#riven character study
skloomdumpster · 1 year
I have a prompt for you if you still work on those: Riventrix! Riven didn't know Beatrix was claustrophobic, and finds out in the worst way possible.
:) The worst way possible?
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deathdxnces · 1 year
💭 + riven (i know u hate the ruination stuff but i wanna hear about how u think irelia should have handled it)
— @couturiere (this is so old but. hi. also sorry i wrote a complete essay--)
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uahsishdis listen i don't think all of the ruination stuff is necessarily terrible. i actually just particularly dislike what was done with irelia, and the stuff with riven is a major part of it. but i think the thing is it needed time an event like that was never going to be able to give it.
irelia's hatred towards noxians runs quite deep after everything she endured because of them, and it is pretty generalized. i said it a bunch of times before but she doesn't see in them enemies who are also people; her views are very harsh and dehumanizing. and that's towards any noxian; but riven isn't any noxian. she was actively part of the invasion.
a fact that, according to their interaction during the ruination, irelia is aware of. so you put her with a noxian who was military and part of this specific invasion, one of those who actually did cut down her people, and who changed her mind only when she saw what noxus was doing to all of them (noxians included) with the chembombs... well. don't expect irelia to be civil in the slightest. she couldn't care less riven feels guilty now. her single redeeming quality is that she doesn't serve the empire anymore, and even then, irelia would think it rings hollow if she's not actively opposing them.
i went back to steadfast heart because although irelia appears very briefly, i remembered i didn't hate what was there, and i do stand by it! i think her initial reaction as portrayed in the comic is very in character.
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she is, from the start, very aggressive. ready to attack, really, her blades already pointed at riven. and even when senna tries to intervene and calm her down, irelia is still angry. as she should be! like i said, from her point of view, knowing riven had a role in the invasion, she shouldn't be able to just let go of that anger immediately.
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and i think it makes sense a world-ending threat works to force irelia to not try to kill her immediately! it is what stops her in the comic, even though it's made obvious her hatred hasn't diminished in the slightest. she actually makes a point to ensure riven she hasn't forgotten and ionia will not forget — the truce is temporary, because saving the world matters most and she can't do it alone, and the sentinels won't help if she kills riven.
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so in that regard, i think the comic does a good job. but because i really want to take this opportunity and run with it to talk about everything ruination related and what i like and dislike about it, i went back to watch the visual novel stuff. it starts well! irelia does outright attack which is even better than threatening to.
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and although she stops when it's said they're sentinels, her first reaction is still to question riven's presence (and the sentinels' legitimacy, as a result). she questions why they'd be working with a known war criminal, and when it's obvious her issue is with riven, senna questions what's the matter with riven (which. valid i suppose, i don't think she's bothered to catch up with the noxus-ionia situation uashuhsa). and it's actually!! really good that irelia also makes a point to say some may have forgiven riven, but she didn't.
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riven says irelia is right, she did many things she regrets, etc etc, irelia isn't moved. and then after that i don't like how it goes aisudhfiu but i won't get in details not riven related, since that was the question. when she does agree to work with the sentinels, she still refuses to address riven directly and tells senna to 'keep that one' away from her because she doesn't trust her. she also makes a point of riven having to stay outside when they meet karma, because it is a sacred place she won't let riven defile with her presence c:
lots of things that aren't relevant to this discussion happen, and they interact after irelia joins the sentinels. during the fight with karma, she hits irelia pretty bad and riven is the one to step up and save her, a fact riven is eager to point out. irelia is not impressed. she actually doesn't hesitate to be pretty brutal in her reply.
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riven doesn't reply, irelia says even though they're both sentinels they're not allies. riven says she was 'trying to be polite' and storms off. in other chapters they sometimes have little interactions (irelia continues to be as unfriendly as she can and riven answers with sarcasm). interesting to note that in the p&z part irelia says she's seen what the chemicals can do, and points out so does riven c:
i do like when she's being mean. i still think it's what makes the most sense. i also think it makes a lot of sense that when she does that, she clearly hits a sore spot (and it is! this is such an important part of riven's story!) so riven immediately argues, for once seriously instead of being sarcastic. it doesn't go further than that because senna steps in.
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when they go to ixtal, senna sends them to scout a part of the forest together, which irelia immediately protests, and riven agrees. senna's commentary is really tone-deaf imo, because she says they need to stop fighting like school children when this. is literally two people from two opposite sides of a war that shaped so much of what they both are now, and who have plenty of reason to be antagonistic.
i especially take issue with it looking at the situation from irelia's side. not getting along with a war criminal who led armies that decimated your land and killed your people is at least to be expected. she's not being petty or childish, and i think this is where i start to have an issue with the story — because it's not just senna's point of view, it's how the story itself starts to treat the entire situation, and it's absurd to me to reduce it like that (and it's because they don't take the situation seriously enough that riven and irelia ultimately end up on good terms, but i'll get there).
it doesn't really change things immediately. in bilgewater's part irelia makes a little speech to convince mf to work with them, and riven comments it was really good and even she felt inspired and irelia just answers do not speak to me sdkfjn so yeah. nothing seems to have changed. let's keep that in mind for now. but also, again, the story tries to make the not getting along seem childish, to the point when irelia says don't talk to me, riven's reply is fine (... didn't want to talk to you anyway) which. tell me this isn't purposefully making it seem petty and childish. and it's not! it shouldn't be! that's not how you deal with the relationship between a person who lost all her loved ones and saw her land and her people slaughtered by another nation trying to conquer them and a second person who was! part! of! the! invading! army! a leader, even. there's nothing trivial about that.
anyway. in the next chapter they're on speaking terms ausdahfsifh it's a jarring development considering how they had interacted so far. because from the start it's obvious riven has no issue with irelia, and that even when her answer is to be sarcastic, that's a bit of self-defense. irelia, on the other hand, continues to have every reason to not be nice to riven, and nothing happens to change that. but suddenly, right at the beginning of the chapter, riven approaches her again (which, also.... not a good look, imo, knowing irelia has every reason to resent her and how she keeps going after her and trying to interact even though irelia made it clear she's not comfortable with that. and it could easily be solved with them having to interact more due to circumstance, but that's not how it's written, it's riven repeatedly trying to get irelia to talk to her).
anyway. back to what i was saying. riven approaches irelia again, and this time irelia doesn't outright shun her. she answers, and they just make small talk about the previous mission. irelia actually keeps the conversation going when riven hesitates. it doesn't make sense. but it doesn't last long either, cut short by awkward silence and irelia saying she's going to sharpen her blades, except riven uses that to continue talking and asks how did irelia break hers. irelia only replies noxians (screams in i didn't remember that but i said that's how she'd talk about it to most people most of the time just the other day), riven apologizes, irelia returns the question, riven says also noxians? (...guess that's kinda true). which. okay. i guess.
and then. there's the last chapter. and they're only really relevant again post final battle. where this exchange happens
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by the actual end, when irelia says she has to go back to ionia, riven is already saying she hopes she'll see her again very soon.
