#rokuro kny
six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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Ehhh~ is that some OCs I see? Unfortunately I couldn't find any demons to replace the Ubuyashiki children, so I had to go borrow some of my OCs. Hopefully we'll see them again in later chapters.
Dear Tanjiro,
I’m keeping a diary now, for you. When I arrived at Kyogai-san’s house and took you out, you grew to full size but didn’t wake up. It’s been a week, actually, and you’re still sleeping. I’m very worried about you, but Kyogai-san thinks it may just be how you’re recovering your strength since you didn’t eat any humans and apparently demons can’t eat normal food.
Kyogai has taught me quite a few things. The Demon Slayer Corps, for one, consists of a few hundred members, and though it is not recognized by the government, it has fought demons for a long time and continues to battle demons today. He also told me more about demons. Nobody really knows where they came from but they must eat humans in order to survive and have special abilities, such as being able to regenerate when they're physically injured. Others can even change form or use special powers. The only way they can be destroyed is through sunlight or by decapitation with a specialized blade he called “Nichirin”.
Kyogai himself is one of the 'cultivators', people who train swordsmen. If anyone desires to join the ranks of the Demon Slayers, they must first survive an exam known as Final Selection, held at Mount Fujikasane. I found out later on he used to be a slayer himself, a very high ranking one, until he retired to this mountain to write books and play drums. He never told me why but I think it has something to do with those scars on his face. Kyogai also told me he used to train below Michikatsu, the one who saved us, but that’s all I know about them.
Speaking about Kyogai, while his training is harsh he’s a very nice person. He doesn’t speak much, mostly spending his time playing the drums or writing away when he’s not training me. I asked him about his writing before and it turns out he was the one who wrote the book Mother used to read to us every evening. He was very happy when he found out but he tried to hide it.
Every day I’m sent up the mountain to be trained. My only task is to descend and go back to the house by dawn, but the mountain is full of traps that I can only detect by being very aware of my surroundings. The air up there is very thin, but it doesn’t bother me much since we’ve lived on a mountain back then too.
One day I was given a katana to go down the mountain with. It got in the way a lot, but it wasn’t until I made it down with it that Kyogai started training me on how to use swords. I failed a lot - Kyogai can even disarm me with nothing in his hands! - but seeing you always asleep makes me afraid you’ll die, so I’ll do my best to train hard and master it.
“There is nothing else I can teach you.”
Nezuko sighed and leaned against that blasted boulder, wiping sweat from her forehead and dropping her katana, exhausted beyond belief.
Six months of training until Kyogai decided she was ready for the final test to see if she was worthy of entering the Final Selection. Her final task? To slice the massive rock in half, which she had been trying to do for nearly half a year.
It was proving beyond impossible.
Doubt cut through her thoughts like her katana to the rock, but unlike her pitiful progress they were really beginning to cut her down; her resolve was wavering and whispers of ‘you’re no good’, ‘what if you couldn’t do this?’, ‘will Onii-chan die like that?’ scraped at her confidence until some days Nezuko was just left staring at the sky, blinking back tears of frustration on the ground.
“I can do it, I can do it.” Nezuko huffed and raised her sword. “I’LL KEEP TRYING!”
“Your determination is something to be admired, but it won’t get you where you want to go.”
Nezuko was pretty sure she was hallucinating that high, shy female voice (was it really that long since she last took a break? Surely not?). The delusion must be doubling when she looked up to see a woman perched atop the rock and staring down at her.
“Uh-huh?’ Nezuko staggered to her feet, jaw slacking. “How - who?”
The woman gracefully leapt off, landing in front of Nezuko with a kindly smile. Up close she was quite short, dressed in a scarlet kimono as red as her eyes with a fur-lined collar as the wind whipped her white hair around. “Mukago, dear!”
“Wha - where did you come from? Why are you here?” Nezuko took a quick step back, remaining polite even in her confusion…not an easy feat. “What are you doing here?”
Nezuko spat out dirt from her mouth, scrambling from her knocked down position on the ground to spring to her feet and brandish her katana, glancing around warily but her assailant was nowhere in sight. Who on earth had knocked her down so fast? She had barely heard them, seen them, smelt them. Mukago? No, if she let her eyes roll up the stranger hadn’t moved an inch except for her expression, which shifted to one of concern and disapproval.
“Too slow.” Ah. A new voice, a male one this time….right behind her. “You’ll never evade a demon at this rate; no wonder you can’t cut the rock.”
She flared up at once, spinning wildly around to swing her katana and have it swiftly blocked by a middle-aged man with a jagged beard, a typical karate gi hanging off his stocky frame. He bore no weapon, but the way his golden eyes gleamed in judgement and his outstretched hand was enough for Nezuko to be convinced he was the one who had so quickly knocked her down by surprise.
He tutted. “Even with my bare hands I can stop you.”
“Go easy on her, Rokuro - I have never known anyone to be able to knock you down on their first day either,” Mukago called out from behind. Nezuko twisted her head a little to see she had retreated some way off - as if she was expecting them to fight and was giving them room.
