#rm in switzerland
RM in Basel: Notes from Semi-Locals
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As we live just an hour away from Basel, imagine our emotional devastation upon finding out that RM visited this city and our country. After losing our minds over his Swiss insta posts, we’re now analyzing his vlog.
First of all, Basel is a city that we’ve visited many times and which is very close to our hearts. When we were kids, Basel was our metropolitan escape from our rural purgatory. Clearly, this was RM’s rural escape from his metropolitan purgatory.
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We are sure that coming from Seoul, Basel feels like a rural town. Within Switzerland, Basel is actually one of the main cities. It’s a center of culture and a university town. It’s also an international hub (by Swiss standards) as it lies on the border between Switzerland, France, and Germany. Additionally, it has one of Switzerland’s three airports (it’s the smallest of the three).
Art Basel is extremely famous and attracts a huge artsy crowd. We’re very disappointed in ourselves for having mis-foreseen Tae at the Montreux Jazz Festival and not RM at Art Basel.
When we watched RM’s vlog, we recognized a lot of the places, and on our latest shopping trip to Basel, we looked for the café he is at in this bf pic: 
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Not only did we find it (turned out to be a v random Italian restaurant), but we also accidentally ended up stumbling on a lot of places that appear in the vlog (minus the museums, lol, not into that) just because Basel is so small.
For reference, here is a handy (and totally not unhinged) map of some places RM went to in central Basel:
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Just to give you an idea of how small Basel is, walking from the Kunstmuseum (bottom of the map) to Art Basel (top right) takes about 17 minutes.
You might notice that RM seemed to have kept a pretty short radius for his activities (as represented in the vlog -- we don’t know what he was up to after hours 😏). We actually recognized the hotel he was staying in, and funnily enough, it’s on the same street as Art Basel as well as the ramen bar, which he visits twice, and The Pub, which he also visits twice in the vlog.
Not on this map are the SBB train station, the Beyeler Foundation, the Tinguely Museum, the Vitra Design Museum (which is fuckin France) as they are further out. To go to these places, he took the tram, a quintessential feature of the Basel landscape.
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He easily could have taken the taxi, and it warms our heart that he chose instead to take public transport, which can be difficult to navigate (especially in German).
As for the food, we can’t believe this is what the hotel serves for breakfast.
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There’s nothing particularly wrong with this, we were just surprised that the restaurant would serve such non-Swiss breakfast foods (also, that croissant looks janky as hell) (no hate tho). The only Swiss things about this breakfast are the orange juice coupled with the coffee.
From what we can see in the rest of the vlog, it doesn’t seem like RM had the opportunity of eating the Swiss national dishes of raclette (melted cheese on potatoes) and fondue (bread dipped in melted cheese). We do think this merits another trip to Switzerland, if only for the culinary cheese journey (P.S. we happen to have mastered these dishes perfectly; come visit us, Namjoon).
We thought a lot about how RM must have been feeling, as he was here only a day or two after the Festa 2022 video dropped and Hybe lost 1 million in stocks. We hope it was a peaceful refuge from the deluge and that he found comfort in this rural town that doesn’t stock any k-pop albums apart from two copies of BE in the biggest CD shop in town.
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To conclude, seeing RM casually stroll through the streets of our land, in one of our favorite cities, was incredibly surreal and astoundingly heartbreaking. Basel, of all places, was the last city we were expecting him in. We have never been the same since.
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bts-trans · 2 years
220730 Big Hit’s Tweet
[#BTS_VLOG] RM l 미술관 VLOG (https://youtu.be/nxUOxsimI8o)
#랜선미술관투어 #작품과자연그리고맥주 #킹받는여우 #방탄소년단의_특별한_일상 #상당히흥미롭습니다대단히재밌습니다
[#BTSVLOG] RM l Art Museum VLOG #OnlineArtMuseumTour #ArtAndNatureAndAlsoBeer #FoxLosingIt* #BTSSpecial_DailyLife #ItsQuiteInterestingItsAlotOfFun (*T/N: Reference to RM's 1220625 Instagram post caption https://twitter.com/BTS_Trans/status/1540779514703147010?s=20&t=C2-eOtuFNFkj1iDKJZM9RA)
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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mikec137 · 1 year
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Mägenwil, Switzerland, February 2023
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schumi-nadal · 3 months
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Today marks the 112th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.
