#rocy stuff
sen-ya · 3 months
I think that Rocy would be a lot like Luffy, especially when it comes to Law, how dare people say such things about Law. (Law will probably find Rocy in more than one pub where everyone is in one pile)
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hard agree she cannot be stopped and her and her pops will throw hands at the drop of a hat!!
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code01746 · 7 months
part of me is like "i'm neglecting my boy!" but also, between talking to rabbit at length about our various takes on this guy and also writing something completely different offline that's rosinante-centric, technically i'm not.
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
feel like, especially since part of me is saying "do an ilclan-era house arano-allied roci company force", it would be worth it to get the custom decals done, and have a lot of 'em (plus house arano decals; i need them not only for house arano itself but the aurigan avengers)
my current timeline of BTAU!holden and co.'s little merc outfit born from the ashes of the canterbury company supports that notion anyway
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siren-tale · 2 months
one week
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pairings: lawlu, corazon x oc
w.c: 5.2k (whoops??)
a/n: the adorable rocy belongs to @sen-ya and their lawlu family au, but i just couldn't get this idea out of my head <3 domestic family stuff just gets me :')
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“Dad, do I have to stay with her?”
Law sighed. That was all he had heard from Rocy these last few days. It was all “Can’t I just go with you and Pops?” or “Why can’t I just stay here with my uncles?” or some other suggestion. He understood her hesitation, of course. He was dropping her off with someone she had only met a few times throughout her life, after all. 
“Yes, Rocy. It’s only for a week.” He replied, watching the small girl as she pouted on her bed, arms crossed in indignation. She looked far too much like Luffy when she got all moody, which always made it harder to say no to her. “C’mon, kid, don’t give me that look…”
“But Dad!” Rocy groaned, throwing herself backwards with a huff. The clothes Law had neatly folded for her fell to the ground from the force at which she hit the bed. She hadn’t had a stubborn fit like this in a while… and based on some of her other behaviours, it seemed like she was worried about something
Law sat down on the bed beside her, reaching over to brush the hair out of her face. “Rocy, talk to me. What’s going on?” He muttered softly, heart hurting at the little frown on his daughter’s face. She was usually such a smiley, happy kid, taking after her Pops in her ability to seemingly always find a way to have fun.
“...Why’re you and Pops sending me off to some stranger?” 
Law frowned as he gently combed his fingers through Rocy’s hair. It had been exactly as he suspected. She was scared. Scared to be left alone with someone she had never met- or, more accurately, someone she couldn’t remember meeting. “Harmonia isn’t a stranger, Rocy. She’s my mom, and your aunt.”
“That doesn’t make sense, Dad.”
“I know, baby-tang.”
Day One
“Pops! I don’t wanna go!” 
Luffy snickered as Rocy draped herself over his head. Her striking golden eyes met his, unruly strands of dark hair tickling his nose. He had a firm grip on her legs as he carried her around the Polar Two, as she clambered over his shoulders.
“It’s only a week, Rosie, you’ll be fine! You’re a big girl now- it’s like your first big girl adventure!” Luffy smiled at his daughter, ducking down so he could pass through the doorway without hitting Rocy’s head. The early morning sun washed over them as they stepped out onto the deck.
The Polar Two was docked off the coast of Dressrosa, a place that no longer filled the pirates with dread. Over the years since Doflamingo had been taken down, Dressrosa had returned to its former glory and had become a far more pleasant place to visit. It had also become Harmonia’s new home once she retired.
Rocy blew a raspberry in her Pop’s face, sitting back upright on his shoulders. “I don’t wanna go on an adventure without you and Dad…” She sighed, slumping sadly against Luffy’s head. “What if my aunt is super mean and boring and doesn’t like adventures? I don’t want a week of doing nothing.”
‘I don’t think you want a week of whatever me and Dad will be doing, either.’ Luffy thought. 
The whole reason they were dropping Rocy off with her aunt was because it was their anniversary, and despite having never made a massive deal out of it before, they had been convinced to go on a week-long vacation, just the two of them. In fact, it was Harmonia who had gifted them the all-expenses-paid trip, and offered to watch over Rocy for the week.
Law was already on the dock, carrying Rocy’s bag over his shoulder as he talked with his crew. They knew how to operate the Polar Two without him, but he still couldn’t leave without giving them his usual list of rules. As Luffy and Rocy joined them on the dock, the girl reached out to her uncles.
“Uncle Penguin, Uncle Bepo! Save me! Don’t make me go!” She whined, ignoring the insulted exclamation from Shachi as he wasn’t asked for help. Her uncles fought back the urge to laugh at the girl’s complaints- she whined the same way Luffy did when he had to go his separate ways with Law.
Much to Rocy’s disappointment, her uncles didn’t stop her dads from walking away from the dock, making their way into the main city of Dressrosa. The entire time, Rocy stayed on her Pop’s shoulders, whining and complaining about her dads ditching her. Law and Luffy shared a look of fond exasperation (or amusement, in Luffy’s case) as they listened to her.
The pair stopped their movements at the familiar voice, Law glancing around for the source of the voice. When he spotted the older woman, his expression softened, lips curving up into a smile. It had been too long since he’d seen her. He had missed her.
