#role: nick lucas
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allthingsmumbers · 29 days ago
The role that introduced me to the glory of Mark Umbers - WHAT A MAN
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Well, if you need anything else 'damaged beyond repair' I'm your man.
series 1 / episode 2
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mdot2designs · 4 months ago
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My week in drawings (so far) 28-30 Oct 2024
- Giulia Marcovaldo from Pixar’s Luca (2021)
- Matthew Mercer from Critical Role
- Nick Wilde from Disney’s Zootopia (2016)
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sc0tters · 1 year ago
Meet Aspen Hughes | Fantilli x Hughes AU!
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summary: meet y/n “aspen” hughes
warnings: none
authors note: this is our newest au and is probably the one I’m most excited for! All thoughts will be under the #Fantilli x hughes au! tag and you can find the masterlist here! obviously this is another interactive au so send in those thoughts!
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☆ born September 13th, 2003
☆ took a gap year to live in Vancouver with Quinn making her a sophomore at Umich
☆ currently studying sports physiotherapy and is apart of the student medical team for the men’s ice hockey team.
☆ the literal definition of honour role student, so it means that sometimes she’s asked to tutor people that need the help. But Nick was the one who asked her for the help, and because he was cute she agreed.
☆ Luca and Aspen HATE each other if you want to watch a screaming match, catch them in the same room.
☆ just like the seasons change, so does Aspen’s hair colour.
☆ but she really likes the colour she settled on for the moment so she doesn’t think she’ll change it just yet.
☆ for a girl who grew up in a hockey obsessed house Aspen can’t even skate as she was always more found being sat on the bleachers with her book.
☆ she’s Jim’s golden child, there’s a reason she’s the only child who ever got a pet that was more than a goldfish.
☆ handsome the cat does love everyone though (he is a ginger)
☆ Jack wants Aspen to come work for the devils after college but Luke wants her to be as far away as possible in the most loving way.
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nellie-elizabeth · 9 months ago
Grey's Anatomy: Burn It Down (20x10)
Ughhhh. Wow. That was not a good finale for me, for a lot of reasons.
Gosh, where to even start, my list of grievances is so long. I guess let's go with a couple of the smaller irritants first: Jo being pregnant is such a no from me. And her not telling Link about it? What? Yeesh. I guess I'm glad that her dramatic passing out was just exhaustion and that she's fine, just pregnant, but I'm also very grumbly about the whole thing. It does seem like this show prioritizes storylines that I'm less interested in, and pushes aside the things that would really compel me.
Case in point number two, Lucas and his future fate. I wanted to be moved by everyone showing up to plead his case in front of Catherine, and in a way I was: good on Bailey and the interns for standing up to Catherine Fox, she badly needs to be told she's overstepping, honestly. But Lucas is just so fundamentally uninteresting to me, that the idea that the cliffhanger of the whole season is "but what about Lucas's career" just... sucks, from an investment perspective. Yasuda and Kwan and Jules are at this point far more interesting to me, and I like Simone a lot when she's not tied up in Lucas's drama. I'm just bummed about where the story investment is going, is I guess what I'm saying.
There's been a lot of retreading familiar ground this season, as I think at least for some of the characters, this show is really showing its age. Never have I felt that more than with Richard. Holy shit, Richard's role in this episode pissed me off like you wouldn't believe. The wishy-washy way he's almost retired or stepped back from surgery over the years makes every story like this feel like the boy who cried wolf, but honestly? Fingers crossed he actually finally fucking retires. Why? Well, so we can stop hearing about it, for one, and also... he killed a man???
I was honestly flabbergasted by the handling of this patient's death in this episode. The fact that Richard can wax philosophical about his past and say "it might really be time for me to put down the scalpel" after he realizes he made a totally preventable mistake and it resulted in a patient's death is just... so off, tonally, to me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Isn't this the kind of shit that should get Richard, and the hospital, into big, big trouble? Should we have seen the consequences through the reactions of this dead man's family or something? It just felt so flat! Someone tell Mika and Jules that they're not responsible for this man's death! And someone take Richard's badge away from him. Go on, Catherine, you're kicking every damn body else out of this joint, why not add your husband who clearly can't do his job anymore?
Before we get to Catherine, and oh boy are we getting to Catherine, let's talk about Bailey. I love Bailey, I love Ben, but this was another story that felt like such a retread of things we've seen a million times. Bailey being affected by Ben's job, worried about him constantly, it's nothing new - we see it all the time, whenever they want to amp up the potential drama here. Ben, evidently, survives the finale of Station 19, so I think hopefully we can put this to rest. I'm seeing rumblings that Ben might be coming back to surgery and thus jumping back over to Grey's. Wouldn't be mad about it, to be honest. Let's set this whole firefighter husband worry behind, for Bailey.
Then there's Nick and Meredith. Not much to say about this. I find them boring. I don't get why Meredith is invested in him. He is a nothing character with nothing interesting about him whatsoever. I hate that because of Meredith's part-time status on the show, we're probably just going to keep seeing the two of them go along in their boring relationship for the rest of however long this show goes. I wish Meredith could have been sunsetted off the show with a character I give a damn about.
And last but not least in my long list of complaints... yeah. Catherine Fox. You know, I've struggled to figure out my distaste for this character for a long time. Grey's is filled with brilliantly complicated characters, in particular it's filled with women who do bad things for good reasons, or even for bad ones, women who have egos and ambitions, women who refuse to fill a palatable role to make everyone comfortable. I'm fine with a flawed character, I'm fine with Catherine being in the wrong sometimes. But yowza! Her ego trip, her inflated sense of her own importance... I cannot with her! Do you know how much a character has to be pissing me off for me to take Owen's side on something? But when he snapped at her to let Teddy help with the surgery, I was cheering him on!
The pettiness of taking Meredith and Amelia's research away and giving it to Tom Koracick? Now, don't get me wrong, if this means we'll see Tom next season in some capacity, I'm all for it, but in terms of Catherine's actions here? It's aggravating beyond compare. Her playing politics with information that could actually save so many lives? Her complete lack of awareness that she's the one who fucked up by trying to silence Meredith in the first place? The absolutely petty move of cutting Owen's badge access off, along with Teddy's and Amelia's? Like, what the fuck did Owen do except snap at you a little bit for trying to stand in the way of a firefighter's life being saved? The audacity of her firing him too for that? Seemingly? Yeesh. Take several seats, Catherine Fox.
Despite my many complaints about this episode, there were actually several moments I enjoyed just fine.