Some of you know that I’m passionate about the RMS Titanic’s history but did you know that I really got into tennis because of one her passengers?
His name was Richard “Dick” Norris Williams, he was a tennis player and here his story:
Richard was born on January 29, 1891, in Geneva, Switzerland in a wealthy family from Philadelphia. He started playing tennis at a young age, and at only 12, he was Swiss junior champion. In 1911, at the age of 20, he won the Swiss Championship.
In 1912, he entered Harvard University as he wanted to continue playing tennis at a higher level. His life took a drastical turn when his father and him departed from Europe on the RMS TItanic. When the ship strucked an iceberg during her maiden voyage, Richard and his father escaped the sinking ship by jumping in the icy water of the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, his father died that night - it is said that he was crushed by a funnel when it fell - but Richard survived by swimming to a partially submerged lifeboat, where he spent several hours knee-deep in the cold water. The passengers of the boat were later saved and brought on the RMS Carpathia. His legs suffered such severe frostbite during the ordeal that the doctor on the Carpathia considered amputation but Richard refused.
This choice was definitely the good one because after months of persistence and determination, he started playing tennis again and later that year, he won his first US Tennis Championship (now known as US Open) in mixed doubles, but also the US Men's Clay Court Championship (which takes place in Houston now). It was his first success but not the last ones. Between 1912 and 1914, he was ranked in the world's top 10 (even became top 2) and reached the US Tennis Championship final twice times in singles, managing to win one of them. After winning the US Tennis Championship a third time, his tennis career was stopped because of WWI. As a decorated soldier, he started playing tennis again in 1920 but as a doubles player. From there to 1927, he reached 7 more major finals, winning three of them, including Wimbledon and the US Tennis Championship twice. In the 1924 Olympics in Paris, he even won the golden medal in mixed doubles with a sprained ankle! He also was part of the US team at the David Cup during that time, was also very successful in there and even became captain. Finally, he retired at the age of 44, in 1935.
After a long career, he died on June 2, 1968, aged 77 from emphysema.
His story really touched me when I first read about him. I was maybe 12 or 13 years old, obsessed with the ship liner's history, I used to watch some Roland Garros matchs on TV at that time and I like to think that he's the one who really got me into that sport: i watched more matchs when I could, read about the sport in general, etc. Also, he was a true fighter on and off the court, he never gave up even when things seem impossible!
Anyway, for those who read that, I hope this small history in the big History pleased you.
And thank you, Dick! 🤍
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misssagustd · 11 months
Unreleased (1)
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When you close your eyes the memory of that day is crystal clear. The shouting. The accusations. The hurtful words you hurled at each other thoughtlessly. Next thing you both know, your luggage was by the door. Him in the living room busy on his laptop, not even sparing you a glance as the door to his apartment opens and shuts. But you do look at him - the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The man you lost.
It's not like you didn't try to work things out. Joon, being the calm, rational thinker that he's always been, one day called you to come over to his place to talk. To you, even if every fiber of your being wanted to be with him, the breakup was justified. What woman in her right mind would cheat on him? Joon had every right in the world to be mad at you.
"I just want to know...why. What did I do too much? Or didn't do at all? What made you unhappy? What..." his voice hitches. He looks down at his hands, fingers fidgeting as he tries to get a grip on himself. You look at the ceiling and close your eyes, wishing you didn't have to go through this at all. Wasn't it enough for him that you weren't chasing him down for his forgiveness? You stayed away from him - changed your number, moved out of Seoul, and blocked every common friend you have on social media.
"You never said why. Out of all the things we said that day, you never said WHY," his frustration emphasized on the last word.
"Joon, I told you, it was a one-time thing and -" "No, it wasn't!" his low, booming voice echoes throughout his apartment. "You said - you said - you've gone out a couple of times before you slept with him. Maybe somewhere in the grand scheme of things I should be thankful that you came out clean to me instead of me finding out from other people, but I don't want to go there yet. Right now, the only question I want to ask is WHY."
If you were going to be completely honest, you can tell him why. But the problem is, the reason was stupid. So stupid, that it would tear Joon apart.
