#robin {{ meme response }}
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mmeqkoi · 1 year ago
ah yes, a face of a 13 year old 😭😭
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libraryofgage · 24 days ago
anyway have out of context eddie, steve, and robin banter from the final girl steve series that i'm definitely still working on, i swear, really, the proof is right here :^)
“Can you trust me on something?” “The fact that you had to ask makes me wanna say no, sweetheart,” Eddie tells him, flashing a shaky smile that attempts to be reassuring. “These sound like famous last words,” Robin says, frowning as she reaches up and harshly yanks on a few strands of Steve’s hair. “You’re not allowed to die, dingus. Best friend rules.” “Best friend?” “What, you think we can get tortured together and not be best friends? We had a drugged up bonding moment. Your dumb ass is stuck with me.” “Don’t listen to her,” Eddie says, “I think your ass is great.” “That’s only because you don’t have one,” Robin says.
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lcveblossomed · 9 months ago
@berylcluster asked: you called me your best friend. ( steve h. @ robin )
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Robin stops speaking looking over at Steve with a raised brow. She's confused but not because she'd said the word. She's more confused that he is confused. She nods, "Uh yeah- we spend all of our time together in and out of work. You drive me to school I sleepover at your house when my moms out of town. I think that makes us slightly more than just friendly coworkers." She sees his smile and rolls her eyes, hiding a smile. She then turns back to go back to applying eyeliner in the mirror. It was a task to do in a moving car but she thinks she's doing okay. "Don't be weird, Steve."
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compellingthought · 7 months ago
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@thesnarkybrother asked: ♗
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Everyone deserves a pretty purple icon, even Damon.
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omnipotenceisoverrated · 1 year ago
★★★, hell yeah, my dude!
I'm so sorry this took ages to reply too. I always really appreciate these but then never know how to reply properly like "do I sound grateful enough" I'm a silly goose
Thank you so much, I've loved your blog for a long time, Azrael has got to be one of Led's favourite aunts.
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theerurishipper · 10 months ago
Twitter AU Masterpost
I decided to compile a list of my Twitter posts, and just put in a little summary of what goes on in each so anyone who wants to can find whichever one they want.
Now also on AO3:
Part 1
Damian bullies Bruce and Dick messes with him, Bruce simps for Superman on main and Clark and Damian take on a hater in the replies, Jason wants to be verified and his siblings bully him a little.
Part 2
A fan of Nightwing's gets a picture of him and Robin and Red Robin battle it out in the replies while Flash stirs up shit, Donna posts a picture of Dick and the Fab Five take on a hater, Damian texts Dick about his profile picture, a lucky Gothamite snaps not one but two pictures of Batblob.
Part 3
Nightwing posts a picture and the people of Bludhaven take the time to appreciate him, Red Robin reminisces about kicking Red Hood and Red Hood gets bullied some more, Batman posts a picture of baby Robin!Dick and everyone coos over it, Riddler questions how Batman got his Twitter handle.
Part 4
A warning is issued for Gotham vigilantes about Batman and Catwoman getting busy and Nightwing's trauma about this is addressed, the debate over Batman's sex life is put to rest, Talia issues a clarification and sets the record straight, Gotham discusses Bruce's emo era.
Part 5
Lex hateposts about superheroes and Bruce annihilates him in the replies, there's an investigation into the matter of Luthor's handle, a mysterious troll makes an appearance, Dick questions Clark, Bruce reveals his and Clark's shenanigans from Dick's Robin days, and a hater is given even more power.
Part 6
Lex is salty and Lois and Clark tear him apart, Superman posts a picture and is accused of plagiarism, Nightwing starts a trend, Babs takes issue with her overuse of coffee being questioned.
Part 7
Oracle and Red Hood reveal the story of why Joker is banned from Twitter, the people of Gotham reminisce about an old tradition, Bruce gets roasted by Alfred, Damian has a wholesome interaction.
Part 8
Damian bonds with Dick and gets trolled by Steph, Spoiler finally creates an account, Spoiler poses a question to the people of Gotham, Batman is bullied by his kids and a billionaire.
Part 9
Spoiler gets a present, mistakes have consequences, Red Robin questions Nightwing's decisions, a resident of North Dakota has a life changing experience.
Part 10
Some well-meaning Gothamites stand up for Red Hood and Oracle gives a history lesson, an old face makes a less than triumphant return, the fab five have some fun, a relatable photo of Batman reveals something more and a new player enters the picture.
Part 11
Harley Quinn beats up Joker, Flash is disgusted by Nightwing, Batman's hypocrisy is revealed, Superman has some fun at Batman's expense.
Part 12
Black Canary fondly remembers a better time, Green Arrow confronts Batman, Green Arrow issues an apology, Oliver schemes and plots, a well-kept secret is finally revealed.
Part 13
Arsenal reveals a personal secret, the people discuss some new revelations, the fab five weigh in on Arsenal's problems, Nightwing takes a stand.
Part 14
The Gotham villains share some opinions, Two-Face and Riddler have an argument, Flash finally picks a side, Green Arrow evades responsibility.
Part 15
Some observers share some hot takes, the Superfam witnesses a breakdown, Lois asks Bruce for help, Dick puts an end to the ongoing feud, everyone starts to move on.
