#rohan* will answer
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thepioden · 1 year ago
Mutuals go ahead and light the beacons to call for aid.
if tumblr does end up going down just know that if you were my mutual you can always call on me for aid in battle and i will never refuse to draw my blade for you
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 months ago
the people have demanded more transgender dippy fresh
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Do you have any specific idioms that you’ve come up with for Rohan?
Yes! I’ve got a huge mishmash of adages, idioms, little sayings and turns of phrase that I’ve made up over time for use among the Rohirrim. A bunch of them are in old posts, which I can’t locate because Tumblr’s search function is garbage, so here’s just a random helping from memory in all of the above categories:
“Crumbs will do when crumbs must do” (often shortened to just “crumbs will do”). Leftover from the famine of the Long Winter, it means “stop whining and make do with what’s available.”
“The proof is on the tongue.” This refers to the cultural tradition that the way to recognize whether a stranger is a friend or foe is to see if they can speak Rohirric, but it gained added nuance after the reign of Thengel, when he came back from Gondor speaking Sindarin and Westron all the time, which rubbed people back home the wrong way. Now it’s used as sort of a general expression about whether something or someone is genuinely of Rohan.
“Cirion didn’t win alone.” Based on Cirion coming to Eorl to ask for his assistance (which ultimately led to the Oath of Eorl and the founding of Rohan), it means “don’t be too proud to ask for help when you need it.”
“[Person] rides with their hands at their chest.” Proper riding posture has your hands at hip level, but amateurs often end up raising them higher to keep their balance (rather than making the correction in their seat as they should). Basically, this is one of the harshest insults you can fling at someone by insinuating that their horsemanship is bad.
“He’s going to hear Béma’s horn.” Referring to Oromë’s sounding of his great horn as he rode against the servants of Morgoth, it means that someone did something very stupid and now he’s going to face wrath for it.
“The glory of the grass is the glory of the field.” I stole a version of this from one of my favorite books, Matrix by Lauren Groff, but I think it’s perfect for a kingdom of plains and grasslands where collectivism is necessary for survival. One blade by itself is nothing, but a field has shape and substance and beauty. And if your field is not doing well, your personal glory as a single blade is still diminished even if your blade is thriving.
“[Person] has gone with Ácith.” Ácith is the Rohirric name for Béma’s wife. Flowers bloom in her wake, and so they believe that the appearance of simbelmynë on their graves means that she’s been there to escort the dead person on to their after life. So to “go with Ácith” means that someone has died.
I *also* really like thinking about unique words that would exist in Rohirric and not in other languages. I’m already on record as saying that I think they have DOZENS of words for “horse” that recognize different distinctions and nuances that no one else bothers with, but I’ve also speculated that they’ve got words like something that translates directly as “oath honor” and means the pride of having fulfilled your promises/commitments at great personal cost.
I totally LOVE this stuff and could sit around thinking about these all day every day, so if anyone else has examples that they want to throw out there, please do. I would LOVE to see them!
Check out part two here!
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lilaccatholic · 8 months ago
Are you voting for Trump or Kamala?
Who I'm voting for is the least of your worries. This giant sword I have, however, is far more pressing
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alexandra-scribbles · 10 months ago
Humanity peaked when Viggo Mortensen was cast as Aragorn in LOTR.
We’ve gone downhill ever since.
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eowyntheshieldmaiden · 1 month ago
Hello Eowyn.
Hello, Legolas. How are you?
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gandalf-the-fool · 9 months ago
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hail-theoden-king · 5 months ago
Today is our king Viggo Mortensen's 66th birthday!
Long live the king. 👑💖
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zepskies · 19 days ago
Hello Friend!! 🫶🏻
I hope that you are having a wonderful relaxing weekend full of lots of me time- You deserve it!! 💅🏻
For the WIP game, I was wondering if you could give just a little teaser for "A Subtle Invitation"? I'm ravenous for more of your Eomer x Reader fic!!
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Please 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Why hello, my friend! I'm having a great weekend so far - just got my hair done today and I feel brand new. 💁🏽‍♀️💖
Oooh certainly, lovely! Thank you for asking about that one...
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Pairing: Éomer x F. Reader 
Summary: Your marriage to the Third Marshal of the Mark has been arranged in the hopes of renewing political ties between Rohan and Gondor. It isn’t long before you and Éomer discover new ways to explore one another...
👀 (Mini) Sneak Peek:
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...that expression of aloofness fell the moment you fully entered the bedchamber. You heard the mild splashing of water before you realized—before you saw Éomer cleansing himself in the bath.
You knew he had been out on patrol today after leaving you this morning. No doubt he had ridden long and hard throughout the West Mark, perhaps alongside Théodred Prince.
