#robin longstride
Sihtric Kjartansson, The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) VS. Robin Longstride, Robin Hood (2010)
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Sihtric Kjartansson, The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Portrayed by: Arnas Fedaravičius
“Sihtric is my no.1 rn, my ride or die homie. think of me as his sapphic wingman in this tournament. he's a sweetheart who has and will kill Multiple men, and also has rlly cool hair and makes lots of fun comments 💪💪
Robin Longstride, Robin Hood (2010) Portrayed by: Russell Crowe
"There are many good and hot Robin Hoods, but I would argue that Robin Longstride might be the most wholesome, without being in the least boring. He has a sense of humor and a sense of mischief; he loves his friends and they love him; he's good with dogs and horses. He's kind! He's kind! and he has known so little kindness. Also he basically looks at Cate Blanchett's Marion like a lovesick puppy from the moment of meeting her and ME TOO, MY GUY. Me too. A man of taste. And a man who will engineer elaborate heist plots and spend all night farming for the good of a community. This man is a catch, and also built for medieval combat, and Marion deserves to explore all of that at her leisure."
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
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For Sihtric:
- “God he’s pretty. His feral edge and his loyalty have bewitched me.”
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For Robin Longstride:
No Additional Propaganda Submitted
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wewererogue · 7 months
"We are men of the hood, merry now at your expense."
— Robin Longstride / Robin Hood (dir. Ridley Scott, 2010)
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moviemunchies · 2 years
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I recently saw the 2010 Robin Hood movie again. And I had some thoughts.
[And they were thoughts other than “Oh thank goodness I’m not watching the 2018 one.]
Alright obligatory aside when talking about this movie: we have to talk about Nottingham. There was a time when in every discussion of the movie, Nottingham would come up, or someone in the comments would say that he or she wished we got to see Nottingham instead of this movie. 
The story goes like this: working its way through development hell was a script titled “Nottingham” which was a different take on the Robin Hood story from the point of view of the Sheriff of Nottingham, the traditional antagonist of the stories. The main gist of it was that it was CSI: Medieval England, with the Sheriff investigating a series of murders and trying to catch the killer. I’ve seen conflicting stories over how this would have gone down–if Robin Hood was going to be the killer, or be framed for the murders. But either way, it would be a reversal of the usual format, with the Sheriff as the hero, and Robin Hood as being an antagonistic force.
When Ridley Scott signed on to do a Robin Hood movie, he discarded all of that to make this movie. Naturally, a lot of people got upset about it. And that’s fair, but it’s been over a decade since this movie came out, so I’ve kind of stopped caring about Nottingham in that time. Good movies don’t get made sometimes. It happens. We move on with our lives. So please, please don’t make the “I wish this had been Nottingham instead!” comment. I don’t care. Get over it.
So! Moving on!
Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood tells the story of Robin Longstride, an English archer fighting with Richard’s army on the way back home from the Crusades. When King Richard dies in battle, Robin and his companions make it back to England before the rest of the army by pretending to be knights–but Robin ends up involved in a quest of his own, and the group soon get wrapped up in a plot by the King of France to take England from the weak King John.
Alright this movie has too much going on, because it’s trying to be both a Robin Hood movie and a historical epic concerning real events. I don’t mind it that much–I like tying the Robin Hood legend to real-life occurrences, but it gets to a truly absurd amount of content. Not only is this an origin story for the outlaw and his Merry Men, it covers the death of King Richard I, Marion’s story, an invasion attempt by France, Robin’s own traumatic childhood, and the precursor to the Magna Carta all in one story. I’m not even against the movie trying this, but there’s not enough time here to properly address them all. Some storylines get clearly shafted (that’s not meant to be an arrow pune), like the orphans in the woods of Nottingham suddenly helping our heroes at the end of the story when they were just being a nuisance up until that point. Or the crazy coincidence that Robin’s dad just happens to have been Locksley’s comrade in making a document protecting people’s rights.
