#rodrik harlaw
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#asoif/got#asoiaf fanart#asoiaf#got#valyrianscrolls#house greyjoy#house harlaw#quellon greyjoy#balon greyjoy#euron greyjoy#victarion greyjoy#aeron greyjoy#alannys greyjoy#alannys harlaw#rodrik harlaw#yara greyjoy#asha greyjoy#theon greyjoy
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"That is not how I would say it." Asha slammed the point of the dirk into the table. "Where are my ships?"
Asha and Rodrik the Reader as depicted in the Finnish special edition of A Feast for Crows illustrated by Petri Hiltunen.
#valyrianscrolls#asha greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#artist: petri hiltunen#source: book scan#the love this scandinavian artist puts into his depiction of the greyjoys really comes through
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westerosi ruling ladies/acknowledged heiresses outside of dorne, listed by region:
the north
lady jonelle cerwyn, lady of castle cerwyn after the murder of her younger brother, lord cley cerwyn, by ramsay snow. (cley did not long outlive their father, lord medger cerwyn, who died of his wounds as a pow at harrenhal, after fighting in roose bolton's host when tywin lannister defeated them on the green fork.) we first hear of lady jonelle when robb stark calls his banners and lord cerwyn means to bring his old maid daughter with him, and the next we hear of her is when asha greyjoy gets her letter from ramsay, co-signed by a lady cerwyn and lady dustin, among the other northern lords in the bolton camp. cerwyn men-at-arms and the cerwyn maester are noted with roose at wf, and presumably if their lady did go south with her father, she must have returned north in roose bolton's party.
lady barbrey ryswell dustin, widow of the late lord willam dustin, apparently the last of his line since no surviving male dustins are ever mentioned. the widow of barrowton rules in his place for the remainder of her lifetime, and (unlike poor lady hornwood) rules with power uncontested, as barrowton's closest neighbors are the ryswells, also her closest kin, father and brothers. however, without any children from the late lord dustin, unclear what would happen after lady barbrey dies.
lady lyessa flint, head of the branch of house flint of widow's watch. lady flint's son, robin flint, led their forces in robb stark's army and died with the king at the red wedding, but was not the head of house. lady flint is listed such in the appendices, and was said to be pregnant in acok, meaning she likely had a living husband at the time, but he goes unnamed as only her consort.
lady alys karstark, heir to her eldest brother lord harrion karstark of karhold (whose location and current status is unclear after being captured by the lannisters a 2nd time), following the deaths of their brothers in the battle of the whispering wood, and the execution of their father by king robb as a murderer and traitor. at jon snow's instigation she has taken sigorn, magnar of thenn, as her consort.
lady wynafryd manderly, elder granddaughter of lord wyman manderly of white harbor, by his son and heir ser wylis. should be the next heir to white harbor after her father, unless her parents should produce a son.
lady maege mormont of bear island, the only ruling lady listed here to also have a daughter as her heir. first this was dacey mormont, but after her murder at the red wedding, the new heir is second daughter alysanne aka aly the she-bear. but since aly told asha greyjoy she had a son as well as a daughter back home, that means there likely won't be a 3rd ruling lady in a row, as the mormonts may have a history of women warriors, but there's no sign they don't still practice male-preference primogeniture when there is a son to inherit. where the mormonts do step out of northern convention, however, is the ruling ladies fucking whoever they want without feeling the need for a husband and still naming their fatherless children mormonts, not snows, a practice rhaenyra targaryen would surely envy.
lady eddara tallhart, an heiress and then nominal ruler of torrhen's square, before the age of 10, after her elder brother benfred was killed by theon greyjoy's ironmen and then their father ser helman was killed when roose bolton sent him into an ambush at duskendale. listed as still a captive inside her family's seat, besieged by dagmer cleftjaw again, in the adwd appendix.
the riverlands
lady barbara bracken, eldest daughter of lord jonos bracken of stone hedge, who has multiple daughters by two of his three different wives, but no surviving sons.
