sideblogforstuffidfk · 2 months
Fan/Fictional Kid Ask Game Pt4
(answer for fan kids, OC kids, canon kids, whatever, whoever)
1. Do they have any long term partners?
2. What career path did they follow, if any?
3. Do they have or want kids of their own?
4. What does their current living situation look like? Do they still live 'at home'?
5. Are they close to their parents/guardians still?
6. Any bad habits or vices they picked up in adulthood?
7. What does their social life look like?
8. Would you say they're fairly happy in their life?
9. If they could change anything, what would it be?
10. What are some of their strongest memories, good or bad?
11. Were they involved in any crime, or do they live a pretty 'straight-laced' life?
12. Do they prefer long term or short term relationships? Casual or serious? What is their approach to 'romance'?
13. Does their present life look like how they imagined it would be when they were younger?
14. Do they have any major plans for further in the future?
15. Do they have smaller or shorter term goals?
16. What advice would they give their younger self?
17. What is the most important lesson they've learned so far? What do they think is the most important?
18. Did they have any further education? Would they say it was a good experience? A helpful one?
19. Who would they say is their closest confidant?
20. What is something they wish they had learned sooner?
21. How is their health? Are they honest about it?
22. What sort of coping mechanisms have they developed? Are they healthy or unhealthy?
23. Do they still have any big dreams they would like to make happen but don't expect to?
24. Is there anyone they lost touch with they'd like to get back? Anyone in their life they'd prefer more distance with?
25. Are they generally satisfied with where they are in life? Are they satisfied with where they're going?
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sideblogforstuffidfk · 2 months
Fan/Fictional Kid Ask Game Pt3
(answer for fan kids, OC kids, canon kids, whatever, whoever)
1. What kind of later education did they have? Highschool, apprenticeship, etc.
2. Did they date? Have any relationship drama?
3. What was their friend group like? Were they part of a clique?
4. What "teen sterotype" did they fall in? (jock, prep, art kid, goth, etc)
5. Did they learn to drive or otherwise opperate some kind of vehicle/transport? How did that go?
6. How independant were they? Were they close to their family or did they try to distance themself?
7. What about hobbies? Anything they really enjoyed doing?
8. Were they any extracuriculars they were in but didn't enjoy?
9. Were there any 'rites of passage' they experienced? Was it from their heritage or culture? Or just 'teens being teens'?
10. What were some skills they developed at this age?
11. What were some things they tried that didn't pan out?
12. What would they say was the worst thing to happen to them, if you asked them at this age?
13. Did they keep any of their childhood interests? Did they reject any of them?
14. Did their plans for the future change from their childhood? How would they answer 'what do you want to be when you grow up' now vs then?
15. What basic life skills are they learning? Which do they excell at? Which do they struggle with?
16. Did they have an school events like prom or homecoming? Did they attend? If not, what did they do instead?
17. What subjects of study did they excell in? What did they struggle with?
18. Are they comfortable confiding in their family? Do they prefer their friends?
19. How do they handle interacting with people younger than them? What about people that are older?
20. Do they have any health issues or conditions that appeared in their teens?
21. How well do they cope with boredom?
22. Would they rather stay local, or go aboard after completing their education?
23. Is there anyone in particular they especially want to stay close with as they grow older?
24. Is there anyone in particular they hope to distance themselves from?
25. How hopeful are they for the future? How do they think things will pan out?
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sideblogforstuffidfk · 2 months
Fan/Fictional Kid Ask Game Pt2
(answer for fan kids, OC kids, canon kids, whatever, whoever)
