#rojascorp rights
sssammich · 4 months
(upends all the -corps on your desk)
agent, guardian, reign, rojas, super, freespace for any i forgot?
god you're a bitch (affectionate)
im so sorry it's so long so please have a read more
also i give you 2 freespace -corps as a treat (to literally me and like 3 other people idk if anybody else cares about this)
agentcorp - NO
for all the potential they could have based on how i feel about their relationship to their respective siblings, i just don't care. im not vibing. just ready to nuke her? idk pass i guess. (did kara lie a gazillion times? yeah for sure. but also like she doesn't want lena dead dead so)
guardiancorp - (if you're referring to kelly, then YES; if james, then NO)
the potential for james guardiancorp could have been interesting but it's literally the same as agentcorp in that i end up not caring about it? no nuking tho and i think if it wasn't idk rammed into our eyeballs without friendship (that is the literal ticket to lena's heart, it's friendship so idk why they're not giving it to her), i might be more cool with it. but as it stands *shrugs* just not vibing lmao
the potential for kelly guardiancorp is that there is so much healing involved. not because she's idk a therapist or whatever and it's her job, i think kelly (for all the characterization she did get) i think it can pair as unlikely friends who click on well but turn into something more. it's slow but it doesn't burn, necessarily. i think their respective demons and skeletons in the closet are gonna come out and not necessarily war with one another, but come out at inopportune times. i think kelly might even last longer than jack, all things considered, because she knows about that pain or tension or darkness that lena needs. i think it could work. also i maintain that gun range headcanon
reigncorp - YES
sam is a also giver but i think because she's not silver spoon-grown the way the rest of lena's posse are, there's a grit to her that makes her different. at least to the likes of jack and andrea. there's history there, shared companionship, compatibility. literally a quality friends to lovers fic. the child complicates it, but lena is so starved for love just as she hungers for giving love. i think that sam (and ruby, as a result) are good people for that. i think of all the relationships to work out long term, this might be it, actually. especially if we're talking long term restorative healing journies. controversial take since i have never written anything to signify this, but *shrugs* they would be good for each other. i think this is like accidental eventual happy ending in the way that they've since stayed together through everything, it almost is a surprise when lena leans forward and sam closes the distance. but then when they kiss, it isn't. so, yeah.
rojascorp - YES
similar to how sam and lena have history, companionship, and compatibility, i'd like to think andrea was the blueprint for that. and then she betrayed lena and got into some bullshit and wrecked her life a bit before getting it slightly together. rojascorp is like redemption!arc endgame that i think would happen in light of a permanent supercorp rift. their dynamic would also serve to highlight just how vastly different their station in life is in comparison to the others. where the superfriends are decidedly middle class, lena and andrea literally are in the .05% of society. they live particular lives, have particular expectations thrust upon them, navigate the world so differently. lena is open to hang with the plebes people but staying around andrea keeps her up in the social circles of her family, despite their absence. aside from that, i think that andrea will fight for and with lena. i think she's the right type of pain and struggle that lena needs in her life. in some ways i also see this working out, but i can also see this couple getting as close to the Best and they get in each other's way by getting in the way of themselves. old wounds that have scabbed over might reopen at a moment of weakness, even with the progress they make, so that would be interesting on how can they survive again. if nothing else, that's how they define love with each other.
supercorp - YES
i mean (see my ao3 tag pls)
if you want a real answer, i think they have been set up so perfectly together that whatever it is that the show can't do, i know that i can do for myself (and the fandom as well). i'm also thinking about the emotional beats of their upbringing and complicated relationships they have with both male and female family members and what that entails, and also that they serve to complement and parallel each other in different ways. two women born out of circumstance and trauma, enduring of so many things, what's not to like. suffice it to say, other women on this list also share this with lena, so it's not like kara is unique, but i do think that the ways in which the two of them have stationed themselves where kara is the sun and lena orbits her (both canonically and fanonically, for literal better or worse) is fascinating in a way that i literally just can't get enough of. granted, that could be that kara is the titular character so we just see her more. but i've shipped pairs from nothing but the power of my imagination, so i don't think that's it, necessarily. i think that there is a bit of a serendipitous approach to their relationship's rise and fall. i think redemption!arc endgame, when done right between them, reassesses how they can be better than they were, this time with each other in mind. but it's a lot of work and i think they will have to really, really work at it - especially kara, to make it so that they never hurt each other in the way that they have in the past. kara has committed a thousand paper cuts on lena and i think she addresses that in her second chance with lena. and i think that's enough of that grounding pain that lena seeks, whether she realizes it or not. it's not all the way healthy, i'll admit, but they are also not all the way healthy, so.
freespace: rojaslettecorp (aka andrea, veronica, lena) - YES
it's a throuple of boarding school bitches with A Past, all rich and somewhat shady in various and compelling ways. what's not to love i guess. i headcanon that they are all soft (even veronica, but not all the way, just enough for the other two not to give up on her) and broken mostly through family trauma and expectations that they don't meet
but also think about the fact that they could very well come together as versions of their youthful selves, a little battered, a little broken, a little bit more criminal (they are rich, they literally already exist outside of the law for the most part) and there's a certain kind of recognition in that. the way it'll play though is that andrea and veronica will 100000% antagonize each other and lena will for sure play the straight man who just keeps the peace together long enough until it's time for her to pick a winning side, temporary that side may be.
freespace: imralucylena (what the fuck kind of corp are they?) - WHY NOT
a) i believe in myself so im vibing and can make this happen so jot that down
b) "in service of the greater good, even at the expense of one's personal good" is what i would sum this all up to be
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fyonahmacnally · 11 months
A Wicked Game
Here's a little RojasCorp drabble as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem Event. Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
There is something about their relationship that has always been a bit toxic. A small, tiny little fact that never seems to matter to either of them. It seems the two of them are drawn to each other like magnets. Regardless of how much betrayal is shared between them, no matter how many lies are told, they find their way into each other’s orbit. Every time, without fail. 
