agentxofmib · 5 years
@powermadleader || starter call
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   X thought for a second, passing the younger individual, but then freezing and turning to face them as something occurred to him. Sure they traveled out of NYC, again, for a simple runaway problem gone sour, but this? This was uncalled for.    ❝What are you doing here? This is strict Division 6 scene, you should head home, kid.❞
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rxpper-roo · 6 years
{💣}—; Roo reached up and adjusted his glasses, it occurred to the experiment that he was lost and wasn’t quite sure where he was. Last thing he remembered was he in his home on Wumpa Island and now he woke up on a beach here in a city he couldn’t recall ever visiting, with a large building in the shape of a T not too far.
Since it was the closest structure to him he approached carefully to see if anyone was around, hopefully he could get some directions or something since he was in unfamiliar territory and really should get home.
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scouscr · 6 years
@powermadleader | starter call
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“No, I don’t know any ruddy spells that would grant ya the ability to fly. Or any other kind of stupid metahuman power for that matter.” It simply wasn’t the kind of magic that he excelled in, outside of lobbing a few fireballs here and there. Nor did he have any interest in studying the relevant grimoires to improve. He was quite comfortable in his niche where the kind of magics he focused on veered more towards protection, exorcism and summoning.     And doing so had cost him quite a lot.
“Why don’t you try bothering Zatanna or Doctor Fate instead, and leave me alone, all right?”
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tenderborn · 6 years
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     🐢  ❝      if you   DON’T MIND ME ASKING    .  .   what  exactly  is the plan here   ??     ❞    
@powermadleader / liked for a starter  !!
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powfist-blog · 6 years
@powermadleader wants a hero!
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   “huh? these? oh, these are pow cards! heroes or villains can get their own depending on how heroic or villainous they are!” ko shows robin his own pow card. “see? i have my own too!”
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thefastestgirlalive · 6 years
@powermadleader liked your post “*Like for a Starter*”
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“Hey I know you! You’re that tiny robin that acts funny.”
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soleiltm · 6 years
@powermadleader liked this post
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❛ My only real crime was that I was down t' clown. ❜
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piizzakiing-blog · 6 years
@powermadleader liked x for a starter!
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          “woah! you have a cape! does that make you a superhero?” always the one to make the obvious so. 
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@powermadleader || cont.
“I’ll have you know that I’m the average height for a male my age!”
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    “Yeah, and what age is that? Twelve? And quit screamin’. Even I’m not that awful.”
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tinkiisms · 6 years
@powermadleader (based on this)
     The fast pace of city center was a perfect mix of order and chaos. Every life moving around one another, scheduled and aimless, tiny from bird’s eye view, gave the fairy both the sense of tranquility and a percussive pulse in her heart. Tinker Bell swooped down, leaving the bright sky and its touches of cotton-cloud behind her as she looked for the most interesting humans she could find to observe up close.
     Naturally, the one in a cape and mask drew her attention first. Most others she could spot were in the usual human garb she had come to expect from them, but this one...what was he up to?
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the-bctman · 7 years
@powermadleader started following you! 
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“Who the hell are you?”
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invisihero · 7 years
@powermadleader POWED the heart button for a starter!
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tellingmcm-blog · 7 years
@powermadleader || ❤
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          Sarah was at first disappointed when she saw Robin by himself--the lamest of the Teen Titans, how boring--but she plastered on a smile and layered on the sugar. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re really Robin!” she squealed, bouncing on her toes. “Is Starfire with you? Huh? Is she?”
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─| @powermadleader | Have a Greeter! |─
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“For the last time--” Orson floated up in the air, hoping to be out of reach. “--I’m not a bad ghost! I haven’t done anything to you, so why are you chasing me?”
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unclescroogie · 6 years
Scrooge always felt alarm when he saw a human, especially out here where there should be nothing but other animals. Autumn leaves coated the ground of the woods, the chill of winter turning them into frosty spectacles that created more of a hard floor than a gentle carpet. He knew humans hunted animals, just like they did, and they always wanted to cover oddities such as talking animals. They were bizarre creatures of logic, and to them they were the only intelligent life forms on the planet other than monkeys. So when they see a three foot tall anthropomorphic duck wearing fancy clothes and carrying around a cane it’s a coin flip for a reaction. The boy standing before him, however, seemed completely numb to his existence, accepting it almost immediately.
The other who stared at him seemingly in curiosity and awe, perhaps he had seen creatures far more bizarre than him before? He wasn’t quite sure. It’s not like it would matter anyways, with his position as it were, it’s not like he could run away. He had gotten his leg caught it seemed in a tangle of vines and thorns. He didn’t think anything was damaged, perhaps a scrape or bruise, but for the most part he was alright, miraculously. The sharp thorns did sting quite a bit but he’s dealt with much worse. From compound fractures to concussions all the way to attempted murders on his life. Considering the fact the other hasn’t made any violent moves towards him, he assumed he wasn’t going to hurt him, and as such was calmed with ease.
He wondered why he didn’t either run in terror or didn’t seem all that surprised to see something like him– he had no idea that he had seen weirder. He had never heard of the super heroes of the human world, never even thought that they had their own group of crime fighters, and as such he was completely out of the loop of any such concept that could desensitize humans to their world. Despite the shock and confusion, in that forest he found he was quite pleased and became less worried about the human race. They were dangerous, as far as he has considered, not any more than the average duck on the street though but they were just as able to attack them as they were to attack back. As such it would be understandable that two species would have some discourse from the one side that knew about the other.
“Hello sir.” He greeted to him, his thick Scottish accent bleeding through his words as he attempted to untangle the brambles that wrapped around his leg. “Do ye have anythin’ I could use t’ cut these vines? Perhaps sheers or scissors?” Scrooge asked him, trying to sound friendly, there was blood beginning to ooze from the cuts that the thorns were making in his leg. He didn’t appreciate it and didn’t want it, and yet here he was– trapped. He hoped beyond hope that he could get out soon, rain was coming and he would much rather not get mud into the wounds as he attempted his return to Duckburg on foot.
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.))
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shesquiinnsane-ar · 6 years
❖ @powermadleader ❖
SWAPPED THE JESTER hat for  Robin’s R. I believe it’s the right one but if it’s not (as there have been slight alterations on it) just let me know and I’ll change it. Hope you like it!
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