lady amarei frey lannister, married to lancel lannister at castle darry as a granddaughter of a previous lord darry, then left to rule on her own after lancel abandoned her and repudiated their unconsummated marriage
lady eleanor mooton, eldest daughter of lord william mooton of maidenpool, listed as his heir in adwd appendix, at the time of her marriage to dickon tarly. (meaning presumably his sons mentioned in acok died during the war.)
lady carellen smallwood, (likely?) heir to acorn hall as the only known surviving child of lord and lady smallwood, whose only known son died years before.
lady liane vance, eldest daughter of lord karyl vance of house vance of wayfarer's rest, listed as his heir in the affc appendix
lady shella whent, last of the line of the whents of harrenhal, disposessed by tywin lannister, and allegedly dead by the time of affc, according to littlefinger. text is somewhat inconsistent on whether she or her husband inherited harrenhal, just as it's unknown what happened to all their children if they were the same whents hosting the tourney at harrenhal years before, nor even how they were related to minisa whent tully, the late lady of riverrun.
the vale
chella, daughter of cheyk, clan chief of the black ears
lady anya waynwood, lady of ironoaks, an older lady with multiple sons and grandsons still ruling in her own name, a formidable power in the vale, perhaps second only to the main branch of house royce as chief bannermen of house arryn
the westerlands
cersei lannister, lady of casterly rock as well as queen regent, following the murder of her father, lord tywin lannister, by her brother tyrion, an attainted traitor and fugitive, with her twin brother, jaime, unable to inherit as a knight of the kingsguard
lady alysanne lefford, lady of the golden tooth after lord leo lefford drowned in the battle of the fords against edmure tully's army. (whether the previous lord was her father, brother, or even uncle or cousin is unknown, all we know of her is her entry in the affc/adwd appendices after lord lefford's death in asos)
the reach
lady alysanne bulwer, the lady of blackcrown as the only known child of the late lord jon bulwer, frequently referred to as lady bulwer. (lady fatherslastname not being a style otherwise used with a lord's unmarried daughters, lady housesurname usually referring to a lord's wife using her husband's name). there is an inconsistency with taena merryweather telling cersei that there was talk of megga tyrell being betrothed to lady bulwer's brother (which a nondornish heiress cannot have and is not listed in any appendix), but this is either a mistake by grrm or misunderstanding by taena unless she's referring to an unknown brother of alysanne bulwer's mother, the last lady bulwer. (i'm taking multiple mentions of her as lady bulwer in sansa's pov over any gossip from taena.)
lady arwyn oakheart, lady of old oak, a widow with multiple grown sons who commanded her own forces in renly baratheon's army, even if she did not mean to fight on the field.
the crownlands
lady ermesande hayford, the last of the hayford line, a babe ruling in name only, married to the squire tyrek lannister before she was weaned, a husband now missing since his disappearence during the riot in kl on the day of princess myrcella's departure
the ladies tanda, falyse and lollys stokeworth, three would-be rulers of castle stokeworth dispossessed by the schemes of queen cersei and ser bronn of the blackwater. lady tanda ruled for years with falyse as her heir and younger daughter lollys as the only heir to the barren falyse, until such time as lollys was wed to bronn and lady tanda took a griveous fall from a horse. bronn started calling himself lord stokeworth when tanda and falyse were still alive, chasing off falyse after her husband attempted to kill him at cersei's behest. falyse died painfully in qyburn's dungeons, while tanda was left to die at castle stokeworth, making lollys even more a ruler in name only than baby lady hayford, as her husband is inside the castle with men loyal only to him, not to any stokeworth lady.
the stormlands
lady brienne of tarth, heir to lord selwyn tarth the evenstar of evenfall hall, as his only surviving child
lady mary mertyns, listed as lady of the mistwood in the adwd appendix
you'll notice the iron islands is the only (nondornish) region missing here. ofc they did have a possible heiress to pyke and all the isles but then asha greyjoy was soundly rejected as such at the kingsmoot after balon's death. the lack of other present-tl ruling ladies/acknowledged heirs afab may be down to this being the smallest region, aside from the crownlands. however, there are no historical ruling ladies in their section of the world book either, iirc.