Catherine being annoying did allow for Owen to be a badass, and for Meredith to be even more of a badass. When Catherine says she's just like her mother, Meredith says "good, that means I'll win." Hell yeah, Mer. You tell her.
I also love Amelia so much, and I think the friendship between Amelia and Owen is honestly very charming and mature, so good for both of them there? I loved when Amelia asked him for advice and Owen said that she'd never taken his advice before, so why start now? He does eventually tell her that he personally wouldn't be giving the research to Tom Koracick, but that's just because he has extremely legitimate reasons to hate that dude.
I'm grieving hardcore for Yasuda not sticking around next season, and I hope there's a way for her contract to get renegotiated or something! Because that Yasuda and Jules almost kiss? Yes please? I haven't felt this invested in a romance that probably won't even happen in a long time on this show. But even without it being definitively a romantic thing, I love their friendship so much. I hope someone tells them right away that they aren't responsible for the death of that patient!
I'm still not "on board", exactly, for the Winston/Monica thing, but I suppose I can enjoy it for the drama for the time being? I do want Winston to be able to find happiness, honestly. I just hope Amelia/Monica is a thing we get to see in the future, too.
I'm also still in denial about Schmitt leaving next season, but I did like how annoying he was in this episode, honestly. He can be kind of a lot to handle, and I like that he's allowed to be a little more openly frustrating sometimes. Him being annoyed with Jo for not telling him she's pregnant was such a funny bit, as he realized what he had inadvertently done.
As boring as I find Lucas, I did like the little plot thread where he helps with the app to connect people who are trying to find each other. And I like that Dorian is finally discharged from the hospital - a happy ending for that patient was sorely needed after everything he's been through!
So... yeah. All in all, I'm annoyed with this episode. I'm annoyed with Catherine, I'm annoyed that Jo's pregnant, I'm annoyed that everyone's focused on Lucas, I'm bored by Nick. I'm happy that Dorian got discharged, and I'm happy that Meredith is standing up for herself, I guess? We'll be back for hopefully a bit longer of a season twenty-one. And we'll find out what the heck is going on with Kwan's amnesiac ex-fiancee... man, this show can be endearingly ridiculous sometimes.
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sk8termikey · 10 months ago
Chapter 22 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Not long after Lily had finished preparing the pancakes, with the company of Matt, everyone started waking up. Nick had been the first – intrigued by the smell that was coming from the adjacent room to him, then Alex and Chris had awakened around the same time. Lily had been thoroughly thanked for the breakfast she had made and her pancakes were as loved by the triplets as they were by Alex.
“Y’all don’t know how lucky I am to live with her for real”, Alex claimed while eating her third pancakes. “I have the best friend ever.”
“It is really good, thank you so much for those bro.” Chris was clearly enjoying the food as he stole a pancake from the plate right as Nick was about to take it.
“Waking up to this everyday is the dream life,” Nick wondered. “I don’t wanna take advantage of your kindness Lily but I’d love for you to cook for us more before we leave.”
“It’s no problem,” Lily assured. “I really like cooking, especially for friends and family so making people happy is what makes me happy.”
They all smiled at that and couldn’t believe it. The world didn’t deserve Lily, but this girl sure deserved everything good that could happen to her.
“I wish I could promise you one of her best recipes but y’all might have to beg her for it.” Alex teased the triplets as she knew she could eat Lily’s food whenever she wanted. “Her cakes are sooo good!”
“Flattery doesn’t get you anywhere babe, you know that.”
“Wait, but like–” Matt started. “If Lily cooks most of the stuff, what do you and your other friends do, Alex?”
“Good question Matthew. I actually do most of the drinks with Jade while Lucas takes care of the bookstore part. It’s not unusual that we shift roles but this is what we all mainly do there.”
“Sounds like a good atmosphere between y’all four,” Chris said. “Kinda want to check out your place now.”
“We can actually”, Lily offered. “Closed it for the day because I was thinking of bringing you there if you’d wanted.”
“Really?” Nick asked. “Like, just for us?”
“Yeah, of course!” Lily widely smiled. “We can bake something, you can see the books we have and just chill there so we’re not locked in the house for the day.”
“That’d be very nice, thank you Lily.” Matt exchanged a glance with the girl as he appreciated that she was going to share this big part of her life with them.
As they all agreed to the idea, everyone went to get dressed – as they were all still in their pyjamas to have breakfast – before Lily drove them to her and Alex’s workplace.
“It looks so cute from outside already!” Nick exclaimed as they arrived in front of the café.
“Thanks,” Alex replied. “My parents were the ones who did most of it back then but Lucas and I sometimes remodel based on the seasons and stuff.”
Lily unlocked the door before motioning for everyone to enter and made sure that the ‘CLOSED’ sign was visible, so that people wouldn’t wonder why the lights were on without any customers. As a café that was open six days a week, Lily had thought – with her coworkers’ agreement – that changing their day off once wouldn’t be a problem.
While Alex was giving the triplets a tour of the place, Lily was setting everything up. The three guests were all amazed at the café and the fact that they would eventually eat something similar to the pictures hung on the walls. Everything seemed delicious to them and they couldn’t keep their stomachs from being impatient – they’d had breakfast an hour ago but as still growing young adults, of course they would be hungry at the sight of so many choices of pastries on the menu.
“Hey”, Lily called to the triplets who were still wandering around. “If y’all want, the café’s laptop is connected to Spotify so play whatever you want.”
Nick, Chris and Matt all hummed in agreement before the latter decided to go check out what the girls liked. As he scrolled through the playlists, Matt let out a snicker which grabbed Lily’s attention as she was near him.
“What’s so funny about the music I like?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Matt replied with a smile. “It’s just so…organised.”
“Okay, I can admit that I like having my stuff in categories given the amount of playlists that I have. I guess the ones I listen to the most are the ones not in files so pick one of them, that means you don’t have to discover everything that’s in my mind.”
“Noted”, Matt acknowledged while trying to choose a playlist based on their names. “Wow, you’re our biggest fan then.”
“Hmm?” Lily asked before understanding what he was referring to. “Oh yeah, you guys’ playlists are very nice.”
“For real, she plays them a lot in here.” Alex added as she had been half-listening to the conversation. “They’re all good as background music, mostly Matt’s I’d say.”
“That’s true, it sets a good vibe in the mornings especially.” Lily confirmed. “Put that if you want something you already know.”
“No no, it’s fine. I’ll put the all-time faves playlist so I know which songs define you.”
