#roland x leander
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quinnleyaeroraen · 1 year ago
They'd all go out on a triple date I believe, perhaps
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(An idea for a short funny comic I came up with a while back and still working on, thought I'd make a dumb post about it just because)
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tombstonetrail · 2 years ago
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dovand · 1 year ago
hiiiiiii merry nnkmas! thank you once more for organising this; you are doing god’s work. i’d like to enter for both games :) i’d probably love anything but some ideas: anything involving gendery-wendery stuff with any character from either game (e.g. genderfluid, different understandings of gender bc different species, trans, etc); anything emphasising catboy evan (those ears should be more expressive by god!!!); honestly anything nnk1 with Lore, i don’t even care; leander x roland does have a special place in my heart…..; i am as always a sucker for the main casts being buddies so i’d love to see them just hanging out/character dynamics! oh and if you, dear anonymous gifter, feel equipped to do it (i.e. are jewish or are very close to judaism/jewishness) i do love my pet headcanon of jewish!ollie :) (absolutely 0 pressure though)
HAPPY DECEMBER FIRST. welcome to the FIFTH annual ni no kuni secret santa! five years and COUNTING BABY!!!!!
steps to enter under the cut, rules are the same as last year! if you haven’t been here before, just so you know: i’ll be reblogging a lot of posts to do with this event, including everyone’s gifts to each other on the day and after, so if you’re not here for that, please blacklist the tag #nnk secret santa. happy holidays!
to enter! please reblog or comment on this post saying that you’d like to enter and anything specific you’d like from your gift giver (specific characters/relationships/aus etc)! please also specify whether you want content for nnk1, nnk2, or either!
i will message you when your name has been entered! if i have your discord, i may message you on there instead of tumblr!
note: tumblr can occasionally glitch reblogs out of the notes. if i don’t message you within 24 hours of your entry, please message me letting me know so you can be sure i got it! (gale.)
dates for entering/making gifts are as follows!
1st - 7th december: enter your names! at midnight GMT on december 7th, entries will close! (if you got your entry in before then and i haven’t messaged you past midnight, you’re still in! i’ll message you as soon as i can!)
8th december: i will message you letting you know which name you drew, as well as anything they said they wanted! good luck!
8th - 24th december: make your gifts! writing, drawing, or anything else, really!
25th december: post your gifts, tagging the name of the person you made it for! if you could tag it #nnk secret santa so i can find it easier to reblog, that’d be great too :]
if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask/message! have fun!!!!
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dark-roasted-kestel · 2 years ago
Nightly nnk2 doodles with a side of gay af Roland x Leander
Plus Will and Ferdinand basically gaining a new parent
Lil headcanony(?) thing: Ferdinand immediately saw Roland as his dad, resulting in him calling him dad upon first meeting
William is also the jealous type
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defiant-firefly · 5 years ago
Guess who finished the requeessstss from a while agooooo
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Wolf Roland x Toy Poodle Leander for @pluestic
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Wolf Roland x Griffin Bracken and Toy Poodle Leander x Snow Leopard Nerea for @aikomaliako
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And finally, Mausinger x Ratja and lion Leonhard x teeny mouse Mausinger for @wyrmy (yes I know you've seen on the Discord but I'm trying to make a consistent post :P)
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nikunikunokuni · 5 years ago
Yo drop me some Rolacken or Nereander AU’s and I might draw them
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king-xineohp · 3 years ago
Between Two Worlds
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Happy father's day to my favorite dilf
Main Masterlist Ghibli Masterlist
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Roland Crane x reader
Roland turned to his door as he heard a gentle knock.
“Come in,” he said, an expert at hiding confusion. It was far too early for anyone else but Bracken to be awake, and even if it were anyone else in the castle, everyone was busy planning a celebration in the square- Khunbish had finally won a race against Tani, and ‘the kingdom of smiles’ would dive headfirst at any opportunity for a party.
The door didn’t creak as it opened like the office door at home, and he realized then that there was far more he missed than just Will.
Y/n stuck her head in the room as the door was hardly open.
“Come in ‘come in’, or just stand-in-the-doorway ‘come in’?” She asked.
“You can come into the room, Y/n,” Roland said with a half-playful sigh. “What brings you to my room so early in the morning?”
“Bracken asked Zip for a favor-”
“Oh no.”
“And he ended up extending that favor to everyone else in Broadleaf-”
“Oh no. What did Bracken have them all doing?” Roland asked, concerned that Zip was involved in the reason Y/n was visiting him.
