#rodney mckay fanfiction
darsynia · 2 years
Stuck On You | John/Rodney Oneshot
It's the iconic Stargate Atlantis anthropomorphic ice cube fic!!
Written in 2009 during a giggling time when the lot of us in the SGA fandom were sharing pictures of the silly shapes our freezer cubes were manifesting with. Someone even made fanart for me! John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, 1,421 words.
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No tags because oh my god
Stuck On You
His first memory is of falling, tumbling end over end in an exhilarating rush that was over far too soon. He didn't even notice the pain of landing because he was too concentrated on the feeling of skidding forward, hoping and hoping there would be another drop off in his future. When he finally came to rest, though, it was in the corner of the container, flush with the frost-laden wall. There was only one other cube nearby, as most of the others had ended up in a jumbled heap right under the Spout-thing. He could just barely hear them, still settling in, the harsh sounds of ice against ice reflecting off of the plastic walls.
His inertia gone, all he could really do was lean up against the wall and think about how much fun the tumble had been. He allowed himself a bit of pride for having escaped the crush of cubes, as well--he was certain he'd have hated being stuck at the very bottom, having to take the superior attitude of those of the upper echelon.
"You'll get stuck like that, you know," a grumpy voice beside him said. It was the nearby cube, whose lower left-hand corner was a bit rounded, as though it had chipped off and been melted smooth again.
"Stuck?" he replied, not sure he liked this chipped cube's tone.
"Yes, stuck," it said in a lofty voice. "Don't you know anything about Temperature States and Melt Physics?" The way it said this made him upset. It wasn't like he'd had much time to learn anything, after all. Still, some things were instinct, he supposed, and he could feel something in the air around him--if he rested too closely to the slick wall, it would want to bond with him. He wasn't sure he was ready for that.
"Is that how you lost your corner?" he said, a bit defensively.
"Isn't that just typical," Chipped muttered to himself. Then, a little louder, it said, "You don't have much room to talk--at least I don't have a mutant edge. I thought there were regulations against that sort of thing."
The frost on the wall dulled any sort of reflection, but he knew what Chipped was talking about, he could feel the extra ice there. He kind of liked it, actually.
"Size matters," he said diffidently, enjoying Chipped's spluttering reaction. He was sure if the temperature in their freezer had been any cooler, it would have actually shed water in indignation. "Calm down there, Chipped," he said. "Think of how much worse it'd be if we were stuck in that mess." He couldn't gesture, but Chipped had to know what he meant. It looked really distracted--at the thought of more rounded corners, no doubt--before it spoke again.
"Chipped? Chipped! Do I look like I've got rough edges to you, you... you... Spikehead!"
He wisely kept silent during the tirade, though 'Spikehead' sounded wrong to him, so maybe Chipped had a point about the name thing.
"Well, what would you like to be called, then?" he asked. "Splutter?" he offered, waiting for the reaction.
"Oh, that's just awful. You don't get to name anything," Chipped/Splutter said disgustedly. "I'm... well. I'd really rather have been spherical--ice absorbs a lot fewer... contaminants that way. So, you can call me... Rod."
"What? You don't think I want to be completely round, do you?" Rod huffed. "What do I call you, then?"
"Whatever," he said. It really didn't matter to him much, though he had to admit 'Spikehead' wasn't something he'd answer to.
"Very helpful, thanks," Rod said sarcastically. "So..."
Rod didn't get to finish his thought, however, as at that moment there was a rush of unwelcome air from the door to the freezer as it was pulled open. He and Rod looked at each other helplessly as they heard and felt the loud thumps of different things being moved around. Suddenly, their container tipped sideways, and Rod slid smoothly across to land very close beside him, almost touching. The air around them felt wrong, and he felt the entire container vibrate as the freezer's motor kicked in, blowing deliciously cold air across the top of their hiding place. It wasn't enough, though.
"Oh, this is bad," Rod said, a twinge of terror in his voice. Rod started muttering something that he couldn't make out.
"What are you doing?"
"Shh, I'm calculating something!" After a long pause, Rod spoke again, not even disguising his fear this time. "We are so screwed. If that door stays open just five more minutes..."
"This is something about Melt Physics, isn't it?" he asked, trying to cheer Rod up.
"Yes, of course it's--oh, funny, Cowlick, that was brain-melting humor right there," Rod hissed.
"Hey, at least you didn't call me a drip," Cowlick said. He liked his new name, it had a nice ring to it.
"Less than an hour old and already he's making puns. This universe hates me," Rod declared.
They fell silent, waiting in trepidation as the door remained open and the temperature around them fell slowly, almost imperceptibly. He could feel Rod next to him, cold and comforting, and he had a sudden urge to try to slide closer. He didn't think he'd mind bonding if it was with Rod--and he didn't think that was just because his alternative was the orgy of dimwitted, unadventurous ice cubes behind them. Cowlick didn't know what to say, though, since Rod didn't really seem to like him very much and he didn't want to alienate the only other ice cube in proximity to him.
There was a wave of awful warm, moist air that dragged across them for long seconds and then the freezer door shut, mercifully.
"Oh, God. I'm sweating, aren't I! Am I sweating?" Rod babbled, tilting his curved corner toward Cowlick.
"You're fine," he said soothingly, and with a rush of frozen excitement, added, "--and even if you were..." his voice trailed off as Rod looked at him strangely.
"'Even if I were...' what?" Rod prompted after a few tense seconds.
