#rocky reach dam
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eopederson2 · 6 months ago
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Insulator tree, Rocky Reach Dam Parking Lot, Chelan County, 2019.
Those familiar with back roads in the southeastern states have seen bottle trees, dead tree skeletons decorated with empty bottles. This, I guess, is a PNW variant using the glass insulators once used on power lines instead of bottles.
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kays-catch-of-the-day · 28 days ago
Good morning yall! Hope you're ready for a new fish today cuz we got an all timer here today!
Today's fish is none other than my personal favorite fish, the Brook Trout (salvelinus fontinalis)! These beauties are native to Eastern North America, in both Canada and the United States, ranging from Lake Superior, to the coastal waterways from the Hudson Bay to Long Island, though they have spread far beyond their native ranges, mostly via aquacultural practices and artificial propagation, making them invasive species in many regions of North America and the world at large!
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Two ecological forms of Brook Trout have been recognized by the US Forest Service, the longer-living potamodromous (fish whose migration occurs fully within fresh water) population, known as coasters , and the anadromous (fish whose migration occurs from fresh water to salt water) population, known as salters. Adult coasters typically reach lengths over 2 feet in length and weigh up to 15lbs, compared to adult salters, which average between 6 to 15 inches and about 5lbs. They're characterized by their vibrant coloration, with olive green bodies and spectacular yellow and blue rimmed red spots, white and black trimming along their orange fins, and dense, irregular lines along the top of their bodies. Often, the bellies of male Brook Trout becomes bright red or orange when spawning.
During the spawning season, female Brook Trout will construct a depression in the stream bed, referred to as a "redd", where groundwater percolates upward through the gravel. Male Brook Trout will approach the female, fertilizing the eggs. The eggs are only slightly denser than water, and can easily be swept away by the current. To avoid this, the female will bury the eggs in a small gravel mound, from which they hatch 4 to 6 weeks later. During this incubation period, the eggs receive oxygen from the streamwater that passes through the gravel beds and into their gelatinous shells. Once they hatch into small fry fish that retain their yolk sack for nutrients, which compensates for the lack of nutrients provided by the parents during the early stages of development. Following the consumption of the yolk, the fry Brook Trout will shelter from predatory species in rocky crevices and inlets, growing from fry to fingerlings, until reaching full maturation at the ripe old age of 6 months.
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Despite their native range spanning across low-elevation lakes and watersheds, Brook Trout are increasingly confined to higher elevations in the Appalachian Mountains, especially in southern regions of Appalachia. Over seas, however, Brook Trout have thrived in introduced populations in much of Europe, Argentina, and New Zealand since as early as the 1850's! Their typical habitats include large and small lakes, rivers, creeks, and spring ponds in cold temperate climates. They thrive in clear spring water with moderate flow rates and healthy vegetation populations and other resources which provide natural hiding places. Although they are more resilient and adaptable to varying environmental changes, such as pH levels and temperatures, Brook Trout struggle in temperatures warmer than 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Their diets include aquatic insects at all stages of life, adult terrestrial insects such as grasshoppers and crickets, crustaceans and frogs, molluscs, invertebrates, smaller fish, and even small aquatic mammals such as voles, and even other young Brook Trout! This highly indiscriminate diet and environmental resiliency allows for their success across the globe.
Given all of this, Brook Trout are classified as a Secure by NatureServe's conservation metrics, but that label may be misleading; these incredible fish face severe and repeated extirpation (localized extinction) in many of their native habitats due to habitat destruction, pollution, damming, and invasive species. Meanwhile, Brook Trout present the danger of extirpation to other fish in their nonnative habitats, indicating that efforts must be taken to curb these populations. In short, there are more than enough Brook Trout, but they simply are not where they are meant to be.
A true fish out of (the specifically correct body of) water, the Brook Trout scores within the top percentile of all fishies on our highly advanced fish ranking scale.
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vestaignis · 8 months ago
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Каскад живописных Бадукских озер самый знаменитый туристический объект, лежит в долине р. Бадук между между грозными стенами хребтов Бадук и Хаджибей. Они расположены в охранной зоне Тебердинского заповедника, на территории Карачаево-Черкессии, в непосредственной близости от Домбая. В геологическом плане они являются молодыми (около 200 лет). Эти водоёмы - результат природ��ых преобразований, связанных с образованием на реке крупных запруд. Эти запруды, в свою очередь, возникли из-за обвалов камней. Бадукские озера наполнены абсолютно прозрачной водой, цвет которой меняется в зависимости от погоды и времени суток. Иногда она кажется нежно-бирюзовой, а иногда – темно-фиолетовой. В озерах обитает форель, но поскольку они находятся в заповеднике, рыбалка здесь запрещена. По берегам растут сосны и березовое криволесье, но зимой лавины часто уничтожают и кустарники, и деревья.В границах заповедника, кроме водоемов, расположены ледники, скальные гряды, заливные луга и массивы лесов. Всего водоемов три:
-Первый – самый крошечный. Его диаметр всего 80 метров, а глубина не доходит и до 5 м. Вода в нем очень студеная – круглый год она не превышает отметку +5С.
-Второй водоем, находящийся на 260 м выше – несколько крупнее. Его диаметр достигает 200 метров. Бадукские озера (высота второго из них – 1987 м относительно уровня моря) располагаются одно за другим, постепенно поднимаясь в гору.
-Третье – самое огромное. Его размеры составляют 330 на 200 метров, а площадь превышает 3,5 гектара. Здесь восторженно замирают все, приехавшие на Бадукские озера – фото этих мест потрясают и завораживают. Глубина его достигает 9 метров, а вода прозрачная и чистая. В пользу последнего факта говорит то, что в Большом Бадукском издавна поселилась форель. Водоем плещется выше своих собратьев, на высоте 1 990 метров. В этом озере нередко купаются туристы – хотя оно довольно прохладное, но невероятно чистое. Здесь в конце весны и в начале лета цветет белый рододендрон. 
 По словам большинства туристов, в эти места хорошо приезжа��ь золотой осенью, с середины сентября и до конца октября. В это время сочная зелень окрашивается в яркие цвета, что отражается в лазурной глади озерных вод – потрясающее зрелище. Эффектные фотографии получаются на берегах озер.  Интересно запечатлеть течение Теберды с подвесного моста возле трассы и место слияния стремительных рек Бадук и Хаджибей. 
The cascade of picturesque Baduk lakes, the most famous tourist attraction, lies in the valley of the river. Baduk between the formidable walls of the Baduk and Khadzhibey ridges. They are located in the protected zone of the Teberda Nature Reserve, on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, in close proximity to Dombay.
Geologically, they are young (about 200 years old). These reservoirs are the result of natural transformations associated with the formation of large dams on the river. These dams, in turn, arose due to rock falls. The Baduk lakes are filled with absolutely clear water, the color of which changes depending on the weather and time of day. Sometimes it appears soft turquoise, and sometimes dark purple. The lakes are home to trout, but since they are located in a nature reserve, fishing is prohibited here. Pine trees and crooked birch forests grow along the banks, but in winter avalanches often destroy both shrubs and trees. Within the boundaries of the reserve, in addition to reservoirs, there are glaciers, rocky ridges, water meadows and forests. There are three reservoirs in total:
-The first one is the tiniest. Its diameter is only 80 meters, and its depth does not even reach 5 m. The water in it is very cold - all year round it does not exceed +5C.
-The second reservoir, located 260 m higher, is somewhat larger. Its diameter reaches 200 meters. The Baduk lakes (the height of the second of them is 1987 m relative to sea level) are located one after another, gradually rising up the mountain.
- The third is the largest. Its dimensions are 330 by 200 meters and its area exceeds 3.5 hectares. Here everyone who comes to the Baduk Lakes freezes with delight - the photos of these places are stunning and mesmerizing. Its depth reaches 9 meters, and the water is clear and clean. The latter fact is supported by the fact that trout have long settled in Bolshoy Baduksky. The reservoir splashes higher than its fellows, at an altitude of 1,990 meters. Tourists often swim in this lake - although it is quite cool, it is incredibly clean.White rhododendron blooms here in late spring and early summer.
According to most tourists, it is good to come to these places in the golden autumn, from mid-September to the end of October. At this time, the lush greenery turns into bright colors, which is reflected in the azure surface of the lake waters - a stunning sight. Spectacular photographs are taken on the shores of lakes.It is interesting to capture the flow of the Teberda from the suspension bridge near the highway and the confluence of the fast-moving rivers Baduk and Khadzhibey.