“Looking for this!” Y/n said happily, revealing a book she’d been hiding behind the door. Finally, she came into the room, quietly closing the door behind herself. “It’s an ancient-ancient tome. Like, Allegoria ancient. Ancient as Mornstar.”
“Why was Bracken looking for an ancient tome? And why are you bringing it to me?” Roland asked, professional composure withering away as it usually did when he was confronted with magic.
“I asked Bracken and Leander if they knew of any ways I could learn about your world,” Y/n said softly, padding across the room in slippered feet to sit on the edge of Roland’s bed. “Leander’s still doing what he can, but he’s just one man. Bracken had all of Broadleaf doing research, and you know how good they all are at research.”
“Yeah… Makes sense they’d find something quick,” Roland agreed, nodding. “Why are you interested in my world?”
Y/n was silent for a moment, absentmindedly tracing the cover of the book with one of her fingers.
“I had a dream,” she said softly. Roland could be very stick-up-the-ass-ish at times, and she didn’t know his thoughts on weird dreams. “You were there. You were older, though. About Batu’s age, maybe, but it didn’t seem odd at all. You were in an odd office, though. The walls looked like the kind in Ding Dong Dell, but the floor seemed very Goldpaw-esque, and all the furniture was like Broadleaf with more wood and less metal. You looked so natural and comfortable there, I thought it had to be a place from your world. And that made me curious.”
Roland’s brow furrowed as he grimaced, and Y/n watched silently as he reached up and stroked his ponytail thoughtlessly.
“That sounds just like my office at home,” he said quietly, nodding as he let his hand fall into his lap. “I used to hate that place, but now I miss it.”
“Oh, Roland,” Y/n said sympathetically, setting the book down next to her. Roland just looked at her and smiled.
“Sorry. I get sentimental when I’m alone,” he said reassuringly. “It’s not so bad when I’m with you. It makes me happy that you’re interested in my home.”
“…I once heard you mention someone named William,” Y/n said hesitantly. He’d been in quite the mood when she’d overheard him, and she didn’t know if she was pushing a boundary. “Is William someone from your world, too?”
Roland’s heart caught in his throat and he looked around the room in a daze, half-panicked. He only calmed when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He set his over hers and took a deep-yet-shaky breath. The nightmare he’d had before fighting Doloran still crossed his mind every now and then.
“Yes,” he answered simply. Y/n could hear a certain sadness in his voice.
“Do you miss him, too?”
“Every day,” Roland said softly.
Y/n took Roland’s hand gently, leading him to stand from his desk. She tugged him over to the bed, letting him sit on the edge next to the book. She circled the bed as Roland clearly drowned himself in sad thoughts. 
“Can you tell me who he is?” Y/n asked quietly as she clambered onto the bed behind the chief consul. Soft as ever, a gentleness Roland loved about her, she reached out and undid his ponytail, combing through his hair with her fingers.
“He’s my son,” Roland said, surprising Y/n. “In my world, I am around Batu’s age. I don’t know how or why I’m so young here. He’s about Evan’s age. I didn’t see him very often. He practically lived in the hospital.”
“I didn’t know you were a father,” Y/n said, trying to comb a knot out of Roland’s hair without hurting him. “It must be hard being away from him. You hide it pretty well that you miss your home.”
Roland moaned contently as Y/n’s fingers brushed against his neck and his cheeks flushed red at Y/n’s quiet giggle. He realized then that he hadn’t had the company of a woman he loved in years.
“It’s a skill you have to learn when you’re a politician,” he explained awkwardly. “I essentially held the same position as Zip back in my world.”
“And yet you have a certain disdain for him,” Y/n mused. “Not that that’s uncalled for, I think we all do.”
“Except Bracken,” Roland pointed out, letting out a satisfied hum as Y/n tied his now-smoother hair back into its usual ponytail.
“Except Bracken,” she repeated. “I’m sure Evan reminds you of William, doesn’t he? Isn’t that hard on you?”
“He does, in a way, but they’re very different,” Roland said, turning on his bed to face Y/n. “It’s not as hard as it should be, I think, probably because they’re so different from one another. But I think both of them could manage without me- That’s the worst part.”
“It may be the worst part, but it’s also the most untrue,” Y/n said, grinning smugly. “Without you, Evan would’ve lost to Mausinger a long time ago. Think of all the things you’ve done both for him and with him. If you left, he’d be crushed, and I’m sure it’s the same for Will. You may not see him much, but you love him, right? I’m sure he loves you, too.”
