#robin buckley is so silly
Robin Buckley tried the Grimace Shake
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Sprawled across Steve’s couch, apropos of nothing, Robin says, “They’d be good Halloween costumes. Like, there’s three of us.”
Eddie blinks at her.
Robin blinks back, as if she’s being perfectly reasonable, as if she’s just continuing an ongoing conversation—when in reality, she’s been silently staring into space for the past minute.
“Buckley. Y’know I can’t actually read your mind, right?”
“Uh, no excuse,” Robin says disapprovingly. “Steve can do it just fine.”
“That’s a completely different—you do see how that’s—”
“It’s ‘cause Molly Pritchard,” Steve begins, in his honestly, catch up, Munson tone, “kept annoying the shit out of Robin—”
“Excuse me, that’s a blatant mischaracterisation and you know—”
“Annoying the shit out of you,” Steve repeats, undeterred.
Robin scoffs. “She kept going on, like, okay, we get it, you saw a Broadway show, whoop-de-doo—”
“Do I detect a note of jealousy, Buckley?” Eddie says, and hurriedly avoids Robin kicking him in the shin.
“No, she’s just completely detached from real life! Like, yeah, I’m sure Singin’ in the Rain was just wonderful, and oh, at the Gershwin, you say? Lucky you. Not all of us were having a positively darling Spring Break in New York, some of us were—” Robin breaks off, gesturing uncertainly before settling on, “Busy.”
“That’s one word for it,” Eddie says.
“Anyway, that wasn’t the—Molly Pritchard rambling on was just the, like, catalyst for—she wasn’t the point. The point is—” Robin stops again, flounders, then whacks Steve on the shoulder. “Steve, I had a point, where is it?”
“Halloween costumes,” Steve says patiently.
“Right! She reminded me, there’s, like, three leads right there. Sort of. We should do it, I’ve never really done group costumes before—”
“For the hypothetical Halloween party we haven’t been invited to,” Eddie points out.
“Shh, details. And they’re not, like, ridiculously complicated—Steve, you’ve definitely got a couple suits just lying around—”
“Why does that feel like an insult?” Steve asks the ceiling.
“But uh, Robin,” Eddie says, “I thought you hated wearing heels?”
A deafening silence.
“Well,” Robin replies eventually. “I don’t know what bright idea you’ve got going on in your head, Eddie Munson, but I’m gonna be Gene Kelly.”
Steve chuckles. “Attagirl,” he says, raising his drink in approval.
He’s drinking coke out of a wine glass—according to Steve, it suits him. Eddie half-hates the fact that he’s right.
“And then the only thing we’d have to really look out for would be tap shoes, and we could—”
“Woah, hold your horses,” Steve says. “We’re definitely getting kicked outta the hypothetical party.”
“Why?” Eddie says. “Does Hawkins hate musicals now, too?”
“Tap shoes,” Steve says, as if Eddie’s being particularly dense. “Dude, we’re gonna, like, immediately scratch up the floor. We could only walk on carpet, and then what’s the point of wearing tap shoes in the first—”
“That’s… a very specific problem,” Eddie says.
“Yeah,” Robin says with narrowed eyes. “Very specific.”
Steve shifts in his seat. “No, it’s not. I just—I just know things, sometimes. Sue me.”
“Yeah, you do,” Robin says. Her eyes are still narrowed. “You know many things, Steve. But why do you know this particular—”
“I just do! There’s no—”
“I think,” Robin declares, “we should all put on our deerstalkers—”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Jesus Christ, I regret ever introducing you to Dustin.”
“—to figure out exactly why you know that.”
Robin looks at Eddie pointedly.
Eddie assesses Steve, then shrugs. “Uh, he’s really protective over floorboards?”
Steve’s veneer of exasperation completely melts away; he snorts, and Eddie pretends he doesn’t feel the achievement flutter in his chest.
“Hopeless,” Robin says, stretching out languidly. “Completely and utterly—”
She sprints out of the room.