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which is followed by irelia thinking she's being sarcastic, riven saying it's sincere, and although irelia says nothing in return they did change the sprite to the happy one so.
this is already long af and i've just been reviewing how things are portrayed. you asked how i think irelia should've handled it. i think, for the most part, in both versions her initial reaction is accurate. she's angry, distrustful, reluctant to cooperate. she still accepts, because it's the world at stake.
but she wouldn't at any point be nice, there'd be no effort made to get along with riven, i don't think she'd care that senna or whoever calls it petty and childish. irelia is very certain she is in the right. she has no reason to make any effort. why would she? she wouldn't think riven earned it in any way.
i do think the 'you saved my life' trope could work to get them beyond that, otherwise irelia would just be endlessly antagonistic. but it'd have to be played differently. it'd have to be a meaningful gesture to get irelia to somewhat start to be anything other than aggressive or cold. and after that, i still don't think she'd be receptive to riven generally speaking, even less so if riven insisted on trying to talk to her when she's already established she doesn't want riven anywhere near her. and it'd be even worse with how riven comes across as trying really hard to say she's not the monster irelia accuses her of being. she had a change of heart? what difference does it make to the thousands she was involved in killing? what difference does it make when she only changed her mind when it was noxians being hit by the chembombs too?
i think it'd be far more accurate to her as a character to not have that change easily, and certainly not before riven did something that would, in irelia's eyes, have earned her some respect. even then, it'd take a lot of time and development to get irelia anywhere near the way they are by the end of the event. which, honestly, only makes it seem like she didn't bother with remembering all that much in the end lmao reluctant allies is fine. slowly (very slowly) getting irelia to let down her defenses and tolerate her? yeah i can see it, in a story written better than that. but actual friendship? to casually joke around, to be happy riven wants to see her again soon? that wouldn't be reached easily. it's possible (i do like the idea, actually, i'm not at all opposed to it) but it'd take a lot of time. it'd be a slow process. it'd take effort on riven's part, too, well beyond trying to talk to her and being upset when she's not receptive.
looking at it the way the story is developed, i just think irelia has no real reason to change her mind about riven. nothing happens that justifies that (even the life saving situation is right at the beginning and irelia is just like yeah whatever at best). so, to me, it'd make more sense for them to stay reluctant allies throughout all the ruination (it doesn't last that long, iirc? even though they go to a bunch of regions but anyway). irelia becoming more tolerant of her presence, maybe. the way she'd handle it, to me, really is to just accept there are greater threats to fight now and they're both some of the few people in the world capable of doing it. i can totally see irelia by the end of it no longer immediately going for murder as she did at the start (and that's progress! she's not at all tolerant towards other noxians like that, much less the ones that actively took part in the invasion). but i think that's the best irelia would be able to offer.
because, ultimately, there's some really heavy stuff between them. the event establishes irelia knows very well who riven is and what she was up to, that she was a commander, that she was around when noxus started using the chembombs, that irelia witnessed their impact firsthand. how do you get over all that? and especially for a character like irelia, to whom the war was extremely defining when it comes to who she is, what she fights for, how she views the world and of course how she views noxus, i don't see her being capable of really forgiving riven for all that. irelia isn't someone who lets things go easily. and she still has so much hate and anger and resentment and hurt especially where noxus is concerned. i wouldn't say it's outright impossible for her to have a positive relationship with riven eventually but when i say i think it'd take time i mean a long time, as well as a reason to believe riven has truly changed. and leaving noxus isn't enough for that.
so when it comes to the ruination specifically and how i think irelia should've acted, i think it starts very well and true to her character. my real issue is with how it goes as the story progresses, and that there is a change that isn't justified. i think it'd make more sense for her to remain closer to how she was at first, albeit less aggressive and antagonistic, but definitely not friendly either. that, or the story would have to be significantly different to justify her behavior changing.
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The Specialists as Your Boyfriend
Fandom(s): Winx Club
Pairing(s): Red Fountain X Reader
Character(s): Sky, Brandon, Riven, Timmy, Helia
Genre(s): Fluff
Writing Style: Headcanons
Summary: A few headcanons of the Red Fountain Specialists as your boyfriend.
Warning(s): None
Requested by: None
Note: Hello! It's been a while since I wrote some headcanons like these. And yes, I joined the Winx Club fandom recently because I just finished Season One! It feels good to go back in track! I apologize for my lack of posts nowadays, but I'll try my best to feed you some content! Enjoy your read!
I know a lot of people find him as 'meh' because he is sort of a basic blonde, I can agree
But for me, he's super sexy, I cannot. This prince completely stole my heart because of his basic personality (yes, I'm a basic bitch too)
Anyway, Sky is definitely a sweetheart, already seen at how he treats Bloom in the first season
But don't forget he's the prince of Erakylon, so he's definitely rich
Sky will pamper you with so much love and affection
Whether if you're royalty or not, or if you're a fairy or an earthling, this man will still love you
Hand kisses are a MUST
Oh boy. This suave flirt
Because Brandon is Brandon, he will obviously love teasing and flirting with you.
But that doesn't mean he wouldn't flirt with the other girls in Magix
As Prince Sky's squire, he obviously knows how to defend you. He may or may not try to impress you that way
He will definitely bring you to dates in Magix. Wherever you want to go, he will come with you
He may be flirtatious to you and other girls, but I assure you that Brandon is loyal. How did he become Sky's squire if he wasn't a loyal servant to him?
And for me, I have a feeling he will give golden retriever vibes
Riven is really awkward and closed off in the beginning of your relationship. But as time goes by, he becomes comfortable
He isn't the best guy in words of affirmation, but the way he helps you out when you need it is always there. It's his way of loving you
This man actually has the best and warmest hugs
It's a guilty pleasure of his in which you try to calm him whenever he is about to go maniac over someone or something
Surprisingly very cuddly in private
Riven also wants you to stay in Red Fountain often so you can watch him spar with the other Specialists
Similar to Riven, he is firstly awkward in the start of relationships (less awkward than the latter, however).
He loves to go to the library with you to study for exams and such
When he has new things to share, the first person Timmy will approach is you because he knows you will listen
Timmy is actually really blushy, and this is evident whenever you help him with his glasses
He isn't really into physical contact, but he does excel in quality time. He loves your presence with him
You're his assistant during calculations and he loves your cooperation as a duo
Timmy loves to gift you some new items and he likes to impress you with his logical thinking
Ah yes, the hottest guy to ever exist in Red Fountain of the Magix Realm
Helia loves to write poems and short stories for you
Since it is often seen that he loves to draw, he would secretly draw you in his sketchbook
Expect bouquets of flowers from him once in a week
It may or may not be expected, but Helia loves to say some pickup lines. These pickup lines are either cheesy or romantic
You are the only person he allows to braid his hair, so be thankful
Hand kisses are a MUST 2.0
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rivensdefenseattorney · 10 months
Bloom Character Profile
(WIP) *Means it's more subject to change
Basic Information
Name: Bloom Peters
Race: Fairy
Age: 18
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Unique Features
Freckles that resemble dragon scales
Education & Background
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 1
Concentrated Study: Undecided
Favorite Class: Ancient Fae Studies
Birthplace: Gardenia, Earth
Mother: Vanessa Peters
Father: Michael Peters
Stella/Aisha (Winx Best Friends)
Brandon/Riven/Timmy (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Passionate & Determined: Despite being behind others in magical prowess, her relentless determination drives her forward.