“Yeah… He’s one of my main reasons to keep living,” Roland admitted, smiling sadly to himself. “Sure, I have a country to run, but I also have a child to raise.”
“If he’s part you, I’m sure he's a great kid,” Y/n said. “You’re certainly a good father figure to Evan. If I could, I think I’d like to meet Will. You smile when you talk about him.”
“I can’t wait to see him again,” Roland said quietly. “Whether that means when I go back to my world or when I die, I don’t know.”
“I’m sure you’ll make it back to your world someday,” Y/n said reassuringly. “But, not to be selfish, I hope that’s not too soon. I’d miss you.”
“I’d miss you, too,” Roland said. “If you ever get lost in my world, come find me, okay?”
“I will,” Y/n said, smiling. “If I get lost in your world, you’re the only person -I think- who could help.”
“Not to be selfish,” Roland started, grinning knowingly at Y/n, “but if I’m home with Will again, I hope you do get lost in my world. I realized today I even miss the things I hate, but I already know how much I miss the things I love.”
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honeybee-bunnybee · 3 years ago
♡ whitelist! ♡
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💐 i thought it'd be good to make one of these, just so people know what i REALLY like making stuff for! a lot of it is really niche, so i don't expect to get requests for it, but if i do i'll probably be really excited!!!
🐝 characters (games, shows, books, etc):
🌻 cookie run: almond cookie, espresso cookie, timekeeper cookie, bell pepper cookie, earl grey cookie, licorice cookie, chess cookie
🌸 don't starve: maxwell, wilson, wagstaff, wes, wx-78
🌻 amateur surgeon: dwayne pipe, hubris d'obscene, alan probe
🌸 ace attorney: the phantom, roger retinz, trucy wright, shelly de killer
🌻 ni no kuni: oliver, swaine, gallus, cap'n crossbones, aapep, leander, roland, guardian of worlds, conductor
🌸 pokémon: giratina, spiritomb, banette, darkrai, gastly/haunter/gengar, shaymin, combee
🌻 deltarune: spamton, jevil, mike, rouxls, swatch
🌸 halloween horror nights: paulo ravinski/the director, dr. albert crane/the caretaker, h.r bloodengutz, gideon grim, doctor white
🌻 moshi monsters: scamp, dr. strangeglove, furnando
🌸 hollow knight: pale king, zote, oro, dung defender, hive knight, elderbug, hunter, collector, nosk, tiso, cloth
🌻 the architect trilogy: the projectionist, reddington rousseau, rick rousseau, jacques
💐 ships:
🌻 cookie run: almond x espresso, licorice x earl grey
🌸 don't starve: maxwell x wilson, maxwell x wagstaff, maxwell x wes
🌻 amateur surgeon: dwayne x alan, alan x hubris
🌸 ace attorney: shelly de killer x roger retinz, roger retinz x manov mistree
🌻 ni no kuni: guardian of worlds x conductor, cap'n crossbones x gallus
🌸 deltarune: any variation of spamton x jevil x mike x swatch x rouxls
🌻 halloween horror nights: paulo x albert, bloodengutz x gideon
🌸 hollow knight: dung defender x pale king, tiso x grimm x zote
🌻 the architect trilogy: projectionist x architect, projectionist x reddington, rick x jacques, j.w x everett x roscoe
🐝 aesthetics/stims
🌸 pastels
🌻 food + drink stims
🌸 horror academia
🌻 plague doctor aesthetics
🌸 horror aesthetics in general (no actual gore and other things of the kind, though)
🌻 the color yellow as a whole
💐 more may be added!! for now, though, you know what i like <3 request away!
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cannibalboogeyman · 5 years ago
shit I hope that didn't send. anyway you like roland so uh I assume you like him and have neat headcannons.
Djjdjd I didn't get anything else in my inbox so I don't think it got sent
Sexuality Headcanon:
I think he'd be bi like dude uses swords and guns? That's some massive bi energy
Gender Headcanon:
Trans dude
A ship I have with said character:
Uhh both roland x leander and maybe roland x grimm?
Grimm probably pines for roland a lot tbh and he deadass made an outfit for roland, and he basically paid evan to get those materials for him, also he deadass said "only the best for our roland!" Dude fell hard
A BROTP I have with said character:
Tbh I can't really think of any except maybe roland and batu?? And honestly I'm tempted to say that he has no friends
A NOTP I have with said character:
Roland x evan for obvious reasons,,
A random headcanon:
He has candy crush on his phone
General Opinion over said character:
He's a smug bastard man, a rat
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk 👁️👄👁️
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snowpeawritings · 6 years ago
Could you write a sequel the Ni No Kuni 2 Leander x childhood friend! Reader one shot? Please?