Part 16
Deathstroke shares a story of a failed assassination, someone loses their Twitter privileges, the Court of Owls tries to recruit Nightwing, Talon gets more than he bargained for, some very recent history repeats itself.
Part 17
Bruce is a meme, The League has some concerns about their monthly budget, Nightwing's personality confuses everyone who knows him.
Part 18
Bruce's mistakes reveal his most defining character trait, an early present for Superman causes chaos in the present, Superman's reactions to the goings on lead to some pleasant destructive results, Bruce's inability to understand memes is discussed
Part 19
Red Hood shares an embarrassing opinion, Red Robin starts an argument, Superman wins massively, the superhero community can agree on one thing.
Part 20
The villains discuss their least favorite Robin, Nightwing defends his pettiness, Red Hood endures some misplaced blame, Tim explains his masterful plan, Jason finally gets a win.
Part 21
The Court of Owls is humbled, Nightwing's friends face a problem, a culprit is found responsible, Arsenal gets in hot water.
Part 22
One of Bruce's childhood obsessions is revealed, Riddler tries to call out Batman and runs his mouth online, Riddler issues an apology, the Wayne kids' comments about Bruce eccentric habits reveals their own inadequacies.
Part 23
A tweet is posted by a concerning individual, the heroes find a surprising ally, Superman is the victim of a prank, Superman fires back.
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fanaticsnail · 10 months ago
i have to pick one? i have to pick one?!?!?!?!? -papers fly into the air and scatter down around me as i scramble to make a decision- asdlkjglkjgklfdsjgl oh. oh man. oh boy. oh boy howdy. oh man boy howdy. -begins pacing-
-comes back ten minutes later, a visible conspiracy-board-meme level of writing and string behind me- okay! a decision! has! probably! been made!! asldkjglkfdjg it totally didn't end up with carefully flipping a coin nine times between luffy, law, and kid. totally didn't involve. I 100% guarantee that no coins were not flipped in process >w> anyway
may i request. a luffy keese pls uwu (ALSO! CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE!!! You well and truely deserve it; you bring such joy to the community with your presence and your writing just!!!!! Congrats!!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ) - @remisloves
The Kissing Booth: Luffy for Remisloves
Word Count: 700+
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Notes: Hi @remisloves It's so hard picking one blorbo to come and kiss us. He's so fun to kiss, and I'm glad he's kissing you! Thank you so much for your beautiful compliments. I've adored getting to know you. Without further adieu, your kisses from the Straw-Hat man himself.
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Back stiffening firmly and upright, you grip onto the base of the barstool for support in response to the immediacy of the events occurring in front of you. All you have are your four other senses, the shroud covering your eyes prohibiting your ability to see the situation occurring on the vacant barstool. 
Straining to hear the circumstances sealing your fate, a fistful of berry flung itself deep into the glass jar beside you as the individual laughed enthusiastically. A high pitched voice called out in front of you, behind the individual who sat themselves down at your booth.
“You’re gonna spend your allowance here?” the angry, feminine voice called, “I thought you’d spend it on meat, Luffy!” Your guest laughed a playful snickered hiss through their teeth in response before gently reaching forward and clasping their hand around your wrist. 
"Robin said she's payin' for dinner tonight," the voice called out over their shoulder, "And I wanna have a kiss! How cool is this? It's like they're here just for me!" You were taken aback by their enthusiasm, but attempted to collect yourself to remain as professional as one can be sitting on a booth made for kissing.
Your brows sprung up to the middle of your forehead as your eyes attempted to widen behind the mask to no avail. Expecting your lips to be immediately ravished and tainted by the mouth belonging to your guest, their actions seemed to halt as they gently rub a circle on your wrist with their thumb.
“Can I kiss you now?” his voice gently coaxed you in closer, “I just wanna make sure before I do. Don’t wanna do somethin’ you’re not comfy with or nothin’.” You cocked your head inquisitively to the side, a slow smile drawing up your features in response to his inquisition of your consent.
“You paid your Berry?” you asked him, prompting him to hum a huffed "mhmm" in affirmation. You grinned wider, adding a soft humming, “Then, I’m all yours.” He chuckled again in response, scooting the stool in closer towards you.
“Oh, that’s great!” you felt his hand travel up to cup your neck and draw you in closer, “Right, I’m goin’ in!”
That was all the warning you had before his lips eagerly sought out your own. He hummed in glee, his smile physically plastered against each skillful oscillation he drew against your mouth. He angled his chin in a soft circle, parting his lips and tasting your mouth with his tongue. Brushing against your own, he swirled the morsel within your mouth and retracted it to deepen his sultry and hungry kisses. 
You were shocked at the intensity of his lips, but you kept up with every inch of his passion and matched his energy with ease. Gently reaching out your hands, he caught your wrist and drew it up to place against his shoulder while slipping closer towards you. His eagerness and enthusiasm never ceased with each passing moment. 
His lips were partially chapped, his mouth tasting a combination of sweet and savory from the last assuming barbequed meat he consumed. He snickered into the kiss, slowly hooking his arms around your neck and coaxing you to leave the stool and join him on his feet. 