“Damn”, another voice joined the discussion. “That is a very long playlist. No way y’all adore all those songs.”
“Well if you must know Nicolas,” Alex started. “This is actually Lily’s account and yes, she does love those fifteen hours – have done for a while already. I’m not surprised if when we’re seventy and retired, she still plays these songs.”
“Hey!” Lily called as she felt like she was bullied. “Stop judging me and put something on.”
“Will do, don’t worry.” Matt answered as he shuffled the playlist. “Let’s actually judge the songs before we judge you.”
Everyone laughed at that, including Lily, and the café began to be filled with the melody of Over and Out by 5 Seconds of Summer. Although the song was far from being a calm and relaxing one, the music wasn’t that loud so it allowed the group of friends to still be able to freely talk while having background noise.
“Okay so now that we have that, where do we start?” Chris asked as he was leaning on the counter.
“We’re supposed to bake something for you so you’re the one to tell us,” Lily replied as she walked towards the fridge. “What do you want in your victory cake?”
At that, Chris let out a big smile as he was happy that Lily was still on board with the joke he had made the week before. He thought for a second before deciding.
“Because it’s in my honour, I guess it has to have orange in it.” He looked at everyone as he was hesitating. “What goes well with that? It’s not everyday that we actually bake from scratch and have to invent a recipe.”
“That’s true,” Matt agreed. “We have always cooked stuff that was pre-made I guess like– we just have to assemble most of the time.”
“Wait, it’s actually innovative for us.” Nick pointed out. “I kinda want to vlog that chaos.”
“Excuse me?” Alex looked offended at that. “There will be no chaos when you’re literally gonna be baking with two superstars. We take no responsibility for the fact that y’all three don’t know shit.”
“So it’s a yes to vlog it then?” Nick wished to confirm. “And I promise we’ll do our best!”
The two girls nodded and Lily just put in the condition that their faces wouldn’t appear, only their backs at most. Alex felt the same as she wasn’t very keen on being publicly seen on the internet. She had always been very outgoing and extroverted but something about being in a video with the triplets felt scary.
“No worries, we won’t be filming like we’d do in our kitchen for example.” Matt assured as he gave a smile to Lily. “It’ll just be small moments of our failures.”
“Yep. We’ll be careful, you can trust us!” Chris added with confidence.
The two girls felt more comfortable and as they began putting out the ingredients necessary for the cake – they had eventually chosen chocolate to go with orange, they heard Nick introducing the video.
“Hey everyone! So for today’s vlog which is literally being filmed the same day as it’ll be posted, if we don’t have anything else to film, we’ll be baking a cake in honour of Chris’s victory.”
“As if the trophy wasn’t enough…” Matt muttered but still loud enough for everyone and the camera to hear.
They all laughed at that and Alex could especially be heard as she had the habit of loudly laughing like Chris would do, thus showing that she was someone always receptive to jokes and joy.
“Okay so if y’all hear other voices, we’re with some friends that are better than us at baking–”
“Not really hard to achieve”, Chris interrupted Nick as he went next to the blonde to be in frame.
“Correct”, Nick continued. “So yeah we’re not gonna introduce them formally because they’re shy but they’re professionals so the result is bound to be much more awesome than all we ever did in our cooking videos.”
“Stay tuned for the best cake!” Matt chimed in before Nick paused the camera so that they could actually start baking.
“Damn Matthew, you’re boosting our egos here.” Lily joked. “It’s also pressure, but we’ll manage I guess.”
“Of course!” Alex exclaimed. “No one bakes better than my best friend.”
And thus the beginning of an afternoon full of banter – and batter – started with Lily instructing the triplets of what they should be doing while Alex would sometimes film them.
“Brooo, what are you doing?” Alex panicked behind the camera as she was recording Chris.
“Lily, come help him please!” The girl begged her best friend.
The brunette went to see what was happening and let out an over-dramatic gasp.
“Damn babe, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that.” Lily warned as she put her hand on Chris’s wrist to stop his movement. “Here, let me show you how to do it.”
From where she was filming, Alex tilted the camera a bit to the side so that Lily would be hidden by Chris and only her arms around him could be seen. As Chris then wondered what was wrong with him, Lily helped him restart the right movement so that he wouldn’t end up with a cramp after thirty seconds. Chris thanked her and then tried to do it by himself while Lily stayed by his side for a few more minutes in order to make sure that he kept doing what she showed him.
From the other side of the kitchen, Matt had finished preparing the plate in which they would eventually put the cake in. He couldn’t help but observe his younger brother and his friend as they seemed to get along well. Matt was only able to feel grateful that everyone was enjoying the day and he softly smiled at the scene in front of him.
Lily then left Chris in the hands of Alex who had stopped filming to babysit him and joined Matt who was next to the oven. While she checked and confirmed that he had done a good job, she was quietly singing along to Take Her to the Moon by Waterparks that was currently being played. Unbeknownst to her, Matt was trying to understand the lyrics and he couldn’t avoid the familiarity felt with some as the girl was saying it.
“I wanna live inside your mind, next to your favourite songs”. Lily briefly paused as she was focusing on the temperature at which she was heating the oven before singing the next lyrics. “I wanna lose my mood inside a late night phone call with you.”
Damn, Matt thought. He was suddenly starting to overthink everything that was happening. Why was he even relating to the chorus? Did he only feel that because Lily was the one singing it? Let’s not dwell on it… But he would, at one point, dwell on it. Matt was simply delaying what was meant to happen but for now, he tried to simply enjoy the time he was spending with people he cherished.
When Lily finally noticed a gaze on her, she looked up and smiled at Matt who seemed deep in thought. This put him out of his daydream and Matt smiled back before she motioned for him to come join the other three as they were nearing the end of the recipe. With Alex’s help, Lily told the triplets what were the next steps and they did as the girls were instructing. They eventually finished everything and it was now time to put the cake in the oven before waiting for it to cook.
“Okay guys!” Nick exclaimed at the camera as he was filming the oven. “We’re now gonna see how’s the cake looking and if it’s edible.”
“Nick oh my god!” Alex punched his shoulder which made the camera falter for a second. “Of course it’s edible. Lily’s the best cook ever and not even your lack of skills could change that.”
Lily laughed at her best friend’s enthusiasm before taking the cake out of the oven – Nick taking care of staying behind her so her face couldn’t be seen. She put it on the counter for everyone to admire it.
“It looks so fluffy, I can’t wait to eat it.” Chris was becoming impatient as he wanted nothing more than to taste his victory.