“Hi, Mom.”
Trafalgar R. Harmonia, once known as Donquixote Harmonia, was a kind and loving woman. Law adored her and was so grateful to be her son. His adoptive mom had been his safe place for years, his main source of comfort and safety, and the protector of his heart until he had entrusted it to Luffy.
It had been a few years since she had seen her son, son-in-law (a title that had always amused her, considering, well, you know-) and niece/grandaughter, and every time she saw them again, she was always taken aback by how big they had gotten. The last time she had seen Rocy, the girl had only been about four years old and it had only been a brief visit. Now, that little girl was eight years old and looked so much like her fathers.
“Hi, Rocy.” Harmonia knelt so she was closer in height to the kid, offering her a warm, comforting smile. Call it mother’s intuition, but she could sense the girl’s wariness and reluctance. “You probably don’t remember me, but I’m your Aunt Harmonia. I’m really happy that you’re going to be staying with me this week.”
When Rocy stayed silent, refusing to look at her aunt, Law sighed, reaching over to ruffle her hair. He gave his mom an apologetic look, but she just shook her head, dismissing the apology with her understanding. She knew how to deal with closed-off, nervous kids- she had raised him, after all.
“I know you haven’t been away from your dads or their crews before, but I promise, you’re going to be safe with me, okay?” Harmonia assured the young girl, hoping to assuage some of her fears. “And I’m sure your dads will call every night- they’re gonna miss you just as much.”
Rocy looked to her dads for confirmation of Harmonia’s words, hope shimmering in her wide eyes. Law and Luffy nodded, grinning at their daughter. Of course, they would call her! As if they’d leave their little girl for a week and not contact her. Law didn’t know if he’d even be able to survive a week without talking to his Rocy.
“See? You’re gonna be just fine, Rosie!” Luffy picked up his daughter, hugging her tightly, arms wrapped around her multiple times. She shrieked in delight at the tight hug, little legs wrapping around her Pop’s torso. “You’re gonna have so many adventures to tell us about every night!”
The two more energetic Trafalgars smiled and giggled between themselves as Harmonia stood beside Law, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. She could read him like the back of her hand and she knew he was terrified of being separated from his daughter, regardless of how much he trusted Harmonia to take care of her.
“Sprout, I know you’re worried, but you’ve got to relax. This week is for you and your husband. Rocy is gonna be okay.”
Law affectionately rolled his eyes at the nickname he just couldn’t shake off, no matter how old he got. He glanced at his mom, taking in everything that had changed about her since he’d last seen her. She had more wrinkles, especially around her eyes, and silver strands mixed in with her brown hair. She still had the same style of round glasses, her fashion sense hadn’t changed a bit, and she still wore her wedding ring, even if her husband had been dead for almost thirty years now. She was still his mom.
“Torao! C’mon, we gotta go!” 
Luffy snapped him out of his thoughts, blinking himself back to reality. He gave a firm nod, even if he wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to his mother and daughter just yet. As Luffy gave Rocy his goodbyes, Law held Harmonia in a gentle embrace. “Thanks again, Mom. Love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. You two have fun, okay?”
As Harmonia let her son go, Law was almost toppled over by Rocy as she ran to hug him. He picked up his daughter, holding her close to him. He had planned to remind Rocy of how she should behave for her aunt, to remember her manners and be kind to Harmonia, but all he could do was just hold her tightly, squeezing her softly. “Seven days, baby-tang. We’ll see you in seven days.”
Day Two
“Good morning, Rocy.” Harmonia greeted the little girl as she stumbled into the kitchen. Harmonia almost melted at the sight of her niece dressed in one of Law’s shirts for pyjamas, with messy bed hair, as she yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Did you sleep well?”
“I guess…” Rocy mumbled, hopping up on a stool at the kitchen island. Various plates of food were laid out in front of her, all filled with delicious breakfast foods. Rocy looked over the spread, feeling her hunger growing, but frowned when she couldn’t find what she was looking for. “...There’s no toast.”
Harmonia paused, blinking in surprise. “O-oh, gosh, sorry- a bit of a habit from all the years with your dad.” She chuckled. Apparently, the distaste for bread had not carried through the Trafalgar genes. “I don’t have any bread currently. Perhaps we can go into town today and get some from the bakery?”
“Yeah, sure.” Rocy shrugged, filling her plate with the other foods available. She ate in silence, as did Harmonia when she realised she wouldn’t be getting a word from the younger girl. Harmonia was deep in thought- from everything Law had told her, Rocy was a wild, rowdy kid, with endless energy and quite the chatterbox. That was a far cry from the girl sat before her, but hopefully, Rocy would warm up to her over the week.
She figured if she could get a kid like Law to trust her, it shouldn’t be too hard.
After breakfast, Rocy went back to her room to get changed while Harmonia washed the dishes. Following her usual routine, she removed her wedding ring, placing it in the heart-shaped dish she kept on the shelf. If there was one thing Harmonia refused to do, it was risk losing or damaging her ring. It was so precious to her; her most treasured belonging.