Lena is beginning to understand that it is inevitable. She’s tried to resist it for years, but it’s futile. It’s a cycle that has been repeating itself since she was a teenager. An exasperated sigh slips from her lips as she brings the crystal tumbler up, drinking the last of her Macallan Red. She briefly considers whether to pour another, but her hands are already tilting the bottle before she consciously decides. A quiet chuckle fills the air around her as she sits the bottle back down, eyeing the one sitting next to it on her liquor cabinet. Her taste in scotch has naturally shifted over the years, drifting closer to her Irish roots. Andrea was the one who introduced her to the whiskey back in their boarding school days. Van Horne. It’s the name on the bottle glaring back at her from the shelf in front of her. 
She throws her head back and blows out a huff of frustration. Her overactive mind always does this to her after an encounter with her childhood friend. Their lives have been intermingled in the most intricate ways for most of her life. By design or by fate, she’s never been sure. Either way, the woman infuriates her in ways no one else can. 
Fucking Andrea.
Making her way to her bedroom, she strips off the suit she’s been wearing for far longer than she wanted and changes into her softest leggings, warmest fuzzy socks, and her favorite sweater. When she agreed to the tech investment dinner, she knew there was a chance Andrea would be there. They work in the same industry and have always been part of the same social groups so running into the Latina is something she is accustomed to. What she didn’t expect was for Andrea to show up with her. The obnoxious little parasite that has been nipping at Andrea’s heels for years. She can’t even remember her name, but she’s made the rounds through all of the eligible, rich women in their circle. She and Andrea broke off their…arrangement (?) six months ago, but it was still a bit of a shock to see her ex-something with someone else. 
Their relationship was never exactly exclusive. Their lives and jobs have never allowed them to be in the same place at the same time for very long so they’ve always just agreed to being together when they can and taking other bed partners if and when they had an itch to scratch. For the most part, it’s always worked out. Andrea had moved to National City not too long after Lena’s arrival and they’d spent a lot more time together, definitely a lot more time in each other’s beds. Their most recent split was over a business disagreement that swiftly escalated into one of their nastiest fights since right after college. The Russell Incident, as Lena often refers to it in her head. That fight led to them not speaking for four years. Now she wonders if it will be the same this time. 
Lena doesn’t get a chance to explore that train of thought. Just as she leaves her bedroom padding towards her liquor cabinet and her Macallan Red, a harsh buzzing echoes through her penthouse. There’s only one person it can be and she’s not drunk enough to deal with what she knows is going to be a heated confrontation. She slams back what’s left of her third glass of scotch, debates on refilling it again, and stomps her way to the front door instead. 
Glancing at the video monitor beside the door, she rolls her eyes. Andrea is standing there with her typical feigned look of nonchalance. She knows the woman too well and can see the nervous vulnerability hiding beneath the facade. Tonight, she certainly doesn’t want to deal with it. She’s too pissed and hurt to want to subject herself to Andrea’s usual wicked little games, but it seems she is being forced to. So, she takes a deep breath, steels herself, and erects the Luthor armor before yanking the door open.
“What do you want, Drea?” Lena hisses, pure venom dripping from her words. She checks her watch. It’s just after midnight. “Hmmm, I figured you’d already be back at your apartment fucking what’s her name by now. Bored of her already? Such a shame.” She stands in her doorway, blocking entrance to the brunette with a hand on the doorframe and a raised brow. 
Andrea sighs, her hands twisting in front of her in a way Lena hasn’t seen since they were in their teens. “Come on, Querida (darling). Please let me in so we can talk.” She reaches up like she is going to put a hand on Lena’s, but pulls back at the last minute. “Lena, mi corazón (my heart), I’m begging you, let me explain. It’s not what you think. I promise.”
The CEO scoffs, her emerald eyes a fiery spear piercing the Latina’s soul. “Your promises are empty so save it. First of all, you have absolutely no right calling me any of your little pet names, Drea. Not anymore. You lost that privilege. Second of all, why in the hell should I let you into my home, my safe space after the shit you have put me through most of our lives?” Her voice drops low, pure anger radiates from her skin and body like electricity. “I’m done with your emotional games, Andrea. I’m not that scared little girl you toyed with when we were kids. Gods, I should have put an end to your wicked bullshit years ago.”
She groans and steps back, opening the door to let the seemingly forlorn woman into her home. Closing the door, she presses a hand to Andrea’s chest and steps in front of her, preventing her from moving further into the apartment. Once she has the woman trapped between herself and the door, she crosses her arms just below her breasts, narrows her eyes, and raises her signature brow again. She knows what it does to her ex. It’s always been something that sends shivers down Andrea’s spine and Lena plans to use it to her advantage.
“You have exactly five minutes to explain before I kick you out of here and out of my life, Drea.” She extends her arm to look at her watch for emphasis and resumes her crossed arm pose, extending to her full height with her shoulders back. “I suggest you use it wisely.”
