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brandofdefile · 3 months ago
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by choice, tangled up in you
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rohir-running · 1 year ago
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The outline of my game master Tango! I've been working on it through his streams yesterday and today.
I'm so worried I'm going to need up the watercolor.
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venomousrowan · 1 year ago
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justgayskissinggays · 1 year ago
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Local international crime lord who is wanted in every city state across Abyss just blew up a building in broad daylight and told you to join him, wyd
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puffy-shirt · 7 months ago
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Smore art fights!
Feat (sans 1 who didn't list a tumblr)
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roarts · 1 year ago
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A stained glass themed commission for my dear friend @confusedladykira
Commission info
This was SO much fun to work on! I will be adding a stained glass commission option permanently! 🥰
Bonus lines :
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triforceangel13 · 11 months ago
Sing Me a Melody Ch. 10 (A bakudeku omegaverse au)
Chapter 10: Legality
“Mind your own business,” Dabi snapped at Katsuki. “I'm just getting my mate so we can go home after his little accident.”
Izuku felt panic rise in his chest and he had to keep himself from latching onto the sleeping pup next to him.
He couldn't go back with him. He would never go back with him. He was scared out of his mind. Going back with him now meant he could very well lose his life.
“That's funny. Because he is coming home with me,” Katsuki stated, not liking how close he was to his mate and child. It was taking everything within himself not to launch across the room and slam the man's head into the ground.
For everything he had done to Izuku in the past. He had hoped he never saw the guy and here he was, being served to him on a silver platter. He deserved to be locked up for what he had done to him. And now he was trying to take him again.
“And who do you think you are?” Dabi scoffed but he had his answer the moment his scent hit his nose. Izuku's new alpha.
“His alpha,” Katsuki staetd, taking a step forward. “And you will leave. Now, before I have security come to get you. And don't think you can follow us anymore. Your little chip is gone.”
Dabi looked surprised at that, looking to Izuku and then to the bandage on his head. Izuku scowled at him.
“Now you can't follow me anymore,” Izuku stated.
“Like hell I can't,” Dabi said, reaching and grabbing Izuku's wrist. In his other hand he tugged out a piece of paper out of his pocket. “I have this. And until you have one of your own, you can't claim him as yours. And I can just replant my mark on him.”
“You mean this?” Katsuki asked, holding up his own piece of paper. Izuku's eyes shined a bit with unshed tears, a small smile there. He had gotten his mating liscence to be his proper alpha. In this case Izuku was free forever of Dabi.
“Kacchan,” Izuku whispered and fear set in as Dabi's grip tigthtened on his arm, tugging on him which caused him to yelp in pain.
That set Katsuki off and he stomped to the other alpha, fangs bared as he grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him away from his mate.
He crashed into one of the carts, toppling over objects and making a loud bang. Eri startled awake and started to cry, whimpering softly at who this man was and why Izuku was upset.
“Daddy,” Eri cried and just hearing his pup being upset set Katsuki off even more, grabbing hold of Dabi's collar and tugged him up, fist poised to hit him.
Izuku collected Eri against him, keeping her against his chest and away from the image of her father going to hurt someone. The little girl clung to his hospital gown, crying softly.
“Kacchan!” Izuku called out and Katsuki stopped, looking over at his mate and child. They were terrified, Eri more so since she didn't know what was going on.
But also Katsuki was sure she had seen her fair share of violence when it came to her birth mother. Who knew what she had witnessed or been exposed to.
Red eyes turned back to Dabi who scowled and was ready to strike himself.
“Leave. Now. And if I ever catch you near my mate ever again,” Katsuki growled at him.
“You'll what?” Dabi asked with a smirk. “Go on. Threaten me mister big rock star.”
That caught Katsuki off guard and Dabi was able to get a good punch in on Katsuki's eyes. The blonde grunted, dropping him and Dabi stepped away as the blonde covered his injured face.
With the commotion going on security appeared in no time, grabbing hold of Dabi as Katsuki pointed to him.
“Get him out of here.”
The man grabbed hold of Dabi, pulling his arms behind his back. Dabi smirked regardless.
“Have fun with a defective omega,” Dabi snarled at them. “He's useless if he can't give you any pups rockstar.”
“Out!” Katsuki roarted and security pulled him away.
Katsuki let out a sigh, the only sound now coming from Eri who sobbed in Izuku's arms. He looked to them his chest tightneing at the sight.
Izuku looked perfect. Holding Eri close, rocking her gently in his arms and sending out a soothing scent to relax the young pup.
“Hey, it's okay,” Katsuki said softly as he came closer to them. “It's all over. The bad man is gone now.”
Once he was at the side of the bed Eri released Izuku and she latched herself to the blonde. Izuku didn't mind of course, understanding.
“I've got you princess,” Katsuki said gently, petting her hair as she trembled in his arms, her sobs turning into quiet sniffles. “Daddy's got you. Daddy is here.”
“Kacchan,” Izuku said softly after a few moments of soothing his pup. Katsuki looked to his mate who reached out and cupped his cheek.
He winced a bit from the pain but he gave him a smile.
“I've had worse,” The blonde said with a snort. Izuku gave a small smile at that.
“I figured you have. But I really still would like you to have that checked out when you can,” Izuku urged him.
Katsuki kissed his hand and nodded.
“I will when she calms down,” Katsuki promised, holding Izuku's hand. The omega stared at them a moment and then to the discarded liscence on the floor.
“You really got it?” Izuku asked softly.
