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eurovision-facts · 28 days ago
Eurovision Fact #877:
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Freaky Fortune, who represented Greece in 2014 with RiskyKidd, rose to fame online after winning a cover competition hosted by Perez Hilton. Hilton dubbed the duo's cover of "Part of Me" by Katy Perry as brilliant, jump-starting their fame in the music industry.
Participants of Copenhagen 2014: Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd, Eurovision.tv.
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guysofeurovision · 1 year ago
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lana0605 · 1 year ago
Greece in Eurovision: my top 3 songs of the last decade (2014-2023)
2018 Yianna Terzi "Oniro mou"
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2020 Stefania "Supergirl"
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2014 Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd "Rise Up"
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gemsofgreece · 2 years ago
ΑΥΤΟ! Λοιπόν με την ευκαιρία, σε αυτό το reblog εδώ θα απαντήσω και σε κάποια σχετικά mail που έλαβα, για να μην επαναλαμβάνομαι παρά πολύ:
@margaretartstuff Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο. Ένα συχνό επιχείρημα που ακουγεται από κάποιους ιθύνοντες της ΕΡΤ αλλά και από πολλούς (νεαρούς) Έλληνες είναι ότι οι στους ξένους δεν αρέσουν τα Ελληνικά και η μουσική μας όποτε πρέπει να πηγαίνουμε με ξένα για να μας «αποδεχτούν». Αυτό είναι, πολύ απλά και με βάση τα γεγονότα, εντελώς λάθος! Το αντίθετο συμβαίνει συνήθως! Ας δούμε την Ελληνική κατάταξη από το 2001 μέχρι σήμερα, δηλαδή από όταν άρχισε να υπάρχει η επιλογή να τραγουδήσεις και στα αγγλικά.
2001, Antique: Μείξη ελληνικού και αγγλικού στίχου, ελληνικός ήχος. 3η θέση
2002, Μ. Ρακιντζής : Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 17η θέση (ήταν γενικά χάλια βέβαια)
2003, Μαντώ: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 17η θέση.
2004, Σ. Ρουβάς: Αγγλικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 3η θέση.
2005, Ε. Παπαρίζου: Αγγλικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 1η θέση.
2006, Α. Βίσση: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 9η θέση.
2007, Σαρμπέλ: Αγγλικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 7η θέση.
2008, Καλομοίρα: Αγγλικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 3η θέση.
2009, Σ. Ρουβάς: Αγγλικός στίχος, απροσδιόριστος ήχος (ελληνοποπ χωρίς όμως κλασικά ελληνικά στοιχεία). 7η θέση.
2010, Γ. Αλκαίος: Ελληνικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 8η θέση.
2011, Λ. Γιώρκας ft Stereo Mike: Μείξη Ελληνικού και Αγγλικού στίχου, ελληνικός ήχος. Κι ένα ζεϊμπέκικο. 7η θέση. 1η θέση στους ημιτελικούς. Fun fact: αν ισχύει ό,τι έχω διαβάσει, εκείνη τη χρονιά υπήρξε μια τηλεφωνική διαρροή από τους διοργανωτές μετά τους προημιτελικούς, που έλεγαν ότι μια χώρα (που δεν κατονομαζόταν) είχε πάει πολύ καλά στην ψηφοφορία αλλά δεν μπορούσε να ανταπεξέλθει οικονομικά στην διοργάνωση του επόμενου διαγωνισμού. Εν τελει εκείνη την χρονιά κέρδισε ένα από τα πιο αδιάφορα τραγούδια εβερ (ένα ντουέτο από το Αζερμπαιτζάν) που δεν το θυμόταν κανένας τ��ν επόμενη μέρα. Συμπτωματικά, εκείνη ήταν η πρώτη χρονιά που η Ελλάδα είχε μπει για τα καλά στην ύφεση. Χμμμμ 🧐🧐🧐
2012, Ε. Ελευθέριου: Αγγλικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 17η θέση.
2013, Koza Mostra & Α. Ιακωβίδη: Ελληνικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. 6η θέση.
2014, Freaky Fortune ft RiskyKidd: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 20η θέση.
2015, Μ. Ε. Κυριάκου: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 15η θέση.
2016, Argo: Μείξη ελληνικού και αγγλικού στίχου, ελληνικός ήχος. Άπατο. Απλά ήταν χάλια παιδιά, δεν έφταιγε η γλώσσα.
2017, Ντέμυ: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 19η θέση.
2018, Γ. Τερζή: Ελληνικός στίχος, ελληνικός ήχος. Άπατο. Αλλά ας θυμίσουμε ότι ήταν μέσα στα 5 φαβορί στα στοιχήματα μέχρι εκείνη την εφιαλτική ερμηνεία στο live, που ήταν τόσο απαίσια ώστε δικαίως κόπηκε. Αν και επίσης έχει δίκιο η ίδια που λέει ότι σαμποταρίστηκε στις επιτροπές. Δεν το λέω για να δικαιολογήσω την κατάσταση. Πηγαίνετε στο YouTube και δείτε τι συνέβη στο jury show της και ελάτε να μου πείτε ότι δεν την σαμποτάρισαν… Και παρά το γενικό χάλι, το κοινό την περνούσε στον τελικό (!), αλλά φυσικά την τσάκισε η βαθμολογία της επιτροπής.
2019, Κ. Ντούσκα: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 21η θέση.
2021, Στεφανία: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 10η θέση.
2022, Αμάντα: Αγγλικός στίχος, ξένος ήχος. 8η θέση.
Τι βλέπουμε λοιπόν;
Η Ελλάδα τα πάει διαχρονικά καλύτερα όταν πηγαίνει με ελληνικό στοιχείο είτε στην ολότητα του είτε, κυρίως, σε μείξη με το αγγλικό. Αυτό είναι λογικό γιατί έτσι ένα τραγούδι είναι και πιο αυθεντικό στην χώρα του αλλά και προσιτό ταυτόχρονα στους ξένους.
