#rob tyrant
goldenandhappy · 2 years
This is the best chapter I’ve read in a while ! And that’s a feat because Egghead has been fantastic ! 
Spoilers under the cut. I might or might not have commented every panel.
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> I am a sucker for narrative intros ! I am a sucker for narrative intros ESPECIALLY if they are extracted from a journal or diary.  And this narrative intro is so full of emotions ! Good for you Vegapunk ! Go rock that science !
> It is ironic that MADS is called “Laboratory of Peace” when the previous page was basically this:
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> The page displays each of the mad scientist with his preferred field of study.
> I doubt Vegapunk knew about what was going down in his “Lab of Peace”; he did hate what Ceasar did in Punk Hazard. So they probably hid it well or made it sound “for the better good and the advancement of science” like for the DFs reproduction. And it’s not like their founds were lacking : Du Feld kept on pumping money in because weapons made him good money.
> And it’s crazy how much info Oda can drop in a single panel because this one has every mad scientist with his preferred field in hand: Ceaser with the smile fruit, Queen with the chemical weapons, and Judge with the spear that ultimately became his weapon of choice. It even has the little yellow tube and all. 
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Picture from OP PIRATE WARRIORS 4.
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> Then Bonney being a little shit and Vegapunk being a worried grandpa. Cute.
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> This Bonney form reminds me of Luffy in his Nika form. It’s both funny and interesting because Bonney vibes well with Luffy and I like to think that they arrived to the same conclusions about what they should do with their fruits.
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> Excuse me ??? This is too cute ???? I like that bonney is a strong powerful pirate but her power is still girly and cute ! Look at the cute stars ! And there’s a heart ! And look at Vegapunk he’s such a cute baby !!!
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> I bet that Oda loves drawing Bonney, because every panel she’s in, she looks gorgeous.
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> Ah yes, the classic juxtaposition of dramatic dialogue with a dramatic scene relating to that dialogue. :’)
> You can actually see how much Vegapunk cares for Kuma here. But still, very valid reaction from Bonney. You go girl !
> Vegapunk and Bonney are both growing on me more and more each chapter.
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> I stared at those 2 panels for a good 30 seconds. I can’t even describe how they made me feel.  
> Because of course... Because obviously... Obviously Kuma pushed out his own memories... This was so obvious and no one ever considered it. God fucking dammit Oda.
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> I am still not sure about the origin of DFs. Maybe they are magical, maybe they are man made. But this dialog is very important because we might not understand how things happen, but we can study how they affect the world around them. That’s a cornerstone of science and i’m so happy with how it’s depicted.
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> The greek alphabet is canon.
> World reknown scientist DR VEGAPUNK needs to draw a small circuit with coil and capacitator to remember his electro-magnetism rules. Can’t blame him.
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> Oh Brook is in a shirt, that’s cute ! Keep up the theme of the island peeps ! 
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> Kaku awakened his giraffe fruit ?? How ?? (Theory time: I’m betting it’s related to the nature of the fruit. Once you reach a certain level in power and creativity, you can awaken your fruit. And the wilder the strength it represents, the harder it gets. But if you’re like... a giraffe, that should be easier than a leopard.)
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> Look mate, as long as the crew and VP’s Brain are safe, this is meaningless. But yeah sure have your fun destroying things !
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> I am delecting myself with the taste of Stussy’s betrayal. This is a face a love seeing on Lucci. Hit him where it hurts <3
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> And what a way to end a chapter. Vampire Stussy ? Or is she a succubus ? Hell yeah ! Of course she was the one Vegapunk called ! And of course she’s a clone ! Vegapunk mentionned that the Seraphim were the pinacle of all his experiences ! And they are CLONES ! So of course he cloned people !!! And the cover story from chapter 1070 ? That wasn’t Stussy ! That was Miss Buckingham ! 
Miss Buckingham, from the Rocks Pirates, WORKED WITH MADS!!!!
I can’t with this chapter anymore ! Thank you Oda !!!
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unseelie-robynx · 2 years
What’s Iron Fan’s relationship with Macaque like in the Tyrant Prince au? Because we know Wukong just wants to make Iron Fan forget about Red Son but I’m curious on how her relationship is like with Macaque because they have also been living under Wukong’s roof for some time.
So this relationship is interesting actually. Because there are two very distinct versions of it.
