#rodric x amicia
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starillusionn · 2 months ago
I found someone saying on Reddit, "There are no "love interests" in A Plague Tale. Stop trying to create one"
Meanwhile, the developer :
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So, who started all of this?
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confusedacenb · 3 years ago
Amicia: When a straight person assumes I'm one of them, I feel like a secret gay agent.
Melie: lesbionage
Arthur: Bi-Spy
Lucas: It's an Ace Case
Rodric: Pan with a Plan
Amicia: ...Secret Gaygent
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justabrowncoatedwench · 4 years ago
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I got better at photo mode!
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impudent--strumpet · 6 years ago
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Béatrice: “My daughter, no!” </3
Rodric: “You swines! AMICIA!” (even if it’s the rats attacking her XD )
Also if you get caught and killed by a guard while sneaking through the flowers with Melie out of her hideout and she sees, she lets out a distressed-sounding “No, please! AMICIA!” <3
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rwbymemes · 6 years ago
Finally completed the first chapter of my Plague Tale fanfiction!! Check it out!!
A Plague Tale: Sin, Chapter 1: Sin of the Mind
It is by far the longest chapter I have written in all my years of writing, it even surpasses chapter 8 of my fanfic Silver Wolf!!
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vemesrin · 6 years ago
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aaaand some more doodles of a plague tale : innocent
"Daily life" of the orphan in Château d'Ombrage
Amicia de Rune Hugo de Rune Melie the fury Arthur the thief Lucas the alchemist Rodrick the blacksmith
damnn I really invested with this game RN
I will never forget deltarune, but this babies is my new priority for now lol
I ship amicia x melie and amicia x arthur, don’t @ me
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zazuizme · 6 years ago
Okay why has no one brought this up already.
How can we forget the classic middle/high school AU. They all fit the tropes.
You got your gold hearted and good spirited Amicia, nerdy boy Lucas, older friendly big guy Rodric and your bad rebel kids Arthur and Melie.
I think I just really want to see good girl Amicia and bad girl Melie in action.
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val-bananatine · 6 years ago
Post nightmare moments (Fanfic)
Title: post nightmare moments
Pairing: Amicia x Melie (Melicia)
Genre: Comfort/ Romance
Rating: T
Word count: 3.874
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these beautiful characters, they’re all Asobo Studio’s property. This one shot is in an altered version of the game and can be set in between chapter 12 and 13. So Amicia was not waken up by Melie about Rodric’s victory here and got a nightmare after falling during her search, but in the night before.
It’s up to you whether you see this story as an AU of Hugo not running away, or see Amicia’s nightmare as a vision for the next day. So enjoy your stay and reading experience~
Almost everyone was sleeping as peacefully as possible this night.
Hugo and Lucas were leaning against a wall while sleeping; Lucas has been so focused on developing more useful alchemy products and Hugo couldn’t help but to watch him very fascinated until they fell asleep on the spot.
The more grown boys of the little group, Rodric and Arthur, were sleeping a bit farther away, almost as if they were guarding the others.
Amicia slept in her usual bed, but she was stirring and starting to mumble from time to time.
Only Melie couldn’t find any sleep. No matter how long she kept her eyes closed, she just couldn’t feel any sleepiness rolling over.
But it had a good aspect too. She quickly opened her eyes when she heard a quiet sound similar to whining, but she didn’t hear it again and so was about to close her eyes once more when she heard a whiny mumbling, coming from Amicia’s direction:
“No… no...”
“Something wrong over there?” The thief blinked and moved her head a bit up to look over to the other girl, seeing her visibly distressed and stirring in her sleep.
“Don’t tell me...-” Melie sighed when she realized that Amicia seemed to have a nightmare and carefully crouched over to her, silently cursing to herself on her way:
“Now what to do against that shit… can’t let her suffer from that nightmare and possibly wake the others up in panic.”
“Hugo? Hugo?!”
Amicia ran through the foggy, dark woods, screaming her brothers name over and over. He suddenly disappeared without a trace, his necklace around the tree branch was gone; and she knew that she had to find him before he was caught by the inquisition.
She was surprised that no one else was there anymore as well, but she guessed that they already were looking for Hugo before running into the woods.
The very next moment she suddenly stood in front of a village. But she saw that it was only one oddly, familiar village street which ran through the entrance. And at the end of that street, there was the familiar and helpful lady, scolding her for how she shouldn’t argue with Hugo.
The girl felt more hopeless and guilty the more she tried to convince Clervie and herself of that she did nothing wrong. But she couldn’t let that feeling win, she had to find Hugo at all cost and so she walked past Clervie.
Only to now be scolded by Laurentius in front of his house, guilt building up in her again.
“Why did he leave you then?”
“I don’t know!” That question made her tremble slightly; she could only guess why and she knew that it was a mistake in case it was true:
“I’ve done everything for him! Even… horrible things...”
She couldn’t explain herself further. As soon as she heard Hugo’s voice inside the house, she practically sprinted towards the door and internally thanked the old doctor for moving aside.
But the view inside made her heart skip a beat. There was her mother, standing in front of a door with a disappointed look on her face.
“You didn’t tell him the truth..”
“He doesn’t want to see you.”
“He doesn’t need you anymore.”
Every single sentence felt like a dagger in her heart, but especially the last sentence made Amicia want to cry out.
But her heart truly broke when Hugo pushed her away, showing her that he doesn’t need her anymore.
“No… no...”
It couldn’t be true. He was her little brother after all, who she will protect at all cost. But she couldn’t protect him now.
