#quantum bang
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oldfangirl81 · 11 months ago
Lots of great fics (including Buddie) if you need something to read while AO3 is having issues. These are all completed fics.
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actually I’m going to do a rec list seeing as ao3 is down and also there have been quite a few hickups recently so maybe people will find it useful in the future
this year my favourite quantum bang story was absolutely a story called OB-1 by sunryder
Title: OB-1
Author: Sunryder
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Genre: Angst, Family, Kid!fic, Science Fiction
Relationship(s): Gen, background pairings
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Sexual Abuse, Discussion-Slavery, Self-Harm
Author Note: In the grand tradition of The Clone Wars cartoon, the moral of this story is: Never mistake the obedient choice for the right one.
Word Count: 79,685
Summary: For over a thousand generations, Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. Force-sensitive children are brought to the Jedi Temple and there taught the ways of the Jedi. Throughout their youth these children undergo many trials, the last of which is to be chosen as an Apprentice before they turn 13. Despite his skill and talent in the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi has been caught fighting another Initiate and deemed too angry to become a Jedi Knight. The Youngling has been expelled from the Temple to join the Agricorps instead…
(my synopsis: ob-1 is waylaid by a droid oc who will steal your heart before he headed off to bandomeer and that droids intervention not only prevented a lot of pain for Obi-Wan but also leads to a lot of very positive changes for the Jedi Order. it’s a case fic with a heart of gold)
jillyjames writes some really great sentinel fusion stories and tony dinozzo of ncis is her unicorn. my favourite of her sentinel works is by far a MCU crossover called Stick Around and its sequel Demons. The battle of new york scene remains one of my favourite fanfic action scenes i’ve ever read.
Title: Stick Around (prequel to Demons)
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: MCU/NCIS/The Sentinel
Genre: Romance, First Time, Contemporary, Crossover, Fusion, Sentinels Are Known AU
Relationship(s): Tony Stark/Tony DiNozzo (aka Dominic Rossi), Other Minor Pairings
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Canon-level violence, explicit sex
Author Notes: I’ve taken liberty with the location of the FBI offices in NY—if you even can take liberties with the location of something in a fictional universe. Also, Tony DiNozzo’s name is Dominic Rossi, though he was born Tony DiNozzo. The reason for this is explained in the story. I just can’t do two people named Tony in a relationship. It’s too confusing.
Challenge: Written for the Little Black Dress Challenge on Rough Trade, July 2018.
Word Count: 24,079
Summary: In the aftermath of the battle of New York, Nick Fury recruits a sentinel to be the new handler for the Avengers. Dominic Rossi doesn’t want the gig, but Tony Stark thinks he’d like it if Dom stuck around.
she has also been writing some of the best Fox911 fanfic and singlehandedly brought me and many others into the fandom when she wrote a 911 fic for the quantumbang a few years ago. I don’t think I can choose one favourite so I encourage you to just go through the navigation of her site lmao
another fandom she brought me into with the power of fic was teen wolf with this really lovely fic. I was drawn in by the Lenny Kravitz casting of her OC and stayed for the hot pairing of mature characters.
Title: The Dark Road
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Drama, Paranormal
Relationship(s): Gen. Minor OFC / OMC, vague hints of future Peter Hale/Noah Stilinski
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; Death of Minor Canon Characters; Murder; Character Bashing. References to hunters being raging bigots and committing terrible crimes, also references to atrocious canon events (Hale fire, everything Kate).
Word Count: ~34k
Summary: When the Hale house burned, most of his family died, and his new alpha left him for dead, one member of Peter Hale’s pack refused to leave him behind.
one more before I go clean my fridge.
ellywinkle has some great adventure stories, I love this ncis/stargate crossover:
title: Trust Issues
Author: Ellywinkle
Fandom: NCIS/Stargate Series
Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Death – Major Character, Discussion – Murder, Discussion – Torture, Kidnapping, Murder, Slavery, Violence – Canon – Level
Genres: Alternate Universe, Canon Divergent, Crossover, Established Relationship, Science Fiction, Slash
Relationships: John/Rodney, pre-Ronon/Tony
Word Count: 78,112
Author Note: This starts during the NCIS episode Dead Air. The Stargate Series are AU, so don’t waste a lot of time trying to sync the timelines. Also, DADT has already been repealed, because I refuse to mess with that. Thanks to Jilly James for help with the art. The line about attraction to your brother’s spouse was completely for her. While I have seen many stories use avatars for Atlantis, Keira Marcos’ Lantean Legacy was the first time I had seen it adapted to individual ships in Stargate. I hope my Alex lives up to that standard.
Summary: While taking voice prints for a case, Special Agent Tony DiNozzo stumbles across a kidnapping. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. Now he finds himself forced to use every skill he has to keep himself and his fellow victim alive as he is thrust into a universe that is much larger and deadlier than he ever imagined.
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darkjediqueen · 2 years ago
This New Life Part 2
Title: This New LifeFandom(s): 9-1-1Relationships: Evan Buckley/Taylor Kelly, Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Taylor Kelly, Dae-Hyun Jin (OC)/Evan Buckley/Taylor KellyTags: Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Established Relationship (Buck/Taylor), First Time (Buck/Eddie/Taylor), Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Disturbing Nightmares, Discussion of Domestic Violence, Explicit…
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lalaithquetzallicaresi · 1 year ago
Moonlight Destiny
So, after a lot of forgetting, and distractions, I've finally started posting my PGSM fic. It's a fix-it. It's created specifically for the Live-Action version of Sailor Moon, though even those who have not watched it can understand if they know at least the basics of either the anime or the manga (preferably the manga, or the Crystal version of the anime, as those are closer to how the live-action was handled, at least in the early episodes).