There's the version where PIF has had her memories of Red Son scrubbed out, and then lost her husband and she's had already been in a feedback loop of heartbreak and pain from Red Son being lost and losing DBK almost actually made things *better* because she at least had a reason to feel like her heart had been carved out. She was taken to FFM to live with SWK, as a way to heal and get over what happened (and because SWK felt so guilty, but DBK was almost gone with grief and rage at that point and it needed to happen). But that version of her is... quiet. She doesn't speak at all except to some of the baby monkeys, and the grief all but permeates off of her at all times.
That means, for her and Macaque, it's a sort of quiet companionship. I kind of went with the headcanon (And @vegalocity didn't stop me) that Princess Iron Fan and Macaque were closer than him and DBK, more of the fandom interpretation that she was kind of an (older?) sister to Macaque, where as DBK was more SWK's sworn brother instead. Subtly, but that would be the basis for that relationship.
So Macaque tries his best to help, but unlike SWK who expects PIF to eventually start to get better, (and side note, SWK doesn't expect PIF to forget about Red Son, he's actually been trying to get them to 'reconnect' because he assumes she disowned her son and that that's what all the 'I don't have any children' stuff she's said is about. Not that she's had her memory scrubbed and honestly belives she doesn't have any children), Macaque knows better, and knows that PIF had her memories gutted and so she can't 'get better'.
He worries about her, and he sometimes fears she might try to 'rejoin' DBK more permanently (which, MACAQUE knows that DBK is alive and in the rebellion, but he can't say anything, so it becomes extra stressful, as if it wasn't already) and he tries his best to take care of her and help her be at least a little ok, but the whole thing is a bit of a mass of pain.
But THEN our Tyrant Prince gets it into his head that maybe his perfect Wife who now has a*perfect baby sister to dote on (in the form of Shuyin, the cultist girl that Xiaojiao picks up that Vegalocity talks about a bit in THIS POST), deserves a perfect mama as well.
So this 'Mama', is sweet and simpering, overly doting on her 'babies', always knew that Red was an airheaded idiot (who was 'cursed' with a temper that needed to be cut out) and that both of her children had been given to her by a 'god' and that someday they were both meant to be owned by gods and to be given back to them.
In short, her personality is *yanked in the opposite direction, and while some of the real Princess Iron Fan comes out, she's now fully on board with Xiaotain and his plans, because she's been brainwashed to see him as a god, and to obey him without question.
Which means Macaque has lost yet another person that he cares about to Xiaotian's machination, and his home on FFM is even less safe. Because while SWK is only somewhat brainwashed and Macaque has to be carful to 'follow the script' around him, PIF is now completely brainwashed, and Xiaotian actually makes use of her to get Macaque out of the way for several important things. (Such as forcing SWK to tell him where some old stolen fruits are hidden away)
So Macauqe's new relationship with her is essentially one of heartbreak and distrust. Because he's lost his bond-sister, and not only that he now has to be so careful around her. Because she can use the winds and potentially learn things he doesn't want anyone to know with them, and so he doesn't get even a moment's reprieve anymore.
Which leads to bitterness.
Obviously, Macaque knows it's not PIF's fault, and that she's not willingly serving the Tyrant Prince, but the fact is she is and that's hard.
In the new dynamic, Macaque is bitter and on edge and heartbroken and guilty that he couldn't do more, but there really wasn't anything he could have done, because he hadn't realized what was happening or that Xiaotian had plans for PIF before it was too late.