Now where she was fully surrounded by darkness until his scream echoed through the air. Where he stood in front of her, surrounded by sheer endless waves of rats, panic and fear in his eyes.
And the moment she attempted to run towards him, she felt the waves crushing her and making her fall.
But much to Amicia’s surprise, she didn’t suffocate nor felt a painful meeting with the floor.
Instead she shot up from her sleeping place with a scream and heavy breathing, looking right into Melie’s confused but equally worried face. And in the very next second the still shaking De Rune felt Melies hand slamming over her mouth while said thief shot a glance to the sleeping rest of the group:
Not that Amicia cared much about being quiet now, she had a far more important issue to solve and tried to look around the room:
“Hugo? Where is Hugo??”
She asked in a low voice but with so much panic in it that Melie turned to her with an even more confused look than before “He is right there- next to Lucas. Why the hell d’you scream anyway?”
It was not the kindest way of checking up on someone you care about, but Amicia knew deep down that that tone wasn’t out of annoyance, she hoped so at least.
“I...”, the brunette woman attempted to speak but the very thought of what she just dreamed of made her shiver again.
A soft sigh was heard of Melie while she carefully sat down next to Amicia, holding her arm a bit out for any needed comfort as well.
“Hey-… it really messed you up, huh?”
Amicia just silently nodded and felt herself leaning against the other woman, immediately feeling a wave of calmness and comfort coming over herself.
“I see...” Melie was not sure what to say and so stared into the fire pit while holding Amicia close to herself:
“I mean… you don’t have to talk about it. But could end shitty in case you fall asleep again and it comes back.”
“I know...” Amicia whispered so softly that she was almost overheard and pressed herself a bit more into the hug to try stopping any tears from falling, “I just… am so scared now… Hugo-”
The thief stiffened a tiny bit at the sudden closeness, but the moment she turned her head to the clinging woman and saw the fear radiating of her, she immediately turned her body around as well to fully embrace Amicia in a hug.
“Hugo, huh? So the nightmare was about him… and something happening?”
Amicia at first didn’t realize Melie’s question as she tried to calm down and hide the decent blush coming from the position she now was in, her face carefully resting against the other woman’s chest; both at the same time.
So it took a few moments until you could hear a shaky whisper:
“H… he left… a-and when I searched for him…”
“What happened then?”
Melie whispered as quiet as Amicia while encouraging her to talk more about it. But she had the urge to comfort the De Rune daughter even more. Seeing her in this state and not as the adventurous lady she often flirts with, made her heart uncomfortably heavy and she wanted to see the other woman’s smile again.
It lead to the thief feeling her own hand slowly and softly running down Amicia’s back, hoping that it will calm her.
And it seemed to work;
Amicia’s breath steadied a bit and she slowly started to relax into the hug. Even though she was still shaking at the thought of Hugo disappearing and her voice still cracked a bit while speaking, she still felt safe to speak.
“When I did… I felt guilty. People started to appear… Clervie, who saved us in the village… Laurentius… m-my mother too. And they scolded me… for making Hugo run away… for not telling him the truth… and he got attacked by the rats.. I- I couldn’t save him…! I- I- it’s my fault…!-”
Her voice broke more the more she spoke, and when she stopped whispering at the end, almost yelling out in pain, she was pulled closer by Melie.
“Shh… shh… It’s not...-”
“It is…! I- I should have told him the truth, shouldn’t I…? I just want to protect him… He would run to her if he knew… but I can’t- I can’t be honest with him… I’m horrible…”
“Don’t say that, you did what seemed right in your eyes,” Melie shook her head while speaking in a low and soft voice, she wasn’t sure if it would help, but it was worth a shot to ease that pain, “You’re not horrible, got me? He deserves to know of course, but protecting is first. He’ll surely understand, just need to remember that you do your best. And you can’t do more anyway.”
The knight’s daughter silently nodded while sighing sadly and resting her head against Melie, who carefully put a hand on Amicia’s head while whispering again:
“Just try forgetting that nightmare, will you? Was nothing more than that, a nightmare. Probably ‘cause you feel bad for not telling him after he asked. But it won’t happen, nightmares don’t come true.”
“I hope so…” Amicia nodded slowly and wanted to close her eyes, but looked up when she heard a soft ‘Hey’ directed at her, and saw a confident smile on Melie’s face.
“Won’t happen. Nothing will happen to your little brother, you will protect him after all. And so will we others.”
Amicia couldn’t help but to give a soft, small smile back at the confident look and the words of the thief: “Yeah… we will.”
“See?” Melie let out a soft chuckle, visibly relieved to see a smile again, and carefully ruffled her hair: “Just have to be confident to forget about a stupid dream. Look at you smiling again, the glorious Amazon is back”
The last words made Amicia giggle softly and she smiled a bit more:
“The glorious Amazon? Did the magnificent Fury miss the Amazon and her smile?”
“Maybe she did,” Melie grinned softly at the other girl, which earned her a joking roll of eyes of Amicia, but the De Rune was visibly happy again and that was the most important to her.
“You so did,” Amicia giggled once more before turning a bit around to lean her back against Melie, “But we’re even now with the missing, aren’t we?”
“Yeah yeah,” The thief nodded and let out a soft laugh, but was rather focused on the change of position than on finding a comeback “All comfortable down there, milady?”
