#roboboy posting
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garfunkytunes · 10 days ago
daily reminder that you can give your favs your ethnicity. wheatley from portal 2? he’s filipino now. hell yeah brother
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garfunkytunes · 2 months ago
hey guys it’s grandpa milo. yes the gigantic robot in the corner IS optimus prime, and yes he IS your other grandpa. we brought energon
everyone who self-ships with AI is like. Extended family we married into. Waving at my cousin who wants to peg GlaDOS in the corner. The uncle who's married to Hal. that is what you guys r to me. What are you bringing to the bi-annual family potluck.
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j4d3d-w0m4n · 7 months ago
💚 I've never really posted here but um... I-I would like being a roboboy hehe.... completely programmable and whenever I try and brat, you can just take a peek at my brain and see I'm clearly enjoying things. Maybe even um...program my speech so I have to tell the truth, admitting all my fantasies as I keep trying and failing to insist I'm a Dom~
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willowdizmaiscoisas · 2 years ago
dia 66 do qsmp let’s go!!
voltamos,meu amigos,vocês já sabem.Parênteses são só a autora e o tradutor teorizando ou sendo engraçado,minhas notas tem asterisco,o post original é da @cyanidecandy13.Se algum se alguém falante de francês ou espanhol quiser traduzir falem com ela
Vegetta e Leo encontram a base secreta de Bad e Dapper; eles montaram câmeras e uma pedra de passagem (Felizmente eles estão se mudando; espero que estejam trazendo a base secreta também.)
Vegetta diz a Roier que ele estava tentando encontrar algo para reviver Bobby, mas foi parado pelos deuses
Leo e Vegetta querem adotar Roier (brincadeira)
Foolish gosta quando Vegetta fala francês com ele
Leo construiu um túmulo para Bobby
Forever planeja se mudar para a antiga casa de Cellbit e liderar o Ordo Theoritas e continuar a busca por Felps
Forever visita Baghera e o caos dos irmãos continua
Baghera pergunta por que Forever está nu
Baghera mostra para sempre a farm de XP de peixe prateado e o prende lá
Forever e Baghera se xingam em português e francês (eu só peguei que Baghera chamou Forever de vadiazinha)
Forever conta a Baghera sobre como ele vai voltar para a Favela e mostra a ela sua base de recursos
Baghera pergunta sobre Richarlyson; Forever diz a ela que ele está seguro com os outros
Forever dá a Baghera muitos livros de conserto porque ele "gosta de ajudar os pobres"
Vegetta dá a Roier um golem de ferro e Roier começa a interagir com ele como se fosse seu filho
Roier se dá uma sessão de terapia e prescreve pílulas para si mesmo
Forever vai visitar Foolish, mas ele  morre pelas ovelhas de Forever; Forever pede 10 blocos de ferro para compensação
Foolish estava trabalhando em seu aquário
Forever chama Foolish de o melhor construtor do servidor
Foolish mostra para sempre sua bandeira de dragão
Forever testa poções Speed III em cavalos com Foolish na parede
Forever e Foolish falam sobre conseguir cavalos com velocidade 14 e fazer uma pista de cavalos em todo o servidor
Forever mostra a Foolish o hotel do ovo e as câmaras de estase
Pomme acorda durante o passeio e Baghera vem cuidar dela
Forever e Baghera começam a se xingar um ao outro através das paredes
Foolish chama Baghera de vizinha chata 
Foolish planeja  falar com Leo sobre se mudar para o hotel 
Foolish quer um último andar inteiro para Leo, já que Richarlyson tem o maior quarto
Foolish meu anjo! Rubius odeia os brasileiros, já que ele não apareceu desde que eles se juntaram
Foolish rosna quando vê como mamadisimo Forever se tornou
Foolish propõe ter um presidente do servidor; Forever sugere um ovo, mas o leva de volta por causa de tentativas de assassinato
Forever volta para a Favela para trabalhar na renovação de sua nova casa e Foolish volta a trabalhar em seu aquário
Cellbit renomeie sua picareta para " 100% pai do Richarlyson"
Cucurucho gosta mais de chá, então Cellbit decide mudar para ser mais parecido
As missões para Cellbit hoje são diplomacia e exploração
Roier está triste e a Federação quer descobrir por que e como sorrir. Cellbit também precisa descobrir a posição de Roier e Foolish sobre a Federação.
Cellbit precisa encontrar um campo de flores e trazer de volta três vegetaçãos dele. Ele também precisa sobreviver uma noite lá.