I get excited about including history in historical fiction like this! Usually Robin Hood only has the monarchs, and vague references to the Crusades, and that’s it. Having Eleanor of Aquitaine and William Marshal as actual characters is a nice touch, at least in my eyes. But including all of these elements means we take time away from some parts that NEED to be developed more. Perhaps the Director’s Cut is better in this regard?
The character development that we do get is nice though. I remember thinking that Robin and Marion’s setup in this movie is unusual for a retelling, and rewatching it still is, but it also makes a really interesting dynamic that I like. I’m sure fans of “fake marriage” types of stories would eat this up. 
And Marion is a fascinating character! She’s been running her household for years waiting for her husband Sir Loxley to return, a man she doesn’t really know that well but is relying on to make this all okay, and the scene in which she finds out that he’s not coming is…. Really good. It’s a very good bit of Cate Blanchett showing off how to display strong emotions without speaking.
There is this weird bit of camerawork before it though in which it zooms in on her face, and that’s not necessary. We get it. There are a couple of other bits like this throughout the film that I didn’t get, but overall camerawork is pretty good.
Another thing that I think I really appreciate about this movie is that it doesn’t worship King Richard of England. Many adaptations of the Robin Hood stories idealize that the problems of England are just that this one douchebag, John, is in charge, and if Richard came back then it’d all be swell. This movie has scenes in which John points out that part of the reason his tax policies are in place are because Richard bankrupted the country for his wars (which everyone loved him for), and he’s RIGHT. Robin calls out Richard to his face for the cruelty of the Massacre in Acre (real thing that happened), though he’s put in stocks for it.
The Sheriff was wasted in this movie though. Matthew McFayden does good with what he has, but what he has isn’t that much.
But what’s really nice is that the final duel is settled with archery. I’d have preferred more archery in the movie, but Robin does make some good shots–unlike some movies, where he just does a couple for drama, and most of the deciding battles are concluded with a sword fight. This is Robin Hood guys! Make sure it ends with an arrow!
I do not know if this movie was really intended for sequels. Everyone acts like it is, and Russell Crowe was ready to do it, and there are enough dangling threads to do so. But I also see this as an origin story for a movie for a story you already know the main beats of. It didn’t get a sequel, but you know the gist of what happens next anyway, so it’s not too big of a problem. I am curious to know how that would have gone, but it’s not exactly a heartbreak.
I liked this movie. I know a lot of people hated it when it came out, but I thought it was fine. It hits a nice spot for me, being a fun historical fiction piece that actually uses the historical setting to tell the story rather than as slight flavoring like a lot of Robin Hood stories. But it isn’t a truly great movie because it doesn’t have time to deal with every element that it introduces.
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streamondemand · 2 years
Russell Crowe is 'Robin Hood' on Netflix and Hulu
Russell Crowe is ‘Robin Hood’ on Netflix and Hulu
The legend of Robin Hood is one of those stories that gets a new retelling for each generation. Robin Hood (2010), from director Ridley Scott and screenwriter Brian Helgeland, stars Russell Crowe in a new origin story for the familiar myth. This one reimagines him not as Robin of Loxley but Robin Longstride, a war-weary soldier home from the crusades. He’s not a nobleman at all but a peasant…
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Robin Hood (Ridley Scott, 2010) Cast: Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Max von Sydow, Oscar Isaac, William Hurt, Mark Strong, Danny Huston, Eileen Atkins, Mark Addy, Matthew Macfadyen, Kevin Durand, Scott Grimes, Alan Doyle, Douglas Hodge, Léa Seydoux. Screenplay: Brian Helgeland, Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris. Cinematography: John Mathieson. Production design: Arthur Max. Film editing: Pietro Scalia. Music: Marc Streitenfeld. Did the world really need another Robin Hood movie? From the lack of interest at the box office, it would seem not. At least Ridley Scott and screenwriter Brian Helgeland tried to give us something slightly different: a prequel, in which Robin finds his identity and mission and only at the very end goes off into Sherwood Forest with his Merry Men, presumably to rob