Источник://t.me/divo_planeta,/pikabu.ru/story/dombay_badukskie_ozera_7787251,//treepics.ru/16876-badukskie-ozera-zimoi,//dombay. krymea.ru /badukskie-ozera/,/turisticum.ru/baduki/,//kukarta.ru / badukskie-ozera,/bolshayastrana.com /dostoprimechatelnosti / dombaj/badukskie-ozyora-60,/kukarta.ru/badukskie-ozera/, club-voshod.com/info/pohodnoe_info/dostoprimechatelnosti/dombay/dombay_badukskie_ozera/,/bolshayastrana.com/dostoprimechatelnosti/dombaj/badukskie-ozyora-60,/www.kp.ru/russia /dombaj/mesta /badukskie-ozera/.
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hunters-vigil · 3 months ago
The Archon's Baby - Chapter 12 - Atea
First Chapter Previous Chapter Next Chapter
warnings: mentions of protection against pregnancy and STDs, impending death (Atea), talk of death, murder, sacrifice.
Fic under the cut, don't repost my stuff on other platforms, i have ao3. Reader is not the traveller. Reader's adoptive sisters are Chasca and Chuychu.
"You don't need to carry me to the People of the Springs. I can walk you know. Are you trying to show off how much you've been working out?" You commented, squeezing Mavuika's bicep with a smirk as she carried you in her arms down the more rocky unstable terrain. You didn't see how Mavuika held back a smirk at your appreciation of her muscles, instead surveying the surroundings for any potential ambushes.
"Your sisters would kill me if you fell and got hurt, or worse. If something happened to you and the baby, I'd never forgive myself. Neither would your family." Mavuika stated, gently letting you down to walk now that the terrain had flattened out a bit.
"Yeah well... we'll find out. Chuychu and Chasca kept them at bay long enough. They're going to the stadium later since they know I'm not living at my house anymore. Mama is usually too busy at the Masters of the Night-Wind to chew papa, my sisters and I out..."
"So you decided to come with me to see Atea to avoid them?"
"Part of that box that Atea left had condoms and dental dams in it." You folded your arms, holding them close to you as Mavuika snorted.
"More than enough to make the point she was making. Especially after the looks she gave me when she realised why you weren't going into the hot springs... what of the other things in the box?"
"Some of the things are cute. Some of the less cute things I think should really be for Mualani, but I'm pretty sure she and Kinich are just friends. I know Chasca and Xilonen have something going on too. Anyway, there was something else in the box, but I don't think she should have given it to me. I don't know if I have a similar ambition to awaken it. Moving on, do you think Atea gave Mualani some stuff like that too? You chuckled, taking Mavuika's offered hand as she helped you down the path, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you walked.
"Perhaps it would be better if we didn't know the answer to that." Your lover offered, holding you close as the two of you soaked up the sun. Well, Mavuika soaked up the sun, keeping you protected in her shadow.
"Good point..." a sigh escaped your lips, "I know Atea wouldn't want us to be sad, but I don't know if my stupid hormones will get the memo."
Mavuika's free hand reached out, interlacing her fingers with yours to stop you from rubbing at your eyes, "she'll understand, my love."
"Archon? I didn't think I'd see you here- oh, hey it's you! You're here too! Feels like it's been forever since I've seen you! How are you doing? Are you getting better?" Mualani frowned at the sight of Mavuika, but the confusion in her eyes melted away at the sight of you, hurrying over to greet you excitedly.
"I'm okay. Still tired easily, supposed to be on bed rest but um... we came to see Atea." Your gripped Mavuika's hand a little tighter, feeling your archon's gaze on you, but Mualani didn't even blink at you two holding hands.
"I'll take you there! We'll go slowly though, take a few less public paths. No doubt if everyone sees you, Archon, you'll be stuck here all day." Mualani explained, gently hooking her arm around yours to walk you two to where Atea was, her home.
"So are you two..." Mualani began to ask, but luckily or unluckily for you three, she was unable to get an answer.
"Mualani, don't be nosy, you know that's not your business." Atea folded her arms, giving the younger girl a warning look, before her eyes softened at the sight of you.
"Well, I can't say I was expecting this. Little one, why don't you go with Mualani to sit down and have some snacks. I need to have a word with our dear Archon here." Atea's gaze shifted as she watched Mualani take you away, leaving her to give Mavuika a look.
"Is this about-"
"I thought you of all people knew about protection- and I'm not talking about the power of the divine throne." Atea sighed, hiding her smile as Mavuika's face burning with heat at the insinuation. Luckily you were out of ear range as Atea scolded her archon, quietly talking with Mualani instead. Whatever you two were saying, the God of War could not hear.
"Is that why you left her... those things?"
"No. That was because I wanted to see the look on my 'hot spring buddy's' face." Atea teased, enjoying watching her friend squirm, "I still remember when Chasca and Mualani were fighting over toys you know. Now all of them are grown up."
"You make me sound like a cougar." Mavuika grimaced, looking over at you and Mualani, but you were looking at her with a concerned frown, while Mualani leaned into your side, hugging you gently. You both looked so tired, as Mualani yawned sleepily, you copying the motion involuntarily.
"If I had more time, I would give you an earful." Atea huffed, meeting your gaze as she turned her head, "no doubt her parents will, if Chasca and Chuychu haven't. You put a huge target on her back..."
"Chasca and Chuychu have both processed the news, but she's avoiding her tribe entirely. It was never my intention to isolate her from everyone, but other things have been bothering her, like... her birth parents. She worries about any genetics the baby could inherit." Mavuika folded her arms as she began to explain, seeing Atea's expression, "she started talking to the Wayob in her sleep."
"From what I know, her parents weren't from Natlan, but were travelling here. Both were dead when the patrol found them, but the infant was alive. They made it across the Sumeru desert, but she was born on the border to Natlan. From what you just said, the Wayob must protect her, so sending her to another nation isn't an option..." Atea explained, taking a sip of her drink as she looked over at where you and Mualani had ended up taking a nap, curled up on her couch.
"The Abyss?" Mavuika held her breath as she watched her friend shake her head.
"The Fatui."
"Why were the Fatui..." Mavuika frowned, wondering why the Fatui would kill your birth parents. If she had all the pieces of the puzzle, maybe things would make more sense.
"Does she know?"
"I don't think anyone ever told her the whole story." Atea admitted, watching how you and Mualani reminded her of sleeping baby Koholasaurus.
"I'm scared to go back." You admitted after bidding your farewells to Atea, hugging her as carefully as you could, as she patted your head, telling you that you were going to be fine. Even though she wouldn't be there to witness it herself, she just hoped you shared the same drive as hers. To protect... but maybe that instinct would flare as more motherly in your case...
"Is this about your parents?"
"Something Chuychu said, when they found me, I wasn't wearing Natlanese clothes. I've never seen these clothes, so it's not like I can find out what nation they're supposedly from. I know I was born in Natlan, and our baby will be born in Natlan... it's just weird with them, for me. They'll probably try to ground me for not coming home in so long, then scold me for keeping secrets, then freak out because it's the Archon's baby and they can't be disrespectful to the Archon-"
"My love, you're spiralling. Let us return first, we will deal with your family together." Mavuika brought your hand up to her lips, pressing kisses to each knuckle.
"You're my family too." Your heart ached at how soft your lover could be, the little moments you got to witness as her lover, compared to the side of her that everyone else saw. The fearless Archon, the woman who sacrifices everything to save her nation, then Mavuika, who gave up her life, her family 500 years ago... then would need to give up her life again, giving up her family in the present too...
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t0rturedangel · 1 year ago
╭ . . . 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 ੭
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𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ; ♰ ৎ﹕𝘦𝘹𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘢 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘶𝘮
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but here is scene two as promised my lovlies, I'm sorry that it's short
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With her fall,
the cherubim went mad,
with sorrow and hate
she now sat on jagged rocks
     You glared at the sky, or whatever it was above you- the bottom side of heaven? whatever it was, this place was not the earth the angels created nor was it the hell your Lucifer was dammed to but there is one thing for sure- you fucking hated this shithole. There was no life here (no life that was thriving, all the nature that could have been here is now reduced to rotten carcasses of what they used to be), just barren land with not a single soul in sight- besides yours of course though your soul was practically torn to shreds. 
     For endless days of your damned punishment you'd scream at the top of your lungs, begging heaven for it's forgiveness, to be let back in- making empty promises of never betraying them again. You'd sob into your hands when your voice finally gave up, your tears felt unusually acidic and whenever you did cry a weird feeling over came your senses, almost as if you had to get your hands on whatever moved- just as long as it didn't watch you. Eventually, when your crying sessions would end, you'd make an attempt to fly to heaven though their skies, those clouds you'd always rest on, the clouds you and Lucifer would fly through in utter glee were now so far to reach, no matter how fast and strong you flew. For hours, you'd manage to make your wings fly and then- they'd give up, your feathers simply gave up just as much as you did then once again you'd plunge down into the mossy yet rocky ground.