Cucurucho dá a Cellbit uma mochila de sobrevivência
Cellbit chama a atenção de Cucurucho que as pessoas suspeitam dele e ele sugere agir como se estivesse se infiltrando na Federação; Cucurucho concorda com esta proposta
Cucurucho morre e Fit diz que foi por fumar aquele pacote de cigarros,Cellbit diz que é o final da temporada, e Forever diz que eles finalmente estão livres
Roier mostra a Cellbit o exterior acabado da Costco e seu novo filho golem de ferro, Roboboier; Cellbit está preocupado(com razão*)
Cellbit conta a Roier sobre como Quackity sequestrou Richarlyson (acho que ele não sabe que foi encontrado?)
Cellbit assegura a Roier que ele está sempre lá para ele e decide mostrar a Roier sua nova base
Cellbit pergunta a Roier sobre seus sentimentos sobre a Federação; Roier está com raiva por causa do que aconteceu com Bobby e tudo o que ele quer fazer é construir a cidade de Bobby e depois vazar
Roier quer companhia e Cellbit se oferece para fazer companhia a ele quando ele estiver sozinho
Cellbit propõe que ele e Roier façam algo para tornar a ilha melhor em vez de sair
Cellbit diz que precisa de tempo e confiança de Roier
Roier parte e Cellbit começa a escrever suas anotações para a Federação e afirma fortemente que Roier ficaria mais feliz se Bobby estivesse de volta
Cellbit visita Foolish e eles chamam o tubarão de Foolish Tubas
Cellbit pede conselhos para construir um castelo no estilo Drácula, já que ele está se mudando para fora da Favela
É a vez de Foolish ser questionado; Foolish está bem com Cucurucho, desde que não esteja por trás do monstro do código; Foolish está bem em ficar na ilha
Foolish acha que Cucurucho não gostou muito da estátua porque ele não fez uma boa bunda
Foolish está disposto a construir o castelo de Cellbit por ele
Forever pega Cellbit passando por seus baús e ele dá a Cellbit suas diferentes mesas de criação para ele
Cellbit volta a trabalhar em sua nova base
Pomme dá para Forever uma carta para Richarlyson
Forever encontra uma carta e alguns desenhos de Richarlyson
A carta de Pomme expressa o quão preocupada ela estava quando soube que Richarlyson foi sequestrado e que ela mesma estava disposta a procurá-lo; ela sente falta dele e aprecia tudo o que ele fez por ela em seu primeiro dia
Forever dá um jeito de entrar na antiga sala de PC do Cellbit
Forever encontra o canteiro de obras da Federação com Cucurucho e o trabalhador sem rosto; ele tenta investigar e mata o trabalhador sem rosto e Cucurucho o mata
Forever pede a Baghera para conversar e diz a ela que acredita que a Federação está construindo uma prisão; ele dá a ela as fotos que tirou para que ela possa dar a alguém na Ordo Theoritas
Baghera mostra a foto de Cucurucho para Pierre e conta a ele sobre o que Forever encontrou; eles vão investigar
Cucurucho diz que levará alguns dias para terminar o que eles estão construindo
Pierre tenta olhar nos baús, mas alerta Cucurucho e começa a atirar
Pierre, Pomme e Etoiles repassam todas as fotos que tiraram do canto  de construção
Bad e Dapper visitam Cellbit, Foolish e Leo
Bad pergunta a Cellbit por que ele quer a custódia total de Richarlyson; Cellbit diz que Forever é irresponsável
Cellbit diz que deveria tentar obter a custódia de Dapper porque Bad não parece que ele se importa com a vida de Dapper
Bad e Dapper visitam Baghera e Dapper compartilha seus conhecimentos sobre animal
Bad e Baghera falam sobre Cellbit e a conversa que tiveram
Bad conta a Baghera a história de Tilin e Quackity
Baghera mostra Bad as fotos do canteiro de obras da prisão
Bad acha que ele pode conseguir algum negócio para sua pizzaria dos trabalhadores da construção civil
Dapper usa sua águia para espionar o canteiro de obras e confirma que eles estão construindo celas
Bad tenta enganar Cucurucho com o velho caminhão de entrega de pizza e ele falha
Bad e Dapper veem Cellbit conversando com Cucurucho e são pegos por Cucurucho
Cucurucho coloca Bad em trabalho forçado por uma lâmpada de alta qualidade
Enquanto Bad extraía a célula, Dapper conseguiu pegar os livros de Cellbit; eles tentam fugir com eles, mas Cucurucho os encontra e quebra a lâmpada que deu a Bad
Bad e Cucurucho trocam duas lâmpadas pelos livros de volta, mas Bad conseguiu ler o
Bad e Dapper vão até Baghera  para o ofício teórico e chegam à conclusão de que Cellbit está agindo como um agente duplo e Max e SOFIA são suspeitos; eles concordam em manter todas essas informações entre si e Bad dá uma das lâmpadas a ela como um sinal de confiança