“Yep,” Katsuki replied. “Had Sero fax it over since I have to give a copy to the hospital. All I need is for you to sign it.”
“I'll do it as soon as possible,” Izuku said. He would have to thank Sero later for helping him out of such a bad situation. Though he was sure hearing about Katsuki's newest mating had send him reeling about what could happen. “Also...Kaccchan?”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For saving me,” Izuku explained “Regardless of my flaws....If you hadn't come he would have taken me away and who knows if I would have lived after the next time he tried to get me to conceive. I would be barren...again.”
“Izu,” Katsuki said, this time tucking his finger under his chin so that he would look up into his eyes at him. “Just because you can't have pups doesn't mean you are useless or defective. If we ever want children of our own one day, we have other options like adoption.”
Izuku smiled softly at that, nodding his head as he wiped away another tear that was trying to leak down his chin again. Now that the adrenaline was gone he was feeling exhausted again and just wanted to sleep.
“Here,” Katsuki said gently, slowly guiding Izuku to lay back down on the bed and set a now sleeping Eri next to him again. Izuku rest his arm around her, Katsuki laying the blanket over them both so they could stay warm.
“I'll get myself fixed up. You rest more, okay?” Katsuki said but Izuku grabbed his arm quickly.
“Please don't leave us,” Izuku said, fear lingering in his voice.
Katsuki's eyes softened and he leaned down to brush a kiss against his forehead to help relax him.
“I won't,” he said, pushing the button to summon the nurse to the room. “I promise I own't leave either of you.”
It was a few days later that Katsuki had to answer the door to the hotel room. His band mates stood there looking scared but also had arms of gifts.
“Kirishima told us what happened and uh...” Kaminari started and Katsuki scowled at the redhead. At least he didn't barge in.
“Oh did he now?”
“We just want to see how he's doing and offer our congrats,” Mina chimed in. “We want to welcome him to the family.”
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a small sigh. “Alright. But he's a little jumpy after some stuff okay? And don't make it a shock that Eri has literally latches herself onto him.”
The others stepped into the room with armfuls full of gifts. The blonde closed the door, raising a brow. What were they trying to do? Smother him with affection?
“You still have Eri? Hasn't it been a few days?” Mina finally asked.
“Yes,” Katsuki said. “And today I need to take a very important phone call.”
The tone of his voice and look on his face said enough. Katsuki was not willing to talk about this right about now.
“Right,” Mina said a little nervously but then followed the others into the other room.
“Aunt Mina! Uncle Kiri! Uncle Kami!” Eri said, wiggling off of Izuku's lap and ran to them, giving each of them a hug. Izuku smiled softly at that, adjusting the blanket that was on his lap.
“Good to see you again kiddo,” Kaminari said, hugging Eri tightly.
Katsuki stood by the couch, resting his hands gently on Izuku's shouldres, rubbing his bandage a bit where he had bitten him.
“You okay with the company?” he asked softly. Izuku nodded his head, resting his hands on Katsuki's for the moment, giving a reassuring squeeze.
“I'll be fine,” Izuku told him. “I like the company. It means that if I fall asleep I won't wake up to have him standing by my bed again...”
Katsuki's eyes softened a little bit at that, feeling a little guilty about it. If he had been there he would have never gotten in at all...he wouldn't have had to deal with that.
“I'm sorry-”
“Don't apologize again,” Izuku said softly, gaining their attention. Katsuki glared at them a bit until Eri came back over and tucked herself right into Izuku's sida again.
“I'll tell you later,” he told his bandmates. He wasn't sure how much Kirishima that had told them but he was sure he hadn't said anything about the whole ex showing up.
He was hoping that he would end up going to jail for harassement but he was sure the man was just removed from the aera. Unless Izuku was near him he couldn't get him put away.
And getting him near that guy was the last thing he wanted to do.
He leaned down and kissed the top of Izuku's head gently near the bandage. He already had things in motion to getting Izuku's things and severing Izuku's lease.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he kissed his head again.
“I'll be right back,” he said. At least he could trust his friends to protect Izuku. He had to make sure that he never left Izuku alone for a while.
“Okay,” Izuku chirped watching Katsuki walk away. Katsuki pulled the phone to his ear.
“Hello Mr. Bakugou, I'm calling to return your message about getting sole custody over your daughter Eri?” the woman on the phone said.
“Yes,” Katsuki said, peeking at the group a small smile coming to his face. He was taking big steps lately. He would need a break soon.
“How soon can we start the process?” he asked.
“Already have. And you have a good evidence against her considering she has not come back to pick her up.”
I’m open for written commissions
want to support? my patreon (triforceangel)
my a03 (triforceangel) as another place to read my fics
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roanreblogs · 5 years ago
Pretty Boi!!
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brandofdefile · 2 months ago
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old piece from 2017
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geva-nonsens · 7 years ago
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Art in Cluj
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rohir-running · 1 year ago
Excited for Decked Out tomorrow!
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Hopefully will get some actual good sketches to watercolor when watching stream!!!!
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venomousrowan · 4 years ago
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roanoaks · 5 years ago
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Heres a sketch of a recent project of mine
Am bored- if u have sketches you’d like to see me colour, please send them my way
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puffy-shirt · 7 months ago
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A few more artfights for
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roanoaks · 3 years ago
Summer Adenauer
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(Hmu on @justgayskissinggays or roanoaks#9422 if u wanna rp 👉👈)
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wedarctic-blog · 8 years ago
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that korean boi
this looks dumb but ehh
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