“You don’t want to decorate or anything?” Lily asked him. “Like frosting, I don’t know.”
Looking at each other, the triplets were remembering their previous experiences with frosting during their ‘DEAF, BLIND AND MUTE’ videos before suddenly laughing at the memories.
“I don’t think we’re the best ones at that,” Nick admitted as he faced the camera. “Our viewers would certainly agree.”
“Y’all weren’t that bad”, Alex tried to reason. “You’re all perfectly seeing what you’re doing and we’re still under Lily’s instructions so what could go wrong?”
Everything, the triplets all thought in sync. They eventually agreed when Lily suggested some simple design they could do together. Per Chris’s request, they settled on orange frosting and the triplets actually had lots of fun when they had to mix the food colouring into it. Lily had gladly filmed their reactions as Alex was whisking and the frosting went from light cream to bright orange thus making the triplets have huge smiles on their faces – similar to a child going to an amusement park for the first or getting the toy they wanted on Christmas Day, which was really sweet to witness.
When they then applied the frosting on the cake with the girls’ help, the triplets were amazed at the result. The cake was round and large enough to feed the five friends, covered in bright orange frosting with rose details at the top. Lily wasn’t the best when it came to actual cake design and decorating them – Jade was more the professional at that as she had very still hands, but it turned out that her instructions were enough for Matt to calmly and beautifully adorn the cake. The middle brother was skilled at being a good listener and remembering well what was said to him so he had been the best choice out of them to perfect the cake.
Getting Nick, Matt and Chris in frame, Lily stepped back so she could record the triplets and the cake together while Alex was loudly applauding them.
“Y’all did great! We’re really proud of you guys!”
“Thanks, you were there to help us so it’s mostly you two.” Nick reminded as he and his brothers had simply followed the girls’ orders.
“Nonsense!” Lily exclaimed behind the camera. “Let us give you all three the credit, your fans need to know how talented you became in the kitchen.”
“You’re real housewives now,” Alex joked. “Bake that for your family when you come back home and they’ll be impressed.”
“Send us the recipe though because I remembered nothing,” Chris admitted. “I feel like we’d be capable of baking that for our parents.”
“Yay, of course babe!” Lily was glad that they enjoyed baking enough to try and redo it on their own time. “We’ll be waiting for pictures of your success in your weekly dump.”
“You’ll get early proof of the Sturniolo bakers before everyone,” Nick assured. “Gotta make sure our teachers approve before posting shit.”
“We definitely will, don’t worry!” Lily assured as she knew that they could achieve it if they were all giving it their everything, without being blindfolded or other handicap like that.
After Nick took multiple pictures of the cake, they all finally got to taste it. Chris was designated as the crash tester, to which he was glad as he was the first one to eat the delicious cake. Everyone was delighted when Chris voiced his opinion and confirmed that the cake was as good inside than outside. Alex and Lily were overjoyed at that as they were really happy that the triplets were able to eat something they’d been the ones to make. While eating, they all shared embarrassing cooking stories: Lily told them about her first chocolate mousse that had deflated for God knows why or how and Alex explained the time when she tried to bake a red velvet cake for her brother but accidentally mixed green dye in it so the cake came out Christmas coloured, although it was the middle of summer. The girls knew about Chris, Matt and Nick’s failures as most of them were on camera, but the triplets decided to share a secret with them: they had at least four videos of them baking that they never posted due to how chaotic it ended up being and how disgusting the food was. However, they also announced to the girls that they were planning to film a new edition of their ‘DEAF, BLIND AND MUTE’ videos once they’d be back in LA, thus making Lily and Alex excited for this spoiler regarding their YouTube channel.
As they were then done with eating and cleaning everything up, they decided to spend the rest of the afternoon at the café while Nick would quickly edit the vlog they’d filmed earlier. Lily offered to help as she knew how to get around editing, but Nick assured that he would be fine due to the little clips they had, therefore removing the need to cut too many things. The triplets knew that the video wouldn’t be very long, but the fans would understand as tour had ended only a few days ago and they needed to get back into their routine after this important event.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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silvyysthings · 1 year ago
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Luca Guadagnino, the protagonist of his new TV series revealed? And he's a star of Euphoria
The director of Call Me by Your Name is preparing to sign a new eagerly awaited TV series
Luca Guadagnino will once again try his hand at a TV series thanks to The Shards, announced adaptation of the homonymous novel by Bret Easton Ellis, celebrated author of American Psycho. In recent days the director would have had more than one meeting with Jacob Elordi, a young Australian actor known to the general public for his roles in the popular series Euphoria and The Kissing Booth, and, according to some rumors, the object of these meetings would have been his possible leading role in The Shards.
Elordi would have been intercepted by Luca Guadagnino in the setting of the Venice Film Festival, which the Australian actor attended for the presentation of Priscilla, the new film directed by Sofia Coppola which tells the story of the private relationship between the protagonist and her famous husband Elvis Presley.
Luca Guadagnino will direct the episodes of the series, while Bret Easton Ellis himself will write the screenplay. This will also be involved as an executive producer alongside Nick Hall and Brian Young.
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 10 months ago
Israel’s Plans For The West
I think it’s fair to say that most of the right is anti-mass immigration.
But then it begs the question: Why are there so many right-wing Zionists?
Now, that question might be confusing to some.
“How on earth are the two related?”
Well, I’ll explain.
There are a few on the right who get it.
Some would be:
Ryan Dawson (@RyLiberty) 🇺🇸
Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) 🇺🇸
Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) 🇺🇸
Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) 🇺🇸
Sam Parker (@SamParkerSenate) 🇺🇸
Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) 🇺🇸
Nick Fuentes 🇺🇸
Jayda Fransen (@JaydaBF) 🇬🇧
Nick Griffin (@NickGriffinBU) 🇬🇧
Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) 🇮🇪
But, a large portion of the right do not.
Israel has made their goals very clear.
Here are a few quotes from high-ranking Israeli officials:
Palestinians should ‘go to Ireland or the deserts’ - Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu
"The ongoing war in Gaza presents an opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza.” “It is a correct, just, moral, and humane solution” - Israel’s National Security Minister - Itamar Ben-Gvir
"Europe has a long history of assisting refugees fleeing conflicts... countries around the world should offer a haven for Gaza residents who seek relocation" - Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN and current Knesset member Danny Danon
The former deputy director of Mossad, Ram Ben-Barak, added onto Danon’s statement by saying, "Countries can accomplish this by creating well-structured and internationally coordinated relocation programs.”