I'm going with headcanons. Hope that's ok!
Reader is female
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- Once Nerea had given you two the okay to leave Hydropolis, the bond between you and Leander seemed to grow stronger. It was probably being on foreign land that made you two confide in each other for closure but maybe it was that there was no stuffy rules anymore that allowed you to act upon your feelings for Leander.
- As the more outgoing of the royal sisters, you tried everything you can to make Leander see your affection towards him: helping him with the finances of Evermore, giving him his favorite snack and drink when he's too tired to get them himself, taking care of his work while he's resting... But it felt like Leander wasn't even paying attention to them. He treats them like any normal occurrence and you curse at the fact that you were childhood friends and the one who took care of him and Nerea when they got hurt playing games.
- It's gotten so obvious to the point even Batu noticed. He and the rest of the group had to devise a plan to have Leander notice your advances, and by the gods they're going to do it or die trying.
- ... Well, they didn't have to do so much. Evan's appointed knight (and Roland's S/O) spoke to Leander and told them you love him so much to the point that you were tripping on nothing. While Lofty had to scold them for being so bland and nonchalant about it, Leander had to take a breather and look back at all of what you did for him. He just thought you were having something to cope with since you two are on new land but with Nerea's blessing ringing in his head, he had to act fast.
- He asked the more artistic citizens of Evermore to decorate a small alcove near the gardens. The lights and decorations were all the likeness of the ones you see in Hydropolis' castle, which made you miss home. But it was Leander pulling you under the lights and kneeling down on one knee in front of you.
- "_____, I know the timing could be more than perfect with our abrupt travels but I must speak what is on my mind before I lose the chance. I'm am completely in love with you ever since we were children and I see myself with nobody else but you. Even your sister has given me your blessing that I may court you--"
- He could even finish his entire prepared confession when he feels your lips on his as you vehemently yelled "Yes!" Over and over again.
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because-its-eurovision · 7 years ago
The Participants of A Dal 2018
01. Andy Road – Turn the Lights On 02. AWS – Viszlát nyár 03. Seize Fire X – Satellite 04. Dániellfy Gergely – Azt mondtad 05. Fourtissimo – Kis Luszi a kalapban 06. Gulyás Roland – Hypnotized 07. Ham ko ham – Bármerre jársz 08. Heincz Gábor Biga – Goodbyes 09. Horváth Cintia – Journey 10. Tamás Horváth – Megyfa 11. Király Viktor – Budapest Girl 12. Knoll Gabi – Nobody to Die For 13. Leander Kills – Nem szól harang 14. Living Room – Kirakat élet 15. Maszkura és a Tücsökraj – Nagybetű szavak 16. Majalina – Nemek te 17. A Nem Zenekar – Waiting 18. Nene – Mese a királyról 19. Noémó – Levegőd 20. Nova Prospect – Vigyázó 21. Peet Project – Run Around 22. Polgár Odett – Aranyhal 23. Sativus – Egy lusta lány 24. Süle Zsolt – Zőld a május 25. Nikoletta, Attila, and Róbert – Életre kel 26. Eszed Viki – Yellow Feet 27. The Matter – Broken Palms 28. Tolvai Reni – Everest 29. Vastag Tamás – Ne haggyj reményt 30. YesYes – I Let You Run Away
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quinnleyaeroraen · 1 year ago
I cannot sleepbnhghn
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This meme decided to haunt me at 12am so here they are
(Edit: if you saw that I forgot Leander's glasses no you didn't)
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cotton-kiwi-smoothie · 4 months ago
First timer wanting to enter!
My preferences would be NNK2, and anything that is mainly Roland, Leander, Doloran, and Bracken. Ships are fine besides Roland x Doloran.