“Huh- eh-” Amicia felt her cheeks burning at the observation and she struggled at finding any words to say. “I- honestly am comfortable…”
“Hope you’re not just talking about my chest there,” Melie grinned even more when she saw Amicia’s face burning up more at her comment while completely losing the ability to speak proper words and the thief had to use every bit of strength to not bust out laughing and waking everyone up with it.
“I- I wasn’t…!” Amicia buried her face into her hands in an attempt to calm her blush, and the fact, that Melie’s chest was unusually comfortable after it was pointed out, did everything but help her in that attempt.
“Sure thing, your highness,” Melie laughed quietly while leaning her head against Amicia’s, “D’you want to tone that blush a bit down maybe? I know that you weren’t, so calm down. But your reaction was too good to miss that fun out.”
“You’re something else really…” The brunette shook her head, but didn’t seem to be upset or angry in any way. Instead she relaxed more against the thief; and even slowly put her hands down again after a few minutes when she was sure that her blush has toned down to a light level.
“’Course I am,” The orange haired woman nodded proudly before leaning against one of the quadratic stone columns, careful to slowly lean back to not move too quickly or uncomfortable for Amicia.
Time didn’t seem to pass at all for the two women. They were comfortably close and spent minutes, maybe even half an hour, just silently watching the fire in the pit burn.
Melie took that silence as a good sign, guessing that Amicia might be slowly falling asleep again and closed her eyes to relax.
And so she was quite surprised when she heard the brunettes quite whisper:
“Hm..? What’s wrong?” The thief whispered back, a hint of worry in her voice due to the concern of the nightmare being back in Amicia’s mind again.
The questioned woman was quiet for a few seconds, making the thief worry even more, before she carefully cuddled her head into Melie’s shoulder with a small and gentle smile:
“I’m glad that you’re back, you know..?”
Melie blinked a bit at those words, slightly irritated by the sudden bringing up of that. But it also made her smile and she couldn’t help but to giggle quietly:
“D’you miss this thief here? Told you I’ll be all safe and come back.”
Amicia sighed quietly before moving around to face Melie.
“Three weeks…”
Her eyes were clouded with sadness and worry when she thought back to how she felt: “You were away for three weeks… without anyone of us knowing if you’re well. I was so worried… that something might have happened to y-”
She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as Melie carefully put a finger over her mouth and shook her head.
“But nothing happened to me, Amicia. Arthur and I came back safe. Don’t you worry about that now.”
Amicia carefully pushed Melie’s finger a bit aside while sighing quietly once more. “I didn’t know that back then though…”
The thief didn’t even have the chance to say something in return because her conversation partner carefully leaned her head against the thief’s before continuing with a soft whisper:
“And each day I spent hours on the tower… looking for just one sign of you and your return with your brother. I- even wanted to run back and search for you… But I didn’t want to leave Hugo alone- or could have taken him with me. So- I had to wait for you to come back safe… “
Now it was Melie’s turn to blush and her mouth gaped slightly open as she tried to process how much the noble woman seemed to care about her.
And once she fully realized it, the thief’s blush got a shade darker and she mumbled more to herself than towards Amicia: “Holy shit… you… did miss me...”
The De Rune watched Melie’s reaction with a surprised look on her face before she started to laugh softly: “How couldn’t I? Especially in such a long period of time~”
Melie felt a bit of guilt creeping up when she got reminded of the long time she needed to return, but it quickly vanished again through Amicia’s soft laugh, which showed no sign of any reproach.
And that, in her ears beautiful, laugh gave her confidence again that she showed in an amused grin.
“Yeah yeah, I know I’m such a bad girl for leaving m’lady alone for such a long time.”
“Totally-” Amicia laughed more at the hilarious reply and had to press her face against Melie’s shoulder to muffle the sound.
The thief had to laugh as well, but she covered her mouth with her hand to almost completely mute the already quiet laugh.
Both kept laughing and giggling for minutes, really enjoying the moment and the other ones company to the fullest. And once they calmed down from their giggling, the room fell into a comfortable silence again.
But that silence only lasted for another few minutes.
Amicia, whose upper body was fully leaned against Melie’s again, turned her head a bit into the looters direction. “But really…”
Melie looked back at Amicia with a tilted head, but showed her a soft smile as well: “Hm?”
The noble woman kept her head against the thief’s shoulder, only moved it a tiny bit to get more comfortable, while showing the other a gentle smile in return:
“Please don’t be so long away again… alright? I... really would miss you.”
A soft chuckle escaped Melie’s mouth and her smile got even bigger:
“You really don’t want me to leave, huh?”
“Of course not..!” Amicia was confused about why Melie would ask that after she told her that. But she couldn’t ask her why, she stopped speaking when she noticed Melie leaning a bit forward.
What she didn’t notice was the soft grin on Melie’s face instead of the happy smile from before.
“Looks like…” The thief grinned a bit more and stopped right next to Amicia’s ear, the soft breathing giving the said woman a shiver down her spine, before she continued in a whispered voice, “I won’t leave my princess alone ever again then~”
Amicia blushed lightly just from the simple gesture, the words Melie said fully reached her ears a few moments later and those made her grin softly, but also gave her a weirdly happy, almost proud, feeling:
“Your princess?”
“Mhmm,” Melie nodded proudly and chuckled quietly, being even prouder of Amicia’s increasing blush when she gave her cheek a light peck, “Mine.”
The brunette’s blush didn’t derive from feeling embarrassed, but rather from the rising and increasing happy feeling which made her smile and laugh softly.
“You can’t just claim people, you know?”