Dapper diz que eles devem entrar em bons termos com a Federação e Ordo Theoritas puxando um Palpatine; obter benefícios e a confiança e ajuda de Cellbit da ordem e depois trair todos eles; Bad discorda por causa do código e todos eles são amigos
Bad e Dapper decidem fazer sua própria estátua de Cucurucho como um pedido de desculpas
Cucurucho adora a estátua
Bad e Dapper vão para casa para mostrar seus animais de estimação
Bad e Dapper propõem mentir para Cellbit dizendo que ele mudou de ideia para que Bad possa obter a senha para SOFIA e configurar um programa de backdoor
Bad e Dapper trabalham em um aquário na casa nova
Bad faz uma cópia da foto de Cucurucho para presenteá-la mais tarde
Bad e Dapper vão em uma aventura para conseguir mais peixes para o aquário
Bad e Dapper visitam Foolish enquanto ele continua construindo a base de Cellbit
Shows ruins, a imagem Foolish the Cucurucho
Foolish continua aludindo a ele traindo Bad
Foolish fez xixi em água-viva
Cellbit faz logon para obter suprimentos para Foolish construir; Dapper mostra a ele seu peixe bolha[era assim o nome?*]
Uma discussão  se segue entre Foolish e Bad; Cellbit sente que está interrompendo e vai embora
Destaques da tradição do tempo Dapper: ele está começando a entender Cellbit, ele descobre sobre Leo invadindo uma base secreta de bate-papo, ele vai decorar seu quarto no hotel quando Bad mostrar para ele, ele acha que os produtos de higiene feminina são muito caros (VOCÊ RECEBE AÍ DAPPER)
Avisos ruins XP faltando em seu tanque de XP e linho faltando; Dapper encontra a câmera colocada por Vegetta com o nome alterado
Bad pede para Forever vir falar sobre o que aconteceu
Forever conta a Bad sobre querer manter as Ordo Theoritas juntas e pede a passagem de trem de Bad
Vegetta esqueceu de renomear uma câmera e Bad a encontrou
Forever não quer compartilhar sua teoria do ovo em torno de Dapper, então Bad o manda para o quarto dele
Forever conta a Bad sobre os "20 anos depois" no trailer do QSMP e Forever acha que os ovos foram as primeiras pessoas a chegar à ilha; o resto das teorias vem depois
Forever planeja perguntar a Cucurucho sobre sua teoria
Bad conta para Forever sobre ver Cellbit com Cucurucho, encontrar os livros e como ele acha que Foolish pode estar tentando se juntar à Federação
Forever acha que Cucurucho quer que eles os matem e sugere fazer isso; Forever também conta a Bad sobre como ele tentou matar um dos trabalhadores da construção civil e desapareceu
Bad e Forever não acreditam realmente que Cellbit os traiu, mas têm que manter a frente de que eles ainda acreditam que ele os traiu
Forever bebe toda a água engarrafada do trabalhador e vai enchê-los de xixi
Para sempre aponta que o que eles estão construindo são barras de prisão e Cucurucho aparece; todo mundo começa a correr
Bad mostra a Cucurucho a foto que ele tirou e pergunta o que eles estão construindo; ainda está classificado (chocante, eu sei.)
Forever volta e dá a Cucurucho seu xixi engarrafado e ele bebe o xixi; Cucurucho atira nele (só brincadeiras  às 4 da manhã.)
Forever usa uma poção de invisibilidade para dar uma olhada mais de perto; Bad chama o terno e os móveis de Forever quando ele morre
Forever encontrou um baú de segurança e quer esperar por qualquer coisa grande até "amanhã", quando houver mais pessoas
Forever teoriza que as células podem ser para Felps e alguns outros
Forever diz que, se a outra teoria dele for verdadeira, os dois estão se juntando à Federação (VOCÊ NÃO PODE SIMPLESMENTE DEIXAR ESSA INFORMAÇÃO E VAZAR ASSIM, MEU MANINHO)
Bad joga fora a câmera de Vegetta
Bad conta a Dapper sobre a teoria de Forever; ele não sente que é totalmente precisa
Bad e Dapper vão visitar Vegetta para descobrir o lado bom de Vegetta
Bad oferece Vegetta para ver as máquinas de Dapper; Vegetta concorda em fazê-lo na segunda-feira, quando ele estiver transmitindo
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Pomme 🖌️: ❤️❤️ ✔️✔️✔
Leo 🌈: ❤️ ✔️✔️✔
Dapper 🎩: ❤️ ✔️✔️✔
Tallulah 🎼: ❤️ ✔️✔
Chayanne 🛡️: ❤️ ✔️✔
Ramón 💣: ❤️ ✔️✔️✔
Richarlyson ⚽: ❤️ ✔️✔️✔️
Notas do tradutor:SOCORRO GENTE desculpa pela demora eu tava ocupado vendo o Ranboo ser crucificado 
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mogai-headcanons · 3 months ago
Kou from danganronpa: (he)artless deceit is a loveless masculine genderless roboboy who uses he/they/it!