“Right. Okay.” Andrea shifts from one foot to the other, feeling decidedly uncomfortable and unfortunately turned on. Lena has always had this effect on her when she gets mad. What? So sue her, Lena’s fucking hot when she’s mad. She does her best to shake that thought from her head and clears her throat. “Riley was there as a favor to her father. That’s all it was, I swear. Well, I mean, I also wanted to make you jealous.” Andrea grins, that little sparkle in her eyes that always appears when she’s trying to get what she wants. 
A molten hot wave of rage boils up from Lena’s gut, crawling up her chest, and sitting heavy on her tongue. She sees the moment Andrea realizes she fucked up and relishes watching those ocean blue eyes widen. “This. Is. Exactly. What. I. Mean.” Lena hisses each word, low and dangerous, she steps closer to the Latina as Andrea shuffles backward until her back lands harshly against the front door. The startling thud makes her swallow audibly. “I’m done with your fucking games, Drea. I’m too old for this shit. Go play your tricks on someone else.”
Lena takes a few more steps into Andrea’s personal space, their height difference barely noticeable. She leans forward, close enough that Andrea can feel her warm breath on her plump lips. “Mmm, it’s too bad, too. We both know there’s nobody else that fucks you like I do.” She smirks. Andrea’s chest heaves from their proximity and releases a quiet moan. She softly nuzzles her nose on the brunette's cheek before licking her lips close enough to graze the woman’s bottom lip.  “See, you have always assumed I will just be around whenever you want. Not anymore.”
She pushes herself back and away from her former lover, glancing over her shoulder once more before she walks away. “See yourself out, Drea. I’m done with you.”
The sun beams into the bedroom, stirring Lena from her slumber. Blinking away the grogginess of sleep, she feels soft lips and warm hands skimming across her bare skin. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
“Good morning, Querida.” Andrea says, a sleepy smile and adoring eyes trained on Lena. “I’ll make breakfast. Stay in bed.” She says, pressing a soft kiss to the porcelain skin of her forehead and bounces out of bed. She grabs Lena’s robe as she exits the room just like she’s done a thousand times before.
Lena groans. The cycle begins again.
Oh the wicked games they play. 
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 11 months
I ship rojascorp and I’ll always be disappointed there is practically no longer fic for them without Kara as a OT3 but I also love platonic rojascorp and I hated that canon didn’t bother to show them being friends again. It’s just so nice to imagine Lena having a close friend of her own and I also like the idea of Lena just doing some crazy fun super rich stuff sometimes with someone with the same background who wouldn’t even blink about it and not just doing the same things with the superfriends.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Lena reconciling with Andrea would have been an excellent parallel for reconciling with Kara. They could have even made it a dry run for her. Because if she can forgive Andrea, she can forgive anything, right? To tackle a betrayal of years, as deep as the fractured friendship was... it would have shown considerable growth in Lena's character, and would have demonstrated how *hard* it would be to work through it all.
It would have also been need to contrast the two healing journeys. Andrea's is hard, Kara's looks easy. Idk. It's a half baked idea, but yes. 100% agree.
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mergmitch22 · 5 years
A short RojasCorp prompt.
『𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 p̷a̷i̷n̷ 』
‘𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?’
Those words always held entirely too much meaning for the Luthor to ever mutter since— her (𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫) best friends betrayal. It’s been years and yet, it bleeds like a fresh wound. No matter how much whisky she drinks. No matter the times she drowns herself endlessly in her endeavor to clear her family name. To make the Luthor legacy something more than the torrential downpour of hate it’s become.
Those words haunt her each and every day. Awake and asleep. The women’s face painted so freshly in the forefront of the raven haired CEO’s mind.
‘𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?’
That’s when the women’s face appeared clear as day on her screen. Her heart instantly raced and dropped simultaneously at the same time. How was she able to still do this even after all of these years. There was a gentle shake of her head. Digits lazily grasping her glass of scotch. Van Horne, just like those many years ago.
Lena wasn’t one to really move on to forgive. To let the one women she 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 more than anything—anyone on the face of this earth go. Years, and she still hadn’t found a cure for the disease that was Andrea Rojas.
Bringing the glass up to her lips, taking a long subtle sip. Her features seemingly un phased by her former lovers face. Digits gently slipping upon her intercom system to communicate to her assistant.
“Jess, set up a meeting with the CEO of Obsedian North at her earliest convenience please.”
“Of course Miss Luthor right away.”
There’s a gentle click of her tongue. Ankles gently crossing. As she places the glass upon her desk. Betrayal was something the youngest Luthor knew too much of. Forgiveness though? That was foreign territory, though there was a pain deep within her heart that ached to forgive her. To let her in once again.
‘𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?’
Again those words played in her mind. For days and weeks as the women seemed to be on board for their new business partnership. What seemed to be a smart move, financially for the Luthor was quickly becoming more and more complicated. Each and every meeting with her seemed to resurface old feelings.
‘𝗕𝗼𝘅𝗲𝘀, 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆, 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘅𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻. 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗼𝘂𝘁.’
She had to remind herself each and everyday. Every time Andrea showed up uninvited to mend there very 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 r̷e̷l̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷s̷h̷i̷p̷—friendship. Though the Luthor was the one whom held all the power. When would she accept the olive branch? When would she truly forgive the women who had utterly 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥 her so long ago.
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criston-cole · 4 years
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you jump, i jump
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edge-of-the-end · 4 years
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Lena Luthor with every woman she has interacted with.
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dirextorsharpe · 5 years
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you jump, i jump, right?
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1 + 20 + 33 for Rojascorp?
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The darkness spits her out in the middle of Lena's office. The lights are off, just like they've talked about. Andrea makes her way to the desk, there's a post-it stuck on the black screen of Lena's open laptop.
