#only slept with him bc he got lucky to be the first one to ask and she was in a good mood
jb-nonsense · 1 year
really enjoy how the art I see of other Astarion romancers with the party scene and he's like "Waiting to have you" and you can reply "you don't have me yet" is all the other romancers being like "don't seem desperate don't seem desperate!!"
meanwhile, Tali, was like "fuck boy let's GOOO you wanna play lines I will play lines"
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malusmagpie · 1 year
Gentle Hands
Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!Reader
Summary: Anakin doesn’t like being touched. Everybody knows they shouldn’t touch him unless it’s absolutely necessary. Until…
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Word count: 6.5K
Trigger warnings: 18+ smut and drinking
A/N: Slow burn baby! It’s Clone Wars era Anakin cuz I’ve been watching Clone Wars a lot but just imagine early ROTS Anakin bc Hayden. Okay? Okay. Also we are so back. Ps, Zeltron spiced wine is an aphrodisiac. Just fyi. No relation to this piece of writing, of course.
It was a regular day. There was a soft buzz of commotion in the Jedi Temple. Nothing loud enough to annoy you but if it was gone you’d notice. Footsteps, voices speaking, the sounds of droids doing their business. It’s what normally woke you up everyday, the relative silence of the night would begin to turn into the early morning sounds of Jedi business. In all honesty, it made you feel excited to wake up. To see what new mission would be brewing, to hear the stories of the most recent expedition. The war had its effect on you and your Master but it never broke your spirit. You were proud to be who you were, to do what you do. You were even prouder to have Master Plo Koon as your teacher. He was the kindest one, at least to your knowledge. The two girls you often hung out with on your off time told you stories of how their Masters were very strict and had little to no empathy once the war had started. You deemed yourself lucky and even more so, grateful.
Your eyes watched the small skylight that was fixed to your ceiling. Being one of the older younglings, and now a Padawan, you got to move to your own living quarters in the main complex of the temple. They all had skylights and balconies whereas the younglings were bunked in big rooms in the lower levels of the temple so they would be harder to get to incase of an ambush.
You watched the thin clouds move across the bright blue sky quickly, telling you the weather was warm with a breeze. Your legs slid off the bed, your body following suit to bring you to a sitting position. The cold marble floor of your apartment was hidden by a single carpet right by your bed and your feet revelled in the feeling of the soft fibres keeping them warm.
The clock read 7:45 and you sighed. You only had 15 minutes to be up and outside before breakfast was served and with a sigh you walked on tiptoe across the cold floor into your bathroom.
With a lazy flare you brushed your teeth and washed your face. Your hair was still damp from the shower you had taken late last night instead of sleeping. You brushed out the damp curls and they turned into soft waves. You decided that was good enough before changing and heading out the door. The second you opened the door you were greeted by your Master.
“Glad to see you awake.” Plo Koon spoke with his arms crossed over his chest. You gave him a half smile as you reached out a joking fist to punch his arm lightly.
“You stalking me now?” You said and the sound of your own voice speaking for the first time today shocked you. It sounded like you just woke up for sure. A small laugh was heard coming from your Master and it brought a smile to your face. “What’s the plan for today, Master?” You asked in hopes to sway him from thinking you’d slept in.
He gave you a shrug. “Only thing I’m planning is breakfast. We’ve been on the go for weeks. You and I both deserve a small break.” He said as he peered into the space behind you. It was a mess. Your hand pulled the door closed with a nervous laugh.
“I could eat.” You replied with a shrug and he turned on his heels and you followed him to the dining hall. The two of you walked until your eyes landed on a taller figure. His dark clothes immediately made him stand out as he spoke to one of the Clones, you believed his name was Rex. With a shaky breath you watched as Plo Koon walked over to him. They spoke about something and you tried to unglue your feet from where he had left you standing. When you finally began to move toward them, Anakin glanced at you. Your breath caught itself in your throat and before you could take another step he nodded to Plo Koon and walked away.
“Your staring doesn’t go unnoticed.” Your Master said simply as he walked past you and it took every ounce of will in your body to move and follow him. As you walked you could have sworn you felt a pair of eyes on you and you whipped your head around to see Anakin talking to somebody you didn’t know, his back was turned to you and his hands were folded behind his back. You rolled your eyes, kicking yourself for being stupid enough to think he’d ever look in your general direction.
It wasn’t as if you two had never spoken. You were the same age, both partaking in the same level of Jedi training under equally fantastic Jedi Masters. Although, your interactions had never exceeded anything beyond polite and courteous conversation due to being in the same room as each other.
As the years went on, he became a bit taller, his hair grew and he chopped off his Padawan braid, his shoulders got broader, and your heart started beating a little faster every time he was around. It didn’t go unnoticed by you. It wasn’t some strange feeling that came out of nowhere. It was very prominent in your head at all times, your growing attraction to the boy. It was almost more aggravating to deal with when you knew it was happening. You’d fight yourself every day on repressing the thoughts that would populate in your minds eye at the sight of him. You’d heard multiple stories of his aversion to people. He didn’t like being touched, he barely even liked talking to strangers. You’d seen somebody try to give him a side hug once after he and Obi-Wan had successfully completed an assignment and the look on his face mixed with his blunt words of rejection made you fear ever coming close enough to touch him. The idea of touching him was reserved for your fantasies now.
The day had gone achingly slow and it felt as though your brain was far away from your body. Your master allowed you to go eat breakfast with your two friends and the three of you chatted and caught up, though you didn’t retain much of what they said. You barely even spoke, assuming a listening role, too busy thinking about the eyes you had sworn you felt on you earlier.
Once you had finished eating you returned to your Master who was sat amongst other amicable Jedi. The two of you walked through the gardens while Plo Koon gave you advice and some of literature to read up on. You nodded your head and made a mental note to visit the archives and pick up whatever he was talking about. He dismissed you, having no further work to give you. It had been three days since your last mission had ended and you thanked your lucky stars you hadn’t gotten a new assignment as you made your way across the long and beautifully decorated hallways of the Jedi Temple. Your eyes scanned the art that hung between every window. You heard quick footsteps behind you and your body turned in an instant, your relief was obvious when you saw the face of your friend who had clearly been wandering around looking for something to do.
“Where are you off to?” She asked as she slowed her pace, nearing you. You met her halfway.
“Just the archives. Master Plo Koon gave me some stuff to check out.” You spoke and she rolled her eyes.
“Just once I wanna hear you say you’re doing something normal.” She laughed and now it was your turn to roll your eyes. The two of you fell into step together as you walked toward the room full of all the information a Jedi could possibly need.
“Jedi’s don’t live a very normal life.” You responded and she simply shrugged her shoulders. She was a bit erratic and always had been an unconventional person. It had always been clear she longed for a normal life but she wasn’t from a good family nor a good place, she knew she was better off here.
“Well you’re not a Jedi yet.” She nudged you gently with a small smile on her face. You turned your body to face her as you walked in front of her with a look of mocked shock on your face. Turning the corner, you began to say something snarky in response but her hand reached out to you and her eyes went wide.
“Y/N watch ou-“ She pursed her lips, cutting herself off when you felt a light thud against your back. You felt hands grip your shoulders gently and you whipped around to see who you had so carelessly walked into. You were faced with a chest at first but with a small upward tilt of your head you saw the curly hair and blue eyes you spent most days thinking about staring directly at you.
Of course it would be him.
Your embarrassment was painted over every aspect of you. Your shoulders slumped and your cheeks reddened. Until you realized that there was no glare, no scowl. He looked down at you with what seemed like a hint of a smile. Your heart almost leaped out of your chest as you backed away from his touch. His hands seemed to attempt to linger on your shoulders before dropping to his sides. With a deep breath you began to apologize and he looked between you and your friend.
“Didn’t see you there, my fault.” He said gently as he slipped by the two of you. “Have a nice evening.” He finished. You looked back at your friend and you couldn’t imagine your facial features were much different from hers. With wide eyes and slightly parted lips you both shook your heads as he walked away.
“Sorry!” You finally blurted out behind him, causing your eyes to squeeze shut. You wished you could curl up inside yourself and die when all you heard in response was his distant chuckle. The two of you watched as he entered a room and closed the door behind him and the second he was gone, your friend began to cackle.
“Sorry.” She mimicked as you stared at her. “Man. I was expecting him to tell you right off.” She continued to speak through her laughs. You didn’t say anything. You shoulders were burning where his hands had been and your stomach felt like it had been tied into knots. Another deep breath eased you into being able to move again.
“He’s so weird.” You said, brushing it off in an attempt to neutralize her. It worked and you desperately tried to change the subject by asking her about herself. The two of you walked and she rambled on about some mission she had just come back from until you got to the archives. When you were done downloading everything onto a small device, you turned to her. “I have to go back to Plo Koon. I forgot to ask him something. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You lied, desperately trying to be alone. She nodded and said something about seeing you tomorrow, you weren’t listening, before leaving you to go find something else to do.
You rushed to your apartment in the Temple, finally letting out a deep sigh when you heard the door of your safe space close behind you. You tossed the small device that held all the information you needed on the small table in the middle of the apartment before sitting on the couch beside it. You felt as though there wasn’t enough air in the apartment for you to breathe in, which made no sense, but you opened your balcony door anyways.
The soft sounds of the fountain in the garden and the bustling of people below you didn’t seem to clear your head. You sighed, feeling as if you might finally be going insane. The thoughts in your head were clambering over one another in order to be heard as you paced the main room. You ran a hand through your hair and tightened your fist at your scalp with another weary sigh. Without a second thought you began to drop all your clothing off your body, leaving them behind you like a small trail to the bathroom. You adjusted the shower to be on the coldest setting and stared at the water, thinking of how water never looked cold or hot; it always just looked like water. Before you let yourself think your way out of it, you stepped in and a loud yelp escaped your mouth.
“Shit!” You yelled as the freezing water unrelentingly pelted against your skin. You cursed under your breath as if you were mad at the water for not realizing you were uncomfortable but you pressed your eyes shut and took heavy, pursed lipped breaths. When you began to feel as if you couldn’t take it anymore, your hand reached out to the faucet and you turned it to a higher heat setting. The sudden heat hitting your body made you feel like you could drop to the ground so you did. You let yourself sit on the floor of the shower and warm up. Your breathing became normal and your heart rate slowed. The thoughts got quieter but they were still there. The feeling of the hot water on your shoulders mimicked a feeling you’d felt earlier and that’s when you stood back up and turned the water off completely.
With legs that felt like jello you dried off and pushed yourself toward your closet and found something to lay down in. You’d sleep early tonight and forget about it all in the morning, you thought. Soft linen pants and an equally soft shirt adorned your frame and you decided a drink wouldn’t kill you. You settled into a spot on your couch with crossed legs, a large glass of wine on the table, and a salty snack you’d been waiting to try in your lap. Your hand reached for the small remote next to you and you watched the screen in front of you flicker to life at the press of a button. You let whatever was on the Holo play, not bothering to find something you enjoy. You just wanted something to distract you.
Hours passed and your eyes were yet to get heavy. There was no level of relaxation that could make you go to bed. You glanced at the clock on the wall and chewed at a piece of skin that had released its hold on your lip. You lifted the glass to your lips and found it to be empty. The bottle was on the table, empty as well. You rolled your eyes and let a breath out from your closed lips causing them to flutter and make a funny noise. You felt seemingly alright for somebody who’d polished a bottle of Zeltron spiced wine, you thought. With a swift motion you stood up and wobbled like a newborn deer.
You might have slightly misread your sobriety level.
It took a few steps to steady yourself but you did it. Your hand reached for your hooded robe on the hook by the front door and you slipped on your boots. The pairing looked silly with your pyjamas and you decided to tie up your robe in a small effort to hide it.
You opened your door slowly and peered around the dimly lit hallways before stepping out completely and closing the door behind you, locking it twice to make sure you did it. Your footsteps seemed so loud no matter how quietly you tried to walk, they echoed off the marble floors and high ceilings. It wasn’t a crime to be out at night but as a Padawan your Master should always know what you’re doing, and Plo Koon was definitely in the dark on your actions.
You wandered through the hallways and noticed how vastly different they looked without the natural light pouring through the ceiling high windows. The paintings almost had an eerie look about them and the dim lighting had the opposite of a warm effect on you. You ignored your paranoia, it was just the wars sick effect on you. You began to hum to clear your thoughts, a tune you remember from your childhood. You didn’t remember much other than your life at the Temple but you held on dearly to the small bits you remembered from before.
Without you even realizing, the hallway you had wandered into seemed to have broken light fixtures and it was completely dark. You slowed your steps and reached into the Force for a brief bit of direction. You felt something in front of you and you felt your heart begin to race. You froze in place and squeezed your eyes shut when you felt it get closer. A small thump made a yelp escape your lips as hands gripped your shoulders tightly. One hand left your shoulders and your eyes widened in fear, your mouth dropped open but no sound escaped.
The loud hum of a lightsaber igniting filled the air just as quickly as the blue light that illuminated the face in front of you. Your look of horror didn’t wash away when you saw who it was.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing sulking around in the dark?” Anakin spoke in a hushed yet aggressive tone. Your mouth opened and closed but you couldn’t get any words to fall through. He raised an eyebrow, his shoulders dropped and he looked more relaxed now that he knew you were harmless. It seemed he had the same fear as you did, walking through the dark halls. “Have you been drinking?” He asked, his hand never left your shoulder and you turned your head slowly to look at it before looking at him again with a nod.
He laughed. Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow.
“What’s so funny?” You said, your voice barely audible.
“Nothing. Just the second time today you’ve walked directly into me.” He mused.
“I wasn’t walking.” You shrugged.
“All the same.” He shrugged back, his hand dropped from your shoulder and he made his way next to you, his hand now found a spot on your lower back. “Let’s get you back to your room.”
You shook your head. “I left my room for a reason.”
“And what would that be?” His voice had never been this quiet before, it made you feel safe.
“You ask a lot of questions. Why are you sulking around in the dark?” You built up the courage to speak to him like a normal person. Your drunken mind didn’t even notice that he hadn’t once let his hand fall away from your body since you had bumped into each other.
“I was going to the gardens to think.” He answered and it shocked you, you almost thought he wouldn’t. You looked at him for a moment before shrugging again, giving your head a tilt.
“I was too.” You said with all the certainty you could muster, which wasn’t much. He smiled again, it was rare you saw him laugh or smile and in the last minute or so, you’d seen both. It made your stomach feel warm and it wasn’t just the wines fault.
“Right. Let’s go then.” He played along, guiding you down the dark hallway with his lightsaber. He disengaged it when the exit of the Temple came into your vision. The door was pushed open by him and the hand he had on the small of your back, ushered you out in front of him. You realized his level of touchiness when he rushed over after you to place his hand back on you.
Your heart felt like it was making its way up your throat and you couldn’t breathe, let alone speak. Something in your stomach began to feel warm and your head felt so far from your body you thought you could faint. You didn’t want him to stop touching you so when you both got to a small spot in the garden, surrounded by bushes, you pulled him over by his arm and sat on the soft grass. He looked down at you with the ends of his lips curled and sat crossed-legged across from you. You mimicked his position and inched forward so your knees were touching his. Every single place that was touched by him went fire hot. You’d never felt like this. You weren’t sure if it was the wine or him, either way you would live like this forever if you could.
When he didn’t protest to your knees touching his, you looked at him. “Thought you didn’t like being touched.” Your words came out slightly slurred but you tried your best to hide it by articulating a little better.
“That is circumstantial, Y/N.” He responded, eyeing you. It seemed as though he was trying to read you. You felt judged but not in a bad way. You allowed him to look, even sitting up a bit straighter. Your head tilted again at his response. Your hand absent mindedly fiddled with the grass under you, twirling the blades between your fingers.
“To what?” You asked gently, feeling a quiet in your mind that you hadn’t felt since he had touched you outside the Archives. His eyes watched your hands play with the grass when he spoke.
“You.” He didn’t look at you. Was he nervous or lying? You couldn’t tell and it caused a small laugh to escape your lips. He finally looked at you, his puzzled features were desperately scanning you to figure why you would laugh at him.
“Me? You want me to touch you?” You laughed again. You wouldn’t be surprised if in a few moments you woke up in a cold sweat on your couch. Your nerves were gone, and he was here with you. He was touching you, he was looking into your eyes. It had to be a dream.
“What if I do?” He leaned back on his hands, his long torso extended in the most delicious way and you didn’t bother trying to disguise your staring. There was an intensity in the air that made it feel okay to be like this. You felt like you were heating up more and more by the second and you wondered if he felt the same. You watched his chest, it moved faster than a normal persons would, signalling that was breathing heavily.
“We did a mission together once.” He spoke again, snapping you out of your trance. You looked at him, your head shook as a reaction. That was two years ago, when you were both 20. You went on a mission with three Jedi and three Padawans including yourself, Anakin, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan. They thought a big mission like that would do better with a larger group.
“I’m aware.” You said nonchalantly. You remembered it but you were shocked that he did too.
“You helped carry me back onto the ship. You got me water and dressed the cut I got on my face.” His hand touched the scar over his eye instinctively as he spoke. You looked away, following your arm down to where your hand was gripping the grass gently.
“It was nothing.” You shrugged.
“It was protocol,” He started, a shrug of his own mimicked yours. “But it felt so intimate. I felt like electricity had run through me every time you touched me. Every time you apologized for accidentally hurting me I felt my heartbeat in my ears.” He looked at you and you prayed he didn’t see you holding your breath. You ripped one piece of grass out of the ground and raised it to tie it into several small knots, the same knots you felt in your stomach. There was no use in pretending his words didn’t affect you the way they did.
“You can always tell me to stop if you want me to shut up.” He whispered as his hand reached to yours, taking the blade of grass from you and replacing it with his own hands.