Akira Hayasaka is a feminine-masculine bisexual demiromantic cisgender woman who uses she/her! She is dating Tomoya!
Chiemi Hattori is a feminine bisexual cisgender woman who uses she/her and has auDHD! She is dating Chou!
Chou Yoshida is a feminine lesbian cisgender woman who uses she/her and has BPD! She is dating Chiemi!
Hideyoshi Kurosawa is a masculine bisexual cisgender man who uses he/him and has ADHD! He is dating Katsuhiko!
Itsumi “Bani” Yoko is a feminine abrosexual bambi lesbian pan-lesbian asexual demiromantic cisgender woman who uses she/her and has autism, AvPD, speech impediment, and PTSD! She is in a queerplatonic relationship with Kiyoshi and Otome! She is also a age and bunny regressor!
Izanami Hoshimiya is a feminine omnisexual demiaroace cisgender woman who uses she/her and has HPD! She is dating Yumeo!
Katsuhiko Minamoto is a masculine bisexual demiasexual cisgender man who has anxiety! He is dating Hideyoshi!
Kiyoshi Fujioka is a feminine-androgynous bisexual demiaroace transmasc transgender man who uses he/him and has autism and is a host of a system! His system is molly, a feminine lesbian cisgender woman who uses she/her, Jack, a masculine straight man who uses he/him, and Kat, a androgynous non-binary aroace who uses any pronouns! He is dating Otome and is in a queerplatonic relationship with bani and otome! He is also a religious trauma age regressor!
Kyouran Murashita is a masculine aroace cisgender man who uses he/they/it!
Otome Hanayama is a GNC bisexual demiaroace cisgender woman who uses she/they/it/none and has NPD, ASPD, autism, narcolepsy, and PTSD! She is dating Kiyoshi and is in a queerplatonic relationship with Kiyoshi and Bani!
Rei Fukuno is a feminine loveless unlabled cisgender woman who uses she/her and has HPD and a superiority complex!
Satoru Tachibana is a masculine bisexual demiaroace cisgender man who uses he/it and has anxiety and speech impediment!
Shion Morita is a feminine pansexual cisgender woman who uses she/her!
Takeshi Yamamoto is a hyper-masculine gay cisgender man who uses he/him! He also does drag!
Tomoya Morita is a masculine bisexual twink demiasexual cisgender man who uses he/him and has PTSD! He is dating Akira!
Yumeo Arakawa is a masculine straight demiaroace cisgender man who uses he/him and has ASPD! He is dating Izanami!
Denshi Shigenobu is a masculine bisexual demiaroace cisgender man who uses he/him and has auDHD!
Kaoru Yasunaga is a feminine lesbian demiromantic cisgender woman who uses she/her!
Ryuusei “Drakon” Himura is a masculine straight cisgender man who uses he/him!
Yukie “Kitsune” Otonashi is a feminine straight cisgender woman who uses she/her!
Hirotaka Eguchi is a masculine gay cisgender man who uses he/him!
Momoka Ayase is a hyper-feminine lesbian cisgender woman who uses she/her and has NPD and HPD! She is dating Keisuke!
Ryuuji Himura is a masculine aroace cisgender man who uses he/him and has autism!
Keisuke Fujinuma is a hyper-androgynous omnisexual demiaroace non-binary genderfluid who uses any pronouns and has BPD and OCPD! They are dating Momoka!
Isao Morita is a masculine straight cisgender man who uses he/him!
If you answer this ask and post the headcanons, please tag @k4ijynxx! Thank you!!! /gen
All characters are from Danganronpa: (He)Artless deceit!!!
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garfunkytunes · 3 months ago
making fun of wheatley isn’t enough . we need to BLOW HIM UP WITH DYNAMITE!!!!!!!!!
Can we make fun of wheatley harder
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ask-cueball · 4 years ago
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You have succeeded in befuddling the robot.
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vinyls-and-valentines · 5 years ago
Okay, it's like 2:30am as i'm starting to type this, but i really wanna talk about my robobro ocs okay. Like, i love these mfers.
Anyway, if you don't care you can just scroll past(if ur interested though you should be able to look up 'gasoline firefly' and/or 'lighter stars' if u don't know who they are)
TW: for canon-type violence and breif mention of sexual assault
Okay, so, of course, our story begins in The Slums where one of the upper class droid lounges is having one of their semi-anual maintanance check-ups. Afterall, these are top line droids and the lounge has a reputation to uphold, so they gotta make sure everything is pretty much perfect- think of it as a fucked up life insurance situation.
Anyways, some droids need new batteries since they're starting to lose charge- an intentional factory fault made to sell more batteries- and they get replaced with new ones. What they didn't account for, though, was two particulary stubborn souls wiggling their ways into the electricity contained by the batteries. And so two droids 'wake up' in the middle of the night freaking the hell out and nearly getting in a scruff when they run into eachother in a panicked haze.