Rooftop xoxo.
There's a gasp of black smoke, and then she's standing in Lena's shadows. An elegant shape of a shadow against the setting sun. The only darkness on the open rooftop. The gravel crunches under her sudden weight. Lena doesn't even flinch at her arrival. She just leans back into Andrea's arms.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Lena murmurs. The city is bathed in gold, laid out all for them.
"It is," Andrea hums, grazing the shell of Lena's ear. Lena tilts her head, bares her neck. Andrea takes her up on the open invitation, tightening her hold, full lips tracing pale skin.
Together they watch the gold turn hues, the buildings all around them lighting up, lines of cars blinking below.
Lena turns then, shifting in her arms. She raises a hand to Andrea's face, thumb dabbing at her right cheek. It comes away tinted with red. Oops. Guess she missed a spot.
"And with Supergirl out of the way," Lena breathes, placing her palm against her cheek again. Andrea brings up her hand, pressing Lena's in place, tilting her head to kiss her open palm.
"National City is all ours," she finishes for her.
Lena smiles, eyes flashing dangerously.
Over her shoulder, Andrea watches the sun disappear. Darkness finally descends, wrapping National City in black. Lena places a hand on the medallion at the hollow of Andrea's throat. Entwined, they disappear and melt into the night.
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clarketomylexa · 3 years
the four (4) things i took away from this episode are: give kara a god damn hug for Christ’s sake; my rojascorp rights; lena + dark eyeliner makes brain go brrrrr; and finally the writers don’t give a fuck about anything anymore and are actively being petty and mean
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handlewithkara · 3 years
Just saying, from a Rojascorp pov the second call is clearly the superior one. Yeah, Lena smiles in the first one and we learn Andrea loaned her a jet, but the second one demonstrates on an interpersonal level:
- Andrea got working on Lena's request right away and it almost looks like she did it personally
- Demonstrates that she knows and understands Lena's psyche ("This has been a gap in your life for so long, and this is your chance to fill in the blanks.")
- She encourages Lena when Lena wants to give up, Lena actually goes along with the advice and Andrea is correct, continuing with the quest is the right thing to do
- She drops some blabla on truth and secrets that sounds like it could be right up Lena's alley
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sssammich · 3 months
hello quizno’s! :D
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
💋 so about this rojascorp you mentioned…….
lmao thank you sidetwang
thanks for copying and pasting for my benefit
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
hmm idk actually; they're mostly probably wips from fandoms that i have since left or just never knew what to do with. that's kinda boring, but there really aren't, like, secret wips. i try to finish my wips even if it takes weeks/months/years. for example, there's a grief fic i wanna write about for revue starlight that's been sitting in the lazy susan since 2022 and i think i'm only now ready to write it.
but there are also some wips that i think have just passed its time and that i probably won't touch again (but never say never!)
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
oh very well this is actually for my rosebird (summer rose/raven branwen from rwby) divorce AU that i was thinking about; was able to write out like 2k of it this past weekend. i'll post the snippets after the cut because i am sometimes considerate. and also i just decided to make it a little baby love triangle with vernal because i am so nice
and also because you probably do not give a shit about that, i added a snippet for a supercorp romcom i am thinking about!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
god uh idk what do my readers hate? please tell me anonymous is turned on
thinking about this though i guess maybe i enjoy using 'says' or 'said' 98% of the time and maybe my readers hate that honestly im not sure just tell me it's fine yall can be honest
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
lol what does this even mean!!
uh i mean i would say dickfic has some potentially incriminating mail tampering crimes and maybe dolores is not so wholly innocent so who knows
(am i an idiot? please tell me if i did this bit wrong)
💋 so about this rojascorp you mentioned…….
which one? the sad one or the happy one?
sad one: it's based off of a sad song and i am very excited about that. it's a breakup fic, im just gonna be upfront about that
happy one: it's a reunion and a coming back together.
they're modern AUs i think because im incapable of writing any real AUs
oh maybe that's something my readers hate, that i can't write AUs lol but i enjoy them
ANYWAY thanks for sendimg me these questions
fanfic ask game
fic snippets below the cut
rosebird snippet:
She's not immune to cabin fever, so she leaves the wreckage of her house and drives her truck downtown, parking it right in front of one of the three competing bars they have on Main Street.
When she pushes the glass door forward, the bell above it rings. She glances up, looks at the patina of the metal before meeting the bartender's eye.
Without a single word, Raven walks up to the corner of the bar just as the bartender approaches with a rag thrown over her shoulder.
"What're you having?"
"Just a beer for now."
"What kind?"
"Whatever's available."
The bartender studies her, but Raven just scans the room before taking a seat on the empty stool. She watches as the bartender takes a glass and flips it right side up before placing it under the draft spigot, tilted to the side until only a sliver of foam sits at the very top.
"Tab?" the bartender asks just as she places the glass in front of Raven.
Raven nods just before taking a sip of her beer.
The bartender leaves her alone, especially when a gaggle of girls walk in for some type of girls' night out. Her red eyes trail after the giggling movements of the six women sitting around one of the big tables towards the center of the open room. The regulars pay them no mind, even as their volume increases.
She scowls when a group of young guys filter through the bar and multiply the volume when they meet with the young women already there. So much so that she downs her scotch and orders for another.
The bartender quietly places another glass in front of hers, smirking at her, like they're sharing a secret. She just nods, pushes the empty glass from her hands in exchange.