1. Did they have childhood friends or feuds?
2. What were their best/worst subejects in school? Or if not school, other training/education?
3. Did they have any obsessions? (horses, heroes, etc) How did they express them?
4. What were some of their favorites? Food, color, etc.
5. Were they an independant or clingy kid?
6. How was their health? Were they overall a pretty healthy kid, or did they get sick easily?
7. Were they outgoing or more of a homebody?
8. Were they an artsy kid or a sporty kid? Musically inclined? A blend or something else entirely?
9. Did they experience any major injuries?
10. Were they a picky eater or would they eat anything?
11. Any favorite toys or games? What kind of play did they prefer?
12. Were they more of a follower or leader?
13. How well did they take to reading? What about math?
14. Did they have, and did they believe, any childhood fables/stories? (tooth fairy, santa claus, etc)
15. Did they have an imaginary friend? What were they like?
16. How was their eyesight? Did they need glasses? (Do they later in life?)
17. Did they struggle with nightmates? What were they most often about?
18. Did they grow up multilingual, or with one language?
19. How did they like to dress? Did they have preferences on their hair and style?
20. Did they collect anything?
21. Were they tall for their age group, or short? A chubby kid of scrawny?
22. Were they a stubborn kid, or cooperative? Did they listen well?
23. Did they have chores, tasks, or a job to do?
24. Were there any significant negative experiences in this timespan?
25. Did they have a relatively happy, fulfilling childhood?
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sideblogforstuffidfk · 2 months
Fan/Fictional Kid Ask Game Pt1
(this kinda turned into a lifestage questionaire instead oops?)
(answer for fan kids, OCs, canon chars, whatever, whoever)
1 - Is the child adopted/fostered or with their biological parents?
2 - What was the pregnancy like? Any wild cravings or health issues?
3 - Were they born in their parent's native country?
4 - Do they have dual citizenship?
5 - Was it an easy birth? Was it 'natural' or surgical? Did the mother need induced? Hospital, at home, other? Any other details you want to share?
6 - Were they a single, or multiple? If multiple, how many, and what kind? (twin, triplet, etc / identical, fraternal, mirror, etc)
7 - Were they healthy at birth? Did they get to go home quick, or did they have a stay at the hospital?
8 - How big were they at birth? Did they have hair already? Were they immediately cute, or did they start in the 'potato' phase?
9 - Did they look like any particular relative did as a baby? Did they notably have any of their biological parents features?
10 - Any birthmarks or otherwise notable features?
11 - Are the biological parents alive? Are they still in the child's life?
12 - If orphaned, do they have new guardians? How did they come into their guardian's care?
13 - Were they an easy baby or difficult? Noisy, or quiet?
14 - Did they hit all their "milestones"? Were they quicker or slower than the 'average' child? Or a little of both? (get specific if you want)
15 - Were they kept at home, or did they attend daycare?
16 - Did they have any childhood friends? Any family they were espeically close to?
17 - Did they go through the "terrible twos"?
18 - Were they a "chubby baby"? Or extra tiny?
19 - Were they a high energy toddler, or super chill?
20 - Do they speak? If so, what were their first words?
21 - How was teething?
22 - What were their favorite foods/snacks?
23 - Did they love or hate naps?
24 - Did they throw tantrums? What did those look like? How were they handled?
25 - Did they have any comfort items or favorite toys?
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Is there any interest in ask games for toxic/unhealthy/etc ships?
A lot of my fave albums have break up songs and what not. But idk if there is any interest in that at all.
I personally love angst but it's def not for everyone.
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Melanie Martinez "Portals" Self Ship Ask Game
DEATH - Would you say your's is a love that transcends death? How so? Literally? Emotionally?
VOID - Would you say you were someone else before your relationship? Did you like who you were?
TUNNEL VISION - Did you ever feel like your partner was only with you for your body? Conversely did your partner ever make you feel like you were more than just your body/appearance?
FAERIE SOIREE - Would you say one of you "hypnotized" the other?
LIGHT SHOWER - Did your partner provide anything you felt like you were missing from life? Something you'd needed and gone without?
SPIDER WEB - How intertwined would you say you and your partners lives are?
LEECHES - Do you think anyone in your partner's life is a drain on them or your relationship?
BATTLE OF THE LARYNX - What kind of communicators are you and your partner? Thoughtful or impulsive? Emotional or logical?
THE CONTORTIONIST - Have you ever felt like your partner asked too much of you?
MOON CYCLE - Do you have mood swings? How does your partner handle them? What about the reverse, are they moody and how do you handle it?
NYMPHOLOGY - Have you ever felt like your partner had an unrealistic idea of who you are?
EVIL - Have you ever felt like you partner did not treat the way you deserved? When did you realize it?
WOMB - Would you say your relationship helped you change or grow as a person?