"He's normal." You finally say. Now that you got it out of your system, it seemed that the words won't stop flowing. "I got to do normal stuff with him. We watched movies and ate at restaurants without having to lock the whole place down for ourselves. We went strolling in Myeongdong and no one took videos and pictures of us together. We went to Everland -"
Joon lost it at the mention of Everland. Back when you started dating, you told him that you wanted to celebrate your birthdays (which were just days apart) in Everland. You finally did after two years of dating, but you never got to enjoy it because people started recognizing him when his hoodie was blown over by the wind. Some girls started approaching with cameras aimed at him, while some started shouting "RM! It's RM! BTS!" When more people started gathering around, security had to whisk you both all the way to the private exit and into the waiting van. All that chaos in under two hours. So much for celebrating your birthdays. Joon apologized profusely when you got home, but you assured him it was okay. However, deep inside, he knew it was an incident that would leave a scar on your relationship.
"You know who I am when we met, what I do for a living. All the rules and shit surrounding me. You know what you signed up for, Y/N!!" "I know, Joon. And I love you. Otherwise, we wouldn't have made it to four years. It's just that..." Your voice trails off. You can feel the tears coming. "It's just that what?" "It's just that I realized there's this huge gap I've been trying to fill by simply accepting and being satisfied with the limited things we can do as a couple. I know you can take me to Paris or Switzerland or Spain at this instant if I wanted to, but that's not what I want. I'm a normal girl, Joon. I'm not from your world. I just want simple things."
Joon was quiet for a few minutes, trying to process your reasoning and thinking if it was enough to justify your cheating. You, on the other hand, were feeling guilty over the relief you felt when you got those feelings out. Everything about this situation was unfair to him.
"Do you love him? Are you in love with him?" Joon finally breaks the silence between you. "Now that you've had a taste of the 'normal' you've been looking for, would you rather have that than what we have?" "No. And I won't go running to him because we've broken up." You say this with conviction because you are 100% sure of how you feel. "It was a stupid mistake and I'm paying for it!" You finally break down. "I did experience the ordinary things I wanted to do with you, but everything reminded me of you. I kept on thinking how much you'd enjoy this, how much I'd rather be there with you than him. At the end of the day, it's still you I want to be with. I love you." You say the last words almost quietly, laced with guilt and resentment.
"You wouldn't cheat on me if you did." He stood up, put on the jacket that was hanging on the couch, and put his phone in his pocket. "I'm giving you until tonight to pack the rest of your stuff that's left here. I'll spend the night in my studio. I want you gone in the morning."
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newtsbloodygf · 8 months
(1st part here)
Main Characters (Part 2):
Kim Jennie
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Full name: Kim Jennie Ruby Jane
English name: Jennie Ruby Jane
Nicknames: Jen, Nini, Jennie
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa), love(Maeve, Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa), darling(Maeve, Hyunjin, I.N.), baby (Maeve, I.N.), hottie (Maeve, Hyunjin, Bangchan), gorgeous (Hyunjin), goddess (Hyunjin), dear (Hyunjin, I.N.)
Name meanings:
Jennie: "(white) fairy", "fair one", "phantom" or "soft"
Other names: (Shining) Star, Moonlight, Best Dancer, Icon, Legend, God's favourite,.Fearless Warrior, Raven, (Love) Witch, Love Spell/Drug, Jendeugi, Jendeuk, Mandu
Born in: 16 January, 1778
Age: 22 years (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Species: Vampire, Siren
Citizenship : St. Moritz, Switzerland
Height: 5'4" (163 cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jisoo, Lisa Manobal, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki), Rosé (Roseanne Park)
Ex Relationships: Nishimura Ni-ki (1st boyfriend), Lisa Manoban (1st girlfriend)
Love Interests: Maeve, Taehyung/V, Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa, Yeji
Albums: Solo
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Full name: Bang Christopher Chan
English name: Christopher
Nicknames: Chan, Bang, Chris
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Maeve), Wolfie (Maeve), hottie (Maeve), my boy (Meave)
Other names: Wolf(ie), Wolf Bite, Moon, Moonlight, Daddy (Bang)Chan (not in a sexual way, but bc he's the leader of skz), Leader, Best Warrior
Born in: 3 October, 1778
Age: 22 (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Species: Wolf
Citizenship: Switzerland, St. Moritz
Height: 5'7" (171 cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jennie, Lisa Manobal, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki)
Ex Relationships: Shin Ryujin (1st girlfriend), Maeve Raven (2nd girlfriend), Lia (3rd girlfriend)
Love Interests: Maeve, Hyunjin, Lisa, Yeji, Ryujin
Albums: Nevermind (originally by Nirvana)
Cigarettes After Sex (originally by Cigarettes After Sex)
Jeon Jungkook
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Full name: Jeon Jungkook
English name: Timothy
Nicknames: Jun(g), Kook, Tim(my)
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Maeve), love (Maeve), baby (Jennie, Yeji, Lisa), hottie (Maeve, Yeji), dear (Maeve), (my) pretty boy (Yeji)
Name meanings:
Jungkook: "destiny" or "heart's desire" or “pillars of the nation.”