Curious: She possesses an insatiable curiosity, always eager to uncover hidden truths and explore the world around her.
Open-minded: Bloom embraces new ideas and perspectives, welcoming diverse viewpoints in her pursuit of understanding.
Emotion-Led & Moral: She leads with her emotions and morals, often making decisions guided by her heart. This can lead to unforeseen consequences, but she holds firm to her principles.
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome: Despite her talents, Bloom frequently experiences imposter syndrome, doubting her abilities and feeling inadequate among others with more advanced magical skills.
Self-Blame & Responsibility: Her inclination to blame herself for situations beyond her control adds to her emotional burden. She carries a sense of responsibility for the safety and well-being of those around her.
Empathetic Leadership: Bloom's natural inclination toward leadership and understanding others' emotions would be more pronounced. She might find herself in roles where she becomes a natural guide or support for those around her, further intensifying her sense of responsibility towards their safety. She strives to shield people from harm, even at the cost of her own well-being.
Emotional Depth: She's highly attuned to the emotions of others and has a deep desire to connect on an emotional level. Bloom's struggles with controlling her fire magic is deeply intertwined with her emotional state.
Idealism & Imposing Expectations: Bloom holds strong ideals and expectations. Bloom sets high standards for herself, exacerbating her imposter syndrome when she feels she falls short of her own expectations in mastering her magic or protecting others.
Conflict Avoidance: Bloom's emotional leadership sometimes lead her to feel immense guilt or internal conflict when her decisions inadvertently lead to unexpected outcomes or conflicts.
Seeking External Validation: Bloom often grapples with seeking reassurance from those around her regarding her decisions, especially when she feels unsure or guilty about the consequences.
Skills & Abilities
Resistant to Temperature Changes
Can control the Dragon Flame of Rebirth
Can manipulate Fire Magic
Very good at conducting investigative research
Hobbies & Interests
Working on Vehicles
Quirks & Habits
Loves spicy foods and adds spice to everything
Likes to be high up
Spends a lot of time finding hiding spots
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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dragonfly0808 · 7 months
Hi, I love your Winx fanfic. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of the original show, but the way you write is truly amazing. For example, how you give each character personality and meaning. Especially how you changed Diaspro, so she's not just Bloom's rival and her only task is to make Bloom the best. Also, the fact that the other girls are not just background but play important roles. It's great that you described more about their families and their lives. My favorite characters are Daphne and Valtor. I hope they will appear once again in the story.
Also, I have a question if it is not a problem would you like to share more about Valtor or his friendship with Thabita and Avalon, something about Daphne, Thabita, Avalon and Valtor ?
Thank u so much!!! I really do try to have everyone have a distinct character arc and have them all be the focal point at some point or another.
As for the question,
Warlocks don’t have covens but I have mentioned that Tabitha was as close to a coven as Valtor had, they studied together a lot since they both went to Cloud Tower, Valtor helped Tabi with History, Tabi tutored Val in Technical Curses. The two had sleepovers and pulled all-nighters during exams seasons.
Avalon is 2/3 years younger and always thought Val was too cool and, in fact, started growing out his hair to copy him. Val thought of Avalon almost as a little brother. I see them as having a Timmy/Riven kind of dynamic if that makes sense.
The four were inseparable and they often hung out in the rooftops of Alfea and Cloud Tower. They were all massive nerds that loved libraries and musuems and actually made a pact to someday all be teachers. (Avalon teaches Technical Incantations, Tabitha teaches Hexes, Daphne taught History of Magic for a year, Valtor was supposed to teach Complex Curses but didn’t happen cause I forgot to mention it and I don’t know if I should recon that)
Their fave things to do was going to museums, fairs, ice skating, karaoke nights and picnics by Lake Roccaluce oh the cruel irony
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darlenicy · 8 months
I got tagged by @rosie-love98 on this:
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better
Thank you and sorry, that it took me so long!
3 ships:
Okay, since I’m tagged on this tumblr account I’ll first go with WINX of course.
1. Driven (Darcy x Riven - Winx Club)
I’ll say it over and over again – they’re perfect. THE POTENTIAL: OMG: If Rainbow had be braver and didn’t focus SO much on Bloom, they could’ve added such an angsty storyline. They build the grounding but never made it to detail and that’s a shame. I may repeat myself, but Darcy was the first one to listen to Riven. To really listen and maybe even the first person after a long time to actually care for him. Of course, she is beautiful and she used that beauty to enchant him but what mattered in the end was that Riven finally found someone who was really interested in him. Someone who saw his ambition and talent. Someone who didn’t see the sparkly outside of perfect Sky and Brandon but who saw this man, who I bet went trough a lot to achieve the right to study at Red Fountain. Finally, someone interested in the one who trained hard to be where was and who wasn’t privileged like other people. Another thing I love about them is the trust and faith Riven had in Darcy who.. in the end destroyed that YES THANKS RAINBOW.  I mean, he never questioned her even though he knew that the Trix’ plans were evil. He did not care about that. Only for her. The betrayal must have been hard. But what about Darcy? How did she feel? Well, we never saw it but regarding her character she might be an overthinker who thinks everything through, who is afraid to show her true self. Darcy seems to be the one who is afraid of losing control and of being betrayed herself. So better destroy than get destroyed? I’m sure she opened up to Riven to some extend and got caught by her own fear of losing control and then overreacted. Maybe. Who know. But the thing is that their end came completely out of the nowhere and I wished the writers had focused a bit more on that instrad of making a cut so that another fairy had a love interest by the end of season 1. It also should have been more focus on their relationship in the following seasons. (I miss the longing stares omg. We could have so much angsty drama!) I think the end of the relationship was not easy for both of them. Darcy lost everything at the end of season 1 and I’m sure she questioned herself a lot after it. Like, what would have happened if etc. And Riven, even more broken than before. What did he think? It’s no secret, that most characters in this show need therapy but these two? Couple therapy maybe lol (now this was long, but that’s when I talk about ships haha)
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2. Brella (Brandon and Stella - Winx Club)
I don’t really talk about the fairies here, but I love Brella. They are such a healthy and dynamic couple. Even as a kid I noticed how harmonic and devoted. I loved, that they got so much attention in the show and that they were the harmonic couple and not Sky and Bloom. They had the storyline in s1 I which Brandon disguised as Prince Sky and lied to her. He was afraid, that Stella would only like him as a prince. And yes, Stella might look superficial at first glance but in fact she is not. And I think she showed a lot of strength in forgiving Brandon who lied to her for a long time. She made no big deal of it even though she is a princess who could have easily married or dated a prince. But she chose Brandon. Then there is the Downland arc at the beginning of season 2 and it wouldn’t have worked with another couple. As I said, they are devoted to each other. Stella fkn jumped after him into that abyss without a second thought? Luckily they survived but then Amentia shows up and Stella almost dies because there is no sunlight in Downland. So to save her life, Brandon agrees to marry Amentia who then agrees to let Stella go. I could fangirl over this arc a lot but I won’t because it already gets too long here. Then s3 in which Stella thinks that it might be just her beauty which Brandon loves (which doesn’t make sense after what they went through) but I think the problem Stella has, is that she was always judged by her looks. She was raised to be a perfect princess and let’s face it, before she met Bloom and the Winx, she had no real friends. However back to the show, Brandon knew that Stella was transformed into that Monster but he did not care. Of course not. He was trying to help her no matter what, just to see her happy again. I won’t focus on the later seasons, because they might still have their cute moments there but after all there was too much beef going on between all the couples and I don’t consider these superficial seasons as canon so I’ll stop here. But Brella is chef’s kiss. The best Winx couple followed by Tecna and Timmy and no one can convince me otherwise.
