#robert coste
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listersangels · 1 month ago
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i fear it’s too much and i’m about to cry
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icantdrawrt · 2 months ago
I know Nicholas would never but I need him to be so messy about the “Robert is my dad” thing
Like Jesse has pissed him off one too many times and is walking away from an argument and Nicholas yells after him
“You think I’m not a threat? I want you to say 2 words to your dad. See how he reacts.”
Then he tells Jesse his mums name and storms off. Jesse’s super confused but tells his dad.
Robert goes pale. He demands Jesse make sure that boy never fences again. Chaos ensues.
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nothingtoknow222 · 7 months ago
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Erm… Robert knows stuff lol
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exton-mess · 4 months ago
With all the new Jesse scenes in not just the novels but now Challenger, I speculate that there is a lot of hidden facets of Jesse and a lot I speculate can tie in with his dad, Robert Coste.
In both the novels, we see scenes of their dynamic from Seiji's perspective, even if he doesn't glean a lot of the undertones of it. It was made clear by Mr. Katayama that how Robert spoke the boys after losing a slot away from gold was despicable, but Robert acted surprised with a "they won't improve if-" and thats all we hear of it.
However, I theorize that most of Jesse's obsession of being number one comes from his dad if this is how he usually reacts to him losing. This is referenced by Aidan who remarks on the possibility of Jesse ever NOT being number one, and in fact, he probably thinks about it most of the time. Based on little Jesse's somber act after Katayama drags Robert aside to really ream into him, it's not difficult to imagine that Jesse, who obviously loves and idolizes his dad, probably goes to great lengths to make sure scenes like this, where he is yelled at by Robert or that he's verbally torn into, never happen if he can help it.
In the new challenger comic, there are alot of scenes that visualize a good relationship between father and son, like fencing practice and fishing. But that doesn't mean that isnt a troubling dynamic to the two, and from this scene it seems Jesse even hides his fallout with Seiji from his dad and his expression just screams out that Jesse is a kid that puts on a lot of airs when it comes to his dad, and probably hides a lot from him too.
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Personally, I would love to see the hidden facets of Jesse and just how harmful Robert's obsessive coaching is to Jesse in the long run, who was referenced to obsessively watch all of Jesse's training and matches, almost to a fault.
If I could go a little off center, it would actually be really cool to have an "Elemental" scene with Jesse. Specifically where he is like Ember, and the combo of Seiji and now his new scenes with secret half brother Nicholas, might start to rub at Jesse perfect image. To the point that, at one point he will just break in on himself with a simple yet powerful line:
"I think I'm failing."
Losing control of this ideal of being the perfect son and number one fencer. And because I'm a shipper at heart, I really hope its Eugene who hears it and witnesses the vulnerabilities behind Jesse's diamond hard composure, and maybe the first to not only see but realize, Robert Coste isn't the ideal anyone should try to live up to.
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bichobolitach · 1 year ago
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This three year old can pronounce “épée” better than me
Anyways. Baby Jesse. He’s very small and his dad is very popular and people keep coming over to say hi and they also want him to say hi and he knows NONE OF THESE PEOPLE! AND HE IS VERY SMALL!
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applesandbannas747 · 2 years ago
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happy Robert Coste Loves His Son Day <3
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space-is-dabest · 6 months ago
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Since we're going to get the next fence issue only next year,I'm doing what I always do when it comes to waiting for more of this comic content:suffer. Jokes aside,I'm re-reading, and during my God knows which reread, I realized Robert won the gold Olympic medal at 21 years old! This is something I've always wanted to know and honestly and didn't know we had that information,especially right on the first page. He was really a protégé to win a medal at such a young age
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spellsword177 · 7 months ago
Thoughts on Fence Challengers: Long Shot
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At long last, it begins. Kings Row is headed to the State Championship Finals, Nicholas has the chance to show his growth as a fencer, and Seiji will help guide the team through its long fight to face off against Exton. Though I'm a bit behind in putting this together, a few things did stand out to me. 1. Starting with the smaller pieces, I look forward to learning more about the other competing schools. I like the introduction of girl characters and the parallels between Aiden and Adrienne. The subtle hints at Aiden's obsession over Harvard's love life and knowing Dafna's name was a nice touch. Bobby is cheerful as always and charmingly oblivious, but a little over the top with superstitions on the bus. I look forward to seeing their stories unfold 2. MacRobertson shows yet again why they are my second favorite team behind Kings Row. I'm sorry they will be the first team to face off against our boys, but it is promising to be a tricky match and not an easy win. Out of the few schools seen, they could prove to be some of Kings Row's strongest allies in later competitions. Marcus Washington in particular will be the most immediate threat and could be helpful especially for Seiji after MacRob is inevitably beaten. I suspect Lowther, MLC, and Halverton to be the next teams in that order. 3. It is unfortunate Eugene Labao will not be participating in the Finals. He is a determined fencer, and he will have several more opportunities to compete, but Nicholas has always been at the center of this series, and he has surpassed Eugene. The good news is he will still be part of the story as Kings Row battles its way to the top, and Aiden may once again leave an opening.