"I'd try to um. Rub it off," Cowlick said, wishing the plastic under him were more slippery, so he could turn away. He didn't want to see Rod's disgust at this.
"You'd..." Rod didn't sound disgusted. He kind of sounded excited, or maybe nervous, voice breaking in a way similar to his frantic worry of a few minutes earlier, but different. It gave Cowlick the courage to continue.
"So you wouldn't, you know, have bumps when they froze. The drops. From the sweat." If it were possible to spontaneously heat up with embarrassment and anticipation, he'd be sweating too, right now.
"That's-- Really?"
Cowlick didn't say anything. He looked away from the intense look on Rod's face, and when he looked back Rod seemed closer, somehow.
"It still feels kind of warm in here," Rod said casually, but his voice was high and Cowlick sensed that something had changed. "Doesn't it feel a bit warm in here?"
"The freezer hasn't had time to compensate just yet, I don't think," Cowlick said slowly.
"I heard that, um. That pressing close together helps to conserve cold, actually," Rod said.
"That makes sense." Cowlick's voice sounded about four times more calm than he felt. Was Rod...? "Those cubes behind us are probably nice and cozy by now, then," he remarked.
"Well then. It seems a shame to deprive the world of a cube of my caliber, doesn't it?" Rod said, a thread of his former superiority trickling back into his tone. Cowlick focused on the plastic underneath him, trying to feel for a slick spot, anything that he could use to move, even slightly. There.
"So, do you--" Rod started to say, but Cowlick interrupted him by pressing close, edge to edge, side to side.
"Oh, thank God," Rod said, and Cowlick could feel his words now, instead of just hearing them. They were as close as two separate and distinct entities of chilled water could be, and it was glorious. It was like they'd been cast from the same mold; their sides fit perfectly together, and Cowlick thought he would be happy to stay like this forever.
A few frosty moments in time later, Rod spoke again.
"So, what do you think of frozen peas?"
Cowlick's laugh echoed off the plastic walls, and Rod's answering squeal of outrage was like the rush of falling again.
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wideeyedloner · 2 months
[fic] [sga | mckay/sheppard] we're still here
Summary: "We're here. That's our status." ----- “‘So long, Rodney,’” comes McKay’s slurred mimicry of what Sheppard’s last words to him could have been. His attempt at a baleful glare is dimmed by obvious sleep deprivation. “Asshole.”
He doesn’t bother knocking. He does lock the door behind him, though.
Rodney is face-down on his bed, hand still half on his tablet screen. His eyes are hazy, and he had clearly been in the middle of something when his brain gave up on him. Sheppard tosses the turkey sandwich onto his back, causing him to jolt into something resembling wakefulness.
“‘So long, Rodney,’” comes McKay’s slurred mimicry of what Sheppard’s last words to him could have been. His attempt at a baleful glare is dimmed by obvious sleep deprivation. “Asshole.”
Sheppard leans against the wall next to the bed while McKay sits up to wipe the drool from his mouth and nibble with uncharacteristic daintiness at his food. It’s the most standard-sized sandwich they have.
“I didn’t exactly have time to recite a sonnet before flying off to my death.”
He stands there, watching McKay slowly chew the corner of his sandwich until he decides enough is enough. He pushes the tablet towards McKay’s feet and sits at the head of the bed beside him.
McKay’s eyes are trying to focus somewhere in the direction of the doorway. “I’m sorry about Lieutenant Ford.”
That’s why Sheppard is here. He’d laid in the dark, eyes pointed at the ceiling but still seeing Ford’s wrathful expression as the transporter doors closed between them. He was–is–responsible. For Ford. Markham. Smith. Sumner. He’d figured Rodney would be up, detoxing from the amphetamines or doing a postmortem on one thing or another, and he’d been right.
“Yeah,” is all he can really say. He looks at the tablet by their feet, gestures with his chin. “What were you working on?”
McKay tosses the rest of the sandwich on his nightstand and blinks tears from his bloodshot eyes. “Grodin, he–” Tears well up again and he sets his jaw, shakes his head, and instead picks up his tablet and shows Sheppard his weekly agenda. “Very few remaining have the interdisciplinary skills to be as useful in the field, and I’m not putting Zelenka at risk by sending him out there with any regularity. I’ve been looking at where it would make sense to squeeze in worksho-o-o–” McKay interrupts his high-speed explanation with a protracted yawn, opening his mouth wide and stretching. “Workshops.”
“That’s–a really good idea, Rodney.”
“I’m so…” McKay’s chin trembles, and he stares at where his hands sit, face-up in his lap.
“Hey,” Sheppard says, waiting until McKay’s eyes slowly come up to meet his. “Hey. Think you can sleep?” McKay nods, glassy-eyed.
Sheppard switches the lights off with a thought, ignoring McKay’s bitter ‘show-off,’ placing the tablet on the nightstand beside him. He gets his boots and gear off, helps McKay with his, and pulls the sheet up over them both.
McKay is pretty rank from a week of amphetamine usage, stress sweat, and not showering. But this quiet space, with McKay’s overheated body and heavy breathing, is the reassurance he needed. Atlantis is still standing, most of them remain to fight another day, and McKay is here to keep his eyes on the horizon while Sheppard watches his six.
It’s unlike anything Sheppard has had anywhere else. Better than the wind in his hair on a flat stretch of highway, the view of the sky from a ferris wheel, or the freedom of flight.
“I’m glad you’re alive,” McKay murmurs, barely awake.