After drying the last dish, she picked up the ring again, lifting it to her lips to press a soft kiss to the golden gem adorning the silver band. She was unaware of the little girl standing in the doorway, watching the tender exchange as she slid the ring back on her finger, a longing sigh leaving her lips.
“What’s caught your eye, Rocy?” Harmonia asked, glancing down at her niece as they walked through the streets of Dressrosa. Rocy had suddenly stopped in her tracks, eyes locked onto something she had seen in passing.
Following her line of sight, Harmonia spotted a toy store, painted with bright colours, dolls and blocks and wooden ships in the window. But right in the corner of the window display was a massive plush bear- a polar bear specifically. The older woman chuckled. “Ah, it’s like Bepo, isn’t it?”
Rocy’s eyes shot up to her aunt with surprise. “How do you know Uncle Bepo!?” The little girl exclaimed, gaping up at her in shock. She was still young, and Law hadn’t told her the long, detailed past of him and Harmonia and the Heart Pirates. As far as she was concerned, Aunt Harmonia existed in a different world from her uncles aboard the Polar Two.
“Your dad never told you?” Harmonia asked in curiosity, as she changed their course from the bakery to the toy store. Her niece deserved to be spoiled, and that’s just what she was going to do. “I used to be a Heart Pirate.”
Her words left Rocy in shock and awe, a shine in her eyes as she stared at her aunt- her aunt, who used to be a pirate, sailing alongside her dad and uncles. How had her dad never mentioned this before? She had thought her aunt was kinda lame and overly sweet, but this changed everything for the young girl.
The bell dinged as the two of them entered the store. Rocy looked around at all the toys with wide-eyed excitement. She had never seen so many of them in one place before! But, despite all the cool toys, her eyes were just drawn back to the massive polar bear plush.
“Do you want it, Rocy?”
A few eager nods and a toothy smile later, Rocy was walking through the streets carrying a bear bigger than herself.
Day Three
Rocy’s energy picked up the next day. She was all smiles during breakfast, happily chewing her toast as she told her aunt about all the dreams she had about going on adventures with her dads and their crews.
She let out her boundless energy by playing in the river outside Harmonia’s cottage as her aunt tended to the garden. After a few hours, Rocy grew tired and the air grew colder, the girl shivering as she bundled herself up in a towel. 
She walked over to her aunt, curious about what she was doing in the garden. Before she could ask, she stopped in her tracks, watching as a pale green glow came from Harmonia’s palm, and the droopy leaves in front of her sprung up, dull colours brightening.
“Woah!” Rocy exclaimed loudly, startling Harmonia. “You can do things! Like Dad and Pops!”
Harmonia smiled at the girl’s excitement, beckoning Rocy over to her side. “You wanna see?” She asked, immediately being met with frantic nods. “Alright, give me a flower. Anyone you want.”
“A sunflower! Dad says they remind him of Pops!”
Endeared by the sweet reason behind her choice, Harmonia held out her hand for Rocy to see, the pale green glow returning. From her palm, a small sprout grew, becoming taller, until it bloomed into a full sunflower. It was smaller than a typical sunflower, about the size of a daisy.
She plucked it from her hand, letting Rocy admire it before she tucked it into her niece’s hair, brushing some strands behind her ears. It was a sweet and gentle gesture, filling Rocy with a warmth she had never felt before.
“There we go! How pretty; it matches your eyes.”
Rocy had tackled Harmonia to the ground in a tight hug before she had even finished her sentence.
Day Four
“Hey, Aunt Harmonia?” Rocy asked, glancing up at her aunt as the older woman helped wash her hair in the tub. “Dad says you’re his mom, but also my aunt, but I still don’t get it… how does that even work?”
“Well…” Harmonia sighed softly. How did she approach this? She didn’t even know how much Rocy knew already. How much had Law been willing to share? “Has your dad told you about Corazon?”
“Uncle Cora? Mhm. Dad told me a little bit.”
“Well, your Uncle Cora i- was my husband.” Harmonia mentally scolded herself for the foolish slip-up. Almost thirty years since his passing, longer than they had even known each other, and she still struggled to talk about him in the past tense. “Which makes me your aunt.”
“Was?” Rocy asked innocently, golden eyes blinking up at Harmonia. “Is he not your husband anymore?”
“No, no, he still is. In my heart at least.” Harmonia’s eyes drifted over to the vanity, where another little tray sat, holding her wedding ring so it wouldn’t scratch Rocy while she was bathing. “Uncle Cora passed away, a long time ago. Long before you were born.”
Harmonia saw Rocy deflate a little, curious expression dropping into a small frown. Perhaps this was too heavy a topic for a child. She would be sure to apologise to Law when he came to pick her up in a few days…
“Oh… I’m sorry, Aunt Harmonia.” Rocy placed a little hand atop Harmonia’s, squeezing it slightly, the same way her dad would when she was sad. Smiling sadly, her aunt turned her hand over so she could hold Rocy’s properly, grateful for the young girl’s gesture of comfort. “But then why are you Dad’s mom but Uncle Cora isn’t his dad?”
“That’s because I only adopted your dad after Uncle Cora passed away.” She hummed, gently tipping a cup of water over the back of Rocy’s hair to wash out more of the shampoo. “Your dad has had years to get used to calling me mom, and seeing me as his mom, but he didn’t get that with Uncle Cora.”
