fratri meo cum amore
367 posts
"to my brother, with love."
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
code01746 · 5 months ago
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  ❝ sounds like a plan! step one is to get a branch to make the rod. ❞
 rosinante never thought he would be so excited to lose a fishing pole. but if losing a fishing pole was what it took for him to have another excuse to finally try forming some kind of bond with this kid, he'd take the chance. he had never considered himself a "find the silver lining" kind of guy before this side mission of theirs began - but he had to be. law was in desperate need one positive influence to offset the vitriol, the negativity, the death threats, and rosinante wasn't going to wait around for someone else to pick up that role. ❝ shouldn't be an issue, we've got plenty of trees around. but the key here is it needs to fit some requirements - so, i'll list 'em off and you point out a good one for me, got it? ❞
the pair had hauled it straight for the boat and drifted a ways to an island on the opposite side of the bay where they had moored. as long as no one had seen which direction they had gone (in which he was fairly confident that was the case) they were good to rest & catch their breath here at the edge of the woods. ❝ first: a live branch is leagues better than a dead one. ❞
rosinante picked a half-rotted branch roughly the size of his forearm off the ground, wiggling in in demonstration. ❝ can't be too flimsy otherwise you'll never be able to pull in anything, but it also needs to bend a little for... i don't know - something to do with physics. live branches have that bend because the tree roots keep it hydrated. dead branches obviously aren't getting any water, so they get stiff & brittle as they dry out. not to say they can't be used in a pinch - but they can snap in two when trying to land a catch if you're not careful. ❞
with his newfound teacher's baton, rosinante left the tree line and walked further inward, pointing up at the canopy overhead.
 ❝ last, you gotta think about the length. depends on where you're fishing and how much water you wanna cover - but the rule is smaller rods are good for accuracy & smaller bodies of water, and longer rods are good for distance & large bodies of water. depends on the size of the fish, too - a small rod might have a hard time getting the leverage it needs for a big fish.❞
through the course of his info dumping, rosinante had already been scanning the trees suitable branches. he didn't even have to worry about the risk of someone as clumsy as him climbing up the trunk, as tall as he was. it would be so easy for him to reach up, take the knife from his pocket, and begin cutting away without any input from law. but where would the fun in that be? well, at least he thought learning was fun.
    ❝ so, kiddo - which one are we thinking? ❞
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‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ It was one of the meager few means the boy had found of busying himself on their travels, taking stock of what was left to them once any such evacuation lay behind them. Not that he had many belongings of his own to look after, that was; he'd had precious little to his name when setting out from his desolated hometown in the first place, and had acquired little more in the years since with the Family. Those few he had attained included books and various weapons - neither of which were among the few items a scheming Corazon had shoved into the small bag he'd packed for Law the night he had abducted him. Much to the irritable child's displeasure.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ But more infuriating than being snatched from his bed without even a weapon to defend himself with had been that Corazon had dragged him from the Numancia without the chance to grab the few personal belongings that did mean anything to him. For that alone, his murderous rage had persisted until the giant of a man, unimpressed with his fury and likely at wit's end with Law's ceaseless thrashing and screaming, had presented the small pack and - seeing as Law's hands had been securely bound at his sides to prevent further thrashing - fished from inside it the only lasting artifacts from his family and Flevance. These included journal that had never reached completion, a tiny hair bow of his sister's, and a stethoscope of his father's. Treasured possessions he'd kept in his bedside drawer in his time among the family and which now stayed in his backpack, which stayed where he could reach it in a moment's notice at all times and often served as his pillow in the evenings.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ The loss of his family's belongings would be far more devastating than the loss of their food supply. Anything else he could assess rather calmly - so yes, he had already accounted for the lack of a fishing pole.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ From the look he cast the Donquixote executive, it was clear the boy was gauging how the giant might complicate the matter of crafting a fishing pole - they'd lost a bottle of antiseptic and a roll of gauze he'd yet to repack in the latest evacuation as well. But after several moments of scrutiny and careful consideration of the man and his suggestion (what did he mean by getting to, anyway? how the older man had a way of always trying to make these situations out as though they were golden opportunities to spend time together, despite Law's constant efforts to rebuff his attempts, he couldn't fathom), Law's hunger won out.