"You new around here?" the bartender asks, leaning forward on her left side, her sleeve tattoo in full display. She's a bit on the younger side for Raven's tastes, but her short pixie cut and pale blue eyes have caught her attention.
"Haven't seen you around here before. I'd notice."
She lets out a small amused chuckle, wonders how much this woman believes this line she's giving Raven. "New enough."
"Where do you live?"
"That's at least a four drink question, and we're only on two."
The bartender plucks two shot glasses from underneath the counter and pours rum into both of them. She then slides one by Raven's hand, nodding towards it when she grabs hold of the one in front of her.
She plays along and grabs the shot glass, holds it up where the bartender clinks it and keeps her eyes steady when they both shoot, their hands dropping at the same time onto the counter.
"Now that's four," the bartender states.
Raven shakes her head at this woman's audacity all while the heat of the rum courses down her stomach. "You don't need to worry about where I live."
The bartender laughs at having been bested. She's just about to say something to Raven when someone calls for her, the name Vernal coming out from one of the regulars at the opposite end of the bar.
"Duty calls," Vernal says before retrieving the shot glasses and placing them in some bin under the counter. Raven doesn't say anything, just watches the woman leave to take care of the other patrons.
For the next ten minutes, she watches Vernal walk the length of the bar to create and serve so many drinks at once. It's impressive, all told. Every now and again, she catches Vernal turning towards her, like making sure she hasn't left yet. She doesn't, not right away, happy to nurse her beer. At one point, Vernal throws her a wink when she sees Raven's eyes dip down to her ass only to come back when their eyes meet. She's only a little bit ashamed, but she doesn't react, just takes a sip of the last dregs of her drink.
When the last drop of her beer passes through her lips, she quietly places her glass on the counter. Slowly, she slips her hand to the pocket of her jeans and pulls out a few folded bills. It's not until she sees Vernal preoccupied with some new customers that she decides to slink away from the bar, tucking her payment and generous tip under her empty glass.
She slips out right behind a couple definitely on a date walks in.
supercorp romcom snippet:
When Lena finds a stack of mail on her desk first thing Monday morning, she doesn’t expect a wedding invitation. Glancing at the K. Danvers at the top corner of the envelope, she frowns when nothing comes to mind with that name. She thinks perhaps it’s one of her employees that she’s just not familiar with. With a smooth swipe of her gold albatross-designed letter opener, she opens the envelope and tugs at the card inside.
She’s surprised to find the invitation reaching her desk, since Jess normally screens these letters for her
Her eyes furrow in confusion when she reads the card.
You are cordially invited to the wedding between Kara Zor-El Danvers and Future Spouse
That gives Lena pause. Future spouse?
She skims through the rest of the wedding details. She then presses the intercom button for her secretary.
“Yes, Miss Luthor?”
She rolls her eyes at her secretary’s adamant insistence of referring to her by her last name despite her efforts to have Jess call her Lena.
“Can you run the name Kara Danvers through our employee roster?”
“Yes, Miss Luthor. I’ll send it right away.”
When she hangs up, she turns to the smaller card insert with the RSVP request. Her first inclination is to decline, if not altogether just hand the entire thing to Jess to take care of. Yet it’s the term Future Spouse that has her pausing, her curiosity quite piqued at the thought of a mystery spouse. Does this Kara Danvers not really know?
With a thoughtful tap of the card against her chin, she decides there’s no reason to expend energy thinking about it now. She’ll find out soon enough when Jess gets back to her.
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wildestschemmentis · 3 years
some people were no joking when they said the cw would rather destroy supergirl as the show it once was than give us supercorp. last night's episode is the epitome of what the show is without supercorp scenes. its a big, giant mess where the protagonist (kara) doesnt have a plot anymore and her counterpart (lena) does have a storyline, but some elements in said storyline are forced on whorever is watching (yes, im talking about andrea, no matter how much yall like her, rojascorp is forced on the viewers as much as william/kara were forced on the viewers) and then you have 45 minutes of the most inorganic tvshow on television rn. no one has a good plot besides kelly (who doesnt appear in all the episodes, god knows why) and now lena (who had to vanish from the superfriends side of the show for 2 episode for this to happen) because the ppl in charge are a bunch of homophobic weirdos who dont want to allow 2 best friends to simply talk cuz they know its hard to beat the gay allegations when they have scenes (the kara leaned in gate proved it)
andrea brooks said it once: supergirl as a show is only at its best when kara and lena are treated like the main characters and nothing between them (manhell, james, willy, sam, andrea, bad storylines are all no homos) and she was right.
its sad to see that this is gonna be supergirl's legacy. what those cowards are doing to kara's history is absurd. but i do sleep in peace knowing that supercorp is such a beautiful thing, such a beautiful story and their love for each other is so beautiful to watch that they will always be bigger than the boycott upon them.
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Any chance of a continuation for the Rojascorp snippet? Super curious to see what Kara’s reaction would be!
Not right now. Still got one or two other prompts I need to get through, and then gotta focus on some original stuff before I open back up for more prompts.
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stennnn06 · 3 years
STENNN (!!), you must watch the trailer for Single All The Way that's coming to Netflix in a few weeks. It's right your alley methinks and it screams Supercorp (and Rojascorp tbh, if Lillian is a cool mom). Or maybe I'm just crazy and seeing SC everywhere.
oh my god i am SCREAMING at this, also jennifer coolidge and kathy najimy its like they made this FOR ME SPECIFICALLY thank you for bringing this to my attention!!!!!!!
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organabanana · 3 years
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(if i can) light the world up || supercorp
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen, Andrea Rojas
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate Color AU, Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, mentions of past rojascorp, Rated for future chapters.