Éomer looked up when the heavy door closed itself, with you forgetting to grab it so that it shut more softly. He turned to you, his eyes widening a fraction.
“My lord,” you greeted with a quick bow of your head. Your cheeks warmed in a blush. “I am sorry, I do not wish to disturb you.”
“You are not,” he replied, as he eyed you. A subtle invitation, perhaps.
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re: the WIP Folder tag game...
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edgy-senju · 1 year ago
C5 Josuke Higashikata
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And A2 Rohan for @aseriesofunfortunatejan
Is Josuke about to beat him? Absolutely.
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sotwk · 5 months ago
treat 😇😋
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SotWK AU Flash Headcanon:
Throughout his military career, Éomer has served in four different éoreds. He bears four Rider tattoos to signify his membership to each of those éoreds.
Éomer’s Éoreds
The King’s Éored at Edoras - Squire to Théoden King (ages 12-15); no tattoo since he was not yet a Rider.
Éored of Helm’s Deep (under Théodred) - Rider, Spearman (ages 16-19); tattoo: hammer on his right bicep.
Éored of Underharrow - Captain (ages 20-25); tattoo: river/water on his right bicep.
Éored of Aldburg - Third Marshall (ages 26-28) *during the War of the Ring; tattoo: dragon on his right shoulder.
The King’s Éored at Edoras - King - age 28 onward; tattoo: horse on his right collarbone.
Riders of Rohan to tend stay and promote within the same éored throughout their entire career, except under special circumstances. Éomer is far from being a regular guy, however (besides being royal), and his movement from one éored to another was meant to foster his advanced skills.
The assignment to his first éored was requested by him, out of a desire to learn closely under his cousin Théodred. He quickly proved himself fit to lead his own company, and so by age 20 he was promoted to Captain in an éored that had no suitable candidates. These transfers paved his way to the seat of Third Marshall, which Théoden always wished for him. (Éomer took the position when the former Marshall passed in TA 3017.)
Because an éored tattoo is meant to be an identifying mark for the Rider bearing it, tattoos from Éomer's former éoreds have a thin line added across them, to distinguish them from the current éored tattoo.
Special thanks and deepest gratitude to @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras who shared with me her own headcanons regarding Rohan's military structure and tattooing practices. And basically helps me with anything Rohan-related! I can't write Rohirrim stories without her expertise now!
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astraldrake · 1 year ago
thoughts and feelings on Neomuna and the Cloudstriders?
it's been a minute since i ran lightfall so i went back through ishtar to read up and here's what i've got: I think they mirror the guardians in a really interesting way. While being granted the light is functionally random and not something the lightbearer in question has a say in (as they're usually dead), becoming a cloudstrider is an entirely voluntary process (with perhaps the exception of the first cloudstrider, who acquired her abilities accidentally). There's also mentions of cloustriders being vetted, meaning that the decision to become a cloudstrider is not purely up to the individual but rather the community, which is interesting when placed in contrast to how ghosts just kind of.. pick a corpse based on vibes and hope things turn out ok. Also the whole "ten years and then your body rapidly decays around you" thing versus being able to die ad infinitum (assuming nothing happens to your ghost). Also cloudstriders on their own are fascinating too. Deliberately sacrificing not only your life but, to an extent, your ability to be and act like a person is wild. From the Cloud Strider Legacies lorebook:
"You don't die after ten years. You die the second you gulp your first breath with those new nanite-enhanced lungs. You don't get to be human anymore. Not with this kind of power. You don't get foibles or fears or wants. You're an ideal.
You need to be the best things about this city—the kindness, the empathy, the courage—and you give up the luxury of weakness."
(also not to get back on the comparison train but the whole thing about becoming a cloudstrider being a death in and of itself versus resurrection being the first memory a guardian has.) Also I like Nimbus, and I hope we'll be able to give them cookies next dawning.
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wish-i-were-heather · 3 months ago
hola eunoiaaa
what is if ur fav ship in the inheritance gamesss???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
hola anonnnnnn
uhh i honestly dont know? part of me wants to say averyjameson because AVERYJAMESON but i also havent read the cowboy and the goth or the same backwards as forward so i dont know enough to comment on libbynash or hannah and toby. i also love grayson and lyra they have a lot of potential but from what we got in tgg its not enough for me to say theyre my fave. xander and max are also cutie patooties and honestly rebecca and thea are criminally underrated. i also like savannah and rohan but their nicknames are kinda awkward and almost forced also i feel like i need to see more of them to have a stronger opinion.
so my long answer is all of the above. EXCEPT GIGI AND SLATE IM SORRY I DONT SHIP THEM its giving booktok he kidnaps her like whaaat-
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The debate that's older than I am.
That being; "Eowyn's cooking is awful enough to kill grown men, or is Rohan's cultural food that strange to foreners?"
