#roach's angel
left-for-carrion · 3 months
Personally I think it's a shame that nobody's pinned me down and torn my wings off yet, but yk, it's never too late-
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jellybe-gets-creative · 8 months
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I feel like I m drawing at the speed of light.
A few colored scribbles/doodles and stuff I wanted to draw.
(I love all of the Hazbin hotel staff very much)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Too many fucks in the hotel kitchen (most of them thankfully not literal) (MOST of them)
Angel Dust: “Are you TRYIN’ to kill me???”
Vaggie: “If I was, I wouldn’t have missed.”
Vaggie: “You looked at Charlie and said ‘ugh’.”
Angel Dust: “No shit I said UGH! Your girlfriend’s oozing demonic tar all over the kitchen!”
Vaggie: “So? She’s allowed to have midnight snacks without being a night person.”
Angel Dust: “Not all over my bagel she isn’t!”
Charlie: “???bAGeL???”
Angel Dust: “Oh hell no you don’t-”
Vaggie: “Give her the bagel and it’ll give me time to make pancakes.”
Charlie: “!!!!!!pAN-----CAkEsssssss!!!”
Angel Dust: “…you’re fucking one fucking creepy lady, lady.”
Vaggie: “Shows what you know, asshole. She’s absolutely adorable, aren’t you Charlie?”
Charlie: “~~~~HEHEHEH~~~ iM cUUUTe~~~”
Angel Dust: “Motherfucker… these damn pancakes had better be worth it.”
Vaggie: “The fuck said I was making you any?”
Angel Dust: “What th- I gave your creepy girl my bagel!”
Vaggie: “And called her creepy.”
Angel Dust: “I made a sacrifice out of the goodness of my heart and this is what I get for it? That was my fucking bagel! RESPECT MY FUCKING BAGEL, BITCH!!”
Husk: “Who the fuck let him fuck the bagels again.”
Angel Dust: “Oh fff-uck me.”
Vaggie: “Again?”
Charlie: “Bagel-ssS? PLURAL???”
Angel Dust: “Blame Husky voice over there, he dared me to!”
Husk: “I said don’t fuck up that bagel.”
Angel Dust: “See?? Listen to the way he’s sayin’ it! So I had ta! And it was just the one time!”
Vaggie: “WHEN was this ‘one time’.”
Angel Dust: “…Uhh…”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Babe. Drop the bagel.”
Charlie: “Suddenly I’m very awake now and really wish I wasn’t.”
57.) No fucks in the kitchen. Not of any kind. Don’t even say the word while you’re in there, it’s too fucking dangerous.
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onenicebugperday · 10 months
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My mom is raising discoid roaches and she’s so excited because her first one just molted! Please enjoy this bug looking like an absolute baby. The exoskeleton is the dark shell next to it :)
An angel...freshly peeled :') Please tell all the roaches that I love them very much
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r0achezz · 9 months
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I’m actually going to insane over her AHHH
fun fact: this is omelette approved because she did not try to eat my phone while I was drawing this 👍
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crosseyedcricketart · 5 months
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Some Gaz for the necromancer!Soap & ghost!Roach au :
Gaz : You remind me of a cat sometimes
Soap : Yeah? Why? Most people say I'm a dog for some reason.
Gaz : That's because you're a himbo. I think you're a cat because sometimes you freeze and stare at an empty corner of the room as if you're seeing something I can't see. What are you looking at, ghosts?
Soap : 😀☝️😐😅
Roach : Don't tell him, he's our main source of fun-
Gaz : Hey, I just found out there's a haunted house not that far away and I've been binge watching ghost hunting videos lately, how about we rent some equipment and go try to find ourselves a ghost?
Soap : Oh uh....
Roach : Say yes, please say yes I've always wanted to go ghost hunting!
Soap : Sure.
Then at the haunted house there isn't a single ghost, except Roach, who makes all their equipment go crazy all by himself, and who has the time of his life. Gaz thinks he experienced something huge and Soap doesn't have the heart to tell him that his army of ghosts were actually just a dead Welsh madman cackling like the menace for society that he is from the top of the stairs...
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greyauras · 6 months
Demons and Angels, Ghost/Roach/Soap, Angel!Ghost, Human!Roach and Demon!Soap.