Summary: Lena Luthor sees the world in black and white. Like everyone else, she'll see colors for the first time when she meets her soulmate. And though she's not exactly convinced this system makes scientific sense, she's (mostly) made peace with it. When a fateful meeting with Supergirl makes her world burst into color, Lena is sure the amount of nonsense in her life has reached critical mass. But in just her first morning in National City, Lena manages to also be associated with a spacecraft explosion, and attract the journalistic attention of one Clark Kent and his sidekick, CatCo Magazine's Kara Danvers. And the worst part is, meeting Supergirl may have given Lena's world color, but she's sure it's Kara Danvers brightening it up. It's that 'all the world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate AU', with Supercorp.
Notes: Written for FlashFictionFridays prompt 'undiscovered colors' as a tiny oneshot, but the idea wouldn't leave my head so I decided to turn it into a Proper Fic. It's all outlined and planned but I'm not sure how many chapters it'll end up being in the end so I'm leaving that up in the air for now!
[Part 1 on AO3]
Lena Luthor sees the world in black and white.
It’s not a metaphor, mind you. She literally sees the world in black and white. There are shades of gray, of course, but that’s it. That’s all.
And she knows, because she’s been told countless times, that it’s normal. It’s simply the way the world works. From infancy, she’s heard all about it in fairy tales and movies, in songs and in books and in conversations around her: you get your colors when you meet your soulmate.
And it’s not that Lena doesn’t believe it. It’d be illogical not to at this point. This isn’t an elaborate lie thought up by adults to keep children on their best behavior, like Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy. The whole world can’t be in on a lie. So it must be the truth. It’s just that it doesn’t make any sense.
How can meeting someone alter the way you perceive the world? And she doesn’t mean in the sense that the sun shines brighter and the birds chirp louder because you’re in love, or whatever nonsense people are trying to sell in Valentine’s Day cards these days.
She means, how can meeting someone fundamentally alter the way your brain processes   the information from your optic nerves? It doesn’t make any sense.
So she’s been trying to cheat the system for years. Ever since she realized just how ridiculous this whole thing was when she had to console a heartbroken Andrea in their dorm room after their first kiss didn’t result in a chromatic explosion for either of them.
What’s a soulmate, anyway? What is a soul, even?
Lena may have never seen the color green, but she’s learned its wavelength is between 500 and 565 nanometers. She’s built glasses that can tell you exactly the colors you’re looking at, even if you can’t see them. She knows colors objectively exist even if she’s never seen one, so it’s not that she needs visual proof to believe in the existence of something.
Well, then. What’s a soul? What’s its wavelength? Where’s the chemical footprint it leaves on the brain? How can you have a soulmate if there’s no such thing as a soul?
How can your full perception of the world hinge upon meeting someone whose alleged connection to you is based upon something that may very well not even exist? How can something so important — the ability to fully see the world as it is — hinge on something as arbitrary as meeting your so-called soulmate?
(No, sixteen-year-old Andrea Rojas was not particularly comforted by this speech.)
So this has always been a sort of side project for Lena. Figuring out how to cheat this nonsensical system. Whatever happens when you meet your alleged soulmate, there has to be a way to boil it down to its bare essentials. We’re made up of organs made up of tissues made up of cells. It’s chemistry, all of it. And if it’s chemistry, she can figure it out.
But not today.
Today is a big day. It’s the day Luthor Corp becomes L-Corp, and that’s far more important than debunking this soulmate nonsense everyone keeps eating up. It’s her first day in National City, and she’s so excited — so nervous, deep down — that she’s walking to work instead of taking her usual car. She wants to feel the city around her. Feel how different it is from Metropolis and let herself have the true fresh start she very much needs.
She’s so focused on all that, in fact, that she may not be paying too much attention when she crosses a street. She hears the screeching of rubber on asphalt, a loud horn… and suddenly she’s safe and sound on the other side of the street.
“Wh—“ Lena’s heart races as she looks at the car speeding through the crossing where she was a split second ago, and tries to make sense of how she managed to apparently teleport to the safety of the sidewalk. “What—?”
“Are you all right?” A woman’s voice snaps Lena out of her daze. “You really should pay more attention!”
Lena looks up to see a bright wide smile and a set of blue eyes staring back at her, not an ounce of judgment in them even though—
Blue eyes.
Lena blinks, eyes widening at the realization that the woman’s hair is golden blond as it shines under the sunlight. There’s the lightest pink on her cheeks, which Lena takes as the result of saving someone’s life, and she’s wearing—
“Supergirl,” Lena breathes out, and she’s not sure whether she’s having more difficulty wrapping her mind around suddenly seeing color, suddenly meeting Supergirl, or both of those things happening at the same time.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Supergirl looks slightly concerned. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“No!” Lena shakes her head. This is all a bit too much. Humans don’t have souls. Aliens likely don’t, either. Can Supergirl see colors, too? “No, I’m fine. I’m— thank you, Supergirl. I appreciate your help. Thanks.”
Supergirl doesn’t look too convinced, but she can’t ask any further questions before she hears something — she mutters something that sounds to Lena like ‘explosion’ — and flies away.
Lena wishes she could say she’s figured things out in the couple of hours between her near death experience and Clark Kent walking into her office with a young woman in tow, but she’d be lying.
There’s been an explosion, and she’s — of course — somehow linked to it via the never-ending source of issues that is her last name, and now Clark Kent is here to be an extremely unbiased reporter, she’s sure. With everything that’s going on, the last thing on her mind has been Supergirl and the colors she’s somehow brought into Lena’s life.