Sheppard grins at him. “Ditto.”
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frankthesnek · 1 year
McShep, Rated G, first kiss, fluff, getting together
Post shrine. Because Rodney running to John's room meant more to both of them than they admitted. And they both knew it. (inspired by this post from @johnsheppard-assshaker)
John sat at his desk, staring at the cursor blinking on his screen. Mission reports sucked. Mission reports detailing the near death and stupidly risky brain surgery of your best friend? Those sucked ten times worse. He already couldn't get the images out of his head. Rodney's dazed expressions and awkward movements as his body and mind were stolen from him. Taking a deep breath, he looked to the ceiling, staring at the light there until dots danced across his vision in an attempt to chase away the thoughts.
A swift rapping came at his door and he shut his eyes, rubbing his palms into them in an effort to correct his vision. "Come in," he hollered.
It was Rodney. Alive and well, granted very tired looking and with a bandage still across his forehead. "Uh, hi."
"Hey," John greeted back and stood walking around to be next to his friend. "She released you? I hadn't heard."
The scientist humed softly, not quite meeting John's eye as his hand drifted up to lightly touch said bandage. He seemed off–nervous but not in the panicky way his nerves normally presented.
"Everything okay?" John prodded shifting closer and thinking the door closed.
"I, uh, this is awkward," Rodney started and cleared his throat. "About when I was sick, I remember a lot of what happened actually, and about that night…"
John swallowed tightly as a lump settled in his throat, choking him off. Yeah, he remembered too. Was trying really hard not to. It hurt, it hurt too much.
Rodney rushing to his room, pounding on his door, bursting in and holding onto him like he–John–was the only anchor left to his sanity. How frantic Rodney had been about waking up without him there. The unspoken things that had passed between them in that short conversation, that had hung high and loft above them as they sipped beer together under the stars.The evening hard and touching, intimate and depressing all at once.
"What about it?" John made himself say and he knew it came out tight and froggy.
"I'm sorry for how I acted, for running here and– I mean because that was ridiculous, right? Acting like that, like you were–" he drifted off, the last few words being spoken softer, sadder as he lost momentum.
"No," John rebuffed quickly, taking a half step closer. He wanted to reach out to grip Rodney's shoulders just like he had that night. Wanted to say so many of those unspoken things, but he didn't know how.
Rodney met his eyes, and John knew he didn't have to say anything. He couldn't pretend like things hadn't shifted between them, and if the soft nearly pleading look in Rodney's eyes was any give away he couldn't either. So John did it–did what he'd wanted to that night and held back because Rodney had been sick and vulnerable, and it wouldn't have been fair.
Dipping in to kiss the other man was easy for multiple reasons. One because he was already so close; and two, because Rodney didn't put up a fight. Stood there and let it happen, meeting him halfway, head subtly inclining to John as he moved.
"Did I say something I don't remember that night?" Rodney asked when they parted. His tone was thoughtful, and John got the impression that he was asking himself the question more than anything.
"No," John supplied, bringing his hands up to hold Rodney like he had that night. Hands on his shoulders squeezing with reassuring and possessive fingers. "You didn’t have to say it."
"Maybe I want to," Rodney said back, but those were the last words said for some time as John pulled him in for another long deserved, well overdue kiss.
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stars-are-just-ghosts · 9 months
Happy New Year, Here's Some Fanfic...
Here's to another successful rotation around the sun! In honor of all of us getting through some pretty awful crap, of experiencing some wild and entertaining moments, and of getting to feel even a few minutes of immeasurable joy this past year, I'm posting my 'anthology' of one-shots and stories for y'all.
I don't have a lot to give you. But I do have old words and fresh ideas. So for all of you who know me, who have stuck with my stories, or simply liked some as you went along, I hope every good thing happens to you this year.
I hope your coffee or tea or energy drink always tastes perfect, and that when you step out your door, you always see a reason to smile. I hope you never have to step on a lego while barefoot, that you always find a spoon when you need one, and that your dog / cat / raccoon / possum / unicorn continues to do things you find indescribably adorable. I hope you know that in this vast universe of loneliness and exhaustion and 'something's not quite right,' you've got me. You've got that guy over there. You've got all of us.
We don't have it all together. No one does. We're all making it up as we go along. But that doesn't mean we have to do it alone.
It's okay to feel small and lost. It's okay to not have a resolution. It's okay that all you did was get up this morning. All these wishes I'm sending out into the ether belong to you, too.
So, as old and worn out as the saying goes, Happy New Year.
This is also a reminder that this rather unpopular tumblr blog is a safe space. For fanfic readers and writers. For artists. For LGBTQ+. For those who see beauty in all this dark around us. For disabled. For autistic. For people who like black coffee. For all of us.
And if you're just finding me now, come on in. Do you like dogs? I have three. Do you like shipping ships? Well, take a seat and tell me all about yours. Do you just want to be quiet for a bit? No problem, I've got extra comfort items just for that occasion. You're family now.
Welcome home.
All my love,
QuietDarkness P.S. Do you have one-shots you'd like me to write? A story idea you'd like to collab on? I know I'm notorious for writing for very specific ships and fandoms, but believe me, I would love to write for more. Or I'll keep writing for the ships/fandoms I've already done. Just let me know! I'd love to hear from you. Heck, I'd love to hear from you no matter what.
