#robo dwarf hamster
deguarts · 1 year
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I'm happy to release a new version of my hamster card game: Sunflower Seeds! The new "regular" edition is in box packaging with poker sized cards, and is available at a cheaper price than the original "tin" edition. The tin edition is sturdier and has smaller cards, while the regular edition is more standard card game style.
Both are available on The Game Crafter!
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phoenix-reburned · 2 years
Ham'manda had gotten out in my room. Obviously not ideal, but I had stuff set up for her to be able to get back into her cage when she was ready. I had her out with me and let her get behind me for a second and she was gone. I knew she would be okay because she was in my room with access to food, water, and no cats around even outside of her cage. I guess she decided to squeeze herself under my door and she was out on the landing. My brother decides the best course of action is to chase her until she throws herself off of the fucking banister all while I'm asleep and have no idea she's even out. So now she's somewhere downstairs with the fucking cats and from what I can find online even if I do find her she might just be dead already from the fall. If he had left her alone she would have come back or at least not thrown herself from a deadly height into cat territory. I already felt shitty when she was in my room, now I feel even worse. I was just playing with her and I made a mistake that's now resulted in her probable death.
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mazuwii · 1 year
Reiner either looks like a syrian hamster or a chubby tiger and there’s no in between
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toxictaicho · 7 months
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Kid Gaara with Shukaku
Canon Shukaku is tanuki but who ever has had robo hamster, knows that these little kawaii floofballs are bloodthirsty desert demons, who will watch you in your sleep and would kill you if have an opportunity.
My robo's name is Gaara btw.
Watercolours, watercolour pencils and ink
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pandamoorish · 2 years
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I need you to fully appreciate how cute my polite son is. 
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savageboar · 2 months
im finding a like. disturbing common ground where people with murderous tendencies specifically like to target hamsters and cats in particular. and it's really strange. and distressing.
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hamsternostalgia · 2 years
In need of rodent care advice? ask away!
Hi! I have a lot of experience as an owner to hamsters (I've had every captive species as an adult except chinese hamsters), mongolian gerbils, mice, and african pigmy dormice. I have breeding or rescue litter experience with winter white hybrids, campbell's russian dwarf hybrids, african pygmy dormice, mice, and just began breeding syrians. I am well versed in USA minimums and care standards for each of these species, and especially for mice I take a very science oriented care route. Feel free to send an ask if you have questions about care, supplies, diet, health, etc with these species! If you ask about a sick pet, depending on the issue it will likely need vet help, I'm also happy to help you locate a vet nearby that sees the species you have!
While my blog is primarily focused on my special interest of vintage hamster cages, I give up to date advice backed by science and fully with the belief that each individual animal is different, and finding what works for one may not work for another. I also am understanding of the state the US is in, and as long as you are providing at least laboratory minimums I do not think you are abusive. While a 10 gallon tank isn't considered a pet standard ethical for a hamster, scientifically it IS ethical, and if you are unable to provide larger for some reason (parents won't let you, cannot afford a larger enclosure atm, etc) it is important to instead offer as much enrichment as possible. I will always educate on what is recommended by pet keepers, but will also give situation specific advice as long as you give me as much info to work with as possible!
Please remain civil in reply to any ask where an owner is unable to provide all that the pet community wants to require, driving owners further away from the community only makes it harder to educate.
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Kame's Home - カメの家庭 ☆
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cage setup for Kame (カメ) the robo hamster with sand bath and saucer wheel
she arrives NEXT WEEK!
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
"Trying to keep these oversized hamsters alive"
Fuvk. Now i yearn to See them drawn as hamsters for real! 💘🥺🥺🥺 pls bless us with Bad sans hamsters, i beg u pleeeaseee. 😭😭💕
- 🍓
Weeeeell alright, but only because you asked so nicely and also I really really love hamsters lol
(I've only ever had history with dwarf hamsters so that's what they all are to me, sanses are short anyway so it kinda fits.)
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I made Killer and Dust roborovskis because they were the first hamsters I had and I have favourites. Also they are fast as hell so good luck catching these guys if they get out. I made Horror and Cross russians because they get a lil bit bigger than robos and I wanted a black and white one for Cross.
Also I dunno if you've ever seen those videos of 2 hamsters trying to run on the same wheel and one getting spun around or thrown off, but that's 100% Killer and Cross.
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culturalsillystine · 9 days
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I searched up robo dwarf and for some reason a warning came up…
That's odd, I wonder why? Regardless, the hamsters there are VERY cute. I especially like the one on his wheel.