4. Seiji has come a long way from when he viewed Kings Row as beneath him. He clearly has a thing for Nicholas, but neither one will openly admit it. Win or lose the final match, I think he is finally finding his true place in the world. It will still be a long way to go before he faces off again against Jesse Coste.
5. Jesse Coste once again proves himself to be an arrogant prick who cares more about winning than actual friendship. I find it interesting how Robert Coste seems to have no idea about Jesse's fallout with Seiji. We've had a few hints about his personality in the books, but I'm curious to see who he is in the comics. I have little doubt Seiji and Jesse will face each other again on the piste. Time will tell how it all unfolds. 6. No one has come further than Nicholas Cox. He is not yet ready to face the best fencers, but he has proven to be a fast learner and is rapidly advancing. The name Nicholas Cox is starting to grace the lips of spectators. I look for him to have his rematch against Kyle Allen (his secret cousin) in future installments.
7. I was at first concerned about Nicholas leaving the news article with his note to his father, but it looks like it won't matter in the long run. His biggest secret will likely be revealed during the course of this story arc. It is the number one thing I most look forward to reading in future installments.
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fencecreatorsguild · 1 year ago
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October is upon us and so is a brand new community project: the Fence Creator's Guild! The FCG is here to encourage content creation in the Fence fandom, be it fanfiction, fanart, or anything else you can dream up. If this interests you, then we'll be thrilled to have you with us. You may join us in our Discord server (click here). We're already excited about your participation!
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kori-senpai · 11 months ago
What are some of your favorite Fence headcanons? (Some you might share with others, some you might think you’re the only one who hcs it?)
First off, thank you for the asks, anon, they're actually the first ones I've ever gotten :') and it's a Fence one, the one fixation that will probably never leave!! I'm glad people remember I'm still in the fandom hehe
Anyway, your question! There are a few headcanons that I adore, where I definitely wasn't the first one to think of them but I share nonetheless. Let's start off with those:
1. Seiji is a cat person (that's just... the vibe he emits. Absolutely, 100%)
2. Seiji wears glasses (I mean it's technically canon if everything Johanna draws is automatically our shared 'canon')
3. Nicholas is a cuddler (also technically canon in the comics)
4. Robert is A Good Father™ (we know he's a good father to Jesse so there's that)
And there's of course a few where I'm fairly sure that they're mine or I haven't seen anyone else use them till now:
1. Nicholas is lactose intolerant (we're going off vibes here again and he seems exactly like the 'this allergy can't tell me how to live my life' typa guy)
2. Nicholas' mother is named Rebecca (it came to me in a dream and I'm like 90% sure I saw it another fic as well once)
3. Dante had an emo phase (I can just feel it deep in my soul)
4. Seiji's parents are a bit helpless but they're trying to be there for him (another half canon thing from the novels, but I like to think his mother is there for him as well. I'm just so sick of this horrible 'bad parents = any form of mental illness or trauma = attractive' trend)
So that's mostly it I thiiiink? There's also a few headcanons that I think are pretty icky and everytime I see or read them something in me just goes yikes. But I think I'd rather keep those to myself since I really don't wanna step on anyone's toes by something that's, in the end, completely subjective. And in a small fandom like this especially lol. Y'all are lovely and I don't wanna piss anyone off by accident :')
Thanks again for the asks you lovely little human and I'll try to answer the other two as quickly as possible ✨
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thestarminstrel · 2 years ago
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Day 23: Childhood (<Prev | Next>)
jesse and robert,, my beloveds <3
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swordsswordsswords · 2 years ago
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icantdrawrt · 2 months ago
I am a full believer that Aiden will be the reason both Nicholas and Seiji fence Exton and I’m also a full believer that he is why they’ll win. (This is less of a theory and more what I want to happen but still)
Will it be dirty tackticks? Yes. But that’s aiden’s specialty.
I believe he’ll be the one to find the newspaper in the trophy cabinet and he’ll put everything together. I think he’ll taunt Jesse over the fact that Seiji picked an unranked fencer, who barely knows the basics over him. This gets to Jesse and Aiden has a shit eating grin, knowing it’s affecting him
I think he’ll taunt Jesse for not being the most important coste in seiji’s life. Jesse will scoff, done with Aiden’s bullshit. He’s about to turn and leave before Aiden leans forward, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and goes
“Everyone’s asking why he’s fencing like you. They really should be asking why he’s fencing like him.”
Jesse stares at his dad and storms off grumpy.
Aiden drops out and demands Nicholas takes his place. (This is bc of my theory that Nicholas is going to replace Aiden as the Chameleon when Aiden graduates)
Cue Jesse fencing worse because he’s overthinking why Nicholas is so similar to him.
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fukutomichi · 6 months ago
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Sam Hazeldine as Adar S2.E7 ∙ Doomed to Die
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tenthmusing · 30 days ago
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the diem is carpeing me captain..
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bichobolitach · 1 year ago
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Some people may think Jesse fences because Robert wanted him to, but I believe Robert had NO CHOICE but to start coaching that kid because this would just keep happening
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