sl0thonaga · 3 days
my take on floormaster kanna!+outfit desc
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i did this on my notes so the proportions look wonky,, i'll make a real design of her clothes soon
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sl0thonaga · 4 days
guess who infiltrated my chem notes
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look at my chem professor dawgggggg i'm goin to die 😫🤯🤣
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sl0thonaga · 5 days
i'm always the dog chasing after you so when you leave me, i should die
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i deserve it, don't i?
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sl0thonaga · 6 days
cannot believe this was the sketch 😭
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it's kaworu day ✧ 生
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kinda proud of this actually
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sl0thonaga · 7 days
it's kaworu day ✧ 生
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kinda proud of this actually
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sl0thonaga · 11 days
personal shin tsukimi analysis incoming!
i think what i find heartbreaking (from personal experience) is that after you go through something traumatic/toxic, be it internal struggle or relationships, once you're past it, it's as if you can't remember what exactly happened within that period of time. you can't remember the mundane events, the other people you talked to. you only remember what you did that, in the end, ended up hurting you. and you think: what was i doing there? during that time? you were so lost and absorbed in that poison you just couldn't mind anything else.
when i realised that recently, i saw just how bad i got prior to recovering. i couldn't remember anything else that happened to me. i'm sure i acted like a normal person day to day, but i have no recollection of it.
and so that's why i find it even sadder that maybe that was why midori could just leave shin like that. for others, he had to erase their memory of him at some point, but he knew he already left a mark so scarring on shin that once he was past this relationship, the act of burying his confusion will become so commonplace that he just forgets how wrong his relationship was with hiyori.
furthermore, because he probably also couldn't remember the other interactions he had outside of midori, he probably felt even lonelier. in retrospect, when hiyori left him, it's as if he was really alone. he couldn't remember anybody else he talked to, parents or strangers. it's a very isolating feeling. what else happened during that time? shin wouldn't know. he would only remember hiyori, and all the things he did to him.
and maybe that would also make it much easier to break shin, who's been alone and lonely, who's had memories of other daily interaction stripped away from him. it would be easier then to detach himself from "shin" and spiral into the only thing that's never changed in his memories: sou hiyori.
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sl0thonaga · 12 days
Even in death, you will be encased and confined to this place of nightmares. In bleeding, evil metal. The minerals that feed on my bones will feed unto more bloodshed, not peace.
Will you be able to rest here, Shin? Peacefully, and eternally?
His eyes claw deep into Midori's face as he haunts his every step through the facility.
Never. NEVER.
I'll never forget you, even if I'm dead.
Won't you show sympathy for a dying man's body?
Chapter 2 of my Ghost!Shin YTTD Fic: MOMENTO MORI is out!
Words: 5,263 Characters: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin, Original Hiyori Sou | Midori, Meister (Kimi ga Shine) Relationships: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin/Original Hiyori Sou | Midori [for this specific chapter] Additional Tags: Kanna Lives | Sou Dies Route (Kimi ga Shine), Grief/Mourning, Ghosts, Trauma, Acceptance, Haunting, Mild Gore, Kugie and Shin are Ghosts, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Character Study, Obsessive Behavior, Fluff and Angst, Edgar Allan Poe References, Introspection
Within the ever-humming, luminescent monitor room, it seems a piece of scrap paper has been inserted roughly into the edge of a familiar book. With an ominous breath of wind, the page falls out.
"I wonder when Hiyori will come back..."
Shi▇n DIARY ▇▇ :Compiled and Logged by DR. H▅▅▆▅▅ S▅▅U
Ah, broken is the collar red! The spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!--a weakling soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Man of Green, hast thou no tear?--weep now or lie in sin!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, thy Shin!
Come! let the burial rite be read--the funeral song be sung!--
An anthem for the pitiful dead that ever died so young--
A dirge for him the doubly dead in that he died so young.
"Wretches! ye loved him for his mind and hated him for his lies,
"And when he fell in feeble binds, ye blessed him --that he died!
"How shall the ritual, then, be read?--the requiem how be sung
"By you--by yours, the evil eye,--by yours, the slanderous tongue
"That did to death the innocent that died, and died so young?"
Through discourse and disclosure; but rave not your composure! Let his corpse belong
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!
The sweet Shin hath "gone before kin," along Joy, that flew beside
Leaving thee wild for the dear child whose death thy should have decide-
For him, the fair and innocent, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon his cyan hair but not within his eyes--
The life still there, upon his hair--the death upon his eyes.
"Avaunt! Tonight my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
"But waft that red scarf on Shin's flight as a Pæan of old days!