So, I'm curious what you think a regular meal is like in Edoras for one. I live in Midwestern America, and a staple is plain but calorie rich food to keep you full longer and to deal with the cold better, and sometimes I wonder if Rohan could be the same way. Of course, making outsiders not used to such a "strange" diet.
But it could also go the other way that people in Edoras (especially Eowyn) do not know what a nice meal looks like, and will continue to cook horrors for generations to come.
Do you have any thoughts? :).
Ah, the Éowyn stew scene….one that I would have on my short list to “discuss” with Sir Peter if the opportunity ever came to pass!
I think if you accept that scene as canonical, then the only thing you can reasonably infer from it is that Éowyn never learned how to cook. (And why should she? From the time that she was 7, she was living in the king’s own household with only him, Théodred and Éomer as family. They had staff for cooking, and she probably would have been shooed out of the kitchens even if that was a place she wanted to be!) 
Anyone who wants to go from there to the idea that Rohirrim food is bad overall or that they’re making things that are so culturally distinct and unusual that their food is off-putting to outsiders is certainly welcome to make that their HC, though I don’t personally see it that way. And I think the books back me up — there are *several* scenes with large groups of people from across Middle Earth taking meals in Rohan, and nowhere in any of them is even a single whisper of a hint that there’s anything strange or unpleasant about the Rohirrim food.
Geographically speaking, a lot of Rohan does seem like the American midwest or central plains — lots of open, grassy land, a full four seasons of weather, landlocked but with rivers. They had wild boar and probably deer and rabbits, since those were in the surrounding lands. They raised “herds,” which probably meant horses but could have also been cows. They had lots of farms — Saruman’s troops burned a bunch on their way to Helm’s Deep! — and could have grown all kinds of grains and produce that are appropriate for that climate (Aragorn says parts of Rohan are only 60 leagues south of the Southfarthing, though much further east, so perhaps their growing options wouldn’t have been all that different from the Shire, at least outside of the mountainous areas!). They could have fished in the rivers. 
So they’d have had access to lots of different types of ingredients, none of which are especially unusual either here or in-universe. And I don’t see any reason why the cooks of Rohan would be uniquely inept or incapable of using those ingredients to make things that were good! I happen to agree with your characterization — a lot of Rohan isn’t *fancy* or *cosmopolitan* so they’re not making really elaborate, complicated cuisine with a capital C, but they’d have things that were hearty and filling and would keep you on your feet for long days of physical work. And that doesn’t have to mean lacking in flavor or skill! And then, of course, there are also plenty of royals and nobility in Rohan, and they could have easily had fancier, more sophisticated food since they’d have resources to get the best ingredients and full-time staff to handle just food preparation.
So that’s my thought! It seems like you and I are probably on the same page here, though certainly let me know if you’ve got other ideas and opinions — I am *always* happy to hear them! And thanks for asking!
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lilaccatholic · 3 months ago
Women with fertility issues do not belong in the church. God made them for one purpose and that is to get pregnant. Without that purpose, they are functionally useless and have no value
I don't usually answer obvious anon hate. Usually, I send it to the group chat and we all laugh over the cowardice it takes to send such bait and not have the guts to connect your name to it, but I feel like this time, if you want to shame me in private, you can get answered in public.
I have fertility issues. I've made no secret of that on this blog, and something tells me you know that. I could go on, wax lyrical about all the love the Church has for women who struggle in this area. I could point you to the countless women in the Bible itself who struggled to conceive, only to be granted a miracle in later life by God Himself.
I could point out to you how God calls people to celibacy, and if it weren't for the celibate you'd have almost none of those charities run by female religious, and that society would have certainly collapsed years ago were it not for childless cloistered women praying for it ceaslessly, but let's be honest here. You could have found those responses on Catholic Answers or any of the multitude of robust, beautiful sources the Church provides us in her wisdom and charity, or, well, done pretty much anything other than come into the inbox of a woman who is probably unable to bear children to spew your rhetoric, so instead of all that, I'm going to leave you with this: someday, someone you love, maybe even you or your own spouse, is going to struggle to conceive, and is going to tell you about it, and you are going to feel sick to your stomach because you remember what you said to me.
It's a good thing for you that the Church which welcomes me and those like me joyfully teaches us to not hold grudges, because we will surround that person with the love and support of the Church which you claim women like me don't deserve.
May God bless you, my friend. May He show you truth and heal whatever has caused you to lash out at someone who you don't even do the courtesy of addressing in person. My followers and I will be praying for you.
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never-enough-novels · 8 months ago
what starts a bad romance?
When the man is not grayon hawthorne, aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, wes bennet, Tristan kane, nash hawthorne, josh chen, Kai young, Kai azer, carden greenbriar, gojo satoru, rohan, ravi singh :))
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