The Walking Dead (Daryl Dixon/OFC):
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2Harrison 'Harry' Wells):
Work In Progress:
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells) Sequel to 'Borrowed Forgiveness':
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells) One-Shots:
Supernatural - Destiel (Dean Winchester/Castiel) One-Shots:
Stargate: Atlantis - McShep (Rodney McKay/John Sheppard) One-Shots:
Works On Hiatus:
The Walking Dead (Daryl Dixon/OFC):
Stargate: Atlantis - McShep (Rodney McKay/John Sheppard):
The Flash - Harrisco (Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells):
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varlysca · 4 months
never have i ever written there was only one bed
(i'm so creative)
ouhhhhhh okay but it's rightly a very beloved trope. No, I have not written that one before BUT in my absolutely overflowing McDex Drive I have SO MANY instances of them sleeping platonically together. Who cares if there even are two beds, they see one mattress and go honk-shoe zzzzzz.
There is a fic I am currently writing and plotting out where Rodney needs to go back to Earth bc a family member died (similar to the episode where John has to go for the same reason), but the thing about Rodney is that he feels and grieves very differently from other people, so this fic is more in line with Rodney realizing how much of a family his team has become to him and how much they love and accept him, mirrored with the expectations of his earth relatives on how he should behave and fit in and suppress and mask and just be 'normal' for once. For plot reasons, Ronon needs to come with him and they're able to stay at his sister's house, where unfortunately (:]) they have to share not only the guest room but also the bed because Ronon is way too big for the pull-out couch and Rodney is certainly not going to give up the bed and fuck up his back. Now the bed is actually quite relevant because proximity and vulnerability and also both are worse than the other when it comes to being touch starved. It also creates a nice no-mans land where both Rodney and Ronon can speak and consider things with a bit of distance towards all the happenings of Atlantis. And they also get to see a bit of different, more domestic side of each other (Rodney knows how to cook and makes amazing pancakes, change my mind). There only being one bed is not the focus of the story, but it's the one where it features most prominently in that specific instance of "oh no... guess we'll have to share" idea. There's another fic idea where they both bunk together willingly for trauma TM reasons but that's volontarily, so that doesn't really fit the trope I feel.
Thanks for the ask!!
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wonkyelk · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodney McKay & Elizabeth Weir Characters: Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay Additional Tags: Character Study, Guilt, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Episode: s03e14 Tao of Rodney (Stargate Atlantis), POV Alternating, Short Summary:
Elizabeth reflects on her past actions.
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actually I’m going to do a rec list seeing as ao3 is down and also there have been quite a few hickups recently so maybe people will find it useful in the future
this year my favourite quantum bang story was absolutely a story called OB-1 by sunryder
Title: OB-1
Author: Sunryder
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Genre: Angst, Family, Kid!fic, Science Fiction
Relationship(s): Gen, background pairings
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Sexual Abuse, Discussion-Slavery, Self-Harm
Author Note: In the grand tradition of The Clone Wars cartoon, the moral of this story is: Never mistake the obedient choice for the right one.
Word Count: 79,685
Summary: For over a thousand generations, Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. Force-sensitive children are brought to the Jedi Temple and there taught the ways of the Jedi. Throughout their youth these children undergo many trials, the last of which is to be chosen as an Apprentice before they turn 13. Despite his skill and talent in the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi has been caught fighting another Initiate and deemed too angry to become a Jedi Knight. The Youngling has been expelled from the Temple to join the Agricorps instead…
(my synopsis: ob-1 is waylaid by a droid oc who will steal your heart before he headed off to bandomeer and that droids intervention not only prevented a lot of pain for Obi-Wan but also leads to a lot of very positive changes for the Jedi Order. it’s a case fic with a heart of gold)
jillyjames writes some really great sentinel fusion stories and tony dinozzo of ncis is her unicorn. my favourite of her sentinel works is by far a MCU crossover called Stick Around and its sequel Demons. The battle of new york scene remains one of my favourite fanfic action scenes i’ve ever read.
Title: Stick Around (prequel to Demons)
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: MCU/NCIS/The Sentinel
Genre: Romance, First Time, Contemporary, Crossover, Fusion, Sentinels Are Known AU
Relationship(s): Tony Stark/Tony DiNozzo (aka Dominic Rossi), Other Minor Pairings
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Canon-level violence, explicit sex
Author Notes: I’ve taken liberty with the location of the FBI offices in NY—if you even can take liberties with the location of something in a fictional universe. Also, Tony DiNozzo’s name is Dominic Rossi, though he was born Tony DiNozzo. The reason for this is explained in the story. I just can’t do two people named Tony in a relationship. It’s too confusing.
Challenge: Written for the Little Black Dress Challenge on Rough Trade, July 2018.
Word Count: 24,079
Summary: In the aftermath of the battle of New York, Nick Fury recruits a sentinel to be the new handler for the Avengers. Dominic Rossi doesn’t want the gig, but Tony Stark thinks he’d like it if Dom stuck around.
she has also been writing some of the best Fox911 fanfic and singlehandedly brought me and many others into the fandom when she wrote a 911 fic for the quantumbang a few years ago. I don’t think I can choose one favourite so I encourage you to just go through the navigation of her site lmao
another fandom she brought me into with the power of fic was teen wolf with this really lovely fic. I was drawn in by the Lenny Kravitz casting of her OC and stayed for the hot pairing of mature characters.
Title: The Dark Road
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Drama, Paranormal
Relationship(s): Gen. Minor OFC / OMC, vague hints of future Peter Hale/Noah Stilinski
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; Death of Minor Canon Characters; Murder; Character Bashing. References to hunters being raging bigots and committing terrible crimes, also references to atrocious canon events (Hale fire, everything Kate).
