#road opening
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lailoken · 1 year ago
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Setting up some Road Opening work for a client. 🗝🚪✨️
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nfumbewalk · 5 months ago
Abre Camino W/O Abre Camino!
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Old Lucero shrine.
This is an excellent road opening recipe that really works if you don't have Abre Camino.
Allspice Cinnamon Bay Sage Clover or Vetiver
Cook herbs for 7-9 minutes. Strain & bottle. Add colonia (Florida Water, Bay Rum, or Kolonia 1800), and holy or Serene Water.
Powder it up & use it on candles (carefully!), sprinkle & dust etc.
This recipe is original & very potent. I've used it for many years. With myself & clients.
Pass around the recipe but give some 💖 and credit to Jen @ [email protected].
Queries? Inbox me.
If you like recipes, I have plenty more to come, that aren't online or in books!
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satyrmagos · 1 year ago
Road-opening Ritual for Clearing Obstacles and Creating Opportunities
Today I offer a second ritual meant to clear obstacles and create opportunities. My last post was a ritual specifically designed for someone working within the idiosyncratic framework of the Bell, Book, and Blade. This one is similar, but more universal: intended for anyone who practices witchcraft at an altar. I have recently come to understand that the common name for this sort of ritual –…
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thespectralcottage · 2 years ago
Keys in spell work 🔑
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Road Opening Spell Using Keys 🔑
Keys symbolize opening doors, moving on, new chapters, opportunities and remind me of the death card's energy. 💀 I love using keys in road opening workings, which help opening the path ahead for multiple uses. It works incredibility well with abundance workings, achieving goals or accessing other paths you want to encounter more easily.
In this working i wanted to enchant the key with road opening energy. I love to layer forms of spell work and as mentioned, road openers work wonderfully with abundance and prosperity workings. I want the key to work in future spells at keeping obstacles out of my way when it comes to money and abundance. As someone who works heavily with the element fire, I decided to do this enchantment with a custom incense burn. 🔥
Rituals like this are fairly straightforward but a fun way to connect to the element fire outside of using a candle. Steps
Cleanse: cleanse items you're going to use first. I prefer smoke cleansing using lavender or incense I've given as offering to my deities.
The Sigil: I designed a general road opening sigil focused on the paths ahead of me and the goals I have being open for opportunities to flow. I placed this under my cauldron to help charge the incense burn.
Herbs: I picked herbs associated with my intention. In this case I did herbs associated with abundance, road opening, dominance, etc. Make sure you are specific with your intention. Ask your herbs to work with this specific goal and help enchant they key, object or bring that energy into your life.
Oracle Cards: I love charging spellwork with tarot or Oracle cards. I used one of my favorite decks, Woodland Wardens. I picked cards associated with success, overcoming obstacles, and luck.
Charcoal Disks: light it up, allow to burn for a minute or two and then place your herb mix on top. Try and stay focused on your specific intention you choose.
Key: I then took the key and held it over the smoke, I focused on the smoke encapsulating the key and enchanting it with road opening energy. I then placed it on the edge of the cauldron to allow it to sit while the herbs burned. I also decided to enchant a key necklace the same way. Now that they key is enchanted, I can take it and use it in future workings. 🔑
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conjuremanj · 11 months ago
Doing A Effective Road Opener With Little To No Supplies.
This is a lot much a road opener can do but it's a effective cleanser to help cleanse the things that may be blocking your road.
But what to do if you don't have or can't afford the supplies at that time?
What ever problems you may have like drinking to much, going out, clubbing to much, money problems, smoking to much etc, write all that down on some paper then burn it to ash.
Mix the ask with your crossroads dirt then burn a white candle on top of it. Then pray the 23rd Psalms afterwards throw it all away.
That's it. Simple to do with little to no supplies.
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quornesha · 9 months ago
Prophecy And Symbolism Of The Rhinoceros Hornbill
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Rhinoceros Hornbill appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that the divine is getting ready to show up. Some doors have recently closed, or a chapter has recently ended. And just in the nick of time, Divine will pull you through. Angels will see to it that someone follows their destiny to help you at this time. Someone will be compelled to follow through on a promise. For if they don’t, the consequences far outweigh what could possibly happen.
You may have been through some pressure as of late but you are not a pipe, you are chosen and appointed for what you are receiving. Angels will compel and inspire some people to go out of their way for you. Your biggest prayers are getting ready to be answered. A group effort will be made on your behalf soon. You won’t even have to express your needs to the people who will be helpful to you. You will carry a pheromone, an aura, an energy that compels someone to obey divine on your behalf. Don’t worry, help is on the way.
You are loved by divine, and you are getting ready to see the fruition and manifestation of his love for you. Your call out to Divine has been heard. Know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Do not fear the unknown. Divine’s provision is being unleashed, and it will flood out all of the times you have been rejected. It will be bigger and greater than you can even imagine. Listen to a very powerful and positive prophecy you have received as of recently and know that God/Divine is about to do it. What opposed you before will bow and those who have humiliated you over the past months and years will be shocked. Whatever you need, the provision will follow you asking God/divine. The Orishas will honor whatever destiny God/Divine has on your life. Even the most powerful beings must honor a prophecy he has spoken over you. His word, stands, and all walls crumble. The road, is now open. The possibilities of the universe are open to you.
You are coming out of the war and you are headed home. You are bound to be delivered from (a) generational curse(s) at this time. The releasement of your calling is coming to you. You may even notice that your prayers have resurrection power and authority now. What died in you, will now live. The just shall live, and what no longer serves you is being released. Shed old facets of yourself, as something is awakened in you. You have become the master in something, you are THE ONE, in something. And now, you’ve found out what that is.
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
This post was sponsored in part by: Staging Styling SaQred Spaces
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If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight.  The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image credit: Wikipedia
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chalkrub · 1 month ago
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some of the head coms from recently <:^) indefinitely still open for these !
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gentlemanmotorslifestyle · 3 months ago
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hold-fast-and-rise · 12 days ago
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Porsche 911
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bobcronkphotography · 17 days ago
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Drifting Through Light
Oregon Coast
Bob Cronk
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lailoken · 1 year ago
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One of the most important aspects of the Road Opening work I do is the propitiation of Crossroads Spirits, and when it comes to such offerings, I've found that you absolutely cannot go wrong with Rum, Tobacco, and Gold.
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krumpkin · 22 days ago
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Indian Scout Custom 😎
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satyrmagos · 1 year ago
Book, Bell, and Blade: A Road Opening Ritual
There are times when the ways seem closed, when you feel that all your efforts are blocked, your vision obscured. You may know what is holding you back, but can see no clear way around, over, or through. Or you may not know what it is that stands between you and your desires and ambitions. At those times, kneel before your altar and open your book to the appointed pages. Road Opening /…
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insomniattic · 11 months ago
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after burn.
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opendirectories · 3 months ago
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