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3. Ethel Hallow x Nick Hobbes - Weirdsister College (Do they have a shipping name?)
Since it was rosie, who tagged me I think I have to take a ship which has nothing to do with Winx but which goes more in the direction of Harry Potter and The Worst Witch. And that is an easy one: Ethel Hallow x Nick Hobbes. OMG the potential, the POTENTIAL! Same as driven, they have so much unused potential even though they were on the best way to build an angsty couple with trust issues and all the drama my fangirl heart needs. I love how Nick noticed right away, that Ethel resembled him. She always played the nice and hardworking students but we all know that she was a devious bitch who used every opportunity to make Mildred look bad. And from her perspective, she did nothing wrong. It was always Mildred who stole the show by breaking the rules and being at school but was in the end the good girl who was appreciated. She always played by the rules (yeah not always but she tried her best) and was ambitious and just wanted to be the number one student, yet who interfered? Always Mildred. It’s no wonder she tried everything to get rid of her. Ethel just wanted a happy school life without interruptions. So she wasn’t innocent at all and Nick knew that. In the first episode of Weirdsister College, he immediately checked that he AND Ethel would not have a chance of passing the all-seeing-eye. He tricked Mildred so that she helped him and used that for him and Ethel to pass the ceremony. He’s the typical bad boy who took advantage of Mildred’s talent and gosh, I wished they hadn’t followed this weird storyline he has with Mildred. Because everything was already there with Ehtel: Both students who tried their best to become the top of the class, both power-driven and both unsure in the end. They have so much in common. And Ethel is, after all, the good girl who fell for the bad boy and she KNOWS that he’s doubtful. She does not trust him but is still fascinated by him. And I just love that trope, okay? Ehtel also gives me hardcore rl Darcy vibes and not, it’s not just because they have the same voice actress I Germany. They’re the dark edgy couple I live for. There could have been done so much if they gave us a second season…..It looked like they were giving up on the Mildred/Nick storyline by episode 9 which was again one big flirt of Ethel and Nick. (The potential!) This is why I hate the way they went on the last episode where it’s like “It’s only you who can save him, Mildred” bullshit. I’m doomed for loving couples the writers seem to hate. I could write an essay about them and I probably will on @yaviae somewhen.
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Look at them! Ethel's side eye <3
Last song:
Seventeen by Marina
Last Movie:
Crimson Peak (And again I love the doomed couple: Lucille and Thomas, omg my loves)
Currently reading:
Schneewittchens dunkler Kuss (Snow White’s dark Kiss) by Stefanie Lasthaus
Currently watching:
World of Winx season 1
Currently drinking:
Just finished my tea (fennel <3)
Currently craving:
Inspiration! It’s Sunday and that means it’s my ff write day but I haven’t written anything. I’m so tired this weekend..
And I tag: @wtfastaroth @witch-cauany @aurora-of-the-fairies @cerisia76 @stellasolaris @alex-cold17 @no-white-dress @d-arcyky and of course @evdizav
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emoxxzombie · 5 months
Winx Club Character Essays: Musa
Quick disclaimer: this is basically me just rambling (so be warned.) While I will present already known canon information, I will also be sharing my own hcs. So pretty much how I see Musa based on canon. Please keep that in mind as you read through, as I'm sure many of your guys' views on Musa are different from mine. Another thing that I'd like to add is that this "essay" specifically discusses Musa in the earlier seasons of Winx, since the writers did change her personality up a lot in the later seasons. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's get into the actual "essay"
So, let's start off with what we already know about Musa, shall we?
Musa is the fairy of music, and was born on the planet Melody. Her birthday is May 30th, and she is 16 years old during the first season of Winx. She is the daughter of Matlin and Ho-Boe, and her on-and off boyfriend being Riven. She is an aspiring singer and musician. Among her friends, Musa scores the best grades in her schoolwork. She's a bit of a loner and is one of the most tomboyish among the other Winx. Musa is very emotionally vulnerable, and offsets this by appearing strong and resilient, often times putting up a strong front.
Now, let's look a bit more into her personality. At times Musa can be quite a snide, as seen with Stella and even Flora in the earlier seasons. She is also short tempered and moody. We see her get quite defensive over herself (as well as her friends.) She's not afraid to get in people's faces if it comes down to it. Musa is a good listener too though. For instance, in s2 when Aisha/Layla had just transferred to Alphea, and felt like she didn't fit in, Musa was right there for her and comforted her when she needed it most.
I want to go over Musa's appearance now. She has a light skin complexion (close to pale), dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes. Clothing wise, in s1 her main civilian outfit consists of a single strapped red tank top, a purple bicep bracelet (that usually appears on her right bicep but you'll sometimes see it on the left), sagged baggy blue jeans that expose her pink underwear slightly, and red sneakers with white soles. I personally, think that Musa likes to dress for herself and doesn't give a shit about what others think of the way she dresses. She dresses for herself, not for the approval of others. Her clothing is another way she expresses herself freely, besides music. Non canonically, I think that Musa also likes to wear a lot of alternative leaning clothes. She mixes components of mall goth, punk, and skater into a sort of streetwear look. She's not that into makeup, and when she does decide to wear some it'll usually just be basic black eyeliner.
For interests, we obviously know that she loves to sing and play instruments, her favorite being a concert flute. She also likes to dance and party. But, let's look into some of my personal interest hcs for her. She likes to skateboard and can do numerous tricks. She may not be as good as Layla might be, but she's definitely good. She loves to watch horror and romance movies. Psychological horror is her favorite but she'll watch almost anything horror. She isn't much into reading and prefers to avoid it (unless it's for studying purposes.) But, she does enjoy graphic novels and comics. She likes to go on late night walks, which help her clear her head and think clearly. When she's not able to go out at night for a walk (for whatever reason), she'll usually stay up until 3 AM playing videogames with Tecna. I have more interest/hobby hcs but I'll stop there.