Η Ελλάδα σαμποταρίστηκε σε τουλάχιστον δυο κραυγαλέες περιπτώσεις κατά την δεκαετία της κρίσης.
Παρόλα αυτά αυτό που μετράει πάνω από όλα είναι να είναι καλό το τραγούδι, ασχέτως αν είναι ελληνικό ή ξένο. Απόδειξη οι δυο τελευταίες συμμετοχές. Ωστόσο, επίσης πρέπει να σας πω ότι η συμμετοχή της Στεφανίας αν και αρκετά καλή για ξένο ποπ, βοη��ήθηκε κυρίως από το σκηνικό και το διασκεδαστικό τρικ της green screen του Φωκά. Όσο για το τραγούδι της Αμάντα, υπερψηφίστηκε πολύ από τις επιτροπές επειδή τραγούδησε ακαπέλα. Στην πραγματικότητα, στην ψηφοφορία κοινού δεν τα πήγε τόσο καλά. Ήταν εκτός δεκάδας.
Ωραία, τα ‘πα και ξαλάφρωσα. Άμα ποτε σας πει κανένας έξυπνος ότι στους ξένους δεν αρέσουν τα ελληνικά και μόνο με ξένα έχουμε ελπίδα κάντε copy paste αυτή τη λίστα. Προσωπικά γνωρίζω κάποιους Ευρωπαίους που ασχολούνται πάρα πολύ με Eurovision και όλοι τους αναρωτιούνται γιατί έχουμε κόψει τα ελληνικά. Κανένας δεν χαίρεται που στέλνουμε ξένα.
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@mne-bolno ναι είναι φυσικά και αυτό ένα σημαντικό μπόνους. Απλά νομίζω ότι όντως θέλουν ξένο τραγούδι με καλή προφορά κλπ. Για τον Βερνίκο δεν είναι το πρόβλημα ότι είναι μισός-μισός, αλλά ότι το τραγούδι του είναι μέτριο στην καλύτερη περίπτωση, νίκησε μέσα σε 106 άλλες υποψηφιότητες και συμπτωματικά είναι γόνος Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών και βουλευτών… Μάλιστα, μια άλλη υποψήφια τραγουδίστρια έχει κινηθεί νομικά και κατηγορεί την ΕΡΤ για νοθεία… Καλά θα πάει κι αυτό. Οπότε τι να στηρίξω εγώ, έχει αρκετή στήριξη από το σόι, εγώ περιττεύω 😂
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Ε τι να κάνουμε… νέοι άνθρωποι είμαστε (ακόμα). Δε μπορούμε να διασκεδάζουμε μόνο με Σοπενχάουερ. Με μια λέξη μόνο όμως (εκτρώματα) πήρες σβάρνα 1600+ τραγούδια και 52 χώρες. Δεν είναι έτσι. Έχει και τσίρκο, αλλά έχει και ωραία τραγούδια και all time classic στιγμές. Αλλά όλοι ξέρουμε ότι Eurovision πάνω από όλα βλέπεις για την ψηφοφορία και τον τρίτο παγκόσμιο που σχεδόν ξεσπάει κάθε χρονιά. Είναι πολύ διασκεδαστικό. Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ στον διαγωνισμό του 21, που όλες οι μεγάλες δυνάμεις (Αγγλία, Γερμανία, Ισπανία και νομίζω μια ακόμα) πήραν στη σειρά 0 πόντους από όλην την Ευρώπη. Iconic.
Έχεις παρατηρήσει πως τα τελευταία χρόνια στέλνουμε πολύ νεαρά άτομα στην Eurovision που τις περισσότερες φορές έχουν επαφές (πχ. έχουν μεγαλώσει σε ξένη χώρα); Έχει να κάνει με κάτι ή είναι απολύτως τυχαίο;
Ναι! Στην αρχή νόμιζα ότι είναι προσπάθεια εκβιασμού ψήφων π.χ η Νορβηγία να μας ψηφίσει για την Αμάντα κτλ. Τώρα τελευταία είμαι της γνώμης ότι η ΕΡΤ δε θέλει με τίποτα να στείλει Ελληνικό ήχο / στίχο οπότε στέλνει Έλληνες της διασποράς με καλή προφορά και που είναι εντελώς εναρμονισμένοι με το δυτικό πρότυπο οπότε στατιστικά είναι και πιο νέοι… Αν θυμάμαι καλά, πρόπερσι μετά τη Στεφανία είχανε ρωτήσει τον πρόεδρο της επιτροπής της ΕΡΤ (Παπαδημητρίου;) για το αν τώρα θα πάμε με κάτι πιο ελληνικό και είχε απαντήσει με υφάκι ότι η τάση της εποχής είναι το μοντέρνο ξένο και ότι αυτοί ξέρουν καλύτερα από μας τι θα πάει καλά 🤷🏻‍♀️
Πάντως απολύτως τυχαίο δεν είναι με τίποτα.
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borisbubbles · 6 years ago
Eurovision 2010s: 260 - 256
260. Tulia - “Fire of love (Pali sie)” Poland 2019
In a reverse from the songs ranked around them, Tulia actually brought a VERY entertaining song, but their presentation turned it into a boring experience. 🤦‍♂️ The selfie backdrop. The lack of dynamism in the act, which is killing for a song this repetitive. The song is called “Fire of love”, WHERE 👏 IS 👏 THE 👏 FIRE? 👏
The worst has to be the  camerawork though; I don’t think I’ve seen worse in any entry? SO MANY wideshots, SO MANY audience shots, SO FEW close-ups. This is not Tulia’s fault, but Poland failed hard at selling what should’ve been an easy qualification. 