“Wha—Robin,” Steve says indignantly, but he’s laughing, jumps up from the couch and grins at Eddie as if to say come on, then. “Get back here!”
Eddie laughs too, following Steve up the stairs, into his bedroom, where Robin’s pulling things out of the closet with gleeful abandon.
“if my theory is correct…” she says, head barely visible.
“You really have been spending too much time with Dustin,” Steve mutters.
And Robin emerges with a shoebox in her hands, and she’s opening it up, tossing out tissue paper, and then—
Steve groans.
Eddie’s lips twitch. “Oh.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Steve says entirely without heat.
“I was right,” Robin crows. She holds the little pair of tap shoes as if they’re made of glass. “Steve. Steve.”
“Oh, you can shut up, too.”
“They’re precious.”
“No, they’re not—”
“Eddie’ll back me up, won’t you, Eddie?” Robin says sweetly.
Steve gives him a faux warning look. “Don’t encourage her, man.”
And Eddie has a joke right on the tip of his tongue, he swears he does, but his eyes are fixed on the goddamn shoes, and he can’t stop his fond smile from showing; his heart does a weird but not unpleasant skip in his chest, and what comes out is—
“You were tiny.”
Steve flushes. “What, did you think I just popped into existence at school?”
“Sometimes,” Eddie says, tongue-in-cheek.
Steve chuckles, face still red; Eddie’s heart sings.
Robin’s placing the tap shoes back into their box, oh so carefully. “Steve, please tell me there’re photos of—oh, there are,” she says triumphantly, as Steve groans again. “You gonna show us? Please?” “Uh, no,” Steve says firmly—and oh, Eddie thinks, that absolutely means he’s gonna cave by the time dawn peeks through the curtains and show them a whole damn album.
Robin seems to know this too, because she beams before setting off again, this time beckoning them, “Come on, come on! We can practice in our socks so we won’t scratch the precious floor, Steve.”
“Uh, practice?” Eddie asks.
“The choreography, duh.”
“Wait,” Steve says, “how do you even remember the—”
“The Hawk showed it once. They did a whole classic movies theme sometimes.”
Eddie vaguely remembers that: the theme ended with a showing of It’s A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve.
And they give a hilariously bad attempt at the choreography, laughing at their socks muffling the sound of their heavy footsteps.
They wobble precariously on the top of the couch, spill coke all down the back of it. Every so often, Eddie notices that Steve’s hand is holding onto his shoulder for balance, for a little longer than is strictly necessary.
And he feels…
Light. Giddy.
God, it’s the most fun he’s had in years.
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moonriverrise · 2 years
Dreams are supposed to be subtle messages from your subconscious, right? Then why the hell did Eddie keep having the same type of dream every single night. The same dream featuring the same boy with chestnut hair, doe eyes, and freckles sprinkled all over.
He didn’t know the boys name, but he’s around Eddie’s age based on looks. His hair is styled in a certain way, swooped to the side almost perfectly. He’s pretty strong looking and pale skinned, and has the most wonderful laugh Eddie has ever heard.
In the dreams that Eddie had, he meets this boy under a tree in a long sunflower field. He’s always there before Eddie, sitting with his back against the trunk of the tree, staring at the sky or simply laying with his eyes shut.
Whenever Eddie came up to him, he was greeted with the same phrase every time, no matter what differences are in the dreams.
“Hello, Sunshine. How are you?”
It's sweet, and it warmed Eddie’s heart in a way he never thought something could. Then Eddie would sit down and they would have conversations about their lives. Because, this boy had a life, probably something Eddie’s brain made up.
“Oh, and Dust thinks he’s so much better than me just because he’s good at Algebra. Who the fuck is good at Algebra?!”
The boy is entertaining, he’s funny, pretty, charismatic. One dream he has, turns a bit different after the greeting, which is said more solemnly. Soon afterwards, the boy asks Eddie something.
“Have you ever kissed a boy before?” He asked. Eddie has paused.
“What do you mean?”
“Uhm…do you ever think you might like boys the way you like girls?” And Eddie had to pause again, because, thats how he had felt. That’s the questions he thought about, the ones he had asked Uncle Wayne.