Now let's talk relationships. We already know who Musa's father and mother are. Her mother, Matlin, died when Musa was a very young child. I've already talked about her relationship with Riven before and have shared a brief bit of my thoughts and views on that so I'm not going to delve into that here (but I'd love to make a separate blog post about it sometime!) When she first met Bloom, she didn't really like her, but not too long after, she started to be able to tolerate her, and then they became friends. In s2, she grew very close to Layla, and they quickly befriended each other. They're best friends (and I will forever be mad about the writers deciding to randomly cut off their friendship in the later seasons.. but I'm going to completely ignore that rn.) Musa is also close to Tecna, but not as much as she is to Layla. She doesn't have many friends outside of the Winx, but that doesn't bother her, she's very happy with the friend group she has.
I could write so much more about Musa, but I think that this post is already long enough as is. To anyone and everyone who actually read all way the way up to this point I literally love you sm omg 😭. Winx is something that I'm really passionate about and it's been one of my biggest hyperfixtations for as long as I can remember.
I plan to write more character essays on some of the other characters from Winx, not sure when, but I'll get to it eventually :).
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wtfastaroth · 11 months
Winx characters in a Brazilian school (they are going to blow up the school)
Bloom- During the first 3 semesters she is just messy and causes chaos, she skips classes, arrives late, gets bad grades in the subjects she doesn't like, doesn't do homework, and in the 4th semester she gets insane trying to study and dont repeat the year.
Stella- She is good at studying but doesn't like to make an effort, so she doesn't even try to learn, she doesn't pay attention in class but she never misses a day, she goes on the most random trips in the world, in the middle of the year she is missing 1 month because she was in Europe.
Musa- She doesn't take it seriously but she gets good grades, but she's always at the limit of absences.
Aisha/layla- Insanely good at physical education, no matter the sport, the other classes are afraid of her because of the competitiveness in the interclass (her class always wins because of her).
Tecna- Get the Highest score in all lessons, tests and school works. If she is missing it is because she died, She's just not there when something serious happens.
Flora- She gets good grades, she only has friends in her class, she doesn't know anyone from other classes, she will help all her friends who need more grades at the end of the year.
Sky- Top student.
Riven- Lots of warnings, he's never in uniform, he's a deadbeat, he skips classes, fights with everyone, but hes a good student.
Helia- The artist kid, is enslaved by the teachers when it gets close to school fair season to do lots of things, He can be dying but he won't miss any classes
Timmy- nerd☝️🤓, Nobody pays much attention to him
Nabu- Chaos, chaos, chaos and more chaos, the school sweetheart, the most extroverted of all, will embarrass his friends every chance he gets.
Brandon- the cool guy, the scoundrel of scoundrels, if you have ever lent him money know that he will never pay you back, he have 2 warnings because of riven
Icy- nerd, Introverted, you can even invite her to a party or outing, but she will never go, literally untouchable
Darcy- Invited to everything, friends with most of the school, on Valentine's Day she receives about 30 letters, she has already kissed half the girls and boys at school, she changes her boyfriend every 2 weeks, She is the tourist in the room, she shows up at school once a week and still passes the year
Stormy- record of warnings, if she get one more she will be expelled from school, every week she fights with someone, skips a lot of class, and no one knows how she manages to pass the year
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LoL Fanfic Rec of the Day
Reasons by seomin
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via: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49890355
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationship: Riven/Xan Irelia
Characters: Xan Irelia, Riven
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Miscommunication, Canon-Typical Violence
Irelia realizes it for maybe the first time. Maybe she never wanted to notice. Maybe she never wanted to focus on the way Riven's every step is a heavy trek, and her every sword strike is a blind forceful swing that hopes to hit, regardless of what it strikes in its path.
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solariaswitch · 2 years
i should definitely be studying right now so naturally here i am, darcyposting <3. darcy is just such a fascinating character to me because she's so incredibly dynamic and you never really know where you've got her.
darcy exhibits vulnerability and sensitivity that is not often seen in the other trix at all. like, darcy is incredibly scared of losing face, especially in front of her sisters. we know she deals with control issues, and these differ from icy's control issues in the sense that darcy isn't shown to get angry when she loses control, but rather panic-stricken. this feels like a dead giveaway of a much more emotional personality, it's rather a fear of slipping up than a need for power. there's just always the sense that there's something she's repressing. while she appears extremely aloof and cold, she is not immune to the pain of love or heartbreak. her feelings for riven make her slip up and walk into traps she usually wouldn't, it makes her irrational. contrast this with icy, who only really loses her rationality when she's losing a battle or something. in her relationship with riven her feelings for him were shown to be genuine (at least initially) and they surprised and embarrassed her, just as much as they surprised her sisters.
beyond all of this she also displays a deep sense of introspection and self-reflection. she questions her own motives and actions, and is not one to simply follow orders without understanding the reasons behind them. when she and her sisters are stuck at light rock she seems pretty content to be there. there's just constantly the sense that darcy could have chosen a different path, she could have changed. at times i feel as if though the writers were playing with the idea of making her an anti-hero rather than a full-blooded villain. she's got so much depth of character that simply lacks in almost every other villains of other series.
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"In what sense? Of timeline? I mean each Season is going to be roughly a year?"
Sorry for not being specific.
I meant summary of what changed in each season in comparison to Canon
Okay hm so off the top of my head without going too far into my notes:
Actually side thing is I just realized that most of the Major Changes have to do with the various villains. The Trix being salvageable to the Good Side(after a bit), Darkar getting downgraded to normal, Valtor has been changed completely tbh. The Wizards of the Black Circle have been almost completely yeeted. Tritanus is more of a civil war situation than an outright coup.
Interesting tbh.
Season 1:
Same basic plot of Bloom learning about Magic and going to Alfea, learning about her actual heritage, the Trix being fucks. Some things go sideways, some plots are diverted.
Changes include
A good chunk of adjusting the whole 'Ancestral Witches' thing and the Fall of Domino because having that happen ages ago but also less than 20 years ago is ?????. Short version: A group called 'Ancestral' that wanted to take over everything invaded Domino for the Dragon Flame. Yadda yadda Daphne yeets Bloom to Earth, gets Spirited in the process, most of the population is killed, most members of Ancestral were either killed or arrested but a few escaped. This is treated as a semi-recent tragedy that most Adult characters remember
Faeries and Witches are the same thing, just using Light vs. Dark Magic. Not different species. Not good vs evil. (Light is not always 'good', Dark is not always 'evil'). The neutral word for them is Magixae. While people from all worlds(other than Earth for reasons unknown) can use base Magic, only Magixae have major powers and can transform like they do. And they only make up a small percentage of the population.
