#roleplay banter
bananapancakeofficial · 4 months
do you have any hobbies together
Yes, in fact. We both enjoy watching terrarium making and shaping videos.
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Jorjie's favorite channel is SerpaDesign, but mine is Terrarium Designs. Of course, the ladder being the better.
NUH UH!!!! tanner is a silly goose and has animals :)
Eye roll... You're adorable, darling.
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simplynims · 16 days
A Quick Meeting
Wanted to brush up on my writing skills by writing an interaction between Dennys sister Wrinley and Ashley. "Dennys" doesn't technically have any siblings in canon (As far as I'm aware) so I mixed in a little bit of Dylans canon lore in here for fun.
A buzz of the front door rang out through the apartment as Ashley stands there waiting outside on the welcome mat. It had been a fun month or so of hanging out consistently with Dennys and the others. They were originally going to meet up at one of the bars and grills in town for drinks that night but Dennys car gave out as soon as she arrived back home from work. With no car and the grill being too far to walk to, Ashley offered to pick her up at her place and go from there. But as he stands infront of her apartment door, he realizes this is technically the first time he's actually visited her apartment? Yeah, Denny has visited his apartment before a handful of times but has only stayed for a couple of minutes at best. The most time spent there was probably during his Mitski break down- Ashley stops himself for a second, scrunching his face at the sour memory.
Luckily for Ashley, he doesn't need to dwell on it for too long as the door opens up. Instead of the red head he was expecting, a shorter woman with brown curly hair and a curious look on her face greets him.
"Hello. Can I help you?" She says, peaking out through the cracks of the opened door way. "Uh, yes actually, Dennys lives here right?" Ashleys met with a puzzled look as he explains further. "Red hair, tattoos on her arms, face piercings?" It clicks for the girl as she realizes who he's talking about. "Ohhhh! You mean Dylan? Yeah, she lives here. You must be Ashley right?" She exclaims, opening up the door for him and ushering him inside. "Yeah, that's me. You must be her roommate?" The woman nods as she closes the door.
"Uh-huh! I'm Wrinley by the way, Dylans my sister." Wrinley continues as they lead Ashley into the living room. "She told me to let you in if you knock, she's still getting ready but I'll let her know you're here. Just hang out here, I'll go get her in a sec." With that being said, she quickly walks off deeper into the apartment. Ashley stands there awkwardly for a moment before sitting down on the couch. Dennys never mentioned she had a sister? Then again, she seemed pretty quiet about her personal life and he never bothered to ask about her family. Looking around the living room, it's a bit surprising how..Pink everything is? It wasn't in your face but a lot of the decorations were more on the pastel side of the spectrum. He assumed it was Wrinley who probably decorated everything.
"Dylans almost ready, she says they'll be out in about 5 minutes. Hope that's okay?" Wrinley appears as she plops down on the other side of the couch, a brownish cat hot on her tail before making itself comfy in her lap. "Oh, no that's fine, I can wait don't worry!" An awkward silence brews for a few moments before Ashley spoke up again.
"So, you're her sister? Never knew she had any siblings." He asked, trying to break the awkwardness between them.
"Yep! It's just me and Dylan so far here in the area, but she's been a good roomie. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you guys meet? She's mentioned she's made some new friends but she wasn't very specific, plus I'm kinda nosey and wanna know what she's up to." Wrinley admits, giving the small cat in her lap a few scratches as she listens.
"Oh, uh- We actually met at her work place a month or so ago, she was our waitress for the night." He explained, being vauge about the whole break up situation with Lexi on purpose. Wrinley might be Dennys sister, but he's not about to explain that whole situation with her just yet.
"Oh cool! I'm glad she's having fun. She's been much happier since meeting you guys I've noticed." She comments before continuing. "I know Dylan can take care of herself especially when she's out drinking, but make sure she gets home safe 'kay?" Wrinley points at him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she comes back safe and sound." Ashley reassures her as Wrinley squints her eyes at him. She's quick to smiling again though as she responds. "Good! I'd hate there to be a missing persons report on the news with your name on it."
"Wait what-"
"Sorry about the wait, I had to look for my jacket. Are you ready to go?" Not a moment too soon Dylan makes her way over to the two. "Dennys, hey! Uh, yeah- Yes, lets get going." Ashley stammers out, still a bit irked by what Wrinley said. Dylan raises an eyebrow at the uncomfortable tension, giving her sister a look that Wrinley brushes off. "You two have fun! Text me when you're heading home 'Dennys', hehe." She teases, earning herself a playful roll of the eyes by Dylan. "I'll text you later Wrin. C'mon Ash, I need a good drink after todays bullshit." She groans, eager to down whatever alcoholic beverage awaits her at the Bar & Grill. After saying their good-byes, Ashley follows Dylan out to his car before heading off to meet up with the others.