AND there is another case of a possible heiress, again meaning asha, wrt harlaw. her uncle lord rodrik harlaw tried to dissaude her from the kingsmoot by offering to name her heir to his castle, while allowing a cousin to inherit all his other titles and power over the whole island of harlaw. but shouldn't asha have already been in line for all the harlaw lands and titles, above all the harlaw cousins? her aunt gwynesse's complaint of being the true heir as rodrik's elder sister may not work outside of dorne, but even on the nondornish mainland, a lord's sister (and therefore their children, ie asha) still come before a lord's uncles and cousins. isn't that the whole point of alys karstark's plight, that her older cousin had to marry her to try to claim her birthright? so the harlaw line of succession should go rodrik>gwynesse>alannys>asha before any cousins come into it.
that this would not be the case and that asha is only presented with the option of being lady of ten towers by doing homage to a cousin as her overlord for the whole island of harlaw suggests imo that the islands are particularly resistant to a woman as head of house, with all male kin following her in place of a patriarch. women may serve as castle stewards and the right sort may prove themselves as captains (not common, but not too rare either) but ruling on land, ruling over male kin, and fellow captains is a different matter. perhaps not too surprising from a people whose religon sees rape of foreign women as a key and holy part of their way of life. an ironwoman may not disapprove of her men doing so, but cannot fully participate without the cock to forcibly spread seed across the world. how can a captain who cannot fully perform manhood as the drowned god proscribes for his captains be rock king over any island, let alone all of them? in this light, balon's choice of asha as heir is even more radical, though likely it came not from a view of equality between the sexes but from a feeling that his own daughter was the very much singular special exception, more a son than greendlandized theon.
#vayrianscrolls#asoiaf meta#asoiaf#i just like listing things#i could have listed the dornish ladies and heiresses but the point is how many there even w/o equal primogeniture#the north and riverlands prob have the postdance phenom of more female rulers from all the men killed in war but theyre also#the most developed regions by far. so the other lists being shorter is partly down to not having as many family trees there#i think some people do give the ironborn more credit than they should for their uncommon but not unheard of warrior women captains#but i think aeron and vic are meant to represent the general view wrt how far a woman can rise.#and we see their views vindicated w how quickly balon's wishes for asha as heir as disregarded after his death#what is dead may never die#asha greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#balon greyjoy#(c)lsb#cleaning out my drafts. cleaning out my drafts. hi-ho the derry-o. cleaning out my drafts.
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Catelyn V ASOS

The Kraken’s Daughter, AFFC
I’ve been thinking about this, and I’m struck by the fact that based on what Theon told him, Robb was accurately able to predict the fallout from Balon’s death, while Asha herself was caught off guard. It makes me think that despite his own incompetence as an ironborn leader Theon actually knew the history of the Iron Islands pretty well, and given that he wouldn’t have had a maester to teach it to him, he probably learned it from his uncle.
#asoiaf#also i find robb using “his people” to refer to theon and the ironborn kind of endearing#is that the way he heard theon put it?#robb stark#asha greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#kingsmoot#doc
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A discussion between Dalton Greyjoy and Rodrik Harlaw on their way to Kings Landing in chapter 7

"Do you believe that Lucera Velaryon is as gorgeous as the whole of Pentos say she is?" Dalton asks his long term friend.
"Aren't you meant to be trying for Princess Joffenys' hand?" Rodrik asks, wiping the smirk right of Dalton's face.
#dalton greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#female lucerys velaryon#female joffrey velaryon#house of the dragon#hotd fic
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canon: Rodrik Harlaw is wealthy and loves books, he has a library
canon: the printing press hasn't been invented yet
me: he has two dozen books, got it
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Do you find the Ironborn an interesting part of GRRMs story and/or world building?
The Ironborn are clearly inspired by the Vikings with the revanchist Confederate sympathizers. The tradition of the kingsmoot where they elected kings is a unique development, but only lords and men with enough property (a ship) get a vote. It's a society effectively controlled by pirates. They also have slavery in the form of thralls, and yet refuse to call it slavery with an attitude of "yeah, but it's not like those people" despite it still involving kidnapping people, and forcing them into a life of unpaid, forced labor and sexual violence for women.