Mind you, she’s sure it’s all as simple as the force of being moved at superspeed having knocked something around in her nervous system and made a new connection somewhere. She’s sure she’ll figure it out as soon as she can focus on it for a moment. But right now she has far more important things in her mind.
If her theory is right, it was Supergirl’s superspeed making her see colors by accident. And if the generally accepted theory is right (but it is absolutely not), then it was meeting Supergirl, her soulmate (oh, good grief), what caused it.
Why does meeting Kara Danvers, not-a-reporter-just-tagging-along, make every color around her suddenly more vibrant than before? Why has she just realized the green on the succulent by the window is not the exact same shade as the green on the folder on her desk?
Lena Luthor hates when things don’t make any sense.
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amateurwriter89 · 3 years
Second part of STAY
Rated M RojasCorp Fic
She was in the midpoint between consciousness and deep sleep. The heaviness of her eyelids was the most evident signal but she refused to fall asleep even though her exhausted and sore muscles begged her to.
No, Andrea was not ready to close her eyes and put an end to that night; she wanted to stay awake so she could treasure every detail of the woman who decided to share her bed with, even for just one night; she wanted to memorize everything, the rhythm of her breath, the scent of her hair, the feel of her skin against hers.
Andrea laid on her right side, left arm wrapped around Lena’s waist, bringing her body closer to hers, burying her face into silky black hair. She inhaled deeply, the aroma was a mixture of coconut and something exotic, something sweet and alluring. It was an evocative smell because it was what she remembered, the same smell she breathed when they used to share the small bed back in boarding school, the same scent with which she felt intoxicated that New Years night when they shyly explored their bodies for the first time without clothes in between.
The latina lost track of time, she was immersed in her memories until Lena snuggled into Andrea and that unconscious movement caused her to shudder. There was no space between them, it was an intimate contact and Andrea was very aware of every inch of Lena’s bare body.
That night took a course that neither of them imagined. They were supposed to talk while drinking a couple of drinks, after all, what they wanted was to fix their friendship. Nevertheless, something in that dynamic ended up awakening a buried need, it was like a yearning to get back what they used to have that perhaps was enhanced by their loneliness. Andrea knew very well that Lena hadn’t been with anyone since she broke up with James and the same happened with the brunette and her ex. Or maybe, the mere idea of sharing that night with her friend, with her former lover, was simply inviting and impossible to denied.
Andrea felt curious. Ten years had passed since their last encounter and, of course, a lot of things had changed. Their bodies were different, they had matured; now they knew more clearly what they liked and weren’t shy about showing their passion. The brunette had to close her eyes when images of Lena in thrones of passion played in her mind. 
Gone was the shy girl who felt unsure of her physical attributes, the one who, at the beginning of her sexual awakening, asked to turn off the lights and hide under the sheets. Young Andrea never denied her anything, she respected her wishes, even though she assured her that she had nothing to be ashamed of, but this Lena was totally different. She wasn’t ashamed to kiss, touch or chase pleasure. She was an attentive lover to the needs of her partner.
That night would remain in Andrea Roja’s mind for a  very long time and, though she couldn’t speak for Lena, she tried to leave her caresses on Lena’s skin. She dug her fingers into alabaster skin with a little more force, she left hickeys on he neck and thighs that might’ve made her deserve a scolding when Lena saw them in the mirror but it would be worthy because Andrea was so lucky to witness the wonder of how Lena lost herself, on more that one occasion, in the ecstasy of sex; shel felt her clenched around her fingers, tasted her in her mouth, trembled over her.
Just thinking about what happened minutes before caused a silly smile to appear on Andrea's face and, of course, her arousal awakened once more. She become addicted to Lena’s taste, to the mix of their perfumes, to her subtly caresses.
Blue eyes looked at the dark mane of her lover. She felt restless, she felt a thirst that could only be soothed by Lena.
—Can’t sleep?
Lena’s voice sounded deeper and raspier due to her brief sleep and Andrea found it extremely seductive.
For a moment, Andrea thought that her friend fell asleep again.
—If you need to rest, I can call my driver.
Those words sounded so causal.
—It’s not that.
—Want to talk about it?
Andrea was not a shy woman at all but quite the opposite. She was direct, assertive, trained to get what she wanted and what she wanted at that moment was within her total reach.
—No, not really…
Andrea supported her weight on her right arm, so she could look down at Lena while with her left hand she invited her lover to turn her face towards her. The position was awkward but allowed them to look into each other’s eyes with intensity. Andrea took the opportunity to draw the outline of the other woman’s lips with her thumb; they were still swollen from their previous activities and that made them look even more inviting.
—Can I kiss you? —Andrea asked almost politely even though she knew she might as well steal a kiss from Lena.
Andrea expected a cunning answer, perhaps a flirty smile but Lena was known for being unpredictable and Andrea was pleasantly surprised when Lena brought her hand to her lips and kissed her palm before she wrapped her lips around her index and middle fingers, circled them with her tongue. Andrea closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of that wet tongue playing with her own fingers.
—Lena —Andrea whimpered pathetically while her hips started to move against Lena’s rear, following the exact rhythm of that gifted tongue and searching for the right angle that could help her to release the nice tension in her belly. She could feel her wetness coated her lover’s skin and, judging by the chocked groan that came from her throat, Andrea knew that Lena was enjoying the fast paced of her humping.
—Do you still want to kiss me? —Lena asked once she released the brunette’s fingers and Andrea could only respond with a furious kiss. Her mind went blank, her reactions were influenced by her primal instincts. 