"..Did Wrinley say anything weird to you while I was getting ready?" Dylan prodded during the car ride. Ashley hesitates for a moment. "...No, why?"
"Because I know how Wrinley is like and you get awfully sweaty when nervous." She points out.
"Okay first of all, I do not get that sweaty when nervous-"
"You do." Dylan teases with a smirk.
"SECOND OF ALL-" Ashley laughs. "Kind of? If threatening to put me on the news as a missing persons report counts as 'weird'-" Dylan snickers a little at that. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, she's a good person just protective is all. She wouldn't actually hurt anyone unless provoked."
"Good to know I'll live another day at least."
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vinghen-tmblr · 1 year
The Game
Astarion and Elowen (bard, Tav), somewhere in Act 1. Elowen's POV
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Astarion had always been the master of innuendos and suggestive banter. His words were like a well-crafted melody, drawing me in with their seductive rhythm. But as much as I wanted to resist, there was an undeniable allure in his words, an intoxicating charm that I couldn't fully ignore.
"You know, Elowen, they say that the most passionate flames burn in the darkest of nights." he said.
I rolled my eyes, trying to maintain my composure. "Is that another one of your poetic musings, Astarion?"
"Poetry is but a veil for truth, my dear. And the truth is, our little sparring matches hide something far more potent."
His gaze bore into mine, and for a moment, I felt like I was drowning in those crimson depths. I had to remind myself that this was all part of our twisted game, a dance of words and desires.
"You're delusional if you think there's anything between us beyond irritation."
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "I can see it in your eyes, Elowen. The way you look at me when you think no one's watching. The way your heart races when our words turn sharp and dangerous."
I swallowed hard, refusing to let his words affect me. I couldn't let him see how deeply they cut.
"You're reading too much into things, Astarion. This is just a game, nothing more."
He chuckled softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Ah, but what a delightful game it is, my dear. And who's to say where it might lead?"
As much as I tried to convince myself that this was all a charade, a means to an end, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if there was more to our twisted dance than met the eye. Astarion was a dangerous enigma, and I had a sinking feeling that the line between reality and the game we played was becoming increasingly blurred.
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rafent · 19 days
[ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 ] — cope with poefal divorce. poefal marriage
Drizzle at dawn's first blush has graduated into a steady stream of rain that beats relentlessly against window panes.
The day would have started some time ago, were it any other. Early to bed and early to rise were the usual rhythm of a girl who had no fondness for the night, and all too much to do during the day. But the dim light of a gray sky makes it almost feel as though time itself will wait—the morning has not yet come, it says, and even if it had, your duty would not be out there, it soothes.
Who is she to deny such obvious signaling?
There is, of course, one commitment from which she is not awarded any break, and for lack of anything else to distract her, he has her undivided attention. An arm over him arrests any attempt to leave, because if she will remain here, so too will Rafal—she must always watch, after all. "Unusual for it to be this bad at this time of year," Poe comments, almost blearily. ...certainly not lazily. "I wonder what you did for us to deserve such a mess."
In spite of the quip, her voice does not exactly sound discontented. She tightens her grip without a hint of shame nor bashfulness.
"I suppose you'll need to atone."
𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 — RAIN: sender and receiver are in bed together while rain lashes against the windows / tent / etc
Every day a lesson, every day replete with bright new experience no matter dreary greys. Only at the side of another could the Atoning Dragon learn, how the lashing of rain was not curse to productivity, but blessing for all lazy lovers across the countless worlds. Fond tidings for Rafal in particular who had always, even originally, enjoyed the soothing ambience of rainfall. Now all the more.
"My, my. In the need for atonement it seems I am in no lack. Perhaps this is sign once and for all that you ought to seek your company elsewhere." A touchy subject by any other circumstance, and to no greater understanding than his own, but this morning found Rafal all but impervious. In finest spirits and bursting with satisfaction at the seams. No curiosity in that, either.
Upon first rise, often did holy servant meet with serpent's constriction, his arms unwilling to relinquish her to the cold variables of the day, as if that day should be composed of only him. Chin tucked over shoulder as anchoring weight; warm breath by ear with temptation to melt even statue; husky baritone ringing with melodious suggestion; all such tactics employed without singular regret. Far more uncommon was the circumstance where she inflicted her methods on him.
With that said, shamelessness undoubtedly came in pairs; the intrusive arm crossed across bare chest, that very chest inflated with every manner of delight. Truth told their story. Waking or asleep, always was Rafal seized in Poe's clutches, captured in Poe's sights. Not once did that reality engage with protest, and upon this overcast morning, quite the opposite.