“There’s no way you’re doing this right now.” Your drunken words came out a little louder than you wanted and you laughed as a response at your own inability to self regulate. You slipped your hands out of his and crossed them over your chest.
“What? You think you’re the only one here capable of feeling things?” He smirked, a joking tone laced in his voice. Your eyes widened and you looked at him.
“You don’t act like it. You’ve never spoken to me for more than a few minutes. You found me drunk and alone at night and suddenly you felt electricity all those months ago? Your heartbeat in your ears?” You laughed. Sober you wouldn’t dare speak to anybody like this. You were kind and curt no matter what the scenario. It felt like you had been possessed by an over-confident, aggressive, and unserious version of yourself. You didn’t mind it when you saw the look on his face. He had been joking but your serious response clearly wasn’t what he had been pining for.
“Would you rather I follow you around like a lost puppy? Or try to talk to you every chance I get? Why would I make my feelings obvious, Y/N?” He asked, his voice was still gentle and it made your arms tingle with the feeling of goosebumps raising.
“Maybe. Maybe I do. I spent years watching you, praying you’d let your eyes linger for long enough to see how highly I feel about you.” Your words probably didn’t make sense, but you felt they did. He got it, you could tell by the way his eyebrows pushed themselves apart from their furrowed position and his eyes adopted a more understanding emotion.
“Why dwell on me being an idiot and not focus on the fact that if you were anybody else you’d have been left alone for the night?” He asked and you rolled your eyes. Was he really that arrogant?
“Because you being an ‘idiot’ made me feel like a bigger idiot and a bit of a creep.” You said bluntly and he laughed.
“If I told you how I felt about you, I’d be the creep.” He chuckled and you raised your chin in curiosity.
“Do tell.” You mused, the serious air leaving almost immediately as leaned back on your own hands with a grin.
“No.” He shook his head with a small grin finding his features as well.
“Please? I’ll tell you if you tell me.” You tried to barter and even though you felt like a young, naive, school girl you enjoyed the aura of the interaction.
“Fine.” He sat up, his knees raised and he draped his arms over them and you followed, sitting in the same position. Your faces were a few feet away on account of how long his legs were but you stared at each other for a moment, stifling giddy laughs and smiles. “At first, I thought you were the most talented Jedi I’d ever seen. You’re smart too. Dedicated.” He started and you smiled.
“I know all of that, Anakin. Get to the good stuff.” You gestured your hand in the air as if saying ‘hurry up’ and he rolled his eyes.
“Patience.” He made a mockingly serious face before going on with his grand revelation. “I like that you’re confident in yourself. Everything I’ve heard about your missions was always positive, the trust your Master has in you is incredible.” He cleared his throat. He was beating around the bush and he knew it. You groaned a bit and he held his hand up. “But you’re also beautiful. I can always tell who’s laughing when I hear you. Even if I’m not looking. I know it’s you. It’s very distinct. If the suns raised every morning just to see your face and head your laugh it wouldn’t surprise me. I can always feel when you’re around, your presence alone is so loud… Warm and.. Inviting. I always think about you and whenever I catch it I beat myself right the hell up.” He shrugged.
You stared at him. That wasn’t what you expected. Not from a man with his reputation. You expected something baseline and boring. Even a bit sexual. He is a man after all but he shocked you for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.
“Why would you beat yourself up?” You asked, skillfully dodging all the soft and mushy stuff he had mentioned. He shrugged.
“Obvious reasons, Y/N.” He said simply and you nodded. “Your turn.” He smiled and you internally screamed at yourself for promising this to him. It was only fair but Maker, it was embarrassing.
“I hate to be the person who says something as easy as ‘I feel the same’…” You trailed off and he leaned forward, like he was eager to hear what you had to say. It made you feel special. “But I do. I might even feel more intensely than you.” You took a deep breath to help yourself get it over with. “I admire you more than you could know. I’ve never known anybody who’s been through so many adversaries and came over them to be as amazing as you. I think of you every day and since earlier, it’s gotten almost unbearable to deal with. I think about you during the day and I dream of you at night. I know it’s not right but I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you. Every aspect of you.”
You didn’t get very far in your confession before Anakin pushed both of your legs down and pulled you toward him. You almost floated toward him and into his lap. Your eyes stared at him wildly as his hand touched the side of your cheek, stroking it gently. “Anakin..” You started and he shook his head.
“Please let me try this. It’s all I can ever think about.” He whispered and you didn’t object. His nose touched yours and your eyes fluttered shut. His breath against your lips made some kind of switch inside of you flip and you pushed your lips against his as your hands grabbed at the fabric on his back before moving up to the nape of his hair. He moaned against you and you let out a heavy breath between your lips. The sound alone made you push him down on his back and you clambered over him.
He held you tightly to his body and rolled the two of you over so he would be over you. Through heavy handed kisses he whispered something but you couldn’t make it out.
“Hm?” You asked, pulling away. He stared at you with an intensity you’d never seen before and it made your blood feel like lava in your veins. You anticipated his response.
“Keep this up and I’m going to have to take some extreme measures.” His voice was gravelly and his breath hit your face with every syllable. You felt your breathing become erratic and sharp. You stared up at him and ran a hand through his hair, his eyes almost closed at the feeling. You pulled him back toward you, engaging him in another longing kiss. You moaned when his tongue slipped between your lips. Your hips moved up toward his instinctually and he pushed them back down with a sound that almost sounded like a growl.
“Don’t.” He whispered.
“Why not?” You responded. The wine had taken its natural affect on you and at this point, having him was all you wanted.
“I want it to be special.” He said as he pulled away from you. He had a level of restraint that he was struggling to maintain and you could feel it.
“You’ll have plenty of do-overs.” You mumbled before pulling him back to you and he gave in. He untied your robe and looked down at your pyjamas that were hiding underneath and a small chuckle escaped him before he began to pull away the clothing on your body. He left your panties on before he pulled his own shirt off. His pants stayed on and you didn’t care. You could stare at his body forever, so you stared with wide and lustful eyes. It was far better than you could ever have imagined and it made you squeeze your legs together.
His hand traced down from your cheek to your chin, across your collarbone and down the side of your body. He hit a spot where you were a bit sensitive and you jerked at the ticklish feeling. He smiled, tracing his finger up and down a few times to see your reaction. You whined in response and he didn’t waste anytime in giving you what you wanted.
His hand felt ginormous between your legs and you sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers danced over your panties. He felt how wet you were and a smirk washed over his face. “I’m not even gonna say it.” He laughed gently as he increased the pressure of his movements against you.
“Say what?” You said, your words mixed into the sound of a moan.
“How wet you are and how much I like it.” He leaned down and began to pepper kisses all over your neck and collarbone. Your eyes rolled back into your head when he slipped your underwear to one side and ran his fingers through your folds. Your back arched and you spread your legs a bit more for him and he smiled against your skin. “Good girl.” He whispered, causing a small whimper to leave you.
Anakin’s fingers worked your throbbing heat gently, starting with one pumping in and out of you at an alarmingly slow pace. You wriggled under him and he used his free hand to hold you still. “Patience.” He repeated his words from earlier. You tried to keep still while he added a second finger and increased his pace, curling them ever so gently. Moans fell from your lips and you tried your best to silence them. You focused on staring up at the stars above you, not even caring that the two of you were doing this outdoors, hidden between a few bushes.
After what seemed like a decade, he pulled his fingers out of you and pressed them against your clit. Your own excitement was all he needed for lubricant. He rubbed it slowly while sucking gently at your neck. “Anakin.” You moaned and he hummed as a response. “Please don’t stop.” You said desperately.
“I like it when you beg.” He whispered as he moved his fingers in quick circular motions against your clit. You felt your entire body jerk up toward him at the new feeling. You’d done this yourself multiple times and it had never felt as good as it did right now. Your eyes squeezed shut as your felt yourself get closer and closer to euphoria. Your hands gripped at his hair, pulling and tugging it, causing a moan to leave his mouth and you felt the feeling come barreling at you like a freight train. You felt your body begin to vibrate and all it took was a few words from him to tip you over the edge. “Cum for me.” He whispered and a yelp left your mouth as you released every bit of tension in your body. You grinded against his fingers and he slowed his movements. You rode it out until you were able to open your eyes. When you did, you saw him staring down at you and your cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry..” You started and he shook his head.
“Please don’t be. I’ve thought about doing that for months.” He smiled and you returned the expression. Your embarrassment left as quickly as it came and you began to reach for his pants. His hand rested over yours. “Have you ever had sex?” He asked and you shook your head reluctantly. He sighed. “I can’t do that right now. I won’t make that something that happens when you’re drunk, let alone in a field outside the Temple.” He finished and you sighed. A nod followed.
“Okay..” You smiled and he gently pulled your shirt back over your head and began to raise your pants to your waist again. You lifted your hips to help him as he got you dressed before he put his own shirt back on. He grabbed your robe and tied it around you the same way you had done earlier before brushing your hair behind your ear.
“You’re beautiful.” He said and you pushed at his chest lightly. He grasped at his chest as if he’d been shot and fell over onto his back. You laughed at him and he laughed with you. It was nice seeing this side of him, it made him seem like he was just a normal boy. You liked feeling normal.
“I want to take you out. Somewhere nice.” He sat up, his hand rested on your leg. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Like a date? As if we have the time.” You laughed gently.
“We both have time, while the council decides on what we need to do about this stupid war.” He shrugged and you looked at him, resting your hand over his on your leg.
“Fine. I’ll go on a date with you.” You nodded.
“Don’t sound too excited.” He joked as he stood up, pulling you up with him.
“I’ll try not to.” You smiled at him and your cheeks went bright red when he laced his fingers within your own, holding your hand as he walked you back through the dark hallways to your apartment.
When you finally arrived at your door, you unlocked it and he stepped in with you. You turned back to look at him with confusion.
“I couldn’t find my key. That’s why I was wandering around earlier.” He said sheepishly and you laughed harder than you had in years. It took a few moments for you to compose yourself.
“Oh that’s why you said and did all that? You just needed a place to sleep?” You joked and he rolled his eyes.
“I’d have found a cleaner apartment to do so if that was the case.” He joked back and you giggled.
“You can stay here.” You smiled and showed him the bathroom and the room, even though your apartment was small and you didn’t really need to. He made his way to your couch and you scoffed. “You just made me cum in a field and you’re trying to sleep on my couch? Go to the bed.” You said as you walked into the bathroom and you heard him chuckle behind you.
“You got a point.” He said as he sat on the edge of your bed. He pulled his shirt off and folded it neatly on the floor beside him, ignoring the fact that half your clothes were strewn across the room carelessly. He could fix that later.
The two of you laid down and he held you close as you fell into a deep sleep. You’d never slept that well before and neither had he.
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fairyyarchive · 1 year
Running into him after hes all sweaty from his workout in the sunny and asking him to feel his muscles 😩😩 (can u make the reader bite his biceps once or sum LMAO)
HEY BESTIEEE tysm for your requests you keep me going <3 this one is a little rushed but i promise my upcoming uploads are so worth it hehe. Ty as always for the love and don’t hesitate to send me literally any and all ideas you have you’re the best!! <3 faye Content: afab reader, training, martial artist reader, sweaty zoro, suggestive content, flirty and fun bc these two are my favs rn
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bad form
An empty day, in this economy? It truly seemed impossible. However, the fact remained true, leaving the members of the Straw Hat crew finding ways to occupy themselves. Nami had offered for you to come with her for a few errands (since when does Nami run errands..?) but you declined in favor of using the Sunny’s training room. Training with the view of the sky and sea outside, air blowing in through the windows gave you a sense of clarity and calmness that allowed you to train at your best.
You quickly discovered that you weren’t the only one with that plan; a familiar green haired, broad shouldered, toned back… swordsman. Crewmate. With benefits? You weren’t sure yet, exactly, but you did know that since the first time you’d slept together, you couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that you really knew how those muscles worked now, and not just in battle. 
Regardless of your situation, you still wanted to get some basics in, at least. Zoro seemingly didn’t notice you enter the room, focusing instead on the swords in his hand as he ran through his exercises, precise and strong and sure of his movements, as always.
You began your stretches, shifting your focus from previous escapades with your –devastatingly hot– crewmate to the sounds of the ocean and breeze outside. It wasn’t what you’d grown up with, but you’d found that as long as you were where the sounds of nature could find you, the focus you required found you as well. Your focus was so in tune, in fact, that you hadn’t noticed Zoro’s presence just behind you. 
“Form’s a little lax today, got something on your mind sweetheart?” His hand is on your waist, the other running up your back to straighten your posture. You turn around in his arms, concentration definitely broken. His breathing was heavy, nearly bare chest heaving and sweat glistening from what was likely hours of training before you’d seen him. His body buzzed with warmth and energy behind you, sparking electricity in your veins.
“You’re lucky I was just warming up, I could’ve swept you in no time. Bam,” you punched his arm, small fist hitting stone muscle. Ugh. 
“Yeah? I’d have had you headlocked in no time babe, your knees were locked and your back wasn’t straight at all,” he chuckled. His forearm barred your chest, pulling you flush against him and knocking the breath from your lungs. Your back hit his absolute wall of a chest, bodies now alight with the sparks that flashed between you.
“Yeah well…” You huffed. It wasn’t fair that he always got the upper hand, though you knew you’d rather be wrapped up in him than kicking his ass - at least today. That didn’t mean you couldn’t be a little annoying while you’re at it, though. You started softly, craning your neck to plant soft little pecks all over Zoro’s arm.
“Hey, what are you – Ow! What the hell?” Zoro flinched back when you bit down on his forearm, teeth pinching the skin totally surprising him from the sweet kisses you’d been giving him. 
You giggled, twisting around in his grip and using your right foot (and his surprise) to sweep his ankle, knocking him to the ground. You toppled on top of him, wasting no time in straddling his waist and locking him in between your legs. Zoro had seemingly given up, knowing his raw strength could overpower you but opting to give you this win instead, just to see the cocky grin on your face. 
“I win,” you smirked, leaning close to his face to kiss him. 
“This time,” Zoro smiled back, warmer than before. 
Yeah, he’d let you keep thinking this was your win. 
loved doing this actually bc even without smut Zoro is so obviously obsessed hehe, more to come soon! ty for all the love <3 faye
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leviscolwill · 1 year
i can see you
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pairing: ben chilwell x fem!reader
summary: after you lost your hotel room key you're forced to ask your friend ben to share his bed with you (wc: 1k)
contents: fluff, coworkers au / workplace romance, idiots crushing on each other, one use of y/n sorry 🏃‍♀️
notes: please be indulgent w this,, i haven't written in 2 years so i'm a bit rusty. also english is not my first language so my apologies for any grammar mistakes that will make you want to gouge your eyes out. reblogs & feedback are very veryyyyy appreciated as always <3
ps: i tried sum with the dividers tell me if they're ugly asf and i'll delete bc idk how to feel abt them 💀
now playing: i can see you by taylor swift (speak now)
"are you sure you don't mind me staying here tonight ?" you didn't want to force ben into sharing his room, but as soon as you noticed your hotel room card was gone, he offered his room for the night.
"i wouldn't offer if i did."
he had a point. not that you would ever say it out loud, so you simply kept silent. truth be told, today was exhausting, you had to run left and right while every player fulfilled their media duties, and everything felt 10 times more intense in the heat of the summer.
you still felt anxious at the idea of sharing a bed with ben. the line between 'coworkers-that-get-along-well' and 'something more' blurred a little bit too much whenever you were with ben. you'd find yourself looking at him a little bit more than you'd look at other players and thinking about him in a way a friend shouldn't, let alone someone who works for his team should.
"i can practically hear your thoughts you know ?" ben chuckled, he got to know you well throughout the last two seasons you worked at chelsea, well enough to feel you hesitating over the proposal.
"i can sleep on the floor if that makes you more comfortable."
"i'm not making you sleep on the floor when i'm the one who lost my card in the first place" you sighed. you were both adults that could share a bed and not make it weird, right ?
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"do you have any spare shirt i could borrow ?" after ben searched through his baggage that seemed untouched since touchdown, he handed you a t-shirt and some shorts.
you made your way to his bathroom after muttering a quick 'thank you'.
you came out of his bathroom battling against his shorts that were still too big even after adjusting them, ben couldn't hide his smile when you walked out in his clothes. he'd imagined you in his shirt more times than he'd like to admit.
"i'll get ready for bed, make yourself comfortable." he said pointing at his bed. thankfully it was more than enough for two people, actually, his bed was probably bigger than yours, perks of being a football player probably.
after staying on your phone to distract yourself from the fact you were sharing a bed with your crush, a very shirtless ben came out of the bathroom and laid on his side of the bed. the only thing that you could do now was hoping for the red on your cheeks to fade as quickly as humanly possible.
to you, it was obvious, he was not nearly as nervous or embarrassed as you were, it almost seemed like he'd done this a million times before. he was laying casually on his phone while you stayed close to the end of the bed, so close you were afraid you might fall at any moment.
but if you could read his mind, you'd find out ben was torn between overthinking about how he better not mess it up, and thinking about who he would tell first that he slept in the same bed as the pretty girl from work he kept rambling about.
"goodnight ben." you said in an almost whisper.
"goodnight y/n" he answered while he tried his best to fall asleep, although all he could think about was how lucky he was.
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when you woke up in the morning, you were confused about the unfamiliar setting for the first few seconds but quickly remembered the events of last night. you don't even know what awakened you. was it the sun peeking through the curtains ? the light snoring you could hear coming from above your head ? or the heat of the body laying right next to you ? then you silently panicked sensing how close you were to ben, his head resting on top of your hair, his features soft as he was still asleep.
but you took the time to fully appreciate the moment that was definitely too intimate for two coworkers, or even two friends. listening to ben's heartbeat and tracing his features after freeing yourself from one of his arms that kept you close to him.
after a few minutes he opened his eyes, and stretched, while pulling you right next to him.