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deguarts · 1 year
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A little Robo dwarf hamster~
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phoenix-reburned · 2 years
So uhh
Me and my boyfriend "impulse bought" a robo dwarf hamster. Yes, research was done and she has a proper set up food shelter etc and we had talked about getting one during/after college, we just did it early
So here's Ham'manda
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harocat · 4 months
Real ones remember when I was that girl who had or has every kind of pet BUT cats and dogs (I did have dogs growing up though).
Permit me if I forget something, I have major brain fog because I'm sick.
sugar gliders
Brazilian short tailed opossums
African soft-furred rats
dwarf hamsters
robo hamsters
snakes (three species; corn snake, Kenyan sand boa, ball python)
leopard gecko
bearded dragon
hermit crabs
fish (of many types)
guinea pig
kangaroo rats
Did I miss any? A few of these are pets Jennie had before she moved in with us (like her conure, which passed away at a ripe old age), but nonetheless, they lived with me. I also had a couple of these (dogs for example) only as a child.
As of now we have a paltry five species of animals in our home; our cats, a pair of chinchillas, a hamster, a leopard gecko, and a ball python. That's pretty much how it's been the past several years. We kind of shifted to crazy cat lady mode. But I definitely have the experience, so for example, if a shelter needed a foster for almost any kind of small animal, I'd be game.
And yes there's never been any ferrets, though I love them and have babysat them multiple times. I've also babysat chickens.
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bufomancer · 1 year
What kind of size for a hamster enclosure would you recommend? Regular hamster cages from pet stores are clearly not an option haha, and for my last hamster I used a large storage box but I think it could’ve been a bit bigger. I’m not very good at any diy stuff so I’m trying to find an option that doesn’t require much skill and isn’t super expensive, if you have any recommendations I’d appreciate it
Great question!!
For my foster hamsters I usually used modified storage bins. They work well for temporary use as they’re easy to carry, easy to clean, depending on how you modify them they can be stacked, etc. I personally don’t prefer them for long term use as (just as you’ve said) they’re on the small side.
The minimum we adopt out to at the rescue is 600 square inches, my preference is 775 or more particularly for syrians. Keep in mind dimensions advertised are usually the external dimensions, and internal floor space may be a bit smaller.
Large aquariums are an option. 40 breeders are 648 square inches, 75 gallons are 864. You can often find them used for pretty cheap, though they’ll likely need a good cleaning.
Ikea hacks are popular for affordable hamster enclosures with minimal DIY. I don’t like the detolf hack since it’s so narrow (only 13 inches wide) and would only recommend it for robos, maybe the larger dwarf species, but not really for syrians if you can avoid it. The linmon hack is a lot more square and is about 877 square inches so that’s a good option. Most ikea hacks do require you to DIY your own lid.
Pawhut sells some wooden enclosures online that exceed 600 square inches- This One is just over 1,000 square inches and currently on sale on Chewy!
NiteAngel and Bucatstate both sell enclosures as well, on Amazon. Be careful checking dimensions- some of their enclosures are too small for hamsters! A friend of mine has been using the new Bucatstate 2.0 stacking enclosures, which are 774 square inches, and so far has liked them a lot for a fairly inexpensive, sturdy, large enclosure.
You can also use PVC reptile enclosures provided they have sufficient ventilation. These can be pretty expensive though.
Basically: there’s a ton of options, though unfortunately many can’t be purchased at pet stores (in the US at least). However, I *have* noticed that both Petco and Petsmart carry larger enclosures than they used to. So we are heading in the right direction, and with time things may change more.
Also keep in mind that any enclosure with only ventilation on the lid isn’t going to have optimal ventilation. Hamsters don’t produce as much ammonia as a lot of other rodents, and they’re good about mostly using the bathroom in one spot which makes cleaning easier. However I do recommend ensuring the room is well ventilated- I have an air purifier in mine and a ceiling fan going at all times, but I also have a lot of rodents. You can also hook up a small computer fan to gently agitate the air in the enclosure and increase air circulation.
Best of luck!!
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seniavilla · 2 years
Hi!! My name is Yesenia. ( I'm new here so if I do something wrong or mess up im sorry.) I am 13. I turn 14 july 17! I have an identical twin sister her name is Ysabella. She calls me seah. I call her baa. You can call me seah or senia it doesn't matter. I LOVE tigers and my favorate color is pink. I have a guinea pig his name is Oatmeal. 2 kittens and their mama her name is Kitten cuz she was a kitten when we found her. 2 great Pyrenees dogs Bandit and Cooper. 2 ducks Caleb and Lily. 2 roosters. And 2 robo dwarf hamsters Molly and Trini.
