forgotmypasswordlol · 7 years
About Me
Tagged by @lavenderduststevie​
Nickname(s): Peanut or Sarabear
Star sign: Aries
Gender: Female
Height: Just nearly 5′4.
Time: 4:09pm
Birthday: April 7th
Fave bands: Oh Jesus. SO many. I love Eagles, The Social Animals, BØRNS, Poco, Wings, Jet, Panic!, Queen, Glass Animals Fleetwood Mac etc.
Fave solo artists: LP HOLDS MY HEART FOR ALL ETERNITY. Haha but also Damso, Stephanie J Block, Neil Sedaka, Guordan Banks, did i mention LP? Lana Del ray, Nicole Atkins, Jackson Brown, Kesha, Gene Pitney could go on for hours.
Last movie I watched: Trolls was last movie I watched, but i more recently watched part 1 and 2 of “The History of Eagles” documentary. SO GOOD.
Last show I watched: That’s 70′s Show
Any other blogs: Used to use @riverismyspiritanimal​ RIP 2012-2016  
When I created my blog: Recently. Can’t remember when.
What I post about: Many X-Files? Gillian Anderson, Doctor Who, music I like, funny posts, poems. a Good ol’ Fandom Hypster Hybrid
Last thing I googled: How to create a partner in Kirby Super Star Ultra.
Following: 239
Followers: 9
Fave color: Orange
Average hours of sleep: Well I try to get around 7 hours but some times it’s 11, others it’s 4.
Lucky number: 4
Instruments: Does my voice count? Also piano
What I’m wearing: Purple bralette, black jean shorts and a semi-sheer black, white, and grey shawl thing??  
How many blankets I sleep with: Depends on time of year, but always at least 3
Dream jobs: Traveling Photographer
Dream trip: Norway
Fave food: Soup Dumplings, Mangoes, Bubble Tea, Sesame Chicken, Home smoked Ribs, Krumkakke.
Nationality: American
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doctorwholtzmann · 9 years
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my dash did a thing
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Thought I would put up some nice shots from a shoot with my best friend! I feel very Lana-esque in these.
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mituslumen · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
well aw this is cute
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lazybitch · 10 years
yo guess what congrats you are apart of my cloneclubappreciation post (2/2)
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iloveyoubrittaperry · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Hey look! A bunch of blogs that I enjoy! :)
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berniewolf · 11 years
Rule 1: always post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions of the person who tagged you, then write 11 new ones
Rule 3: tag 11 friends and link them
Rule 4: let them know they’ve been tagged
tagged by twowhovianhearts
1. If you had two weeks to live, how would you spend them?
I'd probably spend the first week fucking a lot of people, the second week letting people I know that I loved them, and writing letters to people I loved for when they reached a certain age, telling them things I believed they'd be ready for then.
2. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard?
My dad once had hair.
3. What is your OTP and why?
River/Eleven because they're both so beautiful and their relationship is so impossible yet they make it work, and despite knowing it will bring them so much pain, they follow through with it anyway because they love one another so very much.
4. Would you rather travel forwards or backwards in time?
5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl.
6. Which fandom couldn’t you live without?
I want to say Doctor Who, but I'd actually be dead without Harry Potter.
7. If you had to spend the next 30 years locked in a room with one person, who would you choose?
My best friend.
8. What is your favourite season of the year?
9. Birthday or Christmas? (Or another festival/holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas)
10. Are you happy with the choice of 12th Doctor?
Yes, because I'm excited for there to be no sexual tension between the Doctor and his companion, and I believe Capaldi will play the Doctor with class. No, because I'm going to miss the childish awkwardness brought to the role by Matt, and his ability to be dark without shouting, just speaking quietly and coldly, genuinely scaring me. I have a feeling Peter won't do it like that and that is something I love.
11. Favourite film?
I really don't know! I don't have a single favourite! Ummm... Maybe My Sister's Keeper?
My Questions-
1. What is your OTP, and why?
2. What is your favourite fandom, and why?
3. Which Doctor is your favourite Doctor and why?
4. Your opinion on the casting of Peter Capaldi.
5. Your favourite Harry Potter book and why.
6. List your 5 favourite bloggers.
7. If you had to live in a room with somebody for 50 years and then kill them upon your release, would you choose somebody you loved or somebody you hated?
8. Llamas or alpacas?
9. Tell me about the most embarrassing thing you've ever done.
10. Have you ever done anything you regret? If so, what is it and why do you regret it?
11. One person or thing you could never live without.
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room-2o3 · 11 years
i got tagged :b
Rule 1. Always post the rules
Rule 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4. Let them know you’ve tagged them
I was tagged by: july-supernatural
Alright, alright, I'll do it.  
1.      What is your favourite colour? I think it's green? Although I've started to really like blue as well ;) 2.      Choose: Doctor Who, ER, Sanctuary or Stargate? I think I have to choose Doctor Who, even though I love ER too. 3.      Gay or Straight? I think I'm straight but I keep questioning myself because there are people like Alex Kingston.... 4.      Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Donald Duck 5.      Who’s your favourite Minion? the funny one. 6.      How many blogs do you follow? 146 7.      What’s your favourite band? Don't have one.  8.      Black or White? Black because it's such a happy color! :D 9.      Beer or Wine? BEEEER! I'm German what do you expect: :P 10.  Tea or Coffee? Coffee. Sorry my british friends. 11.  First reading the book or watching the movie? I like reading the books afterwards because then I'm not as disappointed from the movie as I would be had I read the book before watching the movie.