The two don't recognize eachother- how could they, they'd been lost in the static for so long they couldn't remember nearly anything- but they have a gut feeling they know eachother, so they get back up and start exploring the lounge. They find out they're stuck inside with no one else up and about, but they make quick work of one of the rooms' windows and step out onto the fire escape. By the time the owner arrives the two are roaming the streets of the Slums, lost and disoriented- and cold as fuck because it'd been so long since they were alive they forgot everything about clothes.
They stumble over a band of Juvees and Ritalins who are mostly nice to them, giving them clothes and asking questions they didn't exactly know to answer. A guy quietly fixed them with his gaze for a while before actually walking up to them and pinning one of them- though they can't tell you which one- to the wall and begining to full-on full-out have a heated make-out session. No one seems bothered by this turning away to do their own thing except for the other droid who tries his best to pry the man off his friend though streght, it turns out, wasn't his model's strong point, so to speak.
However he did manage to free him, as the man turned around hissing in pain and shoving him off as the former's nails dug into his shoulder; re-opening an old wound, perhaps. Taking advantage of this the droid pinned to the wall kicked the man in the groin making him stumble back in pain and the two took off running again, only this time chased by angry Ritalins shouting degrading things after them. They reached a deadend when a hand pulled them in through one of the doors just below ground level ending up in what looked like a dressing room.
There were other droids there too, who offer to let them stay with them as they prepared for whatever they were about to do. The two agree reluctantly and frankly a bit suspicious given the encounter they just had, but the other droids turn out to be super nice. Their questions are certainly different from the Halls and the Ritalins', but they aren't sure they were all that better. Still, they help them out a lot, even going as far as allowing them to trade in their bland white wigs for some more colorful ones that they cut down to match their preference since the bob didn't feel right.
They decide they are brothers when a green-haired droid comments how much they look alike- and it sticks. Not all things last forever, though, and one day low-level scarecrows come flooding in firing their white blasters in waves; turns out that whatever the was going on there wasn't exactly BLi approved. For the first time the two leave the dressing area into a large dimly lit room where they duck under a bar, waiting huddled until the gunfires stopped and then some.
Then there was silence. Just perfect silence for what must've been hours on end before a pair of mutters started growing louder and louder, a head of hot pink hair shortly poping up from behind the counter. The girl didn't seem like neither the Halls nor the droids. She asks them if they are alright, they don't answer. She asks them about their name and still no answer. Eventually she gets to the one question that at least one of them had an answer to; what's their age.
17. The number rattles in the orange-haired droid's head and when he says it outloud the pink haired girl seems taken aback for a second before she disappears behind the bar again only to reappear a few moments later. She tells them to follow her and they do warily, not wanting to argue with someone who clearly could overpower them both- they had longs cut down their nails as well, but in the moment it felt so much better and they had worried less about their practicality.
The pink haired girl turns out to be no threat, though, as she welcomes them in her and her girlfriend's studio apartament and introduces herself as Laser Babe and her white-haired partner as Moonflower. They ask her if she's like them. She doesn't understand. They end up getting names as well- the orange haired droid naming himself Gasoline Firefly and his blue haired brother naming himself Lighter Stars. Everything goes well until it doesn't.
The brothers start spacing out more often than not, sitting down somewhere and waking up doing something completely different, missing snippets of conversation and so forward. It takes extensive research and looking around, but one day Laser returns home with two batteries and a solution. They had to switch the twins' old batteries for the new ones, but they had to do it quickly for reasons they didn't quite exactly understand either. It was their only option, though.
First time it went smoothly, Lighter only being out of 15 minutes before booting up and snapping back to his usual self. In Gasoline's case, however, they almost passed the one hour marker when he returned coughing and sputtering, being tackle-huged by his brother before he could even get back up. As time went by it didn't get any easier, they still wait with their hearts in their teeth everytime they have to do it. They haven't lost any of them yet and developed a way for them to shut down during the night to save power, though, so they figure they're doing pretty alright.
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ducktales-wco-oo · 5 years ago
 ✩ Headcanon - Mimicry/Uncanny-Valley ✩
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(Boyd wasn’t aware that he was a robot... But things hinted at it, both intentionally and unintentionally- because Imma observe the heck out of his moments. :’D Like his tendency to mimick ‘human behavior’ and how it sometimes came off as close, but not quite Right. For example: When he first greets Louie, he does the standard introduction, hand-extension, and smile. BUT, because this is what he is ‘supposed’ to do, it is what he continues doing for much longer than would normally be done... because of Louie’s unease.)