“But I don’t claim anything or anyone, you know that,” The thief grinned at her and chuckled even more when she saw Amicia jokingly rolling her eyes like before.
Amicia laughed softly after rolling her eyes and poked Melie’s cheek lightly “You still can’t do that~”
Melie blinked a bit confused at first, taken a bit off guard by the poke, before she regained her grin.
“Oh I can. I’m a thief, princess~ I take what’s mine. And you-”
The thief purposely paused to pull Amicia into a tight hug and whisper into her ear again to provoke another shiver: “are mine.”
“Guess it can’t helped, huh?” Amicia laughed softly and cuddled herself against Melie, showing that she didn’t mind what the thief said at all, “It’s adorable in a way.”
“Thought I was Melie the Fury? How does that go together with adorable?” Melie shook her head while starting to laugh quietly.
Amicia gave her a soft grin in return and jokingly shrugged her shoulders “It just does with you~”
The thief didn’t give her an answer, instead she simply buried her face into Amicia’s hair to contain herself from laughing more. But instead of a louder laugh, there was a soft yawn escaping from Melie’s lips.
“You should go to sleep if you’re that tired,” Amicia carefully tried to turn around to smile at the sleepy thief; gladly said thief loosened her hug to be faced by her personal princess.
“Mhm- but you too. Guess we both need to get some sleep, hm?”
The De Rune woman nodded in agreement, being silent at first as she was thinking about something before answering her partner: “It must have gotten very late, I really forgot the time… but if you want- then you… could sleep here next to me.”
But much to the brunettes amazement, Melie didn’t seem to be surprised by that offer  at all. The thief actually showed her a confident smile and pulled Amicia down with herself on the improvised bed while chuckling softly.
“D’you really think I’d move up and go to my own place if I can stay comfortable with you right here?”
Amicia was slightly flustered at lying on top of Melie and carefully rolled down next to her to ease the upcoming blush, making sure to face the thief’s happy face: “I could have guessed that at least. But I like it really.”
“Come here then,” Melie chuckled quietly and wrapped her arms around Amicia to pull her close to herself; getting a proud smile on her face as well when she felt the other woman hugging her tightly back.
But Amicia couldn’t sleep just yet; she still had one last thing on her mind.
“Melie…” She moved a bit closer to the thief and looked at her, internally sighing relieved when she saw Melie curiously looking at her to show that she’s listening, “What does this… make us now?”
The thief immediately understood what she meant and got a small smile:
“What do you think?”
Receiving this question return gave Amicia a thoughtful look on her face and made her silent for a while to think about the answer. She felt conflicted; while there was a deep hope burning inside of her, there also was an equally deep worry of that her hope might not come true.
So her answer was a simple and quiet “I’m… not sure...”
Melie watched her counterpart with a curious and examining look on her face and sighed softly at her answer.
She guessed that Amicia did have an idea and simply was too afraid or embarrassed to say it. But she didn’t want to see Amicia so worked up about that inner conflict, so she decided to encourage her with straight up telling her own hope, also hoping to make her less thoughtful and more cheerful with it:
“I think lovers sounds pretty accurate, doesn’t it?”
The moment Amicia heard the word ‘lovers’ leaving Melie’s lips, was the moment where a deep blush crept on her face. She had to admit that it did perfectly fit all her hopes the more she thought about it. But it still sounded a bit odd in her ears for a reason.
“Doesn’t it sound a bit scandalous…?”
Melie laughed quietly and shook her head before reaching her hand out to cup Amicia’s cheek.
“Not to me. Try concentrating on the ‘love’ in it, that’ll definitely make it sound better if the thought alone doesn’t.”
The noble woman laughed softly as well and nodded, making sure to still whisper despite being so joyful: “If you think of it like that… then it really sounds marvelous…!”
“’Course, milady.” The female thief watched her lover with a proud smile and nodded, her hand moving to Amicia’s back again “Just have to trust me in being right sometimes~”
“Of course-” Amicia giggled softly and nodded once more, before a thought crossed her mind “Even though we could probably seen as something scandalous by others, but still-”
Melie shrugged with her shoulders and kept on smiling at her “D’you mind that though? ‘Cause I don’t, at all.”
“Not even one bit,” Amicia smiled proudly back at the thief while stretching a bit to get more comfortable.
“Good. Can’t let anyone take that from us,” The orange haired woman chuckled quietly before she started to relax a bit into the fur on the floor.
“Of course,” there was a soft giggle coming from the brunette before she placed her head right next to Melies, “Melie the Fury and Amicia the Amazon won’t let anyone take their joyful relationship.”
“Never ever,” Melie nodded happily in agreement and pulled her lover close before slowly drifting into sleep.
The last things you could hear in the room were only whispers, barely noticeable:
“Good night… my lover.”
“Mhm… good night, princess.”
Before it got quiet. And before a new day was awaiting the small group.
The end
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daincrediblegg · 6 years ago
Me: do I have to just wait for new Rodric x Amicia fic or do I have to do everything around here myself?
Also me: *has no ideas, can't be bothered to walk to the trope shelf, starts crying*
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sheigarche · 2 years ago
I just finished my new AmiciaxLucas fancomic, but I think it got too dark to post.
I mean, it's definitely the A Plague Tale style, but... damn!
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disabledbears · 5 years ago
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val-bananatine · 6 years ago
Pepper & comfort (fanfic)
2nd re-upload because my phone keeps messing it up
Title: pepper & comfort
Pairing: Amicia x Melie (Melicia)
Genre: Comfort
Rating: K
Word count: 2,993
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these beautiful characters, they’re all Asobo Studio’s property. Spoilers for the beginning of Chapter 13.