I like Pj Masks. Cyberchase and Voltron.
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pinksparklelps · 1 year
tw animal death 
I decided to reread the comics by JennyJinya and I couldn’t stop crying at all of it
so I decided to tell you all about my little guys that I hope are well with Death
Azure was my first ever pet, a budgie. He was always so sweet. He’s the reason birds are and will always be my favorite animal. I researched all about budgies when we got him, and wrote down everything, filling up three sheets of paper i taped to the wall over his cage. He was so fluffy, so cute, and I had the honor of being his favorite human. I loved to hold him, or have him on my shoulder.
Soon after getting Azure, we got Prism; another budgie. She was there because budgies are social. It may not have looked like it to some people, but they were best friends. Younger me also loved the thought of them having little budgie babies haha. She followed Azure wherever he went, and loved me just as much as he did. I held them together quite often, and had to chase Prism through the living room and kitchen just to get her back in the cage. Eventually figured out that having Azure inside would lure her in too lol. A picture of my two best friends was what kept me happy when I was in the mental hospital. They made me happy when I thought I couldn’t be.
I still remember when I was sitting in my room, when my mom came in to gently tell me that Azure was gone. But he wasn’t alone. He just slowly got into my moms hand, and was gone. Prism knew he wouldn’t be back. I didn’t want it to be true. I wish that we had him buried here instead of our old house, so he could be with the others.
We got Winter the same day that Azure left us. I chose her because the moment I laid eyes on her, she just felt really special. She’s our little spider-bird, always climbing all over the cage. Prism loved her as well, almost acting like a mother to Winter. It was me, the bird whisperer, who had the job of keeping the birds calm when we moved here. I was able to have them stay with me in my room.
A bit after at christmas, my parents got me and my sister hamsters. She has Tubby, who’s still alive, and I had Zoomie. Zoomie was a dwarf robo, and I loved him so much. I could see him often because of how I stay up at night. He loved his wheel. Even at the pet store, all he would do is run around the cage and run on the wheel. I did everything I could to let him be comfortable.
It was 2021 in December when we had two losses. It was often for me to hear the birds flapping and chirping at night, but one night it gave me a really bad feeling, and I just had to check. Prism was clinging to the side of the cage, except one leg wasn’t really gripping onto the bars. I grabbed her, seeing how she wouldn’t put any weight on that leg, and got worried. I quickly got to searching things up, and all of the possibilities worried me. Birds, being prey animals, don’t show weakness. It’s only when they can’t hide it anymore that you can see it. There were no vets for birds and it was late at night, so we just kinda had to hope. I spent everyday worried, and checked on her frequently. It got to the point where she could only sit in the corner of the cage, having trouble breathing. I picked her up, letting Winter see her as I shushed Prism and told her it’d be okay. She died in my hands. We got Sundew that same day.
It was days after losing Prism, when I had a horrible feeling about Zoomie. I rushed over to his cage, trying to coax him out. I opened the bottom half on the cage, and started digging around, and found him dead in the bedding. I didn’t want to let him go. I couldn’t move. I could only cry and gently stroke his fur. We had to bury him because the ground was frozen. A couple days later we got Bandit and Midnight, guinea pigs that were surrendered because their old owners couldn’t care for them anymore.
Sundew was an adult when we got him, iris visible and head lines gone. His wings were clipped very short, so it took a while before he was able to fly. He loves to be around Winter, and I often find him on her swing at night. Bandit and Midnight were so sweet. Bandit was skittish, and immediately claimed the hide as his den. Midnight loved to cuddle, he even cuddled right up to me at the pet store when we were getting them.
April was a horrible month for me. Everything was going wrong and I was having a bad depressive episode. My mom and me found Midnight having trouble getting up, and he wouldn’t eat. We had to feed him through a syringe (or something) just to get him the nutrients he needs. We found out it was bloat, and planned on taking him to a vet. But it was late at night, so it wasn’t open. That day was specifically my birthday, April 13. I stayed downstairs to sleep on the couch, because I couldn’t leave him. It was around 4 am when my mom woke me up to tell me that Midnight was gone. He was laying peacefully in his igloo when he died. I got to hold him one last time. I went back upstairs to sleep more, before we went to the store to get Reeses and Marshmallow, babies so that we could have them longer.
I have a playlist of pet loss songs, just to sing them. I hope that they’re still here, and can hear me singing to them, so they know how much they all mean to me.
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