared with you.
We had several adventures during our time.  But now i feel guilty that it wasn’t enough.  I would like to blame covid for stopping our weekly excursions, but it seems an empty excuse bec, i’m sure we would’ve or should’ve found a way.  I feel guilty that my attention was split when we got your brothers and sisters. That wasn’t fair to you and maybe it stung when you saw them being more accepted bec they didn’t have your phobias... But for all their approachableness, they lacked your soul.  Maybe that’s harsh or maybe too early as some of them are still young and with time could probably develop the same rapport.  But you were the one that was attuned to the family and to people.
Its funny how when you see the sum of all the things we’ve done and learned - obedience, failed attempts at agility and flyball, nosework, etc... we never excelled at any of those. I suspect they were never important to you. You were never ball crazy like the others, never really hungry to run and jump.   You did them because i wanted us to do them - because for those brief moments we were of one mind.  I wish i relished in that more than in the feeling that we failed time and time again. For those countless hours of training and the brief seconds before you pee to get us eliminated, we had each other
I told my friends when they asked who was my favorite-  you know Winter is the crowd favorite.  The celebrity crush people want to take pictures with and get close to.  Haru is the mysterious talented savant that you would admire.   But Watson has the heart and soul you would wish from a friend.  The pal who after all the lights and sounds have faded would just be content to sit beside you in the darkness. No words need be said.  But both of you would be contented just there beside each other.
Watson was and is my heart dog. I don’t know when we would get our chance to sit beside each other again and just watch time pass by.  Or when we would play fetch, or scent work, or walk or swim.  Thank you for touching our lives
Last september 10, you once more came in a box.  Only this time, this was to be the last time.  I took you for your last car ride to the crematory.  They could’ve picked you up from the house, but i wanted to bring you. One last time.  
I love you my Watson.  Run free and i hope we see each other again.
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The Event Part-1
Fun filled event
It was a splendid event. Mike was very excited about that. She and Laura organized their forty-ninth birthday parties now and grief and sorrow. All the old schools and universities invited. I was invited because he and I were together at the university. I placed their venue to host the event BIRTHDAY PLANNER IN PAKISTAN, a point near the Sorbonne in Latin. This place was a microcosm of the culture and ethics of Paris. Most importantly, it was compatible with the man of birth, Mike's mental mind and taste. Bash was great. We loved us. Every one of us who attended his birthday event will never forget that usually French Karim includes boil ayes, hangings, veal, cowpea and cassock, along with mushrooms and other desserts. I even remembered Mike becoming a childishly mistress when she opened her birthday presentation. Mike received a variety of birthday gifts from books, pens, and watches for shirts, pants, ties, champagne bottles and cash. I gave me Roman Rollan Jean Christophe. He meant buying the novel for a long time. I learned from the fact of his wife, Laura, and so he bought and presented the novel Mammoth. Laura photographs countless of the party with their digital camera in order to realize this event.
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A home event
My sister, Daniela's marriage, was a great event. Daniel was beautiful in white, necklace, dress and hijab, a bouquet of red roses and pink in her hand. We were married to our young cousin. This was my mother, and my task is to get him around. My brother, Roper, was actually a friend of mine. Through me I saw him. My sister then worked as a teaching teacher and did his doctorate. And Rupert now had a busy job at a multinational bank. The game looks perfect. Both of them loved each other. My mother and I decided to hold this occasion. We wanted to make it an impressive and remarkable thing, a final event that will enjoy not only the bride and groom, but also all the wedding guests. And exactly how it turned out! The wedding was followed by a luxurious lunch. Everyone brought a test to a newly married couple. At night and on the day, another dance and dinner were happy. We invited all our friends and relatives and asked Rupert to do the same. As a result, the reception hall with people, my mother and mother Rupert were all the more excited. Most of the guests belonging to the generation of our mothers received favors about the young couple and hoped to invite them again to celebrate the celebration. The gift filled the whole room, almost fell to the ceiling. We all took photos of the event, even Daniela, in spite of his bridal wear. When the young couple went to their honeymoon, my mother, Mother and Brother Rupert, all alongside us, in honor of the success of the wedding that had happened, had a quiet party alongside us. My mother asked me to marry and stay and even promised me to throw her as gorgeous as she threw him for Daniela. The whole event was very good to be true, it was very sad, like a dream that left us, husband and wife's families.
Exited event We continued to dream for a short time. My mother was busy with my work; I was pleased with my motivational, coaching and counseling sessions. But as all the dreams that woke up, we woke up from our dream security as well, when Daniela reported to us that Rupert was a man who seemed to be before his marriage. In a few months, our dream became a nightmare. Daniel and Rupert were practically in each other's throats. It was also very embarrassing because Mother Rupert and my mother were a good friend over the course of a few months. Initially, we tried to patch two of them. Since I was chosen as an intermediary, my siblings and friends, both families. But nothing can help. Marriage was beyond. Most importantly, the whole event shook us all. What we assumed as an alliance in Paradise turned into a hellish alliance, a union that never meant it. The brutal reality of divorce never forgot our minds. But divorce seemed to be the only event that could lead to the appearance of peace in Daniela and Rupert's life. I felt very guilty because it was through me that my sister saw his wife. Divorce was held for many families, there were many conflicts and legal conflicts. But this was a better way. They can no longer marry.
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wesexybeast24-blog · 7 years
My Course, My Choice
Hi Everyone I am about to share something not so interesting about my life so yeah lets start.
My name is Jaynette Xennia Rollan. 18 years of age and i am a dentistry student. I chose this coarse because first and foremost this is my dream, helping other people and making them happy. I want to give them the perfect smile they wanted to have and make the cute little things(teeth) in the oral cavity healthy. When i was on my elementary years i already have this passion, being in a medical field. First i wanted to be a nurse but my parents tease me that i will just clean the feces of the patients so then i did not want be be a nurse anymore hihi. Then when i first saw my dentist uncle i became interested of what he is doing. I admire his interaction with his patients. He is very approachable and he is very passionate with his work. I want to follow his footsteps because i wanted to have enough time for my family. I can choose any time to entertain patients like my uncle does. he wakes up like afternoon already and he has no specific time going to his office his just waiting for his patients to contact him and then he will go there. i want to become like him because i want to become my own boss :) That’s all for today thanks for reading :) :)
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thestylemaxim · 7 years
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We are in the 21st Century where taking selfies have been part of our daily lives. In today’s era, a high mega-pixel camera is one of the specs we are looking for a smartphone. Having a high mega-pixel smartphone gives us the confidence to face the world. It also gives us the chance to share the latest updates of our lives and show it to our friends on different social media sites.