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(It is clear that Louie is uncomfortable and doesn’t plan on accepting the handshake. BUT Boyd doesn’t notice the social queues and sticks with the ‘acceptable’ and logical greeting. Even his smile displays all of his teeth in a ‘commercially cheerful’ way you might witness from an actor. He keeps his hand extended for quite a while (even after Louie’s focus is shifted to Mark) and stands completely still with a ‘friendly smile’ still on his face.)
(During the following conversation, Louie blinks a total of three times before leaving for the Photo Booth. Boyd doesn’t at all until the very end, and it’s only once... Meaning, sometimes he forgets to blink and has moments where he just unsettlingly stares at others. :’D )
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(He genuinely thought that he was a Real Boy, but Boyd’s programming was still working to subconsciously mimic others and keep up the illusion that he was ‘alive’. While he was also consciously mimicking Mark, because of an ingrained desire to please his creator father. In earlier threads with him (before the debut) I had Boyd attempt to copy vocal patterns and gestures, but these actions were clunky and a tad ‘off’. Because he was noticeably trying to Mimic instead of acting organically. Something that I think is also shown in this scene-)
(When Mark is upset, Boyd immediately starts speaking with lingo- ‘Hashtag, you’re all wet!’ and dons some finger guns and ‘pew pew’ noises too. BUT, it sounds like his ‘pew pews’ are said a bit slower and more awkwardly. To me, at least. His movements when he does finger guns are also clunkier and more noticeably exaggerated. Because he’s trying too hard.)
(He is also completely fine with being petted by Doofus because Boyd assumes that is Normal behavior and therefore doesn’t see a problem with it... Because he is a babey.)
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garfunkytunes · 1 month ago
yayyy i got tagged
last song: a bit of both by allen stone (i know it’s corny. i apologize sincerely)
favorite color: redddd
last book: the outsiders
last movie: it’s what’s inside
last show: arcane
sweet/savory/spicy: SWEETTTT
relationship status: taken :o)
last google: “a bit of both lyrics”
looking forward to: my birthday !!!
current obsession: call of duty (has been an obsession of mine for a LONGGG time…)
@mysticwine @owlehh @eloose @canidanxx @trayusss @shr00mie-rat + anyone else who wants to join
lil tag meme :3
thank you to @kowai-kabuki-tanuki for the tag
last song: breed by snake river conspiracy (god this song is so good why dont they make music anymore bro....)
favorite color: pink! in spite of how i dress
last book: children of hurin by jrr and christopher tolkien, literally insane book but it's fire, turin turambar the walking talking fuckup
last movie: nosferatu 1922, my mom and i watched the 2024 one recently and saw that the og was available on one of our streaming services so we gave it a try. needless to say it was quite silly
last tv show: either 3rd or 4th rewatch of the dark crystal: age of resistance :]
sweet/savory/spicy: gotta go savory (beef teriyaki and ginger chicken stir fry my dearest darlings) but sweet is a close second
relationship status: who's asking 🤨
last thing i googled: "disastrous synonym" probably 75 percent of my search history is synonyms lol
looking forward to: going back to college for my upcoming semester and my birthday!
current obsession: you already KNOW its the sexies from the dork crystal
tagging @jay-borb @abyssal-glory @rin--ren @stinging-metal @the-solar-system52 aaaand @mithrilhearts to do at your leisure :]
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ibukis-songbook · 3 years ago
[nonrequest] (Dom?)Kiibo having his fem+afab s/o sit on his face
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Hi I’m desperate and subby, and horny for the robot, so I physically needed to write this so badly. Istg I’m working on requests, I’m just anxious over making them like, good. When you’ve been requested something there’s more pressure to make it what the anon wants then when you write something for yourself. Not that I don’t enjoy taking requests! I just want them to be perfect. Dumb, I know. And perfect is the opposite of done, I suppose. I’ll post more of them soon lol. Anyways, have some shameless robot smut until I can finish these requests. (Btw two of said requests include kinks I’ve NEVER written so that’s partially why it’s taking me a while. sorry!)
CW: smut, fem+afab reader, use of “good girl” and other pet names/praise/dirty talk, face sitting, oral, fingering, overstim, groping/squeezing/massaging action, thigh based “suffocation”, lowkey body worship?, Kiibo being a robot and having fun robot functions, basically soft dom Kiibo, can you all tell I really love dom roboboy?
.。.:*☆♥︎♫♪—————— ↫ l l ↬ ——————♪♫♥︎☆*:.。
Megan Thee Stalion & Dua Lipa - Sweetest Pie
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Kiibo didn’t used to have a high sex drive
Not until he met you
Y’all get into a relationship and suddenly he’s all over you all the time. Hope you have some high stamina s/o, you’re in for a ride.
And one of his favorite things is making you completely fall apart on his tongue. He will eat you out like a man starved and will gladly suffocate in your thighs while doing it, praising you the whole damn time.