"slept well ?" he asked with a tired smile on his face, while his fingers traced up and down your bare arm.
you almost wanted to tell him that you had the best sleep of your life, in hopes that he'll keep you this close for longer, but chose against it.
"yes, slept well, maybe i would've slept even better if you didn't snore this loud"
he faked a offended expression and attacked you with his pillow, messing your hair even more.
"no, no, no, i'm sorry, please stop, i didn't mean that." you tried to plead out of breath.
ben was feeling merciful, he helped you seat up on his bed and you spent about half an hour talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
"i better go to the reception to get a new card." you said while ben watched you collect your clothes with a lovesick smile attached to his face.
"let me know if you lose your new card, i'll gladly share my bed with you again."
with that, you closed ben's door with one last look at him, his messy hair and his (very) unmade bed, smiling to yourself for the rest of the morning.
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
Based off that ask about multiverse shenanigans, I can't help but wonder: what IF Tim got pregnant during those encounters?
I can see either Tim popping out babies like clockwork with no idea which version of Bruce/Dick/Kon/Jason/Clark/whoever is the father
OR, for a more BruTim focus:
I can easily see Tim getting knocked up after a gangbang consisting of multiple Bruce's. He comes out of it pregnant and his Bruce tries to stay professional, tries to be the adult, the parent in this situation (bc Tim is still so small, his 14th birthday still a few months away and he already has a little bump that's just making him bigger and more ungainly ~~and more beautiful~~ as time goes by) and be concerned for Tim in a practical /familial/ way, but he can't help it. Tim is getting rounded and heavier bc he's full of a baby. Not just anyone's baby, but BRUCE'S baby. And sure, he wasn't the one to fuck the baby into Tim's sweet little pussy, but the DNA tests won't be able to differentiate that. As far as most anyone knows, Bruce will be this baby's father (they keep that on the down low tho, ofc, bc they don't want to face actual legal trouble) on a purely biological level
He tries so hard not to give in to his lust for Tim, but it's harder and harder with each passing day, watching Tim fill out, his tits fatten up and his curves become more pronounced, his body softening from pregnancy and motherhood. He caves when Tim is practically begging to be fucked, so horny from the pregnancy and the months he spent getting fucked by multiverse travelers (they shut that doorway down pretty quick so Tim hasn't been gangbanged in way too long). So Bruce agrees, but only bc he's helping his pregnant son, not wanting to stress him out
It's a one and done deal. Or so Bruce tries to convince himself. But then they're fucking once a week, twice a week, once a day, once in the morning and again at night. It becomes a habit, an addiction, a routine. Tim loves it and Bruce does too, tho he tries to deny it
By the end of the pregnancy, when Bruce fucks Tim into labor, Bruce has finally come to the realization that he can't quit this, can't quit Tim and his sweet, tight, baby making pussy. So he doesn't. Two months postpartum, Bruce is holding Tim down in bed, pussy up in the air and his face pressed into the mattress to muffle his cries of pleasure as Bruce fucks him deeply
"you're such a little slut, Tim" Bruce says, voice seemingly unaffected from the fucking as he pounds into Tim with a wet slap on every thrust. "It won't be long before you're pregnant again, getting big and heavy with a baby. But who knows who you'll have slept with by then? You got lucky with your first baby, OUR baby. It will be so humiliating, so shameful when people see how often you open your legs for anyone and pop out whatever babies result from it" Tim cums hard on his cock and Bruce holds back on cumming for now, wanting to fuck another orgasm out of Tim
"it only makes sense that I be the one to knock you up again. And again, and again, and again. Bc even tho you'll still be a whore, a little baby making machine, at least all of your kids will have the same two parents" with that he finally cums deep inside of Tim, and yes, they do end up pregnant again
Tim doesn't stay Robin for long, no no, he's never between pregnancies long enough to get cleared for training by his doctor let alone going on actual patrol. But Tim and Bruce find that they like it that way, Tim perpetually pregnant with more and more of Bruce's babies, filling the Manor with little footsteps and giggling voices
And if Bruce opens the multiverse portal during Tim's pregnancies so he can be properly satisfied like the little slut he is? Well, so long as Bruce is the one to knock Tim up, he doesn't mind much at all
😍😍😍😍😍😍 bruce trying to take care of tim and all his needs!!!!! the way that he ultimatly gives into his desires because being greeted by the sight of tim pregnant with his baby just slowly eroded away at his resolve. bruce also has to deal with the knowledge that tim is absolutely attracted to him. that he was willing to fuck multiple versions of bruce whose morality were much grayer than his so that they would give into their desires to fuck tim. even when they're all gone tim's desire doesn't waver the slightest bit and so bruce is tortured by the sound of tim fucking himself on a toy (and where did he get that??? did one of the bruces give it to him) while whining for bruce. tim grows rounder with his baby and bruce can no longer halt the mutual attraction he feels for tim who wants so badly to be fucked because being full of bruce's baby have made him sooo horny 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!
just tim being so unashamed in his attraction and bruce ultimately letting the floodgates open and finally fucking tim.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
I wrote this all out while pretending to work and actually working so it’s a little all over the place. But now I’m laughing reading it back because it genuinely looks like one of the “check up” texts I send to mom/dad about my brother. Minus the qaf related topics at the end. Anyway, hi! Hope you’re doing well and had a good start of the week! And now back to the idiot I’m related to:
Take a guess who has been listening to Lover’s spit sincere yesterday? I’m talking sitting outside, drinking his coffee while it’s absolutely freezing and listening to Lover’s spit like he’s in some sad music video. (Btw the songs he listened to were Lover’s spit, you look so fine (which was in like s1 so he was really going through it), Save the last dance, Here nor there and true faith. And this was on a loop!) And the only thing he has “said” to me so far is just a simple lip smack with a side eye whenever he looks at me. So i’d say he is doing as expected but he’s also upset with me for making him like the show (bc yeah, i did that. I made him have a crush on Brian)
He also has bunch of doctor check ups today and I can only drop him off and later pick him up since my work is hectic since holiday’s are coming up. And ngl i am keeping all the doctors and nurses in my thoughts today. Usually (even tho it doesn’t look like it) i stop him or at least limit his ramblings so i have no clue how today will go. He might surprise me and behaves like an adult. Also he said that he barely slept overnight because he kept thinking about what could happen in the last 3 episodes and in case you wanted to know, he told me that through the cat. As in ‘Brian, guess who didn’t sleep today cause of Justin and the other Brian? That’s right, me’ and yes, it was said in a baby voice. I did also get a text from his friend asking me if he’s doing okay cause apparently he sent him a voice memo “talking about Brian and how he’s really worried about him” and my brother has absolutely no memory of even sending that. All this is just after 5x09. I am mentally not prepared for him after the finale.
But to answer some of your questions since I didn’t have the chance to yesterday: He only watches the American RuPaul. And he watched season 5 because of Jinkx (on Saturday he watched the video they did with Trixie a few years ago so he started to miss them). And yes, he has managed to drag the entire family into qaf although grandma has no fucking clue what or who he’s talking about so she just nods her head and smiles. And grandpa only knows about it through grandma who is even less reliable than my brother. But he is very happy that he found a hobby even tho at first he thought Brian was his friend. So basically: yes, he has made it everyone’s problem.
And you saying he’s just like Debbie if she was a man made me laugh so hard cause I’ve been thinking the same thing! Im glad someone agrees with me. And I’m happy(?) to report that 3 of our cousins and our aunt(!) actually got in trouble with our grandpa because it turns out they had bets going on if he’ll figure out by the end of the show that he might be a little queer. And then during a family dinner last week it was revealed that it was our uncle who was the one behind the bets and it was his husband who exposed him (yes the uncles whose wedding he went to with rainbow hair). And no it was not cause he thought the bets were immature but because my uncle didn’t let him be in charge with him. So I’d say the whole family is kinda waiting to see what happens and also treating it like their personal entertainment since we do tend to be more chill with these topics (which is such a huge blessing and we really are lucky about the fact that they dont even bat an eye at anything queer related including coming outs). Also I honestly have no idea how he will react to the proposal. I keep trying to think about it and I can never pinpoint his reaction. His reaction to the comic book was as if he saw the worst thing ever so we shall see. Which tbh same, i always hated that cover story :/
As for the Gale/Randy/Hal thing: first of, I didn’t expect that people were going to later talk about it to you so i hope I didn’t cause problems for you of any kind. But I do admit that even years later, it’s still a topic that has me curious since we know so little and since the lack of social media meant they (aka hal) was shady in interviews. Who does that omg? But also: i was so shocked when he said that. Wish you could see him cause he really had that look in his eyes as if he was there and saw them arguing every day and had inside knowledge and like I was the one who didn’t know anything about qaf. You could literally see the wheels turning in his head trying to figure out if he was right or not. I do wonder how he will feel about it once I tell him the little info I know about.
Btw, im glad to hear you cat is doing well. It is the absolute worst when an animal is sick since they can’t tell you what’s wrong. So please give Emmett some kisses and pets!
Oh and the most important part: your little teasers about your fic are making me lose my mind. Nonbinary Gus?! Older Brian?? I might lose my mind completely when i get the chance to read it.
Anon! I was just texting Europe about your brother. It’s now 12:45 as I start to write this and look:
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I’m so glad you wrote because I wanted to remind you and let you make a decision based on whether he’s been paying attention to the titles.
I’m sorry I find it so funny he’s angry with YOI for making him care so much about this show and fall in love with Brian. It’s like when my dogs are mad at me for the rain. (If you’re doing math I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, all rescues because some lesbian stereotypes are accurate.)
Your family is taking bets about whether your brother is going to come out as so form of queer? I love that! Way better than the qaf family taking bets about how long Justin and Brian were going to last.
Don’t worry about mentioning the drama from the cast! I’m still so impressed with how insightful your brother is and how much he’s picked up on everything that the fandom discusses at length. The dynamics between the cast were bound to be one.
Emmett the cat continues to do well and come back from poor pathetic sickly mewmew to absolute bastard of a cat. We love to see it.
I am hoping to start posting my fic next week. I was hoping to have more done but oh well! I need the pressure of readers to focus lol. I’m so glad you’re excited!
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
Three Isn’t Always A Crowd
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Y/N x Max Verstappen
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: smut, spanking, hair pulling, unprotected sex, oral sex
Request: Bestie I am inspired by the last vid you posted where Charles is talking about max. Anyways! I would love if you could write something where Max & Charles both like the reader and they’re fighting for her attention but in the end they end up doing a threesum bc both boys wanna prove that they’re the better person for the reader
A/N: I changed it up slightly, I hope that’s okay!!
When you had turned up at the Hungarian Grand Prix this weekend, you thought it would be work as normal before you could head home for some well-deserved rest over the summer break. How wrong you were.
You had been over the moon when you’d been offered a job by F1, taking photos of drivers and the races over the weekend. You’d had a passion for racing since you were younger, and the moment you had picked up a camera it was clear that you had a natural talent for photography, so this was a dream come true for you.
What you hadn’t anticipated was becoming such close friends with a lot of the drivers. You thought you might have been lucky enough to say hi to one or two of them every now and again, but it appears that many of them had taken an instant shining to you. Because of your close relationship with much of the grid your photos turned out better than ever, managing to capture the true personalities of each of the drivers through your lens.
You couldn’t deny that you were particularly close with two of the drivers, getting on well with both of them instantly. Your life was made a million times more difficult by the fact they were currently rivals on the track, both very much in contention for the championship title. Charles and Max got on perfectly well, but it wasn’t like they spent a lot of time together because of their teams. If they were seen as being close friends it would’ve made it harder for both of them on and off track. In fact, the most time they’d spent together that season was when they’d been trying to steal you off the other.
Neither were very subtle in their advances, both making it clear that they were attracted to you with their flirty comments and lingering touches. Not only did they want to make it known to you that they were interested, but they needed the other to know in hopes they would back off. How naïve of them, thinking that the other was going to give you up easily without a fight. Max and Charles were two of the most competitive people you’d ever met, you usually admired them for it, but when they were competitive over you it could be quite tiresome.
Especially when neither of them knew that you’d slept with the other. You were well aware of the fact that it was stupid to sleep with both of them, risking your job and your friendship with both of them if it was to come out. The anxiety the situation was causing you was astronomical, but it was like your body couldn’t control itself when one of them sent you a text at 11pm asking if you were still awake.
You couldn’t deny that the sex with both of them was amazing. Different, but amazing. There was only one other person who knew what was going on and that was Lando Norris, the first driver you’d met when you started your job, as well as your current best friend. It was killing him not to talk about it, being close friends with both Max and Charles, but he knew that it was down to you to choose between them or call it off with both. That didn’t stop the relentless teasing though, you could bet your life that he would make a comment about it every time you saw each other when he was sure no one else was listening.
That led you to now, sat outside the McLaren hospitality with the curly haired Brit as you had breakfast, FP1 wasn’t until after lunch so you decided to have a little catch up before he was too busy to see you.
‘How’s it going with your lovers?’ Lando asked as he shoved his pancakes into his mouth, words coming out muffled as his face got covered in syrup.
You rolled your eyes both at his actions and his question, ‘It’s like eating with a child,’ you said as you shoved a napkin towards him, ‘and it’s fine, just causing me all the stress under the sun.’
He couldn’t help but laugh as you buried your face into your hands, how had you gotten yourself into this situation? ‘You could just call it all off you know, just be friends with both of them instead.’
‘I know, but it’s like my body just gravitates towards them. There’s genuinely something wrong with me.’
‘What’s wrong with you?’ A shiver went down your spine as the Dutch accent flowed into your ears, your cheeks turning a bright shade of pink at the idea of him overhearing your conversation.
Lando looked like a deer caught in headlights so the responsibility of getting yourself out of this situation fell on to your shoulders, ‘Nothing, nothing, I just accidentally left my key in my hotel room this morning, I’m going to have to ask reception for another one.’ Believable right? Max was well aware of how forgetful you were, constantly asking to borrow his stuff when you were together.
‘Well, you know you’re always welcome in my room.’ His hand lingered on your shoulder before he walked off towards the Red Bull garage. You were convinced Lando’s laughter could’ve been heard from miles around as you rested your head on the table and groaned.
‘Lando, you need to help me, I can’t do this anymore.’ You pleaded with him, as much as you liked both of the boys you knew you couldn’t keep this up anymore.
‘Hey, don’t look at me, you got yourself into this mess. They’re both my mates, I can’t get involved.’
Before you knew it Lando was being called into the garage to look over some data before the first practice session, leaving you sat outside the papaya building as you finished your morning coffee. You were appreciating the few moments of peace before you were quickly interrupted.
‘Here all on your own?’ Your eyes drifted up to the handsome face looming over you, a smile plastered on his lips, his red shirt making him stick out like a sore thumb.
‘Lando had to go to the garage, I’m just finishing my drink then I need to get to work.’
‘You can come to the garage with me if you want, get a few shots of the car, or your favourite muse.’ He winked, or attempted to, in your direction, making you laugh. Charles had first figured out that you might be interested in him when he noticed you took a lot more pictures of him than his teammate and it had become a running joke ever since.
‘You make it sound like I’m Michelangelo, I’ve only got a camera.’ You laughed, the pink hue still lingering on your face as it often did when you ran into him unexpectedly.
‘It’s still art, your shots are beautiful, much like you.’ Your cheeks were burning by this point and Charles couldn’t help but laugh, he always knew how to make you act like a school girl with her first crush. ‘Do you want to come over later?’
His question shocked you, he rarely asked if you wanted to meet up in person, rather saving it for a late-night text. ‘Okay, what time?’
’10? We could watch a movie or something first.’ First. Because both of you knew what was going to happen when the two of you were alone together, it was like you couldn’t control yourselves.
‘Yeah, that sounds nice,’ you replied as you entered the garage, ‘now make yourself look busy so I can get some good photos.’ You managed to capture the beauty of his natural laugh, his eyes lighting up and his smile wide across his face. This Charles was your favourite. The one you could have a laugh with, the one who looked most at peace, the one who made you feel butterflies whenever you caught him looking at you.
The day flew by before you could even register that both practice sessions were over. It was nearing on 8pm before you even left the track, your stomach rumbling as you’d only been able to have a quick lunch before heading to the pitlane for both practice sessions. You couldn’t tear your mind away from the bath you were going to run when you got back to your room, trying to avoid seeing Max and Charles together was becoming increasingly difficult, and it was making you more tense than ever.
‘Hey, Y/N!’ You stopped in your tracks as you heard your name being called, turning around to find the Dutchman himself jogging towards you, ‘Do you want me to drive you back to the hotel?’ You were going to call an uber, but you had to admit the luxury of Max’s car sounded much better.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah of course, I’m only driving myself so hop on in.’ You caught up on the day as you walked to the area where all the drivers parked their car. That car park was probably worth more than you’d ever make in your life with the amount all those cars were worth.
You slid yourself in to the passenger side and buckled in as Max drove the short journey back to where you were both staying. Soft music filled the car, and you couldn’t help but glance over at him as he drove. He looked undeniably attractive with his arms tensed as he turned the corner, face glowing under the street lights passing by. Max saw you staring out the corner of his eye, ‘See something you like?’
Your cheeks flushed having been caught in your admiration of the driver, ‘Maybe.’
‘Only maybe? Maybe you could come over later and I could turn that maybe into a yes.’ His eyes flickered towards you, awaiting you answer. Your heart sank at his request, as much as you would’ve loved to join him you’d already promised Charles that you would see him.