Okay, so you know how angels are actually pretty fuckin terrifying and demons are technically the attractive ones who you would be more likely to go with according to some lore? Basically ghost is an Eldritch horror and Soap's the "whatever you desire" seducer. They both show up around Roach one day (that day being the worst day of his entire life) to save him and try to vie for Roach's choice to be a soldier for heaven or hell due to his new-found life debt. They each try to convince him of the cons of the other side but Roach...likes the both of them...really likes them. He watches them fight over him, knowing they're both his forever if he doesn't "make the decision".
He made it a long time ago.
Bonus point ↓
The enemies to lovers plot has been going on for 280 years and Roach be like.
"Why don't we all just kiss?"
Groundbreaking discovery.
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slurwrapsupremexd · 2 months
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sadcabbages · 5 months
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headcanon: Angel gets way too invested in the roach puppet shows
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left-for-carrion · 3 months
Just thinking about holding you down and tearing off your wings. do I do it slowly or fast? what should I use to do it. thinking about licking blood off your back. Keeping your wings somewhere you can see them and remember all our fun. You know just thinking about it
Oughhh- Just thinking?? You could do it fast, let them tear and crackle, bones popping out of their sockets and feather and blood spraying all over the ground Or fast, languish in the feeling of jaggedly stretching muscle, tendons cracking and snapping Use a knife, your hands, your teeth digging into the joints and ripping through my flesh <3<3<3 Hang them on the wall and let them dry, pinned to it-
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 3 months
Papa Roach - Between Angels And Insects
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Hey… angel and Demoms…. Gimme
Yes, tha'am
Roach ended up locating another demon that was supposed to have connections to Alex. Soap would admit to being impressed by that since he’d had nothing to go on but a first name. Apparently there weren’t too many demons who went by Alex. Which made sense. 
Nicknames were more of a human and Angel thing. Soap… Gaz… Most demons just went by their full names. Which narrowed down the options considerably. Narrow that even further down to Alex’s who know an Alejandro Vargas? Bingo. 
Roach found another demon by the name of Simon Riley. He was a fighter and he was… well, they didn’t actually know anything else. Apparently no one did. Simon Riley was elusive. 
Soap stepped into the room, surprised to see a demon with a skull mask on. He looked over at Roach, who was wrapping his hands, raising an eyebrow. Roach shrugged and fluttered his pale green wings slightly. Soap shrugged and sighed, shaking his head. 
The demon had watched him enter, his brown eyes following every movement. He looked… hungry, almost. Soap didn’t like it. “Simon-”
“No.” The demon shook his head. “Ghost.”
“Ghost?” Soap raised an eyebrow, tilting his head. 
“That’s my name. Simon Riley is dead.” Ghost shrugged. “He’s been dead for a while.”
Soap hesitated, but he decided to cooperate. Hopefully if they worked with the demon, maybe things would go faster and smoother. Maybe. “Alright. Ghost. You know an Alex, right?”
“I know Alexei, yes.” Ghost nodded. “He’s my friend.”
Soap smiled. “Good.” He grabbed a chair, sitting down. “We’re not… here to torture you, you’re not being interrogated. We just… want to talk about Alex.”
“Mhm. And this has nothing to do with the little angel he’s been seeing?” Ghost’s eyes looked amused. Soap noticed that not much of his skin was on show and he was dressed a lot more casual than the other demons he’d seen. Black hoodie, black sweatpants. Soap wondered if Roach had grabbed him while he was sleeping. 
Soap tried to think of the best way to answer the question. “That little angel is my brother,” he explained. “I’m just… trying to keep him safe.”
“And he’s not safe with a demon?”
“Figures.” Ghost shook his head. “We help you but we’re still ultimately the enemy, right? After this war with the humans is over, you’ll go right back to trying to destroy us.”
“You’re not the enemy,” Soap shook his head. “I don’t think you are.”
“Does your friend?” Ghost nudged his head in Roach’s direction. “He brought me here.”
‘I have no enemies.’ Roach signed, coming to stand behind Soap. ‘There are only clients and targets.’
Roach had become a mercenary shortly after he and Soap… split. Soap didn’t really know anything else about where he’d ended up, after that. They’d barely spoken until now. 
Ghost shrugged at Roach’s answer and leaned back in his seat, sighing. Obsidian black wings fluttered behind him before resting. “So, what are you wanting from me?”
“Make your friend leave my brother alone.” Soap sighed. 
Ghost looked at him for a moment before laughing. “That’s cute. You think I have any sort of semblance of control over my friends. I tell them not to do something and they take it as a challenge. If Alex has found a fixation on your brother, there’s not much I can do about it besides assure you that he’ll treat him well.”