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Recently, the fastest-emerging smartphone brand, OPPO, launches the latest addition to their selfie-expert camera, the OPPO F3. The event was held at Conrad Manila Forbes Ballroom. The unforgettable event was attended by big celebrities in the Philippines like Sarah Geronimo, Alden Richards, Robi Domingo and other Kapamilya and Kapuso stars.
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The OPPO F3 was a perfect smartphone especially to those persons who love taking selfies as it has a 16-megapixel shooter. Addition to that, it also a perfect smartphone for barkada shots, as it allows user to capture a wider picture (Siguradong magkakasya na kayo ng mga beshies ninyo).
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Here’s the sample picture without the wide feature.
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Tadaaaaaaaah, here’s the wide feature effect of the newest OPPO F3.
L - R: Abby Almonte, Char Deocareza, Mikhail Rollan, and Ralph Vayson.
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Some of our selfies.
Another good thing about this phone is the bokeh effect which can give you a SLR-shot! Also, it is the most suitable phone for everyone for it has a good, clean and simple design!
This OPPO F3 is now out in the market for just only P16,990.
Here are some of my ootd pics!
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Taking a good selfie in this huge OPPO F3!
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bayofwolves · 8 months
you'll all be overjoyed to know that rollan and meilin are officially dating in a revised history of erdas. they got together not long after the evertree, so two years and a bit, going strong! they actually celebrate their two-year anniversary while on the run in heart of the land. that scene where they sneak away to kiss by a waterfall? yeah. tweaking that scene a little. they get to the waterfall and after talking for a bit rollan is like "hey, can you believe we've been together for two years?" he almost thinks she forgot, in the stress and havoc of it all, but then she pulls out a gift that she got him for the occasion. just a little something. a pair of feather earrings or an otter token or something like that. but it's perfect.
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Spirit Animals: Fire and Ice (Reread pt. 4)
Chapter 1
I remember Gerathon’s chapter only because of the excessive use of the word life, which is of course the point. 
Also, is the youngish guy the same guy that freed her? I think so . . .
A lot of adjectives in this first chapter.
She killed a Niloan woman for no reason??? But the motive for Kovo and Geratthon was to stop the Wyrm??? I don’t really remember them doing anything else?
Chapter 2
“ . . . relentless pace through Zhong and now Northern Eura . . . ” (4). Wow, they didn’t even stop by Greenhaven.
“The Great Crocodile . . . ” (4). Didn’t Dinesh specifically say the crocodile wasn’t a Great Beast??? Plot hole???
“‘And I only tell you this story as a warning because, you know, you do have that unfortunate habit of licking lampposts’” (5). This book is the real beginning of Rollan and Meilin’s ~more than friends~ relationship.
“ . . . certain the girl had been disappointed in her spirit animal, as Meilin had been with her panda” (7). Didn’t Meilin begin to accept Jhi’s talents in the last book, though??? She’s regressed?
“‘ . . . there was any town between here and Arctica’” (8). I genuinely thought Samis was on Arctica. Did Suka swim across the ocean?
Ironic that Rollan stopped a robbery. (Yes, I know he has a code.)
“‘I’m sorry, Rollan,’ said Meilin. ‘You probably think I’m bossy and pushy, and you could have handled him yourself, and I shouldn’t interfere all the time and-’” (14). This is so out of character for Meilin??? She doesn’t ramble like that???
“Meilin had never been so aware of the beating of her heart” (15). The Rollan-Meilin book.
Chapter 3
“Not forgotten or forgiven” (16). But??? They did??? They literally had a moment in the third book where they forgave him??? I thought this was over???
“ . . . Conor went on about sheep, the different breeds, asking in-depth questions about caribou eating and sleeping habits” (18). He’s so awkward . . . I imagine the caribou herders just staring at him like What is with this guy and sheep?
“‘Look,’ Meilin whispered. ‘The stones have names but not dates’” (21). I didn’t know Chinese people had tombstones, so I searched it up and apparently Chinese gravestones do have dates and other inscriptions. Guess you learn something new everyday.
“‘Could you perhaps explain the “other end” bit? I find it confusing’” (22). I love how, despite the fact that they speak so formally, they show how they are really just eleven/twelve-year-olds with potty humor.
“‘The emperor’s daughter had such toys . . . ’” (23). Song and Meilin were confirmed to have met as far back as the fourth book???
“Briggan sniffed the air and sneezed” (23). I love how they managed to make that sound ominous.
Chapter 4
“Abeke thought it was unforgivably stupid of these villagers to risk their children by refusing to allow a Greencloak in the village” (25). Just in the last book we were introduced to the rhino riders, who never bonded to spirit animals??? How come Abeke didn’t feel weird about them?
“Something in Abeke warned that she shouldn’t be quite so trusting, but she just didn’t believe bright smiles could hide dark hearts” (26). I talked in my very first post about how Abeke and Rollan had opposite character developments. This is a perfect example. In Hunted, Rollan mentions he doesn’t trust people that smiled brightly, because smiles could hide wicked thoughts. Here, Abeke has the opposite philosophy.  
Abeke and Rollan have opposite philosophies when it comes to respecting elders as well . . . 
Why did it take me so long to realize . . . they are literally foils . . .
“Now she allowed herself to soak in that title, to feel community with the water before her . . . ” (29). It’s still strange how Uraza’s appearance makes Abeke a Rain Dancer. Leopards don’t have anything to do with water, and Uraza even hates ships and water, so how???
I like that each of the four played a part in figuring out Pia’s lie. It really cements the theme of teamwork.
“He surprised her by meeting her halfway, his arms open” (35). Shane’s so manipulative, he’s the perfect example of a toxic friendship. 
“‘Touch Abeke again and I’ll knock you flat on your stink-stained Conqueror behind!’” (35). I love how you can tell this line was said by Conor because of the awkwardness of the words. It’s not, like, smooth like Rollan? I’m not doing a very good job of explaining this-
“The panda sat calmly behind her, investigating the grass, looking entirely unthreatening, but Meilin smiled, lifted her fists . . . ” (36). Not even thirty pages ago, Meilin was complaining about how useless Jhi was? Meilin’s opinion of Jhi is so inconsistent in this book already. 
“‘You imagined punching [Shane’s] face in over and over again.’ ‘Pretty much,’ said Conor” (38). Where exactly is Conor’s hatred for Shane coming from? I know that he’s a Conqueror and whatnot, but Conor’s anger seems almost . . . targeted toward him in particular? Like they’ve also seen Tahlia and Ana, but Conor’s anger doesn’t seem to be as much for them as it does for Shane. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like that Abeke still trusts him?
“‘[Shane] almost always keeps his spirit animal in passive state when he meets us’” (38). When have they ever met before this??? In the first book, they met during battle. “Shane’s” wolverine was out. Second book, Shane wasn’t even there. Third book, they meet during battle again? They have never met in a peaceful way before? Another plot hole?