‘Oh, actually…I kind of already have plans?’ You sheepishly admitted. This was the first time that Max had asked you to come over and you hadn’t been able to. You could tell by the look on his face that he was shocked at your refusal.
‘Plans. Mind if I ask with who?’ You knew he didn’t mean anything by his inquiry, but it made your heart beat faster and your hands start to sweat.
‘Just Lando, we said we’d have a movie night to get his mind off this season.’ He nodded his head at your answer but offered no response of his own, leaving the rest of the car ride in comfortable silence.
Once you’d arrived at the hotel the both of you made your way through the lobby, Max lagging behind making you turn and furrow your eyebrows at his actions. ‘I thought you needed a new key for your room?’
Your eyes widened as you remembered the conversation you had with him earlier, ‘I actually had the spare key in my bag! I found it when I was looking for my lens case earlier.’ You fished around into the bottom of your bag until you pulled out the key card triumphantly. Max laughed at your antics before walking to the elevator with you, arm slung over your shoulder pulling you in to his side. No one would’ve glanced twice if they saw the pair of you, you two had been touchy ever since you’d first met.
As you stopped at your floor Max gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead, your face unable to hide the joy it brought you. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow?’ He asked as you started walking down the corridor. You replied with a nod and a wave before the doors closed and he went up to his own floor.
The bath you’d been thinking about was sure worth the wait, your muscles instantly relaxing as you sank into the hot water, the bubbles enveloping your body. You could’ve stayed there all evening if it wasn’t for your rumbling stomach, and you knew you had to eat before you saw Charles. Unwillingly you dragged yourself out of the warm embrace of the bath and to the phone on the bedside table to order room service. You mentally made a note to thank your boss for having room service be included with the free hotel room when you saw them tomorrow.
While you were waiting for your food your got yourself ready for the evening. Charles never expected you to dress up for him, he thought you were sexy whether you were dressed to the nines or just in sweats, it didn’t matter to him. You settled on a baggy shirt and your favourite joggers, if the two of you actually did watch a movie then at least you would be comfortable.
Once dinner had been finished it was nearing upon 9:45, Charles had already sent you his room number for the weekend, so you figured there was no harm in heading up there early. You reached the sixteenth floor without seeing another person which you were extremely thankful for, you could do without anyone asking what you were doing outside the Ferrari drivers’ room at this time of the night. You quickly found the door marked 1627 and knocked softly, you didn’t want to be too loud to disturb anyone else nearby.
The sound of a door opening could be heard, but to your horror it wasn’t the one in front of you. The door to room 1625 opened next to you and if there was anytime you had wanted the ground to swallow you up, it would’ve been then. Emerging from the room was the last person in the world you wanted to see when you had just knocked on Charles’ door.
Max caught your figure from the corner of his eye, his face being overtaken by a look of confusion. ‘I thought you were with Lando this evening?’ Just as you opened your mouth to reply, the door in front of you began to open. You could feel your heart sinking into your stomach, knowing how badly you had fucked up.
‘Good evening cherie, are you okay? You look at little flushed.’ Charles’ worry for you soon dissipated as he noticed Max stood to your right, his jaw clenched as his eyes met Charles’.
‘So when you told me you were spending the evening with Lando, that was a lie?’ Max couldn’t hide the anger from his voice, and he had to admit that he was hurt by your actions. If you didn’t want to sleep with him then you should just tell him, rather than making up excuses.
‘Lando?’ Charles’ voice was laced with confusion, feeling like he opened his bedroom door into a private conversation that he hadn’t been invited to, ‘What does Lando have to do with this?’
‘Nothing! Lando has nothing to do with anything.’ Your frustration was evident, your cheeks growing hotter by the second as you tried to figure out a way to get yourself out of this situation. It seemed like neither of them had connected the dots yet and you very much would’ve liked to keep it that way.
‘Why do you care that she’s not with Lando?’ Charles couldn’t stop himself from asking, he knew it wasn’t really his business but it was obvious that you’d lied to Max about spending time with him, so he felt like he had a right to know.
‘I asked her if she was free tonight and she said she already had plans with him.’
‘Well we’ve had plans since this morning so…’ If you could’ve slapped your hand over the Monegasques’ mouth, you would have. He obviously knew you didn’t want Max to know, but you knew that neither of them were going to let this go easily.
‘Can we not do this in the corridor please?’ You herded the pair on them in to the room, shutting the door behind you softly as you took a deep breath. They were bound to find out so they may as well hear it from you.
‘Are you going to tell us what’s going on?’ Max was stood with his arms crossed against his chest, a displeased look plastered across his face. Charles just looked lost, he knew that the two of you were friends but he didn’t understand why you wouldn’t tell Max you had plans with him, using Lando as an excuse instead.
‘I’ve been sleeping with both of you.’ The words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them, the admission of guilt making you feel like you could’ve thrown up then and there.
The looks on both of their faces would’ve been comical if you were in any other situation. Both were shocked, and they soon turned to look at each other before cringing. You could almost see their minds working to think of all the times you had said you were busy, were you with the other person?
‘Both of us?’ Charles clarified as you nodded your head from across the room.
‘How long?’ Max asked.
‘A couple of months, around when you started fighting for the championship.’ You cringed at your own words, shame filling your body. You cared deeply about both of the men stood in front of you, and it felt like you had betrayed their trust.
‘Can Max and I have a minute to talk please?’ Charles’ question shocked you. You thought they would’ve been directing the questions to you, considering you were the one who had kept your relationships hidden from both of them. All you could do was nod before trudging back towards the bedroom door. ‘We’ll text you later.’
Making your way back down to your room you felt positively sick. How could you have done this? Why did you think this was a good idea? You flopped yourself down on the bed, eyes staring at the ceiling as you waited for your phone to buzz, but it never did. You could only assume that the conversation hadn’t gone well, both of them deciding that they hate you and never wanted to see you again.
You had no idea at which point you’d fallen asleep, but your phone was still in your hand and the clock now told you that it was just past midnight. A soft knock could be heard coming from your door, and you could only assume that was what woke you up in the first place. Pulling yourself off the bed you walked to the door, opening it to find the two people you least expected.
‘Can we come in?’ You swung the door open wider to let them both past, both drivers taking a seat at the end of your bed.
‘Are you guys okay?’ You knew it was probably a silly question, but you still wanted to know. They were two of your closest friends after all.
They glanced sideways at each other, ‘We’re okay,’ Max replied for the both of them, ‘We just have a few questions.’ Expecting this would happen you nodded your head; it was the least you could do for them.
‘Who did you start sleeping with first?’
‘Max.’ A small smile took over his face, but it quickly disappeared when Charles piped up with his own comment.
‘So then you started sleeping with me because he didn’t satisfy you?’ He knew it was petty but he genuinely couldn’t help himself. Max had virtually run away with the championship at this point, he was going to take any win that he could.
You couldn’t have stopped the laughter leaving your mouth even if you’d tried, but you quickly shut up when you saw the look on Max’s face. ‘No, that’s not what happened. We just had a vibe.’
‘A vibe?’ Max asked, scowl still very much present.
‘I had a vibe with both of you, Max just made the move first.’
‘Who was better in bed?’ The question shocked you, even more so because it came from the Ferrari driver.
‘I’m not answering that.’
‘That means one of us was better.’
‘No it doesn’t.’
‘Yes it does.’ Max decided to pipe up then, also wanting to know which of the two you thought was better. They were both confident in their abilities and you couldn’t deny that both of them were great between the sheets.
‘You’re both good in bed, I don’t see why it matters.’ The way they looked at each other already told you that they had planned something while they were alone.
‘Well, we know a good way that you could make a decision.’
The way they both stood from the bed and walked toward you almost had your thighs clenching together, but you still had no idea what they had planned. You had a better idea when Charles stood in front of you, his hands cupping your face as he brought his lips to yours, and Max attached his lips to your neck from behind.
You quickly lost yourself in the feeling of two pairs of hands roaming your body, you barely noticed when Max’s fingers started to lift the bottom of your shirt until he was pulling it over your head. The boys spun you round between them, Max’s lips finding yours as soon as they could. Charles focused on removing your bra from your body before his hands cupped your tits and played with your nipples as you moaned into his rivals mouth.
‘You’re both wearing a lot don’t you think?’ You said as you briefly pulled over from the Dutchman, his hands making quick work of his shirt as you turned to help Charles rid himself of his. It was clear that both men wanted you to themselves but that wasn’t conducive with their plan to see who was the best, so they reluctantly settled for taking turns for your attention.
As things progressed, gropes got needier, kisses got sloppier, and you couldn’t contain the moans that fell from your lips whenever one of them touched you. Charles was working on your front, hands massaging your breasts as his mouth alternating sucking on your nipples, his gentle touch sending shocks down to your core like they usually did. Max was back behind you, lips gently biting and sucking on the smooth skin of your neck, undoubtedly going to leave marks but none of you cared. His hands alternated between grabbing your ass cheeks and teasingly ghosting over your pussy which made you more desperate than ever.
Somehow you ended up with your back flat against the bed, Charles perched between your legs and Max kneeling next to your head. No one needed to say where everyone was going, it was almost like the boys had planned this down to each breath. Your joggers were slowly tugged down your legs, your chest heaving as your eyes swept over the two figures around you. Surely this wasn’t real, surely this wasn’t actually going to happen. Maybe they got you all worked up just to leave you all worked up and alone.
Any doubts you had in your mind were quickly replaced when Charles licked a stripe up your pussy before sucking your clit between his pink lips. The sound you made was bound to be heard in the next room, and Max knew exactly the way to keep you quiet. He nudged his cock against your lips and groaned as your tongue swirled around the tip. You knew exactly what he liked, having done this countless times before, and had him moaning in mere seconds.
It was hard to focus on satisfying Max when Charles was doing such a good job in between your legs. He hadn’t let up at all, switching between harshly sucking on your clit and fucking you with his tongue. If he was being completely honest, he could spend hours upon hours going down on you and he wouldn’t complain once. To know that he had you such a moaning mess to the point where you were struggling to keep your mouth moving along Max’s shaft had him smirking against your centre.
You could feel the coil in your stomach begin to tighten, your mind was so clouded with lust that your hand had to do the majority of work on Max’s cock while you focused just on the head. Your legs clenched around Charles’ head and he knew that you were about to cum, so he flicked your clit with his tongue in the way that he knew you loved and had you coming undone immediately. The vibrations from your groans were enough to push the Red Bull driver toward his own orgasm and you made sure to catch it all in your mouth before swallowing.
‘Good girl.’ Cooed Max as he brushed a thumb lovingly over your cheek, as much as people thought he could be stoic and aggressive, he was nothing but sweet with you.
‘Think you can go for some more?’ Charles asked, standing from his place between your thighs, his hard on evident through his boxers. Max knew he would need a second to get himself ready again, so he didn’t mind Charles being the first to fuck you, he had made you cum after all.
You nodded shyly from your spot on the bed, immediately getting onto your hands and knees because you knew it was one of his favourite positions. Max was almost shocked at how Charles didn’t even need to ask you to move, but he knew how obedient you could be when you wanted to.
He ran his cock through your folds, teasing your clit slightly before pushing himself into you until he bottomed out. Your body couldn’t help but collapse further onto the bed, head resting on your folded arms as you looked towards Max who was sat on the loveseat in the corner of the room, hand wrapped around his cock.
Charles gave you a moment to adjust before he pulled himself out and agonisingly slowly pushed himself back in until his pelvis met your ass. He set a steady rhythm, watching your ass bounce as you pushed yourself back to meet his thrusts. While sex with the Monegasque started off sweet, it often didn’t stay that way.
The thrusts got faster and faster until he had set a blistering pace, the sound of skin slapping being the loudest noise in the room next to your moans. Your eyes screwed themselves shut as you felt his hand land on your ass, undeniably leaving a handprint for you to find later when they had both left. While Charles was making you feel so good, you couldn’t take your eyes away from Max.
He couldn’t believe that he was watching his number one rival fuck you and he was enjoying it. He couldn’t stop the pace of his hand around his cock, your face contorting with pleasure making him want to decorate it with his cum. But he knew he couldn’t cum yet, he still had a point to prove, and to do that he needed to fuck you himself.
Charles could feel your pussy clenching around his shaft, telling him that you were close to your release. His hand buried itself in your hair before tugging you up so that your back was pressed against his chest, his other hand snaking around your body until it found your clit. The added pressure of his middle finger drawing fast circles around the bud was enough to send you into overdrive, seeing stars as your hurtled toward your orgasm.
With only a few more thrusts Charles joined you, pulling himself out and cumming on your ass as he usually did. Both of you caught your breath while Max went to get you a tissue. While he was willing to fuck you with Charles in the room, he wasn’t willing to fuck you when you were covered in his cum.
‘Are you feeling okay?’ Charles asked, his face showing his concern clearly as much as he tried to hide it. You nodded, feeling your hair sticking to your forehead because of the sweat that had formed there.
The Ferrari driver made his way over to the seat Max had been occupying while the Dutchman got himself situated on the bed, waiting for you to straddle his waist. You did happily, as much as your two orgasms had worn you down you were always willing to go for a third.
You sank down onto Max’s cock causing everyone in the room to groan at both the sight and the feeling. You moved your hips back and forth slowly, your pussy sensitive from the pounding it had just gotten from Charles. It didn’t take long for the both of you to need more.
Max’s hands were glued to your waist, hands guiding your movements with increasing speed as you planted your hands on his chest to give you more leverage. He wasn’t surprised that your body was so tired from what it had already been through, so he decided to give you a little help. He placed his feet onto the mattress behind you and lifted his hips up to meet your movements, thrusting his cock even deeper inside of you.
You were captivated by his big blue eyes staring up at you, and you couldn’t help but smile when he gave you a cheeky wink as his thrusts got faster. You looked over to see Charles enjoying the show, hand lazily stroking his cock as he watched you get lost in the feeling of the man below you. Both men thought they would be more jealous when it came to a situation like this but they were both surprised by how much they were enjoying it.
It didn’t take long for that familiar feeling to build in your abdomen, your pussy clenching as your hips moved faster trying to seek release. Max quickly got the hint and moved one of his hands from your hip to your clit, thumb brushing it in just the right way to make the coil inside you snap.
Max could feel his own orgasm approaching quickly so he flipped you over before pulling out and hovering above your chest, releasing himself across your tits. Charles, who had had to get himself to that point, not that he minded too much, decided on a similar course of action. He sprung up from the chair in the corner and the way you lazily smiled up at him told him everything he needed to know as he added his own cum to the mix on your chest.
Both boys could’ve exploded as you swiped a finger across the liquid now covering you and brought it to your lips to suck it off. They cleaned you off gently, and if you weren’t so tired you would’ve seen the pair of them glance at each other as they settled down either side of you.
Max got you a glass of water while Charles lovingly brushed his hands through your hair, your eyes closing at the relaxing, familiar feeling. Your body had certainly been through a lot that evening, far more than you were expecting, so you were ready to send both boys on their way and curl up into bed.
The silence of the room was stark compared to the sounds that had filled it only moments before, and you were almost certain they had both fallen asleep until Max’s voice broke the peace.
‘So who was better then?’
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cookiewrites · 2 years
What about having a first sleepover with them? Like begging of relationship, both side still have red cheeks while talking, you know cute moments
omg so cute!!! i struggled with changbin's a little bit but i hope it's okay nonetheless - enjoy!!! 💖💖💖
tumblr sucks and i have almost lost this entire thing three times bc this website has been glitchy af for a month now and it makes it impossible to write and edit imma riot istg
first night at theirs
wc: 1.4k
cw: pet names for reader (jagi/jagiya, baby, babe), mentions of kissing in felix', brief mentions of nervousness/tiny bit of anxiety
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the first night staying at chan's was entirely an accident, the two of you had been hanging out working independently in the same room, and when one of you finally checked the time it was far later than it should have been. chan didn't feel comfortable with you walking home late at night so he insisted you stayed; offering you an oversized t-shirt of his to sleep in and keeping his eyes closed as you got changed and into bed. he, of course, makes sure he is not only the big spoon but the best damn big spoon you've ever slept with.
'fuck, since when was it 2am?' you asked, looking up from your laptop to see your boyfriend pulling an earphone out of his ear, double-checking the time on his watch before looking at you; 'there is no way i am letting you walk home at this time.'. 'so what?' 'stay, i'll sleep with one of the gu-' 'absolutely not, if i'm staying i'm staying with you chris'. 'oh. okay.'.
minho will try and act like he doesn't care if you stay or not. the two of you had been hanging out at his apartment and it was pretty late and he would be all 'you can stay, if you want, i don't mind' when inside he's screaming for you to stay. when you decide to because it's raining outside he's very normal about it all, trying not to make a big deal about the fact it's you in his bed, not just one of his cats. he actually locks the three cats out of his bedroom for the night just so you can get a good night's sleep.
'oh god it's raining, are you sure it's okay if i stay?' you ask, turning around to your boyfriend. 'up to you jagi' he says, as if he isn't internally begging you to stay; dreaming about getting to wake up next to you, getting to make breakfast with you half-asleep giving him a back hug, feeding the cats together - fuck even the way you'll look in the morning sun. 'huh?' he says, coming back to reality, realising you'd been speaking. 'i said i'll stay if it really is okay.' 'fine with me jagiya.'.
changbin invites you over just to sleep, knowing how late his schedule and then workout runs, he tells you to come over at bedtime just to get straight into bed. he'll take any time with you, even unconscious - sometimes if you're lucky there will be time to eat dinner before curling up. he gives you keys to his place immediately just in case you have to lock up as he has to leave you in bed in the morning, always preferring you get some rest instead of waking up to go to the gym with him at five in the morning.
almost immediately upon letting yourself into the dorm, changbin is dragging you into bed, giving you mere moments to get changed into a t-shirt of his before he's pulling the duvet up over your shoulders and turning the lights off. he tells you about your day, voice low and softly vibrating through his chest, as you drift off - hoping he'll be there in the morning, or at least kiss you goodbye.
hyunjin makes you staying at his a big deal. he plans the whole night, out, even begs felix to help him prepare dinner, has candles and fresh bedding and flowers in his room - the whole nine yards. he lets you choose your side of the bed and from that day on always makes sure that bedside table is clear, and the drawer has things you might need when you were over. he wants everything to be perfect, and he'll get so caught up in that he'll forget to actually get into bed with you, just admiring the view of you curling into your side of his bed.