And then Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, added onto those statements by saying:
“I welcome the initiative of members of Knesset Ram Ben-Barak and Danny Danon on the voluntary immigration of Gaza Arabs to the countries of the world. This is the right humanitarian solution for the residents of Gaza and the entire region,”
“A cell with a small area like the Gaza Strip without natural resources and independent sources of livelihood has no chance to exist independently, economically, and politically in such a high density for a long time.”
“The reception of refugees by the countries of the world that really want their best interests, with the support and generous financial assistance of the international community and within the state of Israel, is the only solution that will bring an end to the suffering and pain of Jews and Arabs alike.”
“The state of Israel will no longer be able to put up with the existence of an independent entity in Gaza,” he added.
You see it now?
Israel plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza, steal the land, and then send millions of Palestinian refugees to western nations.
Now among those refugees, extremists will arise.
Well, whichever country hosts them, they will believe that country was complicit in the butchering of their people.
They will believe that country played a part in them being evicted from their homeland.
And they will be right!
And that may unfortunately lead to some Palestinians being displaced in North America, Europe, and Oceana who want nothing more than to take revenge on the country that played a role in displacing them.
But Israel won’t care.
It’s not their problem anymore.
And for all you boomer-Zionist idiots that say:
“oH WeLl WhY Do wE HaVe tO TaKE iN ThE ReFuGeEs? nO tO ImMiGration!”
You’ll HAVE to take in the refugees because YOUR government is CUCKED by Israel.
Here’s another list for you.
🇺🇸 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in the US:
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
J Street
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
The Israel Project (TIP)
American Jewish Committee (AJC)
The Israel Allies Foundation (IAF)
The Middle East Forum (MEF)
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC)
The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI)
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)
The Jewish National Fund (JNF)
The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA)
The Jewish Policy Center (JPC)
Americans for Peace Now (APN)
The American Friends of Likud
B’nai B'rith International
Emergency Committee for Israel
Z Street
The Israel Forever Foundation
Fuel For Truth
The David Project
Israel Bonds (Development Corporation for Israel
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
The American Friends of Magen David Adom
The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE)
The Israel Action Network (IAN)
The American Friends of Shalva Israel
The American Friends of Libi
🇨🇦 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Canada:
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)
B’nai Brith Canada
Canadian Friends of Peace Now
StandWithUs Canada
Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation (CAEF)
Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF Canada)
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC)
Zionist Organization of Canada (ZOC)
Israel Bonds Canada
🇬🇧 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Britain:
Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI)
Labour Friends of Israel (LFI)
Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel (LDFI)
BICOM (Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre)
Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland
Jewish Leadership Council
UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI)
Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)
Christian Friends of Israel (CFI)
Anglo-Israel Association (AIA)
Northern Ireland Friends of Israel
We Believe in Israel
The Pinkster Centre
Israel Britain Alliance (IBA)
🇪🇺 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating throughout Europe:
German-Israeli Society (DIG) 🇩🇪
Italy-Israel Foundation for Culture and the Arts 🇮🇹
Friends of Israel Initiative (FOII) 🇫🇷
CIDI (Centre for Information and Documentation Israel) 🇳🇱
Belgian Friends of Israel 🇧🇪
Finnish Friends of Israel 🇫🇮
Accion y Communicacion sobre Oriente Medio (ACOM) 🇪🇸
Austrian-Israeli Society (ÖIG) 🇦🇹
Czech Friends of Israel 🇨🇿
Danish-Israeli Association (Dansk Israelsk Selskab) 🇩🇰
Hellenic-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇬🇷
Hungarian-Israeli Friendship Society 🇭🇺
Polish-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇵🇱
Luso-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇵🇹
Swedish-Israel Friendship Association 🇸🇪
Slovenian-Israeli Business Club 🇸🇮
Estonian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇪🇪
Latvia-Israel Chamber of Commerce 🇱🇻
Lithuanian Friends of Israel 🇱🇹
Bulgarian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and Industry 🇧🇬
Romanian Friends of Israel 🇷🇴
Croatian-Israeli Business Club 🇭🇷
Cyprus-Israel Business Association 🇨🇾
Luxembourg-Israel Chamber of Commerce 🇱🇺
Malta-Israel Cultural & Friendship Society 🇲🇹
🇦🇺🇳🇿 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Oceana:
🇦🇺 Australia:
Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ)
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC)
Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA)
United Israel Appeal of Australia (UIA)
Jewish National Fund of Australia (JNFA)
Shalom Institute
Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC)
🇳🇿 New Zealand:
New Zealand Jewish Council
Israel Institute of New Zealand
United Israel Appeal New Zealand
Do you understand now?
Our governments won’t stand up to Israel because effectively, they ARE Israel.
The majority of the western world is controlled by a ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government).
And all you right-wing Zionists have been barking up the wrong tree, and nothing will change unless YOU change who you direct your anger at.
The right-wing has blamed ‘Islamic Extremism’ for the west’s problems.
No, the west’s problem is ISRAEL.
If you had to flee your homeland because it was being blown to bits and everyone around you was being slaughtered, wouldn’t you be angry?
Now YOU may not commit acts of extremism, but can you guarantee none of the others who also feel angry, won’t?
The Zionist Occupied Media (ZOM) have convinced the masses that it’s all due to the fault of ‘Islamic Extremism’.
When in reality, it is extremism being committed by a group of people that have had their lands terrorized, and are angry at their host country for partaking in it.
Now, in no means am I justifying acts of extremism.
Such acts should be condemned and the perpetrators prosecuted.
However, it’s important to understand the root cause.
ISRAEL is the root cause.
Israel lobbies governments, blackmails important figures, and stages false flags to get western countries to fight their wars for them.
As a result, much of the Middle East is destabilized, entire countries are blown up, Middle Eastern leaders are assassinated, millions die, and millions end up being displaced to western countries.
Is it so surprizing that some turn out to be extremists?
Israel doesn't take in any of the refugees; it’s a Jewish supremacist state, why would they?
Among those millions displaced, extremists rise up due to anger directed at their host countries for ruining their homeland and butchering its people, and unfortunately, acts of terror take place.
Then the ZOM, and other well known figures on the Israeli payroll, convince YOU that it’s the fault of ‘Islamic Extremism’.
But again, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
The reason why it’s ‘Islamic Extremism’ is because it is Islamic countries that are being bombed.