Timothy: "God's honor"
Other names: (Shining) Star, Golden, Icon, Legend, World's favourite, Fearless Warrior, Idol Of Idols, Korea's favourite
Born in: 1 September 1778
Age: 22 years (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Species: Vampire
Citizenship: St. Moritz, Switzerland
Height: 5'10" (179cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, V (Kim Taehyung), Park Jimin, Suga/Agust D (Min Yoon-gi), Jin (Kim Seok-jin), RM (Kim Nam-joon), J-Hope (Jung Ho-seok), Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jennie, Lisa Manoban, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki)
Ex Relationships: Lisa Manoban (1st girlfriend), Taehyung/V (1st boyfriend), Maeve Raven (arranged marriage)
Love Interests: Maeve, Taehyung, Lisa, Yeji
Albums: Golden
Standing Next to You
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever
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chaplinfortheages · 1 year
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September 9th 1921 - before pulling into Southampton, England (September 10th), the RMS Olympic made a stop to let some passengers off in Cherbourg, France.
Charlie Chaplin got a small taste of the reception that awaited him home in England after a 9 year absence.
An avalanche of reporters speaking both French and English asked him everything from: Why did you come over? Did you bring your make-up? Are you making films over here? to Are you a Bolshevik? What do you think of Lenin? Is it true you are going to be Knighted?
Charlie Chaplin did not speak French despite living in Switzerland for the last 34 years of his life (1953-1977). As to the question of Knighthood, it would not occur for another 54 years (March 4th 1975)
Photo #2 British playwright Edward Knoblock crossed the Atlantic with him aboard the RMS Olympic.
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ferneticmind · 2 years
Posted on AO3 originally, but I wanted to share here also.
Notes: This is inspired by a dream I had the other night where the eye contact with RM at a museum happened. The rest I Just made up lol. Very short and cute one off scene.
Also, I honestly did not know that Namjoon's VLog was going to be released by the time I woke up from this dream. Maybe this is fate...
Summary: Jennifer has a sweet moment with a stranger in a museum.
Title: Answer
Jennifer was walking up to the tall, gray and white building that had “Art Basel” labeled on the top left corner of it. She let out a deep sigh and felt excited for her new adventure. It was a warm day in Basel, Switzerland and Jennifer decided to do a bit of “Namjooning.” She was not avid art critic, having only taken one Art History class in college, but she nonetheless appreciated the works laid out before her.
She had just passed by a wall that had large black numbers on white paper and encased in light brown frames when a tall man dressed in a gray buttoned up shirt and black beanie was crossing on the opposite side of the wall. Their eyes locked and neither one of them blinked. They both stopped walking and held each other’s stare for a good five seconds, then continued walking.
Jennifer scrunched her face and hummed. In that short amount of time, she felt a connection with this stranger that she had only seen in passing. She shrugged it off and continued to wander the museum.
Minutes later, somebody taps on her right shoulder. She turns to a man holding out a cell phone to her.
“Miss? You dropped this earlier,” he said and hands her the phone.
“Oh, but I—” she stammers as he turns and walks in the opposite direction. The phone suddenly begins vibrating in her hand. It was a black Samsung Galaxy Flip 3 phone and she flipped it open. The caller ID displayed only the word “Answer.” She taps the green answer icon and puts the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” she says.
“Hello, how are you? Um, please don’t hang up, but I have something important to tell you,” said the mystery male voice on the other end.