However, even here there are a few qualities that prevent me from ranking Tulia lower. I actually LOVE the first minute of “Pali Sie” quite a bit; The four of them on the lazy susan, faces covered by veils, those giant golden headdresses, brighly coloured skirts and ribbons. It really makes for a strong first impression that piques my interest. It’s just a damn’ shame the staging doesn’t do anything to maintain my attention after the first minute mark. :( 
259. Christos Mylordos - “S’an aggelos s’agapisa” Cyprus 2011
My Eurovision staging philosophy has always been that no matter how bad the song, great staging CAN elevate it to a higher level, but that isn’t entirely true. Sometimes the staging provided IS good, but not suitable to the song.  Enter this anonymous Cypriot entry which doesn’t really go anywhere musically, but has some pretty rad staging. This looks pretty cool:
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and course it has a amazing screaming woman because why not?
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AND it ALMOST snatches my wig? But then I try to remember what “S’an aggelos s’agapisa” sounds like and struggle, as the final memory of it is blown away by the wind like a dandelion.
Also with this update, I’ve now eliminated HALF of 2011′s entries, more than 50 write-ups before of the actual halfway point of this ranking. What an amazing year, y’all. 
258.  Željko Joksimović - “Nije Ljubav Stvar” Serbia 2012
I am surprised I have Željko this high lol? I mean, ‘surprised’ in the sense that my usual reaction to him is “GOOD LORD HIS MUSIC IS SOOOOOOOO FUCKING BOOOORING GTFO” and we are well past that point in the ranking by now. And yes, the first 2 minutes and 15 second of “Nije ljubav stvar” ARE that breed of hohum lullabye noises Željko is famous for.  However, those final 42 seconds are... legit good lol? Well, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself: the climax of “Nije ljubav stvar” isn’t wig-snatchingly great, and it doesn’t absolve the previous 2 minutes of tedium and it certainly doesn’t excuse the ridiculous third place the song finished in.🙄 Regardless, I enjoyed the closing minute, which by itself makes “Nije ljubav stvar”the second best of the Joksimovic compositions in this ranking. ^__^
257. Freaky Fortune ft. RiskyKidd - “Rise up” Greece 2014
Lol “Rise up”. It’s fiiiine. The song itself is sterilized nondescript dance noise but Nicholas and RiskyKidd manage to work it well enough with a well-needed energy injection. Not too fond of that momentum-slaying trampoline though~
256. Oto Nemsadze - “Keep on going” Georgia 2019
I don’t think “Keep on going” brooks any introduction: it’s not a good song lol. It’s aggressive and drags on forever. Out of all the “Build up into climax” songs, the build up is arguably the MOST agonizing. 2′20′‘ of “ugh END ALREADY” But holy hell that climax was awesome though. It’s really weird how a song as bad as “Keep on going” manages to almost sell itself with excellent A+ staging. Great LEDwork  and, deviating from the 2019 norm, wonderful camerawork that give the song a cinematic feel. The staging is Inspired.  If Georgia keep on going down the path of treating their entries like cinematic masterpieces, then nothing will be able to stifle their domination once they get their hands on a good song.
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eurovision-boys · 7 years ago
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everyeurovisionsong · 2 years ago
Greece 2014
'Rise Up" performed by Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd. Composition by Freaky Fortune. Lyrics by Freaky Fortune, RiskyKidd.
I suspect that Freaky Fortune had a relatively straightforward brief… make us a really good party song. The result was 'Rise Up' and it delivers. There's a huge amount of energy in the song, and singing live all of that energy is on show. It's bright and vivacious, and very much a feel good song.
It's also quite a low tariff song in terms of the Song Contest. The excitement and dance floor filling beats don't actually go anywhere, there's no emotion beyond 'happy' and without the bounce given by the trampoline, the last minute can be a repetitive listen at home.
Sometimes you don't need deep and complex songs in your lift. That's the time when 'Rise Up' is perfect.
Semi Final - Points: 74. Placing: 7th. Grand Final - Points: 35. Placing: 20th.
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telegid · 6 years ago
ANDREAS в прошлой жизни был Аполлоном
ANDREAS в прошлой жизни был Аполлоном
В конце сентября греческий исполнитель презентует клип на песню Selena, над которым старательно трудилась интересная компания: Фри — певица из Афин, Алеся — модель из Киева и Риски — сын репера COOLIO.
— Андреас, что появилось раньше, песня или идея клипа?
— Сначала на студии в Греции у моего друга Кима Диамантопулоса появился я. (Смеется.) Это известный певец или, как его называют на родине,…
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mexicaneurolover · 6 years ago
Eurovision 2014 my top 37
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Hello and welcome to another episode of this ESC tops series, and I only have to review 5 more contest and I’ll finish this before I go back to school. In the meantime I go back to May 6, 8 and 10, 2014, when the 59th edition of the contest was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, after Emmelie de Forest’s victory in Malmö last year. 37 countries took part, while Poland and Portugal returned to the contest, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus and Bulgaria withdrew because of financial difficulties. The contest was won by Austria and Conchita Wurst with the song Rise Like a Phoenix, making this their second victory overall and the first one after 1966, 48 years later. And now, let’s review the songs!!! Also I have to say the postcards are stunning and the best I’ve ever seen. 
1st Place: SWEDEN/Sanna Nielsen-Undo (Real Placing: 3rd-218 points) 
This entry has a special place in my heart, I love Sanna so much, her voice is so great and the music is lovely, the lyrics are a bit bad but that doesn’t change anything, the performance was so shiny and it works perfectly for this song, and indeed I think this is a very powerful song, this or Conchita are my winners of that year, and UNDO MY SAD Sanna. 