The movement of her hips were limited due to the tight nearness between them and the perfect kiss that neither of them wanted to brake. Their tongues slipped and slid against each other, they danced, licked without qualms. It was erotic how their quite moans died in each others mouths.
Andrea’s skin began to sweat, she could feel her expensive Egyptian cotton sheets stuck on her body, making her feel too hot. Pushing the sheet as far as she could, she revealed the nakedness of both of them and the brunette took the opportunity to slide her hand up the soft skin of Lena’s thigh, the curve of her waist, feeling the space between her ribs with her fingertips and palming possessively her breast, just to slid down again, following back the same path.
Andrea panted against Lena’s lips as her hand worked its way between her legs, gripping her inner thigh and pushing it up.
—Touch yourself for me. —Andrea asked.
Lena let out a new groan and, with the desire to please her lover, she did what was requested of her and, although Andrea could not see Lena’s movements, she could feel them thanks to the swaying of her hips, so in sync with those playful fingers.
The muscles in Andrea’s right arm began to burn from the weight she was bearing. However, she didn’t allow herself to fall, she wanted to see the exact moment when Lena surrendered to the pleasure she gave herself, she wanted to witness the moment when every wall she built around herself collapsed, revealing the sweet vulnerability that only could come from the irrepressible lust.
The brunette’s lips pecked Lena’s shoulder and those little kisses soon became small bites while her hips kept attacking the backside of her lover without missing a beat.
—You’re so wet. —Lena mumbled, turning her face a little towards Andrea, who could see blown green eyes, overshadowed by her own arousal. 
—Only for you… always for you.
And it was true. Andrea had had several lovers, lovers who were considerate, passionate but none of them like Lena. 
For a while, Andrea supposed that the idea of her first love, the one with whom she lived new experiences in the four walls of a room, was unconsciously romanticized by herself, placing it on a pedestal, and maybe that was the reason she missed it, why she missed Lena so much and why she tried so hard to push back the fantasies she had where Lena was something more than a friend to her. Nevertheless, that night Andrea noticed that there was still an unquestionable chemistry between Lena and her; there was still a trust that let them break orthodoxies and express desire with their entire bodies.
Andrea could feel how Lena trembled, her movements  were more erratic and the brunette knew that Lena’s orgasm was closer and closer, torturing herself because it was evidente that Lena was seeking to reach the end with Andrea.
—Are you close? —Asked Andrea and the only answer she received was a furious nod.
Andrea growled with pleasure, for it was not common for Lena Luthor, always the eloquent, to have been left speechless and that was a moment that she always treasured because she was the reason for that inability, she was the woman who was stealing the most sensual moans, who was leading the black-haired woman to a new orgasm.
The beautiful latina bit her lip, she was also near to the edge, she could feel the tension in her navel, her breath was rough and the expectation of what would soon be unleashed gave Andrea goosebumps. It was at that moment her movements lacked grace and rhythm, a primal need had taken control of Andrea but something separated her from the vibrant ending.
—Andrea… I…
Lena’s voice was a trigger that tensed her entire body. Her fingers dug into her lover’s flesh and her hand was so close to her core that she could feel the heat that radiated from her and, without thinking too much, Andrea laid Lena on her back and suddenly she was over her. Her legs were entwined in an intimate embrace and, for a moment, they stayed still, absorbed in a sea of sensations that were both familiar and new.
Andrea’s eyes were captivated by the image of the woman beneath her. Lena’s cheeks were flushed and rebel locks of black hair clung to snowy skin due to sweat. Andrea was free to touch and she did it; her caress was soft, her fingertips brushed warm skin as if it was the most delicate thing in the entire world.
—You’re so beautiful. —Andrea whispered just before kissing Lena’s lips painfully slow, savoring every twist of their tongues, while the bed rocked swiftly as a result of firms thrusts.
The position was perfect for their centers to meet and melt; the oxygen was not enough and the kiss became a endless series of pants against each others’ mouths.
—Please… —Lena begged with her eyes tightly closed and raising her knees so Andrea could have better access to her most intimate parts. Her nails scratched the brunette’s back, causing a pleasant pain that would surely leave traces of that hot night on her skin—. Andrea…
Lena’s moans made Andrea’s ears tingled, they were like a symphony that reached her heart.
Andrea raised her upper body a little to have a glimpse of what was happening between her and her lover, to admire Lena’s face at the down of ecstasy, to get lost in the hypnotic sway of her breasts and palming one of them possessively, only to look down where their bodies joined.
All this felt like a dream, like everything was possible, like she could have Lena back to her life once again as something more than a friend. 
A hand climbed up Andrea’s arm, running over her shoulder and clinging at the nape of her head.
—Look at me —Lena asked and Andrea obeyed—. Make me cum, darling.
Andrea was not sure what triggered their shared orgasm, maybe it was the intense look in their eyes or the last frantic movements of their bodies, perhaps the perfect merge of both factors, either way, the sensation was blinding and she could feel how every nerve in her body vibrated with satisfaction.
The brunette hid her face in the crook of Lena’s neck, noticing that her perfume was more intense. Her heart was racing and she could feel Lena trying to catch her breath while her hands caressed her back up and down, soothing her, lulling her.
Lena murmured against Andrea’s temple just to plant a kiss who just nodded lazily.
Andrea still had too many doubts about what would happen the next morning but she was so sleepy that she didn’t think of the possible consequences, all she wanted was to fall asleep in Lena’s arms and keep dreaming about Lena.
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