“Do you think if Uncle Cora was alive, he’d be Dad’s dad?” Rocy asked, her young mind trying to comprehend her strange family tree. Every question answered just led to two more popping up in her head.
“I’m sure of it, Rocy.” She nodded, which left the girl satisfied, her smile returning. When she went home, she’d have to ask her dad more about Uncle Cora and Aunt Harmonia. Her attention was quickly returned to her aunt by her next words. “Say, did you know you’re named after Uncle Cora?”
“Huh? Really?”
“Mhm. Rocy is short for Rocinante, which was Uncle Cora’s name, too.”
Harmonia had grown fond of Rocy’s wide-eyed expression of curiosity over the last few days, finding her never-ending onslaught of questions endearing, and a sweet reminder of her early years with Law, when he bombarded her with questions about medical practices and the remedies she made with the herbs she grew.
The bath water had long since gone cold when Rocy finally decided she had asked enough questions and hopped out of the tub. Rocy sat wrapped in a towel as she waited for the Transponder Snail to ring, eager to have her nightly call with her dads. As curious as she was, however, she decided to save any questions about Uncle Cora for another day.
Day Five
In the early hours of the day, before the clock had even reached 2 am, Harmonia was awoken to soft sobs coming from down the hall. Any tiredness was immediately overwritten with concern as she made her way to Rocy’s room.
Pushing open the door, she saw the girl curled up against her large polar bear plush, sobbing into its white fur. Harmonia’s heart ached. The poor thing was probably homesick, desperate to see her family again.
“Rocy?” She called out quietly, taking a few steps towards the bed. The little girl looked up at her, eyes red and watery as she sniffled. “What’s wrong, petal?”
“Had a nightmare… I miss home… and Dad and Pops…”
Harmonia nodded in understanding, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. She gently stroked through Rocy’s hair, humming softly to her as her sobs settled down to sniffles. Rocy shuffled over, laying her head on her aunt’s lap, letting Harmonia wipe away her tears.
“Do you wanna go back to sleep, Rocy?” Harmonia was met with a desperate shake of Rocy’s head, giving a very clear answer. “Alright. Well, do you want me to show you something?”
That caught the girl’s interest, as she gave a small nod. Harmonia smiled, using the end of her sleeve to wipe Rocy’s nose. She could handle a bit of snot on her clothes- her niece was far more important.
“Okay. Grab a warm coat. It’s a bit chilly tonight.”
Using the thick vines clinging to the side of the cottage, Harmonia helped Rocy up onto the roof. She held her waist gently, helping keep the small girl on her feet. Once Harmonia was on the roof too, she took Rocy’s hands, gently leading her to a flatter section of the roof, coated in a thick moss. She sat down on the moss, Rocy in her lap, both of them cozy in their winter coats.
“Here, give me your hand.”
Rocy placed her hand in Harmonia’s, who folded her fingers over until she was making a pointing gesture. Harmonia directed Rocy’s finger towards a corner of the sky, pointing at a cluster of stars.
“You see those stars there?”
Rocy nodded, curling closer to Harmonia as a gust of wind cooled the air even further. It was just a clump of stars to her… She didn’t understand what her aunt was trying to show her. 
“It just looks like a bunch of stars, right?” Harmonia asked, to which Rocy responded with another nod. After her nightmare earlier that night, she wasn’t in a talkative mood.
“But… if you just connect the stars up like this…” Harmonia gently moved Rocy’s hand, her pointer finger drawing imaginary lines between the stars. Rocy followed the movement of her finger, drawing out the lines in her head, gasping softly when she saw what Harmonia was making. 
“It… it makes a heart!”
Harmonia smiled softly at the girl, pleased to see her relaxing after her nightmare. She brushed through Rocy’s hair, using her powers to speckle some tiny sunflowers in her messy locks. “Exactly. Whenever I’m sad and missing your dad, or Uncle Cora, I come up here and look for the heart in the sky. It’s like a permanent reminder of them, one that’ll never go away.”
“Can we find one for Pops, too? Can we make a straw hat in the sky?” Rocy asked, beaming up at her aunt. “Please, Aunty Nia?”
“Of course, Ro.”
Day Six
“Aunty Nia!” Rocy came running into Harmonia’s study, a large folder in her hands. Her aunt bookmarked her page, looking up with a smile as Rocy ran up to her desk, dropping the folder in front of her.
Harmonia moved her jars of herbs and vials of medicine aside, her smile brightening as she realised what Rocy had brought in. “Where’d you find this, Ro?” She asked, as if the folder wasn’t always in an easily-accessible place.
“It was on the bookshelf, next to all the Sora comics!”
There was a row of her bookshelf dedicated to her family. When she had moved to the cottage and retired from piracy, Law had asked her to take his collection of Sora comics- or, at least, the ones he was less likely to re-read over and over- so they’d be kept safe. And besides all the comics, and the dark red hood with hearts on the end, was a folder, filled with photos she had taken over the years.
“Would you like to look through it with me, petal?”
“Heck yeah!”