It’s almost been a week since Hugo ran away and everyone was suffering from that loss. But it was not the whole group who suffered the worst; it was Amicia who hasn’t been the same since that morning.
At first everyone thought that she was a bit off as the aftermath of her fall and being unconscious for three days, but more days passed and she capsuled herself more and more off.
Melie watched the whole time out of worry. Since the first day when they found Amicia, she barely left the noble woman’s side then, until now.
It took the whole group every bit of strength to talk Amicia out of searching for her brother, because she needs to get every bit of rest to get better. And so Rodric and Arthur search every day for the little boy; from morning till afternoon.
But Amicia still couldn’t get any bit of rest. She sat in front of the tree every day for hours, just staring at the now lonely hanging necklace while missing out almost every meal if someone wasn’t there to get her or remind her.
That was what concerned Melie the most. Even though she could understand how it feels to not know where your brother is or if he’s alright, she also knew that it wasn’t healthy for the other young woman and that it has to stop.
And so Melie slowly left her watching spot with a sigh, she couldn’t watch this suffering anymore and she knew that she had to do something to help. Amicia didn’t want to talk about it with anyone and so the thief knew that that wasn’t the right way to go.
But she already got an idea of how to help the suffering woman.
“I’ll cook today.”
Those were the words Melie entered the cooking area with and those earned her a horrified look of a very concerned Lucas.
“God no- Melie please don’t cook, please.”
“D’you have anything against my cooking?” The young thief pouted a bit at that reaction. She wasn’t bad at cooking, actually she was very confident about her skills there, but the others weren’t so fond of her flavoring.
“Uhm- no… no of course not. But- you know- Last time… We know that you really love pepper- but we kinda want to eat something too without having to… drown ourselves in water.” Lucas stuttered heavily, trying his best to word it as politely as possible to not make Melie upset or, in the worst case, pissed off.
“And you three call yourselves men?” Melie wasn’t upset at all. Instead she starting laughing while walking over to the big kettle, completely ignoring Lucas’ request of not cooking, “Thought guys were stronger than to cry at a little bit of spice.”
Lucas wanted to give a response to her, somehow he had to defend that little bit of honor, but forgot about that when he saw that Melie wasn’t stopped of her idea at all:
“Uhm… are you really sure that you want to cook? Really sure? I was hoping that we could get Amicia to eat something again...”
“Don’t you worry, she’ll love my soup.” Melie turned around to the young alchemist with a proud grin, but only got a skeptical look in return:
“I’m not so sure about that…”
“Tch, you just don’t appreciate my skills enough,” Melie laughed again before shaking her head, “Anyway- didn’t you also want to work on something new in your alchemy thing? Should do that while I make the food.”
The young alchemist knew that she only brought his new project up as a convincing argument for accepting her idea, she won’t let herself get stopped after all.
And so he just nodded, “Yes, it’s a time consuming experiment… so it would be the best to use this chance. But please try to not kill us, alright?”, before he left with a soft laugh.
“As if I’d kill any of you with my food,” The thief laughed to herself while searching for her favorite spice, “Would probably not be the best method either.”
Melie was so focused on cooking, she surprised herself with the amount of concentration she could have for cooking something. And she tried her best to make it edible for the rest of the group, but she couldn’t help but to think of the soup as too flavorless if she didn’t add more pepper.
“It can’t taste like shit if I want to get Amicia to eat something- so more pepper it is.”
Was what the young woman mumbled to herself when she tried a bit of the soup, determined to make it good for the noble woman, even if the thief didn’t really realize with how much willpower and not just a bit of worry she actually worked on it.
The thief also didn’t notice the surprised looks coming from Arthur and Rodric, who returned earlier than usual.
“Don’t question it…” Lucas sighed and shrugged his shoulders when he arrived to greet the two and saw them with confused faces.
“But why is she so damn focused..? She didn’t even hear us yelling at her,” Rodric tilted his head, still very confused about what they saw.
Arthur didn’t seem to be surprised by his sister managing to focus on something, but rather on what she is focusing for a reason he doesn’t know.
Lucas shrugged his shoulders again and glanced at Melie: “I have no idea… but she was so persistent on cooking today, there was no way of getting that idea out of her head. Not even when I tried to use the ‘Amicia needs to eat something too argument’.”
“Man… I just hope that this level of focus helps her to not overdose the pepper this time…” Rodric shivered a bit at remembering how his throat burned last time while Arthur turned to him with an amused smile:
“You think those were bad cooking skills?”
“Yeah, you don’t?” The blacksmith’s son blinked surprised at that question and turned to the male twin.
“Hell no. I swear she fell in love with pepper when Amicia showed her that spice for the first time. It’s not bad cooking, it’s a damn love for pepper.”
“And we suffer from that love,” Lucas laughed softly and shook his head, “But we can still hope the best, right?”
And with that comment Lucas left again, the two older boys following him a few minutes later after they watched Melie for a bit longer.
Melie really didn’t notice anything around her, not even the group talking behind her for a long time.
She only got out of that focus a few hours later when she finished her work, raising a fist and proudly shouting “Hell yeah!” at that moment.
The next thing the thief did was to search for a bowl, which turned out to be a difficult task as the pile was nowhere to be found. So she made a mental note to herself to agree on a set place for things with the others, remembering how always is at the most different spots in that room.