     ˓˓ HEAVEN! ʾʾ you screamed out as you fell ˓˓ HEAVEN FORGIVE ME! I BEG YOU! ʾʾ though as always your words were never heard, you were sure they could hear you- at least even some of them, perhaps St. Peter?... yeah you heard of him, you heard of his arrival- from who or where you cannot remember but you knew he was now by the gates of heaven allowing good moral souls to enter- GOD FUCKING DAMN IT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE WITH THEM! those shitbags dont care about anyone but them, they're selfish little fucks who only want to see the good- never the bad! Cant they open their fucking eyes to see that they aren't perfect?! 
     Sharp rocks dug into your back as you landed on them for the umpteenth time for that day, or week, or month- you didn't know any more, time was a concept you lost the knowledge to a while go, as much as other things. Your old social behavior was sure to have faltered, gone wrong, your mind had probably twisted into something horrific. That Cherub that once thrived is now dead, in her wake a new angel- a weeper angel now takes her place.
Now with heaven's ignorance and silence
the weeper lost hope for salvation,
and then she turned to the ground beneath her feet
     Out of sheer anger of the lack of reply from the heavenly skies, you kicked yet another rock out of your way- while flying from where it once stood the rock broke into several pieces. It's been so long. So long of you begging and pleading with heaven for one more chance and they have done nothing but ignore you, you'd tried so many times to reach out to them you flew for hours- screamed for days- wept so loud you were sure all three worlds could hear you crystal clear. ˓˓ GOD DAMNIT ʾʾ kicking more things you looked above you ˓˓ CAELO TE DAMNO! TE ANGELOS PATHETICUS OMNES ʾʾ 〔 DAMN YOU HEAVEN! DAMN ALL YOU PATHETIC ANGELS 〕 if heaven will not answer your calls, then you'll turn to hell. While yes, you saw Heaven as a choice first it was mainly because you could not bare to see Lucifer again, after you failed to keep his place in heaven he would surely hate you, he's want you to suffer but seeing as even heaven will not take you- Hell was your only chance of escapism, but how would you get there? Would you be able to stomp onto the ground with such power that the ground would crack and open up?
     Perhaps not, after all what if you end up on the earth's land- with humans, eugh, the thought of them makes your stomach twist, full of virtue or full of vice they were disgusting mortals- your presence would send them into insanity, they'd all go mad and kill one another and plus they were dirty, vile creatures- you felt that if you even saw one, they'd end up dead by your hands. Something was wrong with you, you never thought that way before. It was this isolation that was breaking your mind, you needed to get out and fast.
     again, but how? There was no way you were willing to break the ground, and the only other way to even get there was through the extermination- yes this was another thing you were aware of, after all Angels needed to pass through your current home to get to hell, so maybe just maybe while they're flying through the portal you'd be able to sneak in too. There was only one problem, you dont know where the portal appears, it never appears in the same place and whenever it does appear you're too far away.
     But, it was your only chance and you had to take it, or else you'd go truly mad, turn into a beast and kill anyone and anything you set your glossed over eyes on. Now the waiting game begins, though it wont take long at all- the last extermination was 350 days ago, you counted. Only 15 days left until you could be free from this torture.
     Forget heaven, forget it all- now hell is your new destination.
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𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 ⠆(want to be reminded when I post a new chapter? Lmk!) ⸺ @reverse-soe @jellibean2018 @aliazy @sugarrush-blush @littledolly2345 @immahuman @marsilis @c0sm1cstqrsx @redqueeen99 @persephosposts
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 year ago
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The Beautiful Blue Catfish
Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) are members of the bullhead catfish family, native to the drainages of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio river basins and the Gulf of Mexico. Because of their popularity as game fish, this species has also been introduced to freshwater systems throughout North and South America, and is considered invasive in these areas.
Like many catfish, I. furcatus is a bottom dweller. They can often be found near complex structures such as rocky outcroppings, fallen trees, or sunken structures that provide both food and shelter. The blue catfish is an opportunistic predator, consuming any fish or aquatic invertebrates it can find, as well as eggs, small amphibians, and injured or recently deceased animals. Adult I. furcatus are seldom prey for other species due to their size, but hatchlings and juveniles are often food for cormorants, willets, osprey, pelicans, and bald eagles. To deter predators, this species has serrated barbs along their dorsal and pectoral fins, each laced with a particularly painful toxin.
Though they can be difficult prey for other animals, the blue catfish is a popular target for fishermen, and for good reason; they're the largest species of catfish in North America. Adults can easily reach a length of 65 in (170 cm) and a weight of 165 lb (75 kg). As indicated by their name, most individuals are grey or blue, with a lighter underbelly. This species also lacks scales, a common characteristic of catfish, and the face is framed by long whisker-like barbels that help it detect nearby food.
While generally solitary, blue catfish aren't territorial, and tend to ignore each other until the mating season. Reproduction begins in April and continues until June, during which time males attract a female by building a nest and releasing attractive pheromones. Once a female has selected a male, she lays between 4,000-8,000 eggs per kilogram of bodyweight in his nest (i.e. if the female weighs 2 kg, she may lay between 8,000-16,000 eggs). The male then disperses sperm over the eggs. Following fertilization, the male chases away the female and guards the nest for about a week, at which time the eggs hatch. The hatchlings, also known as fry, stay close together in schools for several weeks before growing large enough to disperse. It will take them a further 5 years for them to reach maturity; on average individuals live about 10 years, but can live as long as 25.
Conservation status: The blue catfish is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. Within its native range, populations face minor threats from dams and droughts. Where it has been introduced, the species is considered invasive due to its voracious appetite.
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Missouri Department of Conservation
Earl Nottingham
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k1mmi-1 · 13 days ago
Camp In Killer Style
A Slasher, inspired by Fear Street 1978
Rindou x Reader
Y/n's first time and maybe last time at a sleep away camp starts off rocky and it continues getting worse and worse with a killer in the area. Tensions rise when people go missing. No service and miles deep in the forest is the perfect ground for a killer. Could one of them be the killer?
Mentions:Drugs, Murder, Alcohol
Chapter 1 
Spending my entire summer at a sleep away camp has never even crossed my mind. But being dropped miles away deep in the forest quickly set reality in. “This will be good for you.” My father said as we started pulling into the camp, there were tons of cars around and buses. Parents helping their kids unload their bags and others saying goodbyes. “Yeah this is the dream.” I muttered.“We will pick you up at the end of summer alright” My mother said while rubbing her head. No one uttered a word as I got out of the car and went to the trunk to pull out my bags. Once I got everything out and closed the trunk, My parents left. They didn’t get out to say bye or that they will miss me. They just pulled out of the camp and started driving away. 
Great what the fuck do I do. I looked around awkwardly looking for some place or person I could check in with. I looked around and noticed most kids were my age with a few looking preteens. As I was focused on looking around I didn’t notice a blond girl approach me. “Hi!My name is Emma.First time here?” She said with a smile. “Yeah, hopefully last time here too.” I said with a small smile. “Yeah this place kinda sucks, Since it’s your first time here, wanna bunk with me?” She replied. “Yes thank you” I said, so relieved that I wasn’t alone anymore. She helped me with my bags as she led the way further into the camp. We made small talk. “Yeah the camp counselors are the owners, they don’t really care what we do as long as someone doesn’t die.” It turns out she comes here most summers with her 2 brothers. She stopped walking when we reached an old looking shitty cabin. She smiled and opened the door, we walked inside and she put my bags on an empty bed. “This one is yours, mine is that one, and the other one is Hina's. She's probably with her boyfriend right now but you'll meet her soon.” Emma said with a sigh. “Alright thanks for helping with my bags.” I said, then laid on the firm mattress. 
“Yeah of course, I’m going to go check in with my brothers, want to come?” Emma said with a big smile. “Sorry I'm a little tired right now,later?” I said. She smiled and nodded her head walking out. I sighed and once I heard the door close I sprung up, reaching for one of my bags. I rummaged through it and pulled out a blunt and lighter. I got up and walked out of the cabin, walking a little further into the trees. Once I couldn’t see the cabins anymore and I found a rock I could sit on. I pulled out my blunt and lit it. Taking a big hit, then letting out a few coughs. Not even a minute later I heard voices. I froze and saw 3 boys staring at me with shocked expressions. “Told you guys I smelt it.” One of the taller ones said. “Hey girl can we hit it.” He said walking closer with a grin. The 2 others were just standing awkwardly. “ffffuck No.” I said, sharing one of my blunts with these feins? No way I'm stuck here the whole summer. I gotta put me first. “C'mon just one hit we feining” The taller one continued. Again the other 2 were just looking at the ground avoiding eye contact. 