Rokuro (was that his name?) scoffed. “How else will she ever learn Breathing Techniques?”
“She won’t learn anything if you just beat her up.” What was up with all of them appearing on top of the rock? This time an anxious looking young man leaned down to watch, chewing a strand of his orange-tipped brown hair. Against his awfully pale skin two painted green stripes stood out in stark contrast. “Besides, you use martial arts. She’s using a sword.”
“What’s the difference?” Rokuro grumbled, lowering his stance. “Are you going to have her defenseless if a demon knocks away her sword? Small wonder why the Corps’ numbers decrease day by day, Kamanue.”
Kamanue opened his mouth to answer but a voice behind Mukago intervened. “Now, now, Rokuro, play nice! It’s a small wonder too why nobody wanted to endure your harsh training back in the good old days!”
“Wakuraba,” Mukago said primly to the wild looking man lazily leaning against the trees. His face, scarred with healed wounds in the shape of an X, broke into a sly grin and his eyebrows shot up almost as high as his widow’s peak.
Deep breaths, Nezuko, deep breaths. She backed up, blinking hard. This had to be some exhaustion induced dream. She was dreaming. Yes, she was dreaming. This was too much for one day. Too much to compute. Her head swam with confusion. “Are - are all of you kodama or something? Where did you come from? Why - why are - why are you here?”
Mukago’s laughter rang in the wind. “To help you train, obviously.”
So that was how I wound up with a group of ghosts teaching me. I really thought they were real live people until I realized there wasn’t any other explanation for how they could simply disappear in a flash when the day was done. Maybe it could’ve been me dreaming, but I couldn’t be imagining the sparring.
They never tell me where they come from. Rokuro and Wakuraba outright ignore my questions; Kamanue shrugs it off with an awkward smile. All Mukago will tell me is ‘repaying a debt’, whatever that means.
Rokuro specializes in martial arts, insisting I learn how to take down a demon even without a katana. Wakuraba forces me to go one on one with every day until I practically pass out from exhaustion, so I’ll have to thank him for my improved stamina. Kamanue takes on a similar approach to Kyogai, namely making me run up and down the mountain while dodging his attacks.
Mukago taught me something she calls Total Concentration Breathing. I don’t understand it a hundred per cent, but she says it accelerates blood flow and heartbeat, increases temperature and expands lungs to full capacity. It’s supposed to make the user as strong as a demon. I finally learnt a variation called Water Breathing after so long, however Mukago says someday perhaps I will adapt it to suit my style more.
Every day I trained hard and swung my katana against at least one of them and every day I lost for six months, until the day Rokuro brought a katana, while the other three retreated, and said: “You have the look of a real slayer now.”
It was over in an instant. I won, with a strike to his face that would’ve been lethal if it had actually hit. It was a strange moment - I felt nothing but elation and triumph, but when I turned upon hearing Mukago calling out my name they all vanished.
I hadn’t strike Rokuro; I had sliced the boulder in half.
“Win against them, Nezuko” were Mukago’s last words to me, so today I bide goodbye to Kyogai and you to depart for Final selection. I hope you wake up by the time I return.
Your loving sister,
Mount Fujikasane was too pretty with its showers of wisteria and cooling breeze to house such an ugly demon.
He put the other demons Nezuko had slain so far on the mountain to shame with his monstrously large, veiny, hulking body of olive green skin, blood red fingernails, and beady yellow eyes. Worse was his dozen arms, all wrapped and wrapped around him until he was nothing but some gaping hungry creature of limbs.
She couldn’t see the slayers that the demon had previously been chasing; hopefully they had gotten away. The cold wind brushed past freezingly on her neck, ruffling the newly cut ends of her hair, courtesy of Kyogai. Nezuko tightened her hold on her katana as the blade glimmered in the dim light. The mountain was beautiful, yes, but at this time of night it was as creepy as the demons lurking around.
Don’t be afraid, Nezuko repeated to herself. You’ve slayed a bunch like him.
“What’s this? I seem to recognize this smell!” The demon leered. “Tell me, puny human, right now, what Meiji Emperor sits upon the throne?”
Nezuko froze in surprise but her brain answered on reflex. “The Imperial family is Taisho now!”
“You know Kyo-”
“Impossible.” Nezuko shook her head, wary but confused. “He told me the only demons here have not been alive for long - they have only eaten one or two humans at most!”
The demon cackled. “Oh, very true, very true. I have not eaten that many humans in my time, I admit, but I have consumed at least ten of you lot, including those puny slayer friends of his!”
“What?” Ten of who? Perhaps Nezuko should have beheaded the demon now when he was busy doing his evil villain monologue, but something wasn’t clicking.
“Hmmm…let me see…you would be the eleventh!” The demon howled with hungry laughter.
Nezuko snapped. “Eleventh what?!”
[”Kyogai-san, if you’re a cultivator, why am I the only student right now?”