2nd Place: AUSTRIA/Conchita Wurst-Rise like a Phoenix (Real Placing: 1st-290 points)
Behold the winner, and WHAT A WINNER SHE WAS, the song is something from a James Bond movie, her voice is stunning, she’s stunning, the performance is pure fire and magic, and the lyrics are so empowering, I’m so glad she won that night and the music is so perfect, with a live orchestra this would’ve been miles better, if that was possible because this is such a perfect song. GO CONCHITA, I love you. 
3rd Place: THE NETHERLANDS/The Common Linnets-Calm after the storm (Real Placing: 2nd-238 points) 
What a gentle and perfect song, this has a very calm and soothing music, perfect for a road trip and they have amazing voices together, the performance is so intimate and wonderful, the lyrics are beautiful and it’s one of the songs that relax me so much. A deserved runner up and what a result they had! 
4th Place: SWITZERLAND/Sebalter-Hunter of stars (Real Placing: 13th-64 points)
YEEEES this entry is everything, he’s so handsome, he has a nice voice, the music is so memorable, this has some catchy lyrics and the performance is so good, the whistling is perfect and it’s a nice detail to the song, I think this song deserved so much more and this is Switzerland’s last qualification, I hope that can change soon.  
5th Place: SAN MARINO/Valentina Monetta-Maybe (Forse) (Real Placing: 24th-14 points) 
SHE DID IT, SHE DID IT, this was their first qualification and this song is very nice, it’s one of my favorite entries from San Marino, as always Valentina’s voice is perfect and the performance is beautiful, surely this is a very beautiful ballad and I hope I get to see San Marino in the final again. 
6th Place: UKRAINE/Mariya Yaremchuk-Tick-tock (Real Placing: 6th-113 points) 
The hamster wheel is iconic in this song, and her voice is so good, also the music is amazing and it’s a very catchy song, I fell in love with this song since the first time I heard it, and it will never leave my head. An amazing entry as well and it’s perfect. 
7th Place: HUNGARY/András Kállay-Saunders-Running (Real Placing: 5th-143 points) 
Wow, this is such a strong song, the music is so dark, as well as the lyrics and the performance, his voice is good, a bit dodgy at the end but this is so amazing, a deserved top 5 result and it’s an amazing entry. 
8th Place: IRELAND/Can-Linn feat. Kasey Smith-Heartbeat (Real Placing: 12th SF2-35 points) 
Another song that IMO deserved the final, the music is so perfect, maybe her voice was a bit weak and that kinda ruined this, but the performance is so nice, the Irish touch in this is so lovely and it’s so enjoyable, surely this deserved more.  
9th Place: SPAIN/Ruth Lorenzo-Dancing in the rain (Real Placing: 19th-74 points) 
YAAAAAS SPAIN, this is such a perfect ballad and Ruth’s voice is so perfect and beautiful, also the performance is so cool and I love the music so much, she’s a goddess on stage and I’m in love with the lyrics, they are beautiful, and I have a thing for Spanish ballads so this is my perfect song. 
10th Place: UNITED KINGDOM/Molly-Children of the Universe (Real Placing: 17th-40 points) 
Oh this song is pure awesomeness, her voice is so amazing and I love the music because is so inspiring, also the lyrics are so strong and overall this is a very strong song, and IMO this deserved so much more. 
11th Place: ARMENIA/Aram MP3-Not alone (Real Placing: 4th-174 points)
At first I must admit I hated this song so much, but after many listens I appreciate it more, his voice is so special and I love how this song builds until the end, and the performance is so perfect as well, the dubstep ending is perfect and now I see it’s a very good song.   
12th Place: POLAND/Donatan & Cleo-My Słowianie - We Are Slavic (Real Placing: 14th-62 points) 
Another epic and wonderful song, the music is so perfect and I love the performance so much, it’s stunning, also her voice is so special and it makes the song so amazing. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. 
13th Place: PORTUGAL/Suzy-Quero ser tua (Real Placing: 11th SF1-39 points) 
Ooooo this is such a wonderful song, the music is very catchy and I always dance to this one, and she has a nice voice, also the performance is so lovely and appropriate, this reminds me of Danza Kuduro but still it’s an amazing song. 
14th Place: ISRAEL/Mei Finegold-Same heart (Real Placing: 14th SF2-19 points) 
Okay this is something I don’t understand, why this didn’t reach the final, this is such an amazing song, her voice is so stunning and I love her so much. This is something epic and it’s a very pleasant song, I like this entry so much and maybe the performance was the problem here. 
15th Place: SLOVENIA/Tinkara Kovač-Round and round (Real Placing: 25th-9 points)  
This song is also a very good one, I love her voice and the music is so perfect, it’s such a catchy song and the chorus is amazing, also the performance is simple but effective, and I can’t understand how this song finished so low, and it surely deserved more. 
16th Place: MONTENEGRO/Sergej Ćetković-Moj svijet (Real Placing: 19th-37 points)
Awwwwwww a beautiful Balkan ballad, and it granted Montenegro’s first qualification ever, which was an accomplishment, the music is so beautiful, and his voice is stunning, also I love the performance and this song is one of those I want to listen while flying or running in the forest, it’s a stunning entry. 
17th Place: ICELAND/Pollapönk-No prejudice (Real Placing: 15th-58 points)
THIS SONG IS SUCH A HAPPY ONE, the music is so crazy and the lyrics are nice, also I love the performance because of the costumes and the colors, the voice of the lead singer is good and I always smile at the last part because of the good vibes they bring, such an enjoyable song to listen. 
18th Place: NORWAY/Carl Espen-Silent storm (Real Placing: 8th-88 points) 
This is such a dramatic and sad ballad, his voice is such a delight to listen and I love the staging so much, and the lyrics are so touching, I’m in love with this song and it’s a very moody song, I always stay silent while listening to this song. 