Rocy practically tugged Harmonia to the living room, plopping down on her lap as soon as she had sat down. She opened the photo album, looking over the first pages of pictures, all of which were childhood photos of Harmonia herself. Rocy flipped to the next page, head tilting to the side in confusion. “Who’s that?”
She was pointing at a photo, clearly torn from some other piece of paper. It depicted a blonde boy, about fourteen years old. He was dressed in a Marine uniform, a stoic expression on his face. The photo had red hearts scribbled all over it, making Rocy snicker.
“That, Ro, is your Uncle Cora,” Harmonia explained, gently brushing her fingertips over the old photo, the edges having yellowed over time. God, she could remember it all like it was yesterday, back when she was fourteen, realising she had a crush on the cute Marine boy her uncle introduced her to.
“Aunty Nia, is this you and Uncle Cora getting married?” Rocy pointed to a photo of Harmonia and Corazon, smiling at each other with pure love in their eyes, under an archway of flowers and ivy, weaved together. There was a series of photos following that one, capturing the exact moments of Corazon tripping backwards, taking Harmonia down with him. The series ended with a photo of the two of them, laughing on the ground together.
“Mhm. That was thirty-four years ago…”
They continued flipping through the pages of the photo album, Rocy now and again stopping to ask questions about the backstory of the pictures. Her favourite was the one of her dad and uncles, much younger, standing proudly in front of a shining yellow submarine- the Polar Tang.
There were a few that must have been taken during Harmonia’s time as a Heart Pirate, of the whole crew partying or cuddling up with Bepo, or having fun on a day off. More pages down, photos with the Strawhat crew started appearing, with a lot of candid photos of Law and Luffy. Harmonia practically had their love story photographed.
Reaching the last few pages, Harmonia sighed lovingly as she saw the photo she had of Law and Luffy and a tiny, newborn Rocy. She treasured that photo. It captured the gentleness of the two men that few ever saw. Of Law, her son’s, soft and loving smile as he gazed down at their perfect little creation.
Rocy had liked that photo, but she found the one of her one-year-old self sleeping on her Uncle Bepo like he was a bed, blanket pulled over her and everything, with Uncle Penguin and Uncle Shachi sleeping against the mink too, even better. Seeing her love of the photo, Harmonia slid it out of its protective sleeve, offering to frame it for the girl.
Rocy had nodded, before asking if she could take some photos to add to her aunt’s album.
Day Seven
Her bags were packed, her room tidied up, and now she just had to wait for her dads to come pick her up. She was so excited to see them again, but she would miss her Aunt Harmonia. Despite her hesitance at first, she had grown to love her aunt so much. Now she understood why her dad had spoken so highly of the woman; she was wonderful.
The sun was setting outside as her seventh day with Harmonia came to an end. She was waiting on the couch, giant polar bear plush beside her, watching out the window for any sign of her dads.
Harmonia was cleaning up after their early dinner while baking some treats for Rocy to take back to the crew. She had connected herself to some of the flowers outside, so she could sense when her boys showed up.
Half an hour later, she felt two presences appear outside, a smile forming on her face. She looked over at the girl who was intently staring out the window, knowing how eager she was to see her favourite people in the world. 
“They’re here, petal.”
Rocy was out the door in an instant, sprinting down the dirt path to meet her dads halfway. They spotted her at the same time, faces brightening into smiles. Luffy went to bound over to his daughter, but Law had already replaced the rocks in front of Rocy with himself, wrapping his little girl in the tightest hug ever. Luffy wasn’t far behind, stretching his arms out to wrap around both of them.
“Hi, baby-tang.” Law greeted her with a happy sigh, as if a lifetime of worry and stress had faded away just from the feeling of holding his precious girl in his arms again.
Harmonia watched through the open door, heart warming at the beautiful scene. Law deserved this. He deserved this life full of love and family, and she was so grateful to be a part of it. Law glanced up, catching her eye, giving his mom a soft smile. She waved at him, before sliding her ring back on and heading outside to greet her family.
Rocy was already asking her Pops about what they had done on vacation, leaving Law and Harmonia to speak between themselves. She greeted Law with another warm embrace, able to physically feel the lack of tension in his shoulders. “So, did you two have fun?”
“Yeah, it was nice to just get away for a bit. How was Rocy?”
“Oh, Ro’s an angel, Law. Took a bit to warm up to me, but once she got comfortable, she was such a delight. Just as loud and wild as you said, but I swear, her energy is infectious. We had a lot of fun.” Harmonia assured Law, before reminding herself to inform her son of the tougher conversations that had come up. “We talked about Corazon. A few times. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is, Mom. I figured it would come up, anyway.” Law muttered softly, knowing how delicate this topic could be. “Corazon was- is family. He’s Rocy’s family, too.”
Harmonia hugged Law even tighter this time.
“I cannot believe she let you get this.” Law deadpanned, as he carried Rocy’s giant polar bear back to the Polar Two. Deep down, he knew that he probably would’ve bought the damn bear too. He just couldn’t refuse when something reminded him of Bepo. “I should’ve known she would spoil you.”