“‘He. Is. The. Enemy’” (38). She’s . . . not wrong.
“Abeke began to question the sincerity of the smile” (40). Development.
Chapter 5
“‘I had no father, no family besides a mother who lived with a bottle in her hand . . . ’” (45). Aidana’s mother was an alcoholic???
“He thumbed a clash of old scars on his wrist and wondered if Wikerus had caused those as well” (47). Would’ve been cool if these scars had been mentioned before now as foreshadowing. Like if Rollan had a habit of tracing over them while he was worried or something, while he mentioned that he had no memory of how he had gotten them.
Aidana genuinely thought Rollan had grown up with a nice family? Huh . . . 
“Something in her face made him think she was about to lie to him” (51). Rollan literally sniffed out the fake compass before she even gave it to him or mentioned it???
Oof, Rollan was literally so close to finding out Pia’s lie.
Rollan hugging his mom and Abeke hugging Shane parallels? More fodder for the foil theory.
Chapter 6
“The idea of a family - his own family, his mother - was a greater draw than any talisman in the world” (57). This is pretty much the equivalent of Rollan admitting he would do what Conor did at the end of Hunted, isn’t it? He values his mother over a talisman. Conor valued his family over a talisman, and Rollan judged him over it.
Oop, it was in fact foreshadowing: Rollan apologizes to Conor the very next paragraph. 
“‘And that sheep joke you tell to everyone new we meet . . . ’” (57). I wonder if Conor told the sheep joke to the caribou herders.
“Certainly [the spy] wasn’t Rollan himself” (59). This feels like foreshadowing . . . the use of the words “certainly” and “himself”. 
“ . . . only a narrow channel of the sea separated Eura from Arctica” (59). That’s not what it looks like on the map??? This is the second time the map has seemed inaccurate.
I’ll bet anyone that the creature that just tried to capsize the boat was a- *lowers voice* -walrus.
Huh, only Marked people can live up North? That’s a detail I don’t remember. 
“He turned, feeling surprisingly hurt . . . ” (66) and “He tended to keep Meilin in the corner of his eye a lot lately” (67). *obnoxiously* Ooooooooh. 
Aw, Rollan-Essix brother-sister relationship! (Though that is somewhat creepy.)
With the way the four are describing food, they honestly could be writers. 
“This was not a street crew, ready to abandon him at the first sign of trouble” (73). This book is very much a Rollan book, just like Hunted was a Conor book. 
“Essix stayed on his shoulder for the rest of the day” (74). SLAY.
Rollan witnesses Aurora Borealis!
Chapter 7
“To Abeke, family meant a father and a sister who lived in the same house, ate with her, scolded her, wished her different” (77). Abeke’s clearly unreciprocated love for her family is so sob-worthy.
“In one way, a boy her own age was rubbing her foot and that made her want to dig a hole to crawl in and die” (78). Not one page ago, Abeke referred to Conor as like a “brother”. 
Also, I still believe in Conor-Abeke queerplatonic supremacy.
“‘What camp? How?’ Rollan said. ‘We’re on the side of an ice mountain!’ Tarik handed him what looked like a nail used to build a house for a giant” (79). I think Conor should have been the one to suggest this, just like he was the one to suggest doing something similar during the first book. 
“‘Rollan, use the Slate Elephant!’ . . . ‘It’s in my pack’” (81). That seems incredibly stupid, when you consider that during a crevasse fall, Meilin lost her pack. They could easily lose the talisman. Instead they should do what Abeke did in Blood Ties and knot it tightly around their necks.
I didn’t realize how treacherous the icy cliffs and crevasses were during my first read-through. It does make the compass reveal even more excruciating. 
Chapter 8
Conor has the energy to sing a whole-ass song while he’s literally starving and freezing? Respect. 
“And the morning they ate the last rations of food, someone began to cry” (87). This is actually so heartbreaking.
It’s funny how fast Conor thinks of the fox as food, then as a destination.
“So the four of them followed the hunters . . . ” (91). Four? Seems like a mistake. There should be six. 
“‘Mine could take yours,’ Abeke whispered. ‘No way. Dog beats cat,’ said Conor” (91). Good to see them acting their age again.
“It might have sounded to her like he hated the task, but he really just didn’t want her to get frostbite again. He cringed behind his fur collar and waited” (92). Awkward Conor superiority.
“ . . . the violence of the hunting bothered him” (93). Didn’t he kill sheep as a shepherd, though?
LMFAO the seal-eating woman’s seal spirit animal.
Okay, so only four of them went? Meilin and Maya stayed back? Why?
Tarik singing about the seal brains makes me wonder if this is the first time that the authors had thought about a second series. We’ve already had two references to events that take place in the second series, which are Meilin’s reference to Song, and Tarik’s songs. Both appear in this book, which makes me think that the authors were hammering out their final plan for the second series while writing this book.
Chapter 9
This book definitely has longer chapters than the others. 
Abeke using her wits to find the location of the hidden Ice City based on the location of the villages is honestly so cool of her.
“Besides, it would feel really great to be a hero for once, to run back to camp and let everyone know she’d found Suka!” (101). I usually hate characters that try to be the hero and take on a bigger burden than they can handle when no prior experience shows that they have any skill to back up their cockiness. But Abeke’s ability to find the location of the Ice City is test enough, so I feel this is an okay action. 
“Abeke let the corner of her mouth rise a little. Meilin’s smile twitched in response” (103). Abeke and Meilin bonding without even a word is actually so slay of them.
The frozen city has frozen people??? I don’t remember this-
Chapter 10
“She believed in their mission” (113). Meilin has gone through so much development already. At the beginning she didn’t believe in the talisman hunt at all. 
“‘I’ll carry your pack for three days if you lick it.’ ‘Boys,’ Meilin muttered” (114). Hey, that’s actually a solid deal. Also Rollan and Conor's relationship! Mended! Also also, they’re acting their age again!
Chapter 11
Great Beast Essix! Slay!
“Essix’s talons seized him again, this time by the coat on his shoulders” (120). Why doesn’t Essix just toss Rollan onto her back? That’s so much more stable and leaves her with two free talons. 
“‘Jhi’s a panda!’ Meilin yelled. ‘A panda bear! . . . ’” (123). Honestly, the logic fits the age group. 
“They ran in lockstep, side by side the whole way, her hand in his” (125). Awwwwwww. 
Chapter 12
“My father’s death weakened me, she thought vaguely” (126). Not according to Abeke: “ . . . since her father’s death, Meilin seemed to be pure, quivering energy” (106). 
Jhi-Suka bear bonding! 
“‘When a healer joins a war, all should take notice . . . ’” (129). So true. 