It's only logical that if a country is subjected to butchering and bombing, and then its refugees are taken in by the very nations responsible for their plight, it is inevitable that some of these refugees, overwhelmed by anger at these actions, might resort to acts of terror.
If we minded our own business and never destabilized their countries at Israel’s request, then guess what?
We wouldn't have to take in millions of refugees, some of whom might turn out to be extremists, because we hadn't destabilized the region.
They wouldn’t want to come to North America, Europe, or Oceana because their homeland would be doing fine.
And now the exact same thing that happened with Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., is happening with Palestine.
Israel is butchering them with the complicity of our governments, and then they'll send millions of rightfully angry refugees our way while they continue to steal more Palestinian land.
It’s time to say NO.
Palestine is for the Palestinians.
WE should control OUR governments, not Israel.
It’s time for Israel to be held accountable for their reign of terror over the past 75 years.
If we want to fix our countries, and the world, we MUST address the root cause.
And the root cause is ISRAEL.
So I ask those who GENUINELY want change:
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acheronist · 2 years ago
Are there any ghost/curse stories associated with the Red Wings? Like the Leafs and Bill Barilko or Montreal’s Forum ghosts, that sort of thing
the only ones that necessarily come to mind are
when bob probert died in 2010, his ashes were spread in the joe louis arena penalty box as a memorial dedication to his hockey career as an enforcer and fighter and protector of the team (especially as his role as the guard dog for yzerman in the late 80s / early 90s, there's a lovely quote where bobby mentions his only job on the ice is to make sure "nothing happens to stevie".) and I think a lot of the younger guys on the team now who are building up a reputation and mindset of 'we don't start fights but we sure as hell don't back down from them either' are all very aware of that history re: probert and how important he was so developing the teams personality and identity? so I wouldn't be shocked at all if bobby's ghost was hanging around smiling evilly every time mo and lucas and wally get into a scrum because someone tried to crosscheck dylan in the neck again
and then also focusing in on dylan, when it was his rookie year, I know he relied a lot on hank zetterberg for advice, and to a certain extent also previous captains (nick, steve, alex, mickey, etc), but ted lindsay and gordie howe were both local and attended games a lot and I know dylan was very close with them in a mentor/protege sort of way? and they've both passed on now but obviously with their numbers retired and larger than life statues of them both on proud display in the LCA, again, I wouldn't be shocked if ted and gordie's ghosts were behind the bench giggling and kicking their feet being proud of dylan as he's growing into the role of captain and being the best player on the team rn.... like thats their kiddo!!!!!!! thats their fucking boy!!!!!!!
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ali3nter-selfships · 4 months ago
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f/o list
small notes ::
• not ok with sharing romantic f/os! ( srry :[ )
• romantic f/os will be mostly seperated by interests
• italicized = from my hyperfixation / special interest
• bolded = absolute favs, always #1 to me
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❥ Eloni / Green 1010 (No Straight Roads)
❥ Eve / Nadia (No Straight Roads)
❥ Mayday (No Straight Roads)
❥ Billy (Burn, 2019)
❥ Clapton Davis (Detention)
❥ David (Long Gone Heroes)
❥ Derek Danforth (The Beekeeper)
❥ Franklin Fox (57 Seconds)
❥ Josh Futturman (Future Man)
⤷ Other Timelines :: J-Futz, J26, Nut Face Josh
❥ Laser Allgood (The Kids Are All Right)
❥ Max (The Rusted [Short Film])
❥ Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's)
❥ Nick Brady (Escobar: Paradise Lost)
❥ Sean Anderson (Journey 2)
❥ Steve Leonard (Cirque Du Freak: The Vampires Assistant [Movie])
❥ Teddy Atkins (7 Days In Havana)
❥ Toby Mitchell (Tragedy Girls)
❥ Todd (Best Buy SNL Skit)
❥ Travis Wilker (Ape [Short film])
❥ Boy Jerry (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Gary Goldstein (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Richie Lipschitz (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Superman (Holy Musical B@tman!)
❥ Wiggog Y'rath / Wiggly (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ ? Gale Hawthorne (The Hunger Games) ?
❥ Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
❥ Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
❥ Ickett Del La Rosa [Original Character, Village]
❥ John (FNAF Novels)
❥ Gideon Graves (Scott Pilgrim)
❥ Hunter (The Owl House)
❥ Kermit The Frog
❥ Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased)
❥ Principal Of The Thing (Baldi's Basics)
tags are "(character) coded" (ex : 'mike schmidt coded')
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☀︎ Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games)
☀︎Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
☀︎ Lucas Lee (Scott Pilgrim)
☀︎ Mischa Bachinski (Ride The Cyclone)
tags are "(character) is my best friend" (ex : 'mischa bachinski is my best friend')
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☆~ Lefty (FNAF:PS) [Parent]
☆~ The Puppet/Marionette (FNAF) [Parent]
☆~ Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim) [Cousin]
☆~ Miguel O'Hara (Spiderman : Across the Spiderverse) [Father]
tags are "(character) is my (familial role)" (ex : 'miguel ohara is my dad')
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razorblade180 · 5 months ago
Do you have any other headcanon VA's for your OC's?
Now that I have actual time, I will tackle this. I haven’t really committed to voices for everybody but there’s a vibe for a few.
Jacquelyn-Toru Honda from Fruits Basket. Not as soft though. Toru in her more serious moments.
Sparrow-The more I think about it the more my brain says “Chris Redfield but he’s having a good time.”
Canary- Somewhere between Erza and Juvia from Fariy Tail. Hard to explain.
Jael- Ramona Flowers-core. I’m saying this because she only puts so much emotion in her voice since she can’t get too angry most of the time.
Yujin- Star from Star vs the Forces of Evil
Tenzen- Adult Simon, Gurren Lagann
Nick- Zeno Robinson. He just really captures youthful but intelligent with experience.
Summer- it changes so often lol. The problem is I give her so many different songs that it’s a little hard to settle on one voice. I think a good overall vibe I get is Dove Cameron.
Veronica- the character Sabrina Carpenter played in Girl Meets World. I know that’s technically just her voice but the attitude is really important.
Valerie- So this is funny, I originally thought “Ashley Johnson doesn’t make sense. Ellie and Terra are too gruff. I’m feeling something around maybe teen Gwen Tennyson.” That’s Ashely Johnson apparently.
Eliza:-This took me way too long to figure out because everyone I thought of was close but felt off in terms of cadence and registry. Closest I think of is Blaze the Cat in Sonic 06/Black Knight
Mona- Shinoa, Seraph of the End. Don’t ask. I don’t know why.