Luffy laughed loudly at the grumbles of his husband, carrying Rocy on his shoulders again. Their daughter giggled, resting her head atop Luffy’s as her exhaustion caught up to her. Both men knew she’d be out like a light before they even made it on board.
“So, Rosie, did you have fun?”
“Mhm. Aunty Nia is the best.” Rocy sleepily nodded, yawning in the middle of her sentence. “Can I stay with her again soon? I really love her.” She mumbled, eyes drooping shut as she nuzzled into her Pops’ hair.
“Yeah! Maybe we can all stay with her next time?” Luffy suggested, glancing over at Law. He knew how badly Law missed his mom while out at sea, so maybe adding a more frequent trip to visit her would be a good idea. “What do you think, Torao?”
Law glanced between his husband and their little girl, expression softening at the sight of Rocy’s sleeping face, buried in Luffy’s unruly hair. To think, he once tried to push everyone away, so afraid of losing anyone else. He was forever grateful to his mom for showing him he wasn’t cursed, that he could let people into his heart, that he could love and be loved in return. He had rebuilt his family from nothing, and she had been the start of it all.
“I think more family vacations seem like a great idea.”
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abyss-tylwyth · 3 months
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'Dead-Shot Crow' Rocinante, First Mate of The Heart Pirates
Heres my interpretation of our beloved Cora in an AU where he lives and joins the hearts!! Plus a singular Trafalgar Law for size (can't leave out my son boy <3). This was done for the @corafest and prompted by @vogelspinne (btw go check out her art because she's super talented and her stuff is just *chefs kiss*)
(Also, this is only flats because brain continues to be broke, but I do have a few other sketches in my pocket for this piece (including a no hat variant of roci, a few variants of law, an action shot, and roci's bounty poster) that I will post when brain isn't broke no more. Including rendering ofc)
Now for a few headcanons. Law is really the only one who calls him 'Cora', the others call him 'Roci' because he's trying to distance himself from his past and wants to start anew (hence the different makeup and the new hat). He's got feathers around his collar and his coveralls are black which would get him the epithet 'deadshot crow' since the black coloring, the feathers, and the fact that he's the sniper on the crew. FInally, ofc he'd be the First Mate. He needs to keep his son boy in check <3
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andordean · 11 days
tag game: pick stuff from your room and have people vote on which one they want to take home.
Tagged by @softest-punk from whom I stole empty Fortnum and Mason chamomile tea tin (tell me more about the biohazard bit!)
Let's see what I have around me... (Many things are Troll's collectables like PipBoy and Roci model, so won't enrage him by offering those.)
Tagging (no pressure as always): @traumschwinge @kuwdora @bittersweetbark @itsnotzka @keyrousse @valandhirwriter @justanotherdmdammit @dclcq @disdaidal @ginstermoff @jikanet-tanaka @sar-kalu
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belovedcorvid · 2 months
a tray with a letter and a dish covered with a cloche is left outside of rosinante’s room. once lifted, it’s revealed to be a meal of lettuce – plated like a face, with apple slices and plums functioning as the mouth and eyes.
it’s your birthday. 
are you surprised i remembered? did you remember? i waited all week for you to request something special of me, but you never said a word. surely it’s because you forgot and not because you didn’t think it would matter to me.
if your reason is the latter, i wouldn’t deny being a bit sad. just a bit. because, in fourteen years, i’ve never not remembered your birthday. i might have treated it like a lot of things – like a vigil, or an excuse to drink – but i still remembered. i never got much sleep on those nights. i hope the same wasn’t true for you. i hope, wherever you ended up, you spent those nights in places that were safe and warm. i hope you slept well. i hope mother visited your dreams – maybe that would explain why she never visits mine. .
speaking of mother: you might be too young to remember this clearly, but on your 6th birthday – before she even started getting sick – she wanted us to find you something special to eat while she kept you distracted. i broke into a nearby farm and ripped a head of lettuce straight out of the ground, with the trade-off of getting a nasty welt on the back of my head from a rock. father found some plums, and we had one apple left. then she had me take you outside to play and, while we were gone, she took that food and arranged them into a smile.
i tried my best to recreate it from memory. i don’t know why, it was just the first gift i could think of. i have others for you, too – but you’ll have to come see me for those. how about after dinner, on the balcony? i have a bottle of wine we could share while the sun sets, and maybe we could watch the stars for a while. if you want.
                   - doffy
❣︎ | Unprompted :: Happy Birthday, Corazón ! |
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He stared for a long time after he'd brought the dish back to his desk - a bizarre staring contest with a face made of fruit, or with his own small, distorted reflection gazing forlornly back at him in the margins of Doflamingo's fancy tableware. The smell of fresh produce - crisp, clean, alive - still lingered in the room even though he'd removed the cloche ages ago. He did remember, though perhaps not as sharply as he should: a lot of his early memories were sort of blended together into one pain-inducing sequence, alternately blurry and viscerally sharp - difficult to wrap his mind around, to understand that he was there in them. All that stuff happened, written on mind and body with a sharp edge. Doffy was older, maybe that was why he could see all this so clearly, like in this letter.