"Fortunately, choose to stay and you will find me a most cooperative prisoner." Opportunities were manifold for Fell Dragon might, to turn these clinging odds toward his favor, to flip until sinner proved shade, and arbiter shaded. However, Rafal sought them none. He laced their fingers and raised her knuckles to his lips, eyes half-lidded on the silent press. Amusement rumbling a dragon's chest, of all things, like a happy purr. "One who is taking suggestions toward good behavior, always."
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gayturians · 1 year
wyll defense squad 2k23 but also if he wants me to reject halsin so he can have a monogamous storybook romance then he's gotta stop serenading lae'zel every time they're in the same room
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saga-project · 1 year
Don't you just love having about three panic attacks right in a row. I sure do, he said, entirely sarcastically.
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jasmine-hartfield · 2 years
❧Full Name: Sofia Jazmine Hartfield
Maiden name: Leonetti
Goes by: Jasmine
❧Age: 29
❧Sex: Female
❧Birthday: April 13
❧Occupation: Owner of two hotels based in NYC that she inherited from her late husband. When the money gets tight she makes her money through less conventional means, via streaming lewd content.
❧Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
❧Relationship Status: Single
❧Languages: Fluent in French and English, knows some Italian
❧Height: 5’3
❧Body Build: Thinner than usual due to complications, medications she is on, and hospitalizations.
❧Skin color: On the lighter side but if desired she could tan into more of an olive color thanks to her Italian in her.
❧Hair style: Medium length with curtain bangs usually worn down with soft ironed curls. For special occasions she’ll wear it up.
❧Hair color: Dark brown
❧Eye color: Medium brown
❧Distinguishing Features: Wide smile with pouty lips usually sporting red lipstick, on the rare occasion she gives you a smile it’s full of warmth, and her nose, a rather unique shape.
❧Preferred Clothing: Anything fancy or “classic”. Fond of more vintage styles like the 40’s and so on. Sometimes this plays a light role in the things she buys or wears. Willing to spend ridiculous amounts on clothing, jewelry, or shoes. Usually found in a skirt or a dress paired with some heels if she’s out and about.
❧Accessories: Has jewelry for every occasion and outfit. Regularly wears a ring gifted from her spouse on her right hand.
❧Tattoos: She has a rose done by a former friend on her side under her boob which has a significant meaning to her, a moth between her breasts, and “Parker” written in cursive between her fingers.
❧Scars: Her thighs are littered with past self inflicted scars, and one fading on the inside going down her forearm.
❧General health: Drastically has improved within the last three months. However is currently slipping back into past habits.
❧Posture: Very proper, however if she’s comfortable around you she can be found lounging about more often than not. Often like a cat would make themselves comfortable just about anywhere.
❧Any physical illnesses?: N/A
❧Any mental illnesses?:
—Borderline personality disorder with psychotic features: Being very open with her BPD it’s hard not to tell she has this personality disorder, causing her to be irrational, impulsive, and harmful to herself. Jasmine’s moods often change at the drop of a hat, ranging from depressive episodes to irrational anger. She can be difficult to understand at times. The part she isn’t so open with is her psychotic symptoms and episodes she has.
—Anorexia Nervosa: She is not open about this diagnosis with anyone not even her partner or people closest. Its a struggle that shes dealt with since her early teens fed on by her mother. Causes her to be overly obsessive and get anxious over food. However she writes it off as being particular to most people.
—CPTSD: This is more private and rare she will open up about some of the things she went through, she’d much rather pretend it didn’t happen.
❧Take prescription drugs?: Attempts to take her prescriptions daily, however the meds she has moved onto make her feel like a shell of a human so no longer takes them. It’s always
❧Indulge in drugs?: Not anymore, going on 2 months clean.
❧Drink?: Tends to steer away from alcohol because she gets carried away with anything and everything and overly self indulges to the point it’s unhealthy.
❧Smoke?: Yes, regular smokes cigarettes.
❧Mental age: Somewhere near hers, not as grown in some ways as she should be.
❧Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Acts before thinking. Tries to break out of the habit but often is driven by impulse and emotions.
-Art in all kinds of forms like literature and painting
-Flowers hold great significance to her so she has her own garden she often tends to
-Clean and tidy appearances on her and in homes or work spaces
This would be a long list if I went on and on, she has all kinds of interests.
-Being unsure of others emotions or how they feel
-Passive aggressive behavior
-Foods she deems gross or unhealthy
-People bringing up her past/childhood or trying to get more on it from her. Much rather it be forgotten.