Which, of course, is another thing he blames himself for
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chronomally · 4 months
Xu Kou really doesn't deserve any of this
#please feel free to ignore this#I'm reading Tyrant Pampering Wife Diary#If I found out my stupid-ass husband colluded with his stupid-ass family to rob his stupid-ass sister's stepson I would beat his ass#The chickens have come home to roost! The notoriously unstable prince has the emperor's favor!#You robbed his beloved husband of his assets and turned a blind eye to his abuse!#I know this is a wuxia setting but please Xu Kou divorce his ass#I would refuse to be collateral damage love is NOT that expensive#Honestly the dramatically different story trajectories for each group of characters are like so funny#Li Xiao and Song Song are on the ups they're in love and a baby is on the way they just have to dodge the assassination attempts#The Qin family is so mega fucked and every attempt they make to unfuck themselves actually fucks themselves even worse#The Song family has Had It and have bowed out of all the horseshit#Xu Kou is about to kill her husband and make it look like an accident because you fucking asshole how dare you#Also tbh if I was Xu Kou I would Not Be Happy#Are you going to do this to our children if a better prospect comes along?#Are you going to dishonor me and steal from my children if you bring in a new higher-ranked spouse? Kys#They told Madam Song and Song Guogong that they failed as parents but um so did Prime Minister Qin lol#Look at what your shit-ass children have done look at the mess they've made in their greed and desperation#They are all SO fucking lucky Hong Ren is the emperor because once Li Xiao takes the throne it's OVER
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revivalofbrawl-blog · 2 years
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kinsey3furry300 · 5 months
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Disney's Robbin Hood marries Maid Marian at the end of the film. Since marriage between commoners and aristocracy were illegal in the time period, we can infer then that Disney's Robbin Hood uses the cannon from Richard Grafton's 16th century Chronicle at Large or latter, when Robbin Hood goes from a yeoman to a member of the aristocracy, either the Earl of Huntingdon, or the later lord Locksley.
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This fox is, and always has been, a member of the aristocratic 1% defending his inherited wealth, power and privilege. His vendetta against Prince John and his denouncement of him as a tyrant is personal as Prince John infinged on the rights and privileges of the Nobles, which was illegal, and lead to him taking up arms abd leading a guerilla campaign, and as soon as a Absoulute monarch he personality agrees with returns, he bends the knee in exchangefor a pardon, the restorationon his estates, and a policaly benifical marrage.
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Behold the friendly face of Absoulute hereditary power!
In DnD terms, this verson of Robbin Hood is Lawfull Evil, fighting to uphold his own legal power and staiuts against an usurper.
Sad to say it given, he gave me my sexual awakening, but this fox is, and always has been, a fascist.
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I mean I'd still fuck both of them but the sex with Rob would be far angrier.
This fox, this guy right here:
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He's just a depressed millennial with childhood trauma running a gig economy job. He's not even doing anything particularly illegal, as shown by the only thing Judy (a frighteningly effective cop) can find to charge him with is tax evasion. He's a high functioning borderline genius level guy running street scams due to racial profiling barring access to higher education and better jobs, and once someone gives him an in he proves very very good at solving crimes. He had no ideological stake in this, he's in DnD terms true neutral tending towards chaotic neutral, but he does risk his life to stop and actual fascist coup that was happening hidden behind a facade of public safety (looks at canera), which is something. He's an everyman antihero who sells out for a job with helthcare and/or bunny boobies at the first chance he gets, very relatable.
This Fox, is and always has been, Moray grey.
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and he fucking knows it, the sexy beast.
In conclusion, Disney has always been a Conservative company filled with left leaning creators, and Sometimes thier furry kink critique of the current system leaks out and they are at their best when it does.
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radiance1 · 11 months
Danny, has been turned into a cat.
Why? He may or may not have pissed off more than wizard after they failed to summon the ghost king successfully and gave them massive shit for it.
They wanted a powerful ghost tyrant, got a ghost prince with a shit eating grin instead.
Was it worth it? Yes, yes it was.
However, now he is stuck in this dimension, and wanders around experiencing the life of a street cat. Somehow, someway, he became the leader of a clan of cats, some of them surprisingly having powers, other not, but he never knew the life of a street cat was so...
Intense? Is probably the word.
Gang wars, negotiations, managing resources, taking care of the injured from said gang wars or the occasional shitty human, etc, etc. The resources like food weren't really a problem, his powers made it very easy to just, take whatever he wanted, how much he could take was a problem though, nothing a bag can't fix.
Some kind of villain (If what he heard was correct) stepped on his turf, and he couldn't have cared less what they were going to do, until some of the casualties involved his family of cats and, safe to say.
That villain did not expect to be beaten up by a superpowered cat. Much less robbed by other superpowered cats.
Of course, such an event wouldn't go unnoticed.
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twistedworld101 · 3 months
List of Unique Magic of the Original Characters
Riddle -- OFF WITH YOUR HEAD  (Lit. Behead Them)
Summons a collar around the target’s neck and seals their magic.
I’ll hand down my sentence. The verdict comes afterwards. Are you ready? Off With Your Head!
Unique Magic: Prologue 3
Incantation: Twisted-Wonderland Manga Episode of Heartslabyul: Volume 1 (p.50)
Deuce -- BET THE LIMIT (Lit. Tit for Tat)
Builds up damage taken by attacks and returns it all at once twofold.