“…I don’t really fancy taking in students any more, Nezuko-chan. Perhaps you’ll find out why someday.” Something in Kyogai’s face was so faraway and sad Nezuko dropped the subject.]
“Eleventh student of Kyogai’s that I have eaten! I have made it my mission to eat every single one of his students and no one else, in revenge for locking me away here just because I ate his comrades!”
“Comrades?” Nezuko connected the dots rapidly and yet…how can this demon have killed them? They trained her!
“Of course; I recognize all of you by your smell of that forsaken mountain he lives on!”
[It was supposed to be a happy day - Kyogai hadn’t expected his friends and fellow slayers Rokuro, Wakuraba, Kamanue and Mukago to throw him a party for his retirement but they had.
“How can we celebrate the day you became a Hashira but not today?” Wakuraba had grumbled. “Shut up and get drunk already.”
It was supposed to be a happy day - not the day Kyogai would have to watch as a demon appear out of nowhere while they were defenseless and kill every one of them.]
Nezuko wasn’t sure what exactly happened next.
She supposed she attacked the demon, enraged by its taunts and teasing stories of his past killings (so he was the killer of those ghosts who had trained her?), judging by the soreness and pain she was feeling as she slammed into a tree, hearing the demon cackle behind her. She supposed she had gotten up a few times before, but it was too tiring to do so now.
Too much hurt. Just…ow, ow, ow….
“Wake up, nee-san!”
She staggered to her feet and tightened her grip on her sword. Alright, alright, think, Nezuko, think. If you can’t cut off his hands since they keep regrowing…hang on, what was that smell?
On instinct she jumped and somehow - dodged the hands?
[”Rokuro.” Kamanue fidgeted uneasily. “Will she be able to slay that particular demon? With all due respect none of us could.”
“True enough - its vendetta against Kyogai has never been quashed.”
Rokuro scoffed. “That doesn’t sound like you to say that, Wakuraba. Of course she will. She must.”
“Kamado was the only one to cut the rock. If anyone can cut its head off it’s her.”
“You know best, Mukago.”]
Sure enough Nezuko began to gain the upper hand, or at least balance out the odds of the fight, using the peculiar scent to dodge the attacks, weaving in out of the wildly snatching limbs. With her signature, swift strong kick she deflects its surely-lethal blow from its giant arm, silently making a note to thank Rokuro should she see him again to thank him for forcing her to learn a more effective method of kicking and Kamanue for running with her up and down the mountain.
Then Nezuko saw it. Or rather, sensed it.
Opening thread.
“Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!”
“Welcome back!”
“Congratulations - We are glad you are safe.”
As at the start, there were five young girls sporting spotlessly white nurse uniforms and different colored sashes awaiting them. Three stood behind while the frontmost two would usually do the talking. Who they were, Nezuko had no idea, but based off what Kyogai had told her they didn’t seem a lot like Kakushi.
“It is truly an amazing feat for the five of you to pass the Final Selection.”
Five only? Nezuko zoned out a little to glance around in surprise. Surely there had been about twenty of them at the start? Just five now…how dangerous was Final Selection exactly? Two girls, including herself, and three boys, all looking none too good.
“Where is everybody else?” The boy to her left voiced out her thoughts. He tugged anxiously at the strands of his strangely spidery styled black hair. Nezuko briefly wondered whether one of the demons on the mountain was responsible for the peculiar spotty scars on his face, as red as blood on his extremely pale skin. “There were a lot of us.”
“What does it matter? They were too weak to survive, clearly, and don’t deserve the title of slayer!” Another spat with his lip curled back in a displeased scowl as dark as his spiky hair. His black and white kimono was loosely opened to reveal peculiar scarring that resembled stripes like the ones on his face. “I worked hard for my katana, I would like to have it now!”
The other girl sniffed haughtily, tossing her long white ponytail. “I think we’ve all waited long enough for our katana!”
“Your katana will come later - first we will provide your Corps uniform.”
“We will take your measurements and then engrave your rank. There are ten in total.”
“Mizunoto, Mizunoe, Kanoto, Kanoe, Tsuchinoto, Tsuchinoe, Hinoto, Hinoe, Kinoto, and Kinoe.”
“Right now all of you are at the bottom: Mizunoto.”
“We know all that already, do I look stupid to you?!” The stocky boy who had spoken earlier stormed up to the girls. “Where’s my katana?!”
The girls took a step back but spoke calmly placatingly as always. “Today you will choose the ore for your sword - it takes about two weeks to make a katana.”
“For now we will assign you a Kasugai crow.”
The flapping of bird wings caused everyone to jerk their heads up. A murder of crows began to swoop down, circling above them. Nezuko felt a little alarmed at the sharpness of their beaks and claws and beady little eyes - never mind, they were just birds, they were just birds.
Just a bird who immediately plummeted down and perched itself on her shoulder, eyeing her as if her ear was its next meal…right? Nezuko hesitantly reached out a hand to pet its shiny, ink-black feathers.