“‘We Great Beasts have a stewardship over Erdas . . . ’” (131). So Great Beasts are supposed to protect Erdas, not just be godlike figures? I badly want a fic of the Four Fallen returning to their original states and talking about their time being bonded to humans. 
Meilin had a panda stuffed animal??? Why? First book Meilin seems like she’d have a tiger or ox stuffed animal instead?
“But when Rollan said ‘us,’ she heard ‘you and me’” (134). Rollan and Meilin are going strong without even being official.
“She bowed to him . . . ” (134). Something, something, this is symbolism for how Meilin sees Rollan as an equal instead of as underneath her now, something, something.
Chapter 13
ROLLAN THOUGHT A WALRUS WAS A DOG . . . *sounds of laughter* *sounds of choking* *sounds of heavy breathing*
“‘And how are we going to get supplies for our journey out of here?’” (139). I was literally thinking the same thing.
“‘If you two are done playing kissy-face’” (141). Real. Also, I imagine an eyebrow wiggle to accompany the statement.
Chapter 14
Chapters are getting shorter again.
“Maya flushed. ‘Thank you, but to me, what you do, what all of you do, is magic’” (142). I lowkey forgot Maya existed up until this point? Is that bad? She doesn’t contribute too much to conversations and I only remembered she existed during the fight with Suka. 
This last minute attempt to build a connection with Maya feels like the writer is intentionally trying to prepare us for what happens to her next. I think a better way to execute this would’ve been to have Maya joke with them here and there during their journey, maybe save their lives a couple times and think of some ideas to get them out of tough situations as the four did. Spread out through the book, it would’ve felt more natural and emotional when Maya’s injuries take place. But it feels rushed trying to build a practically brand-new relationship just before the climax.
“‘I never really get too cold anymore . . . ’” (143). An example of this is how we’re just finding out more about Maya’s powers more than 80% into the book.
I wonder if Meilin could’ve sleepwalked out of the Great Bamboo Maze. Gerathon wouldn’t’ve let her spy die, would she? It would’ve been interesting, except for the fact that Gerathon probably had no idea how to navigate the maze, either.
“‘ . . . the sun rises everywhere on Erdas . . . ’” (145). Conor has two kinds of lines: awkward lines and banger lines. 
Chapter 15
“ . . . for fear of losing a finger to the thing’s inevitable teeth” (149). LOL. This book is definitely a relationship building one. There are so many silly scenes, like the otter attack and Conor’s dream.
“‘I’m sorry to take your life, friend. My . . . my family here needs your meat to survive. I took a shot I knew was true and would give the least amount of pain. Thank you; in your death you have saved our lives’” (152). THE PARALLELS. The parallels to first book-first chapter Abeke.
Huh. They successfully get off Arctica and make it to Northern Eura??? I don’t remember that . . . 
“‘This is a bad idea,’ Conor growled. ‘That guy is a weasel’” (156). He’s not wrong . . . Shane is ridiculously manipulative.
“‘I want to punch that guy in the face’” (156). This is the second time Conor has expressed a specific desire to punch Shane in the face. I think he should go for it. It would be pretty satisfying. (Yes, Shane is still my favorite character, but I do think Conor deserves a chance to punch him in the face.)
“‘We will return Uraza, after we have cut her from the Niloan’s flesh. Perhaps the Greencloaks can bind the wound and make the union fresh, if you are quick about it’” (158). This is possible??? Also this talk of breaking and reunifying Abeke and Uraza . . . seems like foreshadowing. This is the third reference we’ve had to possible events in the second series.
“ . . . [Conor] rammed his shoulder into Shane’s middle, knocking him away from Abeke” (158). It’s not a punch in the face, but I guess it’ll do.
Rollan accidentally possibly killing Tahlia’s frog is hilarious. Like he didn’t even mean to, he just stepped on it and it went splat.
Chapter 16
“Shane had promised he could get the Conquerors to leave in peace if they traded him the Crystal Polar Bear for the Iron Boar” (161). It’s still unclear whether Shane truly meant to do this. Did he send Ana and Tahlia to receive the talisman to distract them? Was he actually holding Abeke’s arm to cut Uraza out of her? He did yell “Wait!” but it was unclear which side he was talking to. I don’t think Shane would’ve willingly hurt Abeke . . . 
“‘Are you okay? You’re bleeding,’ he said, pointing to her right temple with a finger that looked like it had been bitten by a crocodile” (162). Realistically, I know Shane would never release his thirty-foot long crocodile in an open battle like this . . . but that seems to be what this is hinting at?
It’s unclear to me whether Shane is trying to stop the arrows . . . or giving the order to shoot them. Obviously, Abeke thinks he’s trying to stop them, but she sees him as good and pure, always.
“A great maned lion pounced” (165). So with Bile, you can bond to animals the same species as a Great Beast?
“The Zhongian . . . ” (166). The Zhonigan??? Thought it was Zhongese? Is this a typo?
“‘Louder!’ Tahlia spat” (166). Does Tahlia enjoy war or something?
“‘STOP IT!’ the voice shrieked . . . ” (168). I’m pretty sure it’s Maya, but I’m not sure?
Chapter 17
“‘FORM UP!’ [Shane] shouted” (171). So it is possible that Shane was giving orders to shoot arrows, not trying to stop them? (Still not sure, though.)
“‘Someone in your party told the Devourer you had Suka’s talisman and where you would cross back into Eura . . . ’” (172). She referred to the Devourer as the Devourer, not the Reptile King. Does that mean she left the Conquerors?
“‘Not with Shane, not with the Greencloaks, let’s just go somewhere and be a family . . . ’” (172). So she did leave the Conquerors. I wonder what she saw to make her leave?
Wow, Rollan actually goes with her? He actually abandons his friends for a hot minute?
I forgot Gerathon’s control turned the controlled’s eyes yellow. 
Aidana asks Rollan to kill her??? I don’t remember this in the slightest.
The way the whole section after Aidana is written makes it so obvious Rollan is in shock. The style changes??? I don’t know how to describe it but it was great.
I kind of want a single Tarik perspective chapter. Just one. 
Rollan and Meilin are kind of foils, too, in how they dealt with loss. Rollan just shut down, while Meilin let it fuel her. 
Passive state Essix . . . yayyyyy . . . 
Final thoughts and rating:
I think this is the best book yet. It’s definitely a relationship-building book, which are set up so perfectly to be torn apart in the next book with the knowledge that someone is working against them. Set in the middle, it’s also a turning point for the direction of the series. Rollan’s relationship to his mom being explored and almost convincing him to abandon the Greencloaks was a good choice, showing that everyone has a weak spot. The Bile’s healing power and consequences being revealed in the same book was also a good choice. The way the trek through Arctica is written to be this long, impossible, treacherous nightmare felt like it enhanced the story and the betrayal that came with it. Rollan’s shock after almost getting killed by his mother was written so well. Conor’s hatred for Shane almost reads like jealousy? I don’t know how else to describe it. He seems to hate Shane more than the other Conquerors and appears to want him dead more than the others. The kids acting their age was also a nice touch, which I enjoyed a lot.