“That's crazy,” I replied. Yeah this blunt just gave me confidence. “Just one hit and we will go away.” The taller one continued not giving up. I sighed, way to ruin the vibe. “Fine, but I hold the blunt.” I said. He smiled and waved his 2 awkward friends over. “I’m Ran, that's my brother Rindou, and our friend Kakucho.” Ran said as he introduced himself and his friends. Dam his brother is fine as fuck. “I'm y/n”. I replied. I held out the blunt and Ran took a generous hit, then kakucho took a smaller hit, and finally Rindou walked over taking a small hit but still too much for my liking.
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reallyromealone · 2 years ago
Hey rome I was wondering if you could do alpha sephiroth x omega reader were the reader is cloud's older brother but cloud Is protective If not maybe a little overprotective of the reader who is pregnant and due at any time
Sorry if the request is hard to understand this is my first request and I was nervous to ask
Modern au
Omegaverse, male reader, fluff, mpreg, mentions of birth
Sephiroth x male reader
It was a surprise that sephiroth managed to court and mate (name) Strife, the Omega being the older brother of Cloud.
Sephiroth proved to be a very capable alpha to the Omega, being the Son of Shinra Sephiroth could provide (name) with a perfect life.
"Time to wake up" sephiroth deep voice whispered in his mates ear, gently caressing his large belly that carried their sons, Sephiroth managing to knock (name) up with triplet sons that they were already working on (name)s for.
Sephiroth gently peppered kisses across his neck and smirked at the cute sounds the other was making "ten more minutes..." (Name) grumbled but the silver haired man wasn't having it, getting up and lifting his very pregnant mate in his arms.
Sephiroth was a serious man, a ruthless business man in the best of days but in his home he was a loving mate and husband.
"(Name)!" Little marline ran to the Omega who hugged her the best he could while being pregnant with three pups "hello pup" he said as sephiroth kept a hand on the omegas lower back.
"Cloud!" (Name) smiled at his baby brother, the blond alpha letting his brother check him over and fret as his instincts went haywire.
Cloud and sephiroth always had a....rocky relationship.
It started in university where they were on opposing teams for their respective university martial arts teams and have been sworn enemies since.
Cloud glared at the silver haired alpha and Sephiroth glared back.
Cloud didn't think Sephiroth was good enough for (name) and sephiroth just thought cloud was annoying.
The visit was a constant war between the two, finding anything to nitpick at each other much to (name)s annoyance.
Cloud barely let Sephiroth get five feet within (name)s vicinity.
"Oh" (name) looked down to see wet liquid down his leg "I'm so sorry Barrett" (name) whispered as a contraction rolled through "I'll drive you to the hospital!" Cloud said but Sephiroth halted him "on a motorcycle? Absolutely not"
"He's right Cloud, he needs a secure vehicle" Tifa spoke up and the blond alpha glared at the smug Sephiroth "and don't you worry (name)" Barrett said waving off the omegas worry.
(Name) ended up having surgery to deliver the pups, three beautiful little boys that all looked identical to their Sire.
"My babies..." (Name) mumbled as he reached to the three babes.
"I'm an uncle..." Cloud mumbled as they all went in the room to see (name) and the babies "you're an uncle" (name) mumbled very drugged and loopy "baby... Tell em the names!" He said giggly "they are named Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo" sephiroth said holding two out of three "wash your hands and you may hold them"
"Tell cloud the thing..." (Name) mumbled to his alpha as the babes were passed around and Sephiroth sighed "(name) would like to know if you're willing to be their god father" he grumbled, the blond looking at his tiny nephews in awe "absolutely..." He said pulling little Loz closer, the baby a bit more of a Cryer than his brothers.
Little kadaj didn't want to leave his Dam at all, practically sobbing when someone tried to hold him and Yazoo just didn't care.
"Now let's let the new parents spend time with their babies" Aerith said calmly, everyone bidding goodbye "you did good kid" Barrett kissed (name)s forehead lovingly, being his and Clouds defacto dad and the omega smiled at the affection.
When everyone left (name) fed his pups, two at a time then took the last to feed "they're going to be so loved..." (Name) whispered as Sephiroth put them in their little bassinets "they will never be without" sephiroth whispered as (name) passed out from exhaustion.
(Name) was going to be an excellent parent... Sephiroth could feel it.
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soka-starxi · 2 months ago
Dammed and Divine (Discontinued..sorry!)
Din Djarin x Jedi!reader
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Chapter 1: Hiding in the shadows
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Summary: you’re situated on Arvala-7 hiding from the empire. A large bounty is on your head being the last surviving Jedi, unfortunately for you, Din Djarin is on the search for a big score.
Tags: slow burn, enemies/strangers to lovers.
A/N: Cannon violence, no use of Y/N, jedi! reader, afab! reader (she/her pronouns) I will try and upload as frequently as I can, will be cross posted on A03 soon under soka_starxi.
Green leathery vines were not enough to swallow the ancient building upheaved by forceless pillars. Even in dusk rays of a distant star seeped into every crack and poured onto your face giving a subtle reminder to leave the meditative state. Clearing out any thoughts were assuredly difficult during these times, even when feeling the water cascade over your body as you bathe. The ache of past scars serving the gut-wrenching reminder of a now fallen republic…what could’ve been.
Spending so long hiding in shadows you’ve practically became one, paired with a thirst to disappear and to forget what once existed. But the universe does not forgive that easily. You know that soon, any day now..they will pull you out of any crevice with yearning, malevolent claws.
Sleep began to call your name as you sunk beneath red patterned sheets, tiny lights above the low-rise bed danced like little planets in the subdued light. Causing you to dismiss the thoughts and the occasional hazy visions that were bestowed upon you from time to time. Making yourself vunerable to the dark side, even a slither of bitter emotions can unleash the sith to search every planet they can and lay a cloaked hand on.
Making you feel lucky in a sense seeing as negative emotions often come when you loose your friends, your teachers, your home. Arvala-7 wasn’t the best replacement but had similarities to your birth planet, Jakku. You still remember the initial feeling of the sand beneath your feet and laying below alluring desert skies all those years ago when you first touched down on Arvala. Very soon after the age of the empire had begun.
“That better, R4?” The wrench tightly clasped in your hand made neat work of fixing the droids scope back into place. Chirping happily, you gave her a gentle pat as she made herself busy once more. Tossing your gloves to the side, you walked under the archway and slightly grimaced as sand grazed your cheek. The humidity and sweat causing your chestnut hair to cling to the side of your profile that fell into a complex plait down your back.
Sighing as you fell to your knees under the comfort of the shade, you placed worn hands over your dark tunic. Sand grazing your cheek, the hush of wind over the mud flats, the weight of your body against the rocky surface slowly faded away to nothing. No longer present, you reached out. As the years passed these searches became less frequent. But still you ended up on your knees feeling like a fool for the same old tricks. The pining fell to a familiar, relentless hunger clawing its way through the abyss. Echos crept up your spine sending a jolt to your heart but began to fade as soon as it was found. Tearing through the darkness the echos fell through your fingers like sand that was now grazing your blushed cheek again.
Echos turned into reverberated words as your boots met with the ground. Slowly twisting around expecting to be met with an inpatient Jawa you couldn’t have been more wrong.
Craning your neck up, a t-shaped visor bore into you. Unmistakably a mandlaorian stood before you, bullets decorating his wide chest plate. Uneasiness pricked at the back of your neck as they stepped forward, casting a looming cloud way above
this better be worth it
It took a lot to even reach this point. With no puck and an incomplete chain code it was a miracle the tracking fob brought me all this way. Not scorning much luck with information on bounty’s in recent times.
“Are you Lietta?”
My eyes drew focus to her small beaded headpiece peaking out from under the lengthy braid, a blueish silver shard in the middle of her forehead swayed a little as the wind blew.
“What do you care” a careful sleeved, fingerless gloved hand disappeared into her pointed silhouette of which I couldn’t tell if it was armour or not. Her angular shoulders were accented with red detailing curving round with material causing a v-lined pattern on her chest. Her legs stood posed shoulder width appart, a deep blue skirt extension swayed between her legs from her waist.
“I am here to bring you in, there’s a rather large bounty on your head”
Her green eyes did not leave mine, she was surprisingly calm. Not a word left her mouth, only the sand rolling of the tops of the rocks could be heard.
“Don’t make this harder for yourself” she was still. Too still. And I had absolutely no idea of what she was capable of and so I braced for what, I don’t know. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long, a lengthy sword appeared almost glowing as it refected off the sun. She challenged me side on as she spoke “do I have a choice?”
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eitherlyingorstupid · 6 months ago
Day 3: Power Play | Gags
G1 Cartoon, Astrotrain/Blitzwing.