I’ll make you pay for that! Brace yourself! Bet the Limit!
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 5-64
Cater -- SPLIT CARD (Lit. Scattered Hand of Cards)
Creates clones of himself.
I am him, and he is another. Split Card!
Unique Magic: Episode 1-15 / P.E. Cater Vignette
Incantation: P.E. Cater Vignette
Trey -- DOODLE SUIT (Lit. Paint the Roses)
Temporarily overwrites a specific component of the target item.
White to red, and red to white. Doodle Suit!
Unique Magic: Episode 1-14
Incantation: Twisted-Wonderland The Novel Episode 1: The Red-Rose Tyrant (p.249)
Leona -- KING’S ROAR (Lit. Roar of the King)
Destroys anything into dust 
I am hunger. I am thirst. I am what robs you of tomorrow. King’s Roar!
Unique Magic: Episode 2-25 / Dorm Leona Vignette
Incantation: Dorm Leona Vignette
Jack -- UNLEASH BEAST (Lit. Shattering Howl on a Moonlit Night)
Transforms into a wolf.
Unique Magic: Episode 2-26
Ruggie -- LAUGH WITH ME (Lit. Fool’s Parade)
Controls others to mimic his movements.
Both kings and hyenas are my friends! Laugh With Me!
Unique Magic: Episode 2-2 (first seen), 2-23 (name spoken)
Incantation: Twisted-Wonderland Episode of Savanaclaw Volume 2
Azul -- IT’S A DEAL (Lit. Golden Contract)
Takes any power from the target once they sign a contract.
The song ends, the sun sets. Extend mercy upon these poor souls. Now, the deal is struck! It’s a Deal!
Unique Magic: Episode 3
Incantation: Glorious Masquerade (Event) Episode 5-5
Jade -- SHOCK THE HEART (Lit. Gnawing Teeth)
Compels the target to speak the truth. Can only be used once per person.
No need to fear, I only wish to help you. Shock the Heart.
Unique Magic: Episode 3
Incantation: Episode 4
Floyd -- BIND THE HEART (Lit. Coiling Tail)
Blocks and diverts an opponent’s magic.
Unique Magic: Episode 3
Kalim -- OASIS MAKER (Lit. Everlasting Grace)
Springs forth large quantities of water.
A haven within the hot sands, a never-ending feast. Dance! Sing! Oasis Maker!
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 4
Jamil -- SNAKE WHISPER (Lit. Snake Charmer)
Hypnotizes a target. They must look into his eyes for it to take effect.
The one you see reflected in your eyes is your master. Answer when I ask. Bow when I command. Snake Whisper.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 4
Vil -- FAIREST ONE OF ALL (Lit. Poison From a Beautiful Flower)
Places a curse with a touch by specifying the conditions.
Nothing to lose, nothing to fear. The shining crown is meant for me. Fairest One Of All.
Unique Magic: Episode 5
Incantation: Episode 6
Epel -- SLEEP KISS (Lit. Crimson Fruit)
Places target in glass coffin and puts them to sleep.
Close your eyes, still your breath. Sleep Kiss.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 6
Rook -- I SEE YOU (Lit. Arrow that Flies to the Furthest Reaches)
Once cast on a target, he can pinpoint its exact location.
Come, let’s see you try to outrun me. I See You.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 6
Idia -- GATE TO UNDERWORLD (Lit. Opened Gateway to the Underworld)
Opens and closes the door to the “Underworld” in STYX HQ.
Game, Set, Match. Gate to Underworld.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 6
Malleus -- FAE OF MALEFICENCE (Lit. Blessing)
Casts a web of thorns and places everyone within to sleep.
Spinning wheel of fate, keep pulling the thread of disaster. As King of the Abyss, I shall bestow this upon you. Fae of Maleficence.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 7
Silver -- MEET IN A DREAM (Lit. Let’s Share the Same Dream)
Allows the caster to jump into other people’s dreams. Only can be used while asleep. Cannot choose the dream that is jumped to. The dreamer is indicated by a white bird-like wisp.
To the one I’ve met before, to the one I’ve yet to meet. Meet in a Dream.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 7
Sebek -- LIVING BOLT (Lit. Flash of Lightning)
His body becomes lightning, which allows him to move and strike like one.
Strike through the stormy heavens, O lightning! 