Soap clenched his hands into fists. “No. I need Gaz and Alex to never see each other again.”
Ghost shrugged. “Then tell your little Gaz to leave Alex alone.”
“I’ve tried, he-” Soap stopped and trailed off, embarrassed.
“He took it as a challenge?” Ghost finished, chuckling. “Seems like our friends are perfect for each other.”
Soap glared at him. “Can’t you do anything for me?”
Ghost’s eyes looked up and down Soap before he was chuckling again. “I mean… I could do… something for you.”
Soap’s brain caught onto the implication, immediately, and he found himself flushing dark red. “Demons.” He muttered. “One thing constantly on your mind.” He ignored Roach laughing behind him, since… well, Soap also had one thing on his mind. “Are all of you like that?”
“For the most part. You call us hedonistic, after all.” Ghost shrugged. “Come on. Untie me and I’ll show you what I can do.”
“No. Not happening.” Soap shook his head. “You’re staying in that chair until we’re done.”
“You’re no fun. Maybe your friend is more receptive to the offer?” Ghost looked over at Roach, who appeared to be considering it. Soap glared at him and both laughed. God, unbelievable. 
Soap tried to consider another angle to go at this with, tapping his hands on his thighs. “Roach said you’re a fighter. What kind?”
“Boxing.” Ghost shrugged. “I used to be a soldier but… I got injured. Forced to stay out. Now I box to get rid of aggression.”
“You any good at it?” Soap tilted his head. He’d admit his curiosity was slightly piqued.
“I think so.” Ghost shrugged. 
‘He’s undefeated.’ Roach signed, amused. ‘His stats are impressive.’
“Undefeated?” Soap blinked, looking at Ghost, who only shrugged. “So you definitely are good at it. You fight in a club or-”
“It’s a club, but I don’t think two pretty little angels like you are going to want to go.”
“What is with demons and calling angels little?” Soap huffed. Little seraphim. “My true form would likely dwarf yours.”
“Yet your forms to blend into the humans are both shorter than mine. Hmm.” Ghost chuckled. “Anyway, the club is The Inferno. It’s pretty exclusive to get into unless you know one of the fighters.”
Soap narrowed his eyes. Was this an invitation?
Roach stepped forward, looking very interested. ‘Unless you know one of the fighters? And you’re one?’
“I am.” Ghost nodded, his eyes almost appearing to light up. “You want to come to a fight, sweetheart?”
‘I may consider it.’ Roach went around him and then he was trailing his fingers down the side of Ghost’s mask. He put both hands in front of Ghost so he could sign. ‘My friend may not take up your offer but I will. In exchange for something.’
“My offer of… what exactly?”
‘Showing me exactly what you can do…’
“Roach!” Soap exclaimed. “He’s a demon!”
Roach snorted. ‘So?’
Ghost looked amused. “Hmm… Maybe I should add the caveat that the Seraphim stays and watches. May be fun. What do you want in exchange?”
‘You tell us how to get your friend to stay away from the angel.’
Ghost sighed and leaned his head back to look at Roach. “As intriguing as your offer is and as much as I’d love to lie and give you a way… If Alex really does want your angel friend, it’s going to take the angel rejecting him for him to get off his tail. Alex is stubborn. Like I said, he’ll treat him right.”
Roach sighed. ‘No deal, then.’
“Damn.” Ghost shrugged and lifted his head back up. “Can I be released now?”
“You said The Inferno?” Soap tilted his head, knowing he was likely going to regret that. Ghost, however, just nodded, his eyes lighting up again. “Awesome. Roach, you can let him go.”
Roach untied the demon. “Find me again, sometime. Maybe I’ll have a better answer for you.” Ghost hummed and then he was disappearing. 
Soap immediately turned to Roach. “He’s a demon. You know what they can do.”
‘I’m not going to let Rodolfo’s trauma keep me from having fun. What happened to your brother is unfortunate… even if it wasn’t necessarily the demons’ faults. But-’
“Oh, fuck off!” Soap glared at him. “You know nothing about that. Regardless, this isn’t about Rodolfo, it’s about Gaz. And the fact that demons are not trustworthy.”
‘Soap! Everyone knows everything! The whole fucking Angel world knows about the Seraphim who was damaged by two demons. It was a whole fucking scandal.’ Roach glared at him before softening. ‘I feel sympathy for your brother. I do… But Soap… Why are you letting his negative experience cloud your judgment?’