I thought Maya was a good addition, but the way they used her was a waste, in my opinion. As I mentioned, I think it would’ve been better to have her try to form a bond with the team over several small moments rather than one long conversation with just Abeke right before the climax. That was definitely a cop-out and I didn’t like the way it was done. Meilin’s thoughts about Jhi are wildly inconsistent and feel manufactured, almost? I’d also thought that Rollan had forgiven Conor during Blood Ties when the four had their moment, but apparently they decided to scrap that for a whole other plotline, which was . . . questionable, in my opinion. 
Rating: 9/10
P. S. Rollan and Abeke foils may be something I explore in a later post. 
P. P. S. I think I'm getting better at this! Personally, I think I see an improvement in quality between my Blood Ties reread and this one.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Gerda Pictures from the 5th part :3
Because since I joined this fandom, I'm a gay disaster for her.
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Chilling on the front of the ship.
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Admiring Rollan talking.
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Being a cutie pie :3
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Why did you just jump?
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For some reason, this reminds me of Kingsman 2 with Eggsy's fiancé.
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Ecofinisher.exe has stopped working. Sorry, but how can't you find her face cute? Knowing, that Laurie Hymes returns to voice her in English again makes it better 😭
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The town's in danger and it happened on the moment, you wished things would be less.....boring.
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Looking at Rollan, who messed up again. (I didn't understand the movie, but it's kinda cute how they're portrayed as a normal couple and not a perfect one as both have a negative flaw they don't like on each other)
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She has a cute little nose :3
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Ok I just noticed Gerda's freckles are gone 😭
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Am I a racist, if I headcanon her as a Swedish person? The characters don't have canon nationalities.
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Aww I forgot what happened here :3
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There is one thing I don't understand about movie publishing. If the movie is Russian and it was meant to release somewhere in February, how did it get released in Turkey first in Nov/Dez? Just curious....
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riffsstrides · 8 years
Bob Reynolds
Déja Vu
Bob Reynolds - tenor saxophone (left) Juan Rollan - tenor saxophone (right) Hamilton Price - bass Kyle Crane - drums
Juan and I have been friends for 21+ years. We met in high school, both brand new to the saxophone and playing jazz. This album was about capturing our musical connection. All songs were complete takes recorded free of overdubs. Most songs were first takes. All four players were in a single room.
On the day we recorded this album, Juan and I had been friends for 21 years and 11 days. We met in 1993 as sophomores transferring to Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jacksonville, Florida.
Anxious to begin our recording careers, we even booked studio time and hired the best band we could afford. It was a proud day: We made our first tape. We went our separate ways for college, and while we always stayed in touch, we saw less and less of each other each year. Somehow, 15 years went by without us playing together.
It was like no time had passed. We still could finish each other’s ideas and sync up like we played together consistently. I knew we should document this for real. So I lured Juan back for another visit, booked a studio in Hollywood, and recruited two of my favorite players in town. The plan was to go in with little structure. Just record some tunes we used to play.
My model was Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster. I wanted that sound you only get when each player’s instrument bleeds onto all the microphones. I wanted that big room reverb. I also wanted to capture what came instinctively. So we stuck to first takes and no overdubs.
The standards were a perfect vehicle to transport us back to familiar territory. But of course, I ended up writing a few tunes just days before the session and even arranging one of my favorite Police songs.
in bobreynolds.bandcamp.com
0 notes
Spirit Animals: The Evertree (Reread pt. 7)
Chapter 1
“Conor jerked his head to the side at the familiar scream. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized that he was lying near the edge of a cliff - and not far from him stood Meilin, weighed down with chains. She threw herself at an oncoming Greencloak and knocked him into the dirt. Jhi looked helplessly on. Rollan was locked in a tight battle with an enormous snake. The snake wrapped its coils around both of his arms, lifting him high in the air. A short distance away, Abeke and Uraza fought what seemed like hundreds of Conquerors” (2). Is Kovo trying to dash their hopes by sending this dream on purpose?
The description of the dream is done so well.
“Except it wasn’t Tarik. The face transformed. The kind, knowing eyes were replaced with ones cold and cunning. Conor found himself staring up into the face of Shane instead. The boy smiled at him in a way that showed all his teeth at once” (3). Is this symbolism for Shane’s betrayal and how Tarik died?
Chapter 2
“Rescuing her felt impossible. Sometimes, when he chatted with the others, he found himself looking for Meilin so that he could tell her the newest joke in his head. He would yearn to make her laugh, only to realize that she wasn’t there. She was far away” (5). This sounds a lot like grief, actually.
“Abeke had sent several doves to Nilo, to deliver the news to her father and sister . . . As far as Rollan knew, Abeke’s father hadn’t responded” (7). Is Abeke still hoping for her abusive family to magically become un-abusive? She’s regressed and lost all the progress she made in the last book!
“The pain of losing Meilin irritated him for an instant. He’d done so well, for so long, on his own. But now there were people at stake, whose absences hurt him, and he didn’t like it one bit” (7). Character development. Also, Rollan getting annoyed at himself for caring is lowkey hilarious?
“‘It looks good on you,’ she said, offering him a weak smile. Tarik’s cloak” (8). Is Rollan officially a Greencloak? Is there no ceremony or anything???
“Ice. In Nilo? Rollan tried to imagine the oasis where they’d found Cabaro, encased in a thick layer of ice. ‘Well. That sounds like a nice, normal summer.’ Abeke couldn’t help smiling a little at his sarcasm. ‘I can’t remember seeing that - or even hearing about it - when I lived in Nilo. The tribes must be in chaos.’ ‘Or skating around and playing games. I mean, I would.’ That coaxed a genuine laugh out of her. ‘I can see it. Planks of wood and antelope bone strapped to our feet.’ Rollan leaned in with a conspiratorial grin. ‘I bet Uraza would love that. Wouldn’t you?’ He nodded at Uraza, who regarded him with a rather withering look” (8). Rollan and Abeke's relationship has honestly reached its peak. There’s only one moment in the second series that I think tops this. (If you know, you know.)
“‘It’s not your fault,’ he finally said. ‘Shane’s betrayal … He’s the one who should feel guilty, not you. You couldn’t have known. You love and you trust. And I just wanted to say … well, that I’m sorry people keep taking advantage of that trust.’ Abeke studied him for a long moment. She still looked sad, but Rollan thought he could see some of the guilt lift from her eyes. After a while, she nodded. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured. ‘I’m sorry that you’ve had to wait so long to trust others,’ she replied” (9). Perfect summary of Rollan-Abeke foil relationship.