from the rich and give to the poor. Unfortunately, the prequel doesn't give us much that's new or revealing about the characters: The villains, King John (Oscar Isaac) and the Sheriff of Nottingham (Matthew Macfadyen), remain the same, with an additional twist that they're being duped by another villain named Godfrey (Mark Strong), a supporter of the French King Philip, who is plotting an invasion now that the English army is still straggling back from the Crusades. Robin is a soldier of fortune named Robin Longstride, who has been to the Crusades and is making it back with the crown of the fallen Richard the Lionheart (Danny Huston) as well as a sword he promised the dying Sir Robert Loxley (Douglas Hodge) he would return to his father, Sir Walter (Max von Sydow) in Nottingham.  When he does, Robin meets Marian, no longer a maid but the widow of Sir Robert. On the way, he has gathered a retinue comprising Little John (Kevin Durand), Will Scarlet (Scott Grimes), and Allan A'Dayle (Alan Doyle), and in Nottingham he will add Friar Tuck (Mark Addy) to the not terribly merry company. They'll take part in repelling the French invasion, which Scott makes into a kind of small scale D-Day, to the extent of borrowing unabashedly from Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan (1998), including some landing craft whose historical existence has been questioned (along with much else of the movie's history). Robin and his fellow soldiers, including Marian, who arrives disguised in chain mail, save the day, but their hopes for a new charter of rights that has been promised them by King John are dashed when he proclaims Robin an outlaw. So everything seems to be set up for a sequel that will culminate at Runnymede and the signing of Magna Carta, but the film's flop at the box office put paid to that. Robin Hood certainly has some good performances, which you might expect from its cast packed with Oscar-winners and -contenders, but it feels routine and a little tired. It also resorts to filming much of the action with the now too common "gloomycam," in which fight scenes always seem to be taking place at night, so you can't tell who's killing whom.
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vincentdelaplage · 2 years
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CINÉ CINÉMA #cineserie #cinécinéma ROBIN HOOD (2010) SYNOPSIS À l’aube du treizième siècle, Robin Longstride, humble archer au service de la Couronne d’Angleterre, assiste, en Normandie, à la mort de son monarque, Richard Coeur de Lion, tout juste rentré de la Troisième Croisade et venu défendre son royaume contre les Français. De retour en Angleterre et alors que le prince Jean, frère cadet de Richard et aussi inepte à gouverner qu’obnubilé par son enrichissement personnel, prend possession du trône, Robin se rend à Nottingham où il découvre l’étendue de la corruption qui ronge son pays. Il se heurte au despotique shérif du comté, mais trouve une alliée et une amante en la personne de la belle et impétueuse Lady Marianne, qui avait quelques raisons de douter des motifs et de l’identité de ce croisé venu des bois. Robin entre en résistance et rallie à sa cause une petite bande de maraudeurs dont les prouesses de combat n’ont d’égal que le goût pour les plaisirs de la vie. Ensemble, ils vont s'efforcer de soulager un peuple opprimé et pressuré sans merci, de ramener la justice en Angleterre et de restaurer la gloire d'un royaume menacé par la guerre civile. Brigand pour les uns, héros pour les autres, la légende de "Robin des bois" est née. BANDE ANNONCE https://youtu.be/aIpboNx8YpQ DÉTAILS 15 février 2003 en DVD / 2h 20min / Aventure, Action De Ridley Scott Par Brian Helgeland, Ethan Reiff Avec Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Max von Sydow Titre original Robin Hood CRITIQUE S’il existe de nombreuses versions des aventures de Robin des bois, celle-ci a quelque chose d’original : son Robin est un usurpateur, un homme du peuple qui fait de la politique. Il vole moins pour donner aux pauvres que pour établir une nouvelle société. Parce qu’on retrouve Gladiator dans la forêt Ridley Scott-Russell Crowe, c’est le duo gagnant du grand peplum des années 2000, dont ils cherchent à transposer la recette, avec moins de jupettes et plus de cottes de mailles. Pour apprécier cette incarnation du fameux rebelle, mieux vaut oublier les collants, les pirouettes et les élans des précédents. Taiseux, massif et rusé, plus Gabin qu’Errol Flynn, le comédien s’est fabriqué un Ro https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn37oOsMKUF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nico-meridius · 2 years
Sylum Trivia: September 2022 - Answer
Sylum Trivia: September 2022 – Answer