“Luffy!” the voice again called behind him, “You can’t take them with you. They have to stay here!” 
The individual pouted against your lips before growling in agitation, eagerly consuming your lips with a hungrier desperation than moments prior. The voice behind him again called out to you both.
“Luffy,” she sounded irritated, her sigh falling from her lips the longer yours were attached to this so called ‘Luffy’, “Zoro is still missing. Can we go get him? You can come back if they’re still here?” The person growled into your mouth, prompting you to laugh into his lips. 
Finally breaking away, his hand gently caressed your cheek before his thumb caressed your bottom lip. Your lips parted in response, and you heard his breath exhale another soft snicker. 
“I’m Monkey D Luffy,” he uttered in a soft, husky voice, “I’m gonna be king of the pirates some day.” You nod in response, your grin again growing and revealing your teeth at him. He huffed out a soft growl in response.
“Come find us at the end of the pier when your shift is done,” he ordered softly at you, gently caressing your hand and giving your fingers a gentle squeeze, “I’m the one in the straw hat, red vest, and likely eating a piece of meat.” 
“I’ll find you, Monkey D Luffy,” you nod do him in confirmation, scrunching your nose playfully, and wave him off as he goes to find whoever ‘Zoro’ must be. He snickers at you in response, waving at you before looking between his hand and your eye covering: noticing you'd likely not see him do it.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year ago
Was Dick ever mean to Jason when they first met? Because I’ve seen a lot of fanon where it’s implied/shown that he was, but I haven’t seen anything to prove that it’s canon (and I’m happy you’re back even though you weren’t gone long I love your blog)
Aww thank you!!
Ugh I don't know where fanon keeps getting the idea but Dick was never mean to Jason as Robin.
Let's start with the erased version, otherwise known as pre-crisis.
Jason Todd was born to acrobatic parents and also performed in the circus. Here's the interesting bit: it wasn't Bruce who found out about them, it was Dick who was at the circus and cheered them.
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Batman (1940) Issue #357
Where was Bruce? He was busy becoming squid food in Gotham.
Anyway Bruce escapes and meets up with Dick who is still Robin and helps him solve part of the crime. As he's discussing the case with Dick, Dick mentions that there may be a connection to Bruce's case and something Trina Todd said.
Yup! Dick becomes friends with Jason's mom <3
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Batman (1940) Issue #358
Bruce doesn't trust her but Dick does and Bruce trusts Dick so he accepts.
So Dick goes to meet Trina and her husband but they've already left to sneak into the villain's lair and get caught by Killer Croc. So he chases after them. Barbara joins in as Batgirl but Batgirl and Robin are too late because Killer Croc has already fed Joe and Trina to crocodiles.
Batman's still fighting his own case while all this is happening.
Waldo the Clown takes Jason to the manor and while Jason's in the kitchen looking for food, he finds the door behind the grandfather clock open, goes inside, and finds the batcave.
He finds a trunk of Dick's old suits as Robin and that's where the iconic pre-crisis Jason Robin scene comes -
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #526
Which first of all Jason why are you wearing other people's clothes without their permission? But anyway Jason hears people coming and finds Batman's busy grabbing information with Selina and so he hides in the trunk of the Batmobile. Robin Dick and Batgirl solve the case on their end and find out there's a trap for Batman so they come in and save Batman and his allies. Jason sneaks out of the car and finds his parents are dead so he tries to kill Killer Croc but Dick and Barbara stop him.
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #526
Dick's just like "oh, you sweetheart."
Dick wants to adopt him but Bruce is like mine because they're both like "It's my fault his parents died, I should take responsibility."
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #526
Dick was really nice to Jason.
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Batman (1940) Issue #529
Dick is Jason's idol. He and Dick have a great relationship, so much so that Dick actually passes on the Robin name and suit to Jason.
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Batman (1940) Issue #529
I could make a meme out of the handshake scene with Bruce being one hand and Jason being the other and in the middle the hands meet is "idolizing Dick Grayson".
So Dick and Jason had a fantastic relationship.
And then some things happen where this Jason wasn't well-recieved by the audience because of the way writers handled the transition from Dick's robin to Jason's so DC realized that they need to make Jason into his own person with his own personality, looks, and story.
So they magic marker erased the previous timeline and now we have the actual Jason Todd that's actually relevant to every comic that comes after.
Yet in this current timeline too, Dick treated Jason sweetly.
Here Dick's first meeting with Jason, he actually saves Jason from the hands of drug dealers.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
He let go of his hiding spot to get the new Robin out of trouble.
Jason is not at all happy about this.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
And Dick's pissed off because he found out there's a new Robin through a newspaper and he just lost a drug deal he's been waiting on to bailout the new Robin.
So Dick storms off and Jason asks Bruce about Nightwing
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
And I'm going to reiterate parts of this post for this part (people please please read this post because tumblr has an image limit and I've explained it in detail there but I can't here)
Dick had no idea Bruce passed on the Robin costume. He finds out through the newspaper because Bruce is pissed at Dick. Like he's so mad that when he told Dick to leave, Dick actually left.