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‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ��Whatever,❞ he said, frowning. ❝Let's get to it, already - I'm starving.❞
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code01746 · 5 months ago
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  ❝ i'll have you know i stopped smoking ages ago, thanks very much. ❞
 rosinante knocked his temple against the top of law's head, forceful enough to make a point (almost as if he was calling him 'brat' through body language in that affectionate way he used to do) but gentle enough to not ruin the moment. however, he sounded a bit too smug & teasing for what was ostensibly something he was forced to do, no hard work & willpower on his part at all.
 ❝ not that it was really a choice; kind of had to quit cold turkey because punctured lungs & broken ribs don't make the act of inhaling all that fun - but, eh... probably for the best. you did always bug me about it back when you were little. ❞
in the last decade, he had truthfully gotten dozens of leads on law's whereabouts. sightings of submarines. stories of a grouchy teen pirate captain. . but rosinante could never make it in time before law had moved on.
he was in disbelief even made it here on time - well, not in time to stop him from doing the extremely dangerous & frankly idiotic thing he was planning, but... in time to find him. days ago, he had put two-and-two together the moment he read the news of doflamingo's abdication and that law had conveniently formed at alliance with another pirate (strawhat luffy, at this point infamous for bulldozing his way through corrupt political figures). he knew his brother enough to know he would have never willingly gave up the position he had been fighting his entire life to attain - which meant law had to be involved. law had to be heading for dressrosa.
and he was right. the fact they were sitting here together felt like a miracle. as hesitant as he was - rosinante never wanted to let law out of his sight again.
❝ oh yeah? we're not planning on going up against anymore tyrannical governments, are we? ❞ rosinante was, frankly, dreading what law was planning to do next if this is the sort of thing he got up to on a regular day. ❝ y'know.... when i thought of us traveling the world together, i was thinking more of a low stakes & chill vacation. have you even let yourself relax once in the last thirteen years? ❞
Law had wondered if Rocinante would be modest about it. He gave him a reason to keep living. Offering kindling to the dying spark in his heart to set it ablaze once more. As time passed, he had come across people he's come to think so dearly of. A group of friends feeding into the flames of ambition && life that he could never be ungrateful for. Though heart often appearing encased in ice to outsiders ( perhaps no visible, metaphorical heart at all ), people who know him best know that this is not always true.
Even in his affectionate gesture, he's begrudgingly accepting it, as small and simple as it was. Leaning against the other as a lenient way of giving into what Rocinante wanted in this moment, quiet most of all. He'd spare him of his typical means to express the slight discomfort when it came to this sort of affection. Perhaps, this was something he wanted to ( but feels a little too old to show that at this point ). As the other speaks his mind of their future, Law remains quiet, listening along to it. To think he still searched for him after all this time... && he was none the wiser.
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His eyes briefly look up towards Rocinante, a glint of uncertainty of what to say next. Something about the comfort of knowing where exactly he is versus knowing that the rest of his journey would be far from easy. " You don't seem like an 'early retirement' guy, Cora-san. " A half-hearted attempt at a joke. " ... We still have the New World to still get through, you know. " && he would keep going until all his questions were answered about the world. About the 'D.' and what it entails. " You'd just have to deal with the rest of them. && try not to set yourself on fire again with your smokes. "
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code01746 · 5 months ago
「 h.c. - finger injury 」
 because i think it would be really funny if rosinante spent every waking hour of his time undercover regretting his life choices, i'm hereby canonizing that the main reason the dq pirates think rosinante hates children was actually the result of a "happy" accident:
giolla brings home a teeny little baby delinger and, the one time rosinante held him, he bit him so hard that he partially severed an index finger which was only really saved because doflamngo was there to stitch it with his devil fruit.
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code01746 · 5 months ago
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  ❝ oh, i'm sure i'll be fine, ❞
 rosinante found himself waving off the concern the more he fully focused his attention on the baby. there was a growing impulse to grab her little cheeks and wiggle them around, or pinch her wrists in between his giant hands and flap them around while babbling nonsense at an increasingly high volume. composure, rosinante. composure.