Stella actually has plans to study as both a Faerie and a Witch because stuff with Solaria and the duality and all that. She's starting with Faerie though.
Alfea/Cloud Tower/Red Fountain are colleges, not high school
Bloom actually has friends back in Gardenia, though they're all going off to college, but they appear when she goes home for breaks
Bloom is 100% aware she was adopted and they do kind of assume from the get-go that her bio parents might be from one of the other Magical Realms and she just ended up on Earth
Winx is very 'Sci-Fi disguised as Fantasy' so I'm leaning hard into the fact that they're all aliens and have non-human features and biology which will get explored!
Sky and Brandon still switch places, though it's less 'prince and the pauper' and more a legitimate thing of there's been assassination attempts on the royal family. Diaspro and the arranged marriage also still exist, but Sky is 100% adamant that he's not going to marry her no matter what their parents say.
The Riven/Darcy plot is a legit thing with like. No hypnotisim just genuinely liking each other even if Darcy did start it up just for info. Temporary breakup when the Trix go full evil but....
Kinda dragging the Trix into more 'somewhat understandable, villains with genuine goals not just' to be evil, salvageable and will be dragged to the Good Side eventually' kinda plots. Longer posts on that, but Darcy is the first to jump ship because she's like 'Look I am an ambitious, power-hungry bitch, but I draw the line at full on murder/massacres'. (Speaking of, don't. Don't question the logic re: befriending the person who tried to destroy the world last week. I'm doing some Friendship is Magic shit wtih this we only think about fucked up implications when we want to.)
Diaspro also gets some character development when she tries to take Sky out of the major battle and he decides to stay
Bloom's adoptive parents and friends from back home get dragged into this and are actually helpful in the battle.
Season 2:
Mostly the same plot re: Pixies, Darkar, adding Aisha, so on and so forth. Lot of changes to what Darkar is and the whole shadow phoenix/shadow flame thing with a touch of change to Dark Bloom.
Changes off the top of my head:
Diaspro and Darcy are now added to the main cast as well. Diaspro enrolled herself into Alfea because she wants to find something to do other than being Sky's trophy wife(he's still not into her). Darcy is serving community service. Both of them get dragged into the main plot because the adventure is underground and their powersets are great for this.
Darkar has been downgraded to 'just some guy'(which like. Having a supposed Deity be defeated in only one season and never come back? Kinda lame!). Previous member of that 'Ancestral' group that attacked Domino. Wants the Dragon Flame for the original 'let's take shit over reasons.
His plan involves the Dark Bloom thing. He learned from seeing the Trix fail that taking the Dragon Flame by force won't work, so he decides that using magic brainwashing stuff to have Bloom turn against her friends would work. So we get him posing as Avalon to get access to her.
The "Dark Bloom" thing isn't a 'Dark Faerie', but Bloom channeling the dark/negative emotions into her Magic and going Witch(remember: same species, just depends on where they draw their Magic from)
What is the 'Shadow Phoenix' thing? The opposite energy to the Dragon Flame? It's the Dragon Flame itself. Some yin and yang shit. It is everything. Creation and Destruction, Life and Death, all of it.
Oh also Riven can go Faerie and we get some of his trauma lmao.
Season 3
Final year of Alfea, earning Enchantix, etc. Some of the plots are the same. But there are many a change!
So, firstly, I switched up things for gaining new forms. Charmix was just kind of a 'natural level up progression', but Enchantix takes the new 'you have to overcome something personal'. Mostly because I think it's fucked that Enchantix is supposed to be the normal endgoal(with other forms being optional) but you have to die to get it??? Also there's too much bullshit regarding 'must save someone from your world' because hello??? How do you decide that what counts as 'their world? What do you do with Bloom other than Mary Sue her way out of it?
So everyone gets a plot relating to overcoming something, but we're also going on trips around the Realms and visiting their Homeworlds.
This is probably the most plot-heavy season as everyone has their own arcs going so I won't go into it all here.
But also know that as we're trraveling to all the worlds, we get a LOT of worldbuilding
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Winx Club Reboot Ideas Pt.2
Season 2 & 3 Ideas
Season 2:
Stella is still trying to get better with her own magic without the help if her staff/ring. 
Helia becomes a student at Alfea, since he didn’t feel like being a specialist suited him. 
Tecna and Timmy do get closer, he begins to help her try to get better at her and the winx’s fighting. It takes a long time though, Tecna keeps insisting that she works alone and doesn’t need help, especially after her and her team failed to do convergence magic. 
It isn’t until the camping trip fiasco in season 2 that Tecna finally opens up to Timmy after he nearly faced death. After that he helps her improve her craft, their still not together but they are getting there. 
Flora earns her charmix by asking Helia out.
The more comfortable Xan is becoming with the Winx, the more he’s experimenting with his gender and even music. His regained love of music eventually leads to the girls going behind his back and signing him up as the entertainment for a school event,, resulting in the storyline of season 2 episode 15 (original), where Xan does a concert even without his dad’s permission and sings about his mother…oh yeah and Stormy’s in the mix somewhere. 
Keeping Aisha’s story/character arc is the same because goddamn was that well done!
Xan and Aisha become CLOSE! Not romantically,their platonic soulmates as they put it. 
Show more of Dark Bloom. The more stressed out, tired and even angry she starts becoming to find her true identity, the more potential Dark Bloom has to take over. 
In the end, Octavia takes an interest in improving her skills, she begins to research and study different mechanics, devices and movements to be a better combatant. 
Riven and Xan’s relationship is even more scattered than last season, 
Xan and Riven come to the conclusion that they wouldn’t work as a couple with how messed up both of their lives have been, they need someone who can balance out their troubles. They may not be together, but both know that doesn’t mean they won’t be friends.
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Season 3:
Octavia begins to find an interest in weaponry and quickly decides to see how she can use her powers to the advantage of weapons.
Xan comes to realize and accept that he is genderfluid.
The whole reason why Diaspro has been so desperate to marry Sky is because she wants what’s best for her people, even though her parents have insisted it’s fine, she took it upon herself to remove herself form the picture and focus on her people. 
Introduce Nabu the same way, with the girls getting hot chocolate in the rain, but instead of him STILL following Aisha in the rocket...park... garage...thing- have him enroll in Alfea not just to find out who Aisha is, but to get away from his family and do what he’s always wanted to do with his magic. 
Aisha and Nabu actually don’t become a couple (stalking is usually a turn  off for the norm), but they do form a strong friendship, and start to from their own little friend group with Xan and later on Riven.
This..Is where Xan and Nabu start to grow feelings for each other. And Aisha tries to help Xan ask him out, as Riven, while uncomfortable with genuinely communicating with others does try to help Nabu since he knows Xan deserves someone as sweet as Nabu.
The reason why Diaspro joins Valtor’s side is because offers to spare her people form his wrath if she joins his side, she even agrees to hypnotize Sky because she felt if he joined Valtor’s side then she could spare the people of Eraklyon as well. 