“Who is this?”
“Just somebody who wants to tell you how cute and beautiful you are. You deserve all the happiness in the world," was his response.
"Okay. That’s sweet, thank you, but also kind of weird. How many times have you pulled this on other girls?” Jennifer asked, still browsing the museum and reading the painting’s descriptions on the wall.
“Believe me, I have seen dozens of beautiful women in this world. Maybe tried this a few times, but you’re the only one brave enough to answer.”
“You sound cute,” she laughs out loud. “So, what do you want out of this?”
“I wanted to make our day a happy and memorable one. It seems I’ve succeeded, yeah?”
She giggles and shakes her head.
“Now, close the phone and hand it back to my friend behind you.”
She chuckles and obediently closes the phone and gives the phone back to the man who had come up to her to collect it. He nods his head at her and points a finger out into the direction behind her and she turns around. About twenty feet from her stood Kim Namjoon, with his phone to his right ear and a wide grin on his face. He pokes his dimple near the left side of his mouth with his left index finger and turns around and walks away. Jennifer’s eyes go wide and mouth gapes open. She turns around for an explanation from the man who gave her the phone, but he was nowhere to be seen.
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f1 · 2 years
Spas run-off changes will make it safer but more challenging | RaceFans Round-up
In the round-up: Kevin Magnussen has a positive impression of the revisions made to Spa-Francorchamps since last year. In brief Magnussen praises Spa-Francorchamps changes Although the circuit revisions to Spa-Francorchamps were not all made with Formula 1 directly in mind, some of the changes have captured the attention and praise of the drivers ahead of their first race at the track since the farcical 2021 Belgian Grand Prix. Haas’s Magnussen, a winner at the track three times in the junior categories, thinks a different challenge will be posed to drivers by the adjustments to the circuit – including newly laid asphalt and new gravel traps – this weekend. “I think it’s good to have gravel instead of Tarmac run-off as I feel it’s safer in some ways and it makes it easier in terms of track limits,” he said. “It makes it simpler and also a little more challenging as pushing the limits will have a bigger risk, which is a good thing I think.” Schumacher’s race-winning Ferrari chassis sells for £5.26 million The Ferrari F300 which Michael Schumacher drove to victory in the Canadian, French, British and Italian grands prix in 1998 was sold by RM Sotheby’s for $6.22 million (£5.26m) at its Monterey auction last weekend. Chassis number 187 is the only one driven by Schumacher that was used for more than three races and won all of them. The new owner of the car not only has a highly elusive vehicle in their possession but will also get an exclusive visit to the ICM Paris Brain Institute and the Richard Mille Swiss watchmaking facilities in Les Breuleux, Switzerland as part of their purchase. Girls on Track Rising Stars finalists named The FIA Women in Motorsport Commission’s Girls on Track Rising Stars programme has completed its summer training camps at Paul Ricard and come to a decision on which eighth drivers will progress to the final at Ferrari’s Maranello headquarters in November. Winfield Racing School ran the training camp, with sessions in Formula 4 cars and karts for the ‘Senior’ and ‘Junior’ drivers respectively. Combined with off-track assessments, the group was whittled down to four finalists in each category. The ‘Senior’ finalists are F4 racers Chloe Grant and Aurelian Nobels, time attack regular Alice Buckley and junior karter Chloe Chong. They are competing for a paid-for seat in the Italian F4 championship next year and the chance to become a Ferrari junior driver. The inaugural winner Maya Weug is currently in her second season racing in F4 with Ferrari’s support. The ‘Junior’ finalists all come from junior karting and are Lisa Billard, Zoe Florescu Potolea, Mathilda Paatz and Sara Mastui. A seat in an international karting championship in 2023, with possible Ferrari funding, is up for grabs for this group. FIA announces new director of communications and public affairs A former political chief of staff will join the FIA this October as its new director of communications and public affairs. Luke Skipper comes into the role having previously been the Scottish National Party’s chief of staff in the UK parliament through its recent national election successes and in the private sector he was director of public affairs for major communications company Weber Shandwick which has motorsport connections via its work with the now defunct A1GP series. His FIA role will include a focus on growing “social media and digital engagement” in motorsport as well as using his political expertise to ‘enhance the FIA’s lobbying capability’. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Happy birthday! Happy birthday to Andrew White, Hlahalasas, Lord Stig and Mcl88Asap! On this day in motorsport Schumacher led Fisichella home at a soaking Spa today in 1997 via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net