The story was created for the Quantum Bang 2023 (https://quantumbang.org/), and I had the assistance of the amazing, and incredibly talented @silverdragonfly-ff, who created all the fanarts for the story (everyone should go and take a look at her work! It can be found here: https://silverdragonflyff.com/creativity/fanart/story-banners/).
The fic itself can be found in both the QB website and will soon be available at both my Ffnet (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/429953/) and AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lalaith_Quetzalli/works) accounts (Prologue is up now!)
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strinak · 2 years ago
Quantum Bang – 2023 Schedule – Quantum Bang
3,383,598 words in 19 fandoms this year! I do love a big bang that has robust word counts.
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thiawen · 2 years ago
Lost track of time and I just realized that tomorrow story promo posting begins for the Quantum Bang Challenge. I’m so excited. Really looking forward to what everyone has come up with this year.
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chaos0pikachu · 9 months ago
the (mcu) avengers could NOT handle the fact that eddie is basically living out a live action tentacle hentai every thursday through sunday and sometimes on wednesday if he feeds venom tator tots okay?
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per-asperaa-ad-astra · 2 years ago
Billions of stars, how many unimaginable worlds ? How do they perceive time and space ? How do they define and express art ? What is love for them ? What drives their pursuit of knowledge and understanding ? What existential questions intrigue them ? I wonder, a lot.
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legionofpotatoes · 4 months ago
everyone hates crunch and everyone wants the new dragon age to have 4x the scope with 8x the quantum content
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simpsforscience · 1 year ago
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From the depths of space to the heart of the story of universe's evolution! 🌌✨ Here's how Hubble's Law, unravelled the cosmic tapestry and unveiled the mind-blowing observation that supported the big bang theory.🚀 Join us in our monthly series - Big Bang Theory and discover more such stories to fuel the curious in you!💫
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aestheticallyoverload · 7 months ago
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🕳️ Black-Holed Memes (also known as Big Banged Memes and Quantumed Memes) – images of memes edited until nothing is legible or meaningful. Beginning of this aesthetic was on Reddit in r/blackholedmemes subreddit and have since been developed almost to the point of being an art form in some cases.
These type of memes are made by taking an image and visually destroying it, usually to the point that the original subject of the image is completely unrecognisable. They don't usually rely on artifacting and emoji usage but on distortion and effects that reshape the image as a whole and this makes it different that nuked memes.
There are some Black-Holed Memes that maintain their status as the step beyond nuked memes. Others of them are memes in name alone, opting instead for user-specific styles reminiscent of glitch art but with a reduced focus on the glitch aesthetic and an increase in fractal patterns.
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catmomjudy · 9 months ago
You know, I have nothing against Tommy. I’m kind of neutral about the whole thing.
But I guess I’ve reverted to my previous state since the season ended because I kind of keep forgetting about him.
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mothercetrion · 1 year ago
that PhD in quantum physics line MIGHT be a reference to back to the future?? not sure cause i've never seen it but it would be so hilarious if it was true 😭 i like to imagine he went to college for acting/theatre but imagine?? he's got his doctorate diploma hanging up on the wall and everyone notices it and are like "???" but he never elaborates
as someone who has grown up watching "Back to the Future," I was intrigued by this. unfortunately, the only thing I can find is that Doc Brown (the scientist in the film series) likely has a degree in nuclear physics rather than quantum mechanics. I don't know the difference, frankly, but nuclear is definitely not quantum, so that wouldn't track. even then, it's all fandom speculation as of now, and I highly doubt that NRS would reference something that isn't totally confirmed.
(hilariously enough, Johnny does reference "Back to the Future" when talking to Geras.)
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I also headcanon that he went to school for theatre (with a history minor potentially), but the thought of him actually having a doctorate in quantum physics is incredible. it doesn't come up much, given his career, but then his friends see his diploma in his house and they're like "Johnny you have a doctorate? in quantum physics?" and he's like "yeah? so?" just very casual about it. and they're just stunned that he hasn't brought it up until now? mostly because he's not bragging about himself in some way fbdshbfshd
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darkjediqueen · 2 years ago
This New Life Part 1
Title: This New LifeFandom(s): 9-1-1Relationships: Evan Buckley/Taylor Kelly, Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Taylor Kelly, Dae-Hyun Jin (OC)/Evan Buckley/Taylor KellyTags: Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Established Relationship (Buck/Taylor), First Time (Buck/Eddie/Taylor), Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Disturbing Nightmares, Discussion of Domestic Violence, Explicit…
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sspacegodd · 4 months ago
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Everything is nothing. Which is really something.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 months ago
I gotta tell you, I'm open to the idea of there being a god but I think most religious people are deeply unserious. They will talk about how something can't come from nothing then don't back it up experimentally. The kind of philosophical nothingness they are describing probably can't exist. And maybe nothing creates stuff but we know events can happen without cause from quantum mechanics and if you wait long enough will a null energy state you are guaranteed to get something.
Why don't the religious bring up the antimatter problem at the beginning of time? What the fuck?!
Why do the religious insist this universe is fine tuned for life? If you were to go to most places on this planet you would die almost instantly. Only a quintillionth of this solar system is alive. I for one don't like it when people take it as a given that the fundamental constants of our universe are plucked from a hat, whether it's random chance or divine fiat. It may be so but as far as we know these things are related. For example it's difficult if not impossible to imagine a universe where pi doesn't relate the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Similarly it may be impossible to construct a universe with a different fine structure constant. The fundamental proposition of Yang Mills theory is that these objects spring out of geometry and algebra.
I think most religious people haven't actually studied.
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