'are you actually coming to bed pretty boy?' you tease, tucked comfortably into the left side of the bed, as your boyfriend stands at the end of the bed staring at you. 'oh, yeah' he laughs, moving to get into the other side, trying his hardest to not disturb the way you'd laid the duvet on top of you. 'this is perfect baby' you comment before curling into him. 'yeah, it is' he whispers back, as the two of you drift off.
jisung wouldn't be able to stop worrying about you being uncomfortable, constantly getting back out of bed to adjust the aircon because he thought he saw you shiver and grabbing you another glass of water because maybe the others got warm, and he should get another blanket. and eventually, you get fed up of him being up and down worrying things weren't perfect and you beg him to get into bed with you, where you hold him close so he can't get out again.
'han jisung please get into bed! i want to cuddle you!' you beg, laughing as jisung moves erratically around the room. jisung froze by the bedroom door again, getting up to go and get you a snack in case you woke up hungry. he turned around and smiled at you. 'please, sungie, all i need is you.'. he sighed, before moving to get into bed with you.
staying at felix' was one of those things that started as soon as the relationship started, it just felt normal. you'd go over when his day ended, make and eat dinner together, and then end up falling asleep to something on the tv. eventually one or the other of you would drag you both actually into bed, curling up facing each other because felix insists on kissing you until he is literally too sleepy to be able to anymore.
'babe' you say, gently trying to awake the australian sleeping on you, a small 'mm' is given in reply. 'let's go to bed, the sofa is not gonna be helping your back'. 'mmm'. 'oh, i guess no bedtime kisses for you then' you say as you start to move towards his bedroom, only to hear his feet padding towards you moments later. 'kisses please' he says when he catches up, which you are more than happy to give him.
your first night with seungmin doesn't involve a lot of sleeping, the two of you playing games all night, and just hanging out; until you fall asleep on his shoulder somewhere near 5am. you had planned to stay, and had got into your pyjamas earlier on in the night but the prospect of actually sleeping next to seungmin was making you nervous so you'd stayed up until you couldn't anymore. seungmin would try and carry you to bed, but you'd wake up in the process, and you'd go to bed together.
'you didn't have to carry me minnie' you laugh, as he pulls you into bed. 'i wanted to, i didn't want to wake you up, it's so late' he explains as you instinctually move close to him, head resting on his chest. the warmth and steady rise and fall of it lulling you back into exhaustion. 'can we sleep in?' you whisper half asleep. 'we don't have to get back out of this bed ever again if you don't want to angel.'.
jeongin is surprisingly calm about you staying, he would tell himself over and over as he fails to sleep holding you. the two of you had napped next to each other before and this is no different as he watches the clock tick over another hour. he would just be too scared to sleep and maybe roll over and wake you up, and he wanted to be there if you had a nightmare, and he didn't want to say anything weird in his sleep, and he honestly wouldn't actually get any rest until you wake up and force him to be the little spoon - holding him until his heart rate slows down.
'innie' you murmur half asleep. 'yeah, babe?' he responds, sounding far too awake for what you guess is 3am. realising that the man curled up behind you wasn't getting any rest you roll over, pushing him to do the same until he settled in your arms. 'sleep innie' you instruct, before kissing the back of his neck, holding him tight and drifting off again; jeongin doing the same a little while later, feeling safe in your arms.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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loversarcanas · 3 years
[to the tune of jolene by dolly parton] sashaaaanne, sashaaaane, sashaaaaane SAAASHAAAAAAAANE
(future!sashanne fluff + she/he sasha for the masses bc i ALWAYS deliver the goods ♡)
Sasha woke up slowly, as sun poured through the sheer white curtains of her shared apartment, leaving her swimming in the pool of light stretched across the queen sized bed.
His first instinct was to turn over, and catch sight of his beloved fianceé soundly asleep beside him. Soft, chestnut curls spilling over her satin pillowcase, eyes squinched shut just so to show off her long, elegant lashes… Really, even in her sleep, Anne was a vision of beauty. He couldn't help but smile to himself.
Even after more years together than she could count on one hand, those butterflies she got around Anne never once left. Of course, with time they fell into a comfortable groove - the honeymoon stage inevitably faded, so did all the new excitement -  yet still, sometimes he would look at her in a certain light; watch her chest heave as she peacefully slept, watch her toy with her prosthetic, watch her dance around the kitchen as she cooked dinner, and that buzzing warmth would swarm back to his stomach, and he would thinking to himself, "How did I ever get so lucky?"
While they had left their rocky past in, well, the past, Sasha did think back on it more frequently than she liked to admit. Memories of their fight at Toad Tower, his massive mistake at Andrias' castle, watching Marcy get stabbed and seeing Anne fall through the portal, unsure of when - or if - she would ever see her again… They plagued her mind like a toxic sludge, sticking in every corridor of her brain no matter how many times she scrubbed at it. She thought that after every mistake she made, every selfish and destructive action she took, that Anne would never forgive her. Hell, she firmly believed that she didn't deserve to be forgiven, not after everything she put Anne through…Not after how deeply she wounded her.
And yet, he was proven wrong - Anne surprised him with just how willing she was to forgive him. It wasn't immediate of course, she rightfully took space to be angry with him, took time away from their friendship for some months, and gave both herself and Sasha a chance to work on themselves. And when she reached back out to him, reminiscing about what they had and how she didn't want to lose it completely, he jumped at the opportunity to rebuild. It was the point that he realized how close he was to losing her, how this was his final opportunity to make things right again, and how dammit, he would do anything for her - he would cover the world in flowers if it meant she could be surrounded by beauty mirroring her own. 
So carefully shifting out of bed so as to not disturb her very own sleeping beauty, she crept into the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee for her - hazelnut medium roast, just the way she liked it.  She prepared a full, hot breakfast of โจ๊ก (Joke) with egg and pork - a meal she specifically asked Anne's mother to teach her upon discovering it was a favourite of hers. And she put it all on a platter with a napkin, clumsily folded into a heart.
He laughed to himself - since when was he ever this much of a sap? Never did it occur to him that he would become such a romantic. But then again, he never thought he would get the chance to be. 
Anne really changed everything. She made Sasha want to be a better person - be better for her. In Sasha's eyes,  she was an angel, only mortal in body. She was a romantic at heart, eating up those teen magazines in their youth, making playlists upon playlists of her favourite love songs, always daydreaming in class about being treated like the princess she always wanted to be. And really, more than absolutely anyone, she deserved to feel like a princess. 
And maybe all along, Sasha wanted someone to treat like this. Maybe he was born with a heart overflowing with love, and just never had an outlet to show it until her. After all, growing up in the household he did, he didn't think loving was allowed. He watched his parents scream, tear each other's throats out, slam doors and break into sobs when they thought he was asleep. Sasha watched his father pack up and take the first flight out to the other end of the country, and watched his mother scream and lash out at him as recompense.
But Anne… She was love embodied in a human form. She was the definition of the heart, warm and open and with an air to her that made people want to fall in love with her. She was gentle, kind, and everything Sasha didn't know she needed. 
So as Anne rested peacefully for the next five minutes before her alarm rang, Sasha would wait; breakfast tray in arms, eye's trained on her like a lovesick puppy, thinking only of how lucky he was to have a girl like Anne in his life, looking forward to every day with her more. 
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mellowswriting · 3 years
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pairing || Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
summary || You’ve been having a hard week. There’s nothing Steve loves more than taking care of his girl. 
word count || 2,318
warnings || oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, soft!dom Stevie, slight degradation but like... sweetly? idk, unprotected sex, slightest breeding kink if ya squint, slight cockwarming
a/n || Hello yes it is I, the local harlot here to bless you with some smut and feel goods in a totally not self indulgent fic bc I was having a hard week.
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It had been nearly an entire week since you had seen Steve.
Normally, that wouldn’t have been a problem. Hell, there had been times where you didn’t see him for months when things got tricky on his missions. It was more the fact that in the time he had been gone, you had barely slept more than a handful of hours a night if you were lucky and the one thing that was like magic for your insomniac brain was Steve’s embrace. It all started when you accidentally stayed awake into the hours of the early morning. The muse had struck and given you the blessing of inspiration that quickly became a curse of not being unable to set aside your work until it felt just right. That wasn’t until three in the morning, of course. Then you napped the next day from the lingering sleepiness, effectively throwing your sleep schedule entirely out of whack.
Little things that usually would be a minor annoyance at best left you viscerally frustrated, each inconvenience building one upon another until you were left too overwhelmed to complete even the simplest of tasks. You managed to trudge your way through your other responsibilities, leaving you with only laundry and tidying the kitchen to concern yourself with but the pile of clean laundry that sat in front of you waiting to be folded felt impossible. Instead of feeling proud of how much you had already accomplished, you were angry with yourself for not getting more done. Tears of frustration pricked your eyes, which only made you feel even more ridiculous.
The sound of the front door opening and closing broke you out of your annoyed trance of glaring at the laundry basket and you quickly wiped the tears away when you heard a familiar voice calling from the entryway, “I’m home!”
“Hey,” You said, your voice cracking slightly as you greeted Steve as he paused to lean over the couch and kiss the top of your head.
“Are you okay?” Concern tinged his voice, his eyebrows furrowed on that pretty face of his as he studied your current state. Your mouth opened and closed, trying to find a way to say it without sounding pathetic but you couldn’t. Shoulders slumped, you leaned back into the cushions with a long sigh. “Oh, honey. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I haven’t slept right in days.” You looked up at him with a pitiful look. “I haven’t slept right in days and I’m exhausted and I spent the entire day cleaning and the only thing I have left to do is this damn laundry, but I’m so tired, and -”
“Whoa, whoa,” Steve sat next to you to bring you into a firm hug, rubbing your back soothingly. If there was one thing you knew for sure, it was that your lover gave the best hugs. He made you feel like the only person in the entire world. “Let me help, okay?”
“What? No,” You grumbled stubbornly. “You just got back from a mission, Steve, you need to sit and relax.”
“It was just reconnaissance.” Steve assured you. “I sat in a car with Bucky for a few days and then sat in debriefings for a few more - the last thing I need is to be sitting around on my ass.”
“Language,” You teased gently, chuckling when he gave you a glare that held no real heat.
“Go on, get your book. Relax for a little bit and let me take care of things.” Steve’s voice had an air of finality about it. You knew that he took a special kind of pride in taking care of those he loved, so you listened.
There was no denying the relief that washed over you. The warmth of his presence next to you as he methodically began folding clothes and recounting some of the antics he had to deal with thanks to Sam and Bucky’s constant bickering helped some of the tension ease from your exhausted body. Not to mention just how good he looked - so good that you could barely focus on the novel in your lap. Sure, seeing him in his uniform was its own special kind of sexy, but there was something about those soft long-sleeves and comfortable jeans that felt… domestic. The sight of him with his sleeves rolled up as he took care of your mixed laundry made something stir in your belly.
“What else needs to get done?” He asked after he took the basket upstairs and put it all away.
“Just tidying up the kitchen,” You tossed the book onto the coffee table and reached up to him with grabby hands that you knew he couldn’t resist. “Plus giving me kisses.”
Steve leaned down with a little grin, balancing himself on one knee against the couch cushions, and kissed you deeply. The little moan he gave against your lips when you eagerly accepted the teasing of his tongue made you shiver.
“You taste sweet.” He whispered as he crowded you closer into the couch, both hands cupping your face in a firm but gentle grip.
“Had strawberries before you came home.” You held him close by the collar of his shirt, probably stretching it out but you couldn’t really give a damn when he felt so good against you. “Forget cleaning, it can wait.”
“Yeah?” Steve teased, his face mere inches from yours as he gave you those hooded, hungry eyes that made your stomach flip. “Whatcha wanna do instead?”
The cheekiness of your reply made him snatch you up, putting that super soldier strength to good use with a desperate grip on the soft flesh of your thighs. It was far from the first time he showed off his strength like that, but each time made your stomach flip in excitement just thinking about all of the things he could do to you. You hooked your ankles around his waist, your arms keeping you steady where they wrapped around his shoulders as he marched you upstairs and into your bedroom to drop you onto the mattress. Your thighs rubbed together at the sight of him standing over you, the rise and fall of his chest growing faster along with the hunger in his eyes.
“You work so hard, baby. Let me reward you.” He purred, tracing your ankle where the hem of your leggings ended, and his face lit up at your desperate nodding. You whined at the familiar need tightening in your belly over the strength behind his hands as he pushed your thighs open wide, his fingertips ghosting along your covered pussy. “Such a good girl for me…”
“Steve, please…” You whimpered, desperately pulling off your leggings. This little game of his, the teasing and soft touches ramping up into hot needy fucking, was something you had no issue playing any other time, but right now you couldn’t handle the wait. Steve caught on quickly and helped pull the clothes away from your legs before he ripped his shirt over his head.
“So needy for me, huh?” Steve slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his legs. “Shirt off and lay your head on the pillows. I’ll take care of ya, sweetheart.”
You scrambled to follow his command, not missing the smirk your obedience garnered. The softness of his domination was addicting, left you yearning to hear the filthy praise that dripped from his lips like the sweetest ambrosia that could cure your every ache. Steve followed you up the bed, his briefs the only scrap of clothing left on his body, but before you could admire how gorgeous he looked, his hand hooked around your ankle to yank you closer. A sharp, surprised laugh melted into a moan when he finally got his mouth on you. His tongue rolled against your clit without preamble, completely abandoning the teasing to give you exactly what you were begging for.
“Oh fffuck!” You bit out, your head falling back into the pillows as your hips jolt up, and Steve chuckled darkly as he set his forearm over your hips to hold you in place, his other hand gripping your thigh hard enough to bruise. You grabbed a handful of his short hair in retaliation, a delighted smile lighting up your face at the groan you got in return.
Fuck, he felt too good, knew your body too fucking well. You grew more and more wet with each pass of his tongue against your clit, your hips rolling in time with his ministrations as the two of you found a familiar rhythm.
“There you go, baby.” Steve encouraged as he eased a finger into your dripping pussy with a downright sinful groan, quickly adding another. “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
The dual pleasure of his fingers and tongue made you see stars, made your back arch and your thighs squeeze his head until your orgasm washed over you in a devastating wave. It wasn’t until you shoved him back by his head that he finally stopped his tortuous pleasure. The sight of him wiping the wetness from his mouth with the back of his hand still had your belly tightening with need.
“You did so good.” Steve murmured, pressing a kiss to your thigh, then your navel, kissing a trail between your breasts and up your neck until he met your lips. You moaned at the filthy act of tasting yourself on his tongue. “Look so pretty when you come.”
The combination of his praise and the not-so-subtle press of his cock against your thigh had you keening beneath him, your leg hooking over his waist to drag him close enough to grind against the bulge in his briefs.
“Feel that?” He practically growled as he rutted down against you shamelessly. “That’s all for you baby. Gonna stuff your pretty pussy full’a my cum and you’re gonna say thank you for it too, you hear me?”
“I will, I promise… I promise, Stevie.” You babbled, losing any comprehensible thought other than the absolute dismay that he wasn’t absolutely wrecking you already. “Please fuck me?”
“Since you asked so sweetly,” Steve rid himself of his last scrap of clothes like they were burning him and entered you in one fluid thrust that had the both of you moaning in unison. His forehead fell to your shoulder as he let you adjust, hips swirling in tiny circles of their own accord because you felt so fucking good. “Ssso fuckin’ tight,”
The light desperation in your whimper made him smirk, his teeth sinking into your shoulder before soothing the mark with a lick of his tongue. “This is what you needed, huh baby? Just needed to relax on my cock...”
“S-Steve…” Was all you could manage, your eyes unfocused as he gave that first tentative thrust, followed quickly by a sharp, deep rhythm that made you see stars.
“Cockdrunk already?” He cooed but his cocky tone broke as you clung to him, your fingers digging into the muscle of his biceps as you used those thighs he adored against him, dragging him closer, deeper. “Fuckin’ needy little thing, aren’tcha? That’s okay, sweet baby, I got whatcha need.”
Steve pulled away and for a moment you clutched tighter, trying to keep him against you, but he pushed your legs back to your chest with a strength to be reckoned with, the new position making you feel infinitely more full and he growled at the feeling of you tightening around him. There were already fingertip bruises forming on your thighs where he held you right where he wanted you as his thrusts became faster, more desperate with his impending release, with the damn near feral need to see his cum leaking from your fucked out pussy.
It was the pressure of his thumb against your clit that forced you to find your words, your sweet cries of ‘please, please, please’ egging him on to roll his thumb until your hips jerked under the stimulation. You were so sensitive, so responsive to every little touch, it drove him fucking crazy.
“Come on my cock like a good girl,” Steve gritted out, angling his hips to grind his cock against that sweet spot that made you arch against him so prettily. “Thaaaat’s it…”
You broke underneath him, your second orgasm ripping through you in an intense burst that stole the breath from your lungs, leaving you to gasp as you shuddered. It was his favorite sight, watching you fall apart beneath him, and Steve let your leg settle around his waist once more to chase the high he balanced upon in faltered thrusts until he couldn’t hold back any longer. His pelvis pressed flush against your sweat-slick skin, some basic instinct demanding he shove himself as deep into your sensitive pussy as he could to fill you up.