You know how there's a saying about not being able to take back words of anger? Bruce is feeling that heavily. He already had suspicions that Dick wanted to leave but before Dick could tell him, he fired him so he wouldn't have to hear those words. But Bruce is super mad that Dick left anyway. So what does he do? He makes the first boy he sees Robin.
And Jason finds out Dick was Robin when he confronts Bruce why Nightwing knows Bruce's identity. And that gets Bruce more mad because he's now feeling guilty which is when Dick comes to confront Bruce.
After meeting Bruce, Dick talks about what he's been up to since he left and put Bruce in a good mood before he starts tearing into him.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
Bruce looks so wrecked. The guilt and sorrow is tantamount to his pain.
Then Dick asks Bruce why he choose someone new.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
So Bruce tells him. But Dick and Bruce's relationship go way deeper than just friends or family. They know each other. They revolve around each other so Dick calls him out, and out comes the truth
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
But here's what it means in terms of Dick and Jason's relationship:
Instead of letting Jason become some sort of spite move, Dick becomes the bigger man and decides to turn Robin into a legacy.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
He passes it down like it was meant to be passed down. Because let's be honest here. The Robin name and costume is Dick's. If he wanted to, he could've taken it back, Bruce be damned. And that was one of Jason's fears.
It's Dick's approval of Jason and them catching the drug dealers together at the end that cements Jason as Robin. It's his acceptance and good will toward Jason that Bruce is grateful for.
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Batman (1940) Issue #416
Dick also validates and praises Jason in the comics whenever they meet.
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #31
He's basically, "Don't worry about Bruce, if you get in trouble, I'll take care of it."
The only problem is they didn't meet a lot but when they did it was good times all around.
The third version of Dick and Jason's meeting.
In this version holy honking heck. First of all it's a flashback when Bruce fires Dick because he feels like he's too busy with other duties to be with Batman and then after a series of events in present time, it shows that Bruce literally kidnapped Jason and gagged and tied him to a chair. And Alfred's like WTH BRUCE?!
Even more things happen on both sides (curse you 30-image per post tumblr limit) and Bruce essentially makes Jason watch all the videos of Dick and sets Jason's gauntlet test to be a game of tag with Dick.
Dick is completely unaware of all this happening because he's just having fun busting up thugs and playing with Barbara, having no clue that Bruce and Jason are literally watching him livestream through his bike dash cam.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #105
Jason literally shows up while Dick's pondering on a rooftop and is like who're you? Oh wait you're him lol. Move over there's a new robin in town! And Dick's just like WHAT?! He such a little shit about it.
Dick's immediately like okay I'm upset at Bruce but I have to help this new kid out. There's no hesitation, no regret, no anger towards Jason at all. Just pure desire to see him succeed.
Not gonna lie, Jason's just awful towards Dick because he thinks that Dick is his test or something Dick's just like, "can you cool it for a sec?" They soon find out about a huge crime drug activity going on and Dick sorta mentors Jason through it while on the case. I'm not gonna include the panels but it's just Dick and Jason working together. It's fun to read and cute because Dick's protective of him and Jason's like a little bird following a bigger scarier one.
At the end the crime is solved, Jason and Alfred go home, and Dick calls Bruce to tell him this -
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #106
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #106
He was so, so nice to Jason. Actually it's impossible for anyone to treat Jason better than Dick treated him, not even Bruce was this nice to Jason.
In Nightwing (2016) Annual, there's another story of Dick and Jason's meeting. In this case Dick comes over after Alfred calls him and Jason's sulking in his room because Bruce grounded him. He pulls Jason away and they go on a Nightwing and Robin adventure where Dick talks to him, teaches him, and lifts his spirits.
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Nightwing (2016) 2021 Annual
Dick being mean to Jason is pure fanon, it's so fanon that there isn't even a single comic panel that can be used in support of that horrible idea. He never ignored Jason. Dick makes it very, very clear that his problems are with Bruce won't interfere with his relationship with Jason. He treats Jason as an independent person with his own personality and genuinely looks after and cares for him in every retelling. The only thing is they didn't meet very often but when they did, Dick was such a good brother.
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rogerbarel · 2 months ago
I'm extremely emotional all the time about how Roger and Alfons are such easy, excellent foils for each other that only become more thematically intertwined the more you learn about them.
long post, unedited so it's probably disjointed and my observations may be totally banal OR pretentious and reaching idk, spoilers for both their routes (and a brief mention of late into Liam’s and Elbert’s) and possibly some events
They're a pair of insufferable, teasing, hedonistic, hard-drinking men with... questionable consent practices. That's how I'm gonna word that for the sake of not getting derailed. Anyway. They both couch their care for others in self-serving language (although that's not exclusive to them--Jude and Harry do it, too) and overall present themselves as selfish people. They're opposed in taste--beer vs whiskey, dogs vs cat, "refined" vs "rough" (although neither term encompasses them so well). They piss each other off but can't seem to totally detach from each other.
The contrast is immediate but gets emphasized even further in how they value their lives and whether or not they believe they can change their fates.