Guilt coiled itself around his heart as he reread the portions of this that seemed particularly genuine, for what if it was ? What if there was some remnant of a heart rattling around inside his brother's ribcage, and here he was betraying his last blood relative, lying to him, because he was too weak of will to believe that he could get better ? What kind of brother did that make him ? Or, was what he was doing for his brother's own good like he usually tried to tell himself when he felt poorly ? Scarred hands curled themselves into fists in his hair as Rocinante mentally prepared himself to try and explain this to Sengoku. What could he say - that Doffy could be rehabilitated after all, and that his primary evidence of this was a lettuce with a face on it ? It was entirely possible that this was done this way specifically because his brother could still read him so well, could see his bleeding, sentimental heart even though he did his best to hide it. That was what Sengoku would say, if he were to call him. Really there was nowhere to go.
The sensation of tears tracking from the planes of his face to the edges of the bowl was itchy, made his vision blur a little as he picked through its contents to browse a little. The plums, his favourite, were really good.
Doffy remembered.
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scribeofred · 7 months
I just finished watching The Expanse. I remember how you used to rave about it (and the books), so I'm here to say:
OMG! It was amazing! You were so right, and tbh I should have watched it sooner.
Chrisjen Avasarala and Bobby Draper are such brilliant characters (and Holden himself, ofc, but I feel as Main Character that's to be expected).
As you've read the books, do they end in the same manner as the TV show, or is there more story there?
Now I've finished, there is an Expanse-shaped hole in my life. Since you are a person of impeccable taste, do you have any fanfic recommendations so I can keep flying with the crew of the Roci?
HI HELLO I AM UNREASONABLY EXCITED BY THIS MESSAGE!! The show is definitely not everyone's cup of tea, ditto the books, so it's always delightful to hear one of my friends has fallen down into this hole with me :D
<3 it's an investment! starting new shows is hard! I get it! but also yes everyone should watch the show ASAP because it's great and people are missing out
AREN'T THEY THE BEST. the women of the Expanse, both books and show, are genuinely some of the best characters I've ever encountered. season four was a bit rough on Bobbie imo, but that's kind of what happens when your cast is so far flung, quite literally. Avasarala is just a queen with no equal, and let me tell you, she's just as brilliant in the novels
the books do NOT end where the show ends! the show covers the first six books' worth of story, but there are three more novels that take the story through to its conclusion, and hooooooo boy WHAT a conclusion. I shan't say a word of spoilers, but there's a reason they stopped the show at six seasons, and I think they made the right decision tbh. I absolutely recommend starting the series from the beginning and not just jumping in at book seven because the show doesn't quite hit all the same points at the books do. also there's an anthology of short stories that also pad out the world and characters' backstories, very good stuff therein
oh man, I know that hole far, far too well 😂 although for me, the fanfic craving–shaped hole doesn't exist for the Expanse because the novels actually fill that specific craving perfectly! so I've actually never read any Expanse fanfics??? thus I have no quality recommendations. (it's also just really really hard to top a ballparked 1.5 million words' worth of canonical Expanse story that have been professionally edited ^^:) that said, I will point you toward @rocicrew, who both writes fics and creates some of the most stunning gifsets in the fandom (<3), as a place to start. sorry I can't be more help in this area! at a glance, it looks like there's less than 1.2K works on AO3 between the show and the book series, so it probably won't take you terribly long to dredge it for gold and then possibly you'll find yourself contributing to the number of works yourself >:)
that said, mmmmmmmmaybe start with the actual novels first? because the fics are undoubtedly going to contain spoilers, if that's a thing you're worried about. if not, go wild!
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kartoffelstern · 8 months
I adore your Roci and doffy content I love how you depict them !
Your whole blog has inspired a bunch of ideas that spiraled into a fic I’m writing so thank you
OOOO thank you so much!! DQ brothers have infected my brain atm, there's so much to think about them and the tragedy of their relationship;;
I'm flattered my stuff inspired u to write something omg pls tell me when you've finished that fic, I'd love to read it!! :D
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sen-ya · 2 months
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pt 1/5
This is a lil series I did while I was trying to get my drawings to loosen up, so it’s very scribbly I am sorry. For that reason I’m making sure to go back and do the type setting at least 🙈 I originally didn’t finish the arc of this story but then a friend yelled at me so the conclusion is a bit rushed. I might go in and add another part or two before it all posts?? Revise the end?? Who knows! For now I can promise u 5 scribbly parts.
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I'm obsessed with Katakuri, Rosinante and Yamato. I swear to god, they need spin-offs. They need to be playable in video games. They need to come back into the stories as allies (or in Roci's case, as a ghost). They need more official art dedicated to them. Ace and Law got light novels devoted to them. Katakuri, Yamato and Rosinante deserve their own. I want them to show up on Death Battle. They have stuff now, but I feel like they need more. I just... I love them. They are just so wonderful (and, frankly, I want to cuddle them).