Is Conor sleep-walking because of the dreams?
Seriously can’t remember . . . 
Chapter 3
“Olvan turned his piercing eyes to Conor. ‘You were climbing the battlement, boy?’ Conor didn’t say a word” (14). Doesn’t Olvan know Conor’s name? Also, why exactly is he so mad? 
“She sipped her  breakfast gratefully, thinking that if only the porridge had a touch of Niloan spice in it, it could be the best thing she’d ever eaten in her life” (15). I always thought this was strange, because porridge isn’t Niloan, is it? Unless it’s Niloan porridge. Anyway, combining that with Niloan flavors might be a bit clashy, right? I put way too much thought into this.
“The words echoed, familiar and cruel, in her ears. How stupid” (17). Oh no, the pity party’s back. Look, I’m not saying Abeke’s feelings are invalid, but I do wish that they’d just said that defeating Shane was her main motive for the coming quest and have her focus on that instead.
“‘The heart of the lands,’ Lenori murmured in wonder, and everyone turned to her. ‘There is an ancient myth among the Amayan tribes of a place in Erdas that is the origin of all life - humans, animals, even the Great Beasts . . . ’” (18). The heart of the lands as in the Heart of the Land bond token? This was foreshadowed all the way back in The Evertree? I seriously don’t remember this at all. 
“‘Our friends Finn, Kalani, and Maya will arrive in Greenhaven tomorrow’” (19). Not Lishay? Or Monte?
Chapter 4
“It was always unlocked. Gerathon saw to it, because she knew it made no difference for Meilin” (22). Couldn’t Meilin go somewhere warmer then, at least?
“‘Do you think . . . do you think the universe made a mistake, pairing the two of us together? Do you think it knew how I would treat you?’” (24). This is so sad. But, also, I don’t really feel that much sympathy for Meilin, not as much as I would have. They made her so toxic all throughout book five, it was borderline abuse. 
“Even the sound of his voice seemed different - colder, somehow, a far cry from what she remembered” (26). Shane’s a good actor, honestly.
“‘Yes. I’m the Reptile King.’ . . . ‘Are you really so surprised?’” (26). So the do Conquerors all know that Shane is the true Devourer? Or just some?
“Then, abruptly, the coiled monster in the shadows of her mind reared its ugly head” (28). This is a well written line-
“Shane brushed hair out of his eyes and sighed. ‘Call your panda into its dormant state,’ he said. ‘Now’” (28). The way he refers to Jhi shows that he doesn’t really see her as equal to humans. He just sees her as a thing. Also, he seems so bored, lol.
“The light pushed the fog back. Only for an instant” (29). What is this light??? Does it ever say?
“Meilin managed to strike a glancing blow against his cheek . . . ” (29). She actually punched Shane in the face. Slay.
“‘Chain both of them to the wall’” (30). Can’t Meilin just summon Jhi into passive, then summon her out again, not in chains?
Also, I’ve been meaning to say this but: how does Shane know Common? He grew up on Stetriol, isolated from the world, so he should only know Stetriol’s native language. Did he learn it?
“Shane hesitated with one foot still inside her cell. He didn’t turn around. Instead, his jaw tightened, and a strange emotion flickered across his face, something Meilin almost wanted to interpret as . . . regret” (31). Shane redemption arc seeds being planted already?
Chapter 5
“Somehow, the older image of Lord MacDonnell in complete control of his domain was comforting” (33). I still think it’s annoying that we never get an end to the harpist plotline. We never figure out what happens to her. Never.
“They’d only just learned that Zhong had fallen. Nilo had still been free” (33). Which makes no sense when you look at the map. Nilo is closer to Stetriol than Zhong is.
“ . . . Conor noticed that Abeke hovered constantly at the windows facing the harbors” (34). Didn’t Abeke literally conclude that her family was abusive at the end of the last book? What happened?
Maya’s relationship with Tini is almost as good as Tangaroa and Ngaio’s.
“‘Do we even know how to get to Kovo’s prison, or the heart of Erdas?’” (35). Why do they need the heart of Erdas, anyway? That’s where the Evertree is, right? Don’t they just need to get to Kovo’s prison right now?
Chapter 6
“He galloped ahead now, as if he had always been their leader, as if Tarik had never existed” (40). Honestly, he is a bit of a jerk, and at least this time Rollan has an actually good reason to be mean to him.
You know how spirit animals only go into passive form if they trust their partners? Did Kalani just leave Katoa in a large body of water until he trusted her?
“‘She’s very sensitive . . . ’” (42). Isn’t Katoa male? Katoa has been gender-swapped. Small plot hole.
Chapter 7
Rollan is so mean to Dorian, but this time he has an actual reason, unlike with Mikak.
Why aren’t they just sailing around the tip of Nilo? Why are they going between Nilo and Zhong instead???
“‘Tarik would have been proud of us, if he was here! But he’s not. We just have you, trying to fill his shoes’” (53). Rollan lowkey is kind of right though?
“Perhaps it was a coincidence” (54). If there’s one thing I learned from this book series, it’s that seagulls are never a coincidence. Also, I don’t remember the seagull plot line at all???
Chapter 8
Rollan-Kalani bonding!
“He could feel something poisonous here, in the very air of the place” (59). How??? Stetriol’s just . . . a continent.
*narrator voice* The seagull was, in fact, a Conqueror seagull.
Meilin-Kalani parallels! Also, I forgot that Kalani goes a step farther and literally cuts the whales free.
“Rollan had the sudden notion that this was how he would die. What would happen to Essix if he did?” (66). Aww, he thought of Essix first.
Dorian’s death: unpopular opinion(?) but I kind of didn’t care? Talked about this but: when a character is introduced for the sole purpose of dying, it’s hard to care about them. Dorian’s death is clearly only there to further Rollan’s arc.
Chapter 9
“‘Tarik once told us never to take our cloaks off to win favor’” (73). Ladies and gentlemen, he comes full circle.
“In the morning, the bodies of red-crested birds littered the streets” (77). What?
Kalani faints??? I don’t remember this?
Chapter 10
“She rolled into a quiet crouch, listening intently” (82). This is the second time in the series Abeke has done one of these late night endeavors. First was in Fire and Ice when Meilin didn’t trust her. Parallels?
“‘We should let it go’” (84). What if it’s a Conqueror’s spirit animal???
“If they ever made it out of this desert, she would drink an entire keg of water. The fifth day” (85). Going straight from thirst to water poisoning, eh? Also, shouldn’t they have died from thirst by now? It’s been five days?