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 7
Lilia -- FAR CRY CRADLE (Lit. To the Furthest Cradle)
Allows the caster to play back the memory of an “object” for a short time.
All is as if it were days long past. No matter where it takes us, it will all be over in the blink of an eye. Far Cry Cradle.
Unique Magic/Incantation: Episode 7
Rollo Flamme -- DARK FIRE (Lit. Burning Desire)
His body is wrapped in flames that he can manipulate at will. The more his foes are afraid, confused, or frustrated, the stronger his flames.
O crimson flower, scorch my soul and guide me. Dark Fire!
Unique Magic/Incantation: Glorious Masquerade (Event) Episode 5-5
Fellow Honest -- LIFE IS FUN (Lit. Rose-Tinted Dream)
Those afflicted feel more easy-going and optimistic and are more inclined to do things they wouldn’t normally do.
Come on to the theater! Life is Fun!
Unique Magic/Incantation: Stage in Playful Land (Event) Episode 5-6
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animentality · 10 months
If Gortash was always meant to be in the House of Hope, and potentially recruitable after you kill him, then I'm sad that got cut, because that would've been so interesting for him as a character.
To see the tyrant, laid low, no longer the Archduke of Baldur's Gate and ruler of the Sword Coast, but the sniveling little boy who used to cry himself to sleep at night, back in the hell that was his childhood.
Also, I have this theory now, ever since I found out about this, that maybe Gortash didn't just do all this because he had to feel powerful after a childhood of being powerless and helpless.
Maybe Gortash knew that it was only a matter of time before he was forced back to the House of Hope. He knew he would die eventually, and be forced to return to Raphael.
So maybe he turned to Bane and sought as much power as he could attain, so that he could raid the House of Hope and either kill Raphael or at least steal back his contract?
Maybe serving Bane was always secondary to that goal.
But imagine.
Oh fucking imagine...
That he allied himself with Ketheric and the Dark Urge, on behest of his god, and at first, it was just a job for him.
Just something he had to do, because Bane asked him to. But he and the Dark Urge grew close. And maybe he wanted to ask the Dark Urge, after they successfully raided Mephistopheles, if they would help him kill Raphael.
Maybe he was scared to ask before they were close, because it would've revealed a weakness.
A vulnerability, in the Chosen of tyranny.
But then the Dark Urge vanished, so he never got this chance.
And then.
The Dark Urge comes back, a changed person, and he's saddened, but resigned to the fact that he can never ask again.
And then they kill him. Betraying him and the alliance.
And then...he goes back to the House of Hope...and that is his eternity. Being punished by Raphael, taunted for his ability to steal the Crown of Karsus, but unable to reject his fate in the end...
Only for the Dark Urge to knock down the fucking doors, and cut off Raphael's head?
Oh, we were robbed, my friends.
The idea of the Dark Urge killing Gortash for the greater good, but inadvertently giving him what he always wanted...
And saving him, whether intentionally or not...
Gortash would smile at his luck. At the kismet. And the dark irony.
But he would be...so glad...that he met the Dark Urge.
They say don't thank me, but he'd say, I have to. I must.
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bitethedevil · 5 months
Rambling about Raphael again: I’m getting more and more convinced that stealing from Raphael is an asshole move no matter what.
I just killed Raphael for the first time yesterday. I had gotten the scene where he comes home before but that was way back in my first playthrough and I chickened out back then. The battle itself was awesome, don’t get me wrong but it felt…unsatisfying? Sad even.
I’m obviously not excusing anything he’s done to Hope, but we don’t really know anything about Hope before we have already taken the decision to go to his house.
I found something in the House of Hope that I hadn’t seen before (it’s on the ground in the main area where the fireplace is iirc):
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Like yeah, we know that we don’t really need the Orphic Hammer if we’ve played the game before and all that. But does Raphael? It seems like he genuinely thinks it’s a fair trade. Dude lives in the Hells. I’m sure he really does expect the worst from people (especially someone like the Emperor). So he offers us a deal that he really believes is fair, and what do we do? We go robbing his house, fucks/kills his incubus, meddles in his business and essentially spits him in the face. Bonus asshole points if the last thing you ever say to him is that he’s a shit at sex.
Raphael is evil, no doubt, but he hasn’t really done anything to us. If you don’t take the deal, he simply leaves you alone (unless you refuse the Emperor in the end…in which he essentially calls you a dumbass but still helps if I remember correctly) even though that deal is the closest he’s been to the crown in millennia.