Word Count: ~34k
Summary: When the Hale house burned, most of his family died, and his new alpha left him for dead, one member of Peter Hale’s pack refused to leave him behind.
one more before I go clean my fridge.
ellywinkle has some great adventure stories, I love this ncis/stargate crossover:
title: Trust Issues
Author: Ellywinkle
Fandom: NCIS/Stargate Series
Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Death – Major Character, Discussion – Murder, Discussion – Torture, Kidnapping, Murder, Slavery, Violence – Canon – Level
Genres: Alternate Universe, Canon Divergent, Crossover, Established Relationship, Science Fiction, Slash
Relationships: John/Rodney, pre-Ronon/Tony
Word Count: 78,112
Author Note: This starts during the NCIS episode Dead Air. The Stargate Series are AU, so don’t waste a lot of time trying to sync the timelines. Also, DADT has already been repealed, because I refuse to mess with that. Thanks to Jilly James for help with the art. The line about attraction to your brother’s spouse was completely for her. While I have seen many stories use avatars for Atlantis, Keira Marcos’ Lantean Legacy was the first time I had seen it adapted to individual ships in Stargate. I hope my Alex lives up to that standard.
Summary: While taking voice prints for a case, Special Agent Tony DiNozzo stumbles across a kidnapping. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. Now he finds himself forced to use every skill he has to keep himself and his fellow victim alive as he is thrust into a universe that is much larger and deadlier than he ever imagined.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
written by the victors submitter here, i am ALSO a ride or die rodney/ carson guy but there's like NOTHING out there for them compared to the deluge of mcshep, and all that said even i have to hand it to written by the victors
I remember finishing SGA a couple years ago, immediately checking Ao3 for Rodney/Carson fics, and getting NOTHING. All of them were either too short or had them as a background relationship instead of the main couple.
I mean, do they even have a ship name?? Rodson?? BeckKay??
Either way, they were so gay for each other. I will die on this hill.
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newtalot · 7 months
I’m tempted to read “The Ghost and The Raven” by Itar94 again, it’s not perfect, but it presses all my buttons. Only problem is that the first story alone is 130,000 words.
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whump-star · 1 year
Shards part 2B - not so mini chapter 
*This is part 2, thanks to @macgyvermedical and @criminallyfanatic for the help  on this part really appreciate it, I think I've left it at a nice point this time and am still eager to publish more in the coming days so keep an eye out, I also can not remember if this as cursing, so be warned they may be some
Back on Atlantis, Weir grew ever more worried about the colonel and the doctor. They had missed their daily check-in by almost 2 hours. “Open up the gate, we’ll try radio contact one more time”   
“There seems to be an issue” Zelenka poked his head up from his laptop just long enough to see Elizabeth's face drop. “The gate has been activated from their end, there is no way to make contact until the wormhole closes” and with that, the Czech slumped into his chair pondering the earful Rodney would unleash once he arrived at the gate room.
A bright light flashing in front of his face brought Carson back to the land of the living, almost reminding him of the neuro exams he had done on thousands of patients (and thousands of times on Sheppard).
 “Mr, can you hear me, mr, mr, are you awake” An unfamiliar voice roused him fully awake. to his surprise, a young boy no more than 10 or 11 was standing over him shining a light in his eyes. “Aye, son I'm awake” The boy jumped slightly at the Scotsman strong accent,
 “Mr, your head is bleeding, and I think he's dead” and with that Carson jumped up a wave of dizziness and nausea coming over him but he fought the urge to expel his lunch.
“Who’s dead, son” As Carson looked around the damp dark cell, it seemed like at some point it had been clean and almost modernized but had been battered by time and was now run down and ragged.
Sheppard was laying still in the corner of the room. Carson clawed his way over unable to stand due to the intense dizziness, “Colonel! Colonel!” Carson shouted as he rubbed his knuckles against John's sternum, a faint groan barely loud enough to hear escaping his lips.
The relief instantly fell over Carson, letting his guard down and relaxing his muscles he was overcome with a wave of nausea. he did all he could to hold it down but as much as he tried the acid feeling crept its way up as the cramping in his stomach reached unbearable levels and he lost his battle with his stomach.
Just as the retching had stopped a small hand passed Carson a damp rag. He cleaned himself up and turned to the small boy in front of him, “Who have we got here then”.
The boy stepped forward almost proud to announce “i am Rraeli, and I am going to help you mr?” and with that questioning end to his sentence Carson interrupted. 
“I’m Dr. Carson Beckett, and my friend over there is Colonel John Sheppard, do you think you can help me asses the Colonel, son” The boy looked almost excited to help, Carson and Raeli carefully lifted away John's shirt and revealed a new layer of makeshift bandages covering the shards of crimson stained glass protruding from Sheppards abdomen,
 “You did this, Raeli” Carson examined the work done by the child, “this is good work”
Raeli paused for a minute “My mother taught me she was a… a…healer” 
Carson could see the solemn look on the boy's face and thought the better of poking that particular sore spot, instead, he focused once again on Sheppard.
 The blood seemed to clot around the shards as he hadn't yet bled through the new bandages and he thought better of removing them. Instead, he quickly assessed the Colonel's abdomen noting the deep bruising across his chest, the blast must have caused more damage than he originally thought. 