Octavia dies her hair the iconic magenta OG Tecna has. 
Helia earns his charmix through telling Flora that he loves her. 
After they find/rescue Octavia thanks to Timmy’s determination, the two nerds finally start going out. 
Mirta gains her charmix through finally trusting Lucy.
Have a more climatic finale, with Bloom going all out on Valtor only for her get so blinded by anger she doesn;t know if she actually killed him or if he just vanished. 
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All in all, I want the fist three seasons do have differences, but still keep those elements that kept fan watching it, but don’t worry, the next seasons are gonna have the same level of care the first three seasons had...But they’re gonna be DIFFERENT.
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deathdxnces · 1 year
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i either wrote about it on zed's blog or just talked about it with egg, but the way ionians deal with loss and grief also being different because they're so connected to the spirit realm and they literally get to talk to and see their loved ones again bc of the spirit blossoms, and of course you still miss someone who died but there's not. the same pain and finality it'd be faced with on other places
but also how it's said the blossoms didn't return all throughout the war, and someone like irelia never got to be part of the festival before she lost her entire family, and then it was years before the blossoms returned, and then when they do she's. afraid to speak to them because she thinks they'll hate who she became... and just. the way she didn't really get to learn to look at death like that, and how much grief she still carries and how terrified of losing other people she loves irelia is
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rivensdefenseattorney · 7 months
Musa Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Musa
Race: Fairy | Dwarf
Age: 18
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'2 (157 cm)
Unique Features
Education & Background
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 1
Concentrated Study: Enchanted Performances
Minor Studies: Harmonizing Magic in Music | Elemental Combat Techniques
Favorite Class: Fundamentals of Musical Enchantment
Birthplace: Melody
Occupation: Waitress
Father: Ho-Boe
Mother: Matlin
Flora/Tecna (Winx Best Friends)
Nabu/Timmy/Helia (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests*
Personality Traits
Strong-Willed - Musa is headstrong and determined to follow what her heart tells her.
Introverted - Musa prefers playing music alone in quiet spots at Alfea, indicating an introverted nature that finds solace in solitude.
Distrustful - Tends to be distrusting, especially when it comes to people's pasts. Takes a cautious approach to forming connections.
Creative - She expresses herself through art. Her adaptable approach to the creative process coincides with unconventional problem-solving.
Empathetic - Musa is an excellent listener, and has a deep understanding of other's emotional states.
Passionate - When an idea or movement captures her imagination, Musa will give her whole heart to it.
Self-Isolating - Wants to connect with others, but not always sure on how to put herself out there.
Self-Critical - Desperately wants to live up to her potential and expectations, but this can cause her to have unrealistic expectations for herself.
Emotionally Vulnerable - Her emotional attunement is one of her greatest strengths, but unless she establishes boundaries, she can be at risk of absorbing other people's negative moods or attitudes.
Large Crowds
Performance Anxiety
Skills & Abilities
Excels in sound magic
Has perfect pitch
Can replicate most sounds
Enhanced/sensitive Hearing
Hobbies & Interests
Playing/listening/creating music
Creating jewelry
Quirks & Habits
Can almost always be heard humming a melody
Never leaves her noise canceling headphones
Knows the most secrets out of anyone
Will use any surface she can find to play a beat or write a melody down, so she doesn't forget it
Winx Rewrite Master Post
Read the Winx Rewrite Here
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sl0thonaga · 18 days
Even in death, you will be encased and confined to this place of nightmares. In bleeding, evil metal. The minerals that feed on my bones will feed unto more bloodshed, not peace.
Will you be able to rest here, Shin? Peacefully, and eternally?
His eyes claw deep into Midori's face as he haunts his every step through the facility.
Never. NEVER.
I'll never forget you, even if I'm dead.
Won't you show sympathy for a dying man's body?
Chapter 2 of my Ghost!Shin YTTD Fic: MOMENTO MORI is out!
Words: 5,263 Characters: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin, Original Hiyori Sou | Midori, Meister (Kimi ga Shine) Relationships: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin/Original Hiyori Sou | Midori [for this specific chapter] Additional Tags: Kanna Lives | Sou Dies Route (Kimi ga Shine), Grief/Mourning, Ghosts, Trauma, Acceptance, Haunting, Mild Gore, Kugie and Shin are Ghosts, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Character Study, Obsessive Behavior, Fluff and Angst, Edgar Allan Poe References, Introspection
Within the ever-humming, luminescent monitor room, it seems a piece of scrap paper has been inserted roughly into the edge of a familiar book. With an ominous breath of wind, the page falls out.
"I wonder when Hiyori will come back..."
Shi▇n DIARY ▇▇ :Compiled and Logged by DR. H▅▅▆▅▅ S▅▅U
Ah, broken is the collar red! The spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!--a weakling soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Man of Green, hast thou no tear?--weep now or lie in sin!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, thy Shin!
Come! let the burial rite be read--the funeral song be sung!--
An anthem for the pitiful dead that ever died so young--
A dirge for him the doubly dead in that he died so young.
"Wretches! ye loved him for his mind and hated him for his lies,
"And when he fell in feeble binds, ye blessed him --that he died!
"How shall the ritual, then, be read?--the requiem how be sung
"By you--by yours, the evil eye,--by yours, the slanderous tongue
"That did to death the innocent that died, and died so young?"
Through discourse and disclosure; but rave not your composure! Let his corpse belong
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!
The sweet Shin hath "gone before kin," along Joy, that flew beside
Leaving thee wild for the dear child whose death thy should have decide-
For him, the fair and innocent, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon his cyan hair but not within his eyes--
The life still there, upon his hair--the death upon his eyes.
"Avaunt! Tonight my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
"But waft that red scarf on Shin's flight as a Pæan of old days!
"Let no bell toll!--lest his sweet soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
"Should catch the note, as it doth float up from the damnéd Earth.
"To friends above, from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven--
"From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven--
"From grief and groan, to purgatory alone, towards the gates of Heaven."
A slow march of thinning blood and coarse rubble, clacking against smooth-leather dress shoes. Through barren hallways, the steady sludge of bloody teal. The remnants of the sheep, throwing himself into the lion's den to protect the herd.
A green-haired man steps with a macabré elegance, dragging something. Dragging someone. His red scarf sways in the encroaching darkness as a trail of rouge follows behind him.
Up a long flight of stairs, through walls thick with wire, to a cold, silver casket. Glum and static. The perfect place for unfulfilled desires to dissipate.
The green-tailed silhouette, his polished flow broken up by an uncanny rigidity of his joints, halts mechanically in front of the coffin's silver sheen.
The dim room is accompanied by nothing but the dripping din of muddy, stained crimson. The man that holds his pale, fragile wrists doesn't even breathe.
Dull, doll-like jade pupils stare into the empty, bottomless casket. His uncanny gaze shifts towards the bloodied beanie on his beloved's head, beaten with grit and dirt.