POWDER - Has your partner ever struggled greatly? Did you feel like it was too much for you to handle or help with?
PLUTO - Do you think your relationship brought part of your life to an end? Any friendships or other relationships ended by being with your partner?
MILK OF THE SIREN - Have any of your relationships made you jaded? Would you say your current one has helped with that or made it worse?
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If you are still taking requests for Melanie Martinez themed asks, perhaps Portals inspired asks? Thank you!
Can do! I've been digging the album, I'll see what I can get out in the next few days!
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Debating doing some mythology themed lists. Any requests?
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Shipping Ask Game
What is your prefered shipping method?
What is the most expensive thing you've shipped?
What is the most you've paid for shipping?
Have you ever had something accidentally shipped to you?
Have you ever accidentally shipped something to the wrong place?
What about on purpose?
How often do you track your shipments?
Do you prefer shipments to come to you directly, or to pick them up?
Have you ever had a shipment stolen?
Have you ever stolen a shipment?
Have you ever gotten into discourse over a shipment? e.g. the postman
Have you ever had issues with a shipment due to customs?
Have you ever skipped out on getting something because of the shipping?
Have you ever gotten more than you planned on in order to get free shipping?
Where is the furthest place you've had something shipped from?
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Melanie Martinez "Crybaby" Self-Ship Asks
Cry Baby - Are either of you prone to big emotional displays? Do you mind if other people see them?
Dollhouse - Do either of you have any family secrets? Does your partner know them?
Sippy Cup - Is there anything negative about your relationship that you and/or your partner are in denial about? Or maybe just ignore?
Carousel - Was there ever a time one you felt like you had to "chase" your partner or vice versa?
Alphabet Boy - Has either of your egos caused you to butt heads before?
Soap - Who said "I love you" first? What was the circumstance? How did it turn out?
Training Wheels - Who was the most nervous going into the relationship? Why?
Pity Party - Have you ever been seriously let down by your partner?
Tag, You're It - Would you say your partner is you 'ideal' choice?
Milk And Cookies - Has your partner ever done something that made you "snap"?
Pacify Her - Were either of you involved with someone else when you met?
Mrs. Potato Head - Do you have any significant insecurities about your appearance? How does your partner lessen or worssen them?
Mad Hatter - Is there anything about your relationship that would/might make other people question if you're 'in your right mind'?
Deluxe Bonus Tracks
Play Date - Would either of you have been ok just being "friends with benefits"?
Teddy Bear - Have either of you ever felt that your partner might be a danger to you? Is there an AU where they are?
Cake - Do you find yourself satisfied with your relationship, or does it feel like something is missing?
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Right now I have Lana Del Rey, Florence + the Machine, Melanie Martinez and a weather inspired post in the works. A few others that are no where near ready. Drop me any requests or preferences and I'll see what I can do.
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Flower Inspired Ask Game
Yes I know, there are a bunch of flower/plant ask games already. Its a solid go-to ok?
Arbor Vitae - Are you still friends with anyone from your childhood?
Alyssum - What outside of physical appearance, makes a person attractive to you?
Begonia - Are you more "down-to-earth" or "head-in-the-clouds"?
Cattleya - What was the moment you felt like you'd really "grown up"?
Cattail - What is your 'picture perfect' idea of peaceful?
Dog Rose - What is something that most people don't like (in your expirience), but you enjoy?
Galax - What encouragement do you need right now?
Larkspur - How easily do you fall in love?
Meadow Saffron - What are you nostaligic for?
Nasturium - Have you had any major successes in life?
Pimpernel - How well do you handle change? Are there any changes you would welcome right now?
Quaking Grass - Is there anything irritating you right now?
Yarrow - Do you feel like you've healed? Do you think you still need to?
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Rock* Inspired Ask Game
*includes minerals and crystals. probably idk i don't science lol
Angelite - Are you spiritual or religious? Do you feel comfortable talking about it, or keep it private?
Blue Lace Agate - What's a lie you know someone has told you? Do they know you know?
Chrysoprase - Have you had to cut someone toxic out of your life?
Fluorite - What is your greatest wish? Do you think its likely to happen?
Goldstone - How confident are you? Has that confidence ever been shaken?
Lepidolite - Are you easy to rattle, or sure footed?