“You know nothing about it. You don’t see him day to day as he struggles. You didn’t watch him pass out from a brush with them.” Soap glared at Roach, stepping back as Roach moved to him. However, Roach only continued forward, stopping and putting his hands on Soap’s face. He didn’t wear a mask, but the bottom half of his face was always permanently distorted, unable to be seen. 
But, the distortion cleared and Roach leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Soap’s lips before he was pulling away. ‘I don’t think you know everything, either. Regardless,’ Roach signed as he backed away. Pain struck through Soap’s heart, ‘I said I would help you. I’m not going to stop that. But, Soap… ask yourself. Why are we doing this? For who’s sake?’
Soap shook his head. “My brothers-”
‘Why? What good will this do for them? Gaz stops seeing that demon and then what happens? You three go back to lonely and bored? What did the demons do to Rodolfo that was that horrible?’
“They struck him. With a Devil’s blade.” Soap grit out. “During a fight.”
Roach paused. ‘What?’
“Yes. It left a fairly horrible scar.” Soap shook his head. “He’s been left permanently damaged by the poison. He had to stop being a warrior. His body will never be the same. All because they were having a petty argument. It was an accident, of course, but my brother was left permanently damaged.”
Roach’s face turned to an expression of guilt. ‘Soap, I’m-’
“Save it.” Soap rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the help, Roach, but I no longer need you.” He turned and left, shaking his head. Fuck that. He’d find help somewhere else. 
Alex stared at his two friends. “You did what?!” Ghost and Alejandro were sitting with him at a bar and both had just been talking about their brushes with angels. 
Alejandro cringed. “I- We want him back, Alex. We were willing to do whatever to do that.”
“And if General Price were to discover that you were trying to kidnap Rodolfo?!” Alex shook his head. “Fuck, what if you succeeded? You two are going to be the first two he looks at!”
Alejandro shrugged. “We would deal with that when we got there but Alex… He’s not okay! He’s dying and it’s our fault, but we can fix it!”
“Let him die!” Alex slapped his hand against his forehead. “And Valeria just went with this?”
“Enthusiastically. We both want him back. We’re willing to do anything.”
“Including potentially bring down the wrath of the entire Angel Army down on you both?” Alex glared at him. Alejandro just shrugged in response.
“You’re one to talk, Alex.” Ghost laughed. “They kidnapped me to get me to have you leave their brother alone. Your little angel that you’ve been obsessed with for how long now? He’s practically General Price’s son. What happens if he finds out you watch him sleep?”
“I’m not-” Alex shuddered. “I’m not watching him sleep, I’m just… trying to keep him safe.”
“Fuck off.” Alex huffed. “It’s different.”
“No it’s not.” Alejandro leaned back in his seat. “You think you can do a better job protecting him.”
“I know I can do a better job protecting him.” Alex glared at Alejandro. “What, you think you and Valeria can keep from stabbing yours this time?”
“Fuck you,” Alejandro hissed, having to be held back from lunging across the table at Alex. Alex only glared at him. “Yes! We do think we can keep from stabbing him.”
“Yeah, well a lot of good it did you.” Alex shook his head. “He got away. Does he know we both are friends? Because he could put my connection with Gaz in trouble.”
“You are a hypocrite!” Alejandro exclaimed.
“Go fuck yourself.” Alejandro glared at Alex.
Ghost shook his head. “Both of you. Enough. Look, I think I could keep the ones who grabbed me distracted. That takes weight off of both of you. But I can’t do anything about General Price. We need to find a way to keep him… distracted.”
“He should be plenty distracted, soon.” Alex shook his head. “The humans have been upscaling their attacks on one of the far continents. 
“That’s not good. What if he takes our angels with him?” Alejandro sighed. “We’re fucked.”
“He won’t.” Ghost shook his head. “Safest place in any angel territory is the garden.”
“Yeah, well that’s the second problem. The most secure place is the Garden.” Alejandro furrowed his brows. “How are we going to get in?”
“And what??” Alex questioned. “Kidnap our angels? That’s a stupid idea.”
“Don’t act like you’re not tempted.” Alejandro rolled his eyes. “If he finds out what’s through one of your mirrors, he’ll never want to see you again. If you kidnap him, he can’t leave.”
“And he’ll hate me forever.” Alex shook his head. “I’m not risking that.”
“So you’re going to risk him one day deciding not to see you, ever again?” Alejandro raised an eyebrow.
Alex shrugged. “If he chooses that… so be it.”