“Eh? Why is mine a sparrow?!” The white-haired girl complained, glaring crossly at the tiny bird on her palm. Brown versus blue met each other in an intense staring match.
“We - we can - ow! - swap if you - ow! - want!” Nezuko rushed over to help the poor slayer up to his feet while his crow dive-bombed and attacked a little too enthusiastically. His eyes turned as round as the spots on his face as he profusely thanked her just as enthusiastically. “Thank you so much! You’re so nice and caring! Would you like to be my sister?”
“Heh, it’s no problem, your crow is just too excited, I think!…um, what?”
“Kasugai crows are used for communication mostly-”
It honestly escalated so quickly Nezuko wasn’t even sure what had happened until she rushed over to help, watching in stunned horror as the rude slayer from earlier yanked harshly at one of the girl’s, now fallen on the ground, hair. His yelling, together with the screaming of her four sisters trying their best to pull him off, made quite the racket.
“Let go of her first!”
“HEY! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!” The white-haired girl marched up to the slayer before Nezuko could even react, a glaring sneer on her pretty face. She viciously wrenched away his hand from the girl’s hair, letting her sisters drag her away from the fray, getting right into his face. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING, HUH? BULLYING THEIR YOUNGER SISTER JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE BIGGER? THERE’S NOTHING I HATE MORE THAN PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY CAN SIMPLY TREAT OTHERS HOWEVER THEY WANT JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE MORE HELPLESS!”
“Ugly bastards like you need to be taught a lesson!” She flared back and a collective gasp went around as there was a resounding slap. “You’re so hideous it actually affronts me!”
“WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?” At this point his face was as red as the slapped spot. “YOU LITTLE - I’LL BEAT YOU TO A PULP, YOU WORTHLESS VIXEN!”
“I dare you! My big brother’s the Poison Hashira! He’ll have your head on a plate before you even raise your hand!”
Okay, this was getting out of hand. Nezuko tried to step between them. “Both of you, calm down please, it’s just one big misunderstanding-”
“Hey, don’t say that-”
A new voice? The three of them whipped their heads around to the approaching figure, the owner of such a quiet but commanding presence and voice.
Despite his childishly short stature there was something oddly threatening about him, right from his piercing red eyes in narrowed frown against his dark skin to his wild black hair to his confident, assertive stance. He was already wearing the Corps uniform, peculiarly, with a haori of wavy patterns and a gold breastplate.
“Kaigaku-kun, while I am also impatient for our katana, you would do well not to injure any of Kibutsuji’s personal servants. Daki, however important your brother may be in the Corps, even he cannot defend you in punishment for fighting with a fellow slayer.” His frown deepened. “I’d have thought, as we all share the same cause, we shouldn’t be fighting amongst ourselves. If anyone interrupts you-” he nodded to the wide-eyed sisters “-again, I will break their arms.”
Nezuko had no doubt he meant it. Daki and Kaigaku scoffed but stepped away. The boy beside her slinked away uncomfortably.
“Please come and choose the ore for making your katana now.”
Well, well, what an interesting bunch of people she would be slaying demons together with.
I skipped a lot of fight scenes and I'm sorry but it was getting too dragged out. I had a lot of fun writing slayer interactions though and I hope you enjoy them if I wrote them accurately enough!
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yes39moi · 4 months
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echantedtoon · 4 months
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Ok. So I figured I'd do a part 2 of this now. These are just my opinions on who'd be the best parents out of all the Lower Moons but I'm gonna switch up the order from Worst dads/Moms to Best dads/moms. No real order other than that though. If you disagree with any of these then that's perfectly fine.
However I will absolutely NOT include Rui for VERY OBVIOUS reasons.
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-Honestly not much is known about these four other than they were killed during Enmu 's introduction. However I don't think any would be good parents considering how cowardly and selfish they came off during the limited time they were around.
0/10 Only because of limited info and selfishness shown
-(A lower moon from one of the OVA Kny mangas for those who don't know who she is.) Dunno much about her but like Nakime gives the childfree impression.
0/10 again mostly due to limited info
-Has no idea how to parent or what to do with a baby.
-Is more of the 'Fun Aunt' than the actual mom. She gets bored easily and just hands them over to you before skedaddling.
-Similar to Douma, you have to do all of the parenting because Susamaru will just let her children run wild letting them do whatever they want. However unlike Douma, she won't actively take care of them other than making sure they don't die.
2/10 Better than the first ones but has no real interest being a parent
-Mans a neat freak. So once he hears about having a child expect him to keep away five feet when you get morning sickness.
-He will begrudgingly bring you foods you're craving, things you need, etc but don't expect him to go anywhere near you when you're sick or when baby's born. The germophobe.
-Will legit not go ANYWHERE near the baby until they're about ten due to kids being messy monsters. Only time he touches them is when he insists on bath time. Bath time is pretty much mandatory for him and insists that the baby gets two baths a day and one during the middle of the night....You have to put your foot down on this.
-Wont let anyone harm them but still doesn't touch them until they are old enough to not be caked on in dirt. Strict dad even when they're a teenager. Very strict rules especially when it comes to hygiene an training.