 ❝ maybe it's because i had no paternal instincts to speak of back then, but now that i'm thinking about it: if she wants to partially tear a finger off, i mean - look at this face - i guess i can make an exception. i did for her dad, after all. ❞
it would definitely be less convenient the second time around not having doflamingo there to instantly stitch the wound and keep him in one piece, but, the more he put thought into the idea, would it really? he did have law with him now. or, more to the point, law's devil fruit; from what rosinante had gathered, he could do virtually anything from the confines of that blue sphere - so stitches probably weren't too out of the realm of possibility.
listen, all he's saying is that if the trafalgars wanted to turn "causing rosinante grievous bodily harm" into a family tradition - who is he to try & prevent that kind of bonding time? he's just thrilled to be included.
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“Just the once?” Umber eyes momentarily slipped from the younger Cora, to the older and back again. Taking her eyes off her was something she struggled to do still when sleep didn't grip her ever being. A newborn was exhausting, but a part of her still couldn't fathom she was real and if she looked away she might miss something precious she may never get a chance to witness again.
”Poor thing, I wonder if it was teething.“ Children of all kind always had a special place in her heart. Had a child landed in her lap she would have done the same thing, continuing the cycle of taking in children in desperate need of a parent. And yet, she couldn't fault Cora. She imagined being bitten by a fishchild was startling, and considering she had heard of his treatment of Law prior to taking him in, she had an understanding that he meant no actual ill will to the child.
Eyebrows knit together at the mention of the former warlord. Family resemblance aside, it was hard to imagine any form of brotherly love between the two men. Hearing his name used in such a way made Nami uncomfortable, but the encounters she had with the men had chilled her to the bone. Donquixote Doflaming was a monster and a man she wanted no association with. Anyone else she may have even smacked for uttering his name in front of her baby, afraid that it would summon him to take away their little heart in revenge. But because it was his brother, she would not hit or scold the man.
Instead, Nami chose to imagine what it would be like if her sister were such a monster. They were not even blood related and yet there was not a world in which she would still love her to some degree. Instead, she chose to return the subject back to his earlier point. “I guess it's a good thing Cora-chan has a little while before she starts teething. Ah- I should warn you, when she does I heard stories that I was a biter until Nojiko bit me back once, so maybe once she starts teething you should steer clear.“
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code01746 · 5 months ago
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   ❝ yeah, yeah - i know, kid. ❞
 deciding a possible elbow to the stomach was worth the risk - and with the way he overreacted, maybe it was even a little deserved - rosinante crouched behind law. even at a kneel, he still managed to clock in at more than twice law's height. gods, this kid was small; alarmingly, the man isn't sure if he's seen law grow a single inch in the nearly three years they've known each other.
 ❝ you hate me, i'm annoying - i get it. but you're gonna hate me a lot more when i gotta be the one to treat any ice burns you get on your ass from sitting out here like this. ❞
as much as he wanted to pluck law from the ground and firmly tell him what's what - he was taking him back to the inn and that was final - the more & more these incidents happened, the more he realized that brute force wasn't the way to deal with this kid. that would only escalate things right now. the trust he built up with him - to protect him, to feed him, to shelter him, to be someone he could confide anything to - was two degrees shy of collapsing again, and he needed to think things through.
under normal circumstances, a single insult in a sea of compliments could be enough to sow doubt in a person if their mental state was fragile enough - but what about the reverse? rosinante's kindness towards was a single drop of rain in a river, irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. law was still being overwhelmed with negativity. law was still drowning.
but it took rosinante far too many of these catastrophic afternoons to understand that, what he saw as tough love & well-meaning kindness - that wasn't kindness to law. like that drop in the river, there was no way for him to distinguish those actions as any different from the people who called him names out of malice, or forcing him to keep moving out of fear, or treating him as anything other than the child he was. he had to be patient. he had to be careful, and violating his bodily autonomy this quickly after traumatizing him (yet again) with another hospital visit gone wrong was not the move.
the older man shuffled off his coat, the garment swallowing law in layers of plush black feathers as he draped it over him. he bunched the coat tails around him like some sort of nesting bird, gentle taps on law's backside to encourage him at least sit on the coat rather than continue to let his pants soak through with snow.