He let himself melt against you, his full weight keeping you pressed against the mattress as he softened inside you, the both of you trying to catch your breath in the aftermath. You carded your fingers through his hair lazily, eyes closed as you let the satisfied exhaustion soak into you, grinning when your still fluttering walls made Steve hiss slightly. He still kept himself buried inside of you - so typical of him.
Sighing happily, Steve nuzzled his face further into your neck to trail sloppy kisses along your neck, pausing every now and then to lean back into your hand. Playing with his hair was the number one way to get him all warm and snuggly, especially if he was exhausted from giving you a thorough fucking. He gingerly eased himself off of you only to pull you close so you could lay your head on his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you even closer to sleep.
“Go to sleep, honey.” Steve rumbled, his voice full of his own exhaustion. “I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Burning The Midnight Oil (Javier Peña x gn!Reader)
Summary: Javier has been burning the candle at both ends. He just needs some rest. Luckily, you’ve got your husband covered.
W/C: 3.4K
Warnings: oh boy um. language, non sexual nudity, brief sexual jokes/innuendo, lots of talk of sleep deprivation bc that’s a plot point here, brief mentions of alcohol and guns (maybe once each), mostly talk of food/eating, eating meat/pork (Javier does, not reader) otherwise I’d say it’s fluffy for the most part
A/N: ☄️ anon, god bless your soul for this idea!! I really love it so I banged it out in one night and here we are!!
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You haven’t seen your husband in days. You know he’s exhausted, only ever showing up at home when you’re off at work. It’s a terrible situation, the only contact you’ve had with him being at odd hours over the phone.
The DEA has been all hands on deck this week, requiring their men to be there at all times unless they’re at home and sleeping; even then, they only get about six hours off at a time, many of them too wired to sleep. Javier only gets to come home every other day, usually during the middle of the day. He’s been staying up for a dangerous amount of time, in your opinion, leaving you just about ready to find the heads of the cartel and beat their asses yourself.
During the work week, you can’t complain. You have no right to. You knew when you and Javier had eloped and married that the man’s job was a baggage you’d be forced to carry as a couple. You normally didn’t mind, but when it goes into the weekend, that’s when you get mad. Not just that you don’t get your husband at home with you, but that he doesn’t get to be home. He deserves it. Javier hardly relaxes during the weekends, and essentially does not relax on weeknights until he’s fallen asleep with his head on your chest.
Saturday found you running errands, expecting Javier home by midday at the very latest. Returning home with a pep in your step and finding no Javier there, your mood and smile fell instantly. It’s Saturday; your husband should be home. They should be letting them go home, you thought angrily as you took your anger out by chopping the vegetables to go into your dinner. Surely Javier will be home by dinnertime.
Nothing. 6 P.M., 7 P.M., no Javier, just a dinner growing cold and your heart sinking. You knew Javier had got his break yesterday, and had been in the apartment while you worked, but a slightly rumpled bed was the only evidence he was even there.
At 8, you walk to the phone and dial the DEA office, specifically Javier’s extension.
Your husband picks up and his voice wrecks your heart. “Peña,” he mumbles, his voice crackly. It sounds like his morning grumble after a long night of sleep next to you.
“Javi,” you coo, heart breaking. “Baby, when are you coming home?”
Javier perches on the edge of his desk, phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder. “Fuck, cariño, I don’t know,” he admits, rubbing his face. “I just woke up, I got an hour nap in the break room office. We have to keep going. We’re so close, I can tell.”
You understand his desperation, but you know exactly what he looks like now, a stubble growing thanks to his time away from home, his eyes bloodshot and drooping. His hair is probably messy and his shirt is probably all wrinkly; you’re absolutely certain he’s holding a mug of the sludgy black coffee the office brews. He’s most definitely the picture of exhaustion, and even though you can’t see him, you know your husband. He is a wreck. “I can let Saturday slide, but you’re coming home tomorrow, I don’t care how long. I need to see you and you need to be taken care of.” “I’m doing just fine,” Javier shakes his head and you can hear a flick of a lighter as he’s most likely lighting a cigarette.
“You’re not, and don’t try to pull that card with me. I know you. You’re a disaster; I can tell from your voice. You haven’t eaten and you haven’t slept and you can’t deny it. I want you home as soon as you can tomorrow, you got it? Don’t you even fucking dare try it, Javier Fernando Peña.”
The full name: ouch. He sighs and exhales the cigarette smoke, then takes a sip of his coffee before answering you. “God, I fucking love you,” he chuckles softly. “Okay.”
Another sign of Javier’s exhaustion: how easily he gives in. Javier is a stubborn man, but over your years together he’s learned that you’re just as hard to budge. When both of you are set, neither of you can be moved. Your sarcasm and wit and willpower was what drew him to you in the first place; Javier could never have a compliant, submitting partner. He’d be a mess. He needs you to ground him, he knew and still knows it. It’s why you’re married now.
“I love you too, handsome. Call me before you come home, okay baby? I want to be awake for you,” you say, a soft smile on your face. Your voice is much warmer, less jagged and rough.
It’s the way you always get Javi, the thing that makes him melt the most: when you’re snapping one second and gentle the next. God, he fucking loves you. You understand him, you don’t question him when he comes home and doesn’t speak. You read him and then you hold him, and all of his fears dissipate with his calming breath. “Okay. I love you,” he repeats again, more earnest and purposeful. He wants you to know it; he worries you haven’t felt it in the past week. It’s also another sign of his exhaustion.
“I love you too, Javi,” you remind him as you chuckle and stand. “Don’t fall asleep on the job. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Javier groans and cracks his neck after hanging up, sliding the typewriter back to the beginning. Just a little longer, he tells himself, then he gets to come home to you.
The phone rings around 5 in the morning, waking you from a restless slumber. The sun is just starting to rise, making the sky lighter and colorful from its previous midnight blue. Knowing Javier would be calling, it was impossible for you to sleep fully, leaving you in a dozing state more similar to a daydream than to any form of REM.
“Hello?” You answer with a groggy voice, hoping it’s Javier. Who else could it be, at this hour on a Sunday morning?
“Hey, dulzura,” Javier sighs into the phone. “I’m packing up my shit now. We didn’t get Escobar, but we got one of his big guys late last night. They’re bringing in some Search Bloc guys and giving us tomorrow off.”
You nearly cry in relief at his words, making a noise between a sigh and a squeal,  heavy and happy. Javier laughs softly at your noise of relief, allowing himself to smile. His vision is hazy from the lack of sleep, but he’ll be cognizant enough after this last cup of coffee kicks in. “Get your ass home, Javi,” you tell him with a voice just as sleepy as his own. “You got an ETA for me?”
There’s a moment of silence as he looks at his watch. “5:45.”
Your eyes haven’t even opened yet, and you finally let them as you look at the clock. That’s soon, really soon, and it makes your heart speed up a little as your body forces you awake. “Great. I’ll see you then. Drive safe. If you’re too tired-”
“Steve will not be driving,” he cuts you off with a grumble. It makes you giggle a little, his adamance that Steve could never possibly do something better than him, more competently.
“Just reminding you. I’ll see you,” you tell him and hang up before he can make another sarcastic comment.
He’s glad you hang up so fast. He doesn’t have the brain power for a classic witty retort.
Javier goes to unlock the apartment door about half an hour later, but finds that his keys aren’t necessary: you’ve left the door unlocked for him.
He’d be ashamed to admit it to anyone but you, but it really does happen: Javier’s eyes water as he walks inside to the smell of cooking, the stream of soft light through the kitchen window, the sound of soft Sunday morning music drifting from the radio.
You’re at the oven, cooking, and turn when you hear a noise, grinning to see Javier. “Hey, handsome,” you squeal and rush over, wrapping your arms around him.
Javier buries his face in your hair, throwing his arms back around you. You smell fresh and clean, so soft in the fluffy robe he bought you for your birthday a few months ago now. You’re surprised to feel warm water drip from his eyes to your neck, and you pull away with a frown, cupping his face. “Are you okay, love?” You ask, wiping the tears from his eyes.
He nods. “So tired,” he admits and swallows hard. “So glad I’m home. So lucky I have you.”
You have a feeling he doesn’t have the energy to kiss you. Instead, you press your forehead to his and squeeze him tight in your arms. “Okay. I cooked breakfast. You need it. Why don’t you go take a shower?” You ask, breaking away and rubbing his arms.
He shakes his head. “My arms feel like lead. I don’t know if I can even wash my hair,” he admits, his voice a low rumble from his chest. “Just let me sleep, baby.”
“I’ll come with you, then,” you offer, already unbuttoning his shirt and working it off of him purely for comfort. You know your way around your husband’s body by now. You could unbutton his shirts blind; in fact, you have. “Come on, cariño,” you murmur and pull him along to the bathroom by the side of an unbuttoned shirt.
Once in the bathroom, Javier blinks and squints at the bright vanity lights, overwhelmed. You turn on the shower, the bathroom filling with warmth as the water heats and steam fills the air. Even in his tired state, Javier loves to undress you. He tugs the belt from your fuzzy robe, sliding it off your shoulders and tossing it on the counter. You then strip off your respective clothes, and you’re the first to step into the stream of the warm water.
Javi doesn’t have to say anything; you can tell his thoughts from your gaze. His eyes rake your body, taking in the sight of his most beloved person on the planet in all of your naked glory. He climbs in after you, and you grab a bar of soap and get to scrubbing, covering all of Javier’s body with the cucumber-scented suds. He leans his head back against the shower wall, loving your warm hands and the hot water. If he wasn’t standing, if his back wasn’t aching so hard, he’d fall asleep here and now. He’s never been more blissful.
You rinse his body then work his shampoo into his thick hair, your fingers scratching his scalp and massaging his head. “You’re the fucking best,” Javi mumbles sleepily. You just chuckle and work the soap into his hair, stripping it of the grime and cigarette smoke of the office, until he’s wiped clean, ready to start anew.
Later, you wash yourself and let Javier enjoy the hot stream of the water. He’s so zoned out you can’t even tell if he’s awake. You have to actually check. “Javi, baby?”
“Hm?” He mumbles
“Did you fall asleep on me?” You chuckle as you turn off the shower, which makes Javier frown at the loss of warmth.
“‘Course not,” he grumbles, taking the fluffy towel from you and wiping his face.
After the two of you have dressed in fresh clothes, you sit on the edge of your bed and wait for Javier to finish. He pulls a worn t-shirt over his head, then comes and sits next to you, kissing the side of your head. “You’re so good to me,” he mumbles into your temple.
He goes to flop back but you put an arm around him, catching him. “Excuse me, Agent. I made breakfast,” you chuckle and sneak a kiss from his lips, chuckling at the way his mustache is still a little damp. “When was the last time you ate?”
Javier stares off as he considers it. It takes a while for him to respond. You nod at that. “Exactly. Come on, I made breakfast just the way you like it.”
The food is still somewhat warm when you find your way to the kitchen. Javier loves the local cuisine, always has, but something about an American breakfast makes him weak at the knees. He sits at the kitchen counter and sighs as you hand him a plate of buttered toast. “There’s your appetizer,” you chuckle and head back to the stove. Half-cooked bacon, which you turned off when he came in, sits in a pan, and you turn it back on to finish. You crack a couple of eggs into another pan, making sure they sit just right so they’re the way Javi likes them: fried. You sprinkle them with salt and pepper, humming to the radio as you cook.
The sizzling bacon makes Javier’s stomach grumble. The toast isn’t even that warm anymore, but the carby goodness fills Javi’s mouth and suddenly he’s never felt so ravenous. The two pieces of buttered toast are devoured in a heartbeat.
Bringing him a mug, you pour some coffee and his favorite creamer in. “You’d better tip me later,” you tease him with a wink as you return to the stove, flipping the bacon and putting some onto a plate.
“I will tip you anything you want, I swear,” he murmurs before sipping at the ceramic mug, the warm coffee going down like it’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, warming him from the inside out. The A/C blasts in the apartment, making his dripping hair feel even colder.
In yet another pan, you start pouring the premade pancake mix you’d prepared before he got home. “All of this and the sun is barely up,” He muses, wandering to the other side of the counter and stealing a strip of bacon.
“Quit,” you whine and smack his hand, making the bacon fall back onto the plate. “Your order isn’t ready yet, sir. Stop harassing the cook.” When his arms wrap around you, your defenses fall. “Go sit down,” you say weakly as he kisses your neck.
At least he obeys. Javier sits in his chair and watches you intently, downing his coffee in a short amount of time.
Finally, the feast all comes together, and you present it to Javier on a large plate: bacon, fried eggs, fruit (which you know he won’t eat, but it’s worth a shot), and heart-shaped pancakes. “I wanted to make a pistol, but I’m not super artistic,” you chuckle as you refer to the fluffy cakes on the plate.
Javier shakes his head but smiles. “Thank you, dulzura,” he manages out before he digs in, devouring the plate at a breakneck speed. You’re content to watch, standing across from him. You go to refill his coffee and come back to find the pancakes completely gone.
It doesn’t take much time at all before the plate is wiped clean, the entire thing in Javier’s stomach. Food has never been the biggest concern for him; he skips meals often for work, and you suspect he hasn’t done much more than snack here or there over the past week. His eyes droop even further now that he has a full stomach, and it warms your heart. You’ve got your husband cleaned and fed; now all you need is one last step before you have your beloved Javi back.
“Alright, handsome,” you smile as you drape your arms across his shoulders. “Nap time.”
He can’t deny that. He stands, letting your arms fall off his shoulders. He pulls you around to his front and wraps his arms around you; you know what comes next in this routine. Your feet slide on top of his and Javier walks the two of you to the bedroom, you backwards and being led by him. Javier is not an overly affectionate man: kisses and sex, primarily, hugs if one of you really needs it. This is his one little act he insists on, since you don’t let him carry you.
As you waddle along, you kiss along Javier’s jaw, giving him all of the affection he missed out on in the past week. When you finally enter your bedroom, you stop as you feel the backs of your calves against the bed. You know this routine all too well. It’s usually reserved for when Javier can’t get his hands off of you, when you desperately need him on top of you, surrounding you, kissing your neck. “Wait,” you murmur and step off of his feet, going to pull back the covers.
You return to the end of the bed, standing on top of his feet again. “There,” you say with a grin, and Javi has no choice but to grin back then kiss you. “Okay, continue.”
Then your routine resumes: you fall backwards onto the bed and Javier falls on top of you. You both grunt with the impact but you smile, wrapping one arm around Javi while the other grabs the sheets and blankets and pulls them over the both of you.
Javi’s cheek is nestled against your chest, listening to your heartbeat, his eyes already shut. “Real cute. Get off of me now,” you tease and nudge his side.
His body beneath yours is all he’s needed, all he’s dreamt about while half-consciously dreaming on the apartment couch. He can feel your chest rise and fall, his head going with it. “No,” he simply mutters, his face squished against the skin encasing your beating heart. “M’comftrble.”
You can’t deny him that, you chuckle, your hands reaching down to entangle your fingers in his dark brown hair, nearly black from the dampness it holds. “Fine,” you sigh, whispering the word to him. “I love you so much, Javi. Missed you. Missed my man.”
“Missed you too, dulzura,” Javi mumbles back, but it’s clear he’s almost already out.
“How long were you up, minus that nap, Javi?” You ask.
He thinks on it for a minute, and you think he might’ve fallen asleep until he responds. “36.”
“Hours?” you exclaim quietly, massaging his scalp. “Baby.”
“I know. Had’ta.”
“Well, you can sleep as long as you need to now, love,” you murmur and kiss his forehead. He makes a soft noise of disapproval. “Just a nap. Wake me in like an hour.”
“Okay,” you lie, knowing you’ll let him sleep as long as his body needs it. “Rest now, baby.”
Javier nods and you exhale deeply, holding his head to your chest. He’s back now, your husband, and you know he’s safe, know he’s healthy and well taken-care of: you did it yourself. His breathing slows. You can feel it against your chest, the way the steady rise and fall becomes slower and slower and you know you’ve won when you hear a soft snore, his parted lips smashed against your chest.
You stay like that for a while, Javier lying on top of you and resting. It’s a comfort to have him pressed against you, to feel your husband’s body and know that he’s here. It’s even better to know he’s resting well, deeply, from the way he slumbers against your body. You intermittently kiss his head, continuing to rub his head in hopes it’ll loosen the tension he’ll surely have when he wakes.
About an hour passes, and you find yourself drowsier and drowsier as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky. Scooting out from beneath Javier, you replace your chest with a pillow to support his face. Rolling him slightly to the side, you cuddle in behind him and spoon him, your arms around him.
The quiet Sunday morning is all too perfect. You drift off too, then wake up an hour or two later and proceed about your household chores. You burn some pretty candles, clean, listen to the radio.
Javier doesn’t wake until 10 P.M. that night, 15 hours after he fell asleep.
Some nap.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles
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clairecrive · 4 years
"Sunshine" - Sirius Black x reader [Requested]
This is for the anon: Sirius/Remus (You pick) with reader who has problem expressing themselves, so they use stuffed animals? To elaborate they have a dog which is happy, bird which is excited, cat when lazy, frog when sad, owl when tired, and unicorn for confusion? I know it’s complicated, sorry if this was a waste of time, Wish you luck!
A/N: I end up choosing Sirius bc idk it felt more fitting. Hope you like this x
Warnings: nothing, this is pure fluff, maybe language
Word count: 1.4K ish
(let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist)
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(not my gif)
"Hey sunshine, I got your frog. What's wrong?" you say when entering the boys' bedroom.