“Colonel!!! Can you hear me, lad, I need you to wake up for a moment” 
John's eyes blinked, he grabbed onto consciousness with all his strength and opened his eyes to a familiar shadow over his head. “Doc…you…okay…head…bleeding”
With that usual deflection, he smiled at Sheppard, his smile faded as for once it made Carson consider his own injuries he’d been neglecting.
“How the hell is that bloody gate still open” Rodney paused for a minute before thinking back to the early days when Sheppard had been studying wraith battle techniques and how they hold gates open so no help can come and no one can escape, “CULLING!!” it was the only thing that made sense. They'd never seen anyone else use that technique and Sheppard had gone partially to warn of the possibility of wraith attack as their civilization had been advancing fast almost reaching technological age, something the wraith would likely want to stop.
“Culling, McKay are you sure?” the questioning tone of Weirs her voice getting under his skin 
“Of course, who else would be using wraith techniques, it makes sense they have gone to stop them advancing and restock their hive ships…. They haven't been culled in almost 2 years they must have done something to attract the wraith, maybe frequent gate activation or their spreading presence across that sector of the galaxy” he paused only to catch his own breath “We need the Daedalus we need to get there now and rescue them” he looks over to Weir how had an uneasy look to her.
“The Daedalus only just reached Earth it can't get here for 2 weeks and it would probably take another week just to reach…. ” her voice trailed off as she saw the defeat on Mckay's face.
Of all the times Carson could have been invited to teach it had to be when a wraith attack was likely and he had to take Colonel Catastrophe with him “I have a weird feeling about this” he spouted as he shoved half a power bar into his mouth. 
Although Carson wasn’t happy with the Colonel's condition, he was stable enough that he could actually take care of himself. He crudely fashioned a bandage out of the remainder of his jacket and wrapped up his head. He’d noted the dizziness was less frequent, so attempted to stand, his little friend right there to help him up. Although he was dizzy it wasn't nearly as bad as before and diagnosed himself with a mild concussion.
 “Lad, what are you doing here any way you seem a tad young to be in jail” he had been so glad for Raeli’s help that he had stopped to think about why a child was with them.
“My father works here mr, he saw you two being brought in and thought I could help ” The boy's face looks as confident as ever “I snuck in to help”
“That's brave of you lad,” he thought for a minute, “your mother taught you well. Where is she I'm sure she wouldn't want her bonny boy in a place like this” For a moment Carson was concerned until Raeli responded.
“She died, the last time the monsters came… but she used to tend to prisoners so now I do” Carson was taken aback by the child's confidence, it reminded him of someone as he could tell he wasn't getting the whole truth.
“Hey…ummm…doc…” Becketts attention immediately on sheppard 
“aye, colonel what's wrong” Carson looked at the injured form of the once strong pilot.
“Breathing…seems…trick’....” Sheppard could feel every agonizing breath, it felt like his chest would explode.
“Aye, Colonel, just try to take some nice deep breaths” he held his ear to Johns's chest, listening intently for anything he couldn't hear anything too worrying, “I suspect, son, you've got some broken ribs you need to relax, ill give you another once over” 
Carson lifted Sheppard's shirt again, noting the blood that had sipped through the new dressings, his biggest concern was blood loss, he had been bleeding steadily for some time. Now if only they could get to his quarters, his med kit was sat right there.
He pondered that for a minute “Raeli, was it, could you do me a favor” The boy looked over to him he had been taking Sheppards pulse, 
“Of course mr. Anything”
“Do you think you could get to my quarters and get my medical bag” The boy looked confused for a second “In my room there is a big bag with dressings and medicine, do you think you could find it” 
The boy's face lit up “All your belongings are in the office I can get it for you right away. I’ll let father know you may need help”
Carson smiled as the boy squeezed through a small gap in the ever-decaying wall. Carson turned back to Sheppard, his face very pale and a slight sheen across his brow. He couldn't help but think back to what Raeli had said. If his father worked here wouldn't he be helping keep them captive, if so why would they both be so eager to help?
Carson's attention was drawn to the hallway on the far side of the room, heavy footsteps echoed closer as well as talking one voice was familiar, it was Raeli and someone else. 
The door swung open.
“We have an incoming transmission from P2X-782” Rodney's heart rate increased hoping it would be Sheppard with some nonsensical excuse as to why he couldn't check-in.
“No IDC, how should I proceed” 
Weir looks over to the stargate trying to remain composed “Sheild up open communication channels” A thought lingered in the back of her head would Beckett and Sheppard really have given up Atlantis
“This is General Vaerol. We have you people. We request a delegation of your people to represent your operatives in trial” 
“What has colonel chaos got himself into this time” 
Weir, aware of Rodney's concern, overlooked his comment and gave orders.
“Have Teyla report to the gate room and get Major Lorne…
“Rest easy captives I am Raeli’s father Talgon. I mean no harm” The older worn looking man stood over them. Carson would have been skeptical had he not been carrying his medical bag as well as what looked like food and water.
Without missing a beat, Carson introduced himself. “I am doctor Carson Beckett and this is Colonel John Sheppard” he grabbed the bag ” My friend here is very sick may I ask why we are being held” Before waiting for an answer he began tending to Sheppard.
“You have been arrested for attempting to sabotage the education center. We received intel that someone was planning a coordinated attack working with a wraith worshipper we detained earlier” The man look strained and as if he did quite believe his own words
As Carson slipped a cannula into Sheppards arm and hooked up the fluids he composed himself, “Why are we suspects, I'm here to teach, and he's just here to accompany me” 
“In our initial investigation, the general wanted to look at all the most recent arrivals to the city and when we searched your friend's quarters we found a small quantity of explosives… C4 I believe you call it” 
Carson couldn't believe that his companion's need to carry C4 everywhere could get them into this much trouble. Just as he went to respond he noticed Sheppard's voice.