 ❝ how about this: as long as i don't hear anybody coming, we can sit here long as you want, okay? please just keep yourself warm at least. you're at an energy deficit as-is, and you giving yourself a cold right about now wouldn't be a good idea. ❞
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ੈ✩ 。˚  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it’s hard to fend off sniffling tears when his eyes seemed to be an e n d l e s s well of them. the initial idea had been to walk back to the boat, he didn’t want to see or be near this stupid hospital, but law couldn’t even get far enough for the distress his presence had brought to be out of earshot. small golden hues were rimmed with red by the time the older man calmed down enough to come and find him. every new rejection from another doctor felt like a jab to the heart, like picking at an old and infected wound over and over — only making the injury worse. it would heal lumpy and jagged, a jarring sight to anyone who sees, at least the boy will die before it has the chance to scar, it will still be gaping when his life is finally over.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the man’s voice leads law to squeeze his eyes shut, keeping his face hidden against his knees. he doesn’t want to front corazón, doesn’t want to see the way the blonde’s expression twists when he notices the child’s feeble cries. it’s stupid how upset he let himself get. he doesn’t care about getting wet — or the unpleasantly painful numb feeling the freezing snow causes, it’s no worse than the pain each wheezing breath causes.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ❛❛ i hate you ❜❜ the boy huffs, still shielding his face. he'd love to sound more convincing, for his words to be sharp enough to cut the man before him, but it never seems to work. while, they had started to get along somewhat better ( at least law hadn’t been hurling insults every other sentence ) every new medical encounter pushed whatever sense of camaraderie out the window. he just wanted to be left alone, no matter what they did now law was going to die, why couldn’t corazón just give up while he was ahead ?
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code01746 · 6 months ago
@aquatravectio // continued from [ here ]
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 tension churned in rosinante's stomach upon his brother's reaction to his note. as much as doflamingo tried to keep himself aloof & composed, he could hear the underlying bristle in those words. doflamingo never hid hurt feelings well ー or maybe, despite all this time apart, rosinante was just as versed as reading him as he always had been.
 【 i appreciate you protecting me, doffy. 】 immediately, the younger donquixote tried to soften his critique with a compliment. not backtracking, but placating - making sure his ego never got too bruised. however, he didn't want to leave the matter at that. 【 i just think it was overkill this time. 】
             and the time before that.
       and the time before that.
               and the time before that.
 rosinante carefully eased himself back against the stack of pillows his brother had arranged for him so he could sit up comfortably while he wrote. the younger donquixote was on strict bedrest for the time being - a consequence of the punctured lung that new brat law left him with.
doflamingo seemed satisfied enough with the lie at first, but after rosinante collapsed shortly after - who could have guessed an emergency patch-up job with gauze wasn't enough to close a stab wound, or stop internal bleeding? - he demanded more information.
 and so, rosinante lied a second time - naming the would-be assassin as having belonged to one of the rival gangs in the area and one they had been feuding with over territory a lot recently. doflamingo had turned heel & left their base before rosinante could even finish writing out his new story.
part of him felt guilty. sure, they were criminals - but no one deserved to be on the recieving end of doflamingo's wrath.
  【 i'm not a little kid anymore. i had it taken care of. you didn't need to tear through their whole base like that. i'm safe. i'll be fine after a little rest. 】
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code01746 · 6 months ago
@malpractising // continued from [ here ]
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   ❝ uh - ❞
 rosinante's brain stalled - a wheel stuck in the mud, unable to get the momentum to back out or push forward. as far as emotions went, there was a mix; there was a bit of embarrassment, then guilt that he pulled away moment's before eden ended up asking for his help anyway. the guilt dissolved within a few heartbeats, replaced with an immediate desire to help - but, even so, apprehension held him in place.
because, after all, what was rosinante's plan? tell the blind person 'no, i'm not gonna help guide you the rest of the way back'? of course not. but rosinante's clumsiness was an unspoken danger here, they both knew that. falls were common enough without uneven terrain, without having to split his attention between watching where he was going and looking behind to coach eden on where to place his feet. rosinante felt ill at the thought of being responsible for getting this kid hurt.
but he asked for his help, and rosinante wasn't going tell him no - so a compromise had to be made.
 ❝ sure. but... how about this? ❞ rosinante swallowed the much smaller hand in his own and, rather than continuing their forward path, he detoured a short distance to the right - leading eden several paces until they were faced with the closest tree. he guided their entwined hands until the ghoul's palm was flush with the coarse bark of the trunk, wanting to give him something to orient himself with when he loosened his grip. ❝ hold tight here for a second. ❞
navigating to the tree was more to rosinante's benefit than it was eden's, as much as rosinante was (poorly) trying to disguise that. even without sight, the faint grunt and rustle of leaves underfoot were indicators the older man was contending with his own battered joints as he lowered into a kneel, stabilizing himself with the trunk all the while.
bad knees were only half the problem; he'd never been able to kneel (or get off the floor, for the matter) without bracing walls or floors - a combination of his innately bad balance & a bunk ankle with a track record of cramping up or rolling unpredictably. as much as 'maintaining dignity' was a pointless battle for someone as clumsy as him - wiping out in front of company was still never ideal.