HAPPY DECEMBERRRR WELCOME TO THE SIXTH ANNUAL SECRET SANTA!!!!!!! isn't that nuts. six of these. good lord
steps to enter under the cut, rules are the same as last year! if you haven’t been here before, just so you know: i’ll be reblogging a lot of posts to do with this event, including everyone’s gifts to each other on the day and after, so if you’re not here for that, please blacklist the tag #nnk secret santa. happy holidays!
to enter! please reblog or comment on this post saying that you’d like to enter and anything specific you’d like from your gift giver (specific characters/relationships/aus etc)! please also specify whether you want content for nnk1, nnk2, or either!
i will message you when your name has been entered! if i have your discord, i may message you on there instead of tumblr!
note: tumblr can occasionally glitch reblogs out of the notes. if i don’t message you within 24 hours of your entry, please message me letting me know so you can be sure i got it! (gale.)
dates for entering/making gifts are as follows!
1st - 7th december: enter your names! at midnight GMT on december 7th, entries will close! (if you got your entry in before then and i haven’t messaged you past midnight, you’re still in! i’ll message you as soon as i can!)
8th december: i will message you letting you know which name you drew, as well as anything they said they wanted! good luck!
8th - 24th december: make your gifts! writing, drawing, or anything else, really!
25th december: post your gifts, tagging the name of the person you made it for! if you could tag it #nnk secret santa so i can find it easier to reblog, that’d be great too :]
if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask/message! have fun!!!!
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defiant-firefly · 5 years ago
Even more Kuni Doodles
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Doloran being swarmed by emotional support Wooloo
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Oh and a story board from a project I may never finish
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korkep-blog · 7 years ago
A Dal 2018: bemutatták a 30 elődöntőst
Új zsűritagokkal és műsorvezetőkkel indul útjára a 2018-as dalválasztó show.
Bemutatták A Dal 2018 harminc elődöntős produkcióját szerdán a budapesti Akvárium Klubban. A dalválasztó show-t immár hetedik alkalommal rendezi meg a közmédia.
A versenybe bejutott előadók között van A Dalban egyaránt harmadszor induló Király Viktor és Polgár Odett, ismét látható lesz a korábbi szereplők köz��l például a Leander Kills, Vastag Tamás, Kökény Attila, Heincz Gábor “Biga”, a Maszkura és a Tücsökraj. Számos kevéssé ismert induló is lesz, így Andy Roll, Dánielfy Gergely, Gulyás Roland, a Nene zenekar vagy Süle Zsolt.
  A Dal 2018-ra több mint 350 pályamű érkezett, a zsűriben az elmúlt évekből ismert Frenreisz Károly és Both Miklós mellett új tagként Schell Judit színész és Mező Misi, a Magna Cum Laude énekese fog ülni. A két műsorvezető Rátonyi Kriszta és Fehérvári Gábor Alfréd “Freddie” lesz.
  Fotó: Csudai Sándor/Origo
  A Dal 2018. január 20-tól hat héten át szombatonként látható a Duna Televízióban, a döntőt február 24-én rendezik, akkor derül ki, melyik dal és előadó képviseli Magyarországot a jövő évi Eurovíziós Dalfesztiválon Lisszabonban.
  A Dal 2018 mezőnye (előadó–dalcím):
Andy Roll: Turn the lights on
AWS: Viszlát nyár
Ceasefire X: Satellites
Dánielfy Gergely: Azt mondtad
Fourtissimo: Kisnyuszi a kalapban
Gulyás Roland: Hypnotized
Ham ko Ham: Bármerre jársz
Heincz Gábor ”BIGA”: Good vibez
Horváth Cintia: Journey
Horváth Tamás: Meggyfa
Király Viktor: Budapest Girl
Knoll Gabi: Nobody to die for
Leander Kills: Nem szól harang
Living Room: Kirakat élet
Maszkura és a Tücsökraj: Nagybetűs szavak
Mayalina: Nekem te
Nemzenekar: Waiting
Nene zenekar: Mese a királyról
Noémo: Levegőt
Nova Prospect: Vigyázó
Peet Project: Runaround
Polgár Odett: Aranyhal
SativuS: Lusta lány
Süle Zsolt: Zöld a május
Szőke Nikoletta, Kökény Attila, Szakcsi Lakatos Róbert: Életre kel
JELA feat. Eszes Viki: Egy szó, mint száz
The Matter: Broken Palms
Tolvai Reni: Everest
Vastag Tamás: Ne hagyj reményt
Yesyes: I let you run away
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quinnleyaeroraen · 11 months ago
Ok finally getting around to posting these after editing some stuff and writing out 3 chapters
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Cw for blood on the drawing below
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Captain Roland and siren Leander designs for the Roland x Leander x Nerea siren au fanfic I'm working on
The fic will be posted in May (because mermay haha) and eventually I will get to drawing Nerea's siren design, eventually,,,
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