4/10 Not the worst definitely but is too strict
-(Another Lower Moon from the OVA Kny mangas. Actually know about him since I have the book he's in.) Complicated relationship. REALLY BIG complicated relationship.
-Doesn't hate the kid but doesn't legit know what to do with a baby. You gotta reassure this man. Will keep his distance. Will help you by getting things you need and doing things you ask and making sure you're ok but will still keep his distance even when the kiddos born.
-Will keep his distance and help you with a few things at first but slowly starts to get closer. Holding them always ends with him staring down with mixed feelings. Legit not sure what to do or feel.
-When his kid gets older he'll start teaching them how to use guns and be proud of them for wanting to learn with him. It becomes a comfortable bonding time with them even if it gives you a heart attack every time you see him trying to have them aim a rifle that's WAY to big for them.
-Takes them on hunting trips a lot and shows them how to successfully hunt deer and other animals.
-Teaches them all about different kinds of guns and starts giving them some of his to start their own collection...You safely put them away until they're actually old enough to use them.
-Sometimes you'll walk in to Hairou cleaning his guns while his kiddo is asleep on his shoulders wearing his hat. He acts like it's not even happening.
-Gets his kid a wolf pup as a pet giving you another heart attack.
6/10 He has no idea what to do most of the time but he's trying his best to be there.
-Actually surprisingly doesn't react other than a casual response when you first tell him- "Enmu, I'm pregnant." "That's nice, Honey. Do you want udon for dinner tonight?"
-It legit catches you so off guard that you have to confirm he heard you right and that he wasn't just assuming it was a joke. He knows. He's known a full week even before you found out. How? No one knows how. It's a mystery to this day.
-Is surprising very attentive and happy about the entire thing but is just so casual about it it's surprising. He also is deadass prepared for everything but you're so weirded out by just how calm and casual he is about EVERYTHING. It's always "Do you want water? I think the baby wants water." Or "Do you think the nursery would be better in black and white or greys? Those are neutral colors since we don't know what we're getting." Or "I got you your favorite food! Don't wanna neglect my beautiful wife now.~" You quickly get used to it.
-This initial personality doesn't change a bit. The other Kizuki are horrified Enmu reproduced with Akaza even apologizing to you.
-However with a lot of the moons you'll have to do all the responsible parenting. Enmu sees his spawn as something that can do no wrong and unless it's talking back to you or Muzan, will not punish them. In fact he'll probably encourage his spawns to cause trouble, wreck havoc, hurt their foes, etc. Over spoiling them but puts his foot down if that attitude is directed at Mommy or to Muzan. Those are big nos.
-Outside of that he surprisingly is very invested in their raising. Rocking them to sleep, bed time stories, research for educational toys- It surprises even Muzan how invested he's become in not only his wife but future spawns.
7/10 Well prepared and very invested but the heavy duty parenting will have to be on your shoulders.
-Faints when you first tell him he's about to be a father. Lands on his drums and accidentally teleports you both into different rooms on impact.
-Despite the comical first impression, he's very interested in this. Scared out of his mind at first though. Has to ask you over and over for a month if you're SURE You're expecting and it's not a mistake or badly planned prank...He stopped asking after you death glared at him after throwing up due to morning sickness for the hundredth time in a row.
-This man is scared but in a sweet way. Always asking if you need anything, if you're hurting, if he should go steal more pillows from the nearby town. If demons could have heart attacks he would. He tries to keep you isolated in one room of the mansion only he could get to after he got the fear of slayers and other demons possibly coming after you. You had to put your foot down about the ridiculousness of that idea. He's just very worried about you and wants to keep you both safe.
-Def tries harder to get back into the twelve Kizuki when the baby comes into the picture. Gotta be strong enough to protect you both.
-Mellows out somewhat as the months go by. Still anxious about things and sets up a nursery in the back of the mansion in case intruders enter.
-He likes to sit down and read his stories to the baby and possibly tap his drums. You know the baby probably can't hear him before their born but he's so cute when he does it that you don't tell him.
-Faints again when baby's born. Luckily this time he doesn't randomly teleport you both.
-Will be absolutely smitten with his little one. Carries them around the mansion in one hand when you need a break. If baby cries he just easily teleports to their room and tends to them. Still worried about them so expect him to randomly teleport in and out of the nursery at least ten times a day and night to check on them. Sometimes just randomly takes them with him everywhere even if they're fine or sleeping.
-He's also a very good husband to you. Pulls your hair back when you get sick. Gets you food. Likes teleporting you around if you're too tired to walk. After baby's born he will dote on you as you recover. If you ever need a break he's perfectly fine with taking care of his child as you relax.
-He doesn't want his baby to go through what he did so as they grow expect him to encourage his child to do whatever they want (within reason) and be whatever they want to be when they grow up.
-He's very supportive. Baby wants to be a tailor? He randomly steals fabric and sewing needles. His child shows a hobby in fishing? They're given an old fishing pole he found in the mansion. He overheard them talking about a necklace they're interested in? He steals it the very next night and gives it to them.