It was just after breakfast so everyone was either hurrying towards their lesson or already in class, leaving the dorms and in general the Gryffindor tower empty.
Well, almost empty considering you and your precious boyfriend were still here.
As a matter of fact, you were on your way to class when Sirius' patronus found you and handed you a frog. Knowing exactly what it meant, you turned around and hurried back down the corridors.
Now, it may sound weird for your boyfriend to send you a frog, out of all the things, but there was a reason. Neither you nor Sirius was very good at reaching out and asking for help when something happened. Since it was something you had in common, you couldn't really blame him. But, after the first month of you dating, it was causing more harm than good and you knew that it was something you needed to work on if this relationship was to go on.
So you talked about it and came up with an alternative system. One that didn't involve words and therefore made reaching out and express your feelings easier. And yes, it involved stuffed animals.  Well, when you were in the same room anyway. You restored to patronus when you were not together.
If anyone thought it weird that both of you started carrying around stuffed animals, they didn't show it. Even if they did though, neither of you would have cared much since this method was actually working and had, in fact, saved your relationship.
It was also a great way to quickly check on each other. Receiving a dog, meant the other was fine, happy even, a bird would mean that something exciting had happened or the other had exciting news to share, But a frog, not that was something you dreaded receiving.
It was bad news. It meant that something happened and the other needed comfort or at the very least for their significant other to be there for them.
Hence the reason you almost ran to Sirius, doing your best to skip the step of the stairs that lead to the boys' dormitory without falling on your face.
Last time you had seen Sirius was yesterday night before heading to bed. You had slept in and therefore missed breakfast. What could have gone wrong in such a short amount of time, you wondered. You just hoped that it wasn't anything gravely serious.
The sight that welcomed you when you finally reached him was disheartening, however.
Sirius was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He didn't move, nor when he heard your footsteps nor when you spoke. He just held up an open envelope for you to see and nothing else was needed. You knew what had put him in bad mood.
That goddammit psychotic abusive family of his.
Oh, how you hated them.
The idea that someone couldn't see how wonderful Sirius was and not only that but also the fact that they actively went out of their ways to send him hate and harmful letters even when he was far away and had cut any connections with them?
Fucking absurd.
Sighing, you walked to his bed and quickly stepped out of your shoes before lying next to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" you almost whispered.
Propping you heard on your hand, you gently moved away some of his curls away from his face. He was still not looking at you but he softly shook his head at your question.
Okay, you thought.
You lowered your hand to his face so that your fingers could start tracing his beautiful face. Leaving a small kiss on his temple, you reached out so that your arm was around him. Your kisses slowly moved all over his face. His other temple first, then his forehead. His nose. His cheeks. When it came to his lips, you stopped and just hovered over them.
Gently turning his face to yours, you waited for his eyes to meet yours before speaking. "They don't know the real you, my love."
If only he could see himself the way you saw him. If only he could see how false his family's words were.
"Everything they say is a blatant lie because they do not know you"- emphasis on not - "because if they did, the would agree with me."
The sadness and the hurt in his eyes were so evident that you had to fought tears back. You knew that this was something he had to face on his own and that your words were just that - words. Almost useless. But you had to do something and if there was even the tiniest chance that he'd actually listen to you then you'd try anyway.
"And you know what I think?" you smiled softly at him, your fingers trailing over his bottom lip, "I think that you're amazing. Precious even."
You were sure this was going to come back to bite you in the ass when he was feeling better. Merlin knows how Sirius' ego doesn't need to be stroked. At least, in public, that's how he behaved. But you knew him. You were lucky enough that he had let you in and showed you this side of him that no one knew existed outside his close circle.
He didn't say anything but his eyes didn't move from yours so you took it as a sign to keep going.
"There's no one out there who is so effortlessly brilliant like you are, my love." Leaning back a little from his face, you put some space between you after leaving the smallest of kisses on his lips."And I know for a fact that there is no one out there who cares about others like you do." Emphasizing with your eyes the "no one" part, you were able to coax the faintest of smiles for him.
You had noticed that your weird facial expressions amused him and apparently they worked in these situations too.
"Do you know why I call you sunshine?" You continued, a smile still on your face but your tone more solemn. You had a feeling that it was something he had wondered about since the most obvious choice would have been finding a nickname related to stars. And you knew how much Sirius was interested and fascinated by them.
"Yes, you're named after a star but I don't think it really matches your personality. See? Another proof that they don't know you at all." You lean back to sit on your feet.
"People don't notice stars unless they look up at the sky." Taking one of his hands in yours, you start playing with his fingers. "But you, my love? It would be impossible not to notice you, Sirius." Leaving a kiss on his palm, you intertwine your fingers and hold his hand close to your chest right where your heart is.
"You shine bright like the sun, making everyone around you aware of your presence. And yes, sometimes it can be annoying, but you know what?" At this, his smile grew a little knowing that what you were saying was more than true. Everyone knew that Sirius could also be spelt annoying on most days, especially during class. He got bored easily since he didn't need to study as much as everyone else to understand a concept. Thus, making it his mission to make someone do something with him that isn't studying.
"Everyone misses the sun when it's gone and never tire of it when it's there." Squeezing the hand you were holding, you hoped to have helped a little. Maybe you did, or maybe you didn't but all your efforts were rewarded when Sirius smiled at you. This time he gave you a real smile. As a consequence, yours got bigger.
Letting his hand go, you cradled his face in your hands and gently pulled him to you until your noses were touching. His hands, in turn, moved on your hips and used them to pull you to him as well so that you were now straddling him.
"Come here, you big sap." And pulled you even closer to him so that his face was now in the crook of your neck, his breath tickled your skin. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders in a tight embrace. Oh, how much you loved this boy.
"Only for you, my sunshine."
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nagitolovebug · 3 years
Oh no what happened when bebi and kamukoma got separated by ff? Also it would be amazing to read about the whole bebiverse if you ever did want to write a whole fic on it!!!
>:3 Izuru knew it was coming. How could he not? In the days approaching Bebi's first birthday, he has a decision to make- take his family and run, or let the FF take them and see what happens. Ultimately, he decides letting the FF take them would be the path of least resistance, less strenuous for everyone. So he does nothing. He watches his husband plan for Bebi's birthday party, pile of horrible, handmade plushes and blankets waiting for them. The day they turn one, their parents take them to the beach. Izuru didn't want agents rooting around and destroying their home. They watch Bebi toddle on the beach, smiling silently. They were always a quiet baby. They hadn't even cried when they were born. He sees the FF agents approaching on the horizon, far earlier than he had anticipated. He thought he'd have more time with them. He kisses Nagito like he's never gonna see him again, holds him close to feel his heartbeat. "Nagito. Whatever happens next, do not doubt that I love you." "Izuru..?" And then he holds Bebi's face and it hurts him looking at their eyes and how they stare at him like they know. "My precious child. You have irrevocably changed my life for the better. You are the most important thing in my life, and I love and cherish you deeply. If you remember anything of your father, remember these words, my dear Bebi. I love you, and always will." Izuru had been under the impression the agents coming for them were peaceful, not putting up a fight as they were surrounded. Nagito had no idea this was going to happen at all. "IZURU, TAKE BEBI AND RUN!" It's the first time Nagito has ever been in any way authoritative with Izuru, but Izuru knows this is the safest for everyone so he doesn't. Especially because he doesn't wanna separate his family. And Nagito's heart breaks when Izuru lets himself get shackled. Nagito is backing away desperately, holding Bebi bundled up so tight in his arms, pressed against his chest "Don't touch my baby- don't TOUCH MY BABY- STAY AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE, YOU CAN'T DO THIS! LET GO, LET GO- IZURU! IZURU, PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME, THEY'RE TAKING THEM, PLEASE DONT TAKE AWAY MY BABY, PLEASE-" Izuru twitches, hearing the screams, clenching his fists and his jaws, eyes stinging at hearing someone he loves beg so desperately and not being able to do anything about it. A god for the very first time feeling helpless. He's never felt more human. He wishes being human didn't mean being disgusting and ashamed and useless. Nagito manages to slip the ring he had received from Izuru around his neck onto his baby's neck (a keepsake in case they're never reunited) before his is tased in the back by an agent, crumpling to the ground immediately as someone grabs his baby, thrashing and kicking and screaming himself hoarse demanding the give his baby back, don't touch his baby, give them back. When Bebi is ripped from their father's arms, they begin to wail, horribly- sounds they had never made before wrenched out of them in fear and confusion. Izuru hadn't expected they'd use force. Watching his husband crumple to the ground makes him see red, incapacitating one of the agents detaining him and ready to kill the other. Until Makoto Naegi approaches him holding Bebi. There's blood on his jaw and he could kill Naegi faster than he could blink, but he wouldn't try anything- not when his baby was in danger. "Don't hurt my child. Don't touch my child. ....please. They haven't done anything." "My sins are mine alone. Free Nagito and Bebi. I'll comply without struggle." "I'm sorry, Izuru-kun, we can't do that." Izuru flinches. Nobody except Nagito called him that. Junko did once and he tore a clump of her ugly pigtail off her head. "Don't call me that. Free my husband and my child at once-" "We won't hurt you. I promise. The baby will be safe while you all receive treatment. I'm here to help you, not to punish you." "You tased Nagito-" He sighs. "I made them promise not to use force. Byak- Togami’s men are...not used to such delicate situations. I really am sorry. Komaeda-kun has been
through a lot, right? I dont wanna make his rehabilitation any harder by worsening his health." "If any harm comes to either of them-" "I will not let anything happen to Komaeda-kun or the child-" "Bebi." "Bebi, Kamukura-san. I swear on my life." "What is your pathetic life to the safety of my family? Pray that your life is all you lose if you break your promise. If there is a single scratch on either of them, I will make sure you and your loved ones suffer before I crush you under my heels. I swear on my life. And that's a promise that holds weight." He turns away. "Put us in the same room. I wish not to be separated." "....of course." The moment they're left alone together, Nagito slaps his husband across the face. He's incensed. He's grieving. He doesn't understand why his husband didn't save their baby. "Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. You let them take Bebi away. We're done." He isolates himself in a lone corner on the ship, back turned to Izuru, curling in on himself and sobbing. Izuru eventually goes over, wraps himself around Nagito, allows Nagito to thrash and weakly try to hit him before he turns around and bawls into Izuru's chest, Izuru rubbing his back and pressing a single kiss to the crown of his head. "...I'm sorry. I didn't want to put Bebi in danger. I'll get us out of here soon." By the time they are ready to be put under, Nagito has finally grown compliant and is entirely in a daze, Izuru coercing him to calmness with constant promises of their escape. On their way to the pods, he hears the softest, "Papa?" and goes berserk. “Bebi, please give me back my Bebi, I need to hold them.” He headbutts the person escorting him and they pass out (how lucky!) and dodges agents jumping for him and runs to Bebi. They're all reaching for their guns thinking he's gonna hurt the kid but he falls to his knees and just holds them, and he can't even do it properly bc his hands are shackled, but he touches them all he can to make sure they're alright and the sobbing is haunting. "Please don't take them again, I'll do anything you want, please don't take my baby, my baby, they're all I have- please, just an hour, fifteen minutes, just- just let me see they're ok, I need to see for myself that they're ok-!" And it's...the notorious, fearsome Servant....begging. It's incredible to see him reduced to that. Bebi's just got their chubby little arms around Nagito's neck and they're resting on his shoulder and it's the quietest and calmest they've seen Bebi since they were taken- they cry incessantly for the longest time, only stopping when they pass out. Nagito rocks them and pets their hair and frantically checks their ribs, their heart, making sure there’s no bruises. Izuru never got to say goodbye. He chooses not to go see Bebi when Nagito lashes out. Makoto turns to him but he just holds a shackled hand up. "It'll only make it harder." And he doesn't say for whom. Nagito kisses Bebi's face and their head and pets them and whispers, "I love you so much, more than anything in the world, please stay safe until I come back for you. Bebi, my darling baby, I will come back for you. I won't leave you. I'm so sorry." And then asks Makoto to jab him with the tranquilizer so he doesn't have to watch his baby get taken from him again. The last time Bebi sees their papa outside the pod is when his arms go limp around them and he's dragged away.
This impacts them all for years to come. The entire family gets a certain anxiety around Bebi's birthday, so much so that Bebi never wants to celebrate. Bebi (and Hajime, for that matter) has nightmares of their Papa screaming and terrible separation anxiety, latching onto the items they had with them during the program (Nagito's jacket and Nagito's ring)- if at any point they do not have those 2 items with them, it's likely they'll panic. Bebi didn't have their own room for the longest time because Nagito would wake in a panic and have to check and make sure they were still in the house, or insist they slept on the bed in between him and Hajime. Later on, if Nagito or Hajime are away on missions, or they are apart from the twins, they'll spiral into panics insisting that their being apart will result in someone's death. The trauma from being separated from their parents is hugely influential to how they interact with their family and their motivation for reviving the NWP...and starting another killing game.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
—single!parent headcanons
part one
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mtha thots: the manga makes me really sad and i think children deserve a childhood so i made this to cope
all characters are 18+
Warnings: it’s long but, other than that, none <3
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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Shouto Todoroki: 
truth be told, shouto never wanted children 
he knew how important someone’s childhood meant
shouto honestly couldn’t trust himself not to mess it up :(
so imagine his surprise when he came to fall in love with this little boy, no older than six, he found snooping around a dumpster 
it’s actually kind of funny how they came to be bc shouto was 100% put off by the kid
when they made eye contact, they stared at each other like 
the boy: 👁👄👁
shouto again:🧍🏻
before the brat blew him a raspberry and tried to run off 
ofc he caught up to him and, despite the boy’s tantrum, the two went straight to the police
and for some reason, todoroki ended up with him in his condo
the first couple of weeks were terrible 
it seemed like Yuuma hated his guts 
shouto let him have his space and only really pestered him when it was time to do the essentials
at midoriya’s suggestion, he’d try and talk to him about his day or how his therapy sessions went, but it was no use 
the boy would tell him not to worry about it and scurry off 
this happened for some time and honestly, todoroki was at his wit’s end 
until one day, shouto realized that it wasn’t that the child hated him, he just didn’t want to be a burden him
then everything clicked 
mustering up the courage, todoroki one day asked Yuu if he’d like to help him make dinner and the way the kid’s eyes brightened up at the chance to be useful made him a bit sad
but he pushed it away in favor for how the boy blossomed as he showed shouto the right way to stir meat stew and make onion rings
at the end, the red n white hero gave him an honest smile and thanked him for his help
Yuuma looked at him for a long time before bursting into tears 
it was the first time shouto had seen him cry in weeks 
it was also the first time they hugged
from then on, it was almost magical how well they clicked 
the boy was exitable and extroverted, todoroki was quiet and reserved 
they were both stubborn to a fault sometimes and that didn’t bode over well during the few disagreements they had but they brought the best out in each other 
shouto made the kid feel safe and secure, always reminding him that anything he did for him was never burdensome 
Yuuma gave the hero a confidence boost and a chance at another type of love he never knew he wanted 
the first time his son called him dad was when todoroki made the adoption official 
Yuuma shyly asked if it was okay that he called him his father and shouto will not admit to the tears he desperately tried to hide from a teasing midoriya and his siblings (ofc he had them there)
no one knows this but todoroki literally had separation anxiety the first couple of years
his child was just fine being with the babysitter but shouto would spend his work days/nights feeling very tense being away from him 
called/texted the kid all the time, left him encouraging sticky notes in his lunch box, and would hug him for at least 3 min before leaving the house
he’s such a mother hen bye
he’s lucky yuu adores him bc he was lowkey doing a lot LMAO
they have movie nights together and geek over manga like nerds 
yuuma cosplayed as roy mustang once and todoroki has an album of pics from that day alone 
todoroki’s the type to randomly bring his son fruit just because 
yuuma regularly slept in shouto’s bed/futon until around 7th grade
as his son got older, and more popular (w the ladies AND gents hehe) at school, todoroki got a little jealous bc yuuma wanted to spend more time with his friends
he was legit hurt the first time yuu canceled on movie night to go to a sleepover 🥺
todoroki moped over it until midoriya told him to knock it off 💀
it’s a shameful quality of his, but shouto will always lie to get his kid out of the stupid shit he gets himself into only bc yuu plays really funny pranks 
has to keep himself from laughing in front of the principle 
they’re both lowkey mischevious asf 
he’ll scold him later tho so it’s okay, he’s responsible™️
shouto always calls yuu “son”
if he calls him by his full name, he’s either sad or annoyed w him
during family gatherings, yuuma is the star of the show bc of his superb cooking skills
he and fuyumi get along great
and surprisingly enough, bakugo adores the kid even though the same can’t be said for todoroki himself 
yuuma wants to open a restaurant and he’s a little afraid of his father’s reaction
little does he know, shouto is ready to hand over his black card at moment’s notice purrr✨
he’s a really supportive father and he has his hiccups, but todo tries his very best and his son makes him impossibly proud every day 
oh and did i mention they wear matching sweaters?