As someone who supports anti-colonial movements in real-life, I find them interesting. They are the westernmost kingdom with a history of using their technological advantages in the form of iron when the mainland used bronze, as well as longships, to colonize and plunder the mainland and enslave the greenlanders under a Manifest Destiny doctrine. After they lost those advantages and lost their independence, they kept the Old Way going by appealing to an imagined past. This effectively makes them the most easily despised society in Westeros with a steady mix of the worst impulses: racism, misogyny, hypermasculinity and slavery and liable to turn on each other.
The Old Way is represented by the Greyjoys, a family with systemic abuse, few real relationships with one another other than with Balon, and a lot of infighting living in a literally crumbling castle falling into the sea. Balon launches a rebellion, fails, suffering big personal losses and is then "don't worry, it'll totally work this time." He is an old man clinging to the past, brooding alone in his tower as his house figuratively and literally crumbles around him. Victarion personifies the Old Way as is: an unhappy, hypermasculine dumbass warrior with his imagination constrained by the limits of his ideology, making him a tool easily manipulated. Euron is the Old Way as it appeals to the Ironborn: appealing on the surface but a predatory monster beneath who promises an impossible dream destined for disaster. The Ironborn take it given he is offering them emotion, and Ironborn are deeply unhappy as a people. The Old Way doesn't give them the happiness it promises, but plenty of disaster when their victims inevitably fight back.
The Old Way is riddled with hypocrisy with Victarion saying the Shield Island ships fleeing battle ceased to be men when they retreated when he did the same thing at Fair Isle. Aeron disdains maesters for choosing a life of service when he did as a Drowned Man. They begrudge Robert's forces' invasion and destruction of the Iron Isles when they glorify doing the same to others.
There are however those who support a New Way like The Reader and the three Harmunds before him.
There is clearly a struggle between the Old Way and the New Way within Ironborn society going on for centuries. The three Harmunds encouraged friendly relations with the greenlands and trade as well as literacy with Harmund III trying to outlaw the Old Way. The Shrike led a rebellion against Harmund III and it resulted in an invasion of the Iron Isles and the Famine Winter after that starved, impoverished and depopulated the Iron Isles with the New Way rebuilding the Iron Isles.
Quellon Greyjoy tried similarly until he died and Balon reversed his reforms. The Reader himself is an intellectual in a society that frowns upon literacy and scholarship, yet it's what allows him to effectively challenge Euron by pulling back the curtain on his tricks. He knows the dreams of reviving the Old Way is a pipe dream.
The attempts to revive the Old Way keep ending in disaster, taking more Old Way ideologues with them. And even without that, reaving had been on decline for a while and replaced with trade with men "returning with treasures their forebears had never dreamed of." Rather than driving them forward, the Old Way holds them back and has been slowly dying.
The current generation of Greyjoys just may be the last gasp of the Old Way.
#asoiaf#ironborn#iron islands#house greyjoy#balon greyjoy#victarion greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#euron greyjoy#aeron greyjoy#aeron damphair
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Some underrated ASOIAF characters who deserve more attention
As the title says, this post will be about some of my favourite ASOIAF characters who i think deserve more attention.