Alex winced. “Look, I’ll cross that bridge if I get to it.”
“He already knows about the hallway. It’s a matter of time before he gets curious and starts to explore. That’s what angels do.” Alejandro sighed. “They’re more curious than they should be. They know how to get in trouble. Especially angels like ours. Even Seraphim… They’re sweet, little things, and they get in way too much trouble. He’s going to find that room. And he’s going to leave you. What are you going to do?”
Alex was silent for a moment, staring down at his glass of alcohol. “The first time he met me, he was being raped by a human. If I kidnap him, he’ll feel violated again. I will be no better.”
“We’re not better.” Ghost sighed. “We’re demons. They won’t ever consider us better. I’m not sure I agree with Alejandro’s idea to kidnap him, but… no matter what you do, someone is going to make you the villain. Might as well go with the easiest option.”
“Fine. Even if I do kidnap him, even if he’s somehow okay with it, the full wrath of General Price will be on all of our backs.” Alex glared at them both. “Maybe I’m not willing to deal with that.”
Alejandro cringed and then went silent for a moment. “I can’t let Rodolfo slip through my fingers, again. I’m willing to bear whatever I have to, to get him back.” He shook his head. “If I have to spend the rest of eternity in hiding… If I have to let him hate me for eternity, I will get him back.”
“For one little angel?” Ghost tilted his head.
“He’s not just an angel. He’s… my greatest dependency. He’s our vice. We need him.” Alejandro glared at the table. “And I’m going to get him back. Whether you both help me and in return, I help you with whatever you need or… we do it alone and you both fuck off, wash your hands of us. Valeria and I are going to get him back.”
Alex went silent and then he sighed. “Fine. What’s the plan? If you even have one.”
Alejandro blinked and then looked at Ghost, who shrugged as well. “Do you have a plan?” Ghost asked.
Alejandro then grinned. “No, but I bet Valeria does.”
“Oh, great.” Alex shook his head.
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onenicebugperday · 7 months
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i just need to show this,,, i recently got some madagascar hissing roaches and look!!!!!! freshly peeled!!!!! im so proud of this little man,,,
Freshly peeled angel!!! Please tell him he's beautiful
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r0achezz · 8 months
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spider man .
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namazunomegami · 15 days
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Lord of the Flies, Gluttonous Queen, Prince of Filth, Prince of Decay, Goddess of Ekron, Lord of Slander, Queen of Pestilence and Famine, The Rotting One
I Solomon said unto him: “Beelzeboul what is thy employment?” And (s)he answered me: “I destroy kings. I ally myself with foreign tyrants. And my own demons I set on to men, in order that the latter may believe in them and be lost. And the chosen servants of God, priests, and faithful men, I excite unto desires for wicked sins, and evil heresies, and lawless deeds; and they obey me, and I bear them on to destruction. And I inspire men with envy, and desire for murder, and for wars, and sodomy, and other evil things. And I will destroy the world.” - The Testament of Solomon
#oc: bael roach/beelzebub#dw i got you her first name is pronounced like belle#it's spelled bael to be close to the hebrew name of ba'al zebuv#she's so special to me i love writing characters like her#she's a bit narcissistic and has her own brand of a chaotic tantrum throwing temper but she can be REAL creepy sometimes#she's also a big party girl who's always overdressed for the occassion#and since beelzebub is the sin of gluttony she's constantly eating drinking and smoking in my mind#the funniest thing about me that even tho i have entomophobia i like insect imagery and symbolism with my characters#and well she's literally beelzebub she can basically control any kind of bugs and stuff#i also like the living hive concept a lot so yeah.... there're bugs living inside of her body#i mostly picture her with cockroaches flies skull moths and mantises crawling around her shoulder and face a lot#she's like gru with the minions she can tell all of them apart and remembers everything about them#she's not part of any fandom but i ship her a lot with woland their dynamic would be crazy#two chaotic iteration of the devil stirring the pot but since woland is more composed and calculated he'd balance her over the top#and dramatic mess of a personality out quite well#they'd crash each others parties and stuff and have a heated banter but actually wouldn't lay a finger on each other#in fact if you remotely try to insult or dare i say hurt one of them the other would go and whoop your ass bc they're offended#also fun fact i love the idea that the rest of the seven deadly sins were once high ranking angels who betrayed heaven for lucifer#so it'll go the same for my girlie too#i headcannon that she still has her wings but they turned into a more insectoid kinda thing#my moodboards :3
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