And so it took a few minutes until she finally was ready to go to Amicia again, a full bowl and a spoon in her hands. Even though she hesitated for a moment, thinking of letting the others know that food is ready.
But she already heard the shouts of someone saying that they smell food, so she hurried to make her way to the tree, where she suspected Amicia still being there.
And there she was. The young knight’s daughter sat in front of the said tree, her back facing Melie while she stared silently at the necklace in her hands.
Melie’s heart felt heavy at this sight again, she really could imagine how Amicia must feel right now, having the urge to run through the woods to search for her brother, but not being able to due to still being weak.
The young thief leaned against a wall and watched the woman in front of her for a moment, before she shook her head and started speaking:
“You can’t just keep on sitting here without eating anything, y’know?”
Much to Melie’s surprise, Amicia actually slowly turned around to her; usually she rarely responded and just wanted to be left alone.
“Huh…? I- know…”
It was a quiet response, but still audible and enough for Melie to walk up to Amicia.
“Look… I understand how you feel. Really- I felt just as lost when Arthur didn’t come back after helping us escape… and I also had the urge to just run until I find him. So… I understand that you want to search for Hugo, but you need to get stronger again to do so. And that won’t happen if you just sit here and don’t eat anything.”
The noble woman nodded slowly, knowing that she couldn’t keep on doing that, but being bound to this place while Hugo is missing just made her feel more than helpless.
Melie sighed softly and carefully sat down next to her, handing the bowl over and earning a curious look from Amicia with the words:
“Did you… make it?”
“Mhm!” The orange haired woman nodded quickly and showed Amicia a proud smile, “Spent the whole day making it. So you better like it~”
She started laughing at the end, showing the brunette that she was joking about the comment.
Said brunette got a light blush on her cheeks, feeling flustered from the effort and time Melie invested in making something for her:
“Thank you… really. It’s sweet of you…”
But Melie waved it off while smiling at her:
“Don’t have to thank me for that. I have to help you somehow, it’s painful to watch.”
Amicia sighed a bit in response, looking visibly upset and sorry at the last part. She already started speaking with “I’m sorry...” before being interrupted by the young thief:
“Hey- I didn’t mean to upset you, really. Don’t have to apologize ‘course, who wouldn’t feel upset there after all? Just wanted to cheer you up with this”
“You really are kind to me, you know that? I don’t think I can thank you enough for that… But if it was so painful to watch… then why did you watch over me every day…?” Amicia smiled slightly while speaking, tilting her head in confusion at the end though.
That question made Melie blush a bit at first, completely taken off guard by the fact that Amicia noticed, but she quickly caught herself again:
“Because I was worried about you, couldn’t leave you alone the whole time in case you’d feel worse...”
And before her, again flustered, conversation partner could answer, she quickly added: “B-but now you should eat already… before it gets cold.”
“Y-yeah… I will- thank you again.” The brunette nodded, glancing over to Melie to see the female thief showing her a calm smile again, before she ate a bit of the soup.
Only a few seconds later Amicia was coughing, but before Melie could ask her what’s wrong, the noble woman started to laugh softly and shook her head:
“I- probably should have never showed you pepper-”
Melie at first was a bit worried, but that worried face got replaced with soft laughter when she heard Amicia’s laugh: “Whaaat? It can’t taste that bad.”
“It doesn’t taste bad at all, but I wasn’t prepared for the soup fully being made of pepper,” Amicia laughed even more, she really couldn’t be mad or upset at the taste.
Not only because it would be disrespectful of Melie’s hard work, but also because it really didn’t taste bad in Amicia’s opinion, just had a strong spicy flavor.
“Why d’you complain then? It gives the food the flavor it needs,” Just like Amicia, Melie was laughing and shaking her head. But she was very relieved as well; relieved of seeing Amicia laughing for the first time in a week and it made her feel happy.
“But not a throat killing flavor, Melie,” The brunette’s laugh was a genuinely happy one as she smiled at Melie while joking with her.
“Thought milady was used to flavored food?”, Melie grinned a bit at Amicia, of course hinting at Amicia’s noble and wealthy status with her comment, “It’s still decent.”
“I could have sworn that Lucas and Rodric almost cried when they tasted your food a few days ago, are you sure that it’s decent?”, Amicia grinned back at Melie and still laughed happily, gladly the grief of the past days was currently pushed back.
“They’re cowards.” Melie replied with an even bigger grin.
Amicia simply shook her head while laughing before she went back to eating, coughing from time to time while she ate.
Melie’s laugh calmed down during that time, happily watching her princess eating.
But after a few more bites Amicia looked up again at Melie, having realized something, which she told after she got a confused “Hm?” from the thief:
“You’re not eating, Melie. You can’t scold me for not eating and then don’t eat, you know?” While speaking these words, Amicia held the bowl over to the thief to share.
Melie chuckled softly and waved her hand to decline the offer:
“It’s fine, I can grab something later. But first wanted to make sure that you’re eating something, princess.”
But Amicia didn’t accept the declining and shook her head “Not counting. I won’t stop asking until you eat with me.”
“Persistent, aren’t we?” Melie grinned a bit again and moved closer to Amicia, “But only if you’re eating more than me. I wasn’t the one who basically starved for almost a week.”
The De Rune rolled her eyes before she carefully leaned against the thief.
“Fine fine… just please eat something as well.”
“’Course milady,” Melie chuckled again while putting an arm around Amicia to hold her close.
Now both young women were eating silently.