-Abandonment, which she feeds so it plays an unhealthy role throughout her life.
-Being undesirable or not being useful to the ones she loves or cares for.
-She hopes to achieve some time of stability with her mental health and declining financial status.
-Would love to be somewhere warm and have a complete and real family.
-Ultimately wants to feel how she used to, less reliant on others and a sense of self. Which is often shifting and changing due to her BPD, she adapts and mirrors certain aspects.
-Fruits (just about all them)
-Dubliner cheese
-A good mushroom burger if she’s not being overly thoughtful about food.
❧Colour: Red
❧Animals: Cats, bunnies— really all kinds of animals. Pretends to be grossed out but really enjoys them.
❧Holiday: When she used to party often she looked forward to the holidays but now she isn’t particularly into them.
❧Season: Spring, when it comes to life and everything get warmer
❧Time of day: Evening, when everything winds down and feels peaceful
❧Type of art: Old oils on canvas/panels
❧Genre of music: All different types, loves attending the opera or seeing more classical things
❧Genre of literature: All kinds, loves to read whenever she can, her nose is often stuck in a book.
❧Genre of shows: Not big on shows unless it’s a short series, only a couple episodes
❧Genre of movies: Psychological thrillers, slowly loving romance more and more
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
really enjoy how the art I see of other Astarion romancers with the party scene and he's like "Waiting to have you" and you can reply "you don't have me yet" is all the other romancers being like "don't seem desperate don't seem desperate!!"
meanwhile, Tali, was like "fuck boy let's GOOO you wanna play lines I will play lines"
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dullahandyke · 9 months
the thing is even as my version of the ace attorney universe is heavily modified to fit the themes of the characters within it, idk if thats even the right choice for the place to put them in bcos its not quite working. but also sooo much of it plays on aa status quo that id have to entirely reinvent parts if i wanted to preserve that effect
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turtlespancake · 1 year
every now and again i come across fantastic art only to find out it's some minecraft thing and every single time i ask myself "what IS it about minecraft letsplayers that prompts this" even though i know perfectly well what the answer is
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larperwithastaff · 1 year
THIS !!! IS !! WHY !!! I !!! LOVE !!! LARP !!!!!!!
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stardstschlar · 1 month
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There was only so much irritation he could take before it got to the point of being annoying. The Joestar released a huff of breath, muttering to himself "Good grief..." muscled arms moving to cross over his chest as he leaned back in his seat.
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takekawa · 2 months
the itch of writing is creeping up on me again but its not the long form fic type. i fucked myself over at age 6-7 when i first got into roleplaying on world of warcraft and paragraphs were not the norm
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bloodxhound · 4 months
What intrigues you more? Intrapersonal or Interpersonal character focus? E.g., your character's inner conflict, or conflict derived from external sources, such as another character?
It’s difficult for me to completely divorce one from the other, since intrapersonal conflict often begets interpersonal conflict and vice versa, but if I absolutely had to choose, I’d always pick the former. I cannot sustain interest in writing a character long-term if they aren’t struggling with problems intrinsic to them, be that trauma, mental illness, a fear, an incongruity in morals, values, etc. I enjoy exploring how a character’s inner conflicts shape their perception of themselves, other people, and the world at large, and how that informs their actions and how those in turn will affect their environment. Without some inner turmoil, a character will quickly feel dull to me, like there’s a lack of substance to draw meaningful interactions from.
Let’s look at Ray. He’s the type of character that thrives on conflict with other people. Often, he seeks it out. He enjoys to provoke and antagonize. Since he’s a detective, it’s also quite easy to put him in conflictual situations that don’t necessarily concern him on a personal level ( e.g. interrogating a muse on a murder). There’s a lot of potential for interpersonal conflict just because of his personality and profession. At the same time, he has a lot of internal struggles that drive how he interacts with the world around him. His upbringing, his need for control, his anger issues, his desire to do good despite him often feeling ill-equipped to do so, the burden of having to dismantle his father’s legacy on his own, and so on. To me, the best kinds of threads are those where I get to reflect on these issues and give the other writer the same opportunity in return.
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egotisticalcandidate · 5 months
Why did a certain Oxford professor catch your attention?
𝟑 - 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚��� 𝟏𝟎:𝟓𝟓𝐏𝐌 𝐁𝐒𝐓
I’d hardly say my attention was caught. It was one conversation, and it was more-or-less banter in my eyes than anything serious.
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abisslkaffee · 1 year
the human mind is very complex and i promise you will be much happier and comfortable in your own mind and body if you allow yourself the space to explore the scary and the taboo and the awkward and the painful in a safe and consensual manner
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