-Very good parenting. Tells them they can talk to him about anything and everything. Gives them space and privacy when they need/want it. Puts his foot down if they've done something bad. Gives advice. Tells them that it's ok to fail at something and they'll get it with practice.
-Was well educated as a human, so expect your child to be taught to read, write, etc at an early age. Your child will be smarter than most children their age thanks to Sensai Kyogai.
-He doesn't tell them about him being a demon and what they do until they're a teenager and can better understand. He wants them to have a normal childhood. So for a long time your child just thinks his dad has a skin condition or something making him look weird.
9/10 Not perfect but he's a very good father.
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pinkiegiu · 5 months
lower moons in tha secondary style
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got qome lower moon related rambled under the cut
also since most lower moons have absolutely no lore i decided to take kamanue (lower 6), mukago (lower 4), wakuraba (lower 3) and rokuro (lower 2) in my own hands and give them personalities
this led to me starting to ship rokuraba (or flowerpot is also a ship name i just made up on the spot that i like teehee,, flower for wakuraba (one of the kanji in her name means leaf) and pot for rokuro (his name means potter's wheel) :333)
also!!!! yea i made wakuraba transfem for shits and giggles, kamanue is non binary too, they dont have shit going on in canon so idc im ocfying them
more on kamanue: since the "nue" in their name is an actual creature of japanese folklore, i decided to make their bda just them shapeshifting into a nue (a nue is a chimera made of a monkey's head, which in this case is replaced by a human head instead, a tanuki body, tiger legs and a snake tail)
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Lower Moon 2 Rokuro Character Sheet
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This is what happens when you let me think too much pt 21
Demons that will eat any human you give them
Enmu (on occasions)
Demons that will eat any gender
Demons that will only eat the other gender
Demons that (if offered) will only trust one Demon to give them food
Demons that get sick when they think about the body for too long
Demons that clean the body first before eating
Demons that need to know if the body was infected by an illness before dying
Demons that just go for the blood
Demons that just go for blood and intestines
Demons that go for blood, intestines, and bones
Demons that just absorb the body because they don't have time to eat
Demons that can absorb, but sometimes enjoy actually putting the human in their mouth
Demons that, If they could, would eat the human alive to hear their screams
Demons that, if the could, would cook the human first
Demons that would burn it if they tried
Demons that (if they have) give it to their younger siblings first
Demons that like eat in private
Demons that LOVE to eat in public
Demons that use boobs as a bowl
I have 3 one-shots on the clones and 58 ideas for them.
Don't even get me started on what I have for Muichiro-
Buttttt, thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night/universe!
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upper-hellion · 1 year
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to lazy to do the upper moons JKLHKLJH will probably do em later
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signedeclipse · 1 year
OK, how Mukago, Rokuro and Wakuraba react on their S/O wanting to taste human flesh? Headcanons, please.
Mukago | Rokuro | Wakuraba [X Reader]
In which their human s/o wants to try human flesh.
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She is very tame when it comes to eating people, I would not be surprised if she used a fork and knife, and properly stores them so she can eat when she needs to restore power
One of which ways is she makes human jerky, because it allows her  to make a final jump in a battle where she may not have the upper hand
What can she say she is a woman of last resorts
Of course, you never felt it looked that bad
It looks like any regular deer jerky, which you ate a lot as well considering you were a hunter- making you and Mukago very similar aside from your targets
If you ask, she's very uncertain because she thinks it'll make you very sick, but if you push her enough she just asks you do it with her so she can care for you if needed
Honestly when you try it its very chewy, it just tastes like a slightly cheaper version of your dried deer meat
It did leave you with food poisoning the next day, though, so maybe stick to your respective prey
You never saw him eat, but you asked him a lot of questions about him which occasionally made him worry you were sick or maybe a little too interested in the idea of your own kind being eaten
Though he supposed the fact you were with him already showered you weren't a good example of normal
Despite his attempts to play it off, you seemed adamant and he would rather you learn from experience
He would say you can only have it how he has it, which is raw, and he gives you a smaller piece that he reckons you could digest easily
Even so, the moment you feel the taste on your tongue you seem to reel back, and run to wash your mouth
He thinks its super funny, and teases you for being so ridiculous
Doesn't want to waste a thing so he eats the piece himself, gets it out of your sight
You refuse to kiss him for the rest of the evening
He does not eat humans directly, often using extensions of himself- usually something akin to a venus fly trap, to slowly consume flesh in a slow but mess free manner
It left a lot of exoskeleton behind which he usually disposed of in his poison gardens, to feed the plants
Because of this, you don't get much of a chance to ask for any, since he never so much as touches the individual in question
But you do seem curious in how it feels to be eaten by one of his traps, and hes jokingly snapped saying if you keep asking he'll throw you in one so you can find out
He would not do that but he has a lot of attitude
Sometimes something happens where he can't digest a full human, or a limb falls out mid dissolve, so he takes the opportunity to serve you an entire hand on a plate
I don't reckon you get a chance to take a bite of the half-dissolved, cooked by acids hand without running away
Is he a little mischievous? Maybe
Will you stop asking? Yes, thank goodness, too
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Authors Note - I can't believe u left out my fav killed off lower moon! The disrespect to Kamanue smh!!! But thank you for requesting, it's exciting to see so many people loves the human flesh request, ive done like 1/2 the demons by now
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t00bajamm · 1 year
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amythedemisimp · 2 years
Twelve Kizuki
Upper Moons:
Kokushibō (#kokushibō)
Dōma (#dōma)
Akaza (#akaza)
Hantengu (#hantengu)
Nakime (#nakime)
Gyokko (#gyokko)
Daki (#daki)
Gyūtarō (#gyūtarō)
Kaigaku (#inadama kaigaku)
Lower Moons:
Enmu (#enmu)
Ubume (#ubume)
Hairō (#hairō)
Rokuro (#rokuro)
Wakuraba (#wakuraba)
Mukago (#mukago)
Rui (#rui)
Kamanue (#kamanue)
Kyōgai (#kyōgai)
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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So that was how I wound up with a group of ghosts teaching me. I really thought they were real live people until I realized there wasn’t any other explanation for how they could simply disappear in a flash when the day was done. Maybe it could’ve been me dreaming, but I couldn’t be imagining the sparring.