"Let no bell toll!--lest his sweet soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
"Should catch the note, as it doth float up from the damnéd Earth.
"To friends above, from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven--
"From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven--
"From grief and groan, to purgatory alone, towards the gates of Heaven."
A slow march of thinning blood and coarse rubble, clacking against smooth-leather dress shoes. Through barren hallways, the steady sludge of bloody teal. The remnants of the sheep, throwing himself into the lion's den to protect the herd.
A green-haired man steps with a macabré elegance, dragging something. Dragging someone. His red scarf sways in the encroaching darkness as a trail of rouge follows behind him.
Up a long flight of stairs, through walls thick with wire, to a cold, silver casket. Glum and static. The perfect place for unfulfilled desires to dissipate.
The green-tailed silhouette, his polished flow broken up by an uncanny rigidity of his joints, halts mechanically in front of the coffin's silver sheen.
The dim room is accompanied by nothing but the dripping din of muddy, stained crimson. The man that holds his pale, fragile wrists doesn't even breathe.
Dull, doll-like jade pupils stare into the empty, bottomless casket. His uncanny gaze shifts towards the bloodied beanie on his beloved's head, beaten with grit and dirt.
The man effortlessly picks up the corpse in his arms, already feeling lighter than when he still had life in him, and carefully drapes the body across the coffin's dark interior.
And slowly, he wakes.
It's true when they say death deprives you of all other things. He once imagined he would wake up, screaming, wanting to scream, perhaps in rage, perhaps in agony, like waking up from a nightmare.
But as he rises once more, all he feels is his numbness. As if all the emotions have left him, buried along with the shell of his mortality, in the gaps of void within the coffin.
The shell of Shin Tsukimi.
I'm dead.
Shin Tsukimi sees himself, the same grassy strands of cyan hair on his head. Thin like silk thread, ruffled by his beanie.
Dead. He's dead. Dead? Dead. Dead.
The notion passes through him. Like mercury slides over his tongue every time he says it. He is but a wisp, and only regret tugs at him now.
The searing pain on his neck has left him, and he finds himself as translucent as a ghost. He stares past his hands, vision gluing onto the marks on his body's neck, the symbol of his final resistance. Finally, the first shreds of humanity come back to him as an injustice, a feeling that follows him to purgatory.
He wishes he could cry. Can he cry now? Is he deprived of that too? Maybe he is, but when tries to, it just feels like his spirit is only wallowing and weighing heavier.
I..I wanted to live too...
This...is worthless...all so worthless...
Why has he been left on earth? And here, of all places? This dingy, hellhole.
Shin, now a ghost, can't help but mourn himself. How could he not? Even though he sacrificed himself for the one girl who in turn, selflessly cared for him, A life lost is still a life lost. He lays beside the silver walls of the coffin, curling his translucent knees towards his face as he laments to the floor.
What now...what now...
He's so helpless. When will his spirit wither away? Will it do so along with his body?
It echoes through his soul. Gloomy, so gloomy..
His gloominess is startled by the abrupt clack of polished leather soles. Sharp and familiar; a sound he feared, yet one he would still run to. A sound that makes him jolt up on instinct. And when he does, an immediately recognisable face greets him, merely inches away from his own.
Another part of his life comes back to him, hits him like a cold breeze against his neck. This man was his life. The hairs on his head rise, pupils dilated as he starts sweating, cold and sticky like wax against his even more transparent skin.
Isn't he dead? Why is it as if his heart is racing, still pounding horridly at the sight of him?
Why, even after death, do you still cling onto your abuser?
Those wide, jade eyes don't seem to feel Shin's presence though, merely kneeling forward behind where Shin sat to promptly place a picture frame against his coffin.
He's...he's not smiling like usual, as he remembers him. He looks...somber.
Shin ponders, rather bitterly. Why?
Hiyori’s eyes, although shadowed by the dim backdrop, glows with an eerie stagnancy, downlooking the face framed behind glass.
The face of what used to be reveals itself in yellow backlight; innocent and pure, Shin Tsukimi.
No. No.
Slowly, Hiyori stands up, his neon head bleaching the dark canopy like poison. His face is plastered with a frown, wordless. Dormant.
It was these moments that used to make Shin sweat down to his neck. His indifference was more terrifying than his madness.
But now it was that same face, implanted, injected? – None of it feels real– with a sense of despondence. Confusing. Awful. Simply awful.
There is a slight downturn in the way his pupils eye the coffin. There is a crease where he presses his bottom lip into his jaw.
Shin’s wispy figure swivels around Hiyori's brown dress shoes, to peer at a peculiar piece of paper fallen beside his picture.