 ❝ would you mind letting me give you a ride on my back? i'm thinking it'll be easier for both of us. ❞
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code01746 · 6 months ago
🖌 / (cora would like a photo of him giving chopper uppies please)
send me 🖌 ( paint brush ) and my muse will draw yours!!
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code01746 · 7 months ago
marlboro limited edition sour cream & onion pack
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code01746 · 7 months ago
well i dont have a phd or anything but im friends with every cloud
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code01746 · 7 months ago
while it was true the odd duo had been getting along better ( at least law wasn't cursing death to corazón ), the boy was no doflamingo. he wasn't about to pop out champagne and call off the day's work to celebrate the birth of the blonde; partly because that was stupid and also because why the hell would he ? corazón had kidnapped him ! not only that, but the idiot would sit quietly during each party thrown for him, playing mute whilst his drunk family happily blabbered at him. it was the only time of the year it seemed like everyone actually liked the strange man, which was enough to cause the boy to snort — course, no one really enjoyed his presence. maybe baby five, despite how mean he was to her and doffy, but for how long would that last . . . really, wasn't it only a matter of time before the pirate captain came and hunted them down ? they'd been gone for five months, and the man was still a no-show . . .
scowling, the boy covered his mouth, golden hues glaring at the man who suddenly decided to light up a cigarette in the small room they shared. ❛❛ that smells like shit . . . ❜❜ the preteen grumbled, waving his hand around his face in an exaggerated fashion before a genuine cough wracks through him . . . yeah, fuck cora, this idiot isn't even getting a happy birthday wish from law !!
no HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORA !!!!! i seriously need to write with your bird man more ~ everything I’ve seen you write of him is beautiful so i hope this ask is alright ! law is salty, but in exactly a year he'll hate himself for not even saying a simple happy birthday . . .
Corazon (Incredibly Late) Birthday Shenanigans
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 ❝ i said i'd open the window in a second, but i could toss you out of it if that's what you prefer? ❞
 rosinante rolled his eyes, putting a bit of playful exasperation into his voice for good measure. from his position at the end of the bed, he lurched his free hand forward, fingers chomping down on law's shoulder as if he were about to make good on his promise ー before reeling back and chuckling. then he did as he promised, crossing to the other end of the room. ❝ you're lucky i even got us a room with a window this time, y'know? ❞
during their travels, rosinante didn't always have the money to shell out for lodgings along the way (and, really, they only had access to them for the first few days the pair were in a new town ー before word spread that there was a boy with a "deathly contagious" disease, and suddenly everyone was refusing them service) but the older man tried to get a place at least for a few days every two weeks or so.
and as much as rosinante joked that this particular trip was a 'birthday present to himself', both knew he was planning on doing it anyway.
it was necessary to do this as often as they could afford to; rosinante only got so much sleep while camping in the wilderness because, being the only adult, he was wholly responsible for both of their safety & needed to keep watch. on law's side, despite the fact he never admitted it aloud, rosinante knew that a cushy place to rest his joints ー as well as four, insulated walls to protect him from the colder nights ー would do his body a lot of good, so these little luxuries were important to keep up with.
plus, there was only so much cologne, cold river water, and a damp rag with no soap could do for hygiene, and both were due for a bath.
 ❝ speaking of stuff that stinks ー i didn't fill up that bath for you to just sit & look at it, brat. go wash up already. ❞
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code01746 · 7 months ago
          If Rosinante is wondering just how Kid found out about today being his birthday, then he'll have to stay curious, because he isn't revealing any of his secrets. He has his sources, and the less other people know about those sources, the better. The point is, he's here now, regardless of whether his presence is welcome or not.
     His hands are stuffed deep inside his pockets and his spine is curved into a lazy slouch. The sound of him sucking his teeth is audible before he speaks.