Question: Name off all the Meridii … Yes I know we’ve done this one before, but it is always fun! Henenu  Jackson Healey  Pearly Soames  Edward Kenway  Javert  Alexander  Colonel Wales  Joshua Connor  Richie Courtney  Edward ‘Cort’ Courtney  Jack Aubrey  Henry Thorne  Terry Thorne  Ben Wade  Robin Longstride  Baraka  Maximus  US Grant Desmond Miles Hank Palmer  Jonathan Royce  Harry…
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Robin Hood: Robin Longstride [ISTP 9w8]
Robin Hood: Robin Longstride [ISTP 9w8]
Function Order: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe Robin is a very rational man who uses whatever opportunities arise for his own benefit; when he hears the king has been killed, he knows that if they ride hard, and assume the identities of dead knights they find along the road, they can reach England safely ahead of the hordes of people who will be escaping France. It doesn’t bother him to use fraud in this way, to…
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speak-softly-love · 3 years
Writing/RP Muse List
Maximus from Gladiator
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Jack Aubrey from Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
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Robin Longstride from Robin Hood
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SID 6.7 from Virtuosity
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Inspector Javert from Les Misérables
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Jim Braddock from Cinderella Man
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John Nash from A Beautiful Mind
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Richie Roberts from American Gangster
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Bud White from L.A. Confidential 
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Jackson Healy from The Nice Guys
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Russell Crowe  (respectful asks only, please. No smut)
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derekgeoffrey-blog · 3 years
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Hot Medieval & Fantasy Men Melee Masterpost
Qualifying Round: Day 7
Robert of Artois [Jean Piat] VS. Mehmed II [Cem Yiğit Uzümoğlu]
Tormund Giantsbane [Kristofer Hivju] VS. Sir Lancelot [Luc Simon]
Legolas [Orlando Bloom] VS. Shah Ala Ad Daula [Olivier Martinez]
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere] VS. Rollo [Clive Standen]
Henry V [Laurence Olivier] VS. Saruman [Christopher Lee]
Théoden [Bernard Hill] VS. Steapa [Adrian Bouchet]
Taunting French Guard [John Cleese] VS. Richard III [Aneurin Barnard]
Jaime Lannister [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau] VS. Wat [Alan Tudyk]
Daario Naharis [Michel Huissman] VS. Kíli [Aiden Turner]
Osferth [Ewan Mitchell] VS. Robin Hood [Jonas Armstrong]
Jacques le Gris [Adam Driver] VS. Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons]
Stannis Baratheon [Stephen Dillane] VS. Ivar the Boneless [Alex Høgh Anderson]
Guildenstern [Tim Roth] VS. Caspian X [Ben Barnes]
High King Peter the Magnificent [Noah Huntley] VS. Robin Hood [Errol Flynn]
Little John [Eric Allan Kramer] VS. Pippin Took [Billy Boyd]
Uhtred of Bebbanburg [Alexander Dreymon] VS. Robin Hood [Michael Praed]
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravičius] VS. Robin Longstride [Russell Crowe]
Cinderella's Prince [Chris Pine] VS. Edgin Darvis [Chris Pine]
Tom Builder [Rufus Sewell] VS. Thomas Cromwell [Mark Rylance]
Count Adehemar [Rufus Sewell] VS. Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid]
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stabbyapologist · 4 years
King John basically got his ego hurt when the people won the battle because Robin Longstride helped lead the people to victory. So in return, he made him an outlaw. But this boi forgot that he's king and like... In essence, he just wanted his ego bolstered.
King John is a toddler throwing a tantrum, except he's 30 years old and banging a french maid.
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justreddz · 5 years
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Who wore it better?
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
They do realise there’s blood on their faces right?
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edpcreations · 5 years
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Russell Crowe in Robin Hood as Robin Longstride
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whimsymascara · 7 years
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Robin Hood (2010) | Robin and Marion
- Marion, I’m merely trying to gauge the quality of the man we have as our guest. Is he handsome?
- Yes. In the way that yeomen are sometimes when they are sober.
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