Aurane Waters:
The first character on this list is Aurane Waters. Now Auranes story isn’t very deep but he is fun, entertaining and cool as hell. So he starts out fighting with Stannis at the battle of blackwater bay, then he ends up joining Cersei on the small council and manages to charm her by looking like Rhaegar, and then he runs off with her newly build navy. Now i do not like Cersei so people who can play her and beat her at her own game instantly have a place in my heart. I should also mention that i love pirates and there is strong evidence that Aurane will become the pirate king known as the Lord of The Waters using the ships he stole from Cersei. This also puts him in an interesting position going forward as he could realistically join any faction in the current conflict and be a big player which is really cool. My last point is this, just look at him, the dude absolutely fucks:
Rodrik Harlaw, aka The Reader: Rodrik is Asha and Theons maternal uncle and he is my favourite ironborn character. In many ways he reminds me of Doran Martell, an fatherly figure to a female pov character who is noted to be more cautious than the people around him and who is looked down upon by many within his culture. I also like his quirk of loving books, even having had septons at his home to help him care for his collection. I also love his relationship with Asha, being a better father figure to her than Balon was ,as well as her biggest supporter (that title might be challenged by Qarl and Tristifer). He also seems to be scheming to protect Asha from her forced marriage by overturning the kingsmoot, as he sends her a book that specifically mentions that a kingsmoot can be nullified if a claimant was not present, in this case that would be Theon. And then there was the time he owned Euron the Incel with just 2 words. Euron was bragging about having sailed to Valyria when Rodrik says: “Have you?” which clearly pisses Euron off. Fucking legend
Brynden Rivers, Aka Bloodraven: Ok so, Bloodraven does get a lot of attention especially from the theorist community who have the saying “when in doubt blame Bloodraven”. But i don’t think enough people give attention to him as a character. The cool thing about Bloodravens character is that he seems to be a product of his enviroment. Bloodraven grew up in kings landing as one of the great bastards of king Aegon The Unworthy. He famously suffered albinism which resulted in him having to wear heavy black clothes all of his life. This would have gone on since his childhood, and we know that this trade made people not trust him. So people have apparently distrusted him since he could walk outside. Imagine what that does to a kid. And then at some point he figures out he is a skinchanger. And that is when he becomes the master of the game of thrones and worlds best spymaster.I love this because a lot of characters justify their distrust of him because of how good of a spy he is, but he became that way because no one trusted him. And lets not forget that he was apparently a really nice military leader. At least enough to where most of his private army, The Ravens Teeth, decided to join him on the wall despite being under no obligation to do so. That show some major respect from his men. And at last he has some really cool Odin symbolism going on with the one eye and the ravens and all that.
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Ironborn Character Bracket
Welcome to the Ironborn Character Bracket where your ironborn faves face off against each other and you get to vote to pick the winner!
Quick FAQ under the Read More
How will this work?
Characters will face off against each other in a poll in pairs as shown in the bracket above. The winner of each pair will progress to the next round, until there is a final winner. Basically, like a regular single-elimination bracket. Voting will start on September 22, 2023 and each poll will run for one week. Once all round of 16 polls close, the quarter final polls will open within 24 hours and each of those will also run for one week. Rinse and repeat for the semifinal and final rounds. We encourage you to follow the blog to not miss any new polls!
Where are Theon and Asha?
We decided to leave them out for the sake of making this a little more interesting/exciting and less predictable. Let’s see who else y’all stan ❤
Only 16 contestants? Such a small bracket!
Yes, unfortunately there are not a lot of significant ironbron characters. We wanted a bracket that would break down nicely and evenly. So for one more round we’d need to go up to 32 characters, and while we could find 32 named ironborn characters, at some point it becomes a little arbitrary which name-only/single mention characters would be picked vs. not picked. We’re sorry if we’ve excluded your minor fave! Feel free to tell us who they are in an ask so we can take that into consideration next time.
Can I send in propaganda and such?
We won’t be posting propaganda under the polls, BUT feel free to send asks with propaganda, comments, thoughts, whatever, and we’ll publish them here for everyone to see!
#ironborn#iron islands#balon greyjoy#aeron greyjoy#euron greyjoy#victarion greyjoy#quellon greyjoy#alannys greyjoy#alannys harlaw#rodrik harlaw#rodrik the reader#tristifer botley#qarl the maid#gwynesse harlaw#dagmer cleftjaw#wex pyke#baelor blacktyde#dalton greyjoy#harren hoare#black harren#hagen's daughter#asoiaf#tumblr bracket#ironborn bracket#polls
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This is not something that could be a serious theory about canon (one of those cases where it definitely would come up if true) nor that I can use for fanfic (clashes with all my preexisting headcanons for that generation) so random post for my 25 readers it is.
I think it would be cool for Alannys and Rodrik to be their father's salt children and Gwynesse be the only fully legitimate one from a rock wife. I think it really would have enhanced the Iron Islands worldbuilding differentiating it from the mainland to have this dynamic within the royal family and happening to important characters. I also think none of these passages make logical sense if Rodrik and Gwynesse are just plain full siblings, especially not as comparison to Asha's situation where unlike Gwynesse the law is fully on her side.