They never tell me where they come from. Rokuro and Wakuraba outright ignore my questions; Kamanue shrugs it off with an awkward smile. All Mukago will tell me is ‘repaying a debt’, whatever that means.
Rokuro specializes in martial arts, insisting I learn how to take down a demon even without a katana. Wakuraba forces me to go one on one with every day until I practically pass out from exhaustion, so I’ll have to thank him for my improved stamina. Kamanue takes on a similar approach to Kyogai, namely making me run up and down the mountain while dodging his attacks.
Mukago taught me something she calls Total Concentration Breathing. I don’t understand it a hundred per cent, but she says it accelerates blood flow and heartbeat, increases temperature and expands lungs to full capacity. It’s supposed to make the user as strong as a demon. I finally learnt a variation called Water Breathing after so long, however Mukago says someday perhaps I will adapt it to suit my style more.
Every day I trained hard and swung my katana against at least one of them and every day I lost for six months, until the day Rokuro brought a katana, while the other three retreated, and said: “You have the look of a real slayer now.”
It was over in an instant. I won, with a strike to his face that would’ve been lethal if it had actually hit. It was a strange moment - I felt nothing but elation and triumph, but when I turned upon hearing Mukago calling out my name they all vanished.
I hadn’t strike Rokuro; I had sliced the boulder in half.
“Win against them, Nezuko” were Mukago’s last words to me, so today I bide goodbye to Kyogai and you to depart for Final selection. I hope you wake up by the time I return.
Your loving sister,
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Guys I swear I'm almost done with Chapter 3 of The Slayer Kamado, one more scene to go! Any guesses as to who are the slayers to have survived Final Selection?
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c00kietin · 4 months
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Here is Nanako!! Still a work in progress, but I'm happy with her so far :D More info:
I originally kinda just made her for funsies when me and my friend said "We should make Rui a friend! :O" and with some previous ideas in my brain I made Nanako- or Nana, that's what I call her :3
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so yeah, they're friends-
Nanako has the ability to shapeshift into other people, even mimic their voices. She managed to gain access into the Infinity Castle and gain the role of Lower Rank 2 by. ahem. exterminating Rokuro (sorry to Rokuro enjoyers I just spun a wheel and it chose him ;v;) and transforming into him so she could attend meetings and gain more power. Quite devious for a kid.
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I didn't intend for this at first but she vaguely reminds me of Muzan help-
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so yeh. they may or may not have met somewhere before. who knows. I don't.
While I haven't delved too far into her past yet, I have an idea that she was from a family of power and was assassinated so that's how she died. maybe.