“All the time.” Eddie responded.
“Is it..normal?” Eddie looked over to the boy, who looks nervous, scared.
“Of course. You can like whoever you want. People who don't think that are stuck up pricks.” Eddie expressed. The boy had laughed, gently. Then laid his head against Eddie’s shoulder, and then shut his eyes.
“I have a friend, you know that one I mentioned, Robbie?” Eddie hummed. “She likes girls, only girls. I want to tell her about this, but I'm afraid. Even though I know she couldn't possibly be mean, I just don't want to be abandoned.” Eddie sighed.
“It’s okay. You just need to take your time with it, talk yourself through it.” Eddie advised.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie had paused, once again. He looked over at the boy, who looked up at him in response, through his lashes.
Eddie traced his face with his eyes, placed a gentle hand on his face, rubbed a thumb against the boys skin, who let his eyes blink closed. He leaned into Eddie’s touch, embraced him, his being.
Eddie leaned closer to the boys face. The wind whistled loudly, and birds sang in the background. Eddie let his other hand cup the boys face, and their lips met, slowly.
It was slow, but deep. Gentle, yet hungry. They parted and Eddie stared into the boys eyes, as tears settled in them. A brief flash of panic runs through Eddie’s blood…
The boy laughed, giggled like a birds song. He wiped his eyes and whispered into Eddie’s ear.
“Thank you, for all that you are.”
Eddie’s eyes had fluttered open that morning, and he felt comforted with a sense of kindness and the ghost of tender lips against his own.
Then, Eddie got up, and got dressed, ready to go to work at the cafe down the street from his apartment in Indianapolis.
Dustin walked up to him during his shift, he was wearing a hat from that summer camp he’d gone to a few years back.
“Hey Eddie,” He said.
“Hello, Henderson.” Eddie responded, giving him a look.
“Wow! Don't have to be hostile!” Dustin joked. “You know my buddy i've been meaning to introduce you to?”
“Your babysitter?” Eddie asked while pouring creamer into a cup of coffee.
“Yeah! Steve! He’s here, sitting next to me and Robin over there.” Eddie didn’t follow where he was pointing, instead decided to focus on throwing a portable cup onto the coffee then calling out the order number as he slid it across the counter.
“Alright, hold on dude. Gare! Can you take order for just a second! I'll be back in a minute!” Gareth groaned but begrudgingly walked over to the cash register. “Thank you, I promise to spare your next character in Hellfire.”
“You better, man.” Gareth responded as Eddie walked out to meet Dustin.
They both walked over to the table and Eddie froze entirely when he meets eyes with someone so familiar.
It's the boy from his dreams.
“Okay, Eddie this is Steve. Steve this is Eddie.” Eddie waved a hand in Dustin’s face to shut him up.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Steve. that was his name. He asked him that, and Eddie nodded slowly.
“I know you from somewhere too,” He responded. Steve’s eyes went a bit wide, and he stood, facing Eddie.
“Sunshine?” Eddie nodded, vigorously.
“Guys…” Eddie shunned Dustin with his hands again.
“Robbie is Robin- the gay friend?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. “Dust…that’s Henderson?” He nodded again.
“What the hell?-” Robin spoke up. Steve shushed her.
“You look exactly how you did before.” Eddie said to him. Steve smiled.
“You look even brighter in person,”
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sweetronancer · 8 months
spot the difference!!! (impossible)
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not gonna say it again...
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
This is so fucking stupid and I'm not sorry. Inspired by this video of the two guitarists from DragonForce taking the piss out of Sabaton(affectionately).
Jeffington: Just ended your whole career on live 😘
Eddie scrunched his eyes closed then wrenched them open again, trying to make sense of what he was seeing on his screen. It was too early in the fucking morning for this shit. 
He buried his face back in between Steve’s shoulders and allowed himself to fall asleep once more.