"If you don't stop whining, you'll get us both in trouble," Astrotrain growled.
He was straddling the other triple-changer, grinding his spike against Blitzwing's.
"Keep your voice down, Astrotrain," Blitzwing hissed in response. "You're the one who brought us here. If we get caught, it's your spark on the line." His vents hitched as Astrotrain slid forward, letting Blitzwing's spike slip against his valve.
The decision to interface in an abandoned quarry was a risky one, but Blitzwing had been dancing on Astrotrain's last nerve. He had two instincts: kill Blitzwing or frag him into submission. Astrotrain picked the second option.
Blitzwing gasped as Astrotrain's valve sunk onto his spike. The sound echoed off the walls of bare stone, magnified by the cavernous space of the quarry. "Fine," he spat. "But if the Autobots catch us, you're on your own."
Astrotrain's valve tightened around Blitzwing, wringing a strangled noise from him. "I've had enough of your insubordination," Astrotrain said. "You're going to learn who's in charge here, or I'll rip you apart piece by piece."
"We're the same rank, you slagger."
"Says who?" Astrotrain ground down against Blitzwing, hard enough to leave a streak of his paint on the latter's pelvis. "I've seen the way the others look at me. They respect me. Fear me. You, on the other hand, they just find unpredictable. And dim-witted."
Blitzwing grabbed at Astrotrain's hips, attempting to buck his own into the train's. "Don't tell me you're still caught up on that coup attempt. It was ages ago!"
"How could I forget you commandeering a dammed football stadium as a base?" Astrotrain sneered, his thrusts becoming more punishing.
"You flooded the entire city!" Blitzwing shouted. Though they were around the same size, Astrotrain was much heavier, and did a good job of pinning Blitzwing in place.
Astrotrain's circuits burned, irritation clashing with arousal. "That was the fault of those idiot trains I recruited. I had a plan, you had nothing!"
Blitzwing's thrusts grew more desperate, his voice strained. "You had a plan that was as solid as a wet tissue!"
Astrotrain's optics narrowed, and he slammed down harder, making Blitzwing's armor screech against the rocky ground. "I had a vision!"
His hands dug into Blitzwing's chest as the shouting match continued. Pouring out his frustration felt thrilling, especially as he watched the other mech's face contort with each movement.
Eventually, Astrotrain had enough. Grabbing a length of pipe from the floor of the quarry, he shoved it in Blitzwing's mouth.
Blitzwing's muffled protests only served to stoke Astrotrain's anger further. He gripped the pipe tighter, pushing it deeper until it was wedged between his teeth. The taste of cold metal was jarring, but Blitzwing's mind was too preoccupied with the burning sensation in his groin to fully process the intrusion.
"Ashro-ain," he said. "O'er-oa'in —"
"Of course you are," Astrotrain growled. "You slag."
He felt Blitzwing's spike pulse with release, the hot fluid spurting out and coating his the inside of his valve. He didn't let up, though, keeping the rhythm of their grinding steady as he watched the other Decepticon's visor flicker.
He ex-vented harshly as he finally reached his own climax, his valve pulsing around Blitzwing's spike.
Astrotrain sat there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of victory. "You know, I think I like you better when you're gagged."
He slipped off of him and stood, offering a servo to help Blitzwing up.
Blitzwing took it begrudgingly, spitting out the pipe. "I'm gonna need to get new paint," he grumbled.
"I'll add it to your list of reparations," Astrotrain said. He laced his fingers with Blitzwing's in a gesture of surprising tenderness.
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todaysbug · 1 year ago
October 18th, 2023
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Giant Salmonfly (Pteronarcys californica)
Class: Insecta
Distribution: Western North America, from the coast to the Sierra-Nevada mountains, northward to Alaska and Yukon and southward to Mexico.
Habitat: Nymphs live on the bottom of fast-moving, well-oxygenated rocky rivers. Adults can be found along shoreline vegetation and rocks.
Diet: Detritivores; nymphs feed on organic matter found at the bottom of rivers that have collected in debris dams or behind boulders, such as decaying leaves. Adults eat very little, if at all.
Description: Salmonflies are the largest stonefly species on the west coast, reaching up to three inches in length at their adult stage. To get to this size, nymphs grow through anywhere from twelve to twenty instars over a span of three or four years. They accumulate in large groups at the shoreline just before emergence, before finally crawling onto shore for the final molt. This event is the highlight of the spring fishing season, as mature nymphs and adult salmonflies are often used as fishing bait.
Salmonflies belong to the order Plecoptera, or stoneflies, which are often used as indicators of water quality due to their intolerance of water pollution; their presence is an indicator of excellent water quality! For this reason, the presence of stonefly nymphs is often closely monitered, along with the abundance of other pollution-intolerant orders such as Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (mayflies and caddisflies, respectively).
(First image by Sam McNally (adult), second by Bob Henricks (nymph))
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eopederson2 · 2 years ago
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Fish ladder and chute, Rocky Reach Dam, Chelan County, 2019.
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year ago
Donut Hole - Chapter 18
It's Alright
I got a baseball bat beside my bed
To fight off what inside my head
To fight off what's behind my meds
I'm lonely, lost in pain
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay
You're not a monster, just a human
And you made a few mistakes
- It's Alright, Mother Mother
[hi guys :) we're almost done. Also if the format seems. Weird, it's bc I'm posting from my phone! Ao3 link might be delayed bc of that]
[ao3 link]
Barry just wanted to close his eyes for a second. That's all he wanted. Mystery was perfectly capable of flying on its own, he just wanted to rest his eyes.
For a brief, beautiful moment, he was on the back of his staraptor. He was back home. Soaring through the pecha colored clouds, the towns and cities below merely a speck.
And to his side was [____] on her Crobat. She smiled at him, as warm as the sun, and just as imperceivable as staring directly at it.
The moment didn’t last.
Because the next thing he knew, he was lying in a pile of broken tree branches with a hurt back, Mystery was loudly cawing, and some kid was yelling at them.
Despite being dressed like the new Galactic groups, this kid seemed harmless. Barry absolutely couldn’t say the same about the rocky behemoth that stood behind the boy, but the pokemon made no move to attack them, so Barry chose not to acknowledge it.
Clearly, General Irida didn’t brief this kid well enough.
(Definitely General Irida, because he was wearing pink. And a strange hat that Barry swore he saw somewhere else…but couldn’t remember specifics for the life of him.)
But the kid willingly gave him directions to Jubilife and let the two leave, like an idiot, so Barry did just that.
“Past…deertrack heights…” he repeated to himself, realizing he didn’t know what a ‘deertrack heights’ was. “...cross the river, then cross it…again.”
That didn’t make any sense. Maybe the directions were wrong, or maybe the kid lied to him. But Barry definitely needed to get out of this forest first.
The two eventually stumbled upon a creek, gently winding through the forest, psyducks and bunearies splashing in the crystal clear water. Combees buzzed around small patches of flowers, wurmples creeped and crawled through the underbush, burmies hung from trees.
“This isn’t a river…but it should lead to one.” Barry thought aloud. Then, he paused, turning to Mystery. “...let’s give you a break, bud. I think it might be a bit hard for you to follow me anyway.”
He recalled Mystery to its pokeball and, because he didn’t feel totally comfortable walking without a pokemon, he let Pest out of his.
“Hey buddy!” Barry cooed, scratching the side of the Mothim’s head. “Keep me company, OK? We’re looking for a river. And maybe if we run into any trouble with the bugs, you can let them know I don’t mean any harm, sound good?”
Pest chirped and chittered, fluttering around the boy affectionately.
The two followed the creek closely, Barry taking a moment to appreciate the calm of the forest and the fresh air. The pokemon seemed more skittish than he was used to back home, most fleeing from him immediately.
The exception were a few beautifly that flew over to examine him, but a few chirps and trills from Pest was enough to return to their flowers, uninterested.
Barry and Pest finally saw the forest start to thin. In no time at all, the soft soil of the forest was now the white sand of a beach, and the small creek flowed into a large river. A large dam was built over the river mouth, with several bidoofs tending to it.
Overseeing the bidoofs was a very large bibarel, it turned to the boy and his bug, pushing itself to stand on its hind legs, looming over the two with a snarl. Saliva dripped from its maw, its eyes glowing red.
Barry, at this point in his travels, wasn’t phased. He watched the bibarel with a tired expression, waiting for it to finish the threat display.
He reached into his bag for a pokeball, not taking his eyes off the enormous rodent. “Man, I’m not dealing with this. Snacks, take care of this guy.”
Snacks burst from its pokeball with a debatably fearsome squeal, pelting the bibarel with energy balls.
And Barry turned away, confident that Snacks could handle an overgrown rodent. He didn’t go far, just to the river bank, where the bidoofs fled from his presence.