Aero- Jesse McCartney; specifically is role as Nightwing.
Serenity- Kaori, Your Lie in April
Lucas- Soul Evans from Soul Eater. (We will circle back to this)
Carmine- Okay, I need you all to stay with me on this, and by all means, send me a character that fits the abstract image I’m trying to paint. Yuffie, Rukia, Maka, and Rainbow Dash. Listen! Just listen! There’s a certain amount of youthful smugness and confidence, but also a maturity and strength to the voice. The voice could lead you into battle or cry at a dog movie.
Dustin- Soul Evans again, however, a mix of maturity and anger from Marulxia(Kingdom Hearts) and Sunday(Honkai Star Rail) His voice is pretty calm and casual most of the time but he’ll fucking kill you and is holding some rage. He’s not crazy like Goro Akechi but he’s a couple steps away from a crash out.
All of these are loose interpretations and I know I’m missing a few like Sienna, Kovu, Peach, etc. I’d really hate to sit down and think. If I had to say one more though, something in me is mixing Marceline with Black Fire for Sienna. She’s the cool badass girl you didn’t expect to see cry and be empathetic
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kwebtv · 7 months ago
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Jonathan Aprea (March 4, 1941 – August 5, 2024) Film and television actor. He is known for playing the roles of Lt. Vince Novelli on Matt Houston (1982 to 1984), Sheriff Jack North on Falcon Crest (1987), Manny Vasquez on Knots Landing (1988), Lucas Castigliano on Another World (1989 to 1992), and Nick Katsopolis on Full House (1988 to 1991) and Fuller House (2017). 
He appeared in the television film Crazy Times (1981), co-starring with Ray Liotta. Aprea was cast in a regular role as Albert Anastasia in the NBC miniseries The Gangster Chronicles. He guest starred on The Powers of Matthew Star. Aprea was cast as Lt. Vince Novelli on the ABC action series Matt Houston, playing the role from 1982 until 1984. 
In 1984, Aprea guest starred on Three's a Crowd and Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer. He appeared in the television film Getting Physical. In 1985, he guest starred on Hardcastle and McCormick, Simon & Simon, Street Hawk, and The A-Team. He played Peter Shefland in the television pilot for the series Stingray.
He guest starred on Alfred Hitchcock Presents and The Fall Guy. In 1987, Aprea played Frank in the television film Blood Vows: The Story of a Mafia Wife, co-starring with Melissa Gilbert. He had a recurring role as Sheriff Jack North on the CBS series Falcon Crest.
He guest starred on Tales from the Darkside. He had a recurring role as Manny Vasquez on the CBS series Knots Landing. Aprea received a Soap Opera Digest Award nomination for Outstanding Villain - Prime Time for his work on Knots Landing.
From 1988 to 1989, he played the recurring role of Nick Katsopolis, the father of Jesse (John Stamos), on the ABC sitcom Full House. He also appeared on the show in 1991.  He guest starred on Father Dowling Mysteries and Night Court. In 1989, Aprea was cast on the NBC soap opera Another World, playing Lucas Castigliano. The character of Lucas was paired with Felicia Gallant (Linda Dano). He had previously worked with Dano when they played siblings on The Montefuscos.
In 1992, he left Another World when his contract came to an end. The character of Lucas was killed off. In 1993, Aprea guest starred on The Hat Squad, Dark Justice, Melrose Place, Saved by the Bell: The New Class, and Silk Stalkings
From 1998 to 2000, he guest starred on Vengeance Unlimited, Pacific Blue, The Sopranos, and The District.
He guest starred on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 2013. In 2017, he guest starred as Nick Katsopolis on Fuller House, a revival of Full House. From 2020 to 2023, he had a recurring role on The Bay. (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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dollarbin · 9 months ago
Sandy Saturdays #21:
No More Sad Refrains
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Sorry I'm a day behind schedule this week folks. My school year is wrapping up (I'm a teacher) and time's been in short supply. But I'm excited to dive into our next 100 posts together this summer - thanks for your patience while I ramp this thing back up and continue my hunt through The Dollar Bin...
Musicians who die before their time often provide their own swan songs.
It's comforting to think that Tom Petty played no conscious role in the drug overdose that ended his life, but Hungry No More, the last track on his last record, sure sounds to a retrospective ear like an artist at peace and aware the end is near, wrapping things up.
Similarly, Black Eyed Dog, Hanging on a Star and Voices, three of the final songs Nick Drake submitted before his death, each of them loaded with the hopelessness, intense yearning and grace that he's since come to embody, make it hard to not imagine that poor Nick, on some level, knew his time had come.
This song is so, so sad. And it's a straight up smile inducer compared to Black Eyed Dog. If you don't know Black Eyed Dog, go Google it. It's a little too terrifying for my own Sunday morning so I'll skip pasting it in here.
Happily, Sandy Denny's last song on her last album strikes an altogether different and fitting note for a woman light years ahead of her time: defiance. Denny is an underappreciated feminist, says I, and at the end of her short life we can hear her embracing independence and light.
Unfortunately her husband Trevor Lucas's fussy arrangement and muddy production work dumps a thick coat of glossy nacho cheese over this powerful track. And it's no wonder he wanted to cover things up; the song sounds to me like one big "see ya, loser," directed at Lucas, who'd soon abandon Denny without a word for the other side of the planet, stealing their young daughter away with him. How about that for a Father's Day image?
Happily, Denny left behind two far more direct and perfect performances that Lucas doesn't ruin. Let's begin with Sandy's demo for the song: Denny often summed her greatness up best when no one, and especially Lucas, got in the way.
Aw yeah, that right there is my favorite singer singing one of her best songs. That's some serious Father's Day music right there people. Enjoy.
Sandy's final live performance of the song is great as well. I long turned my pompous nose up at this version because it was partially rerecorded long after Denny's death due to problems with the original tape's guitar track. But I picked up the vinyl reissue in the last year and told myself to give it a fresh chance. And I'm glad I did; the whole thing sounds great.
Lucas strummed some chords on this recording initially. It's anyone's guess whether or not you hear him here at all or whether that's entirely Jerry Donahue cleaning up Trevor's mess in a studio. I like to think it's the later.
Richard Thompson responded to news of Denny's death in part by asking in song "did she jump or was she pushed?" Sandy struggled with alcoholism and her mental health, sure. But when I listen to No More Sad Refrains I always grow incredibly, and perhaps unfairly, angry at Lucas. The dude sure seems like a pusher.