     ❝ Ya fed me before. ❞                The statement is announced irrespective of whether Rosinante has forgotten or not. ❝ Where I'm from, if someone feeds ya, that means ya owe them. I hate owin' people favors, so I'm not letting ya cash in on that in whatever way ya want, whenever ya want. I'm evenin' the score today, so ya can't come after me lookin' for handouts later, ya got that? We're square after this. ❞
While he speaks, he doesn't quite make eye contact. There's a stiff air about him — an uncomfortable disposition. Even if he's playing it cool, there's a sense of embarrassment radiating from him. Coming to visit Rosinante on his birthday with intentions of giving him a gift and nothing more is an act that could be considered far to innocuous for the likes of Eustass Kid.      This isn't him being nice. He'll be really pissed off if anyone even attempts to suggest that.
     ❝ Ya fed me, so I'll feed ya too, and that's that. So… Pick whatever venue ya want, I don't give a shit. I'll pay for it. ❞
Corazon Birthday Shenanigans
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    ❝ oh - really? thanks! but... ❞
 rosinante resisted an instinctual 'it's not a big deal'. of course, it wasn't; not having to look after a terminally ill child, or devote years to undercover work anymore left the man with plenty free time. as it happened, he enjoyed using that free time to farm, garden & cook. but, he was aware enough to realize: it wasn't a big deal, to him. for kid, things were different.
that was rosinante's educated guess; the way kid was refusing to look directly at him, and how his words somehow sounded planned and unplanned simultaneously ー reminded him of law, and how he acted once the walls had started coming down.
he'd frame acts of kindness just like this: a favor, he "made extra on accident", "just because he wanted to", he "was going to do it anyway" ー all sorts of things. and, at the time, rosinante didn't get how difficult it was ー how embarrassing & vulnerable it was ー for someone so stoic to allow themselves to do something kind. almost as if he thought rosinante would laugh at him for offering to clean up their campsite, or left the last bit of soup in the pot for him.
any polite refusals on rosinante's end ー or worse: an acknowledgement, light teasing or not, of how nice he was being "for a change" ー and he would be met with swift defensiveness or anger. 'forget it!' law would say, and that would be the end of that.
so, over the years, rosinante had learned to spin the conversations into something else.
 ❝ no use spending beri going out to eat when i have so much food growing here, right? would you want to stick around and help me make lunch instead? ❞
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code01746 · 7 months ago
bold those that apply to your muse:
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 LUST: desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one-night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire, revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes, provocative behavior, love poems, erotic art.
 GLUTTONY:  indulgence in experiences, savoring moments, hospitality, generosity, hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers.
 ENVY:  motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment-filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate.
 GREED:  resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get-rich-quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share.
 SLOTH:  calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge-watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pajamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines.
 PRIDE:  confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development.
 WRATH: assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanor, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger.
tagged by: stolen from my other blog. tagging: you.
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code01746 · 7 months ago
Happy birthday, Corazon ! Linn got him some nicotine gum :3c
Don't eat them all at once ~ (no please, honestly don't-)
Corazon Birthday Shenanigans
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   ❝ appreciated! ❞
how did that saying go? the best time to do something was yesterday, but the second best time is right now? so, it seemed like as good a time as any to work on quitting for good. since minion island, rosinante's lungs ー in addition to the rest of him ー hadn't been in the best shape; so, it was for the best. not to mention how happy law would be if he actually stuck to quitting this time.
rosinante, wanting to show his immediate appreciation for the gift rather than just dismissively sliding it into his pocket, took out a piece and popped it into his mouth. the immediate, warm buzz of the nicotine.
   ❝ understood, doc. though, law might scalpel it out of my stomach if i tried, so i wouldn't worry. ❞
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code01746 · 8 months ago
probably won't get to these for a few days, or maybe not until early next week, but here's a tentative meme/inbox call from cora.
i'll pick 1-3 memes from your tag to send in. no cap, though i might be selective about what i decide to turn into threads depending on how many people like this. just trying to gently ease myself back into things.
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code01746 · 8 months ago
the lord giveth (i had lots of fun yesterday/got a lot of cute inboxes for cora's birthday to reply to)
    & the lord taketh (i woke up violently ill)
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code01746 · 8 months ago
did not get to any of those very nice birthday inboxes (thank you for thinking of my silly little bird) because i got a little too distracted sending gifts to other coras on my doffy, so i'll probably follow rabbit's lead and do those over the next few days/week.
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