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
DRUMMER SWEEP! she won! as if there were any doubt. now I've gotta find 'Mechs that'd go well in her OPA command lance
and also figuring out what trim colors would pair well with a nice Dark Angels-esque metallic green (i'm aware the uniforms are black, but the Behemoth's lighting makes them look a little green, and there's way too much stuff in BattleTech with "metallic black" as the main color anyway)
for detailing, i'm probably going back to that "dazzle camo" look i tried on "Mockingbird" Mehra's shadowhawk, using various belter tattoos as references
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wolfyfoxyhedgy · 2 years
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Piggy (Cerdita) 2022
A plus-size girl get pick on by bullies because of her weight. One day she found her tormenters getting kidnap by a killer (who is also plus size), the killer grows fond of the main girl and gets revenge for her.
I found a TikTok of this movie.
(Warring: This is my opinion and spoilers.)
I enjoy this movie, this is like some horror love story (there were moments I tear up). The killer is totally horror husband and I love him; He kills the bullies (which they tried to drown Sara), buys her favorite treat, and takes her away from her bitchy mother (I wasn't quite sure about the rest of the family). I like Sara (main female), she's a pretty girl and didn't deserved to be bully/torment (her swimsuit looks so cute on her). Claudia was really annoying (she's the "old friend of the main female but ditched her to become one of the popular people" character) she took a picture of Sara drowning and stole her towel (the other girls stole Sara's stuff, making her walk home in her swimsuit), Roci is so toxic and still call Sara "piggy" when she trying to save them (I wanted Roci to die at the end). I hate the scene when Sara is getting sexual harass by a group of guys, the killer gave them karma by drive his van at them (one of them broke his arm). I was so upset that Sara had to kill the man who is trying to protect her, the way she killed him was so gruesome (biting his neck).
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sugiwa · 1 year
I am in awe after that last chapter. Almost everything that happened in the story beforehand makes so much more sense now and I had to go reread all of Penny's adventures with the Stage Pirates in mind. Just like, Crocodile's fight and Penny badgering him about how great he once was when she was so excited at the mere mention of him in chapter 29???? Her costumes and models and all the stuff she has in her room and her stories and the scene where she's eating the rose because Hal was from Bourgeoise but also Cavendish!!! JDNCFKANDJSDANC, HOW???? She's friendly with the Navy because Roci kept her alive but also Cipher Pol and that unnamed mysterious dude (I think I know who it is, but spoilers) killed her family and like we're going to water 7 now where Cipher Pol is. We gotta start the church of Sugiwa because like what???? 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
I don't even have words for this, but yes, part of Penny has always remembered. It's not exactly like Sabo's memory loss, but a conscious forgetting to spare herself from the pain. It's always been there, just beneath the surface and Penny's both honest with it and dishonest with herself.
Her reaction to the name Bard and hating the idea of Joy Boy are tied to this one tragic event. She can't be a Bard because that was Lucy and Lucy was great and Penny loved her so so much that the thought of taking her name and making it something else is too painful. And there's so many layers to the Joy Boy thing because like Penny says: her mother was researching him specifically, Lucy's final play about a man in a Straw Hat gets mocked right before she's killed, and Penny who as a child believed in story, but not in the simple act of believing tries it and it fails epically. It doesn't get answered, right? So, everything else from that point on is her doing what she wants and chasing after freedom. And Shanks reaffirms this in the first chapter: "Be as selfish and selfless as you want....The only thing a pirate has to be is free.”
And Penny's dream locks this ideal in with the condition that the World's Greatest Story can only be told in a world that's completely free. So, it's less that the "World's Greatest Story" is Luffy's story and more that Luffy's dream is a vehicle for it to happen, because the Pirate King is the most 'free' and the One Piece represents the pinnacle of reaching that freedom as Roger did.
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kenaran · 2 years
Season 1 Recap
Well, recap is a bit of a strong word. It's just going to be some rambling thoughts. Full disclosure: We've already watched 2x01. But I know what I was going to write and I'm going to stick to it. (Though possibly in a somewhat abridged version.)
There's a lot I like about the show. The general setup. The atmosphere. The physics. Most of the story. Editing and directing. (The last two aren't usually things I notice, but in recent shows I've often found them to be annoyingly distracting. Not so here.)
But I have one problem and unfortunately it's a rather huge one: The characters. I do not actually dislike them. I can't. Because I hardly know them. With some very rare exceptions we do not get any kind of character development that is not directly relevant to the plot in that very moment. I feel I know about as much about them as I did when I first encountered them. They don't talk to each other, just for the heck of it. They just do plotty things and talk plotty stuff to advance the plot. They do not feel "alive" to me, for lack of a better word.
Ironically, given my first impression of him, Miller is actually getting the best treatment. Avasarala needs someone to interact with other than her minor character husband and bad guy Errinwright. And the Roci crew? They just need to interact. I mean, it takes them forever to get anywhere. Would it be so hard to do some character scenes in the meantime? (The coffee thing was good. But there's not nearly enough of this stuff.)
Now, it's not going to make me stop watching. Because, as I've said, there are tons of things I do enjoy. But if the show keeps going that way (which I'm assuming it won't), it's not going to leave a lasting impression on me. Or be something I ever watch again.
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rocicrew · 2 years
it's absolutely fucked how naomi has a line in lw abt how if alex died if holden would have asked her to fly the ship too (to stop asking her to do stuff beyond her knowledge/abilities) and i know they didn't know obviously but all i could think of was this is the first time i've flown the roci, first time i ever had to
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