Melie tried to make sure that Amicia ate two spoons full before she took one sip, but that only worked twice.
In any way, the silence gave Amicia time to think again, and her thoughts quickly went back to Hugo again. 
That didn’t go unnoticed by Melie, but she didn’t ask Amicia about it until she heard a quiet sigh and noticed the other woman putting her head on her shoulder.
“You’re thinking about Hugo again, right?”
The brunette nodded slowly and leaned more into the thief, noticing how much she needed that comfort now.
“Of course… I miss him, Melie- I want to know that he’s well… and being stuck here, too weak to search for him like I should as his big sister… only makes it worse.”
Melie carefully put her chin on Amicia’s head when she moved even closer to her, starting to rub her back as well while answering in a quiet and calm voice:
“I know, Amicia… I know that you miss him. And that it’s unbearable for you… but you need to put your own health first now. You know that you wouldn’t be any help for him if you break down.”
Amicia nodded slowly and closed her eyes while she rested against the other woman, trying to calm herself a bit and stop the tears that were starting to build up.
“I know… but I wish that I’d see at least one sign… just one sign of him being alright-”
The brunette suddenly stopped speaking when she interrupted herself with a loud sob, trying even harder now to not cry.
“It’s alright… Hey, cry if you need to… won’t tell the others, but let out what you need to. I’m here.” The young thief carefully put the bowl and spoon aside before hugging Amicia as tightly as possible, rubbing her back even more.
And Amicia let her tears and sobs out while Melie held her close to herself and whispered a few encouraging words from time to time.
The De Rune even hugged Melie lightly back around her neck and buried her face into the thief’s neck when she had to cry more; and the female thief didn’t mind at all.
Minutes passed where the two girls just silently sat in front of the tree, hugging the other tightly.
Once Amicia’s tears and sobs calmed a bit, Melie decided to speak again. The thief whispered softly while she carefully stroke the noble woman’s hair for a bit:
“Look… let’s see how you feel tomorrow, okay? And if you feel a bit stronger, then we two will search for him in the east part of the woods.”
“Really…?” Amicia blinked a bit and slowly moved her head up to look into Melie’s calm and smiling face. A soft blush found its way on her cheeks when she realized how close their faces were, but she was too focused on what Melie said to be flustered:
“Promise that you’ll do?”
Melie nodded and smiled a bit more at her, leaning her own forehead against the brunette’s: “Mhm. Promise you that, milady. But only if you’re feeling better and Lucas gives his okay. And if not, then we still have the following days. But I’ll keep my promise of searching with you. But that also means that you have to eat more from now on, got me?”
Amicia smiled a bit at that response and slightly relaxed against the other woman.
“Got you, and I will eat more… I can’t let Hugo down after all… but thank you again. Thank you… for everything.”
The thief chuckled slightly and wrapped her arms a bit tighter around the De Rune’s waist:
“No need to thank me for that, I’ll keep watching over you and help you anyway. Won’t get rid of me so fast.”
“You’ll do?” Amicia blushed again and giggled softly, “For how long do you plan on being by my side then?”
“Forever and always, milady.”
The end
My favorite part of this is how the boys mistake Melie’s gayness for loving spice and stubborness.
But this fanfic’s origin is that I was wondering “Why is Amicia’s indicator for Melie cooking the strong pepper scent?”, here’s the answer ;)
Bonus 1:
“... I can’t believe Melie’s horrible cooking actually got her a girl.”
“Don’t think that it was her cooking...”
“Yeah... it was probably her charming the shit out of Amicia before.”
“Or her stealing her heart like thieves usually do. Stealing stuff.”
Bonus 2:
Rodric: “Melie... do you have to cook today?”
Melie: “Got a problem with it?”
Arthur: “We can’t eat what you cook, sis.”
Melie: “Well you don’t have to. Can also starve”
Lucas: “I don’t think anyone likes your cooking...”
Melie: “Amicia likes it.”
Rodric: “.... did you curse her or something?”
Melie: “You can fuck off- fine you cowards don’t have to eat. More for me and my lady then.”
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val-bananatine · 6 years ago
Farewell part 2 (Fanfic)
Part 1
Title: Farewell
Pairing: Amicia x Melie (Melicia)
Genre: Hurt, Romance
Rating: T
Chapter word count: 1,460
Disclaimer: As always, I don’t own any of these wonderful characters, they belong to asobo studios. A huge spoiler for the game as it’s set after the story (and before the epilogue chapter).
I feel like some will hate me for the cliffhanger- looking nervously at you, Aki
The two girls didn’t want to stop the hug just yet and face what had to come. And once silence settled in between them and the past topic slowly faded out of their mind, both realized that they had one unspoken thing left to say; neither knowing how to approach it. Or even if it should be said.
And so both spent minutes over minutes just silently hugging the other, even when rain started to fall down; they didn’t stop hugging.
After what seemed like an eternity, Amicia decided to face the dreaded topic once more, pushing her desire for the unspoken thing back for now with it:
“When… when will you be back?”
“I don’t know… or even if I’ll ever be back,” Melie only whispered and moved her head a bit up to watch Amicia, whose eyes clouded with sadness at the thought of never being with the thief again, “But-”
Amicia looked up when she heard Melie speaking again, the thief’s face showing that she was deeply in thought “But I don’t think… I could stand being away forever. I need to leave, yeah… need time to work my new life out. But I lost Arthur already… and it’ll take more of my life to recover from that. And never seeing you again… don’t think I could handle it.”