For me, being a husband means loving and honoring my spouse. That and thanking my lucky stars, regularly. And when my wife needs me to get out of the way for a bit I don't kidnap the kids and move to Australia without telling her. Rather, I go find something helpful to do while I give her that space.
Sandy deserved so much more from Lucas and from men generally. So too did she deserve more from the music industry, and from us. She deserved love, understanding and independence. She deserved, and deserves, respect.
Here comes the morning how it pleases It always brings me something new Its golden light will wash away the dust of yesterday If I try it may let me forget you
And when these winter days are over I mean to set myself upon my feet I see me as something that I have never been And I'll pick up the pieces that will make the girl complete
I'll be smiling all the time at everybody My friends will tell me I'm just not the same I won't linger over any tragedies that were And I won't be singing any more sad refrains
Happy Father's Day everyone.
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nessatwene-art · 1 year ago
Not a question exactly but I was thinking about how funny it would be in an au where where all the kids swapped roles: ie protagonist Blake (he still vapes), Poten Science Apprentice Maya, Kenzie As Is, and extremely underpaid babysitter Eira VS arrogant rich dojo boy Lucas, jealous Robbie who didn't get to go do poten Science and is very upset about it, Clarissa at her worst and morally dubious Nick...
Mark is also there. He's doing things.
(hi Nessa =) )
Hi kassie!
Mark is funny bc he met Blake and Lucas at the same time. Up to him on who he decided to be friends with. So in this AU he bffs with Blake.
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thepascalproject · 2 years ago
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
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Character: Javi Gutierrez
Attributes: Charismatic, fun, passionate, warm
Favorite Quote: “Fuuuuuuuck. Did you see how they just looked over at us?”
I went into this movie with a bit of skepticism, but at this point I know to expect that if a movie is mediocre Pedro will save it. Boy, was I wrong! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this film and how much I laughed. The film stars Nicholas Cage as himself, down on his luck in every aspect of his life. But when he takes a job as a guest of honor for a rich super fan’s birthday party things get wild. He’s roped into a CIA mission, which leads to suspecting Javi, his new unlikely friend, and protecting his family against the cartel dangers surrounding them.
What I loved so much about Javi was how his character was all about misdirection. And it really catered well to Pedro’s skill set! It's surprising how quickly he can switch between light hearted and serious roles, in this character and in general. At first you’re taken in by his endearing fan boying and awkward mannerisms. But as the movie progresses the doubt cast on him by the CIA makes something as simple as Javi drinking from a wine glass look ominous. I was so sure during the first watch he was our villain! One of my favorite aspects of Pedro’s acting is how expressive his eyes/face are, and he has this signature villain look that gets me every time—a flat eyed, dangerous glint to his eyes that’s super effective.
But that’s all it is in this role, a misdirection! In the end he’s not the villain but the figurehead for the actual antagonist, Lucas; Javi’s cousin. Javi is the sunny dispositioned fanboy after all and the bait and switch could only be pulled off by our boi! I was so glad he wasn’t the baddie, because even in the trailers they were hinting at it. He’s then just such an endearing character because we’re proven wrong about him!
And again Pedro is so stinking funny! Just like in the Bubble most of his scenes had me cackling. My favorite, of course, was the LSD scene! The hysterical meme of him and Nick driving high in the car will always make me laugh no matter how many times I see it. We really get to see it all in this movie. Pedro’s amazing comedic timing, a small amount of intensity, his goofy warmth and not to mention his great finesse with an accent. (seriously tho those accents of his are top notch!)
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twistedropeshq · 11 months ago
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Come Join our Non Kayfabe Wrestling Based Discord Server!! We do have TUPPER!!!!
Here's a list of roles that are currently OPEN: Naomi, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson, AJ Lee, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Drew Mcintyre, Baron Corbin, Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, LA Knight, Grayson Waller, Bronco Nima, Jaida Parker, Renee Paquette, Jack Perry, Nic Nemeth, CJ Perry, Damian Priest, Allie "The Bunny" , Penelope Ford, Kip Sabian, Ludwig Kaiser, Indi Hartwell, Adam Cole, Will Ospreay, ZSJ, Orange Cassidy, Kenny Omega, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Hangman Adam Page, Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Saraya, Harley Cameron. Lola Vice, Lyra Valkyria, Kelly Kincaid, Steph De Lander, Kelani Jordan, Malakai Black, Triple H, Eddie Kingston, Deonna Purrazzo, Tony D'angelo, Channing Stacks Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino, Kris Statlander, Samatha Irvin, Sonya Deville, Piper Niven, Gulia, and plenty more!
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roleplayfinder · 11 months ago
On the hunt again oh my goodness 😭😭😭
Anyways… hiii !! I truly only created this acc for rp finding purposes so yeah anyways 💕
I’m 16!! I’ll be 17 in August so anyone above 18-19 do not interact pls and thanks. I’m looking for mostlyyyy fearstreet, stranger things or a Yellowjackets role play !!
I do fxf, mxf, mxm, for these specific role plays I really would not like to write with oc’s nothing against them I promise just I really hold these shows close to my heart and would like them to be portrayed with cannon characters.
Obv no NSFW… because gross ong 😭😭
Anyways- the ships I’m interested in doing are
Max x eleven (stranger things)
Max x lucas (stranger things)
Will x mile (stranger things)
Natalie x lottie (Yellowjackets )
Natalie x misty (Yellowjackets)
Tai x van (Yellowjackets)
Jackie x shauna (Yellowjackets)
Laura Lee x lottie (yellow jackets)
Cindy x tommy (fearstreet)
Ziggy x nick (fearstreet)
Kate x Josh (fearstreet)
Alice x Cindy (fearstreet)
Sarah x Hannah (fearstreet)
I will usually play the characters mentioned first, but if you would like to change that is okay aswell idm.
For plots I would like to go as close to wtv show/movie u choose as possible, AU’s will be accepted tbh.
I also really don’t care how much u right as much as I love writing novella I would like to point out that due to me being dyslexic it is hard for me to write that much so in a good day you would get ehhh about 4-5 pharagraphs on bad days about 1 or 2. I hope you know it’s not because I don’t enjoy what is going on, my brain simply can not compute. I also have a condition where it makes it hard to visualize, so you writing the first message is fine if you don’t wanna wait for my brain to remember every last detail of the scene from said show movie 😭😭 anyways, interact with this.
I also will rp on discord and insta but I don’t like insta cause it limits messages but yeah
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