Alfons is resigned to tragedy and values nothing (or at least tries not to). He is ephemeral and meaningless, only temporarily holding whatever value others see in him, which really says more about them than him. It doesn't feel quite right to say that Alfons's life should neither add nor detract anything from this world--more, it's like any impact that Alfons makes needs to be easily attributable to someone else. Or maybe not? He's so quick to tell the robin to place responsibility for all their encounters on him... And a person you'll eventually forget makes a perfect scapegoat because the grudge and the pain can die with him.
Perhaps as a mirror, he aims to show you the happiest parts of yourself while letting your woes vanish in the mirror with him. And things get wonky when he finds himself with desires, wanting to reach out and mark you rather than finding amusement in just reflecting you.
(I'd like to see him paired in an event with Will and Ellis. Someone who pushes you to be the fullest "you" and someone who places your happiness above all else [or at least attempts to], who all fight with how their own desires conflict with what they otherwise want for you, and how that causes them Emotional Problems. But I'm not a Will or Ellis expert so don't ask me to elaborate on that. Hell, I'm not even an Alfons expert. I'm not an expert on anything! I make Harrison Greyglogabgalab memes and draw Roger’s giant tits!!)
Then there's Roger on his quest to best fate. He can't stop, he can't die. He has to value his life because he's the one doing all this important work! His life is what keeps it going! Nothing is hopeless--it's bleak, but never hopeless--unless he gives up. He is not going out of his way to please, he is here to get what he wants. It might align with what you want, and maybe making you happy is what'll make him happy in this moment, but he can't lose sight of his own priorities. He pisses Al off so much partly because he’s so stubbornly dedicated to finding a way to preserve Al’s personhood/history when Al has long decided to live his days as if he will ultimately be unpersoned. It doesn’t matter what Alfons says, Roger has decided that this is happening anyway. (Although tbf, if he did find a way to eliminate curses, he probably wouldn’t force Al to take it. So he’s not entirely disrespecting his agency. Neither man is 100% consistent in being other-oriented or self-oriented, which I like, because humans are the same way. And I like my characters especially selfish and messy.)
Where Alfons has to learn to figure out a life that centers him-as-person and not him-as-mirror, Roger has to decide where love/another person fits into a life and self that he thought he had very definitively shaped around himself and his pursuits. (That being said, I don't think he was particularly averse to the idea of it changing since he egged the robin on so much in her quest to prove to him that love is real. He also admits in one of his epilogues that he suppressed a desire for companionship. Iirc, it was because he felt he needed to be strong on his own, but it's been a while, so I could totally be wrong on that one.)
I think it's very cool that the hedonist's life is built around everybody else (I would not call this agape or selfless love, or even pathological people pleasing... just an absence of an idea of what to do with himself) while the doctor is always thinking about his own priorities. A little irony!
I also want to chew a little bit eventually on how they both come onto the robin at the end of other routes and how other characters receive that. Elbert specifies lategame (can’t remember which of his endings) that he doesn’t think Alfons would steal the robin away from him because Alfons is typically someone who gives others what they want, not takes what he wants. Whereas he wants her to stay several steps away from Roger at all times. He knows that Roger won’t fuck with his bodily autonomy like past doctors, but he does NAWT trust him with his girl. Idk if I’d say Roger has the least regard for other members of Crown’s wants vs his own, but he at least presents himself as Mr. Steal Yo Girl in at least Liam and Alfons’s endings (I think both blind love epilogues). I’m still deciding how sincere he was either of those times or if he had some ulterior motive. It’s not that I don’t think he could be a total dick, I’m just not totally convinced he’d fuck over Liam or Alfons that brazenly when he seems to care about them in his own “I will never say it” way. And he must have known that Liam was in earshot, that he’d hear Roger hitting on the robin and her rejecting him without hesitation/reaffirming her love for Liam… Still sitting on the stuff with Alfons because it’s possible he thinks that Alfons is too flawed to be her lover, but… idk, he’s been searching for a way to break the boy’s curse for twenty goddamn years, it feels forced for him to talk about Al so callously. Idk! I could be delusional! But it’s fishy to meeee!1
But yeah. Especially with their shared history, it's hard not to view them as a pair. They’re also a lot of fun together; they had me rooooolling in Harry’s aphrodisiac event. Try to distance yourselves from each other all you want, you are on the same! Bullshit!
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I've also noticed that a couple people, myself included, seem to have really strong opposing reactions to the two of them (although Alfons has really grown on me), and I'm always curious what the reason for it is because imo they're two sides of the same coin, two peas in a sleazy pod.
Idk what to make of this, I just wanted to ramble about how the parallels between the two run deeper than surface level and how exciting I find that. I love them. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to add to any of this or refute anything I’ve said, I’m really just thinking out loud. Gotta use the ol’ brain every once in a while to make sure it still runs.
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24hrsoda · 2 months ago
what would make bruce see the others as his sons but not dick?
mental maturity (?) i guess
Bruce canonically struggles at times with a regressed mentality and approach to things. It’s brought up so often that he still sees himself as the boy who had his world taken from him, Batman is fueled by that childish anger and pain and need for vengeance, etc.
When Dick comes along, I imagine Bruce hasn’t yet worked out flipping his approach to Batman from vengeance to hope. (He needs help with it, and Robin can be the key to that change, but it will happen gradually.)