Which brings me to his reaction. Obviously, he seems angry right before the fight, but mostly I got the feeling of a man who has been utterly humiliated. His quote that went along the lines of: “Take away their free will and they’ll call you a tyrant. Let them indulge in it and they become tyrants” is kind of stuck with me. I think that Raphael could have potentially treated us a lot worse if he wanted to, but he chose not to (obviously that’s also to get us to trust him, but still). Which is why it stings even more when we fuck him over.
Think about his diary entries. The man has nightmares about us besting him. Imagine how stupid he must feel when that fear turns out to be true and that he shouldn’t have trusted us to keep our word.
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The illegalist current is an offshoot of individualist anarchism. Refusing to be exploited, forced to work for some rich tyrant, instead the illegalist chooses to rob them. It’s an anti-work ethic for individual autonomy to be realised in real life right away through Individual expropriation also known as individual reclamation.
Individual reclamation gained notoriety in France in the last decades of the 19th and early 20th century gave birth to what was to become known as illegalism.
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unseelie-robynx · 2 years
Um…hope you don’t mind me trying to guess this but about the recent ask about Oblivion and the Wife-ified character’s designs and the hints to the newcomer…would it happen to be Tripataka? (Like, we know the newcomer will be involved with Sun Wukong and Macaque because of the sun and moon thing and Tripataka needed Wukong’s protection thought the journey and I remember you mentioning Mac finding a bug so…yeah. I’m officially more worried now)
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Refrencing @vegalocity 's POST
Ok so anon wins the 'reading the tags' award as well as the 'making very sold jumps in reasoning from very little directly provided details' so go you.
But yes. In one of our Bad Ends, the Tang Monk does, in fact, get caught.
See a certain Monk isn't happy with the celestial realm's strict, stay the hell away from there until we know what's up, policy. And so he's very much breaking the rules to help Sun Wukong and is one of the main reasons said monkey is still mostly sane and not heavily brainwashed. In the 'middle ground' ending, he's one of the major players in finding out the origins of oblivion and how to stop it.
However, because Sanzang can only do so much, SWK is sill getting brainwashed and there were certain things that pushed him over the edge about the Jade Emporer's rules and... well lets just say that a certain Monk might have thrown a certain staff at a certain bureaucrat's face and then left.
Which, while awesome and enabling him to help more directly, means that he's also around, somewhat. Physically there and tangible because he went to see Macaque (who is ally but also there's a whole clusterfuck of stuff there)
And being physically present means that there's the opportunity for him to be... found.
And caught.
And a certain Prince has a certain calabash that has been remade to blast Oblivion and overwhelm whoever's inside it.
And there's only so long anyone, even an enlightened being, can hold out against that.
And, well, just maybe a certain monk has been pinning and in denial for a very, VERY long time. And maybe something get's said inside the calabash that sparks a whole chain of other unpleasantness, and a crack in the armor that a certain Tyrant Prince can use to break him.
All of this started with an Oblivion induced confession after all, things are just staying true to their roots
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prncessjaeger · 10 months
eren headcannons: random edition ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
an: also ty for 100+ i genuinely appreciate it!!! here’s another set of my personal hc’s for eren, also towards the end, the show dialogue is from ‘dance moms.’
song inspo: tyrant
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♡ if you’re not with him after his intense workout, he purposely drives to your house just to hug you, all drenched in sweat
♡ has a huge obsession with playing monopoly go! but hates when you tear down his buildings:
“why would you tear this building i JUST bought- then you robbed me?”
“i mean, that’s how you play the game eren-.”
“blah blah blah, nerd”
♡ HATES carrots. he thinks they’re repulsing but would tear UP a carrot cake (or 2)
♡ a personal ‘bobthebuilder’ for you. if anything’s broken? he’d fix it…(even if it takes a youtube video and a small prayer)
♡ enjoys wearing face masks with you!
♡ loves spoiling you, he calls it his “personal hobby”
♡ has an obsession with peaches…?
♡ loves kissing you 24/7
♡ one day he went to cat adoption center and brought home two cats, one black and white:
“we can name them ore and o”
♡ drinks chocolate milk willingly
♡ steady complains about your obsession with reality tv, but the MINUTE it gets real good and messy, he’s all focused on the tv, giving side commentary and everything
“wait- so she went to the judges to count chloe’s score cause she didn’t want her to win??”