“They rode in silence for a long time after that. Abeke couldn’t stop playing the horse’s death over and over in her head” (86). They’re short a horse then, right? Who’s walking?
Abeke literally just saved them all with her plant knowledge. Wow. 
Chapter 11
“‘If Kovo hasn’t been freed yet, it won’t be long before he is’” (91). How many talismans exactly does Kovo need to be freed? It can’t be that many-
“The fire of rage lit her eyes, a rare sight” (92). Abeke’s character development might actually be the best of the four. It’s so great when she’s allowed to get angry. Wish she would be more angry at her family, though . . . 
Devin is spelled “Devon” here . . . hm.
The wave-cave paths are a cool concept. It would be cool if they were combined with the underground tunnel system from Against the Tide to create some kind of cool maze.
“‘Found you,’ [Meilin] said” (97). Uh oh.
Chapter 12
I think this chapter should’ve been from Meilin’s perspective instead of Rollan’s. There’s already been so few Meilin chapters between this book and the last, and in my opinion, it would’ve been more emotional to see it from Meilin’s perspective.
“Rollan noticed that Shane stood at the very back of the patrol, a dark smile on his face” (99). Aim for him! Aim for him! AIM FOR HIM! 
“And there - Rollan thought he saw Lishay . . . ” (102). Oh, okay, Lishay is here.
“He wondered if Abeke’s father was among them” (102). Probably not-
“ . . . stallions that looked much stronger than the mounts they’d been traveling with . . . ” (103). How? Did they bring horses aboard the ship to Stetriol?
“ . . . the Greencloak was Monte . . . ” (103). Slay, Monte’s here, too!
“Shane stared at Abeke for a moment, his brows furrowed, as if he wanted to say something. Then he seemed to change his mind” (104). No! What was he going to say??????? My sanity needs this-
“It was Abeke’s bow against Shane’s blade” (107). Okay, you know what, I would’ve settled for having this be from Abeke’s perspective, as well. What’s going on in that fight???
“‘Keep me shackled,’ she said. ‘Don’t let me go’” (109). They should’ve just done this from the beginning, though? 
“‘If the Great Serpent is too weak to control a girl!’ . . . ‘I’ll be ordered around by no human’” (109). Gerathon controlling Shane is honestly such a strange concept. I don’t even know why, it just feels so wrong?
“Zerif waited several dozen yards away” (110). Zerif is actually such a boring character, though? What are his motives? Power. Just power, nothing else? He’s a stereotypical power-hungry villain. What’s his backstory? We don't know. Where’d he come from? We don’t know. How’d he meet Kovo? We don’t know. Why was he willing to drink the Bile when he likely knew it’d make him Gerathon’s puppet? We don’t know. What was his childhood like? We don’t kn-
Chapter 13
“‘Are you sure about this? Gerathon could turn her against us at any moment’” (113). Yeah, that was kind of an emotional move on Rollan’s part. His justification: “‘I trust you’” (113). Okay, yeah, but no amount of trust will hold back Gerathon forever. In fact, shouldn’t they be wondering why Gerathon isn’t controlling Meilin right now?
“Exhausted, he pulled himself up” (116). Isn’t Muttering Rock’s top hot enough to scorch any boot, foot, or paw that landed up on it? Isn’t it? Plot hole?
Maybe the changing weather also shifted the temperature of Muttering Rock to a more bearable temperature?
“‘I am glad you’ve returned, my brethren. I did not wish us to part on such bad terms’” (118). First Wyrm arc hint?
“Their glow grew brighter and brighter, wider and wider, until the colors all fused into one” (119). I think the Coral Octopus and the Granite Ram should’ve also fused at this point, from a narrative perspective. They were close enough to be melded during the initial creation of the Staff of Cycles, right? 
Chapter 14
I think Kovo should’ve turned down Shane’s request for the Staff after all of the talismans had been melded together, at least. That would have certainly been better, in my humble opinion. 
“‘You killed Drina for nothing!’” (123). Not really. It was to give Abeke the illusion that Shane was on her side, yes?
“Zerif called his jackal - and for the first time, they saw the tawny animal emerge” (125). Why is Zerif called “the Jackal” if people barely see his jackal?
“Then she hit Meilin in the jaw, right where she knew she would knock the girl unconscious” (126). She’s definitely learning. 
Chapter 15
“But Zerif was already gone” (130). Well. Yeah. That’ll definitely come back to bite them.
“‘Was that . . . bonding sickness?’” (130). I think it would’ve been cool if the bonding sickness was from the tree getting sick. Certain splotchy patches on the tree could correlate to certain bonds that had bonding sickness. The staff controls the tree, right? So the staff would then be able to control how the sickness was used. 
“Only when Jhi uttered a low, mournful growl and nudged Meilin with her nose did she finally turn her eyes up” (130). Awwwwwww.
“But when she reached him, Abeke kicked him hard with her boot instead” (131). Here comes my favorite chapter in the entire first series. Slay.
Chapter 16
“Shane had deceived her into caring for him, sympathizing with him, pitying him” (132). He did, indeed.
“‘I’m sorry. You don’t understand how hard it’s been for me-’” (133). Bruh. He’s apologizing? Now?
“How ironic, she thought, that their first session was a harbinger of the betrayals to come” (133). I mean, I guess the first session could be considered a “betrayal”, but I still think it was a good practice technique. It is nice symbolism, though. So for the sake of the story, I get it.
“‘You didn’t choose for your spirit animal to be one of the Four Fallen - you were handed a hero’s choice . . . ’” (134). Right, but she didn’t want it. Nobody really wanted it. This is honestly such a shit defense.
“‘Did they abandon you?’” (134). Honestly, part of why I love this scene is this speech by Shane. His best lines are in this chapter. The other part, is of course, someone finally kicking Shane while he’s down.
“‘You were chosen for greatness . . . I only wanted the same’” (135). Didn’t he want the cure to the bonding sickness, not greatness? Going down the path of the first Devourer, I see . . . 
“‘You meant so much to me - you were my only true friend. I remember everything about you ever since we first met . . . ’ . . . ‘But I had no choice. I’m bound to the Bile . . . ’” (135). Which he chose. Also, even without the Bile, he made some interesting decisions that even Gerathon can’t take credit for.
“‘Well, I’m sorry too, because you mean nothing to me’” (136). The grammar. But, besides that, the intensity behind the words is so, so just- so good.
Chapter 17
“Rollan fell to his knees before the mighty elk . . . ” (138). I still think it’s quite stupid that the Great Beasts have a leader. That . . . was a decision, for sure.
“Meilin and Shane let out a simultaneous gasp” (138). This chapter should’ve been from Meilin’s perspective propaganda. I rest my case.