I think he could struggle with seeing Dick as a peer for a bit in their early years. Not that he thinks Dick is a grown man or anything, but that he still sees himself as a wounded child, and acts accordingly. Whether he realizes that or not is another story. But it’s hard for him to get in the mindset that he’s supposed to be the responsible adult that makes the *right* choices, not the ones that benefit him best.
It’s kind of in a similar vein to when kids play on the playground together at the local park. They can be different ages, in different grades at school, etc, but when they’re plying together they don’t care about that. They’re just friends and they’re just having fun.
Or sometimes I think of that meme that’s like “working retail is crazy, you’ll be 23 with a 50 year old best friend”. Outside of that proximity, you could lead two entirely different lives with different experiences, but in that setting, you are peers. You’re on equal levels.
Eventually Bruce will grow up and become a father and Dick won’t be excluded from that, but it has to happen gradually. I also think a reason they might click differently than the others is because Dick witnessed Bruce and grew up with him pre-growth, so he knew a different side of Bruce that felt more like a big brother than a dad at times.
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orion-archives · 4 months ago
For the ask meme- all the questions for Bayverse Sentinel please
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Sorry for the late response, this took a while:
1. Canon I outright reject
I don’t think I have any. I really like how his character is.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
He wanted to bring Cybertron not because it was his home or because he loved it like Optimus or Megatron. He wanted to bring Cybertron back because he was adored and worshiped like a god there. On Earth, while he was still a leader and well-respected by the Autobots, he wasn’t looked by humans like a god or even a king.
He was just another machine.
And he didn’t like that.
3. Obscure headcanon
He’s Megatron and Optimus’ biological dad.
4. Favorite line
“We were gods once, all of us! But here there will only be one!”
5. Best personality trait
His intelligence and how he can appear so kind when he wants (if I didn’t know better, I would trust him with my life and to gently hold me)
6. Worst personality trait
His massive ego.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Age: He’s older than Megatron and Optimus but not the same age as, for example, The Fallen (that mf is A N C I E N T)
Height: Taking Megatron’s canon height in consideration, I hc Sentinel is 33 feet or around 10 meters (slightly shorter than Megatron [I hc Megatron unconsciously lowers his body to appear smaller or the same height around Sentinel until he snaps] and taller than Optimus)
Weight: No idea, I suck at guessing/making weights.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
He was never in the right, he was not a hero. Just because humanity later turned against the transformers, that doesn’t mean Sentinel was in the right in trying to enslave and wipe out humanity.
Also, he isn’t a false Prime and the Matrix wouldn’t have rejected him. People say he refused it because he knew the Matrix would turn into dust because he was planning to betray the Autobots, but let’s remember the facts that:
A) It floated on his hand, so he is a true Prime.
B) The Fallen was able to not just have it float on his hand but actually TOUCH the Matrix in the second film even after all the things he did.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Love: His talk with Optimus on the mountains/nature.
Hate: When he betrayed the Autobots, killed Ironhide, Mudflap and Skids, threatened Mearing to take her with him and force her to watch as he murdered every single human –no matter if it was a man, woman, elder or child– if he wasn’t given the pillars and almost stomped to death Sam and Lennox (mix of movie, comic and book)
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
His final fight with Optimus (and Megatron in the book)
11. Faceclaim for the role
Leonard Nimoy, his VA for Dark of the Moon.
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I mean… look at him! They obviously used him as base for Sentinel’s design (I love when that happens)
12. Crack headcanon
His beard is really soft (as soft as metal can be. Soft for cybertronian standards)
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done
Attacking Megatron when he declared they would rebuild Cybertron together. Like, Sentinel, you stupid bitch, HE IS YOUR ALLY. AND HE NEVER SAID YOU WOULD WORK FOR HIM, HE SAID T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R.
If he hadn’t done that (twice in the book), Megatron probably would have never turned against him.
14. Most heroic moment
15. Worst thing they've ever done
Trying to enslave humanity and commit massive genocide on the rest of Earth.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
Deep down, a small part of him regrets betraying Optimus and during the Chicago battle, Sentinel wished to have had Optimus on his side instead of Megatron.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Hohoho, I actually have a few:
• Good to be King
• Babylon
• Thunder Bringer
• Crucified
18. What they'd go to see a therapist about
God complex (Optimus would have to drag him to see the therapist)
19. Vices/bad habits
There aren’t any canon ones, but I headcanon he overtrains to the point of injury. Following that, I also hc he did this with Megatron in his teenage/young adult years to prepare him to be High Protector of Cybertron once they found the Allspark.
20. Scars
None as far as I know/headcanon.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
High grade or normal energon but if he could, he would drink gallons of coffee in a single sitting. I just know it.
22. Best physical feature
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…MaY I sPEAK (joking)
I really like his ear-things, the shape of his chest and the things he has on his back.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
He probably smells like smoke, hot metal and burned oil, but Sentinel gives me the vibe of almonds, olive or grapes for some reason.
24. Most annoying habit
Not sure. Maybe constantly feeling his position threatened and reminding others of it (like he did with Megatron and Mearing)?