  My Questions:
1. Christmas or Halloween?
2. Do you like going to the movies or would you rather stay at home and watch a movie on your computer?
3. Facebook or Tumblr?
4. Do you want to stay in your country or would you like to live somewhere else?
5. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, SIx, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten or Eleven?
6. What music genre do you like best?
7. Bad boy/girl or good boy/girl?
8. Living alone or with a roommate?
9. Five people you'd like to have dinner with (dead or alive).
10. Favourite TV show at the moment.
11. Book you could read over and over and over again.
Tagged: lizzielovegood                 hydroxicacid                youwatchusrun-sweetie                riverismyspiritanimal                 kinkston                oodbutts                 loveatomb                darlingsweetiedarling                mygalfriday                donnawanderedoff                gooseberryandcinnamon
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starlightjimin · 11 years
riverismyspiritanimal replied to your post: At the end of the day, when t...
*cries out uncontrollably* IT’S BACK!
I know!  Sorry It took so long! I'll try to update soon XD
iceinherheart-kissonherlips replied to your post: At the end of the day, when t...
OH. MY. GODS. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Who would've thought, right? Your constant reminding me actually worked!!! 
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purple my dear.
Oh thank you! :) I don’t know when you sent this since I’m on my phone at almost 1:40 in the morning but really thank you!
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peachyboyelio · 11 years
riverismyspiritanimal said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! AHH!
aHhhHHHHHh thaaaaaaaank you!!! :D
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riverismyspiritanimal · 10 years
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So I went to prom yesterday!!!!!
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sweet-misc0nception · 12 years
The Tag Game...
Always post the rules
answer the questions the tagger has written and write 11 new ones
tag people and link them to the post
let them know you have tagged them
I was tagged by theperksofbeingsara
When is your birthday?  January 1
Dogs or Cats?  dogs :3
If you won $1,000,000 in the lottery what would you do with it?  I would travel, write and explore the world for the best cup of tea  
What kind of phone do you have?  idk but it's crap 
What is your opinion on gay marrige?  Totally accept it. Love is love.    
What time is it? 8:04 pm
Do you know any other languages?  American Sign Language... halla.
Can you touch your tounge to your nose? haha nuh uh  
Have you ever had a near death experience? ... ... ... ... everyday 
If you were the opposite sex, what would you want your name to be? Hmmm Charlie.  
Go to your Dash. Describe the first post you see: it says "white lips, white face, im white"
How did you and your best friend meet?  um school, but we didn't become best friend until middle school. i love her more than life.  
Are you happier or sadder now since your childhood?  sad and happy.   
Least favorite food?  celery 
Ever been in love?  i really don't know, i might have 
What did you have for dinner yesterday? hummus and carrots 
Any siblings?  3 little bros 
Favorite teacher this year?  Favorite teacher ever?  this year/ever: Tie between Mrs. Kjellberg and Mrs. McV   
Is there any type of music you can’t stand?  some types of country 
Do you pack a lunch or buy a school/work lunch? def pack, my school lunches taste like a donkeys backside  
How was your day?  Not too shaby. Had play practice, twas very fun.     
Ever want to travel the world? kinda one of my dreams 
My questions: ( pretty unoriginal b/c im lazy)
Favorite color? today it is peach 
Favorite animal? horse/beluga whale/peregrine falcon   
Favorite Blog on tumblr? all my friends blogs 
When did you start your blog? last year
What do you want to do when you grow up/ what do you do? writer, art teacher, being a runway model would be cool, photographer, actress, pro choir singer idk     
School. yay or nay? nay nay nay nay like a horse 
first url? that-hipster-chic 
own room or shared? own room 
favorite sports team? lol andover theater 
what is your twitter name? @_smileandsing 
Favorite youtuber? Connor Franta or Jenna Marbles 
Roses or Daisy's?
Do you like someone?
What is your best feature?
Favorite toppings on pizza?
Jeans or Sweatpants?
If you were an animal you would be...?
Pick someone to marry..NOW. Who would it be?
Favorite novel or song or band?
Brown hair or blonde hair?
What color would you want to dye your hair?
Do you like mittens?
What are your thoughts on babies?
Pandas or Penguins?   
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iloveyoubrittaperry · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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berniewolf · 11 years
Mattex and River/Doctor fics
this is for sara, darling, and excuse the extra notes, i felt the need to let you know my thoughts on them all
http://archiveofourown.org/works/865578/chapters/1660589 well, this is a mattex one, but my god isn't it smoking and beautiful and it is safe to say you will be having lots of fun with not-your-sonic
http://archiveofourown.org/works/869649?page=1#comments i've just suddenly realised that a lot of these are mattex. oh. BUT IT IS SO EMOTIONALLY CHARGED AND I THINK IT IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITES. you can't not love this, seriously
http://archiveofourown.org/works/903685 river/doctor and this is just so sad and beautiful and impossible. a tiny part in there that seemed too good to be true but over all it is fabulous all the same.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/903384?page=1#comments this actually is river/doctor too and it. fucking. broke. ME.
the last one might be my favourite river/doctor fic ever in the history of everything and before that
have fun drowning in a pool of blood soaked feels, dear
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clearrios-moved · 12 years
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Look at them. Do you see those fuckers? They're blogs are amazing, you should follow them
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