The man effortlessly picks up the corpse in his arms, already feeling lighter than when he still had life in him, and carefully drapes the body across the coffin's dark interior.
And slowly, he wakes.
It's true when they say death deprives you of all other things. He once imagined he would wake up, screaming, wanting to scream, perhaps in rage, perhaps in agony, like waking up from a nightmare.
But as he rises once more, all he feels is his numbness. As if all the emotions have left him, buried along with the shell of his mortality, in the gaps of void within the coffin.
The shell of Shin Tsukimi.
I'm dead.
Shin Tsukimi sees himself, the same grassy strands of cyan hair on his head. Thin like silk thread, ruffled by his beanie.
Dead. He's dead. Dead? Dead. Dead.
The notion passes through him. Like mercury slides over his tongue every time he says it. He is but a wisp, and only regret tugs at him now.
The searing pain on his neck has left him, and he finds himself as translucent as a ghost. He stares past his hands, vision gluing onto the marks on his body's neck, the symbol of his final resistance. Finally, the first shreds of humanity come back to him as an injustice, a feeling that follows him to purgatory.
He wishes he could cry. Can he cry now? Is he deprived of that too? Maybe he is, but when tries to, it just feels like his spirit is only wallowing and weighing heavier.
I..I wanted to live too...
This...is worthless...all so worthless...
Why has he been left on earth? And here, of all places? This dingy, hellhole.
Shin, now a ghost, can't help but mourn himself. How could he not? Even though he sacrificed himself for the one girl who in turn, selflessly cared for him, A life lost is still a life lost. He lays beside the silver walls of the coffin, curling his translucent knees towards his face as he laments to the floor.
What now...what now...
He's so helpless. When will his spirit wither away? Will it do so along with his body?
It echoes through his soul. Gloomy, so gloomy..
His gloominess is startled by the abrupt clack of polished leather soles. Sharp and familiar; a sound he feared, yet one he would still run to. A sound that makes him jolt up on instinct. And when he does, an immediately recognisable face greets him, merely inches away from his own.
Another part of his life comes back to him, hits him like a cold breeze against his neck. This man was his life. The hairs on his head rise, pupils dilated as he starts sweating, cold and sticky like wax against his even more transparent skin.
Isn't he dead? Why is it as if his heart is racing, still pounding horridly at the sight of him?
Why, even after death, do you still cling onto your abuser?
Those wide, jade eyes don't seem to feel Shin's presence though, merely kneeling forward behind where Shin sat to promptly place a picture frame against his coffin.
He's...he's not smiling like usual, as he remembers him. He looks...somber.
Shin ponders, rather bitterly. Why?
Hiyori’s eyes, although shadowed by the dim backdrop, glows with an eerie stagnancy, downlooking the face framed behind glass.
The face of what used to be reveals itself in yellow backlight; innocent and pure, Shin Tsukimi.
No. No.
Slowly, Hiyori stands up, his neon head bleaching the dark canopy like poison. His face is plastered with a frown, wordless. Dormant.
It was these moments that used to make Shin sweat down to his neck. His indifference was more terrifying than his madness.
But now it was that same face, implanted, injected? – None of it feels real– with a sense of despondence. Confusing. Awful. Simply awful.
There is a slight downturn in the way his pupils eye the coffin. There is a crease where he presses his bottom lip into his jaw.
Shin’s wispy figure swivels around Hiyori's brown dress shoes, to peer at a peculiar piece of paper fallen beside his picture.
His ghastly eyes bore and sink into the words engraved fresh in ink.
..He can't be..
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'Sou Hiyori, 21, of R▅D▅CTED, Japan, expired March XXth XXXX. Shin Tsukimi, Son of XXXX and XXXX Tsukimi, expired on March XXth in ASU-NARO's 3rd Floor Rubble Room Facility, after succumbing to mortal injuries in resisting the security systems, to give one last hope to Sara Chidouin and the remaining participants of the Death Game. Tsukimi worked as a job-hopper prior to the Death Game. He also loved computers, soft things, collecting, warm soups and cozy clothing. He displayed a self-sacrificial naiveté and beaming smile that charmed his dear friend. He is survived by his mother, father and little sister, Kanna Kizuchi, who he willingly exchanged his life and identity for in the Main Game to protect her. It is a shame he died without knowing their blood connection. He will be resented but remembered by friends, and greatly missed by family. And me. Me too.’
"Pity...such a pity.." The first murmurs draw out under the green-haired man's breath, sending chills down Shin's spine as it pierces through the unnervingly long silence.
Shin jerks up from his position and freezes there, soul growing colder by the second.
He could never get used to it. But then once upon a time, he did. Why. Why now? And why here?
Full Chapter on AO3..
[cg edits by me] [note: it is romantic soushin, but it is for the sake of exploring the characters as an unhealthy relationship. IT DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE ABUSIVE DYNAMICS IN REAL LIFE.]
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erismourn · 4 months
ok ive been thinking about a destiny university au that im ultimately not going to do anything with (probably) but I just want to talk about it so here is a list of some characters and what I think they would do at uni
osiris: physics prof specializing in quantum + theoretical physics. undergrads find him extremely difficult to follow but master's students love him. will occasionally heckle ikora's philosophy seminars
saint: kinesiology prof, former football quarterback. everyone takes his first year classes because he's the best and also might let you throw things at each other for a grade. too much of a meathead to truly understand what's going on in osiris' lectures, but sits in on his beloved's lessons anyway.
ikora: philosophy prof, has like 4 undergrad degrees because she couldn't decide what she wanted to study ("but mads that's bonkers" my friend has done this and is currently getting their phd in social work. it happens). playful academic beef with osiris on the nature of life itself. was the scariest player on the women's lacrosse team
eris: perma-phd student in archaeology with a minor in anthropology. spends way too much time in the bone lab, which is why she looks like she doesn't go out in the sun. spends a little too much time hanging around the philosophy department for someone who isn't a philosophy major
zavala: extremely jacked anthropology professor. did his phd thesis on the value of fibrecraft to the human experience (more specific than that but I'm not about to come up with a feasible phd level thesis for a field I know nothing about). many of his students think he's in the mafia or something because of how ripped he is, but he just really likes working out
asher mir: chemistry professor. kind of a hardass, HATES teaching undergrads, but might let you blow something up in a controlled environment on the last lab day of the semester
amanda holliday: engineering master's student. EXTREMELY passionate about the yearly engineering go-kart derby where teams of students build their own go-karts
banshee-44: engineering prof. the smartest, most capable engineering prof at the school, but god forbid he remembers where he put that caliper. do not go into his office. it's a hazard.
shaxx: the football coach. end of thought.
drifter: math and stats prof. weirdly grungy for a nerd. I almost put him as an ethics professor bc I think his morals are really interesting but then I remembered he likes math a lot and I think he can have a little treat. has way too much energy for undergrads
mara: history prof. you thought history was boring until you took a class with dr sov. that woman can spin a yarn like nobody else. often has academic beef with ikora
riven: the school mascot
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