darkenigma32 · 6 years
(X) @disasterbrcught
“... It’s hard for me to take a break, Milo... I drop my guard, something bad will happen to you due to Murphy’s Law.” She sighed, giving Milo a gentle head ruffle.
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“I’ll take a break once I’m back at my apartment... Or when things get a bit less hectic for the both of us.” For the most part, the female Brit’s duty to her friend/charge came first... She was a bit over-dedicated to her job.
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plvywriite-blog · 6 years
@rnurphyslawed for x.
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     “ they say the loch ness monster is real and then they say she isn’t and i don’t know the truth and , to be honest , i am terrified . “
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A C&D Order
@rnurphyslawed liked for a starter!
It was a day like any other day in this section of Danville. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and like on any weekend, the citizens were out and about enjoying their days. It was a perfect day. It was a day primed for disaster.
Elliot stood vigilant, acting sentry to the crosswalk by the park. Behind his sunglasses, he kept an eye out for any and all safety violations. Someone’s hubcap was missing a nut. That was a citation tucked underneath their wiper. Well, it would have been if it hadn’t been for a freak breeze blowing it away into the wild blue yonder.
Odd. There wasn’t supposed to be any strong winds today. Unless... Elliot’s serious expression gained a hint of annoyance as he turned to find exactly who he suspected. Milo Murphy. The middle-schooler was on the other side of the street, but it was clear from the way he craned his head from side to side he was preparing to cross.
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Elliot gripped the handle of his personal stop sign, and all but lunged across the road to land firmly in the boy’s path. “Stop!” He thrust the sign forward, thumb pressing down the button that turned it to reveal the young Murphy’s name.
“...Milo.” Elliot sneered, peering suspiciously at the boy through his sunglasses. “What are you up to?”
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dragcns-den · 6 years
starsweepers replied to your post “(Hiya, friendos! I got my wisdom teeth taken out today and… It sucks....”
yuck, wisdom teeth removal is legit the worst, i feel. i've had like two other mouth surgeries and neither compare to that x3 good luck on the recovery!
nebulabeings replied to your post “(Hiya, friendos! I got my wisdom teeth taken out today and… It sucks....”
((Good luck with the recovery, Dragon. Please have a good rest.))
rnurphyslawed replied to your post “(Hiya, friendos! I got my wisdom teeth taken out today and… It sucks....”
Oh, yikes! That doesn't sound like fun. Put on some cheesy movies and eat as much of your favorite soup as you want. Rest as much as you can. Don't feel pressured to do any replies, take care of yourself! I love you, you lovely being!!!!!
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(*hugs you all because OMG you are amazing?!* X3 Seriously, these messages really helped cheer me up! My day didn’t start out the best, but seeing all of these nice messages from such wonderful people definitely made it so much better! Don’t worry about me, friendos. I am going to do my best to get a lot of rest and just tackle this week one day at a time. :D *thumbs up* I was actually able to take a nap this afternoon since I didn’t sleep well last night, which was great! Plus, I think I figured out a way to take my pills without them making me feel as sick as they did yesterday. :3c So that’s a big plus! lol XD Anywhoosie... Things are already starting to look up and it’s only day two. Just gotta keep a positive attitude! *finger guns* I hope that you all have an absolutely amazing day, you incredible people!) 
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hangyakuno-a · 6 years
I think Jay smells like fruity conditioner, honey, and a liiiiiittle bit of dog. :3
YES!!!!!!! especially the honey, then like a melon conditioner, and perpetually Serenity’s doggie shampoo bc they keep it in the bathtub and sometimes accidentally use it. :s also if they’ve been painting a little bit too much then they smell like paint too.
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invisihero · 7 years
@rnurphyslawed POWED the heart button for a starter!
      Violet approached the brunet from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. Without hesitation, she shoved paper bills and a few coins into his chest, some of it dropping with a  CLINK. She squatted down and quickly grabbed at them for anyone else could swipe the money.
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       ❝  Don’t try to give it back  —  long story short, my brother thought it was a wild idea to use the textbook you lent me, in his stupid water project. I’m. . . I’m sorry. You trusted me and I let you down. . . ❞
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multistellars-blog · 7 years
✔ ( any muse you want! )
My muse(s):
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Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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darkenigma32 · 6 years
🎁 + a coffee mug reading "#1 counselor"! It's wrapped in a BIG cardboard box, with LOTS of protective stuffing and bubble wrap.
Riff just chuckled softly as she managed to dig through the stuffing and bubble wrap to retrieve the coffee mug.
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“Always one step ahead, Milo... Thank you.” She would ruffle the boy’s hair fondly with her usual faint grin, making a mental reminder to keep the mug safe. “Happy holidays, lad.”
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@rnurphyslawed liked for a starter!
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“Wait, so let me get this straight.” Delaney held up her hand to prevent any interruptions, surveying the wreckage around them with utter bewilderment. “Not only does disaster tend to follow you wherever you go, but you’ve also been responsible for the failure of several pistachio saving missions,and not only that--” She waved her arms emphatically. “--but you’re also friends with Agents Cavendish and Dakota? Did I hear everything correctly?”
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themanofgloom · 6 years
Curse me!
“Milo, I curse you to…hm…” There were so many things that were available for him to say. Which one would be best? “Milo, I curse you with a life where EHML does not effect you at all, and you, and everybody after you, will be free from the law.”
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invisihero · 7 years
rnurphyslawed replied to your post: hi. it’s my birthday today.
powermadleader replied to your post:
happy birthday! :)
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✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
!!!! I love you, Pop!!! 💝❤️
Also I never re-post Bc it’s annoying but !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hippievibing · 7 years
’ you always seem to have a solution for any problem. ’ ( HI I HOPE THIS IS OKAY!! )
Compliment Sentence Starters.
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❝Oh, thank you, Milo! I must be doing something right.❞ Malakai smiled warmly down at him, ❝You can come talk to me, any time, okay? It doesn’t matter what it’s about. I’ll be here.❞
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darkenigma32 · 5 years
(X) @lovedbypoptart​
“What happened this time?” Riff got up from her work desk to walk around and examined her friend/charge’s broken wrist.
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“We should call a medic first before I let you ride with me on my motorcycle to the hospital.”
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themanofgloom · 6 years
♦ :3c
“….Milo.” The name was said with ease, but it was also said with mild bitterness. “When I hear your name, I think of ‘affable.’ Don’t take that as a direct compliment, because I have a feeling that you act too nice and kind at times. Even to me.”
He paused for a moment.
“…Stay safe, kid.”
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hangyakuno-a · 7 years
◐ [mainverse] (OKAY BUT WOULDN'T THIS BE ADORABLE?!?!??!)
(FYI i’m using teen jay! I figure that’d be more explicable than a 27 year old hanging out with a teen like milo. idk, maybe that’s just me)
Jay opened the front door and ushered him in, the bustle of the household with Thomas arriving from college and their parents cleaning the house making for a constant drone of background noise. 
“Hey! Here, i can take the bags, if you want. This is your first time to the house isn’t it? My room’s on the first floor, used to be the TV den but like, its mine now and its super big so we have plenty of room.”
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