He’ll probably start by touching up on you in some way, like massaging or cuddling you, before he starts groping your chest, ass, hips, or thighs.
He really likes your curvier bits, and will give them lots of attention. Sometimes he does it subconsciously or when he’s not even horny. He just finds them so human and so comforting (and very attractive of course).
He’ll pull you on top of him, and drag you down to kiss him roughly (or at least, as rough as Kiibo could get with you), all the while massaging circles into your hips.
He’ll pull you closer to his head by your thighs, and sit you on his chest until he gets your “yes” to sitting on top of him.
“You wanna be on top, sweet girl? Wanna use my mouth?”
He has this soft, sweet voice he uses for you in the bedroom where it doesn’t even sound like he’s commanding anything (cause he’s not lol). It makes you shiver and your mind gets all fuzzy.
Before you sit down he’ll definitely tease you first. He doesn’t really mean to make it so torturous, he just wants to warm you up a bit.~
He likes to take it slow, watching you hovering over him, soaking up all of your cute reactions and whimpers at his (lack of) touching.
He’ll drag his fingers along your slit with your panties still on, and blow air on it to make you squirm.
He’d take your panties off or push them aside and set his hands on your hips to push your cunt closer to his lips.
He takes that first lick and can’t help but dive right in after. He’d drag his tongue from your entrance to your clit, gathering your slick and moaning just at the taste and feel of you. He’ll buck up into the air as soon as he feels you start to clench around his tongue, and shoves it farther inside of you, making sure to rub slow circles around your clit with his thumb.
The taste of you melting on his tongue like candy puts him in such a daze. He loves being his sweet princess’ throne, and making you feel so so good. It makes him feel so wanted.
He’ll give his mouth a break to make sure he’s praising you, and he’ll keep you entertained by fingering you deep as he smothers you with sweet words.
“Pretty, pretty girl. Are you feeling okay? You’re doing so well, baby. Good girl. Such a good girl. You taste so good. I love when you ride my fingers like that. So cute, so desperate.”
His fingers will hook in a “come hither” motion, and the pads of his fingers will vibrate, hitting your special spot with such vigor. He won’t let you cum just yet though.
He promises he’s not trying to tease or edge you, he just wants you to feel satisfied when you finally do cum.
(But between you and me…yes he is.)
“Shhh, not yet, not yet. I wanna make this feeling last longer. Be a good girl for me, please?”
He’ll go back to eating you out, sometimes doing this cycle a few more times before he lets you cum.
He’ll use the vibrating function in his tongue only at the very end. Once he does this enough times, feels confident enough in his pussy-eating skills that he can make you cum without it, though he knows you very much enjoy the feeling of him cranking it all the way up as soon as you’re on the edge.
He pulls you down onto his mouth by your thighs and takes short bursts to coax you along with his words, inching you ever closer to your high.
“You’re close, aren’t you, honey? Oh, you are. Look at how you’re panting. So cute. You wanna cum? Cum for me baby, come on. Pretty girl. Cum in my mouth, yeah…yeah. Mmm.”
You finally getting to cum is his favorite part. He has no need to breathe, but he pretends you’re suffocating him with your thighs wrapped around his head. He lives to see you whimper and moan his name, grinding your sweet pussy on his face, letting you spill over, him drinking up every last whine and sob as he feels you tighten up and shake in pure ecstasy, all because of him. Him. All because he can do that to you.
He’ll praise you endlessly afterwards, pull you into a long, soft kiss (or three), and pet your head to calm you down as you slow your breathing and bathe in the afterglow of your orgasm.
“Good girl, good girl. Such a good girl. You did so well for me. You always do so well. Come here, let me hold you. I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
He thanks you a thousand times over, grateful to be able to help that sweet, submissive, sexy side of you come out just for him to see. He adores you wholeheartedly.
“Thank you so much for letting me give you that feeling. I love being yours so much. I love you.”
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garfunkytunes · 26 days ago
sometimes it do be like that (staring deeply at a picture of wheatley)
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atomic-lullaby · 2 years ago
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roboboys posting cause im autistic
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aces-to-apples · 3 years ago
hello!! for the fanfic director's cut, can I ask about 'never knowing where we're going' or 'we can never go astray'? have a good day!
Ahhhh, my old friend, "never knowing where we're going"/"we can never go astray"
*cracks knuckles*
Uhhhhhh, fun fact time ig?
Okay so, for the uninitiated (aka people not in the maulrex discord server), there's this channel called "All The Codys" wherein are stored, you guessed it, all of the Codys. Specifically, every creepy, unpleasant, odd, or weird-ass version of Commander Cody. There's a pinned explanation of what A Cody is, a scale of Bad to Worse versions of Cody, a directory of which Codys actually have fics posted about them, it's great. To my recollection, Sith!Cody of never knowing/never astray fame is either 4 or 6 on the Bad-To-Worse Cody scale. You may have seen me refer to this guy as "Bad Decisions Cody", because they each have a funky lil name to distinguish them from both canon Commander Cody and other Codys in the server.