Fun fact, the Italian translation also describes Alannys as Rodrik's half sister, probably because the translator was unable to parse the complex word string "another widowed half-mad sister". Though, I prefer for Rodrik and Alannys to both be the salt children in this train of thought, for the implications for Theon and Asha and also makes more sense chronologically as Alannys is even younger than Rodrik
#i have other fanwankings as to why gwynesse thinks that in my standing headcanons but not really an explanation for why rodrik thinks its a#good argument to make ajgjsk#asoiaf#alannys harlaw#rodrik harlaw#gwynesse harlaw
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the water can’t drown me | T | 1214 words
The days bleed together, the sun runny as a yolk. The seabirds scream and the wind wails and the hungry sea eats away at the world. Ships come and go, and she watches the horizon.
Alannys waits. She is patient. Oh, so patient.
#no STRS update this sunday but we do have this!#for goddcoward <3 <3 <3#alannys greyjoy#alannys harlaw#theon greyjoy#balon greyjoy#asha greyjoy#fic#asoiaf#rodrik harlaw#i will be writing more lannyfic and probably some aeronfic too
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How do you think ACOK/AGOT Theon Greyjoy would have gotten along politically and personally with his uncle Rodrik “the Reader”, as well as cousin Ser Harras Harlaw? For me, Theon’s relationship with his mothers family is one of the more notable missed opportunities for interesting personal dynamics (also, if the Theon Latecomer theory comes to pass, R’hllor help us all if poor Alannys never gets to hold her baby boy one more time)
I agree with you in that I’m very interested in the Harlaws, as despite their limited page time they’ve proven to be varied characters, from bookish Rodrik to stern knight Harras to ambitious Hotho to proud and stubborn Gwynesse and tragic Alannys. Usually characters in these minor houses get one trait for all, especially the ironborn; it’s the bigger houses that get this sort of variety and nuance. Plus they breed a shaggy pony that I’m guessing (due to the resemblance between the Iron Islands and Scottish isles) is analogous to the Shetland pony.
Harras and Theon probably did have a personal relationship before the latter had to leave Pyke, and I don’t think it was a positive one; “As a boy Harlaw had been fast friends with Balon's eldest son, Rodrik” (AFFC The Reaver) but Theon “remembered Rodrik's drunken cuffs” and told Patrek that he was horrible enough he doesn’t care Jason killed him (ACOK Theon I). Anyone who was fast friends with Rodrik is likely not going to be someone Theon has warm thoughts of. What little we know of Harras has him a great warrior, loyal, has an ancient Valyrian steel sword, serious, merciful enough (Euron had all the Hewetts killed while Harras just imprisoned the Grimms)…most of which would bore Theon, some of which would remind him of Ned Stark whom he feared due to their history (and he and Harras must’ve had some history too). Basically I don’t think they’d be personally friends. However, if Theon became his liege, I think Harras would support him (certainly over the Greyjoy uncles) and would reave where he was ordered.
Rodrik Harlaw, I think Theon would feel similarly to how Asha does in early AFFC, resentful of his cautioning him about fighting a war the ironborn can’t win, but unlike Asha probably thinks less of him for constantly reading books (Luwin at least admits to never liking him); and he thinks Victarion is an old man who’d just take his orders, so he’d likely think even less of Rodrik and his advice. However, Rodrik would still support him out of necessity and try to advise him, though wouldn’t personally reave.