Corroded Coffin had only started making it big in the early 90’s when they split right down the middle. As time went on they started to drift towards different subgenres. Jeff and Grant had wanted to explore a more international sound, while Gareth and Eddie were happy to stay in the power metal scene with just a touch of neoclassical. 
They had tried to make it work, but the sounds were just too different and while Eddie and Grant wanted to continue on with lyrics full of fantasy and gothic romance, Jeff and Grant had wanted to focus more on ‘the human condition’.
So they separated. Eddie and Gareth had kept the Corroded Coffin name while Jeff and Grant travelled, exploring their sound.
There was no animosity. They were all still the best of friends. Even as Jeff and Grant had settled in Stockholm, where they had quickly shot to stardom with their new band members, Eddie and Gareth made their home in California enjoying their own success. They met up as often as they could, whenever tour dates aligned or they were booked into the same festivals.
Eddie and Steve were godfathers to Grant’s youngest daughter.
He and Gareth had been groomsmen in Jeff’s wedding.
They were solid.
Which was why the text from Jeff was more exasperating than worrying. 
Plus it was like… nine in the morning which, granted, wasn't early, early but Eddie was a damn rockstar.
And he might have lost track of time reading last night and stayed up until four but that's besides the point. 
But then Steve was handing him his morning coffee with a kiss, saying Robin had sent him a link to something and fine. He’d go watch whatever stupid shit Jeff pulled.
Eddie settled back into bed because he could and it was a Sunday.
Sue him.
But he couldn’t decide if he should be fake-mad or wildly entertained because the link Robin had sent opened the VOD about an hour into the stream, just in time for Grant to say “Should we do Corroded Coffin?”
Both Jeff and Grant were sitting in Jeff’s studio space in front of Jeff’s computer with a range of instruments behind them, grinning at each other.
“Oh shit, definitely!” Jeff stood and seemed to think about it for a second before picking up one of his guitars, a bright acid green with black tendrils running throughout. “The most dramatic of the bunch,” he leaned into the mic, gesturing at the guitar before taking his seat again, “just like their frontman.”
Eddie rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. 
“You think you can shred like Munson?” Grant asked, leaning forward and starting to tap out drum beats on the laptop.
Jeff scoffed. “Yeah right. Let me just play at five-fucking-thousand bpm and sing at the same time. It’s gonna be an approximation at best.”
Surprisingly enough the music they came up with did sound very close to Corroded Coffin’s sound. Grant relied heavily on the kick-drum and high hat to a ridiculous degree for Gareth's part and yeah, fair.
Gareth did love his high hat.
Jeff played the fastest guitar riff he could muster which honestly wasn’t that bad. He couldn’t go quite as hard as Eddie could but guitar was always Eddie’s first love and he was a master at his craft. Jeff gave the camera a cheeky wink as he used the computer to speed the guitar solo up, making it sound far more complex.
“I swear to god,” Eddie muttered to himself, “if they insinuate that I do that, I’ll fucking-”
“Eddie would never.” Jeff said, responding to someone in the chat who’d asked that very question.
Grant looked up with a sly smile. “Oh, god no. He’d never. He’s too proud for that.”
Cheeky bastards.
“You know what this needs?”
“Female backing vocals?”
“Yes!" Jeff snapped his fingers. "Exactly. Like something pulled from Jackson’s Lord of the Rings!”
“Oh come on!” Eddie pouted, but even still he could tell they weren’t actually making fun.
A notification popped up on Eddie’s phone.
Gare-Bear: Have you watched the stream?
Eddie: Watching right now. They’re starting on the lyrics.
Gare-Bear: Did Robin send you the link?
Eddie: Yeah.
Gare-Bear: Okay, keep watching.
Eddie: 👍
By the time the guys had hashed the lyrics out, punctuating them with high falsetto points that freaked Jeff’s cats out, Eddie was giggling into his coffee. The lyrics were so comically bad but they were so Corroded Coffin at the same time.