Mookaite - What would be your perfect adventure?
Ocean Jasper - What self care are you failing to perform? Do you think you could start?
Phantom Quartz - Do you believe in the paranormal/supernatural? Have you had any expiriences with it?
Rainbow Obsidian - Optimist, pessimist, nihilist, idealist, do you fit into any of these? What is your out look on life?
Shungite - How attached to technology are you?
Tree Agate - Do you feel connected to nature? Are you comfortable 'roughing it'?
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black moon and super moon!
Gonna add this to pinned too, but. No need to send ask game qs here. This blog is just for posting the games themselves and has no ties to specific ships. It's sweet to be considerate that way, but no need!
If you really want to send a game q to someone, check in the reblogs, and send them some love. They deserve it!
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Lunar Event Self-Ship Asks
(I use second person and F/O, but feel free to answer these for anyone you like)
New - Your life together has just started, and the possibilities are limitless. What do you do?
Full - Your life together is coming to a close. Looking back, are you happy with how it went?
First Quarter - How do you and your F/O celebrate major life events?
Third Quarter - How do you deal with obstacles and diversity as a couple? What are problems you most often face?
Waxing Gibbous - What is a lesson you have taught your F/O? What have they taught you?
Waxing Crescent - You and your F/O have to leave everything behind and start over, with nothing but each other. How does that look?
Waning Gibbous - What have you and your F/O brought to each other's lives that you are most grateful for?
Waning Crescent - What does self care look like for you as a couple and/or as individuals?
Lunar Eclipse - How do you and your F/O let go of things? Is it easy, or do you struggle?
Solar Eclipse - How do you deal with anger? What does fighting with your F/O look like?
Blue Moon - Do you/your F/O believe in luck? Magic? Do you feel it favors you?
Black Moon - You and your F/O are separated for awhile. What does your reunion look like?
Blood Moon - Have you faced any major losses together? How do you think it impacted you?
Supermoon - What would your perfect life together be like?
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Halsey 'Badlands' Self-Ship Asks
feel free to pick and choose which parts of these to answer or how to interpret them
Castle - How well would you and your F/O handle being in the public eye? What kind of scrutiny would you be under?
Hold Me Down - Have you or your F/O ever gotten involved with a dangerous group or person? Did you get out/away?
New Americana - Did you know each other in highschool/equivalent? What was it like? If not, what do you think it would have been like if you had?
Drive - Did you dive right in, or spend awhile dancing around each other? Was there any resistance on either side? Denial?
Hurricane - What about you/your F/O is your "I can fix him/her/them" traits? How about "make it worse"? How would they change?
Roman Holiday - Was anyone against your relationship? Did you hide it from anyone?
Ghost - Have either of you ever felt toxic or unworthy for the other?
Colors - Do you/your F/O have families? What kind of family dynamic do you have and how does it affect your relationship, if at all?
Strange Love - How do others perceive you and your relationship? Do either of you care?
Coming Down - Are you each other's "escape"?
Haunting - If the relationship ended, do you think you'd be haunted by it? Would you haunt your now-former F/O?
Gasoline - Do you think you/your F/O perceives you accurately? Or do they see a version of you that isn't quite reality?
Control - Have you ever scared your F/O? Have they ever scared you?
Young God - How would you/your F/O handle suddenly having immense power? (magical, political, any kind)
I Walk The Line - How far would you go for your F/O and vice versa? Is there a limit?
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Hooooi! About the music prompts, do you do character/fandom specific? What about fanon/OCs from said fandoms? Also very random but what about just moods? Thanks for answering in advance!
OK! *cracks knuckles*
Char/Fandom specific - Yes, with asterisks. Mostly in that if I don't know it/them, I will still give it a shot, do some research, etc, but YMMV on how it turns out.
fanon/OCs - Same basic idea, I may not know them well, or at all, so I might request info/deets/etc, but I'm willing to give it a shot
Moods - Sure! Same for vague ideas/concepts/whatever.
If at any point I am straight up like "I cannot do this, no thoughts, head empty" I will just say so, and then tag it so it hits the big tags and maybe someone else will pick it up lol. But I'm open to people requesting pretty much anything. I'll give it a shot at least c:
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