25. 3 things they'd want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
The pillars, the Primax Blade and his rust cannon.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
If it’s Optimus, have a chat with him.
If it’s Megatron, try to be as far as possible from him in the elevator.
If it’s a human, step on them “““accidentally”””
27. Their guilty pleasure
I’m gonna take a guess and say walking through Earth’s landscapes.
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Optimus: “My favorite, brave, almost perfect, a great cybertronian, my heir… but too soft and not willing in taking difficult decisions”
Megatron: “Good war machine, a firm believer of my words yet I don’t like the rest of him and feel ashamed how he ended up”
Or at least that's how I see it.
29. Eating habits (hc)
Fairly normal, but I headcanon he has a sweet tooth and enjoys cybertronians treats.
30. Sleeping habits (hc)
Terrible. He’s the type of person that will sleep a 10 minute nap and call it enough, though he will recharge at one point for a long period of time when his body can no longer keep up. Then, the cycle repeats.
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
Idk :(
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Spending time with his favorite son, Optimus, a compliment from anyone, any show of respect/devotion to him.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.��� can specify as many as you like)
Oh, yes, headcanon time!
• Happy: Smiling, ears up, chest puffed.
• Angry: Frowning, ears pinned (the more low they are, the more angry he is), teeth clenched, narrowing eyes, standing straight to full height, the cylinders in his chest roll slowly.
• Excited: Ears twitch, eyebrows lifted, cylinders roll quickly.
• Sad: Ears dropped, eyebrows downwards, eyes shine is dimmer, shoulders go down.
• Scared: Ears can be slightly pinned (danger is visible) or fully erect (sensing danger), pupils shrink, body is tense, cylinders roll quickly.
• Flirty/playful: Ears twitch or point in different directions (one can be lower than the other one), one eyebrow lifted, confident smile.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
On Cybertron, a sunny day without problems, walk around, get a few compliments/bows, chat with Optimus, drink some high grade energon and enjoy the sunset.
36. Their favorite season
I think it would be summer. After living for who knows how long in darkness on Cybertron, I think Sentinel would enjoy summer and the longer days it brings along the warmth.
37. What they really think about themselves
They are above everyone and everything else since creation.
38. Favorite holiday
He doesn’t have one.
39. Favorite game
AmOnG uS (I’m kidding, he’s a boomer)
Cybertronian equivalent of chess, maybe?
40. Favorite book
I don’t know.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
42. 3 comfort items
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
44. Their happiest memory
Restoring Cybertron by finding the Allspark and becoming ruler of the planet.
45. Their favorite celebrity
Primus (does God count as a celebrity–)
46. The person they most admire
47. Their dream job
Being a Prime (he already is)
48. Scariest moment of their life
When Starscream shot down the Ark when he was escaping with the pillars to meet with Megatron.
49. Favorite toy as a child
I don’t know…
50. A memory they've blocked out
He remembers raising Optimus and telling him stories about greatness and the legends of the Primes and the Allspark… but he has long forgotten also raising Megatron with the same tales (half headcanon, half canon)
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Ask game here!
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pooks · 7 months ago
back on my straw hat!Ichiji bullshit and i am cooking
here's some headcanons i've got;
headcanon number 1 imagine Classy Trio (Ichiji, Robin and Brook) just casually having tea and watching the usual Zoro and Sanji bickering/sparring session
Ichiji: I can't believe that my brother in law will be a ball of sentient moss. But as long as he makes my little brother happy.
and the kicker is that Robin and Brook just agrees (especially Brook, who probably the biggest ZoSan shipper XD). the classy trio is a very sophisticated group, they have teatime with biscuits and discuss various topics
no one understands how it works and no one bothers to. post-timeskip, they're the second strongest fighting group after the Monster Trio. in fact, during Wano Arc, Ichiji joins Robin and Brook to save Sanji from Black Maria (Ichiji is bi and demiromantic, so he's kinda immune to female enemies trying to seduce him. he's already given away his heart for Robin and Franky.)
second headcanon Ichiji reminding certain pirates of Red-Haired Shanks is a running gag. even better when poor Ichiji doesn't even know who the guy is.
the first time Luffy put his hat on Ichiji's head to comfort him (he had a bad mental health day and nearly resorted to self-harm), Luffy went still for a moment or two because he instantly got reminded of Shanks. Ichiji isn't complaining about the hug he got from his captain, but it was nice and a little confusing.
(then later at Loguetown, Buggy nearly flipped his shit because he thought Shanks came back to haunt his ass XD)
it went so far that Ichiji got called "Shanks" by some pirates who has met the guy and poor Ichiji is like "who?"
(once Ichiji gets to meet the actual guy, it's gonna such a spiderman meme)
headcanon 3 Ichiji canonically likes whiskey, but i decided to add rum to his favorite drinks. he drinks sometimes with Zoro, but is unable to outdrink him (he comes third in alcohol tolerance, behind Zoro and Nami). Ichiji likes rum because he believes "a real pirate should like rum"
post-WCI and he turns to alcohol to deal with it. he doesn't gave good trauma responses and it goes far enough to make Chopper worry for his health. enough that Nami threats to throw the rum overboard if he doesn't square up.
this prompts him to nearly fight Nami for the sake of rum
Ichiji: you would dare to challenge me?! Nami: bring it on, bitch boy!