19th Place: GREECE/Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd-Rise up (Real Placing: 20th-35 points) 
Woah what a dance song, this is a perfect song for a party, and the performance is so cool, sadly I must admit the live performance was so weak and this failed to be a banger live. This in studio is an amazing song, and I wanted it to be like that live. 
20th Place: FINLAND/Softengine-Something better (Real Placing: 11th-72 points) 
THIS IS A VERY AWESOME SONG, I love the music so much, also his voice is stunning and overall this is one of the best recent Finnish songs, and what a result they had. This is so much my kind of music in that 2014, and it’s so wonderful. 
21st Place: FRANCE/TWIN TWIN-Moustache (Real Placing: 26th-2 points/last)
Why this came last? This might not be one of France’s best songs in the contest but it’s a very catchy song and the performance is so colorful and crazy, I’m crazy about this song and it’s such an earworm. Such an enjoyable song and I love the music video. 
22nd Place: DENMARK/Basim-Cliché love song (Real Placing: 9th-74 points)
Awww this is so nostalgic to me, it’s like old Bruno Mars songs, his voice is so cool and I love the music, it’s a very catchy song and it’s a perfect host entry, the performance is so amazing and it’s one of my fave sing along songs ever. 
23rd Place: FYR MACEDONIA/Tijana-To the sky (Real Placing: 13th SF2-33 points)  
Another nice song, the music is so good and she has a very particular voice which makes this a very enjoyable and pleasant song, it’s so catchy, sadly the performance is a letdown here but I love this song. 
24th Place: GERMANY/Elaiza-Is it right (Real Placing: 18th-39 points) 
This entry has a very amazing music, and she isn’t a bad singer, I always enjoy listening to this song, sadly it was crushed between two amazing songs and it was a bit forgotten. Still it’s a very good pleasant song to listen. 
25th Place: ROMANIA/Paula Seling & Ovi-Miracle (Real Placing: 12th-72 points) 
Awww one of my favorite duets ever is back, and this song is a nice one indeed, they sing as well as in 2010, and those high notes from Paula lift the whole atmosphere here. This might not be Playing with fire but this has it’s charm. 
26th Place: ESTONIA/Tanja-Amazing (Real Placing: 12th SF1-36 points) 
WOW THE PERFORMANCE HERE IS AMAZING, also she has such a nice song and I admire her so much because of that dance routine and singing at the same time, the music is so wonderful and it’s a very likeable song. 
27th Place: RUSSIA/Tolmachevy Sisters-Shine (Real Placing: 7th-89 points)
Oh the lovely twins from Russia who won JESC in 2006, this is a nice ballad that builds so well and they have amazing voices, also I love the seesaw and they are so cute. Somehow I think it’s one of Russia’s weakest songs but it’s an enjoyable one. 
28th Place: BELARUS/Teo-Cheesecake (Real Placing: 16th-43 points) 
I kinda think this song is a bit mediocre, but I always sing along to it and I find the music so good at the same time, also he’s such a charming singer and I can relate to the lyrics so much. 
29th Place: ITALY/Emma-La mia città (Real Placing: 21st-33 points)   
Ahhh this song is so powerful, I love the music so much and she has such a nice and amazing voice, the performance is a bit weird but I like her dress so much. It’s one of those songs I hum randomly and always that voglio te comes to my mind I start singing it.  
30th Place: ALBANIA/Hersi-One night’s anger (Real Placing: 15th SF1-22 points) 
This song is very nice, I love how the song changes every verse and the chorus is so powerful, her voice is also so good and I enjoy the lyrics so much, I was obsessed with this song when I first listened to it, and I still like it, as many songs that year. 
31st Place: LATVIA/Aarzemnieki-Cake to bake (Real Placing: 13th SF1-33 points) 
A cute and beautiful song, I love the music so much and the performance is lovely, also the lyrics are so nice, this entry makes me feel so happy and I surely want to bake a cake while listening to this song. 
32nd Place: MALTA/Firelight-Coming home (Real Placing: 23rd-32 points) 
This song reminds me sooo much to Mumford and Sons, this isn’t a bad song, it’s just I like other 31 songs more than this one, his voice is so good and the performance is cute, but I think this song could’ve been better. 
33rd Place: MOLDOVA/Cristina Scarlat-Wild soul (Real Placing: 16th SF1-13 ponts/last)  
This is a bit of a guilty pleasure, the music is so epic and the performance is quite good, but I think this has too many things going on and it can be a bit distracting, still it’s nice to listen. 
34th Place: BELGIUM/Axel Hirsoux-Mother (Real Placing: 14th SF1-28 points) 
Uhhhhhhhh, this is a quite boring song overall, his voice here was a bit bad and the music doesn’t stand out, but I like it more than the other songs below, nothing else to say, it’s a bit flat though. 
35th Place: AZERBAIJAN/Dilara Kazimova-Start a fire (Real Placing: 22nd-33 points) 
Azerbaijan outside the top 10, and I can see why, this is a very boring song without a hook, the staging is gorgeous and it’s the only thing I like about this. 
36th Place: GEORGIA/The Shin and Mariko-Three minutes to Earth (Real Placing: 15th SF2-15 points/last) 
A very interesting choice, the music is pleasant, but nothing else captures my attention in this entry, it’s a bit flat and I can’t connect with it somehow, a weird song indeed. 
37th Place: LITHUANIA/Vilija-Attention (Real Placing: 11th SF2-36 points)
For me this song is so annoying, her voice is a bit weird here and the music is hard to listen, it’s one of those songs I want to skip because I can’t stand all the package, also the performance is so... curious.  
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eurovision-facts · 2 years ago
Eurovision Fact #100:
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The interval act for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest "Love, Love, Peace, Peace," sung by hosts Måns Zelmerlöw and Petra Mede references some of the contest's past winners and famous eccentricities.