His ghastly eyes bore and sink into the words engraved fresh in ink.
..He can't be..
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'Sou Hiyori, 21, of R▅D▅CTED, Japan, expired March XXth XXXX. Shin Tsukimi, Son of XXXX and XXXX Tsukimi, expired on March XXth in ASU-NARO's 3rd Floor Rubble Room Facility, after succumbing to mortal injuries in resisting the security systems, to give one last hope to Sara Chidouin and the remaining participants of the Death Game. Tsukimi worked as a job-hopper prior to the Death Game. He also loved computers, soft things, collecting, warm soups and cozy clothing. He displayed a self-sacrificial naiveté and beaming smile that charmed his dear friend. He is survived by his mother, father and little sister, Kanna Kizuchi, who he willingly exchanged his life and identity for in the Main Game to protect her. It is a shame he died without knowing their blood connection. He will be resented but remembered by friends, and greatly missed by family. And me. Me too.’
"Pity...such a pity.." The first murmurs draw out under the green-haired man's breath, sending chills down Shin's spine as it pierces through the unnervingly long silence.
Shin jerks up from his position and freezes there, soul growing colder by the second.
He could never get used to it. But then once upon a time, he did. Why. Why now? And why here?
Full Chapter on AO3..
[cg edits by me] [note: it is romantic soushin, but it is for the sake of exploring the characters as an unhealthy relationship. IT DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE ABUSIVE DYNAMICS IN REAL LIFE.]
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sl0thonaga · 13 days
maple sketch on my lesson notes... spot a certain cabbage head here
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might turn this into a real wip, i was way too distracted
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sl0thonaga · 17 days
'Sou Hiyori, 21, of R▅D▅CTED, Japan, expired March XXth XXXX. Shin Tsukimi, Son of XXXX and XXXX Tsukimi, expired in ASU-NARO's 3rd Floor Rubble Room Facility, after succumbing to mortal injuries in resisting the security systems.'
"U..u u.."
S...stop it...let me die, H--...!
Prologue Chapter - Shin Tsukimi
Rating: Mature Category: M/M, Other Fandom: Kimi Ga Shine | Your Turn To Die (Visual Novel)Relationship: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin/Original Hiyori Sou | Midori, Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin & Kizuchi Kanna & Kizuchi Kugie Characters: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin, Original Hiyori Sou | Midori, Kizuchi Kugie, Kizuchi Kanna Additional Tags: Kanna Lives | Sou Dies Route (Kimi ga Shine), Grief/Mourning, Ghosts, Trauma, Acceptance, Haunting, Mild Gore, Kugie and Shin are Ghosts, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Character Study, Obsessive Behavior, Fluff and Angst, Edgar Allan Poe References
▉▉▉ ▉ .
"Ahaha… No dice after all…. .
Pathetic… after all I did… ………."
"Maybe I should've believed… in everyone…."
Shin Tsukimi A.I. Test Data: Compiled and Logged by DR. H▅▅▆▅▅ S▅▅U
LOG #0.
It was many and many a year ago,
In a hometown by the sea,
That a helpless sheep there lived whom you may know
By the name of Shin Tsukimi;
And this helpless sheep he lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was lonely and he was alone,
In this hometown by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
I and my Shin Tsukimi—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted him and me.
And this was the reason that, not long ago,
In this building's killing spree,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Shin Tsukimi;
So that the dirty hands of the herd came
And bore him away from me,
To shut him up in a sepulchre
In this building's killing spree.
The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying him and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
In this sacred killing spree)
That the wind of majority trampled him by night,
Chilling and killing my Shin Tsukimi.
But our love it was stronger by far than the fates
Of he who would die earlier than me—
Of the '0.0' murmuring more horrors than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Shin Tsukimi;
That's mine; you could never take him from me.
MORE on AO3!
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[cg edit by me] [note: it is romantic soushin, but it is for the sake of exploring the characters as an unhealthy dynamic. IT DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE ABUSIVE DYNAMICS IN REAL LIFE.]
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sl0thonaga · 19 days
made a gif version. [don't fall asleep]
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happy late 7th yttd anniversary!
[Sweet Dreams~]
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Don't forget.
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Don't sleep.
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sl0thonaga · 19 days
happy late 7th yttd anniversary!
[Sweet Dreams~]
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Don't forget.
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Don't sleep.
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sl0thonaga · 20 days
drawing of summer mitsuri i did back in january as a gift for my friend
it was an uncoloured sketch but i later coloured it digitally (with whatever that was achievable in my phone gallery editor lmao)
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edited version with both eyes open:
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