I wear armour and I am sad. I'm all alone and I am sad.  Such a lone wolf am I.  Except I'm not because here comes this hot man who's totally not my husband. Bats and demons and darkness and death. Bow down to me.  Kneel before me.  I am your master.  This is about sex. Oh, look, a dragon! I'll suck your blood then I'll fuck you through the wall. Except I won't because you're an allegory for my husband again. I'll fuck him instead. Every song involves him in some way. Because I'm a big fucking sap.
And then it happened. That crafty wench.
A message popped up in the chat.
BuckyBirdie: Needs more dick sucking lyrics.
“Holy shit.” Grant whipped out his phone. “R- Birdie? Is that you? Stay right there, hold on.”
While Jeff continued to play through the guitar, Grant disappeared, raising the phone to his ear before coming back a few minutes later and whispering something to Jeff.
Jeff’s whole face split into the most mischievous of smiles and Eddie only had time to think oh no before Robin’s face appeared, joining the stream with a tired if not slightly manic expression, all topped off by her yummy sushi pyjamas.
The first thing Grant said to her was “What fucking time is it over there, Birdie?” 
“I dunno.” She shrugged, looking down at her watch. “Like half six in the morning?”
“Oh. Could be worse then.”
“I haven’t slept yet.” She said with a bright smile.
“Dude! Why not?”
“I got into cryptography again last night and I haven’t stopped. Don’t tell Steve.”
Oh, I am so telling Steve. Eddie thought to himself.
“God. What a fuckin’ nerd.” Jeff punctuated his statement with a loud strum of his guitar.
Robin stuck her tongue out. “Takes one to know one.”
“Ouch. Right in my middle schooler heart.”
“Anyway, a little birdie told me you boys need some backing vocals?”
Eddie didn’t know how he was going to get her back for this, but he was sure he’d be able to figure something out eventually.
Like banging pots and pans in her hallway while she slept off her cryptography binge.
Though it was almost worth the hilarity because noted lesbian Robin Buckley happily sat there, singing about dick and tongues and assholes in a high ethereal voice that was then layered behind Jeff's.
By the end, the chat was going wild asking when it was going to be available to stream because even though it was a parody song, it was annoyingly catchy. Just before they signed off, Jeff and Grant let their audience know they’d ask Eddie and Gareth for permission before they’d do anything.
Eddie minimised the video and opened up his chat with Gareth.
Eddie: You wanna let them release it?
Gare-Bear: Fuck yeah!
Eddie: Awesome.
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kiwibirbkat · 15 days
"I love you." Robin's eyes were dead, emotionless. Her eyebags only added to the effect, like straight charcoal was rubbed underneath her eyes. Like she hadn't slept in a week. And she probably hadn't, Steve remembered. Her voice was raspy from misuse, the only sounds Steve had heard her say since he found her being screams and those three simple words. He held her bloody hand, rubbing the joints on her fingers. Too thin fingers. He suddenly realized she wouldn't have had anything to eat all week unless she was eating the monsters corpse.
His eyes trailed down her arms. Covered in inhuman bites and scratches. He could feel splinters in her fingers. That explained the mediocre stake she had. That she swapped for her hands halfway through the fight. He shivered, remembering the gruesome fate that the monsters were doomed to. Even evil creatures didn't deserve such a horrible death. He glanced at the desecrated corpses surrounding them. What had she gone through to make her fight like... THAT?
The thing that really caught his attention was the cut on her forehead. A large scratch, mediocrely covered by a strip of her jacket.
With a start, he realized he hadn't responded. "I..." His voice cracked with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes as he pulled her into a bone crushing hug, breaking down sobbing. "I love you too..." He mumbled into her shoulder.
The corpses surrounding them didn't matter anymore. The sulfur in the air of the upsidedown didn't matter anymore. Not even the fact that they were still in the upsidedown and anything could attack them at any moment mattered. The only thing that mattered was Robin back in his arms.