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r-schwarz · 17 days
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ETAT label tour with RM Francis and Jung An Tagen
June 18 Kultum, Graz, Austria June 19 Wurm, Basel, Switzerland June 22 Aquarium, Leipzig, Germany June 23 Asimmetric, Köln, Germany June 30 Polja Festival, Sutci, Serbia July 6 Cosmos Campolide, Lisbon, Portugal July 10 Hotelier, Porto, Portugal July 20 Parken, Vienna, Austria
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sparklehoney7 · 8 months
Flaws and All
by: jinspinkcrocs
pairing: namjoon/jungkook
info: one shot (10,606)
tags: Side 2Seok / side vmin - Freeform / Lawyer Kim Namjoon | RM / Possessive Jeon Jungkook / namjoon calls jungkook baby / jungkook calls Namjoon yeobo / Misunderstandings / Implied Sexual Content / Established Relationship / Engagement / you know the prada boots jungkook wore for JITB's listening party? / yeah... THOSE / excessive use of the word fiancé / Fluff and Humor
summary: Only one week left until Jeon Jungkook and Kim Namjoon’s wedding.
That’s when Namjoon goes to Switzerland for a Bachelor Trip gifted by his best friend. The thing is: Kim Namjoon’s definition of a Bachelor Trip revolves around reading new books and visiting libraries.
Somehow, Jungkook convinces himself that there’s a second meaning for the word ‘books’.
or: Namjoon talks about the books he's been discovering in Switzerland during his Bachelor Trip. Jungkook sees red.
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jubaer01 · 9 months
VIETNAMESE Official Vietnam Government Immigration Visa Application Online - ITALIAN AND FRENCH CITIZENS
Centru di immigrazione di l'applicazioni di visa di i Stati Uniti
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Address : Palazzo Farnese, Piazza Farnese, 67, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
Phone : +39 06 686011
Website : https://www.vietnam-visa-online.org/co/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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Description :Visa vietnamita hè una sorta di rapportu di Visa cuncessu da a Migrazione vietnamita è u Guvernu di Vietnam chì dà accunsentu per andà è entre in Vietnam. Una visa elettronica per u Vietnam (e-visa) hè unu di i tipi di visa datu à i stranieri da u Dipartimentu di l'Immigrazione vietnamita per mezu di un quadru elettronicu. Visa E-Vietnam hè legittima per u limitu di 30 ghjorni, una sola sezione. L'esterni di u Vietnam chì anu bisognu di entre in Vietnam ponu dumandà per e visa E o attraversu l'uffizii è l'associazioni intriganti. A spesa di Evisa hè pagata attraversu u passaghju di pagamentu elettronicu cumu cunsigliatu da a Divisione Migrazione. A spesa ùn serà micca scontata assumendu chì l'applicazione hè rifiutata. Numerosi paesi sò qualificati per Vietnam eVisa. I seguenti sò i paesi ammissibili per l'Applicazione di Visa Online Vietnam o l'eVisa Vietnam: Andorra, Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Belgio, Bosnia è Erzegovina, Brasile, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambogia, Canada, Cile, Cina , Colombia, Croazia, Cuba, Cipru, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Micronesia, Fiji, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Islanda, India, Irlanda, Italia, Giappone, Kazakistan, Corea, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgu, Macedonia, Malta, Isule Marshal, Messico, Moldavia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nauru, Paesi Bassi, Nova Zelanda, Norvegia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Perù, Filippine, Polonia, Portugallu, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Santa Lucia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Isule Salomone, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Regnu Unitu, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Stati Uniti, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela sò eligibili per Apply Visa per Vietnam.  Vietnamese Visa is a sort of Visa report conceded by vietnamese Migration and Vietnam Goverment that gives consent to go to and enter Vietnam. An electronic visa for Vietnam (E-visa) is one of visa types gave to outsiders by vietnamse Immigration Department through electronic framework. Vietnam E-visa is legitimate for limit of 30 days, single section. Outside Vietnam outsiders who need to enter Vietnam can by and by apply for E-visa or through the intriguing offices and associations. Evisa expense is paid through electronic installment passage as recommended by the Migration Division. The expense won't be discounted assuming the application is rejected. Numerous countries are qualified for Vietnam eVisa. The following are the countries eligible for the Online Vietnam visa Application or the Vietnam eVisa: Andorra, Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela are eligible to Apply Visa for Vietnam.