He released Fern from its pokeball, and Fern - still under the influence of the hypnosis from that weird deer - promptly slumped into Barry’s arms, asleep. Under normal circumstances, Barry would love to let Fern keep sleeping, but they were so close.
Carefully laying Fern onto the soft sand, Barry scooped up a handful of water and splashed its face. “Sorry Bud, we gotta keep moving! You gotta wake up! We’re almost there!”
Fern sputtered and coughed, immediately sitting up and pawing at its face. It shot Barry an annoyed frown, and he sheepishly patted its back. “H-Heh…sorry.”
Snacks returned with a triumphant squeal, pointing at the now-unconscious bibarel, concerned bidoofs swarming around their leader. And at this, Barry smiled.
His pokemon were getting stronger. They were capable of winning battles on their own, capable of protecting themselves and him.
Of course, taking on the horde of Galactic Members that were likely on his tail was still a no-go. They had more pokemon, a defected Battle Facility Head, and Barry was fairly certain they’d find a way to cheat.
But this was good.
Now, Barry’s plan was to release his pokemon, have a quick meal, and continue their journey. But as he reached into his bag for Mystery and Jen, a tree fell in the forest.
And another. And another. When Barry looked over his shoulder, he could see the treeline shifting. Getting closer and closer-
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Barry began shoving things back into his bag, quickly recalling Snacks and was about to recall Pest when the thing chasing them finally broke through the treeline.
It was the rocky, insectoid behemoth from the woods, the little boy with the hat riding on his back. “There he is, Lord Kleavor! Prepare for punishment, troublemaker!”
Well, Barry wasn’t stupid enough to stay around to see what that entailed. With Pest clinging to his head and with Fern by his side, they ran. Splashing through the river, using the bidoof dam as extra footing.
It felt like all of Sinnoh was trying to track him down, at this point. Part of him was tempted to try and fight the thing head on, but when he glanced back, he could see ‘Lord Kleavor’ preparing for a charge attack.
“Outta the way-!” Barry pushed Fern and himself onto the opposite bank of the river just as the behemoth charged, smashing through the dam and crashing into a tree.
The ‘Kleavor’ took a moment to reorient itself, part of its rocky beak currently embedded into the tree it slammed into.
“It’s OK, Kleavor! Try again!”
“No-No, don’t, Kleavor! Don’t try again!” Barry said, already scrambling up from the beach and onto the more rocky terrain. His current theory was that this Kleavor pokemon could charge in a single direction, similar to the rampardos from before.
If he kept zig-zagging around, he should be fine.
It was better than the group from before, that was certain.
"Stop running, scoundrel!" The little boy shouted, trying to sound as serious as possible. "You will face justice!"
Honestly, he sounded so…genuine. If Barry didn't know any better, he was almost convinced that he was doing something wrong.
He hadn’t done anything wrong…right? He just wanted his friend back, and Team Galactic was getting in the way! They were trying to stop him - weren’t they? They were trying to take over the world - weren’t they? They were going to kill him!
…weren’t they?
A horrible wave of nausea nearly overpowered him.
He had to be right. He couldn't afford to be wrong.
Besides, this kid was brainwashed by Team Galactic. Of course he'd get the facts wrong!
Kricketots and pichu scattered as Barry and Fern darted through the small foothills. He could hear the rocky pokemon behind them, stomping and smashing through trees to chase after them.
Slowly. Rock pokemon were generally not fast, and Barry thanked every God he knew for that.
They just needed to gain some more distance, then they could hide out and wait for the rock pokemon and the little kid to give up.
Then Barry could finally go to Jubilife. He'd finally end this. He’d punch Cyrus in his stupid, emotionless face, he’d fine him bajillions worth, he’d fine every single person working under him, he’d burn the place down-
Maybe that was too far. Maybe punching him was enough.
In the end, he just wanted Her back.
They were awfully high up in the hills now. Barry could see miles: the waterfalls, a Gyarados protectively snaking around the waters below, he could see a trail lined with unlit torches, a small bridge, and a tent.
But then he felt it. The rumbling of hoofs and paws against the earth.
Just up ahead, across a naturally formed land-bridge, the group from up in the mountains had caught up with him.
A screeching caw from above. The giant bird was circling around like a mandibuzz, the girl with green braids riding atop. "He's over here! Over here!"
Barry shouted the first thing that came to mind.
Barry hadn't even realized he had stopped moving, only noticing when Fern began anxiously trying to nudge him forward. His legs had turned to stone. Once the feeling in his legs returned and once the adrenaline began coursing through his veins, he ran.
He thought he had more time! He thought they wouldn’t catch up that fast!
Maybe this was just his life now. Running forever. Team Galactic nipping at his heels for eternity.
Or until they killed him.
Barry turned, instinctively going back to try and retreat, only to be met with the Kleavor. It slammed its axe-shaped claws into the earth, bellowing loud enough to rattle his very bones.
Fern darted forward with an uppercut to the jaw, Kleavor stumbling back with a pained croon.
Barry started to cheer, pausing when noticing Fern wince and seeing sharp stones embedded into its fist.
“Hey, HEY! You hurt Fern!” he snapped.
“You ATTACKED a LORD?!” the boy snapped back, equally enraged, confused, and terrified.
That was the second time someone mentioned a Lord pokemon. The only thing he could think of were the Totem Pokemon from Alola. But they were meant to be challenged, weren't they? What was the issue here?
Every time he thought he had an idea of what was going on, a new, strange puzzle piece would spring out of the box and try to punch him in the face.
There was something different about this chase. The others seemed more…organized. Coordinated.
Barry's first instinct was to run down the mountain on a worn path, greeted with Irida and Gaeric riding Ursaluna. But when Barry tried to backtrack, the strange, white deer tried to cut him off.
Luckily, there was a tree Barry could climb on to escape, but he was immediately attacked by the giant bird. He had to duck and roll out of there to escape.
Upon ducking into a small crevasse, he was met with the long sneasel’s glowing eyes. It yowled as it approached, pointing at him with its long talons.
Barry bit back a yelp as he scrambled backwards, attempting to look elsewhere to hide. Every nook and cranny was crawling with the Galactic forces.
Before in the mountains it was a confused scramble; but this was planned.
He was being herded.
The thudding of hooves and paws and the yelling of Galaxy Commanders buzzed in his brain like a swarm of beedrill.
Despite all his efforts, all of his tricks, and all of his escape attempts, Barry had found himself being guided into an almost bowl-shape in the hill, the remains of a campfire and a tent laying in the middle, an enormous spire towering above.
Between a literal rock and a hard place, Barry reached into his bag and released all of his pokemon. The five placed themselves between him and the group slowly circling around, intent on fighting if need-be.
“You're not taking me." He said, voice low.
“You’re not exactly in a place to say that.” General Adaman said. “Come with us. We want to help you.”
He scowled at that.
Like being submerged underwater, every single other sound faded from Barry’s focus. The bickering between commanders, the various sounds of pokemon (both his and not), the very world around him; all drowned out.
Except for one, singular thing.
“...rry! Barry!...”
All of the air left his lungs in a shaky, wheezing breath.
The commanders had heard it this time, speaking quickly amongst themselves. Not that Barry could hear, nor could he bring himself to care.
He stepped forward. He stepped again. It was like wading through the murkiest of waters. Slowly stepping past the protective wall in his pokemon (much to their confusion) and out into the clearing.
There was a path that cut through the mountains, winding through the rocks with delicately carved statuettes on the sides.
He wasn't even really walking anymore. More stumbling forward, barely able to catch himself with the other foot before he fell on his face.
Nothing else mattered. Not the confused geodudes he passed, not the muffled calls of his pokemon, not the shouting from the Galactic forces-
Nothing else mattered.
Finally passing through the last of the hills and rocky cliffs, Barry saw a bridge. Made of wood. Unimportant.
Crossing the bridge, running at full speed, was a girl. She wore a blue outfit with a black sash around the middle, and she had a white covering for her head. Her long, black hair flowed as she ran.
She paused at the other end of the bridge, huffing and puffing, limbs shaking from the exertion. And she looked at him, a tired, hesitant smile on her face.
Barry was thirteen. The police came to tell his mom and dad they were calling off the search soon. He had ran out of the house right then and there, despite his mother's pleas and father’s protests. He wasn't going to accept this. He wasn't.
Barry was twelve now. [___] had to be appointed as champion. It was really an excuse to throw a celebration, as Cynthia had explained, but it was still new and strange. He hated how he looked in a tuxedo, even as his mom fawned over him. [___] scrunched her nose as her mom squished her cheeks, praising ‘her little girl' for accomplishing so much. She had asked for Barry’s specifically, to stand by her side during the event, something that he was going to take very very seriously. A new champion doesn't happen every day! And once their parents had their attention elsewhere, he nudged her arm with a wink, and a promise to come fight her as champion soon.