(Real Boy Cody from svartalfheimr's "Marae", Roboboy Cody from svar's "Starless and Stirless", Droidfucker Cody from "Shuttle 2049", yes svar has a lot of codys listen svar's brain is enormous idk what to tell you, and! I even have a second Cody, Ghostfucker!Cody from "season's greetings"!)
I think Pax named Bad Decisions Cody? So named for the fact that man did not make a single good decision in those fic. Except for killing Palpatine. That's the only one iirc.
Anyway, I never planned to write Bad Decisions Cody because Sith!Cody/Maul was just a prompt fill for my Maul/Clones series but then the man went and ate my entire brain and. Well. Out came A Cody. And finally, an explanation for why I call this fic Bad Decisions Cody lol.
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randomtwstuff · 4 years ago
Characters We Need to See in TWST - RSA
We have Che’nya and Neige so far as our references for other non-villain (or acquainted with a villain) characters, but I want to see more. 
Especially since we’ve been given the names of some characters - Farena and Prince Rielle - but haven’t been given visuals as of yet.
So, here’s a list (besides other already mentioned ones) of other characters/Disney movies I would like to see shown as RSA students/staff:
- Mulan (she’s one of my favorites Disney princesses)
- Shang (you can’t leave him out of this you just can’t)
- Mushu (dragon)
- Lucky Cricket, maybe???
The Princess and the Frog (since we already have Facilier as Sam):
- Tiana (another one of my faves)
- Prince Naveen (boi)
- Lottie (bes fren)
- Ray (bayou firefly is v good)
- Louis (big frenly alligator)
- Buford??? (the guy from the diner scene)
The Little Mermaid:
- Ariel (Prince Rielle, but we haven’t seen him yet so)
- All the sisters. All of them.
- Prince Eric
- Sebastian
- Flounder
(more under cut)
Sleeping Beauty:
- Aurora (although many speculate that Silver is, in fact, her)
- The Fairies
- that’s it. no prince cause i always thought he was weird and i learned the original original version and i just can’t think about him without being thoroughly disgusted. so no
Alice in Wonderland:
- Alice (obvi)
- The White Rabbit
- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (they can be the resident weird twins!)
- The Mad Hatter
- The March Hare
- the sleepy mouse (i love him)
- the talking doorknob. cause why not.
- the asshole flowers. but only the really pretty one that sang like a couple lines and then never showed her face again
- the lil kitty cat Alice was holding
- Pocahontas herself
- Kocoum (the guy who was supposed to marry her))
- Nakoma (her good friend)
- Meeko (the raccoon)
- Flit (the hummingbird)
- Grandmother Willow
- Percy (the dog and the only likeable character from that entire troop oh my god)
- i’ll be honest, i never really liked the blonde guy. still don’t. which is why he ain’t here and why i don’t remember his name.
Treasure Planet:
- Jim (since he’s the main boy)
- John Silver (big cyborg pirate man)
- MORPH (*breathes* I LOVE PINK BLOB)
- Captain Amelia (cat. yes)
- Doctor Doppler (dog. also yes)
- Ben (roboboy)
- Aladdin (obvi)
- Jasmine (also obvi)
- Abu
- Rajah (tiger bby pspspsps)
- Genie (how would they go about it tho)
- Iago (cause everyone thought Kalim was him but nope)
Beauty and the Beast (we already have Gaston as Ashton):
- Belle
- Adam/Beast (i wonder which version they would use though...)
- Mrs. Potts and/or Chip
- Lumiere
- Cogsworth
- Sultan (the poor dog that got turned into a fucking footstool)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
- anybody. all of these characters are good absolutely nothing wrong i love this movie way too much oh my god
- especially the bomb guy vinny oh my goddddd
- srsly disney why did you abandon this i would and will pay money for an atlantis themed anything
(anyways, i’m p much done. and am very tired. this is my rant post of the day.)
(i didn’t add Cinderella or Snow White cause honestly I never cared for either one and Neige is already in existence so)
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burning-fcols · 4 years ago
(*wakes up in the middle of the night in a Cold Sweat* ... Okay, but- SHOULD I ADD THE SLOOTY CLOWN? Don’t get me wrong, I fucking LOVE how all these Fizzs have started flinging their thotty asses at Blitzo ever since The Post because I’m luv my boi and therefore he must Suffer :3 .... But an unforseen side effect is that my inner Blitzo keeps making me 👀 at this roboboi now... and I really wanna be able to Reboop aesthetics and shit for him XD )
(But *motions sharply* Could. I. Do. Good. With. Him?)
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