About 26 prior entries are directly referenced (some more than once), and there are 6 general references to common Eurovision tropes.
The direct references in order are:
"Step 1: Get everyone's attention. A powerful, majestic start. Maybe a battle horn of some kind." Refers to Ruslana's 'Wild Dances,' the 2004 Ukrainian entry, which opened with battle horns.
"It doesn't hurt if the drums are played by gorgeous, topless men." References "Only Love Survives" by Ryan Dolan (Ireland 2013).
"It's proven very helpful to go the exact opposite way; use a grandmother." This is said as the aforementioned drums are given to a grandma. It references the 2005 Moldova entry "Boonika Bate Toba" by Zdob Si Zdub.
"Step 3: show the viewers your country's ethnic background by using an old traditional folklore instrument that no one's heard of before...Go with an old man instead! A beard helps!' This is about Azerbaijan's 2012 entry 'When the Music Dies" by Sabina Babayeva.
"Step 4: In Eurovision, nothing says winner like a violin. Trust us. Bring a violin." While there have been a handful of people to win with a violin featured on stage in their song, this directly refers to the winner of the 2009 contest, Alexander Rybak who represented Norway with his song 'Fairytale.' This is because for the rest of the song after this, Rybak himself is on stage playing his violin.
"...but this can easily be fixed by adding a DJ who pretends to scratch." Calls back to two songs: Daz Sampson's 'Teenage Life' (UK 2006) and Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd's 'Rise Up' (Greece 2014).
Next, people on stage pull off Måns and Petra's clothes. This is a reference to the UK's 1981 entry 'Making Your Mind Up,' by Bucks Fizz.
The newly revealed costumes are also references to past contestants. Måns' outfit calls back to Dima Bilan, the 2008 winner, and Petra's is about the 1999 winner Charlotte Nilsson.
"ABBA actually won the competition with a song about war. But this... With 'Waterloo,' but this is not something we recommend," Obviously refers to 1974 winner ABBA. This is also the oldest reference in the song. Another possible reference here is Ukraine's '1944' by Jamala, which won in 2016.
"...let the wind begin to blow." Refers to Pastora Soler's 'Quédate Conmigo (Stay With Me)' (Spain 2012) where she uses a wind machine at the climax of her song. But this could be in reference to many other songs, too as wind machines are a popular staple of the contest.
After this line, Måns pulls open the first few buttons of his shirt. Another reference to Dima Bilan. The final reference to that performance is "And a Russian man on skates!" Since Bilan's performance featured a man towards the end of the song dancing on roller skates behind him.
"You can break the rules of fashion, and your chance to win shall grow." Again could refer to many things, but because this is specifically about winning the contest, this could be about Conchita Wurst (Austria 2014) and her song 'Rise Like a Phoenix.' Conchita broke the rules of fashion by being the first drag queen to win the show. She was wearing a long white dress and donned a beard.
"Look into the TV-camera..." Once again could refer to many people, but here it could be referencing Måns' own performance of 'Heros' which won the 2015 contest for Sweden. Another reference to this performance is Måns fist pumping, which was a staple of his winning performance.
As the two are singing "It's time for the chorus!" Large flags are swayed on stage. This is referring to Carola's 'Invincible' (Sweden 2006) in which dancers come on stage and wave flags behind large white flags.
The melody of song's chorus ("Love, love, peace peace...") Is even a call back! The Serbia and Montenegro entry for 2005 'Zauvijek Moja' by No Name had the same melody.
"Old women baking bread!" And "Party for everybody!" References the 2012 Russian entry 'Party for Everybody' by Buranovskiye Babushki, where the grandmas in the group bake bread on stage!
"And a man in a hamster wheel!" And "More tricks on the hamster wheel!" Refers to Ukraine's 2014 performance (Mariya Yaremchuk's 'Tick - Tock') where a man was on stage in a giant hamster wheel, just running in it for most of the song.
"Our hands will touch, pretending we're in love." Refers to 2011 winners Ell/Nikki. During their performance of their song 'Running Scared,' they come together and embrace.
"It begins to snow!" And the appearance of a person running across the stage like Loreen did during her performance while dressed like Loreen is (obviously at this point) a reference to the Swedish 2012 winner Loreen and her song 'Euphoria.'
"And a burning fake piano." Is about The Makemakes' 'I Am Yours' (Austria 2015), during which the singer plays a piano that is on fire.
As everyone sings "It will be incredible!" There is a cut to a young woman in traditional clothes sexily churning butter. This is a reference to Donatan & Cleo's 'My Słowianie - We Are Slavic' (Poland 2014) in which women on the side of the stage churn butter and wash clothes.
Soon after this, the band Lordi appears. They won for Finland with their song 'Hard Rock Hallelujah,' in 2006.
Following the rock band's appearance, Måns dances by making an odd thrusting motion. This is a reference to Sakis Rouvas' performance of 'This is Our Night' (Greece 2009).
Finally, at the end of the song, Swedish dancers appear. This is a reference to Petra's first interval act 'Swedish Smörgåsbord' which she performed at the 2013 Grand Final.
The indirect references to tropes are:
Songs commonly being about love or peace, excessive use of pyro, fire, and crazy lighting ("Fill the stage with light..."), and finally key changes ("...we change the key.").
Love, Love, Peace, Peace - Måns Zelmerlöw and Petra Mede create the perfect Eurovision Performance, YouTube.com.
See: Comment by Morrzila for original list of references.
Ruslana - Wild Dances (Ukraine) - LIVE - 2004 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives (Ireland) - LIVE - 2013 Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Zdob Si Zdub - Boonika Bate Toba (Moldova) Live - Eurovision 2005, YouTube.com.
Sabina Babayeva - When the Music Dies - Live - Grand Final - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (Norway) 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Daz Sampson - Teenage Life (United Kingdom) 2006 Final, YouTube.com.
Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd - Rise Up (Greece) 2014 LIVE Eurovision Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Making your mind up - United Kingdom 1981 - Eurovision songs with live orchestra, YouTube.com.
Dima Bilan - Believe (Russia) 2008 Eurovision Song Contest Winner, YouTube.com.
1999 Sweden: Charlotte Nilsson - Take Me to Your Heaven (Winning song in Eurovision Song Contest), YouTube.com.
Ukraine: "1944" by Jamala - Winner of Eurovision Song Contest 2016 - BBC, YouTube.com.
ABBA Waterloo Eurovision 1974 (High Quality), YouTube.com.
Pastora Soler - Quédate Conmigo (Stay With Me) - Live - Grand Final - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix (Austria) 2014 LIVE Eurovision Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Måns Zelmerlöw - Heros (Sweden) - LIVE at Eurovision 2015 Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Carola - Invincible (Sweden) 2006 Final, YouTube.com.
No Name - Zauvijek Moja (Serbia and Montenegro) Live - Eurovision 2005, YouTube.com.
Buranovskiye Babushki - Party for Everybody - Live - Grand Final 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Mariya Yaremchuk - Tick - Tock (Ukraine) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Ell & Nikki - Running Scared (Azerbaijan) Live 2011 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
Loreen - Euphoria - Live - Grand Final - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
The Makemakes - I Am Yours (Austria) - LIVE at Eurovision 2015 Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Donatan & Cleo - My Słowianie - We Are Slavic ( Poland ) 2014 LIVE Eurovision Grand Final, YouTube.com.
Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland) 2006 Eurovision Song Contest Winner, YouTube.com.
Sakis Rouvas - This is Our Night (Greece) LIVE 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com.
ESC 2013 FINAL - Petra Mede - Swedish Smörgåsbord, YouTube.com.
'Life's a Drag! Eurovision Queens Past and Present,' Eurovision.tv.
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maschasrankings · 3 years ago
Norway Carl Espen Silent Storm
Hungary András Kállay-Saunders Running
Israel Mei Finegold Same Heart
Italy Emma La Mia Città
Spain Ruth Lorenzo Dancing In The Rain
Azerbaijan Dilaria Kazimova Start A Fire
United Kingdom Molly Children Of The Universe
Ukraine Mariya Yaremchuk Tick-Tock
Slovenia Tinkara Kovač Round And Round
Portugal Suzy Quero Ser Tua
Malta Valentina Monetta Maybe
Austria Conchita Wurst Rise Like A Phoenix
Netherlands The Common Linnets Calm After The Storm
Switzerland Sebalter Hunter Of Stars
Poland Donatan & Cleo My Słowianie
Malta Firelight Coming Home
Greece Freaky Fortune & RiskyKidd Rise Up
Denmark Basim Cliché Love Song
Finland Softengine Something Better
Ireland Can-Linn & Kasey Smith Heartbeat
Germany Elaiza Is It Right
Lithuania Vilija Matačiūnaitė Attention
Estonia Tanja Amazing
Romania Paula Seling & Ovi Miracle
Georgia The Shin & Mariko Three Minutes To Earth
Armenia Aram MP3 Not Alone
Montenegro Sergej Ćetković Moj Svijet
Albania Hersi Matmuja One Night's Anger
Moldova Christina Scarlat Wild Soul
Sweden Sanna Nielsen Undo
North Macedonia Tijana To The Sky
Russia Tolmachevy Sisters Shine
Iceland Pollapönk No Prejudice
Latvia Aarzemnieki Cake To Bake
France Twin Twin Moustache
Belarus Teo Cheesecake
Belgium Axel Hirsoux Mother
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jinnto · 7 years ago
Hi! this may sound weird but im greek and id like to ask you if you could maybe rate some greek esc entries?
This is not weird at all! I’m gonna rate all your entries since 2001
so 2001: Antique - Die for you - a very good song, though Helena’s 2005 entry is way better
2002: Michalis Rakintzis - S.A.G.A.P.O. - I had to look this up cause I couldn’t remember it, I think it’s one of Greece’s weakest entries of the 21st century
2003: Mando - Never let you go - Again, had to look this up and I don’t like it either
2004: Sakis Rouvas - Shake it - It’s a good song, not the best, but it’s Sakis Rouvas so you just can’t hate it and I would jam to it if it were played on esc radio
2005: Helena Paparizou - My number one - Yesssss, I love it, it’s in my top 3 winners, it’s iconic and I everybody here knows it even if they don’t know it was an esc entry
2006: Anna Vissi - Everything - Again, yeesssss, she was so good, Greece could’ve won that year as well, Anna was amazing on the stage, I love /everything/ (ha, get it) about this entry
2007: Sarbel - Yassou Maria - My jam, another great entry
2008: Kalomira - My secret combination - Such a guilty pleasure (if you consider a 3rd place song a guilty pleasure), such a sassy performance and let’s face it - everyone needs some “trashy” pop songs in their lives
2009: Sakis Rouvas - This is our night - The king returns with one of the most extra and over the top stagings. This song is sooo much better than “Shake it” and I love the staging, him ripping his shirt open and continuously pumping his chest, that moving/rising platform, the dancers and the choreography, him jumping every time he said “fly”, I just love it (this is fighting with Svetlana Loboda for the most extra staging)
2010: Giorgos Alkaios & Friends - OPA! - My ultimate jam, I love the dancers/backing vocalists and Giorgos looks so balkan (idk I can’t explain it, he just looks like such a… balkan man). Anyway, I love this entry a lot
2011: Loukas Giorkas feat. Stereo Mike - Watch my dance - I only like Loukas’ part, it’s so powerful
2012: Eleftheria Eleftheriou - Aphrodisiac - Another dancy summery Greek song, so of course it can’t fail. I love this one as well
2013: Koza Mostra feat. Agathonas Iakovidis - Alcohol is free - Just the title alone makes me love the song. It’s such an energetic and fun entry
2014: Freaky Fortune and Riskykidd - Rise up - One of the most energetic entries in esc, it never fails to make me dance
2015: Maria Elena Kyriakou - One last breath - A powerful ballad and a good song, although I haven’t listened to it that much
2016: Argo - Utopian Land - I actually don’t think it’s that bad and I kinda like it
2017: Demy - This is love - Oh boy, this is my last in 2017 (or around last place). Demy is a beautiful girl, but I really really don’t like the song, sorry
Greece is a great esc country and one of my faves! Also, please  send me more asks about anything!