“yep, what a bitch-.”
“SHHHHH, it’s back on.”
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 89
Danny getting launched in dc with no context of what’s going. Just some thoughts on some of his first views on people.
Batman: just going Nope, not today. I’m not dealing with a demon bat.
Bruce Wayne: that is a fruitloop with an adoption problem avoid at all cost.
Robin: takes one look and yeets himself of a roof to get away. That child is murderous and has a sword. He’d rather not die again.
Super boy (Jon): saw him with stabby child before he jumped off the roof. Won’t approach in fear of two stabby children. Although he didn’t feel murderous intent from him.
Nightwing. Danny is just confused on him. Guy has to be part ghost right??? Has to be with the way he is flying in the air. Danny had a pun off with him before leaving. Nightwing is his favorite.
Deadman: this one is dead. But he doesn’t feel like a ghost. How is this possible (Danny my dude. You only know of ectoplasm ghost, much to learn about the occult in dc)
Green lanterns: thought they looked cool. Then learned they were essential cops. Sam and his government have formed his ACAB belief. It won’t change here.
Constantine: Danny won’t go near him. Bad vibes.
Superman: too American pie for him.
Red Robin: heard his name laughed and went yummm
Superboy (Conner): too busy laughing at Red Robin, but thought he felt like Danielle.
Catwoman: that is a cat demon. Get him away.
Black Bat: snuck up on him. He panicked with a high pitched scream turned invisible and fled. He won’t go near her of his own choosing. She’s scary.
Flash: Danny instantly decides to prank him. He had been told by clockwork months ago flash likes pranks. (Clockwork is sick of the man messing with time)
Aqua man: just questioning him making sure he isn’t a tyrant. He’s had enough of those.
Signal: pointed right at Danny while invisible. Danny panicked and froze him. He unfroze him a few seconds later.
Conner/Tim: assumes they are a couple. Why else would one be grabbing coffee away from the other.
Damian/Jon: assumes they hate one another. Damian was threatening Jon.
Red hood: stopped a mugger from robbing his human form. Scary looking hero obviously.
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pianokantzart · 1 month
Do you think Bowser deserves to be redeemed in the sequel? I personally don’t think he deserves it at all. The guy attempted mass genocide. There ain’t no going back from that yet I’ve seen fans who genuinely believe that Mario and friends would just instantly forgive Bowser despite everything he’s done. Not to mention how extremely out of character it would be for Bowser to have a change of heart especially the movie version of him who is literally pure evil.
Mario and his friends are pretty forgiving, but you're right. In the movie verse, to instantly forgive Bowser after everything he did would be nothing short of ridiculous.
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I don't see Movie Bowser changing anytime soon. He's dedicated too much time and resources to threatening and destroying the lives of everyone around him, and I for one don't mind if he stays just as he is. I love me a straightforward, unambiguous villain who is evil through and through and isn't shy about it.
However, I do know one character that, if introduced, would complicate Bowser and his relationship with the main cast, and that's this guy right here:
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Though it's unconfirmed whether Bowser Junior is part of the movie universe, we know Bowser in the games... while not a perfect dad... is definitely a kind and loving father.
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I can see Movie Bowser having a soft spot for his kid while still being steadfast in his plans to conquer the world and crush anyone who gets in his way. He's a terrible influence who keeps his distance due to the dangers of the battlefield, but he would gladly fight anyone to the death if it would guarantee Junior a bright future. If Junior got involved in the feud– probably due to his father's imprisonment in The Mushroom Kingdom –it would definitely make things a bit more emotionally conflicting for the protagonists. Ridding the world of a threatening tyrant is one thing, robbing a young kid of a dad who loves him is another, but you can't lose sight of the fact that the entire world is at stake.
On the flip side, I can see Bowser Jr. being the one avenue by which Bowser finds himself willing to extend some form of mercy. If Mario and Luigi put themselves on the line to ensure Junior doesn't get hurt, or Junior gets emotionally attached to one of the Mario Bros, I can see Bowser having a very very very slight change of heart.
Not a complete character turnaround, but a willingness to step back and say "forget it. I'll kill you another day."
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ruthlessrps · 2 months
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐘'𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 (𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟑) 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. - feel free to make any adjustments as necessary!
"my job is to tell it like it is."
"golly, what a day."
"you're taking too many chances."