Although, I'm not too sure who could have given her Muzan's blood, but ya knoooow :D
Her clothes are too big for her :>
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so uh yeah thank you for reading <3
I hope it's okay if I tag you guys I'm just really happy with thissahfjhghasgf @peppermintstarsonamintyway @shycroissanti @larz-barz idk if I have other kny enjoyer moots-
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pinkiegiu · 7 months
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the lower moons are underrated
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
My nicknames for the demon slayer / kny characters (probably gonna be edited as time goes on):
Tanjiro: checkers, fox-cub, country bumpkin #1, cannon-ball, simba, glitched eevee
Nezuko: dynamite, foxlette, bunny-rabbit, local cleric
Zenitsu: bug-zapper, sparky, thunder, lightning bolt, zen-, simp lord, timone, pikachu
Inosuke: piggu, oinker, boar-boy, country bumpkin #2, mankey, pumba
Murata: squeaker, lucky clover, mister nine lives
Genya: fluff-ball, grumpy gills junior, half 'n' half, hyena-boy, beastie
Kanao: lucky-flip
Aoi: lapis, sky blue
Sabito: sabi-, fire fox, soggy/sabi-fox, fox-boy, the ginger, local red-head, short-stack, short-king, secret weasly
Makomo: momo-chan, sky-fox, quick-silver, shorty, daisy-chain
Giyuu: shadow, shadow-fox, fox-fox, espresso-depresso
Urokodaki: fox-dad, old man river
Kyojuro: Ren-, K(i)yo, Phoenix, fire-chicken, owl boy, (my apologies in advance) donut man
Shinjuro: mega butt-lord, maltov, head-butt practice, gunpowder fuse
Senjuro: owlet, Sen-, baby-phoenix, sweet bean
Kanae: monarch, lilac, sweet one
Shinobu: lavender, butterfly, grumpy one, chihuahua
Sanemi: feral-ass, gremlin man, feral pomeranian, cottonheaded ninimuggins, cotton poof, grumpy gills senior, shouty mc-lionmane the second (the original being nishiki from tokyo ghoul), deranged dandelion, dunkass
Uzui: loud-mouth, gaston knock-off, bastard ass, obnoxious mf, tryhard ninja, man-hoe, rich prick, pickpocket-bait, spoiled jackass, captain crack-head, testiclies high dumbass of testosterone
Muichiro: Mui-, -chiro, misty, cloudy-boy, spacer, space-cadet, pedo-buster, smol-bean
Mitsuri: love-bug, melon-stripes, best-girl (of the humans), cat-girl, sweet-girl
Iguro: snek, sneky-snek, snake-boy, snake-charmer, zebra-stripes, duo-chrome, dress boy (you all know the dress i mean if you look at his entire color-palette), icyhot, sneaky simp
Gyomei: gentle giant, beastie-tree, tibetin-mastiff, the tall one, prayer beads, mister budda beads
Kaigaku: Kai-, evil-sparky, local rogue, invert-color-zenitsu, black-lightning, gender-bent azula, tiger-cub
Kokushibo/mitchikatsu: koku-, mitchi-, -shibo, sixer, moony, Kaigaku's dad, ponytail
Douma: frosty, blondie, ink-splat, great-dane, daki & gyutaro's dad, rainbow-brain, lounge-lion, kaleidoscope eyes
Akaza/Hakuji: cat-boy, tabby-stripe, raging-bisexual, pinky, -kaza
Nakime: Naki, rapunzel, mademoiselle noir, Naki-nak's
Hantengu: -tengu, murder-hobo, bird-brain, lord of bullshitery, han-, mousey
Gyokko: shape of water, fish for brains, dollar-store axolotl, house-plant, shitty-wizard, pedo-fish, off brand anish kapoor
Daki: material-girl, alt-timeline barbie (if you know you know), miss wears pink on wednesdays
Gyutaro: pretty paint-splatter boy, cutie-spots, pretty pretty gyutaro, floofy-hair, sharky, snarky-shark, gyu-, taro-taro, hyena-shark, hyena-man, mantis, floof-floof-cotton-poof, paint/ink splatter cutie
Enmu: enmu the tank engine, train-boy, emu, goat-eyes, (^w^)/OwO face, crazy-train, (in reference to his disembodied hand alone) off brand thing, HMS (his majesty's simp), the OwO translator
Ubume: n/a
Rokuro: geode, lower moon dad 2, rock-uro
Hairo: grouchy wolf, grumpy guns, dollar store cowboy
Wakuraba: elf-ears, off-brand legolas
Mukago: fuzzball, whiskers, fluffy-horns
Rui: spidy, spider-boy, ru-ru, rui-ru, web-slinger, tiny bean, smol gremlin, precious pain in the ass, adorable lil shit, squishy, squishy-cheeks, raging ball of white fluff, spidy/spider-paws
Kamanue: baby-dragon, kama-kama, kama, nue
Kyogai: tiger-stripes, tiger, kyo-, looks like a dad (not even kidding he looks very similar to my actual dad just put a goatee on him), mister its a kilt, captain funky music, big drummer-boy, lower moon dad 1
Tamayo: tama-san, tama-tama, the science queen
Yushiro: bratty-cat, simp king
Susumaru: maru, susu, maru-chan
Yahaba: triple a, mister hand-eye coordination, off brand death the kid
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solarsnapp · 4 years
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lower demon moon redesigns to fit the canon of my plot rewrite better
(plot rewrite linked here: x)
design changes under cut
Wakuraba - changed out yukata for hakama pants and a sleeveless top, altered hands to have large discolored scars which is meant to emphasize that their Demon Blood Art is focused primarily on close combat
Kamanue - pretty much no change except adding pointy ears and red, green, and yellow nails
Rokuro - pretty much no change except hair goes over shoulder
Mukago - added longer ears, horns, ears, and fingers are tipped red, nails are black-to-red
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pocochiiiiii · 2 years
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helltaker style woman muzan and the lower moons and susamaru and yahaba
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