Sanji puts an end to it by locking all alcohol behind five locks in the galley. he's the cook, after all, and the galley is his dominion. Zoro and Ichiji has to wait until dinner to get their sake resp. rum
headcanon four Ichiji is tall and very muscular in canon, but in this au, he's slightly different
he's still taller than Sanji and while he has a little more distinct muscular structure, he's also a little more slender. this is a side effect from starving on the rock with Sanji and Zeff, so it has affected him in his later years. he's not a buff hunk, but he's not a slender twink either (google the english diver Tom Daley, that's sorta his body physique).
Ichiji also have a more androgynous face and dresses himself in a non-binary way. this is the reason why Brook mistook him for a woman at their first meeting, but Ichiji set him straight (lmao) after that. he's aware that gender is fluid and isn't always strictly male or female.
post timeskip and he's more comfortable in who he is. he did a lot of soul-searching for the two years he trained on an unknown canyon island and officially comes out as bisexual, demiromantic and genderqueer. he still uses he/him pronouns since he feels most comfortable with them.
headcanon 5 Ichiji keeps Zeff on the loop of most things and he does it whenever he gets a chance. he has the dial number to the Baratie memorized in his head and he gets his chance whenever he comes across a den-den mushi (for public use, often found in most inns at the islands they dock)
he informs Zeff where they are, what kind of adventures they've had so far, how he and Sanji are doing and asks how things are at the Baratie. he's sorta like a "dutiful son" (he canonically are, but it's very debated if it's because of his modifications)
the relationship between Zeff and Ichiji is portraited in a more mature-ish way. Ichiji is the older son, so he knows and understands more while Sanji is a little more bratty.
the minute there's total radio silence from Ichiji during WCI and there's shady people around the Baratie, that's when Zeff knows something is wrong
headcanon 6 Ichiji has the worst potty mouth. we all know that Sanji is foul-mouthed, but Ichiji is worse.
believe me, when they grew up on the Baratie, Ichiji listened to the cooks around him swearing and cursing up to a storm in the kitchens. everyone thought that he didn't care, compared to Sanji who mimicked them constantly (and got a pegleg on his head). but now, Ichiji was quiet because he was learning and memorizing from his surroundings until he got old enough to swear casually.
Ichiji isn't allowed around Chopper when he's in a bad mood, because his curses are so crude that neither Zoro or Sanji wants the little doctor to learn that.
no, he doesn't care if he's a bad influence. Ichiji has always done whatever he wanted. XD
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velvet-cupcake-games · 5 months ago
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In the Wake of Will
It's been a lovely week. Thanks so much to everyone who has given me their excellent feedback on Will's route! I've taken some time to relax after crunching a bit on Will's release, and I've been working on the Made Marion Mega-Guide. Right now the guide-in-progress is only going out to Kickstarter backers who pledged for it, but it will be available to the general public later on.
The Mega-Guide is an omnibus lore guide, art book, game guide, and general Made Marion-related fun time with some development bloopers and the best of our silly Tumblr memes compiled in it as well. Cross your fingers that I can fit it all into a single .pdf file without slaughtering Acrobat Reader.
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Affinity Publisher 2 is a pretty groovy piece of software. I was flummoxed by the previous version of the software, but they made it a lot more user friendly in version 2. I've been able to figure out just about everything from the help system.
Version 2.1 Progress
Version 2.1 will be out in the next couple weeks. It will contain the final version of the final CG (the ending CG for Will's spontaneous route, which has now been provided to me) and the expanded love scenes for Robin's route.
John Route Prep
In the meantime, I'm working on mood pages for John's route to get a better feel for the details of the romance. It can be difficult to plot out conflict in a romance with a person who is very kind and who carries his flaws more beneath the surface. I don't want Marion to come off looking bitchy or unreasonable, as that's not my intention. But she and John are going to butt heads a little bit as they are both proud, highly responsible people who had to grow up too early. It's not always easy for two such "in charge" people to work together, even when they both have the best of intentions.
It'll be fun to flip the script in this one and see how Will responds to Marion as his brother's partner. He's very much in favour of the partnership at first for his own selfish reasons. But Will is protective of John in his own ways...
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lcveblossomed · 1 year ago
@acourtcfmuses asked: is this a regular thing for you? (To Robin from Jac )
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Robin looks over at Jac not realizing that anyone was even there. She thought she was alone but no apparently Jac was here and she was watching every bad thing that Robin was doing which was great. Maybe it wasn’t bad not really but her mother had always told her that it was bad. She just got so nervous and overwhelmed sometimes she had to hide like this. Her knees pulled tight to her chest as nails dug into her palms. It was all that kept her from crying. “Yeah I’m a freak a fucking mess just the worst now will you leave and shut the door behind you.” She blurts out trying her hardest not to cry she wants to hold that in until she’s alone.
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compellingthought · 1 year ago
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@fangedart asked:♗
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He looks so pretty 🤭
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omnipotenceisoverrated · 1 year ago
Aww thanks so much 💖
I'm really glad you like him, he's basically my baby, so I'm glad other people love him too.
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