#aiden kane
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bichobolitach · 2 days ago
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No, I get it. I'd have a breakdown if he ghosted me, too.
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bvrtysbvtches · 3 months ago
fence is like aftg but if it was fencing instead of exy and if it was kevneil instead of andreil
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sunlitpynch · 7 months ago
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back after my hiatus (recently saw a fence post and was like “i think….i miss my wife”)
i forgot how much fun it was to make these — i already have my next dump half done
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gummytea · 3 months ago
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eyes that pierces my heart ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
jumpscare below:
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that-red-r2-that-blew-up · 11 months ago
everyone in the Fence fandom is hyped for the CHALLENGERS: LONGSHOT main cover by Johanna the Mad, which deserves every ounce of praise it's getting rn, but we can't sleep on the variant cover art by Noah Dao because FUCKING LOOK AT IT!!!
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the inking, the colors, Harvard and Aiden, beautiful, amazing, good job Noah!!!
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the tiniest ever
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icantdrawrt · 2 months ago
Aiden has 100% convinced everyone at Kings Row that him and Nicholas are siblings.
Even after everyone finds out Nicholas’ dad is Robert Coste, Aiden still tells everyone they’re blood brothers. Whether Aiden’s mum is actually Nicholas’ mum or aiden’s dad is Nicholas’ dad, no one knows what aiden’s mentally decided. All he knows is that him and Nicholas are related and everyone’s just accepted that.
Everyone’s been forced to accept it bc if anyone dares suggest they’re not full blood relatives, Harvard has to physically restrain him from attacking (verbally).
The Bon’s cheer for Nicholas when Aiden is there because “that’s aidens brother”. He’s fully ready to shout at the bullies (except Seiji tends to be on that). After he’s left school he goes to Nicholas’ fence games since Nicholas’ parents never show up.
They make tiktoks together, they go to concerts together as they like the same music, Aiden teaches Nicholas how to be the next Chameleon (he tries his best to fix Nicholas’ hair but Nicholas won’t let him), he’s also the Cupid that finally gets Nicholas and Seiji together.
(Aiden is 100% a better sibling then Jesse could ever be)
That’s his baby brother and don’t you dare suggest otherwise.
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its-ezraaa · 8 months ago
some random sketches
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Also I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and practice drawing some outfits... So ofc I forced Nick out of his comfort zone and put him in something that isn't a black hoodie on black ripped jeans.
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comicake · 9 months ago
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It’s hard to be the only self aware gay in this company 😮‍💨
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phoenix-nika · 10 months ago
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Wow! Who is it here?
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bichobolitach · 8 months ago
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Soo… Challengers, huh?
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happygirl2oo2 · 4 months ago
Having many thoughts tonight about that scene in Elementary where Moriarty tells Sherlock "you see people as puzzles. I see them as games." and how it'd also suit Seiji (as puzzles) and Aiden (as games) quite well and what it says about both of them, many thoughts
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sunlitpynch · 7 months ago
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todays dump is very nick centred and i think that’s very real of me.
also i realized ive never shared my fence ao3 fics on tumblr!!! i think if u like my posts u will probably like the fics too
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spellsword177 · 2 months ago
Thoughts on Fence Challengers: Sweet Sixteen
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We follow Kings Row through round one and the start of round at the State Championship Finals.  I must start off by saying I’m very proud of the heroes on our team and how far they’ve come and how far they’ll go.  As usual, these are the things the things that really stick to me. 1.  Unsurprisingly, MacRobertson went down swinging.  As I’ve stated previously, I’m sorry to see them go, but this has always been a story about Kings Row and Exton.  Win or lose the final match, Nicholas Cox and Seiji Katayama will have their dramatic face off with Jesse Coste.
2.  Aiden Kane yet again proves himself to be a Chameleon and an excellent fencer, when he actually tries, in his bout with Nate Spencer.  Harvard Lee will forever be his sole reason for continuing to fence.  Interesting how the tables have turned and Seiji is able to unnerve Aiden, but Harvard is always there to calm him down.
3.  Marcus Washington was indeed an impressive fencer.  I’m sorry a hidden knee injury finally took him down, but he was gracious in his defeat by Seiji who knew about his weakness.  Kings Row has at least one ally from another school cheering them on as they proceed in the Finals. 
4.  Seiji shows even more how much he has grown since the beginning.  He’s now a team player willing to have faith in Nicholas and can step aside when needed to save his strength for the eventual match against Jesse.  He can still dish out the smack talk as cold as ice when facing opponents, but is also warm when he needs to be.
5.  As predicted, Lowther Hall is the next team to beat.  Like against MacRob, I know Kings Row will triumph due the set up of the narrative, but it may be close especially without Seiji participating.  Right now, Kings Row is four points behind going into bout 6, but I do have faith in our boys.  They will survive to face MLC.
6.  In some ways, Kyle Allen is worse than his cousin, Jesse, ever thought of being.  He’s a braggart who’s not above using dirty tricks to gain an advantage.  I’d love nothing more than for him to finally lose against Nicholas.  So far, we haven’t actually seen Nicholas fence this time, but the point totals against Emmett Scott in bout one showed him one point behind at 5-4.  Three weeks have passed since Kyle defeated him at camp and he may just need Seiji’s faith to help get him through.
7.  Saving the biggest development for last, Bobby Rodriguez finally knows Nicholas’s secret that he is the bastard son of Robert Coste and Jesse's half-brother.  Seiji may be the primary fencer for Kings Row, but Nicholas is clearly their secret weapon.  I have faith Bobby will not share the knowledge before Nicholas is ready, but it is bound to come out during the Finals.  I still suspect Coach Williams already knows which is why she reached out to Nicholas in the first place.  I look forward to the next edition and what new drama will unfold
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themundanemudperson · 1 year ago
hello fence fandom
i present to you: a bad meme
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based off of this panel:
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call 911 there's been a gay on gay crime
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