they’re that kind of family
it’s so cute i could die 
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Midoriya Izuku: 
midoriya was born and bred to be a father 
change my mind 
i mean look at that face 
that’s daddy material to me 😌
midoriya has two girls that are about a year apart
due to the immense pressure of being with the #1 hero and an unwillingness to be a mother, his then girlfriend at the time suddenly left him, signing over all maternal rights to the hero 
it just crushed izuku 
he spent weeks trying to look for her and to make it work 
he wanted his girls to have a two-parent household, but she went radio silent 
it was a difficult adjustment 
but deku is the most ambitious and resiliant person on the planet so he was devoted to giving them the best lif he could 
and ofc he had the support of all his friends and his mother 
but there were a lot of ups and downs
mostly downs in the first year being a single parent
at the time, his youngest wasn’t even one whiles eldest was almost two 
and izuku worked a lot 
being #1 meant he was the country’s go-to whenever something happened and he missed a lot of stuff he’d never get to redo 
like his youngest, Maia’s, first word which was “bunny”
and the first time his oldest, Naomi, went to the bathroom by herself 
and izuku will never forget the day he came to pick his kids up after being on a week long international mission
when he reached out for them, they looked at him as if they didn’t know who he was 
izuku spent the entire night crying in inko’s arms 
the next morning, he only had to deliver some paperwork, but everyone noticed the usually chipper hero’s sour mood and stayed clear from his path
even bakugo and todoroki felt chills when izuku passed by 
it was tough, but deku was determined 
he started taking up night shifts so he could be there for his girls during the day
he’d pick them up from inko’s right after work and spend the day playing with them 
izuku stayed up on a dangerous amount of caffeine and will power
there were days he literally passed out from exhaustion, but it was worth it to see them through their milestones 
when Naomi went to kindergarten, he couldn’t stop buzzing around w excitement
he just adored listening her ramble on about what she learned and that persisted on even as she grew
like, she’s a genius
she was his doppleganger in intellect and resilience
she’s def a daddy’s girl and although she’s not as empathetic as her father, they’re very close 
naomi is an excellent older sister and stepped up early when izuku couldn’t always be there 
maia is izuku’s match in personality
she’s very sweet, a bit more extroverted, and compassionate
but pls don’t get it twisted, that girl gives the fam a run for their money 
she’s got izuku’s righteousness but heightened 100x and with a lot more anger
the girl’s got quite the mean mug and she got hands highkey
they both do tbh (i mean, izuku is their dad...)
the amount of fights naomi’s had to back her up in is ridiculous 😭
they’re two peas in a pod tho so if you mess w one sister, you mess w both ‼️
regardless of all that, izuku wouldn’t change them for anything 
he’s the type to obnoxiously kiss them on their cheeks before school
they’ll take turns doing each other’s hair
izuku gets pigtails that he proudly wears to work 
deku has a private instagram that is so filled with those two, sometimes ppl forget it’s his
he def has a “girl dad” t-shirt
he calls them his angels 🥺
i see him getting a tattoo of their names on his arm or something
they’re all cry babies so when they get into arguments, it doesnt last long
both girls went to UA to be heroes and izuku’s heart just soars with pride every day 
he also cried an obnoxious amount and for some odd reason, kept popping up for “demonstrative purposes”
they had to have a family talk so they could tell him to stop babying them in the kindest way possible 
and by that i mean, naomi said it bluntly and maia did damage control lmao
overall, izuku loves those girls more than life and they love him just the same 
raising them was a rollercoaster, but he’d do it all over again in a heartbeat
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Sero Hanta:
another one that just looks like he’d be an amazing father
please have my children sir
sero is one of the few that was actually looking to adopt a kid
he came from a large family and desired connection with a family of his own
he tried a for a while, but it never seemed to happen
until he came about a small girl he met on the off chance of passing by her hospital room when he was getting a quick check up
she was one of the children they saved on a mission and when he saw her curled up on the hospital bed that seemed to swallow her whole, his feet moved on their own
the girl, Keiko, was left injured and an orphan, yet despite her circumstances, she was just a joy to be around 
sero spent the rest of visiting time with her and just knew she was it for him
she was very sick so he’d spend his breaks visiting her at the hospital 
keiko was a huge cellophane fan and it just melted his heart 🥺
she’d have a huge smile on her face, unabashedly showing off her missing front tooth, every time he walked in
they’d spend hours just drawing or talking about their day
when sero shyly brought up the possibility of adopting her, keiko could barely contain herself 
she drew him one of her best pieces as a thank you and sero still has it hanging on his mirror to this day ❤️
keiko’s actually quite the artist so there’s many more up there to keep it company 
the adjustment period went smoother than anticipated
the girl had her moments and hanta was getting used to being a 24/7 parent, but it was like they quickly acted as if they had been blood related their entire lives
they are ride or dies for each other LMAO
they don’t argue
like at all
the worst they ever got was when keiko rushed to help her father on the job when she happened to see him get hurt 
sero yelled at her in panic 
it was so startling that they avoided each other for the time being
but a few hours later, sero went and apologized 
and that was that
keiko had frequent nightmares and sero would sacrfice copious hours of sleep so that he could turn on the projecter and give her a run down about every star in the “sky” before she falls asleep 
he actually bought and named a star after her for her first bday with him
sero pats her head a lot and she hates it
he calls her squirt, sport, kid, and princess if they’re having a soft moment
they have an unholy amount of matching onsies 
the kid was already getting to the stage where she wanted to be independent, but she would let her father pick out her outfits sometimes
only bc he put a lot of effort into doing it 
aka, she caught him crying over cute pintrest pics bc he’s a simp
okay but sero really, isn’t much of a crier, but he’s sentimental asf
every milestone is recorded
every school night, he’s there (she was a good kid, so he all but gloats w pride after every visit w the teachers)
any drawing she makes, he has 
he’ll do anything to be there for his daughter so it really crushed him when he couldn’t go to her high school’s father daughter dance 
sero had a mission he couldnt get out of and he was sorely pissed off about it 
keiko assured her father that it was okay and that it was corny anyways
but he could hear the disappointment in her voice 
he made kirishima go with her anyways bc he didnt want her to miss out on the experience 
and you bet your ass that when she came back home, sero was there in a tux with the living room set up to make it up to her 
it is just as cheesy as you think it is, but they’re cute so who cares 
also the way they both can dance is crazyyyyyy
rhythm isn’t even the word
if there was a competition for best father-daughter dance duo, they would win every time! and i stand by that!
they have at least one viral tiktok dance they did together
sero’s not the emotional type, but the first time keiko had a boyfriend he def made a threat or two to him 
it was actually so scary 
they’re honestly the cutest duo and everyone on the block agrees
 i love it ❤️
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions to their s/o having a bad relationship with their parents ↠ all members
genre: reaction, angst, hurt/comfort word count: 3k warnings: brief descriptions or mentions of verbal/emotional/physical abuse, emotional manipulation, dysfunctional family relationships, alcoholism, swearing request: yes a/n: to the one who requested this: i hope that, if you have a dysfunctional or abusive relationship with your parents, you’re able to leave the environment safely. or, that the behavior changes or stops soon. make sure that you have somewhere safe you can go and at least one other person you can talk to and who can help you. be safe, darling!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
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bang chan
chan would be in utter disbelief that people could act like that
he kept repeating that parents should care about their children
that the yelling and screaming should stop
he would, honestly, have a very low opinion of your parents from the moment he found out everything they’d said and done
he’d not be one to make rash judgements about people,
but there are some lines he holds firm on
you’d long ago learned to go blank when your parents started on their shit
it didn’t matter if it was aimed at you
or at each other
but yelling, blaming, and cussing wasn’t at all what you wanted to experience or be around
chan would make damn sure to be there anytime you had to visit your parents
he didn’t want you to feel alone and small ever again
he had very clear boundaries with your parents
(not that they really respected them, though)
but that didn’t stop him from walking right out of the house, your hand in his, if they tried controlling him
chan had long ago perfected the art of getting you out of your parents’ house at the first sign of trouble
he’d always know when something bad was about to happen between you, too
chan would do everything in his power to make you feel better every time you were feeling shitty because of your parents
he firmly believed that no parent should stifle their child like that
and should never yell or strike you
n e v e r
and don’t get him started on the emotional manipulation
he’d always comfort you after seeing your parents on those rare times courtesy required you to see them
the day you’d told chan all the abuse you’d endured, he simply held you as the both of you cried and cried
and he’d held you all that night, too
really, chan would hold you every single night
and soothe your frantic breathing when the nightmares caught up with you
once, he’d used a phrase that your mother was fond of when she was trying to guilt you into doing things,
you’d gone blank and stopped hearing him
from that day forward, he never used the phrase around you again
chan was adamant that the two of you would not act like your parents in any way
if he was upset, he’d go for a walk and then come back later to talk calmly about whatever had been upsetting
he never took things out on you
no emotional manipulation whatsoever
and the idea of laying hands on someone in anger was abhorrent to him
chan would be absolutely committed to making you feel safe and loved
lee minho
minho was, honestly, pissed
he was pissed that you were dealing with shit from your parents
he was pissed that you didn’t seem to have a chance to rest these days
he was pissed that he felt utterly useless in the face of your unhappiness
he’d noticed that you gazed into space more than usual
that you were sleeping more
all minho wanted to do was comfort you
but you were keeping to yourself
and, worst of all,
not asking for help from him
when you came home from work late with your eyes red-rimmed
minho immediately picked you up in his arms
and took you into the bedroom to cuddle you
over the next hour, he listened as you explained how you’d gone to your parents’ house
and how they hadn’t let you get a word in edgewise
that wasn’t anything new, and, all things considered, they hadn’t treated you too badly
at least no one had decided to slap sense into you
as you’d tried to tell them that you’d just moved in with minho
you wanted them to be happy for you,
but they were scornful and insisted that you were too young at 23
that you were throwing your life away by moving in with your boyfriend
you didn’t care
not really
but something in you needed them to know.
so now that you were back home
and in minho’s arms, you completely fell apart
more than you’d fallen apart on the drive home
you’d only let yourself sniffle as you drove bc you knew you’d crash otherwise
but now you could cry and cry and cry
and let yourself get tugged into the torrent of emotion that flowed through you
minho just rubbed your back and murmured sweet nothings to you
then helped you shower and change into your pajamas
before tucking you under the covers
so you could finally let yourself rest
meanwhile, minho made you some tea and a couple pieces of toast
hoping the honey he’d smeared on top would help you feel better
but really, just needed his arms around you
seo changbin
you’d been at your parents’ for a family gathering
and came back home with a blank look in your eyes
knowing that things were strained between you and your parents,
changbin was ready to support you however you needed
you kind of fell into his arms
and just started crying
your body shook and it took long minutes for you to calm down
changbin wasn’t quite sure what he could do,
besides comfort you and make sure you were safe
he was angry that the situation between you and your parents was worse than he’d known
as you gulped out the story of your mother taking you into the kitchen
and hissing thinly veiled insults, telling you that you were selfish,
changbin heard the blood pound in his ears
if he could make your mother shut up, he would
he wished the two of you could live together
but you were still in college and couldn’t exactly do that easily
so, he hoped that all the time you spent together
and the fact that you were taking so many classes
was enough to get you through still living at home
it was still hell for you, though
you hadn’t realized how bad it was until you started dating changbin
and he’d told you that no, your parents trying to guilt you into not going to college in favor of taking care of them was not normal nor okay
you were glad you had changbin to give you perspective
he was the sweetest man you’d ever met
and you were in awe of how he fought for your right to autonomy
you couldn’t resist feeling overwhelming tenderness for him
all he wanted to do was treat you with as much respect and love as he could
like chan, changbin was incensed that parents would treat their child, or children, like that
and would definitely have a few sharp words to say to your parents
he wouldn’t exactly care about the consequences
there were simply things that were acceptable and some that weren’t
and he cared about you too much to not say something
he would do small, sweet things for you
just to see you smile all the more often
changbin made a point to tell you just how much he loved you
hwang hyunjin
as hyunjin watched you crumple on the doorstep of your house
he knew something was wrong
rage filled his mind when he saw you crying so brokenly
he had no idea what had happened
but he could guess and it made him
utterly furious
how dare they
how dare your father be such a bastard
if hyunjin could, he would spirit you far, far away from home
he wanted you to be safe
he strode forward and sank down on the step next to you
you tried not to rely on hyunjin too much
the last thing you wanted was to be codependent
but with such a crappy home situation
you needed some sort of support
and your boyfriend was the best support you could ask for.
he was understanding
he would fight for you as long as he could
and wanted to make all the hurt you’d experienced go away
he knew that wasn’t necessarily possible
bc emotional wounds are difficult to heal
and need a long time to work through
but he’d be there for you
with his warm arms around you,
things seemed a bit less bleak
but you still couldn’t believe that your father had just threatened to throw you out of the house and to hit you
to punch your lights out
your mother had tried to intervene
but he simply wouldn’t listen
you’d grabbed your phone and just kept inching toward the door
hoping you’d make it before anything bad happened
so now you were there on the stoop, sobbing
you hadn’t even noticed hyunjin until his arms were around you
he’d been on his way to come see you
but now he was your protector
he held you like a piece of pottery that had broken
and he was putting you back together
like you were now kintsugi
a piece of pottery that was broken but now repaired with gold
the unseen cracks in your soul slowly,
so slowly
being filled with hyunjin’s care and love
han jisung
jisung would be the one to sneak you out of the house at midnight
just so he could see you
and so you could have time free of your parents’ control
you’d go to the park near his house
and sit under the trees or feed the ducks
as soon as he got his license
and could drive others around
he’d come pick you up to go to school 
and drive you home,
making damn sure to take all the longest routes he could
you’d told your parents that you had an after-school club,
one that lasted all the way until 5 pm,
all just so you could spend time with jisung
and not be at home
you’d spent many a night with jisung,
crawling back into bed early in the morning after having slept together in the back seat of his car
his parents weren’t too fussed about what he did,
especially since they knew your parents treated you like shit.
in the spring semester of your senior year of high school,
jisung’s parents had invited you to simply live at their house instead of your own
or, at least spend the weekends there
it helped
it more than helped, since you were happier than you’d ever been when you finally brought as many of your things as possible to jisung’s
it was lucky that jisung’s parents were such wonderful advocates of your safety.
they spoke to your parents and convinced them to let you spend more time with jisung
….granted, they neglected to tell your parents that jisung was your boyfriend of three years
but that didn’t matter
a good friend would do much the same for you
so, you practically moved in with jisung for that semester as you applied for colleges
and finally gone a week without shaking
jisung was determined to help you work through the anxiety your parents’ treatment had done to you
anytime loud noises made you start shaking or freeze up,
jisung would just calm you by cuddling you
and distracting you with any and everything he could think of
in time, jisung’s presence and love helped you heal
lee felix
felix wouldn’t understand why anyone would want to be so mean
what was the point?
when you’d started dating…
felix tried to be kind to your parents, he really did!
but when you’d brought him with you to see your parents
and you’d gripped his hand so hard that he was afraid his circulation would be cut off,
he knew something was wrong
felix had whispered, “you okay, babe?”
but you’d only been able to grip his hand harder
felix had just politely made an excuse about needing to go somewhere
and gotten you both out of there
you’d explained everything on the way home,
felix simply holding your hand the whole time
and trying not to cry
you’d gotten used to the shit your parents threw at you
but with felix’s heartfelt response
and his support,
you really did think about how wrong and twisted it was.
the alcoholism in your mother’s family had finally manifested
and turned your mother into....
just a bit of a monster
you were far too used to hiding in your room as she raged downstairs
and then ignoring the reek of alcohol that lingered in the carpet the next morning
it was difficult to get through school sometimes
but felix being there definitely helped
he’d bring you little crystals that he’d left out in fresh water and moonlight
to help clarify your energy and mind
slowly but surely as felix was more solidly your boyfriend
his support was invaluable
he was there for you when you needed him
and understanding when you needed time to yourself
felix read up on how to help people deal with emotional trauma
and made sure to employ strategies he’d read.
he didn’t want to do the wrong thing,
didn’t want to inadvertently hurt you
((not that he’d ever be capable of that, though))
he would give you all the cuddles he could
felix would literally try to cuddle the sad out of you
he was convinced he could do it akhfdsjfhg
when his arms were around you,
you believed his cuddles would make everything better
and honestly, they did
felix’s capacity to love was endless
kim seungmin
seungmin, like minho, would be so damn angry
and i mean,,,,,
a n g r y  p u p
he wouldn’t put up with any shit from your parents
and it didn’t help that they were totally against you having a boyfriend
for every reason they could think of
if either of them said anything shitty to you in his presence
he would be like a simmering cauldron of rage
seungmin never
and i mean never
would dream of yelling around you
or at you
or anything like that
any rage he felt toward your parents wouldn’t be let out anywhere near you
seungmin knew better than to do that
he didn’t want to trigger something in you.
whenever your parents were particularly horrible
seungmin would just hold you
you’d moved as far away as you could from home
and then met seungmin
so when the two of you travelled,,,,,
to your parents’ home for any important holiday or birthday or whatever
((even though you really didn’t want to be anywhere near them))
seungmin became all the more protective of you
when seungmin felt you were becoming overwhelmed by the controlling and manipulative behavior of your parents,
and when you’d tried and tried and tried to set boundaries with them
but they still wouldn’t listen,
he would hold you all night long
so tightly you thought you would burst
but burst with contentment and the feeling of absolute safety
yang jeongin
jeongin’s caring and sweet nature only extended so far
he had no love for your parents
none at all
you’d told him all the ways in which they’d scarred you
emotionally, physically;;;;
and he’d felt like he was about to explode
he’d thrown his arms around you and just repeated “i’m sorry” over and over again
jeongin would try to be mature about the situation
but also wanted to just scream
he’d dutifully write down all your triggers
and make damn sure to never cause you to feel uncomfortable because of him
but jeongin would also be unsure as to how to deal with your parents
while he’d want to confront them,
he also wouldn’t have the experience to deal with bad relationships
not because he’s young or anything
just that his life is full of love
he’d want to protect you
and make sure you’re okay at all times
jeongin wouldn’t give a shit about what your parents thought of him
why should he when they treat you poorly?
he’d probably buy you little sweets
so that if you’re having a bad day,
at least you have something tasty
and he’d try to come up with things to take your mind off your parents
and sometimes that would just be kissing you
sweetly and soundly
so that all you could think about
and feel
and know
is him and all the love he feels for you
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