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all-the-tyler-talk · 1 year
i’m sorry but i doubt he’s gonna be willing to hang out with her friends and family. in the past he’s never bothered to make any effort to meet his exes families. he only met MC’s sister but no one else. and i don’t think he’s gonna leave bitsie alone since she didn’t bring her husband or daughter. he never does anything for RM, it always has to be what he wants. he’s not meeting the family
He did hang out with MC's friends, they went to bars and restaurants and went on a boat trip together, there's plenty of photos and videos of it. They also went on a vacation to the Blue Mountains with a couple who she was friends with. We don't know if he met her parents because they didn't post about it, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. And he met BS's parents. She posted a photo of them together. Bitsie's a grown woman, she can handle travelling on her own, she did it last year in the UK when Tyler went to Switzerland while she did something else between Manchester and Wales.
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carlphilipptrump · 1 year
Tumblr media
hier: Zürich, Switzerland https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkvCjUN-Rm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeonwiixard · 1 year
Saw this on my dashboard and decided to do it!
Name: jazz
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 163 cm !!
Time: 11pm GMT
Birthday: January 19
fav band/artist: BTS, lana del rey, the weeknd, rixton, dhruv, kpop.
Last movie: avatar : the way of water
Last show: peaky blinders
When I created this blog: october 2020
What I post: bts fics, bts gifs, poems, nature and mostly bts stuff !
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks: no, i dont. i wish to receive them.
Followers: plentyy!!
Avg hours of sleep: uhm around 5 to 4 hours.
Instrument: none but i wanna learn how to play the guitar.
What I’m wearing: leggings and a long shirt.
Dream job: a librarian or a florist or a bakery !!
Dream trip: georgia, japan and switzerland.
Fav Songs: im one indecisive person but recently its been closer by RM.
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rohit890 · 2 years
Capnography Equipment Market Business Opportunities, Future Scope And Top Keyplayers 2031
Market Overview
The market for capnography equipment was valued at USD 344.0 million in 2017 and is projected to increase at a steady rate of 4.4% from 2022 to 2031 to reach USD 530.3 million.
Typically, capnography equipment is used during cardiology procedures on patients who are sedated and under general anaesthesia. Still, the need for portable/point-of-care capnography equipment is anticipated to rise with the rise of target patients for essential applications, including as trauma and emergency cases. Key market participants are largely concentrating on creating portable/point-of-care or handheld capnography equipment that can be used for such applications that demand easy device mobility and patient access in accordance with this shifting market trend.
View Detailed Report Description: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/capnography-equipment-market/
Market Dynamics
The development of portable/POC capnography equipment is one of the crucial elements. Through ventilation monitoring or capnograph examination of target people, healthcare providers can initially spot probable breathing issues (such airway obstruction, hyperventilation, hypoventilation, or apnea). The ability to appropriately intervene at the outset of an unfavourable respiratory event is made possible by the real-time assessment of a variety of respiratory parameters.
The key players comprised in the global capnography equipment market are ZOLL Medical (Asahi Kasei) (Japan), Becton, Dickinson, and Company (US), Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA (Germany), Edan Instruments, Inc. (China), GE Healthcare (US), Hamilton Medical (Switzerland), Welch Allyn (a Hill-Rom company) (US), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Masimo Corporation (US), Medtronic plc (Ireland), Mindray Medical (US), Nihon Kohden (Japan), Nonin Medical Inc.(US), Schiller (Switzerland) and Smiths Medical (UK), Avante (US), Bionics (South Korea), BPL Medical Technologies (India), Burtons Medical Equipment, Ltd. (UK), Criticare Technologies, Inc. (US), Diamedica (UK), Infinium Medical (US), SunMed (US), Nidek Medical India (India), ResMed Inc. (US), RMS (India), Shenzhen Comen Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (China), SLE Ltd. (UK), UTAS Co. (Ukraine), and Zoe Medical (US).
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