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randwiki · 5 years ago
Rise Up (chanson de Freaky Fortune)
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Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Rise Up est une chanson du duo grec Freaky Fortune et du rappeur Riskykidd. Ce titre représente la Grèce durant le Concours Eurovision de la chanson 2014 au Danemark[1]. Plus d'information https://ift.tt/2Gr1gIf
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candivits · 8 years ago
10, 14, 41
10. how would you describe your style?
SHITTY LMAO. when i wake up late some days i stand in front of the mirror and think ‘i dont honestly care how i’ll be looking today, just let me get my shit done’
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
somewhere where i dont feel stressed and pressed tho. england probably but idk xx hehe
10. top 10 favorite songs
1. ed harcourt - furnaces
2. reaky fortune ft riskykidd - rise up
3. shakira ft maluma - chantaje
4. glass animals - black mambo   
5. exo - call me baby
6. pitbull ft j balvin & camila cabello - hey ma
7. flume - holding on
8. alina baraz ft galimatias - show me
9. hilary daff - sparks
10. benny dayal - ude dil befikre 
send me unusual asks
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mikrofwno · 7 years ago
The Playbook | Το πρώτο άλμπουμ των Playmen περιέχει ΜΟΝΟ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΕΣ!
New Post has been published on https://mikrofwno.gr/2017/12/the-playbook-to-proto-almpoum-ton-playmen-periechei-mono-epitychies/
The Playbook | Το πρώτο άλμπουμ των Playmen περιέχει ΜΟΝΟ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΕΣ!
Το 2008 εμφανίστηκε στα airplays των international hits radios της Αθήνας ένα τραγούδι με τίτλο Together Forever …. Το όνομα του καλλιτέχνη ήταν «Playmen» και κανείς δεν πίστευε ότι ήταν ένα Local συγκρότημα. Άλλωστε καμία ελληνική παραγωγή δεν είχε καταφέρει μέχρι τότε να μπει στα ξένα ραδιόφωνα της Αθήνας…
Από τότε μέχρι και σήμερα, οι Playmen έχουν καταφέρει να έχουν κυκλοφορήσει ΜΟΝΟ SUPER HITS, τις μεγαλύτερες και περισσότερες αγγλόφωνες επιτυχίες από κάθε άλλον Έλληνα καλλιτέχνη, μέσα αλλά και έξω από τα ελληνικά σύ��ορα…
Το Playbook είναι η συλλογή με όλα τα αριστουργηματικά super hits που δημιούργησαν οι Playmen από το 2008 μέχρι σήμερα, μαζί με 3 ολοκαίνουργια κομμάτια.
Η Έλενα Παπαρίζου, ο Χρήστος Μάστορας, η Demy, η Τάμτα, οι Locomondo, αλλά και ο T-PAIN, η Vassy και η Hadley, είναι μερικά από τα εγχώρια και διεθνή που συνεργάστηκαν και χάρισαν τις φωνές τους σε αυτά τα τραγούδια, αναδεικνύοντας τους Playmen ως τους σημαντικότερους Έλληνες Djs και παραγωγούς της τελευταίας δεκαετίας.
The Playbook – Tracklist
1. Playmen feat. Reckless – Together Forever 2. Playmen feat. Alceen, Mia & the Fade – Feel Your Love 3. Playmen feat. Alceen & Mia – Love Song 4. Playmen feat. Tamta & Claydee – Tonight 5. Playmen feat. Alex Leon & T-Pain – Out of my Head 6. Playmen feat. Demy – Fallin 7. Playmen feat. Elena Paparizou, Courtney Parker & Riskykidd – All The Time 8. Playmen feat. Hadley – Gypsy Heart 9. Playmen feat. Courtney – Breaking Me Up (Ballad Version) 10. Playmen feat. Demy – Nothing Better (Angel Stoxx remix) 11. Playmen feat. Locomondo & Mindblow – Chimbo 12. Playmen feat. Angelika Dusk – Beautiful Love 13. Playmen feat. Christos Mastoras – Stand By Me Now 14. Playmen feat. Vassy – I Should Have Said 15. Playmen feat. Demy, Andy Nicolas & MC Timm – Million To One 16. Playmen – Where Do We Go 17. Playmen & Angel Stoxx – OVA
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nothesc · 7 years ago
For the playlist with Eurovision Songs: Tamara (and good luck with all the 'a's) :)
Heyy!! Sorry for the wait, I wasn’t at home today. So I had to repeat the a’s songs because I’m trying to keep the songs between the late 90′s and today so there are bigger chances of you liking the songs...sorry! Hope you like some :D
Thanks for asking!!
T Tonight again - Guy Sebastian
A A monster like me - Mørland & Debrah Scarlett
M Made of stars - Hovi Star
A Aphrodisiac - Eleftheria Eleftheriou
R Rise up - Freaky Fortune feat. Riskykidd
A Amar pelos dois - Salvador Sobral 
Remember that you can find more songs in this tag
Send me your name or any word and I’ll make you a eurovision playlist with the letters.
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