#rnm icons
bisexualalienss · 6 months
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MICHAEL GUERIN ☆ 1.02 "So Much for the Afterglow"
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crashnbrn · 2 years
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*snaps fingers* knew it.
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garndiddlious · 9 months
why are all evil morty’s creations peepee colored. he could’ve used a more golden color but NO!!!!!! mustard loving ass.
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sorrelpaws · 1 year
Just ranting here but I hate when I see good Rick and Morty fanart then find out it’s a proship. Have you experienced this?
duh lol ive accidentally liked/rbd rckrty stuff cuz sometimes it isnt tagged or i dont check profiles. generally tho its way easier to filter ppl out on tumblr through tags, twitter is a bit more annoying
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bredforloyalty · 9 months
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🥺 @trucknoisettes love youuuu what a compliment.... i know the episode has gotten criticism for like, its trite concept, or rather for falling into the trap that rnm has fallen into a couple times. that poking fun at heists while not really having love for the genre and while wanting to be smarter than heist movies makes for an overcomplicated, annoying episode that ends up doing what it claims to condemn, you know?? (plus you have to ignore elon musk being there, briefly, it still sucks major ass though lol). but from a character standpoint, it's just so good it's become one of my favorites !!!
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Also I rewatched the other Inside Job Part 2 trailer and ‘this is the most damaging midlife crisis since Elon Musk’ has aged like the FINEST of wines
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sadiecoocoo · 8 months
The amount of confusion I feel when I’m listening to music and a song comes in that I know I love and have always loved but when I check to make sure it’s in my liked playlist and it just isn’t is unparalleled
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
Liz: Maria, you got big bob?
Maria: … yeah… but should we be shooting your boyfriend?
Kyle: *containing his excitement* I’ll get it!
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its-elioo · 11 months
Incorrect quotes Part 2 (RnM fanfic related)
Part 1, Part 3
Ratchet: If you had 7 cookies and I asked for 3, how many would you have?
Pinkie: None.
Ratchet: This is basic math Pinkie-
Pinkie: I would give them all to you because you are my friend!
Ratchet: [holding back tears] Disgusting. Get away from me.
Optimus: I’m adopting another child.
Sunset: Congratulations, Optimus! That’s great-
Optimus: It’s you, sign here.
Sideswipe: YOU’RE NOT!
Rainbow: I AM!
Strongarm, beyond confused: What are they arguing about?
Twilight: Fnaf lore.
[on a walk]
Bumblebee: It’s beautiful out here.
Fluttershy: And quiet.
Bumblebee: Too quiet.
Fluttershy: Did we lose someone?
[cut to Pinkie and Smokescreen screaming while running from a bear]
Sunset: Ratchet isn’t answering.
Twilight: I’ll call.
Rainbow: Twi, we all tried several times each, what makes you thi-
Ratchet: Hello?
Rainbow: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Bumblebee: Wasn’t Sideswipe with you?
Sideswipe: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Sunset: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Fluttershy: How can you still say that?!
Sunset: Because when things get though, denial is all we have.
Rainbow: Don’t worry, if there’s a bad guy within a mile of us, I’ll sense it.
A Vehicon: *appears behind her*
Rainbow: May be a little off my game here.
Ratchet: You think I enjoy being a mother hen to you all?!
The whole team: …
Ratchet: Okay, fine. It’s like a crack to me.
Rainbow: When I was little-
Sideswipe: Pfft, “was”.
Twilight: It was me…
Ratchet: …Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Rarity: This is a mistake!
Knock Out: A mistake we’re going to laugh about one day!
Rarity: But not today.
Knock Out: Oh, no. Today’s going to be a mess.
Rainbow, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Sideswipe, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Pinkie, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Smokescreen, trembling: What are we even playing??
Rarity: Just be careful, Knock Out!
Knock Out: I’m always careful, my dear!
Knock Out: It’s everything around me that’s careless.
Pinkie: I’ve already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Smokescreen: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Sideswipe: Yo, come here.
Rainbow: For what?
Sideswipe: Just come here.
Rainbow: Nah, you’re gonna hit me.
Twilight: Am I in trouble?
Arcee: Take a guess.
Twilight: No?
Arcee: Take another guess.
Rarity: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Knock Out: Thank you.
Rarity: I didn’t say that was a good thing.
Knock Out: What I’m hearing is, you think I’m funny.