Don’t worry, Theon is going back to those islands and meeting Alannys. It’s all part of his subverted Hero’s Journey, in which he returns to his home a greatly changed person due to the trials in the unknown world, now with the ability to grant boons to his deeply damaged community, aka Alannys (who’s the only person happy to see him for non-political reasons). I say this with hope, because even though GRRM has expressed dislike for the Hero’s Journey Monomyth, even he can’t resist the idea of his main characters going back to the place they’re born (the possible confirmation of seeing Casterly, show!Daenerys on Dragonstone, of course all Starks will be at Winterfell)
#ask#house harlaw#theon greyjoy#asoiaf headcanon#harras harlaw#rodrik harlaw#asoiaf predictions#opinion
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Alannys Greyjoy @ Rodrik Harlaw
#asoiaf#iron islands#alannys harlaw#alannys greyjoy#rodrik harlaw#house greyjoy#happy au 🥹#Alannys is just Rodrik’s cooky sister that laughs loudly and loves her children 🥺🥺🥺🥺#Rodrik is the long suffering uncle that just wants to read but Alannys brought the kids over 🙄#Alannys being a bottle blonde cigarette mom with a heart of gold
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Who Has The Most Gender?: Round 1

Arya: art by laurellerual, AWOIAF Page
Rodrik: art by nosafeanchorage, AWOIAF Page
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How do you think ACOK/AGOT Theon Greyjoy would have gotten along politically and personally with his uncle Rodrik “the Reader”, as well as cousin Ser Harras Harlaw? For me, Theon’s relationship with his mothers family is one of the more notable missed opportunities for interesting personal dynamics (also, if the Theon Latecomer theory comes to pass, R’hllor help us all if poor Alannys never gets to hold her baby boy one more time)
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to get to this ask. It's true that the Harlaws are not very developed, being minor characters mostly.
Harras particularly we know next to nothing about. We know he's a knight, perhaps encouraged in that direction by the Serrett/Westerlands side of his family, he's a good fighter and seems on the all-business side of things (although this is taken very from off-hand type of comments). He does not appear to be married? Not sure what that says either way. He's actually, if I'm reading the family tree right, a cousin of Rodrik the Reader, which makes him Theon's like…second uncle? Or whatever that's called? However, he's younger than Rodrik it seems, given that he was good friends with Rodrik Greyjoy, Theon's brother. While it's difficult to project a personality from these scant details, I think the friendship with Rodrik probably doesn't bode well for Theon and him being friends. Even if Harras didn't personally participate in Rodrik's bullying, he's the kind of person who would be friends with a Rodrik and, even if we say he was younger and grew out of it or whatever, Theon would still have that association. Politically, however, I see House Harlaw sticking with the Greyjoy kids, whether Asha or Theon. If we assume that Rodrik didn't consider his bullying of Theon personal (and more as normal sibling hazing he'd do to anyone), Harras might also feel an honor/chivalry-induced drive (see knighthood) to support his close friend's brother and rightful heir.
Rodrik the Reader is interesting because we do know a little more about him, but we don't see him interact with Theon or anyone else much in the family, aside from Asha. Theon's favorite uncle in his childhood seems to have been pre-conversion Aeron, i.e. someone of similar personality to himself - social, charming, fun-loving, brash, lusty, etc. Rodrik in comparison would probably feel boring or uptight to Theon. Theon in ACOK would also probably be, or at least try to appear as, on a bit of an anti-intellectualism bend. Not because he's dumb or even "was a poor student" or whatever, but because he's just not nerdy or a bookworm, generally to begin with, and he's trying extra hard to fit in with the Iron Islands cultural slant, which IS somewhat anti-intellectual relative to the mainland. (I'm willing to bet this is half of where those "Greyjoys are working class" modern AUs come from lol.) In any case, Theon is not likely to appreciate the nerdy, secluded company Rodrik would offer.
That said…an uncle doesn't need to be a buddy, necessarily. If Rodrik wanted to bond with Theon for whatever reason and/or just happened to be in the right situation… He seems to be a pretty insightful and above-average-on-empathy type of person. Theon also really needs a stable and compassionate father figure, or any family member really, who could offer him emotional safety and support. Rodrik may not be perfect in this role, but he'd probably do better than a lot of other people, especially in the Greyjoy family. So assuming either specific effort on his end or the right type of situation, I think Theon might be inclined to reach for him, just because he's so obviously starved for love.
Politically, even more so than Harras, I think Rodrik could be safely considered a supporter of Theon, at least unless he's going up against Asha. If it's Theon vs. Asha…that might be a different, difficult sort of situation which I could see falling either way due to a number of factors.
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She doesn’t understand. How can her children have just vanished?
“Yara and Theon are out sailing,” Rodrik tells her, “and we’ll find your older boys.”
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