OR Robin gets dragged into the upside-down and can't be found for a week. Steve finds her and they fight a pack of demidogs (more of Steve watching in horror as Robin decimated them)
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stranger things as character ai pt. 4
fruity four because yeah
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slashergirlnancy · 3 months
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rovickie + Bottoms AU
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marshmellowpaint · 2 years
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And back to the soulmates ✨
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scroofy-was-here · 3 months
okay steve harrington's character development is kinda wild, he goes from being an unlikable jock to a freaking mom?!?! and a dork?!?! those are like, polar opposites, what happened lmaoo
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dilutedmayowater · 11 months
Okay. I’m not usually a thinker of Ronance. BUT Nancy has a hard time communicating her feelings and thoughts. She’s very straight forward but she has a hard time actually voicing the things she wants to say when it comes to personal situations. When she’s annoyed or upset, once it gets to a certain point where she has to say something, it all comes out jumbled and she feels like it doesn’t correctly voice her feelings and thoughts.
Robin on the other hand says what comes to mind no matter how many words she needs to do so. If she feels what she said wasnt correct, shell correct it in another 8 or so sentences. Shamelessly.
While together Robin senses what Nancy feels and wants to say, so she says it, hoping that she didn’t get it all wrong and Nancy won’t kill her for it. Somehow though, she always gets it right. Nancy stays quiet, smiles and nods, and grabs Robin’s hand as a “thank you.” Robin always accepts this and feels a sense of pride with herself.
Sometimes for Robin, she’ll make her points a little more concise. But Robin is Robin and she loves herself for her rambling (even though it gives her anxiety or insecurities sometimes,) and the only two people who love her more for it are Steve and Nancy.
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vexdiaries · 6 months
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please ignore my lack of shading knowledge!! 🎉
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laurienotteddy · 2 years
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back at it again at krispy kreme
stranger things textposts pt. 3/?
part 1 - part 2 - max
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sweetronancer · 6 months
i love my blorbos
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callithecreature · 5 months
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes
Will, Mike & Lucas: *screaming* Max: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Lucas?! Will: Wait, why are you asking Lucas that when Mike and I are also here? Max: Because Lucas wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Dustin: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall? Will: His cats' names are Walter and Rose. Dustin: That's not what I asked. Will: That is all the information I have.
Dustin: A decision had to be made. El: And you fucked it up!
Will: I’m the smartest person in my friend group. Robin: You hang out with Dustin, Lucas and Mike. Robin: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Steve: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, and wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. El: That's deep. Dustin: That means that ketchup is a smoothie. El: That's deeper. Will: ...You guys are idiots.
Robin: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Lucas and Max's convo? Dustin: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Steve: I'm in the washing machine. Will: I'm in the closet. Dustin: We accept you Will. <3 Will: No I'm literally in the closet. Dustin: Love is love. <3
*El and Will looking at a locked gate into a park* El: Aw. :( Will: You know what they say. El: Please don’t- Will: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* El: Frick-
Max: I want to be like a caterpillar. Dustin: Explain. Max: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. Mike: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right? Max: Max: That's just another highlight!
Dustin: El and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Robin: What did you do? Dustin: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- El: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Steve: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Mike will and will not eat. Max: Grass? Yes! Steve: Moss? Yes!! Max: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Steve: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Max: Worms? Sometimes! Steve: Rocks? Usually nah. Max: Twigs? Usually! Steve: Robin's cooking? Inconclusive! El: How did you… test this? Steve: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. El: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Robin: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Lucas: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. Mike: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
Max: Something tells me Will's going to be a bit more unhinged today... Will, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, Steve isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
Mike: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?
Dustin: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Dustin. Will: But you're Dustin. Dustin: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Lucas: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Dustin: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Max: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Mike: Put spaghetti in it. Lucas: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Mike, to Max: If Robin doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check. Robin, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
Mike: Who's in charge here? Will, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
Max: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. Mike: That is not something you actually have installed. Max: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG-ASS OPINION.
Max: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere* Lucas: Where did you get that? Max: My pocket. Lucas: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Max: Skills.
Mike: Pros and cons of dating me. Mike: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Mike: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Will: Do you ever think? Because I do not.
I had to physically pull myself away from this generator.
Anyways here's the link
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