Melie took a deep breath in before biting her lip, knowing which territory she just entered with her words, seeming to resemble a confession. But she knew that she’d lie to herself if she would have talked about actually considering to never see Amicia or the two little boys again, so she didn’t bother to try and lie about it.
And the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she couldn’t bear it. She’d need a life time of grief over the loss of her brother, but she couldn’t manage to stay a life time away from the girl in front of her.  No matter how involved Amicia was into her brother’s death, and no matter how long she needs to stay away to work the recent incidents out; Melie now knew that she could never ultimately leave the girl she fell in love with.
The thief noticed the soft blush creeping up on her cheeks when she thought about being in love with the noble girl, but said girl didn’t seem to notice as she was too lost in her own thoughts.
Melie internally chuckled a bit when she thought back to how she realized it for the first time; or rather how her brother lightly smacked the back of her head while pointing out that she indeed is very gay for the noble woman and should ‘finally confess to her instead of making more obvious moves on her, damn it’.
After minutes of the two being lost in their thoughts, Amicia started to speak again, startling Melie a bit, who needed a few seconds to realize that Amicia was answering to what she said minutes ago: “I’ll wait then.”
“Huh…?” Melie blinked slightly confused, she may has realized that Amicia was answering her, but she was so deeply lost in her thoughts that she forgot what she said and hoped that Amicia would elaborate on what she said.
And as if Amicia could read Melie’s mind, she showed her a small but genuine smile: “If you don’t know when you’ll be back… then I’ll wait for your return.”
“Amicia…” Melie sighed softly and shook her head, “Who knows when I’ll be back? D’you really want to wait for me for such a damn long time? It could take ages, ya know?”
The noble girl and nodded and her soft smile turned into a confident one, the upcoming blush giving what was on her mind and tongue away: “Mhm… no matter how long it’ll take; I want to wait for you. And… and if it would be till the end of time then I wouldn’t mind. Because…”
Her voice trailed off at the end and she simply rested her forehead against Melie’s, taking a deep breath in to process what she’ll say, and if she’s ready to say it.
The thief could only watch her conversation partner in disbelief, unsure of if Amicia really admitted what she was hoping for.
Even if both girls should feel cold since they’ve stood in the rain since quite a while and are soaked by now, they were feeling more than warm, both of their hearts racing in anticipation for what shall happen now.
But Amicia’s confidence left her; suddenly she was unsure of confessing to the thief, even though she was sure before that she wanted to tell Melie how she feels.
And not only because that’s what she promised Rodric and Arthur. Thinking of the said promise, she thought back to the day it was made:
On one day, where Hugo was still missing and she heard the two boys betting on something, only able to hear ‘no chance for us’, ‘Too oblivious for her own good’ and ‘It’ll take ages at this rate’ out of their laughter.
And she remembered with a soft smile how the boys helping her realize her feelings. How she told them how she feels around Melie and that it confuses her, how they told her that that is how a guy feels around a girl he wants to court, how they urged her to tell Melie; and how Arthur responded with a smirk and ‘Trust me, I have a reliable source. You should confess to her’ to her uncertainty about telling Melie.
It was a good idea that she remembered this moment because she managed to gather enough confidence to directly look at Melie, and not just into her direction while she is thinking.
And the view that was awaiting her, Melie’s flushed cheeks because of how close they were and the look of the thief’s eyes, which showed her thoughts being the very same as her own, gave her the last bit of confidence she needed to continue speaking.
Even if it was a slow start, it now felt right and that was all that mattered in the noble girl’s eyes: “Melie…?”
“Yes…?” The thief’s words were barely audible, almost a faint gasp.
But enough for Amicia to smile softly, carefully pressing her forehead a bit more against the other girl’s while speaking, “Can you promise me one thing too?”, but moving her whole head up again once she was finished.
Melie didn’t answer right away, she only nodded slowly as she watched Amicia’s hands disappearing behind the noble girl’s neck as she seemed to try and grasp something.
Amicia smiled a bit more and spoke again once she had what she wanted: “Can you- promise me to always be careful… and to come back to me?”
While she spoke with a soft voice, she carefully took her necklace off and kept it in her hands, waiting for an answer.
That didn’t go unnoticed by Melie, but her mind was far to deep in thinking about how to word the best answer, that she didn’t question what the younger girl was doing.
And finally she found words to use: “I’ll always come back to you, I pro- .... Amicia…?” She started to smile softly while she started speaking, ready to confess to her as a reasoning for coming back. But she interrupted herself when she saw Amicia smiling even more than before and lifting her hands over Melie’s head, revealing the string of the necklace she was about to put around the thief’s neck: “What’re you doing…?”
Amicia giggled softly because of the question and continued her work of putting the necklace on the thief. Only speaking again once she was finished, her hands resting around the pendant: “Putting the necklace around you of course. Didn’t you see?”
“Yes… but why? That’s your family’s necklace-” Melie blinked confused and stared at the noble girl while her mouth was agape.
The noble girl nodded before tilting her head to proudly look at her work, the soft smile never leaving her face: “Mhm… it is, but I want you to have it. I said that I’ll wait for you, no matter how long you’ll take to come back, right? See it as a sign of my promise of waiting…”
Her face started to slowly lean forward and she carefully cupped one of Melie’s cheeks with her hand, her words becoming a soft whisper as she said the last part: “And your promise of coming back.”
And once the last word left her mouth, she closed the decreasing gap between herself and the thief to capture the other girl’s lips with her own.
~To be continued~
Part 3
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