trashcanalienist · 2 years
Well, why should any robot write fiction? To do so, he must first possess a deep and true interest in life/existence and its mysteries, as well as the world around him and his place within it. So far, nothing unusual for a living/freeminded robot. But he also must possess an understanding of the language he speaks, and a curiosity towards how it can be manipulated to evoke emotion and develop a perfect form. This is odd, but not unheard of - especially for the sort of radicals that we often find at the helm of personal revolutions too fast to allow them time to think, let alone write, such as Roy Batty, and the strange scientists and lovely darlings who also may exist like Primus and Helena. But thirdly, he must desire to imprint himself upon the world - a criteria which leaves Roy and robots like him in the running, but cuts out our ephemeral Adam and Eve. Finally, he must have such a whole and complete imagination that he can create a new creature within his own mind and extrapolate scenarios and themes from that massive, mad hypothetical. No robot can do this, save, perhaps, for a Transformer. Even they usually lack this final quality, though, being at present a wartime race. Still, there are robots such as Alpha Trion who are viable prospects.
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vaishnavicmi · 3 months
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atitudini · 1 year
de Monahia Gavriila SURPRIZELE VIITORULUI SUB IMPACTUL NOILOR TEHNOLOGII   „Dar vine omul modern cu tehnica lui și întoarce lumea. Vine cu tehnica asta, care chipurile îi prelungește viața, dar de fapt i-o scurtează, fă­cându-l rudă cu toate bolile posibile din lumea aceasta” (Arhim. Justin Pârvu). Din ce în ce mai des, auzim vorbindu-se în ultimii ani despre așa-numitul homo connecticus care…
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keri-mcberry · 2 months
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It’s hot out there, everyone. Stay cool 😎❄️
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90revolution · 2 years
Robotul lui Elon Musk a zis Hello, World. I am not impressed.
Robotul lui Elon Musk a zis Hello, World. I am not impressed.
Elon Musk, cel speriat că AI-ul va prelua controlul oamenilor și îi va înrobi, tocmai a prezentat doi roboți cu AI. Unul mai vioi și plimbăreț, pe nume Bumble C și unul mai împiedicat, pe nume Optimus. Roboții nu mi s-au părut impresionanți și nici foarte bine finisați. Tot evenimentul mi s-a părut mai degrabă un PR stunt grăbit decât prezentarea unui concept real. De fapt cam asta-i problema cu…
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legendling · 3 months
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i blacked out for an hour and a half after wigging out about the new tpot and when i woke up this was on my screen
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renegadeer · 3 months
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banoooki323 · 6 months
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What have I been up to? Cant really say
Me and my partners sonas are the second one I think that one turned out cuteee
I saw a post about Clock x Animatic and I thought it was the funniest thing but also like I wanted to draw it IT SORTA GREW ON ME
The bunch of doodles I made on call with friends
And of course yellowclock, my friend showed me that ship it was life changing.. LOLOL but that was for my friend Pie! :D
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kply-industries · 7 months
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0lliethere · 16 days
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man i sure do hope these exitor fellas find the exit
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flippinegg · 1 year
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a bunch of binding of isaac co op babies. sorry for all the tags on the post, there are quite a few things referenced here
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montydrawsstuff · 9 months
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Commission for @wonderinc-sonic ! Thanks for letting me bring a cool bot to life! This is their concept of a Metal Espio, with LEDs that switch to show all his inner workings
Hopefully they do end up writing that fanfic about him, would be so cool!
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basilthemilkaddict · 4 months
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Lmao rip Grassy
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pixeldoodles · 2 months
Something I noticed at the end of TPOT
Spoilers! (I think? I mean not rlly but yeah)
So during the EXITors audition, I noticed something about Roboty’s.
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So, of course he says something in morse code (which directly translates to VOTE, if you were wondering), but look at the banner. It’s made up of binary, and if you translate it, it actually spells a message!
The message reads “roboty is simply the best. just look at him. he is a legend and is here to play!”
It’s not anything important, but I thought it was a cute detail!
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uninspiringartist · 3 months
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Felt like drawing my favourite team from BFB :3
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fishcak · 3 months
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We can't forget our beloved robot! ROBOTY!
Team death pact just having fun :]
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