“‘I think the Bile is completely gone . . . ’” (139). Okay: I really didn’t like that Meilin’s bond to Jhi is affected by the Bile for the entire series. I think she should’ve been cured earlier so we could’ve had a good understanding for their Bile-less relationship within the original series. I guess that’s why the authors started a new series for the aftermath of the events.
I will always, always think it’s incredibly cringey that Rollan and Meilin kissed in front of Abeke, Conor, Shane, the Four Fallen, and Tellun. At least the authors included the appropriate amount of embarrassment on both their parts. Maybe that’s just the aromantic in me talking, but it seems, just, so weird? I personally would’ve done it after all the events were concluded, during the resolution.
“‘ . . . there existed only the sky, the water, the air, and the earth . . . ’” (141). Another reference to three of the four traditional elements, with a substitute fourth.
“‘She has never healed. This injury is what gave rise to the bonding sickness . . . ’” (142). Wait, so the tree’s patchiness is what causes bonding sickness . . . which I do not remember at all. Huh.
“Conor reached out in silence and took the talisman from Tellun’s antlers” (142). But what does his talisman do? I think that’s the only one we never learn about (in The Book of Shane, Shane experiments with the stolen talismans and we learn what the Four Fallen’s and Kovo’s talismans do). 
Chapter 18
“Her growl sounded suspicious and scathing, the hints of a deep bitterness apparent” (145). I like that Uraza distrusts Tellun. It’s very human-like behavior.
“‘I can help you,’ he said. ‘I know things that you don’t’” (147). Sure, he knows things the four don’t, but he probably doesn’t know anything Tellun doesn’t know.
“‘So,’ she said. ‘You want to be worthy? Well, now’s your chance’” (148). Headcanon: when the Redcloaks were picking out their codenames, Worthy had a hard time with his. Shane told him this story and told him about that quote in particular, which helped Worthy decide that he wanted his codename to be Worthy.
Chapter 19
“‘Nilo is the First Lands, the origin of all life’” (150). So Zhong is the Walled Lands, Amaya is the New Lands, and Nilo is the First Lands. Also, it’s ironic that the Heart of the Land is in Amaya which is the New Lands, about as far away from the First Lands as you can get.
I kind of wish that there was a bit of foreshadowing about the Evertree before this book. The first of the foreshadowing was the beginning of this book, and it seems like there should’ve been something before this?
“But as large as they loomed, the Evertree dwarfed them all” (155). The Evertree would be cool as, like, a meeting of the Great Beasts location. Like a council hall.
“He slammed the staff into the earth” (156). Shouldn’t that have shattered it? Maybe it’s about intention?
“The blemish was twice as big as he was, a region of black, rotting wood that seemed to be slowly eating away at everything surrounding it” (157). I might be remembering wrong, but isn’t that the Wyrm?
Spoiler alert: I was, in fact, remembering wrong.
“They stood frozen, the ominous totems of an endgame” (158). That sounds cool. No idea what it means.
Okay, I guess it means that they are the end. The Great Beasts’ end is the end itself.
Where’s Shane in this fight? He isn’t mentioned even once up to this point, and only Kovo is still alive (out of the unfallen Great Beasts).
Chapter 20
“Another figure had lunged at Kovo, someone riding on the shoulders of an enormous crocodile” (168). Now that the Bile’s gone, why doesn’t Grahv run away? Why is he still obeying Shane? Shane didn’t treat him particularly well and Grahv and Shane’s bond should be completely gone now because Shane’s bond is unnatural, right? Maybe Grahv is confused and doesn’t know exactly what happened? Spirit animals are supposed to be smarter than normal animals, and Grahv isn’t (technically) a spirit animal anymore?
“Jhi had always been the true warrior. The warrior who turned to peace and kindness first, and struck only in love and defense. The wise warrior. What Meilin should have wanted to be all along” (169). Awwwww.
“He lifted the complete Staff of Cycles, took a deep breath, and rammed it into the ground” (170). Didn’t Kovo do the same thing before? How come that didn’t break it? Also, how did Conor know what to do? It’s not like Tellun told him anything-
Chapter 21
“The Evertree fell” (172). That’s so ominous.
“She witnessed the birth of the Great Beasts that emerged from this newfound energy . . . ” (173). The energy is the Wyrm, then, right? Because that’s what created the Great Beasts . . . 
Chapter 22
What exactly are these visions? Did the dying tree conjure up its memories of the world, somehow?
“‘The Four Fallen won’t need to sacrifice themselves again.’ Silence. Until Rollan broke it with a huge whoop” (176). LOL.
“ . . . watching Shane’s back as he ran . . . ” (177). He’ll be back.
“A seedling! . . . A new beginning. Anew Evertree” (179). A weak-as-hell Evertree, that’s for sure.
“ . . . someday, when the Evertree became whole again, the other Great Beasts might return once more to Erdas. The cycle would begin anew . . . Someday, Briggan might evolve back into his Great Beast form . . . Everything would begin again” (179). The idea of cycles is repeated over and over, which implies an end and new beginning, which I think is pretty cool. I think the Great Beasts are probably meant to cycle through Great Beast and spirit animal form regularly.
Chapter 23
“Rollan pulled off his boots and let his toes wriggle in the surf” (181). Is this a resolution to when he thought about relaxing on a beach with the other four in book five?
“‘I bet I can beat you back to Greenhaven’” (181). Aren’t they in southern Nilo??? 
“As they sailed back toward Greenhaven . . . ” (182). So they are sailing. Where did the boat come from???
“Her father and sister waved at her from the side of the street” (185). That’s it??? After all the development Abeke went through realizing she has a shitty family, that same family is going to be her happy ending??? What?
“[Aidana] looked happy now. Free” (186). Awwwwwwww.
“ . . . so that no one could tell where one ended and the others began. They were one” (188). This kind of comes back to a circular motion, the idea of no end and no beginning. In my opinion, that’s why the last line hits so hard.
Final thoughts and rating:
The ending hit so hard. The way the last line was written was just done so well. I also enjoyed the way that Shane’s story is explained so well. My favorite scene in the entire first series happens in this book, and the raw lines and Abeke getting angry together just hit so hard. I feel like the tree’s lore was explained fairly well. The motif of cycles was a good theme to bring into this book. Conor’s and Abeke’s development was generally done very well.
I think Abeke “making up” with her abusive family without so much as an apology was a terrible decision. It just sends the message that family is always good and they’ll always be family no matter what, which is objectively false, and in Abeke’s case, is downright harmful. I thought the fact that we never find out what Tellun’s talisman does was not great, but not bad, necessarily. One thing that really bothered me is that while the Evertree and the motif of cycles are both really good decisions to include, the execution was way off. Both were only foreshadowed in this book, when they should’ve been foreshadowed throughout the series. 
Rating: 9/10
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