"that was just a bit of a laugh!"
"they're getting better you know. you've got to admit it, they are getting better."
"it'll be hard to laugh while we're hanging."
"are we good guys or bad guys?"
"that's a naughty word, we never rob! we just... borrow from those who can afford it."
"boy, are we in debt."
"don't overdo it."
"forgive me a cruel chuckle."
"how well the crown sits on your noble brow."
"i told you never to mention my brother's name."
"mother always did like (name) best."
"fortune tellers. how droll."
"close your eyes and concentrate. tight shut, no peeking."
"you're never around when i need you."
"of course you've been robbed!"
"i tried to warn you but you just wouldn't listen."
"here comes old bad news himself."
"save your sermon. it isn't sunday yet."
"come in and rest yourself."
"oh, he's so handsome, just like his reward posters."
"hello! where did you come from?"
"don't be afraid. you've done nothing wrong."
"they say you and (name) are sweethearts."
"does he kiss you?"
"will you have any kids?"
"death to tyrants!"
"slice him to pieces!"
"you're so brave and impetuous."
"he must know how much i still love him."
"you can't just walk up to a girl with a bouquet of flowers and say 'hey, remember me? we grew up together. want to marry me?'"
"what do i have to offer her?"
"a life on the run? what kind of a life is that?"
"faint hearts never won fair ladies."
"stop snivelling and hold still."
"cool it, loverboy."
"who might you be?"
"i wish you luck with all my heart."
"at least he amuses me."
"my darling, i love you more than life itself."
"i owe my life to you, my darling."
"don't stand there, kill him!"
"we must do what we can to keep their hopes alive."
"go! don't worry about me."
"he's gonna make it, isn't he?"
"your traps never work."
"sounds like somebody's getting hitched."
"i've never been so happy."
"that's the way it really happened."
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iwozlegit · 2 years
|| 🍍• I’m probably not the first to say it, but imma gonna say it anyway…
…we were robbed with the Orion Pax arc in Transformers: Prime.
The fact that the 3 episodes supposedly spanned over a time period of months, is crazy.
Did Megatron make a conscious effort to actually “catch-up” with Orion when he said there’d be “plenty of time” for it?
If they did, what did they talk about? Was it awkward and short? Was it lighthearted and whimsical? Did it bizarrely feel as though the war had never been? Did Megatron lose himself in the illusion of a former friend?
If they didn’t, did Orion attempt to pursue a catch-up with the former gladiator, himself?
Did Orion forget to call Megatron his name, instead uttering Megatronus? How did the tyrant react to this? Was he insulted? Did he not mind in the privacy of their off-shifts?
What had been Orion’s final memory?
Did Orion ever inquire about Alpha Trion?
What did Orion get up to on his off-shift hours aboard the warship?
Did he have his rations in the company of others, or did Orion eat alone? Did he eat with Megatron?
Did Orion ever ask to venture to the Earth’s surface to see its beauty up close? Did Megatron go with him if permitted and show him?
Did Orion, inquisitive as ever, inquire why everyone looked so different - why Soundwave appeared so thin, why he, himself, felt so heavy, why Megatron seemed so distant and cold and angry?
What were his other interactions with Knock Out like, if there were any? Did he and Breakdown steer clear of him like the others? Or did Breakdown’s un-Decepticon and odd consideration for others spread and extend itself to the timid clerk with ease? Would Knock Out follow suit given his coy interest in the mech Orion became, or because of his partner’s kinder spark? Did Knock Out ever offer Orion a cool new paint touch-up?
What had Megatron worried Starscream would do or say to Orion when the warlord said “he did not…do or say anything troubling to you?” …despite the obvious, obviously. Why was Megatron so determined to live a lie?
Did Soundwave privately raise his concerns of allowing the amnesiac Prime so close to Megatron again, to the Decepticon leader himself? How would Megatron have reacted to it?
Did any of the rest of the crew hint at their concerns of having an amnesiac Prime aboard?
What unfolded after Orion slipped away?
What were Megatron’s real intentions of having Orion on board if Soundwave was capable enough to do the same thing?
Did Megatron think Orion, if provided another chance, would still want to be beside him after everything he’d done? Is that why the mistruths he told were so elaborate that he ended up getting caught in them and when Orion stirred to see their error, Megatron resorted to violence knowing that he could not save his fantasy???
…you know…just a few thoughts really :)
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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