Barry was eleven now. Pacing just outside of Hearthome. She was supposed to be here hours ago! What had taken her so long? He'd get his answer soon enough, when she'd sheepishly approach while holding a ralts. Oh, he was so mad at her. They had planned! They had arranged to meet! He was on time for once! He was never on time for anything!! But she could only hold up the ralts a little higher with a shy smile, and Barry had to reluctantly agree - that ralts was pretty cute.
Barry was ten. He held his new turtwig high into the air, smiling from ear to ear. Upon soaking in the feeling, the realization that he was indeed a pokemon trainer, he spun right around and insisted on a battle. [___] was hesitant. She wasn't totally sure if her piplup was ready. But he was quick to assure her that she was. They wanted to be trainers, right? And he would be by her side as her best friend and rival. If she was ever unsure, or ever scared, or ever alone. He would be there. And with that reassuring, she agreed to their first ever battle.
Barry was nine. He hated fourth grade. In order to prepare them for secondary school, he now had a rotating class schedule, and it was a nightmare. Now he had four classes! And all of them had homework! How was anyone supposed to juggle this?! And so [___] came to his home after school, choosing not to comment on his red cheeks and audible sniffles. She told Barry that she, too, was having issues with the multiple classes. But that was OK. This was just so they could practice for when they moved to secondary school. And she pulled all her books onto his desk, and suggested they work on homework together.
Barry was seven when his mom suggested he go over to her house across the street. He was greeted by her mother, warm as always, but there was a strange air he couldn't place. Her mother requested he go right upstairs, as she had private matters to attend to. When he walked into her room, seeing [___] sitting completely still on the bed. She told him, voice devoid of emotion, that her daddy wouldn't be coming back to visit. Ever. Even at a young age, Barry knew, intrinsically, that this was a grown-up thing, and that he couldn't solve this problem. Instead, he wrapped her up in blankets, made his best ever pillow fort, and told her stories that he made up off the top of his head until she smiled again.
Barry was five now, on the playground, trying to stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. He was a big boy now, his daddy had said so, and big boys don't cry just because the other kids on the playground won't play with you. He had always had an inkling that the other kids didn't like him; sure they tolerated him at school, under the watchful eyes of grown-ups, and yes, he received birthday party invites out of obligation, but the exclusion was still glaringly obvious and very painful. He was too loud. He didn't understand the rules of the game. He was too rough. There were so many rules. He couldn't remember them all. Then, a little hand grabbed his sweater sleeve. [___] held a bucket and shovel, and held it out to him, asking if he wanted to play in the sandbox with her and make things. He could even smash them down when she was done. Barry wiped his nose with the back of his hand and nodded.
Barry was four when he moved to Twinleaf town. He wasn't totally sure why. He knew that daddy had a new job, and that daddy and mommy were ‘taking a break', but that still didn't really explain anything. Not like he had much of a say, no matter how often he tried to argue. And now, he was standing on their new neighbors porch with his mom, pouting as hard as he could. But his demeanor changed when a woman opened the door with her young daughter, looking the same age. Barry and his mommy introduced themselves, then the woman. The woman placed a gentle hand on her daughters head, encouraging her to say her name. And with a quiet murmur, she said her name was-
Barry broke into a full sprint now. Tears streaming down his face, smiling as wide as he could muster. “DAWN! DAWN!”
Dawn opened her arms for him, so used to his usual method of greeting. And when he tackled her into a hug, she barely managed to stay on both feet.
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, burying his face into the crook of her neck and jaw, “Dawn, Dawn, Dawn…Dawn…” he whispered, fearful of forgetting once more.
“Barry! Barry how, how did you- How did-” she stammered, hugging him right back, the two of them slowly spinning, orbiting around one another, locked so tight. “When Palina came to tell me-”
“I-I found you. I found you. I found you.” was all he could manage to say, burying his face deeper. “I found you…I found you….”
Dawn squeezed him tight. “You found me. You found me.”
“I…found you….I found you….found you…” he whispered, his voice growing tired. Distant. His grip started to loosen.
“Barry? Barry, you're slipping.” She said, trying to shift him back into the hug.
But Barry continued to slip, until he slumped into her arms, unconscious.
And Dawn screamed.
“Barry?! BARRY! Barry please wake up!!”
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gingerfale · 11 months ago
Fuck it, I haven't posted anything in too long, have a snippet of my Destiel camping fic coming out this summer!
Castiel is a little miffed that he's learning the proper way to steer from the front of the canoe on his third day on the water, but he's mollified by the fact that Dean has decided the best way to teach him is by correcting his form manually.
He's not interested, Castiel chants internally as Dean stands beside him and positions his hands on the paddle. The rest of the group is down on the rocky shore, readying the canoes to go so they can catch the morning release at the dam.
"Alright, you're not going to change hands while you paddle in the rapids. Cuts down on the chance of you losing your paddle. If you do, just grab the spare from the bottom of the canoe."
Dean smiles as he gets Castiel to hold the paddle out to his side. Right hand on the top to direct the motion, and left hand on the shaft (don't think about shafts) to do the heavy pulling. Dean continues as he guides Castiel's hands as he paddles the air.
"Alright, so to turn left you're going to want to lean out over the left side, but keep your center of gravity in the canoe, and you're going to turn the flat of the paddle broadside with the canoe and pull in as hard as you can. Like you want to slap the side of the canoe with the flat of the paddle, but don't actually do that."
Castiel mimes the motion. Pull in to his side with the flat of the paddle. Easy enough. Dean nods approvingly, continuing. "To turn right you're going to reach over to the other side. It's going to feel weird."
It doesn't feel right, crossing his left arm across with the paddle. It's not possible to paddle properly this way, and he jerks his sore shoulder as he tries.
"Easy sunshine. You're not trying to propel the canoe forward, the current'll do that for you. You're just going to guide the bow." Dean moves to stand behind Castiel, his arms sliding around him. They're warm, with sun browned skin dotted with freckles. Castiel tightens his grip on the shaft (goddammit) of the paddle to keep him from pulling Dean's arms closer, getting him flush against him, and investigating his skin with a closer eye. Dean doesn't notice this, placing his hands over Castiel's and guiding him gently, fanning the paddle in towards where the front of the canoe will be.
"Think of it as pulling the water towards the bow." Dean says, low into his ear. Castiel copies the motion. "There you go." Dean's breath is warm on his neck and Castiel forgets how to paddle again, his hands floundering. He chances a glance at the other campers getting ready on the other side of camp. Sam is demonstrating for Rowena, Eileen, Donna, and a perpetually distracted Gabriel with his own paddle, while Jody and Bobby chat casually with their backs to them. Rufus reclines in the back of his canoe with his arms crossed and cap pulled low over his eyes.
Only Castiel is getting the hands on treatment. He'd appreciate it more if he knew if this is the best way to learn or if it was reserved only for the most hopeless cases.
He focuses on the motion, trying to make sure he understands enough of the mechanics of what Dean is teaching him that they won't get swamped in the rapids. They move together. Warm skin on warm skin. A mosquito lands on his wrist and he ignores it, too determined to keep Dean's hands on his. Dean notices though, and he makes a soft grunt of disapproval, and slides his thumb down across Castiel's skin to dislodge it. Doesn't swat it flat and smear it, just nudges it away. He rubs the spot it had bitten down, presses the pad of his thumb down just hard enough that when he adjusts the grip back to focus on paddling that the white imprint of his finger ghosts Castiel's skin for a moment before blood rushes back in and it fades away.
Castiel carefully steels his expression before looking up to meet Dean's gaze. Up close he can see where Dean's long lashes have been clumped together by a sleepy hand. There are even smaller freckles on the soft skin under Dean's eyes and hidden in the stubble around his lips, which are a very pleasing color this close up.
"How dangerous is this exactly?" Castiel asks.
Dean's tongue quickly wets those lips and he clears his throat, Adam apple bobbing slightly before answering. "Every couple of years we have somebody dump in the rapids, it's possible to get hurt bad but just remember to point your feet downriver if you fall in, and don't fight the current."
"Don't fight the current?" Castiel asks, eyes still on Dean's mouth.
"Nah, you're gonna end up where the river wants you. Getting swept away is scary, but you have more control than you think," Dean shifted on his feet, "you know, uh, swimming and all that."
Castiel looks up to meet Dean's eyes, unsurprised to find he's being watched. He wonders if Dean minds how close they're standing, with Dean's arms still around him.
"I'm an excellent swimmer." Castiel says in a low but steady voice. Dean huffs out a laugh that may just be a deep breath, finally pulling away. He shakes his hands out like they've gone numb.