“Can’t….breathe…help” Carson whipped out a stethoscope and listened intently to the colonel's lungs - “shit” they'd been in this cell for maybe 6 hours according to his watch all 6 of those agonizing hours Carson had been worried about the possibility of pneumothorax, the colonel took quite a blow and breathing had been steadily deteriorating “shit”
“I need to fix this fast, can you pass me that green pouch lad” As they spoke Sheppard's breaths got ever more ragged and shallow. Carson could see the crepitus under the skin and the cyanosis around his lips. “Hold tight colonel this is going to hurt son”
And with that slight warning, Carson grabbed the biggest needle either of his observers had ever seen and plunged it into Johns's chest. He pulled the needle out leaving a catheter that hissed slightly as the colonel took a deep breath after what seemed like forever. 
The groan that followed unsettled Carson as he’d never thought he'd have to decompress a conscious man's chest let alone his friend 
“Beck..ett..please…never..do…that..’gain” Carson chuckled slightly to himself as he turned back to the two shocked faces behind him.
Talgon looked white as a sheet. It was clear that although battled hardened, he wasn't a fan of graphic medical procedures 
“Is your friend better now?”
“Unfortunately, no. I suspect he had some internal bleeding and what I just did is only a temporary fix. I need to get him back to my infirmary as soon as I can” he looked pleadingly at his captor
“Although I do not believe you are guilty, your people have been instrumental in our advancements. The evidence doesn't look good. We have a delegation of your people coming to the planet to plead your case in a trial” * hope you enjoyed this not so mini-chapter again, the original authors' (@macgyvermedical) part 1 is reblogged on my blog, and if you have any ideas or notes please feel free to message me I'm always happy for input
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riverageleis · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: Jennifer Keller, Cameron Mitchell (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Teal'c (Stargate), Vala Mal Doran Additional Tags: Alien sex pollen with a twist, Mutual Pining, background mcshep, But It's a Terribly Kept Secret, Mentions of Previous Sam/Jack, Mentions of previous Jack/Daniel, Stargate Atlantis Season 4 AU, There will be episode tags eventually, They are incredibly competent people except with each other, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Set somewhere in a Stargate Atlantis Season 4 alternate universe, Daniel ends up on Atlantis under Sam's leadership. We get some pretty typical Daniel stuff, but there are also some surprises. We get to see a depth of Sam's character not previously seen. Jack's influence on them both becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. With the help of Pegasus flora and, maybe even a nudge from Atlantis herself, Sam and Daniel find that maybe being more than friends isn't a terrible thing at all.
  Note: There is absolutely no non-con/dub-con in this piece. That's the sex pollen twist.
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wideeyedloner · 2 months
[fic] [stargate atlantis | gen] postmortem
“I don’t have time for this.” Kavanaugh sat in the front row, laptop still closed.
“As you know,” McKay bit out, face reddening, turning away to drag a hand down his face wearily. “We just lost Grodin. He was brilliant, and he still—“
Clearing his throat and moving to the table, he continued. “Pegasus is a circus, and I can’t lose any more of you. Not even you, Kavanaugh.
“So all science personnel will attend regular workshops to benefit from my knowledge. You won’t become experts, but you’ll have a fighting chance.”
With a small nod, Kavanaugh opened his laptop.
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frankthesnek · 1 year
Prompt 131: Underwear
Rated G: established relationship, mild references to sex, fluff, domestic, 700 words
When Rodney accidentally left a pair of boxers at his place John hadn't noticed. They had wound up in the hamper, baged up and sent off with John's clothes for washing. And since they left with his belongings, they came back with them. This was when John noticed them because when he pulled the powder blue rubber duck and bubble printed boxers from his sack of clean laundry, he'd laughed. Rodney's choice of horrible printed boxers always amused him, and he did nothing more than tuck them in his drawer with a mental note to return them later.
Only he forgot to because more often than not, when Rodney was in his room they got distracted with each other rather quickly. So the stupid ducks sat in his drawer untouched for quite some time.
Until one evening post shower when John was getting ready for bed. He reached into his dresser to grab some ball shorts and instead came up with horrible–yet cute–boxers. He was halfway through the motion of putting them back when he decided, why not, and tugged them on instead. Rodney was built thicker than him and they fit easily over his narrow hips, about a size too big. Perfect for sleeping in.
So John did just that. Crawled in bed, grabbed his book and settled in for the night. A chapter later, eyes growing heavy he turned off the light and was halfway asleep when the thought drifted back into his head.
You're sleeping in Rodney's boxers.
He fell asleep smiling.
After that, they became John's favorite thing to sleep in. He wore them at least once a week, sometimes more. There was something oddly domestic about it, wearing his partner's clothes. It made him feel closer to Rodney in a way–which was silly because as far as John knew, Rodney didn’t even know he'd left them. It was a simple luxury that John had never gotten to indulge in. All his relationships had been with women. With men he'd had hookups, flings, simple and casual interactions that were nothing like whatever this undefined but definitely emotionally invested thing he had with Rodney was.
And he liked it. Liked having a little piece of the other man to slip into and cuddle up with when Rodney was too busy to stop by or too worn out from long missions. It made John smile, and really there was no harm in having such a simple little secret.