Sideswipe: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Rainbow: You and me!
Sideswipe, tearing up: Okay.
Optimus: With great power comes great responsibility.
Sunset: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Twilight: How do I deal with my enemies?
Arcee: Kill them.
Twilight: That’s a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution.
Arcee: Kill them only a little?
Pinkie: I have made a complete replica of the Eiffel Tower out of popsicle sticks!
Smokescreen: Pinkie… how much popsicles did you eat?
Pinkie: I can’t feel my tongue and world smells of colors!
Bumblebee: I know you two snuck out last night, Rainbow.
Sideswipe, whispering: Play dump.
Rainbow: Who’s Rainbow?
Sideswipe: Not that dump!
Shockwave: This kind of idiocy will NOT be tolerated in my laboratory.
Steve: Is there a level of idiocy you'd be more comfortable with, sir?
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crashnbrn · 2 years
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because i am the one morty! you wanna know why i replaced myself from the beginning of that stupid knight to the sun thing?
i said don’t take the fucking sword, and you were like whatever like, i’m our neighbor, gene or david arquette or something. you called me boring! i’ve become dog shit to you.
that’s what happens when you let people in and they stop respecting you. they touch your shit, they screw things up, they kill your fucking family! go ahead, trust him. you’re gonna learn the same fucking thing.
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dr-lemurr · 11 months
Palette 49 - Warm Isolation. Maria form RNM please... 😊
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Hope you like Maria in all of her fluffy coat glory!
Thanks to @maeglinthebold for the inspired suggestion to add the iconic hat.
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bisexualalienss · 5 months
the one tiktok i ever made being rnm related and i made it high as hell. iconic
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mortypone · 5 months
I can’t keep my mouth shut for this but I got another RNM bracket poll idea. Not episodes or characters but songs 👀 👀- next month though. Let my brain prep on something else other than RnM first and changing the icon to Unmortricken theme to celebrate woo!!
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Shoutout to the other RnM blogs I’ve seen that also have an icon taken from this scene! I always think you’re me at first and get really confused but also I love that we all looked at his little smirk and were like ‘yep’
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hifimuses · 5 months
@countlessrealities asked: / Shipping Call (Accepting)
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OHH I SEE A TON OF IDEAS! JUST HOW I WANTED! Just for peeps on the dash I'm making this a Read More tho so I can go through and give my feedback on each! Thanks for all the ideas!
💙/💚Mabel with Dipper / Ford
THIS IS AN OBVIOUS YES! How can I say no to the Pines not being the Pines!?!?!
💛 Bill with Dipper / Ford
Dipper and Ford would gladly participate in hating on Bill. I'd also throw out an idea with Dipper for some kind of AU Where he actually works with Bill in some sense!
💙/💚 Rick & Morty wiith Summer
God. I am totally down for their canon dysfunctional family canon relationship
💚 / ❤ Morty & Summer with Jessica
I still need to make Jessica Icons I just realized, but YESS! I'm especially down to make romantic ships for both.
💚 Morty with Danny (open to shipping too, depending on your interest)
Despite me never thinking of it. You have caught my interest with the romantic ship idea. The platonic angle at least, totally works to.
💚 Summer with Jazz (as above, open to shipping too, depending on your interest)
This is very much another approval from me, on both ends! Jazz and Summer would make a power couple and bounce off each other.
💚 Summer with Ember
I can see them weirdly getting along well even to the point I would ship them together!
💚 / ❤ Summer with Nergal Jr.
Yes, I need more reason to play the boi, Nergal Jr! I also shipped them before with a friend of mine, so I'm like so down for this!
💚 Summer with Mandy
Ohh, I like this idea and would love to explore it! Actually, now im thinking of throwing Mandy at Morty..maybe romantically even for him?
💚 / ❤ Vaggie with Cherri / Loona (the ship part only in an AU where she's not dating Charlie ofc)
Ofc that's just what I assumed with the AU haha! As for the platonic, all the way! The romance, I'm so here for it. I especiially love playing Cherri and need more excuses to use Loona.
This is a long list x'D Tho, I wanna add that I'd love to have Zim & Dib interacting with my RnM muses, Ivy with your DC muses, and anyone with your Billy and Mandy muses
Honestly I'd love to do all those and maybe EXPAND AND MAKE MORE IDEAS LIKE THE MAD MAN I AM!!! pff
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