"I bet you are, Rainman."
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calzone-d · 2 years ago
"breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much" with Jason please!!!
oh really?
love bringing up the angst and scandals. who cares if some of this isn’t 100% accurate let me be delusional.
read more here!
tw: olivia, cheating, mentions of failed marriage, mentions of divorce
you’d heard it from jason before you’d seen the pictures. olivia had chunked their marriage away for harry styles. she’d spent plenty of time with him on her movie set, and while you knew she was kind of a spoiled brat with jason, you never thought she’d actually cheat.
by the time he’d arrived at your house with the kids, you already had your spare room set up. the kids looked happy as ever, completely oblivious to the situation.
jason, on the other hand, didn’t look too well. his phone kept a buzzing and ringing from all the calls and texts from her. it wasn’t easy to hide the disgust in his voice when he took her call in the next room.
you took the kids grocery shopping to give him space to cool down, and they were over the moon for a sleepover at your place.
jason seemed a lot more calm once you’d all returned. the kids wanted to spend the evening watching tv on your back patio, so you let them have fun while you tried your best to comfort jason.
“i just…really? i mean, fuck! we had a fucking family. what did i do that was so fucking wrong?”
“jase, you didn’t do a thing and you know that.”
“i knew things were getting rocky, but i didn’t think it was because she was fucking some kid!”
he rubbed his hands over his face and took in a shuddery breath. when his hands stayed on his face for a moment, you stepped towards where he was sitting on one of your barstools. you slid an arm around his shoulders and one on the back of his neck, holding him to you.
the way he squeezed you made it seem like he hadn’t been held in forever.
“s’feels so good..”, he relaxed in your arms.
after a few seconds you felt him began to shake, and heard him sniffling. his tears soaked the shoulder of your t-shirt and it was warm against your skin.
“should’ve left her years ago.. just tried stayin’ and acting like things were good so otis would be happy growin’ up, you know?”
you nodded and rested your cheek on the top of his head while your fingers stroked at his back through his shirt.
“he was, hun. still is.. you’re the best dad to those kids, don’t let her mistakes make you doubt that..”
his arms had found their way around your waist and he held you tightly to him. “that’s the thing, she doesn’t think it was a mistake! she thinks that it was totally justifiable! but i can’t even take a 10 minute phone call from you, o-or bring the kids over without being called a cheater!”
you just held him tight while he let it all out. this had clearly been pent up for a while.
“and as soon as I got the balls to leave, she ditches the birth control and fuckin’ gets pregnant with daisy. i didn’t even know she’d quit! which, i’m not saying i wish she wouldn’t, that’s my baby girl. it just felt so convenient for her.. she knew i’d reached my limit with her. all she ever wanted was a girl. gives otis the cold shoulder half the time just to spoil dais.. i wouldn’t change a thing but i wish she just had better fuckin’ morals, or.. or something.”
you sighed against his head. “there’s not too much you can do about that, other than just keep being the best dad like you have been.. when they get older they’ll realize how much time and care you put into them. deservedly so… they’re great fuckin’ kids, jase.”
he let out a huff that somewhat sounded like a chuckle.
“i just don’t know what the fuck to do now..”
“look, you guys can all stay here tonight. for as long as you need, you know that.”
he nodded against you.
no other words were spoken as your hand moved from the back of his neck up into his hair. he relaxed even more at the feeling of you twisting his graying locks through your fingers. after a few seconds you softly pressed a kiss to his temple, and that’s when the dam broke.
he let out a soft whimper into the fabric of your shirt and squeezed your waist when you muttered, “oh, hun..” and held him closer.
jason began crying as you held him and shushed him.
“did- did i say something? i didn’t mean to-“
“no! no.. just.. feels good havin’ you close again. s’been too long.. jus’ needed this.”
you couldn’t find the words to tell him you felt the same, but when he pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder that was now damp from his tears, you knew that he knew.
thanks for reading!
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trans-and-unwilling · 6 months ago
Realising I was trans has been quite possibly the worst thing. In a lot of ways it feels like it's ruined my life.
I realised I was a transboy this summer, after getting a haircut inspired by a fictional character, two days before going on a three week long road trip across the US.
The haircut was so affirming for me, it was the first time I looked in the mirror and saw myself. 21 years of seeing a stranger every time I saw my reflection, finally seeing me in the mirror was groundbreaking. But seeing myself in the mirror and playing with my new haircut for hours also gave me a revelation of biblical proportions that I knew was going to cause countless problems for me.
See I was in a relationship with someone who's sexuality was "everyone except boys". He could never see himself saying he had a boyfriend or be able to view a partner as a man. I was (am) so unbelievably in love with him, I regularly joked with my friends that I was gonna marry that boy. I spent two years being best friends with him before wrangling him into a relationship. It wasn't perfect but was about as close to it as two teenagers could get. We rarely fought and if we did it was resolved before either of us could go to bed because I hated going to sleep mad at someone. We were long distance once we started college, he was two hours away from me but we made time to talk or play video games together and even if we got busy and hadn't talked in a week I knew as soon as one of us gave the other a ring it would be as if no time had passed. He was home wrapped up in 6'2" of scrawny sarcasm and 3ft long hair. Disregarding everything romantic about our relationship, being around him was comfort and ease personified. We could sit in a room and do our own thing for hours, barely exchanging two sentences. I could comfortably be annoying and ask stupid questions or make dumb jokes without fearing that I was being genuinely bothersome. We talked about life after college, moving in together and for the first time after years of being passively suicidal and believing a future wasn't guaranteed or even likely for me, I saw a future that was not only clear, but that I actually wanted to work for.
But I knew as soon as that realisation struck me down like lightning that my relationship was doomed. The future that I was finally in focus and not so far out of reach was gone in an instant. Because this was his one hard rule, he wasn't attracted to guys, full stop.
I sat on my revelation for nine days, waiting until we reached colorado springs before I had to spill. It started as a trickle, just telling him I had something important to tell him when I was coming down to see him next, after my trip. But after I started to drip drip drip the barest threads of what I had to share it was like a crack in a dam. I couldn't hold it in, I never was any good at keeping secrets from him. I spilled everything, spent two hours on the phone telling him everything, every fear, hesitation, anxiety, and gory detail. I spent a lot of that conversation crying and shaking because I was so worried he was gonna break up with me then and there. The fear of rejection was so severe I couldn't begin to look at my phone let alone the camera. He told me he wouldn't make a decision until I was back home, that he'd talk to his best friend and our mutual best friend, get some advice and talk it over before coming to any conclusion.
But I knew, I didn't want to believe it but I knew as soon as the words "I think I'm a boy" came out of my mouth in the barest of whispers that the final nail in the coffin holding my dreams for the future, my heart, and that hypothetical wedding band.
Three weeks later I drove myself to cincinnati feeling like I was driving to my own execution, I may as well have been.
I spent two days of that weekend spending time with him, going to a midnight showing of rocky horror but I knew this boy like the back of my hand. I knew when I was being held at arms length. I knew that as much as I didn't want it to be the case, that our relationship would be over before I drove myself home.
Come monday morning, when I rolled over and looked at him I knew the time had come. "You ready to have that conversation?" he asked. "Let me take a piss before we do," I mumbled before going in the bathroom to stare holes in the wall of the shower and glare at my reflection for 45 minutes. Before I dragged myself out of the bathroom I looked in the mirror, seeing myself staring back and all I could think was "I wish I'd never seen you."
After sitting in silence, 8 inches apart on a bed feeling like a vast black ocean, he said "I can't see any way we can go forward without breaking up." and as much as I told myself I wouldn't cry immediately out the gate, I did one of those choking, shuddering, sobs. Because my world was falling apart and I was the one that ruined it.
We talked, for hours, I cried endlessly. It was the worst kind of break up, the love wasn't lost, there was no betrayal, no epic screaming fallout, just a quiet breaking where neither of us did anything nefarious but something changed and we didn't fit together anymore. And it was agonising I knew and I know that if only I didn't have the misfortune of being a boy I would still have him.
We talked it out and then I ran, I regret it more than I have words to quantify. Maybe if I had stayed things wouldn't feel so daunting now. But I left and now I don't know how to talk to him. We were friends first, he was my best friend before anything else and now I don't even know how to talk to him.
I don't know where the line is, I don't know how to start the conversation because I know I'll ruin it.
I have gained nothing, in coming out. I have lost everything, my relationship, my future, my safe space, my happiness, my safety. Anything that felt sure or stable is gone and all I know now is that being a boy has brought me nothing joyful, nothing pleasant, just complex terrible anger and feeling as if I have been not only unmoored from the dock, but placed in the middle of a raging storm where the shores are nowhere to be seen.
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