Fresh clean and ready to fall into bed, John stepped out of his bathroom to find Rodney occupying his bed. Casually reclind with his hands tucked behind his head, eyes closed in a light sleep.
"Hey," John greeted, always happy to see the other man.
"Hm?" Rodney hummed, rousing from his brief nap. "Oh…"
He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then pointed at John with a crooked little smile. "I've been looking for those."
Blushing, John glanced down at himself. He was dressed in Rodney's boxers and an old tank top. "Uh, you left them here."
"You were them a lot?" Rodney asked, reaching out and taking John's hand to tug him towards the bed.
"Sometimes. I mean not a lot," John lied and blushed harder, strangely embarrassed at being caught with them.
"Hm, cute."
Rodney kissed him and said nothing else about it.
The next morning, John woke up alone. It was a normal occurrence but one he wasn't overly fond of. Rolling over to Rodney's side of the bed he buried his face in the other man's pillow, chasing the remainder of his scent from the night before.
As he shifted and settled back in, fully content to snag a few more minutes of rest–something caught his eye. Stretching out over the edge of the bed he grabbed the ugly bright green boxers laying on his floor. They had slices of watermelon printed on them, and John recognized them easily as the same pair he'd pulled off Rodney the night before.
He balled them up in his hand and resettled into the bed. Tomorrow they would go out with John's laundry. The day after that they would return and gain a new home in his drawer right next to the rubber ducks.
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quotablefanfiction · 8 months
“NASA is a bunch of hacks, and one branch of military goons is much like another.” “Not selling yourself very well.”
Dr. McKay should not be involved in recruitment (chp. 1)
The Importance of Imaginitive Flexibility by Triskellion (AO3) Calvin & Hobbes/Stargate Atlantis – Teen – Calvin/Susie Derkins #Crossover #Fandom Fusion #Imagination #Extra-Dimensional Beings #Calvin being Calvin #Hobbes being Hobbes #Calvinball #Aliens
No matter how little we desire it, someday every wild, creative, imaginative child must grow up. Well, he’s gotta get taller. There ain’t a damned thing anyone can do if he refuses to completely mature. And there are some places, some jobs, some lives, where a little imaginative flexibility can be an advantage rather than a disadvantage.
Calvin, accompanied as ever by Hobbes, may just find such a place.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Flash/Stargate Atlantis xOver where Hartley is cousins with the McKay siblings.
Hartley's similar personality wise with Rodney - driven to be the best, always has to be right - but he also gets putting family first above ambition because if he could get Jerrie away from his parents and it meant sacrificing his career in physics to do so? Hartley would do so in a heartbeat and never look back. So when Jeannie decides she can't be a mom and be a physicist at the same time, Hartley understands and supports her where Rodney doesn't. (Rodney gets there, eventually.)
When Hartley's disowned by his parents, it's Jeannie he goes to for support and he's probably not super close with Rodney at the time. Rodney's off doing his own thing and, like... he'd probably offer money for Hartley to finish getting his degrees, but Hartley needs emotional support too and that's something Jeannie can - and does - offer.
So that gives him someone to help him realize that getting too involved with his boss is a bad idea. No Eobard/Hartley happening here, but Hartley does still get fairly close to him and the ins and outs of the accelerator project. So Hartley does discover the flaw in the design and get fired for his trouble.
Now Eobard probably heard all about cousin Jeannie Miller and that name wouldn't stand out to him. Why would it? How would he know that she was Jeannie McKay before she got married or why her being a McKay would matter? It's a relatively common name, no way Eobard would connect Hartley to that Dr. Rodney McKay that Eobard probably was a little obsessed with in history class. After all, Eobard would have grown up in a time when the Stargate program had been declassified.
Thus Eobard would have no idea that when faced with being unable to stop his boss from trying to decimate the city with a dangerous accelerator, Hartley would pull out the big guns. He may not know what cousin Rodney does for a living, but he does know that it's a.) for the US military and b.) important enough that Jeannie not only forgave him for fucking off to nowhere for four years but even signed an NDA and spent a few weeks (months?) at Rodney's place of work/hidden blacksite to help on a top secret project.
Hartley reaches out to Rodney and Rodney gets concerned immediately. Maybe the accelerator project reminds him of the Arcturus project what with how it's meant to generate dark energy and is poised to blow up over someone's ego. He probably can't get away immediately, but assuming Sam is back Earthside then he convinces her to look into things. (Does she try to recruit Hartley? Probably. Does he want to work for the military no matter how cool the toys? Probably not. At first, anyway. Show him Earth from a starship window though and he'd probably ask where the sign up sheet is.)
Rodney shows up later and absolutely calls 'Dr. Harrison Wells' an idiot. Eobard doesn't take that well, but it'd be soooo funny.
The accelerator winds up going off anyway because Eobard is determined and whatever members of the SGC I feel like bestowing super powers to are present. The 'meta' gene(s) are absolutely related to the Ancients, though not necessarily the same one(s) that allow for controlling ancient tech. Though, uh, John and Rodney are definitely gonna get super powers because of course they would. That's what their weird luck is like.
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wonkyelk · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay & Jeannie Miller Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Jeannie Miller (Stargate) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Established Relationship, Fluff, Short Series: Part 4 of Superteam! Summary:
There was only so long that hostile aliens could keep threatening the Earth before that part of it which had been kept in blissful ignorance finally noticed.
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